Jörg Haider killed in car crash

Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 11 October 2008 11:39.

Only two weeks after the Austrian electorate put Jörg Haider back on the national stage, he is reported to have died in a car crash near his home town of Klagenfurt:-

Mr Haider, 58, who earned worldwide notoriety for making statements sympathetic to Hitler’s Nazi regime, suffered fatal head and chest injuries after the car he was driving plunged down an embankment near his home town of Klagenfurt.

Detectives are still investigating the cause of the crash, but said he was driving alone at the time in a government-owned vehicle.

The death of Mr Haider, who was governor of Carinthia province in southern Austria, comes less than a fortnight after a major resurgence in the far right’s political support in the country, riding on a wave of anti-immigrant and anti-European Union sentiment.

At parliamentary elections last month, Mr Haider’s Alliance for the Future of Austria polled 11 per cent of the vote, while the similarly-aligned Freedom Party, which Mr Haider founded but then split from, polled 18 per cent. The results meant nearly in three Austrians had voiced support for far-right movements, dismaying the country’s liberal politicians.

Mr Haider’s death may prompt concerns that political support will pass from him to the current Freedom Party leader, Heinz-Christian Strache, who is seen as a much more hardline figure. Mr Haider was originally Mr Strache’s political mentor, but the two fell out as Mr Haider chose to pursue more moderate policies in recent years.

Mr Haider’s spokesman, Stefan Petzner, said that he had been heading to a town near Klagenfurt for a gathering of his family to mark his mother’s 90th birthday.

“This is for us like the end of the world,” he added.

Born in Upper Austria, Mr Haider’s father was a former member of Hitler’s brown-shirted storm troopers, while his mother was a teacher who had been a Hitler Youth leader. Involved in politics since his teenage years, he caused an international outcry with a series of remarks where he appeared to imply an admiration for the Nazi era.

He once compared the employment policies of Austria’s government with the “proper labour policies” of Adolf Hitler’s Nazi Germany, and on another occasion he referred to Nazi concentration camps as “penal camps” rather than death camps.

Visits to see despots such as Saddam Hussein in Iraq and Colonel Gaddafi in Libya heightened his image as a pariah politician.

Such was the opprobrium he earned among fellow European statesmen that when the Freedom Party entered into a coalition government with the conservative People’s Party in 2000, it triggered temporary European Union sanctions against Austria.

The coalition deal then fell apart, leading to an early election in 2002 in which the Freedom Party lost heavily, followed by a remake of the coalition.

Mr Haider then formed the breakaway Alliance for the Future of Austria in 2005, courting greater public acceptance by pursuing more moderate policies, but in a national election in 2006, the Alliance only just scraped past the 4 percent threshold to enter parliament.

Mr Haider is survived by his wife and two daughters.



Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 12:06 | #

The BBC’s generally fair obituary of the first unalloyed nationalist to participate in the government of any West European country in the our times.


Posted by Proofreader on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 13:43 | #

The timing of his death looks suspicious to me… Am I being paranoid? A great loss, anyway.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 14:00 | #

You’re obviously not being paranoid, Proofreader:  that was a political assassination until proven otherwise.  And not necessarily carried out by Austrians — or by Europeans, if my meaning is clear.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 14:01 | #

And no, I’m not referring to Moslems.


Posted by Diamed on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 14:51 | #

The timing is too convenient.  We’re to believe some 50 or 60 year old man suddenly, right after winning an election, starts driving dangerously and kills himself driving all on his own?  And somehow the seat belts and air bags don’t work?  This man was killed.  Just like Pim Fortuyn was when he was getting too close to winning an election.

I’m disgusted by what’s happening in the world today.  Elections still occur, but the system is rigged from the beginning to only produce results the ‘elites’ prefer.  Democracy is a failure and this is just one of the reasons why.  The american election is another reason.  After all our talk about exporting freedom around the world, it sure would be nice if we imported freedom here at home.

At amren yesterday an article was shown saying a full 20% of Americans wish to secede from the USA.  I’m of course one of them.  Given that most people don’t vote, and that votes are generally split half and half between democrats and republicans, we’re seriously looking at Obama becoming president with fewer proponents than the amount of people who wish to secede from the union.  Regardless of this fact, Obama will get to rule the entire country, and the seccessionists won’t get a single state.  Where is the sense in this?  How does this reflect the will of the people at all?


Posted by White Nationalist Israeli Patriot on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 14:58 | #

Car accidents would be a very unreliable method of assination. There is virtually no way to ensure that the person really dies.

Haider was far less successful then a few years ago (when his FPÖ was part of the government coalition) and his BZÖ got only 11% in the last elections; what would be the reason to assasinate him right now? And what about his more successful nationalist rival, Mr Strache?

Sometimes people, even the great and famous, just die in everyday accidents.

In any case, this will only have the effect of increasing people’s sympathy for the far-right and making it possible for the two far-right parties in Austria to form a coalition.

May Haider rest in peace. Regardless of our differences on this forum, anyone who cares about the destiny of Europe, Israel, and Western civilisation should be greatly saddened. A great man has passed away.


Posted by snax on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 16:53 | #

My sympathies go to his family and friends.

Lately I’ve been reading a lot of books about T.E. Lawrence and I began with a strong suspicion that he had been assassinated, but the evidence really doesn’t support this. Contra Fred’s position that we should assume Haider was assassinated unless proved otherwise, I’d say we should assume Jorg Haider, like Lawrence, died in a tragic accident unless counter evidence arises.


Posted by Lurker on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 17:04 | #

It does seem suspect.

But…oth, when one becomes rich/famous/politically significant etc a gold card doesnt arrive in the post and conferring exemption from the laws of probability.


Posted by Dave Johns on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 18:01 | #

” ... that was a political assassination until proven otherwise.”


Given the treacherous nature and murderous track record of the elites (as evidenced by the results of their economic and race-replacement policies), it’s very reasonable to strongly suspect this was a political assassination.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 18:42 | #

Imagine the uproar if Obama died in a single car accident just after being elected President.


Posted by Gudmund on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 19:51 | #

There is a possibility that Strache’s supporters could have axed him as well, given his track record of compromise with the enemy…sort of the Yitzhak Rabin effect.


Posted by Gudmund on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 20:08 | #

Should say “perceived compromise with the enemy.”


Posted by Matra on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 21:12 | #

Mossad spied on him a few years ago - Link


Posted by TXB on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 21:40 | #

White Nationalist Israeli Patriot wrote:
“Haider was far less successful then a few years ago (when his FPÖ was part of the government coalition) and his BZÖ got only 11% in the last elections; what would be the reason to assasinate him right now?”

Right now there is a “global economic crisis” which I see as a way of preparing people to accept the new world order. The “global solution” for a “global crisis” which ALL western politicians are jabbering about right now will of course, be a “global government” with one global currency and a global central banking system.

Last thing these neo-marxist commies/capitalists need is good old nationalism getting in their way… again.


Posted by AZ on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 21:51 | #

If Haider was assassinated, then I believe he was assassinated for his positions on foreign policy, not domestic policy.  The ADL wrote in 2002: “The nexus of support for Iraq centers around Joerg Haider, the Austrian far-right politician and Freedom Party head, who has made three trips to Iraq thus far. Haider met with Saddam Hussein and the two reportedly discussed the “Zionist and US conspiracy” against Iraq. Along with other members of his Freedom Party, Haider is a member of the Austrian-Iraqi Society, dedicated to “the promotion of the cultural, scientific and economic relations between the Iraqi people and the Austrian population.”” 

Interestingly, Israel always has the same problem of their leaders being killed or incapacitated.  Olmert was accused of bribery after deciding to pursue a less aggressive foreign policy.  He had remained in power following extremely low approval ratings which came about from aggression towards Lebanon.  Sharon was mysteriously incapacitated following his choice of retreat from areas of occupied Palestine.  Rabin was killed by a right wing student.  Questions remain as to whether the security services knew ahead of time.  Victor Ostrovsky has suggested this was the case. 

Remember, the Mossad does not want to see the Islamification of Europe.  So an aggressive domestic policy against Muslim immigrants is okay with them.


Posted by Sacharite on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 22:00 | #

Other mysterious auto deaths of nationalists discussed here. It would appear that the NWO simply assassinates nationalist talent in Europe, and has been at it for decades.



Posted by silver on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 22:05 | #

This is not good if they’re assassinating our leaders… it leaves us with only one route with any possible chance of survival, and it’s the one no one wants to take.

That was posted by an imposter.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 22:24 | #

I’ve deleted it, silver.


Posted by TXB on Sat, 11 Oct 2008 22:58 | #

AZ wrote:
“Remember, the Mossad does not want to see the Islamification of Europe.  So an aggressive domestic policy against Muslim immigrants is okay with them.”

Bull sheit.

Israel and jews are behind both the islamification of Europe and the demonization of muslims.

They WANT US to be at war, for the greater good of israel.

God how I hate them.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 02:46 | #

“That was posted by an imposter.” - silver

Silver needs to assistance when it comes to trolling.


Posted by John on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 11:20 | #

“Remember, the Mossad does not want to see the Islamification of Europe.  So an aggressive domestic policy against Muslim immigrants is okay with them.”

You gotta be kidding me! From which third party do you think the loudest shrieks would come if any European nation were to seriously debate sending Arabs back to their homelands? The Muslim/Arabs in Europe are the cats’ paws. Guess who the cat is.

“You’re obviously not being paranoid, Proofreader:  that was a political assassination until proven otherwise.  And not necessarily carried out by Austrians — or by Europeans, if my meaning is clear.”

Die treue Österreicher werden berechnen, was mit Herrn Haider eigentlich passiert ist. Und das werden sie nie verdrängen. Man kann bald von ihnen eine große Rache erwarten.


Posted by Sacharite on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 15:36 | #

Maybe any opponent of the plan to import 56 million Negroes into Europe had to be eliminated.



Posted by Sacharite on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 16:15 | #

Readers should never forget that article, the bigs really want to finish Europe off for good. That is a concrete plan to mulattoize Europe.

That’s 56 million nigs in the next 42 years, a rate of 1,333,333 nigs additive per year.


Posted by zuwr on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 16:55 | #

“You gotta be kidding me! From which third party do you think the loudest shrieks would come if any European nation were to seriously debate sending Arabs back to their homelands? The Muslim/Arabs in Europe are the cats’ paws. Guess who the cat is.”

There are differences between left wing and right wing Jews.  Left wing Jews tend to want more immigration.  Right wing Jews are to be more ambivalent about it.  The intelligence services in Israel attract people from the settler movement.  Those people see Arabs as the main enemy and view Europe and the US as places which are to provide help to Israel.  Muslim voting blocks will make helping Israel in the future more difficult.  See Front Page Magazine if you don’t believe that they fear that.  I don’t doubt that left wing Jews would oppose deportation of Muslims.  My speculation was on the motives behind Haider’s presumed assassination which I speculate was carried out by Israel’s intelligence services.

I like the picture of the Africans queue-ing.  The ability to queue in a relaxed manner is an indication of being inoffensive.  Those peoples who do not give others their personal space and those who try to jump the line will show those same offensive qualities again and again in the host country.


Posted by Dave Johns on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 18:51 | #

From the link provided by Sacharite:

“Brussels economists claim Britain and other EU states will “need” 56 million immigrant workers between them by 2050 to make up for the “demographic decline” due to falling birth rates and rising death rates across Europe.”

Oh well. There ain’t nothin’ we can do to stop it. The demographic damage has already been done. Now the race-replacers are going through their final motions to make sure whitey never makes a population comeback - especially in our native homelands. Of course we are racist-bigots for even noticing this; criminals subject to incarceration if we so much as speak out against it. 

The USA is a losing cause too. White birthrates are in decline as non-white immigration is rapidly escalating. Moreover, the next thing we will hear out of the mouths of the elites is the solution to the sinking housing prices and resulting credit crisis. They will insist a massive influx of skilled Chinese immigrants is needed to makeup for the supply/demand imbalance in the housing market.

Let’s look at where we are in the U.S., and where we are going from here:-


Bottom line:

If demographics is everything, we’re fast on our way to becoming nothing. 



Posted by Dave Johns on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 19:18 | #

Oops. This is the video I meant to link to:



Posted by Apocalypse Now on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 05:08 | #

I suspect Dave Johns (above) is right.  Those of us in the US must prepare to be bombarded by demands to admit enormous numbers of Asian immigrants. I’m afraid the fix is in. We’re done.

My wife is a real estate agent in Orange County, California.  She regularly attends RE seminars given by industry “experts,” where, she tells me, the common refrain is that the US requires more Asian and Hispanic immigrants in order to increase demand in the housing market.  In our neighbourhood, already I have noticed van loads of middle-aged Asians cruising the streets looking for homes for sale, or in foreclosure. Gangs of them exit the vans and wander our streets, congregating around the properties that interest them.  It’s quite disconcerting.

A new development phase in Newport Coast, a nearby affluent community near Laguna Beach overlooking the Pacific Ocean, recently offered new homes for sale in the $8-10MM range.  Our friends in the RE industry in Newport Coast and Laguna Beach have told us that most of the buyers of these homes were foreign Asians.

The US is done.  I think the only thing that will stop the rot is a revolution, or a civil war.  And from what I’ve seen, White Americans lack the stomach for such a fight. 

My wife and I have just started half-seriously considering the RE market in Chile, Uruguay, and Argentina.


Posted by J Richards on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 09:54 | #

The death of Jörg Haider appears to be an assassination.  Look at these pictures.

Jörg Haider assassination picture

Jörg Haider assassination picture

Jörg Haider assassination picture

The kind of damage - from the car flipping over many times, the doors being blown away and the spread of debris over a wide area - is consistent with a speed of 90mph or more at the time of the accident.  The speed limit was 35-40 mph.  Why would a middle-aged man, with a wife and young children, going home to celebrate his mother’s 90th birthday, drive in such a reckless manner?  I have found no references to speeding or DUI tickets received by Haider.

Haider was driving a VW Phaeton, one of the best engineered cars around, which one expects from a price tag well in excess of $100,000.  The top model does 0-60mph in about 6.1 seconds.  I had a motorcycle that does 0-60 mph in 3 seconds.  This enabled me to easily achieve 70 mph for short straight stretches (they were short to avoid running into the police) in a 40mph zone, and I could have gone higher.  If I were driving the VW Phaeton, the speed bursts would have been shorter because it takes longer for it to speed up and down.  Speeding for long stretches in town would be asking for a ticket, and I don’t think Haider wanted one.  There is no way Haider lost control of his car on a straight stretch.  A 4-wheel traction state-of-the-art car capable of an electronically restricted 155mph does not flip over repeatedly on a straight stretch around 90-100mph.  He should have lost control while negotiating a turn.  I wouldn’t exceed 50 mph while negotiating a turn in a 40mph zone in town on a motorcycle even though it is easier to do so on a motorcycle than a car.  So what kind of person attempts a 90mph turn in a 40mph zone, in a small town, while driving a car?

The engine and braking systems of modern cars are increasingly controlled by electronics, and the VW Phaeton is as modern as it gets.  Whereas electronic control diminishes the likelihood of accidents in normal driving and makes it more difficult to tinker with the car, this makes it easier for engineers with the know how to set up a car for an “accident”, and with the extensive sayanim network of criminal Jews this would not be difficult. 

I smell the stench of the Mossad.  It is well-documented that the Mossad was spying on him.  With the Jew-caused global financial turmoil, fed-up people are going to turn to nationalist leaders like Haider to wrest control from the criminal Jews, and not only had Haider seen recent political success but also he had blamed the criminal bankers for the economic troubles: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4lieFF3DiY

Haider had to be taken down by criminal Jews just like future German Chancellor Jürgen Möllemann and future Swedish Prime Minister Anna Lindh.  But these acts are of a desperate crime network that faces destruction, and it is bound to lose.


Posted by Sacharite on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 10:39 | #

The German site notes the presence of a circular, high-powered puncture wound to the auto frame, above the driver’s seat. Strange. 



Posted by Othelma_Jr on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 10:44 | #

Mein Gott! Haider has been murdered by ZOG!

‘Car crash’ is the exact same M.O. used to kill off Ian Stuart Donaldson and General Patton (Revisionist Historians will note that Patton was against the mistreatment of Germans by Morgenthau and the Cabal of jews surrounding President Rosenfeld, and wanted to reconstitute the Wehrmacht and utilize them to fight along-side American troops against Soviet Mongols.)


Posted by Sacharite on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 12:01 | #

Haider suddenly lost complete control of his car. The question is how. Note this would be highly unusual in 1am (light) traffic, even at 90mph which is not a dangerous speed in a 40mph zone with light traffic (40mph zones are basically safe for high speed driving; the road wouldn’t have sharp bends. The speed limit’s probably for daylight safety in heavier traffic.)

Two main hypotheses originally suggested themselves: (1) natural and sudden onset of crippling medical condition such as stroke or heart attack; (2) vehicular sabotage such as total steerage loss, e.g. remote-controlled device cuts steering column.

The problem with hypothesis #2 as WNIP mentions above:

Car accidents would be a very unreliable method of assination. There is virtually no way to ensure that the person really dies.

The likelihood of death from a complete loss of steerage and ensuing crash hardly approaches 100%, perhaps not 10% with seatbelts, airbags, and a strong vehicular frame (as was the case). So long as the frame doesn’t inwardly collapse the driver should survive 100% of the time.

The accident pictures suggest a third hypothesis: that an explosive penetrator hit the car above the passenger seat, ripping through the frame into Haider’s head and chest. Haider suffers mortal wounds BEFORE the car spins out of control.

That circular-symetrical puncture is not something a rolled-over jagged boulder could exert. Rollover trauma is typically asymetrical and blunt, not shaped.


Posted by Sacharite on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 12:17 | #

Closely examine the puncture hole above the driver’s seat in the photo provided by “J Richards”.

Note the circular-symetric shape, and imagine the velocity with which the object ripped through the metal frame.

Note the trajectory - straight down to the driver’s seat, where Haider’s head and torso would’ve been.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 13:14 | #

Israel has been assassinating Palestinian terrorist leaders and operatives on a regular basis for decades.  What is their preferred method?  Have they ever used car crashes for this, car ignition bombs, anything to do with cars? 

As I’ve already stated, in my view this is an Israeli (or at any rate, Jewish) assassination until p-r-o-v-e-n otherwise.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 13:16 | #

I hope someone interviews Victor Ostrovsky on this and asks him outright what he thinks.


Posted by Gudmund on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 13:19 | #

@ Sacharite,

Good hypothesis, but if you view it from another angle the driver’s seat is completely intact (albeit bent.)  No shredded leather or anything.  So what kind of projectile could it have been?


Posted by Sacharite on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 13:21 | #

Also consider the difference between a tear and an explosive puncture. At the point of impact, the explosive puncture rips metal off the frame (as in the photos). The metal wwants to contort to make way for the pentrator, but can’t contort in time before the high velocity penetrator. It rips off. In a tear the metal shows the can-opener effect, where all metal remains attached.

The photos show the metal was violently torn off the frame.


Posted by Sacharite on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 13:28 | #


It remains a speculative hypothesis at this point, certainly.


Posted by J Richards on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 13:51 | #

I missed the circular dent and hole in the roof – thanks Sacharite.  It is much clearer in the first picture I posted than the one with the red arrow.  A 90mph car crash is very likely fatal: http://members.optusnet.com.au/carsafety/paine_impact_speeds_jan07.pdf , http://www.easts.info/on-line/journal_06/3562.pdf

...and if the roof puncture is the result of a projectile shot at the car, the Jews planned a redundant murder scheme.  But to make the circular impact/hole in the roof less glaringly obvious, the car would need to be traveling fast enough over a curve to flip over.

Rigging up the car would be more sophisticated than a remote-controlled device cutting off the steering column.  It would be along the lines of tinkering with the electronic fuel injection system so that at an opportune moment it starts pouring much more of the gas-air mix into the combustion chambers while disregarding the mechanical input from the accelerator.  Control circuitry coordinates the operation of the EFI, the spark plug ignitions and the rotation of the camshafts, and it is just the control circuitry that needs to be rigged. 

The other issue is how sharp are the turns around the area of the accident.  If someone knows the precise location of the accident we could try Google Earth or some other detailed map to look it up.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 14:31 | #

Note the roof puncture centrally above the windscreen.

Another possibility is that an animal ran out in front of Haider’s car, causing him to brake, swerve and over-correct.  Does anyone have an image of the skid pattern left by his front tyres?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 14:39 | #

I was reading recently that the technology is available right now for enabling police pursuers to bring a fleeing vehicle to a stop by remote control, and one reason this hasn’t been placed in all cars already is concern lest criminals, not just police, make use of it.  1) If technology is available right now to make cars stop by remote control, it must be available to make them speed up by remote control.  2) In that article documenting how the Mossad spied on Haider a couple of years ago it came out that one of his aides was a Jewish Austrian who came across to me as a somewhat shady character.  I wouldn’t be surprised if Haider’s staff has been well-penetrated with operatives on the Mossad payroll who might surreptitiously arrange for some “new remote-control technology” to be attached to his personal car’s engine-control electronics.  Police and criminals aren’t the only ones who might be interested in this technology:  so might sayanim. 

The other thing is, who says the Mossad is the only one capable of assassinations?  I certainly wouldn’t put it past the ADL, which is rich enough and organized enough to pull something like this off.  And what about completely secret Jewish organizations no one knows about?  I have no doubt such exist.


Posted by Dave Johns on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 16:01 | #

One possibility is that the hole in the roof may have been the result of the rescue crew using mechanical/hydraulic devices (eg, “the jaws of life”), to extricate Haider?


Posted by Endgame on Mon, 13 Oct 2008 17:37 | #

Despite the horrors of the choice that Americans face for the Presidential election, there are a few rays of light in the House and even the Senate. The despicable piece of filth, Lindsay Graham (R), is being opposed by an apparently decent Democratic candidate, Bob Conley, running on a populist America First style platform. He seems to have sensible views on immigration policy and the financial crisis.


Hopefully conservatives will take their partisan warmongering blinkers off and back the decent candidate for once. They lost their chance with Ron Paul and are now totally confused at how they ended up with the treasonous John McCain. At least they might redeem themselves by backing a few good people running for the House and Senate.


Posted by Juan de Maistre on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 00:19 | #

Anyone can commit a murder. It takes skill to commit an accident.


Posted by snax on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 01:09 | #


OK, coming round to the idea a bit more. I think it’s important that every smallest detail of the media coverage is examined and saved for posterity (eg. the BBC / Salomon Bros building screw-up).


Posted by whaaat on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 12:28 | #

There is a possibility that Strache’s supporters could have axed him as well,

That’s absurd. Look into Strache’s baby-blues and tell me if you see a murderer of his own.

Could’ve been that Haider had a few too many? Driving home at that hour ....


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 13:01 | #

“Could’ve been that Haider had a few too many?”  (—Whaaat)

At the site Snax links it says he was witnessed to have had not more than one glass of champagne and to only have taken a few sips of that.

Also at the site Snax links, a description of how assassins could have made the car speed up:

Anyhow it is remarkable that the car veered off the road exactly at that point where the greatest damage could be calculated.  The “Phaeton” is equipped with sophisticated electronics, where — by adding a simple GPS tracking system — one can record the car’s position and control its various crucial functions, such as starting, stopping, alarms, fuel shut-off, ... etc.  Moreover, Haider’s car had an electronic accelerator system, which ran through the car’s computer also.

A simple external RF control unit could control it.

The car computer also controls a throttle position sensor (TPS) electronically controlling the fuel injection pump.  This TPS set-up is like a “drive by wire” system where the computer, rather than the driver’s foot on the pedal, controls the speed/acceleration, i.e., the computer normally reads the TPS and commands the FI system accordingly.

So it would seem logical that there’s a certain possibility that a car’s computer can also be easily remotely controlled in other ways as the GPS enables, such as being given a command for a wide-open throttle condition, or vice-versa.  The result would be that someone from outside could accelerate the car at a certain point, giving very little time for the driver to respond appropriately if caught off guard.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 14:10 | #

The Mossad doesn’t care if telltales of electronic tampering are found by engineers going over the wreckage.  They couldn’t care less.  Gerald Bull didn’t dispatch himself with several bullets to the back of the neck.  They shot Gerald Bull, everyone knows it, and they simply deny it.  They could care less that everybody knows they did it.  They blame it on Iran or something, and what can anybody do?  Nothing.  Futhermore, it’s an effective warning not to mess with the Mossad (Bull was warned a few times to stop working on his satellite-launching canons before he was shot). 

If telltales of electronics tampering are found in the wreckage of the Phaeton, the Mossad can simply deny involvement if confronted by anyone they can’t just ignore. 

One thing’s certain, every Progressive politician( * ) in the German-speaking world (Germany, Austria, Switzerland) who wants the Jewish yoke lifted off the Euro neck (the Jewish yoke placed there mainly by the Jewish U.S. proxy but in France and Britain by Jews acting directly as well as through the U.S. proxy) is 1) hiring the best engineers to thwart the possibility of remote control over the car he travels in, car bombs, etc. and 2) vetting more closely than ever each member of his staff for anything questionable or shady (it’s apparently in the German-speaking world the Mossad won’t tolerate any questioning of genocidal diaspora-Jewish rule over Euros on the part of Progressive politicans, otherwise Le Pen’s car would long ago have mysteriously revved up to 142 km/h as he was driving through village streets posted with a 50 km/h speed limit, careening off to his death, with people saying he must have had a few too many at the meeting he’d just attended.

( *  I decided a few days ago, after mulling it over for years, to start using “Progressive” to refer to what the MSM calls “far-right,” “neo-Nazi,” or “fascist.”  I may also from time to time use “Normal.”  After today I won’t be explaining my usage.)


Posted by Armor on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 15:08 | #

( * I decided a few days ago, after mulling it over for years, to start using “Progressive” to refer to what the MSM calls “far-right,” “neo-Nazi,” or “fascist.”)

You have not mulled long enough. Being a progressive means that you believe in slow, painful progress. You know what is good for your country, but instead of making the required changes in one go, you would rather drag out the progress over a hundred years. It doesn’t make sense. Normal people are not progressives.


Posted by Erko on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 15:18 | #

‘Sometimes people, even the great and famous, just die in everyday accidents.’

But they’re always enemies of Jews or Zionism, aren’t they?

What’s more, with the isolated exception of Rabin, who seems to have been assassinated by his own people, e.g., the Mossad, no prominent Jew has ever been assassinated or has died in a suspicious accident.

No prominent supporter of Jews and Zionism has ever been assassinated or has died in a suspicious accident.

If these ‘accidents’ were really accidents, we’d expect them to be ‘politically neutral.’ But they’re not. The victims always seem to be someone Jews just happen to be worried about.


Posted by Dave Johns on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 16:07 | #


The left (led by Jewish academics, of course) has hi-jacked the language. The term “liberal” has a negative connotation to it so the Left now chooses to call themselves “progressives.” The term “progressive” begs the question: what are they progressing towards? The answer is obvious. They’re progressing towards communism. Furthemore, in order to accomplish their goals, they know they MUST destroy Christianity and any semblance of white-ethnocentrism.

The Left is succeeding! I’m pissed!!!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 18:04 | #

Armor, I don’t want progress to be slow but rapid.  If it’s slow it’s because of the other side, not because that’s what someone like me wants.  Are you a native French-speaker?  There’s a French word, progressivement, which means “gradually.”  But the word “progressive” in English has no connotations of slowness, only of making progress, presumably the quicker the better. 

I don’t like the terms “right,” “conservative,” “right-wing,” and so on, because I can’t tell what they mean and never could, and to the extent I can, I don’t feel particularly “right-wing” or “conservative.”  I only feel normal (I’ve always felt liberal, in fact, and still do, and still am:  I’m a liberal and I feel liberal, always did) and everyone who wants what the “left” wants to me looks only degenerate (the “left” wants things like two men “marrying” one another, it wants legalization of homosexual anal/oral sex between four-year-old boys and grown men, it wants the genocide of all white people in the world, it wants everyone to be forced by government to make believe women and men are the same and whites and Negroes are the same, it wants punishments meted out for thinking there are human races, it claims that teaching schoolchildren there are right and wrong answers in arithmetic is racist and evil, it wants babies near or at term to have their skulls punctured in utero, a vacuum-cleaner end inserted through the puncture while the babies are still alive, their brains vacuumed out, the empty skulls crushed, the dead carcasses taken out of the uterus and thrown in the garbage, and so on, stuff like that.  Stuff like that is supposed to be something called “left-wing”?  To me it’s only degenerate.  It certainly isn’t normal.  So, I don’t see “conservative” and “liberal” or “left-wing,” I only see “normal” and “degenerate.”  Those who want what’s normal to have ascendancy over what’s degenerate in society are the ones, and the only ones, likely to make progress, so they’re the Progressives.  That’s how my thinking goes.  Am I making a mistake?


Posted by J Richards on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 18:45 | #

More information about the murder of Jörg Haider   

The rumourmills (RM) site has provided some more clues, but before I address them, we should look at what this site is about.  Here is the beginning of the page that snax told us about.

Rumour mills

Note the reference to UFOs, The Apocalypse, Prophecies, etc.  The woman who runs RM has claimed to have traveled to Mars!

Why would someone mix good information with absurdity?  Craziness or the fact that they are working for the Jewish crime network?  RM is in the same genre as rense.com, thetruthseeker.co.uk, godlikeproductions.com and other “conspiracy” sites.  A typical example of the content of these “conspiracy” sites is in the following capture from thetruthseeker.co.uk.

the truth seeker

Again, note good references to the controlled demolition of WTC-7 on 9/11, the coming economic turmoil (the capture is from a few months ago) and the Fallujah massacre, mixed with nonsense on flying humanoids, Roswell aliens and the Catholic Church.  Also note the promotion of Zionist agent Alex Jones.

Criminal Jews and their agents deliberately mix good insider information with ludicrous content, lies and fabrications to make the good information look absurd by association.  This also happens to be the reason why “conspiracy” theories have a bad rap.  On the other hand, the likes of Skeptic magazine, which make fun of these conspiracies, are run by Jews (e.g., Michael Shermer).  Jews commit crimes; Jews expose some of their crimes to lure unsuspecting goyim with fascinating insider information, but mix it with lies, fabrications and misleading content while promoting their agents; and other Jews laugh at and expose the conspiracy nuts by saying that the people who promote 9/11 truth and the JFK murder conspiracy also believe in flying humanoids and UFOs! 

But things are getting tough for the Jews.  The goyim are figuring out the extent of their crime network and who is part of it.  I was looking at which of the websites that are part of the Jewish crime network have been addressing the death of Jörg Haider, and it seems that a lot of them aren’t.  Two of these sites, wakeupfromyourslumber and ziopedia, focus almost exclusively on Jew criminality yet are strangely silent about Jörg Haider and many other issues where you would expect such rabid “Jew haters” to jump to the conclusion of Jew involvement.  Their “Jew hating” is largely name-calling, profanity and accusations but much less of substance, which is the only thing that convinces.  Like Eric Hufschmid says, follow the rats to their nest.  Look at what and who they promote and what they omit.

Back to business.  Here is some of the information I was looking for, from RM.

Jörg Haider murder

Jörg Haider murder

Jörg Haider murder

Jörg Haider murder

So Haider’s car did crash over a curve.  But looking at the curve, the curve is not steep enough for a VW Phaeton to not make it at 90mph.  The possibilities are: Haider fell asleep at the wheel, he was drunk or that the car suddenly accelerated and spun out of control.  The latter is much more likely than the former two.  The last picture shows that the speed limit had temporarily been downgraded to 31mph due to some kind of construction in the area. 

RM also mentions that the nuts that fix the wheels on the left to the axle are missing (see the very first picture I posted above), and that the wheels were put there after the fact.  The nuts are sometimes projecting, sometimes sunk in.  So this is another issue to look up.

There are other issues about Haider discussed at RM that are worth considering, but it is a shame that all this appears at a site like RM.


Posted by snax on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 19:21 | #


The Mossad doesn’t care if telltales of electronic tampering are found by engineers going over the wreckage.

I think this is true. Equally, no-one is more able to simply “disappear” evidence - even in foreign countries - than Israel.


“Chertoff allowed scores of suspected Israeli terrorists and spies to quietly return to Israel . In several cases, Israeli suspects working for phoney moving companies, such as Urban Moving Systems from Weehawken, N.J., were caught driving moving vans which tested positive for explosives. On September 14, Dominic Suter, the owner of the moving company, which was found to be a Mossad front company, fled to Israel after FBI agents requested a second interview.


The plane’s black box was never found, prompting rumours that members of the Israeli secret service joined the rescue teams undercover to remove any sensitive material.

As far as I know, JR may be able to correct me, this is one of only four air crashes that managed to swallow up a black box recorder. The other three happened on September 11th, 2001.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 20:17 | #

Well, I’ll throw in a couple of driver’s comments.

Haider looked like a fit guy, and he was not so darned old, thank you very much, that he couldn’t do the business at the wheel, if required.  With good knowledge of the road and surface, an old guy like me could pop a Phaeton through those bends at a ton +, using the racing line and in the dry, of course.  But if I hadn’t set the car up for the bend and just drove into it at that sort of speed, well, I’d run out of road before the bend finished - and that’s what happened here.

Once I had drifted off the metalled surface and put my loaded tyres on the grass I’d have a very major problem.  The steering would go light, brakes wouldn’t bite and the end of the line would be approaching pretty darned fast.

A rally pro would accept to take some side damage rather than hit something solid up ahead.  He could try to flick the car rightwards with the drift and half up onto the bank to enlist its help in changing direction back towards the tarmac.  But he’d have to act in the same moment he knew he was in trouble, and he’d need a pretty tight suspension set up with some bite in the front tyres.  In short, he wouldn’t want to be driving a car designed for anonymous plutocrats, and weighing over five metric tonnes.

So the mistake here was driving too fast for the selected line, and the chances of recovery were next to zero.

What, then, happened after the Phaeton’s front nearside tyre left the tarmac?  Not much.  The brakes weren’t slammed on.  The steering wasn’t wrenched to the left.  No evasive action was taken, from what I can see.  Now, I’ve taken a detour or two onto a grass verge in my time - and rolled a car - and I can tell you that in the moments leading up to it you will definitely have the tyres pointing in the desired direction and the goddamned brakes on.  Hard.

So, did he fall asleep?  No, he was driving too fast.  When you fall sleep at the wheel you lose muscular power in the right foot, and the car gradually slows.  This one seems to have accelerated.  It had also got most of the way around the bend.  Haider was awake and took no corrective action, by the look of things.


Posted by Sacharite on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 20:54 | #

Odd neighborhood to drive 90mph in. Houses bound the road on both sides and driveways empty directly into it. This wouldn’t make a 40mph zone in the USA, 35mph max.

A better question would be for people who know him. Does he usually drive at those speeds, and recklessly at that? Some like myself do so often, but many never at all.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 21:35 | #

Yesterday this site,

http://iptv.orf.at/ ,

had a 3-D computer animation of the crash, which I watched.  Today I can’t find it.  At this site it’s suddenly as if the crash never happened, as if Haider never died.  It’s eerie.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 21:52 | #

From the Austrian Times:-

Jörg Haider death conspiracy

As the news of Jörg Haider’s death sinks in the first doubts and conspiracy theories are beginning to emerge.

Experts say there appears to be no trace Haider tried to avoid the crash once he lost control of his car. Head technician with the Austrian Automobile association ÖAMTC Max Lang said:

“With crashes like this one there are usually traces of how the driver tried to avoid crashing by steering away from the point of impact to rectify their mistake. Nothing of that can be seen here though.

“I don’t think you can explain the accident just with excessive speed.”

Austrian daily Heute spoke to numerous residents at the scene of the accident that said they found the crash “mysterious”. One unnamed person is quoted as saying: “The doors were torn off. Such a thing never happens at a crash.”

Internet threads are discussing the possibility Haider was assassinated. Some bloggers claim Israel’s Mossad intelligence agency killed the far-right politician - a claim based on an article in British daily The Times three years ago in which former FPÖ secretary-general Peter Sichrovksy admitted being a Mossad informant during Haider’s spell as leader of the party.

The car will be checked one more time by experts.

And a report dated 2nd June 2005 from The Times

Mossad spied on far-right Austrian

THE ISRAELI secret service spied on Jörg Haider, the right-wing Austrian populist, using one of his closest aides to gather information on his contacts with Arab dictators. Peter Sichrovsky said that he had been a Mossad informant for five years until retiring from politics in 2002.

“I wanted to help Israel and certainly did not do anything wrong,” said Herr Sichrovsky who was secretary-general of Herr Haider’s Freedom party and a member of the European Parliament. The Austrian state prosecutor said yesterday that he would open an investigation to determine whether Herr Sichrovsky should be prosecuted. Spying for a foreign power carries a jail sentence of up to three years in Austria.

The revelations, in the news weekly Profil, stunned the Austrian political class. Herr Sichrovsky, who is of Jewish origin, was a controversial figure for the conservative Right. The Jewish community regarded him as a traitor for working with Herr Haider, while anti-Semitic Freedom party activists made no secret of their distrust.

The Freedom party became a member of Austria’s governing coalition in 1999, prompting a diplomatic boycott by the European Union. Herr Haider had publicly praised the SS and Hitler’s employment policies. Israel withdrew its ambassador.

Herr Sichrovsky was supposed to help Herr Haider to make peace with the Jewish community. But at the same time the Israeli secret service was anxious to know what Herr Haider was up to.

“I was certainly not a James Bond,” said Herr Sichrovsky, now a businessman concerned with military co-operation between Israel and China. “It’s true, though, that I co-operated with Mossad until my withdrawal from politics in 2002.”

Herr Haider had extensive contacts with Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader, and enjoyed a close friendship with one of the dictator’s sons. “Israel wanted to use Haider as a bridge to Arab countries with which it did not have official contacts,” Herr Sichrovsky said.

His ties with the Israelis went well beyond occasional debriefings. In the autumn of 2000 Herr Sichrovsky held talks with Syrian politicians about the fate of three Israeli soldiers captured by Hezbollah in Lebanon. He was accompanied by Herbert Scheibner, the Austrian Defence Minister, who was also a member of the Freedom party. The idea was to demonstrate to both the European Union and to Israel that Austria was a respectable member of the world community.

Herr Sichrovsky helped to arrange secret meetings in Austria between Israeli and Palestinian negotiators. Yesterday he claimed to have set up Herr Haider’s controversial visit to Baghdad to meet Saddam Hussein in 2002. At the last minute Herr Sichrovsky was denied an Iraqi visa so he could not pass on first-hand information to Mossad. “They were, in any case, sure that Haider was meeting a double,” he said.

Herr Haider remained calm yesterday. He said: “There were always people in the party who warned me that he’d been sent by Mossad but there was never anything concrete. If he was really sent by a secret service, then he must have given them very little.”


Posted by BGD on Tue, 14 Oct 2008 23:36 | #


One such ‘unnamed’ source - a former SAS sergeant - reveals that the ‘accident’ in which Diana died bore all the tell-tail signs of a known special forces assassination technique known as the ‘Boston brakes’. Agreed, on first hearing, this sounds a bit James Bond - contrived. But bear with it. Because then you go on to read the testimony of former SAS officer and world famous explorer, Sir Ranulph Fiennes, who confirms that the ‘Boston brakes’ is indeed a commonly employed assassination technique used by hired ‘hit squads’, and that it involves the use of a device which remotely controls the target-vehicle’s steering and brakes. Fiennes goes on to say that this method has been used at least once in England, and in this regard describes in some detail the assassination of one Major Michael Marman, who was killed in a ‘car crash’ near Stonehenge in 1986. There’s no doubt that the operation that killed Major Marman, as described by Fiennes, as well as by former Equerry to the Queen, Air Marshall Sir Peter Horsley, was chillingly identical to the series of events that killed Diana.

From here


Posted by Armor on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 00:32 | #

Fred, what I wrote above about “progressives” is the result of my musings on the use of the word progressiste in French (but it is the same usage as progressive in English, I think). I know that progress means change for the best, rather than slow progression. Maybe progressives are in favor of progress and improvement, whereas conservatives are in favor of decay and deterioration. But I suppose progressive could also mean that you favor reforms rather than revolution. In any case, I wonder what we are supposed to progress towards, as Dave Johns said. The left is not clear about that. I think progress mainly comes from science and technology. But progressive politicians cannot do much about that. What they can do is social reforms. Since there have been people calling themselves “progressives” for more than 200 years, and some of them have been in government, I wonder why the required social reforms have not been completed yet. How come society has still not become a paradise? There is something wrong here. Their progress is not quick enough.

Those who want what’s normal to have ascendancy over what’s degenerate in society are the ones, and the only ones, likely to make progress, so they’re the Progressives.  That’s how my thinking goes.  Am I making a mistake?

It is good thinking, but it is also an entirely new way to use the word.
(Sorry for deviating the thread).


Posted by Revolution Harry on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 01:32 | #

JR said ‘craziness or the fact that they are working for the Jewish crime network’? 

In this particular case it’s almost certainly the former. The idea that Bush and his gang are the good guys and are part of a faction fighting the ‘New World Order’ is the real absurdity.

I have no idea whether or not those involved with ‘Truth Seeker’ are ‘Zionist agents’ or not though reading through some of the articles on there I doubt it. Just a scroll down the page and I come to the following article.


... and this.


Hardly the works of ‘Zionist agents’.

The reason that the subject of UFO’s is broached by so many sites involved in investigating the ‘NWO’ is that it appears to be an important part of the ‘big picture’. There are two main theories; either there are no ‘aliens’ and this is just part of the (secret) government’s disinformation campaign with a view to fabricating ‘evidence’ in order to scare people into accepting global governance to ‘save them’ or there really are ‘aliens’ and the (secret) government is suppressing the information. I, like I suspect most people who visit the site, view these articles with a sceptical interest that doesn’t take anything away from the rest of the material on there. One thing’s for sure I don’t outright dismiss the idea that there we could be being visited by UFO’s. Why is that so outrageous an idea?

With respect I have to take issue with your assertion that anyone who diverts from your ‘it’s all down to the Jews’ theory is automatically a ‘Zionist agent’. Go to the Alex Jones site and tap ‘Zionists’ into the search box. I think he’s fully aware of their role in the ‘conspiracy’ he just realises that they’re merely just one element of it. From all the evidence I’ve read the link between those involved is the secret society network, predominantly Freemasonry. Freemasonry itself appears to be, at least at it’s higher levels, Satanic or Luciferian and based largely on Egyptian esotericism and Cabalistic black magic, both of which can be traced back to ancient Babylon and beyond. That many who appear to be Jewish are involved in these cults is self evident but there are also many more who are not. The point I’m making is that perhaps it’s the likes of yourself who, unwittingly, are creating smokescreens by constantly making blanket references to ‘the Jews’ as if what’s happening all around us is solely done by and for Jews. In my opinion the great mass of Jews are as much manipulated and used as the rest of us. Mossad is funded and controlled by the Rothchilds who also paid for the building of the Israeli Supreme Court. Indeed evidence abounds that Israel is actually a Masonic as opposed to Jewish state.

http://www.nogw.com/download/2006_illum_il_supreme_court .pdf

http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/False Religions/Freemasonry/jews-scapegoat.htm

My conclusion is that the Rothchilds, Rockefellers, Bushes, Windsors etc are part of a Satanic cult that uses Freemasonry as a vehicle of control with the desired aim of controlling the world and everything and everyone on it. Part of the ‘great work’ is the creation of a world religion which will be based in Jerusalem. In order to achieve that aim one of the methods will be a third World War (as predicted by Albert Pike and others). I fully expect that many Jews will be sacrificed during that war (as were many in World War 2). I enjoy reading many of the articles on this site but get frustrated when I see the blame for everything being laid at the door of ‘Jews’, as in all Jews without distinction. This, to me, seems to be way off the mark and only plays into the hands of those who wish to discredit Nationalism in general.


Posted by Sacharite on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 02:02 | #

Alex Jones is pretty good in his own way. He doesn’t “name the Jew”, but he does name individual Jews and practically the entire Jewish agenda and their ongoing machinations. In one interview he has on as guest a young Rothschild heir (David de Rothschild, I think) and Alex Jones challenges him point-blank, “Red Shield, we’re not your slaves anymore… Red Shield this, Red Shield that, etc, etc” and goes on ranting for a minute or two about Rothschild planetary control and whatnot.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 02:18 | #

“I enjoy reading many of the articles on this site but get frustrated when I see the blame for everything being laid at the door of ‘Jews’, as in all Jews without distinction. This, to me, seems to be way off the mark and only plays into the hands of those who wish to discredit Nationalism in general.”  (—Revolution Harry)

That’s about me, so I have to answer.  No one means “all Jews without distinction,” Revolution Harry.  During WW II “the Japs” were “our enemy” but not all Japs were and the term “the Japs” didn’t mean literally “all Japs.”  Furthermore, that was understood.  Some Japs opposed their own government and were our friends.  This was understood and the same is understood now when people talk about “the Jews.”  Not literally “all” are doing it.  Enough are, however, to make it valid to talk about “the Jews” doing it.


Posted by J Richards on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 11:05 | #

Is Jewry going about its criminal ways nonchalantly?

The Scroob wrote

The Mossad doesn’t care if telltales of electronic tampering are found by engineers going over the wreckage.  They couldn’t care less.

This doesn’t seem to be right.  The motto of the Mossad is: by way of deception, thou shalt do war.  The internet is blowing away the cover of criminal Jews, and they have reasons for concern…big reasons.

The internet has forced Jewry to behave in ways that would have been unthinkable a few years ago.  Consider these rather remarkable events from last year.

The first event was Jewry creating a big ruckus over Prof. Norman Finkelstein.  Why would Jews want to bring attention to someone who has argued at length that Jewry has exploited the Holocaust?  Well, more and more people are learning about the Holohoax, forcing Jewry to persecute a “scholar” who people will flock to read to learn just what it is that they don’t want us to know.  And what it is that Prof. Finkelstein has to say?  That the Holocaust occurred and Jewry has exploited it.  Jews were trying to preserve the bigger, much more important lie.

The second was Jewry giving publicity to Walt and Mearsheimer when they claimed that American support for Israel was responsible for Arabs attacking us on 9/11.  Why would Jewry promote a quote on 9/11 by mainstream academics with stellar credentials who had argued that America is being manipulated by the Israeli lobby?  Because people had increasingly woken up to 9/11 being a Jew Job, and it is nice to have mainstream academics with stellar credentials state that yes indeed, Arabs did it.  Again, it is wiser to sacrifice less important lies for the sake of more important lies.  There is a difference between having a populace believe that Jews are leeching our money and creating international ill-will toward America vs. the Jews are leeching our money, creating international ill-will toward America and murdering us.

One could cite many other examples.  Jewry is not going about its criminal ways nonchalantly.  The internet is giving it major headaches.  In the good old days (pre-internet), the standard treatment for a thorn in the side was to try to find the person’s weaknesses in order to blackmail him, failing which his relatives would soon be attending his funeral.  Now, the Mossad can’t kill as many people or ordinary people with internet access will be able to connect the dots and come to the conclusion that the only recourse they have left is to do something drastic about the Jewish problem, now, and on their own initiative.

The Scroob also said

The other thing is, who says the Mossad is the only one capable of assassinations?  I certainly wouldn’t put it past the ADL, which is rich enough and organized enough to pull something like this off.


The ADL is the Mossad front in America.  Names/designations are irrelevant.  The people involved are criminal Jews.


Posted by J Richards on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 11:09 | #

The victims always seem to be someone Jews just happen to be worried about

If these ‘accidents’ were really accidents, we’d expect them to be ‘politically neutral.’ But they’re not. The victims always seem to be someone Jews just happen to be worried about. -  Erko

Great point!  We are brothers!  There is a lot more in terms of analogous scenarios.  The “Muslim suicide bombers” typically target goyim, not Jews.  We even have “Arab women suicide bombers” killing Arabs!  The Jews tell us that Hanadi Jaradat, an attractive 29-year-old Arab woman who was training to be a lawyer, traveled with heavy explosives strapped to herself from Jenin to Haifa (40 miles), successfully went past 5 Israeli security checkpoints, and reached her destination (Oct. 4, 2003), the Maxim restaurant, whereupon she shot Arab security guards, rushed in and detonated herself, killing mostly Arabs (21 dead, 60 injured).

The Jews tell us that different ethnic groups in Iraq are blowing each other up, and many of the suicide bombers are women who target women and children!  These “Arab terrorists and insurgents” use such sophisticated car bombs that they leave massive craters, and they possess an uncanny knowledge of where American troops are going to be.  Strange that when the Iraqis were fighting the British in the 1920s, different ethnic groups united against the British and did not target each other at all just as Afghans fighting the Russians united and did not target their own with suicide bombings, but different ethnic factions in these regions are now blowing each other up.  What’s going on?  Should be pretty obvious…...... for the unimaginative .........


Posted by J Richards on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 11:18 | #

The unrecoverable black box recorders
Snax, the unrecoverable black box recorders are a hoot.  Jews tell us that the passport of Satam Al Suqami - one of the 9/11 “Arab hijackers” - was found at the WTC wreckage.  I believe another “Arab terrorist hijacker’s” passport was found at the Pentagon wreckage.  The mighty black boxes were destroyed beyond retrieval but two paper-and-plastic passports survived with enough integrity to identify their owners, in fiery crashes, one of which brought down a steel-frame building in mostly shredded and pulverized form, and the other so severely melted and destroyed a commercial jetliner that it looked like a much smaller aircraft hit the pentagon!  For those who believe in this, I have a great offer.  I am selling the state of New York for $10,000; early bird gets the worm; prepayment required.  Regarding the black boxes vs. passports issue, personally, I think there is much stronger evidence for the existence of Santa Claus and the tooth fairy that mom told me about.

On a related note, an Israeli museum is displaying the diary of Ilan Ramon, an Israeli astronaut on board space shuttle Columbia when it disintegrated upon entering the earth’s atmosphere.  The diary was in the shuttle but survived.  Dare to wager that some members of the tribe will try to make a few shekels out of it?  Potential buyers will find my offer interesting too.  I am offering copies of the book “The Synagogue of Satan” personally signed by Ilan Ramon for $25 per copy and a 20% discount for those ordering 5 or more.


Posted by Erko on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 13:36 | #

J. Richards,

I have never believed in Muslim suicide bombers either. The example you give is one of the preposterous scenarios of them all, but most are on the unbelievable side.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 14:33 | #

“conservatives are in favor of decay and deterioration.”  (—Armor)

That’s right.  Here’s the formula: 

Conservatives = (decay and deterioration) + 5

That means whatever decay and deterioration the so-called “left” comes up with to support, the conservatives will support it in five years.  And sure enough, right on schedule, Cameron now ardently supports all forms of decay and deterioration the so-called “left” supported exactly five years ago.

Re-read this letter I gleaned from Prozium’s blog some months ago:


Conservatism is excrement.  It is to be one-hundred percent jettisoned.  We don’t need any theories.  We know what’s healthy and what’s sick.  That’s all we need to know.  And we don’t need any special names.  Healthy and sick, normal and degenerate, race and race-replacement, life and death, are names enough.


Posted by Dave Johns on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 14:34 | #

1- If Haider was a pro-immigration, pro-race-replacement politician, a full out forensic investigation of the crash scene and the vehicle would be underway; plus, all the “usual suspects” would have been rounded up within 48 hours for questioning.

2- RH’s reference to Illuminati theories are both interesting and very entertaining, but they are just that. They’re based on flimsy anecdotal evidence. On the other hand, factual evidence makes it clear and unambiguous that certain Jewish interest groups are—and always have been—at the center of causing Euro-gentiles’ demise. I could list ad infinitum examples of such. But we can start with the glaring example of “The Frankfurt School of Social Research.”



Posted by Armor on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 17:35 | #

[Conservatism] is to be one-hundred percent jettisoned. (—Fred Scrooby)

I think society needs to be rebuilt, not conserved. In that sense, I am not a conservative. But on the other hand, if I think that my own people should be allowed to live on, that makes me an ethnic or racial conservative (or a race conservationist). (By the way, I don’t have a project to rebuild society, I only know the first step: get rid of the anti-white ideologues). If you want to preserve life and what’s healthy, it also makes you a conservative, although it doesn’t mean you are right-wing, old and musty.
I know the conservative label is now used by phony fakes who support or no longer oppose race-replacement (the neo-cons, Cameron…). But it is absurd to say that conservatism has been discredited by the Republicans and the Tories. What happened is that the Tory party and the Republican party have jettisoned their former ideals. The real reason why conservatism now sounds like an impossible option is that there is not much left to be conserved, apart from ourselves and our people.
I think most left-wing voters are normal folks who don’t want to destroy the white race, and they could be called conservatives in that respect. Personally, I describe myself as anti-leftist. I use the word leftist to refer to the crazy-left. But I am more left-wing than the crazy-left. I am in favor of some income equality and of protecting the white lower class, whereas the “crazy-left” wants to replace the lower class with non-whites and turn the last white “proletarians” into tramps. So, the political labeling by the mass media is very deceptive.
Today, the right/left opposition doesn’t mean much. In the past, it seemed as if half the population was on each side of the right/left divide. Now, I am mainly aware of the gap between normal people and the 5% (is it less?) of crazy people who control institutions and the political life. Right-wing common sense has been banned from the public debate, but so has left-wing common sense.

And we don’t need any special names.  Healthy and sick, normal and degenerate, race and race-replacement, life and death, are names enough.

Maybe someone should create the “Normal Party”, or the anti-replacement party.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 15 Oct 2008 23:56 | #

Haider was drunk, announces Stefan Petzner, “the new head of Mr Haider’s Alliance for Austria’s Future (BZO)”.

Won’t satisfy the conspiracy critics - path-lab blood-alcohol readings are hardly difficult to manufacture.  But the path of the vehicle and the lack of evasive action is perfectly consistent with drunk-driving.


Posted by Peter La Rochelle on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 00:47 | #

...the path of the vehicle and the lack of evasive action is perfectly consistent with drunk-driving.

As a right-winger who’s been involved in a similar accident, I would agree with that. wink


Posted by Revolution Harry on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 01:17 | #

Fred, my comments were actually aimed at J. Richards but I have noticed you have a tendency to refer to ‘the Jews’ when searching for a root cause to the problems that beset us. In World War 2 we were at war with the country of Japan so referring to ‘the Japs’ was acceptable and understandable. We are most definitely not at war with either Israel or ‘the Jews’. As I said it’s self evident that there are many who at least appear to be Jewish who are part of the conspiracy we face but by no means are all Jews involved. It’s incredibly important to labour this point because our salvation lies in garnering widespread support from wherever possible. Blanket generalisations against the ‘Jews’ is guaranteed to attract, at the least, a negative response. Focussed and detailed arguments against specific people or organisations whether Jewish or not will go a lot further and gain more support.

Having said that I still very much doubt that the root of this evil is essentially ‘Jewish’. By that I mean it’s solely for the benefit and interest of all Jewish people. Dave Johns describes the theories of an agenda for a ‘New World Order’ of a ‘One World Government’ as based on flimsy anecdotal evidence. I strongly disagree. Once you get over the initial reluctance to study these theories and do so extensively there is a massive amount of detailed evidence around. Yes the Frankfurt school played a role in the creation of cultural Marxism and political correctness but who funded it? It could be argued the Fabian society is equally involved. Is that solely Jewish? Remember the destruction of the nation state, with mass immigration and multiculturism and all the rest is just a means to an end. An end equally sort by both pretty much all the political parties of Europe and the Anglo-Saxon world. In addition the Queen as representative of the Crown is completely involved. The Queen, as Grand Patroness of Freemasonry in this country is at the head of the organisation that I would argue is doing the greatest damage to Britain and the wider world.

The New World Order is much more than the destruction of the nation. Google ‘Codex Alimentarius’ for some idea of how they want to take control of the food supply. Do the same for ‘Agenda 21’. The evidence is there that they fully intend to bring the population down by a variety of nefarious means. The point I’m making is that the agenda for a NWO is much more than the narrow, though no less important, focus of this blog.

Strangely I see this as actually being a positive thing in regards to stopping and to some degree reversing this destruction. The resistance to what is described as the NWO is growing and will continue to grow. The reason I attempt to reason and argue with you here on MR is that the large nationalist element in society needs to be part of that resistance. Not only for its hoped for success but also because it presents an opportunity. Nationalism is the antithesis of the NWO. Nation states comprising of people who have a strong national bond are harder to control. In my research of the NWO it seems they have always controlled both sides of any situation and for that reason I began to have doubts regarding Nick Griffin and the BNP. Finding out that Griffin’s father and grandfather were both Masons only fuelled my suspicions. If the BNP didn’t exist they would have to invent them. They serve as the perfect foil for the ‘anti-racist’ far left, enable them to pursue their agenda and do a great job of tarnishing the image of ‘nationalism’. Nationalists need to become involved in the NWO resistance and explain how part of the strategy is to destroy Britain and that mass immigration is a cynical part of that. Explain that a precedent is being set here, because it is. Immigrants can be bought to the position of being sympathetic to and understanding of our situation. After all they are the ones that have been used and abused by the elites to further their aims. With this the moral high ground can be taken and kept. Halting all further immigration would be seen as both sensible and acceptable. Voluntary, assisted, repatriation would be offered and accepted by many. Indeed once the dead hand of the NWO international bankers has been removed from around the world many third world countries could and would thrive. Encouraging people to return to their country of ethnic origin to help with this could be possible. There has been a huge amount of manipulation, mind control and propaganda, much of it based on the workings of the Frankfurt school. If this is exposed as part of the NWO resistance those currently attempting sort some of moral superiority with their promotion and support of political correctness and multiculturism would find the tables turned.

I could go on but you either understand what I’m attempting to express or you don’t. I really do believe this is a chance to enthuse many people and to achieve, by subtle means at least some of the aims of MR. I genuinely can’t see anything else working. In an ideal world I would explain all this a lot better. These are just the conclusions I’ve reached after wading through may articles, books and videos. The information is out there if you look for it. If the above strategy is to succeed then it will only happen if the real enemy is fought. By being specific rather than general more support will be forthcoming. From all that I’ve read there are huge numbers of Jews who are both equally concerned about mass immigration and the NWO. These could be useful allies in your, our, fight.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 01:58 | #

Revolution Harry, what do we call Levy and the other Jews controlling Blair in this article right below?  Do we call them “masons”?  “Liberals”?


No, we call them “the Jews” because that’s what they’re functioning as:  the Jews.  Were they functioning as the masons and merely happened to be Jewish masons (but could just as well have been Armenian, Scottish, or Icelandic masons), or were they functioning as the liberals and merely happened to be Jewish liberals (but could just as well have been Armenian liberals, Scottish liberals, or Icelandic liberals), it would be appropriate to call them the masons in the one case, or the liberals in the other.

But they were functioning as the Jews.  You say more than once, Harry, that not all Jews are part of the problem, so I’ll have to reply more than once that no one who implicates the Jews as a major cause of this mess thinks it’s all of them doing it or all of them liking it.  But it’s a big enough proportion of them doing it and liking it to justify referring to “the Jews” as one major factor in it (in addition to the fact they do it for the most part specifically as Jews, not as generic liberals or generic masons).

Incidentally, in that article I linked, the only facet of their control over Blair that was exposed had to do with support for Israel, but without any doubt another facet, the one I’m interested in, the throwing open of the U.K.‘s borders to unlimited non-white immigration, has also been a result of Jewish control over British politicians and parties.  Do they have (non-Jewish) allies?  Yes.  Is the Queen on board with the worst of it?  To all appearances, yes.  Do all Jews like what’s going on?  No.  Are any Jews aghast at it and do any wish it stopped and reversed exactly as we do here?  Absolutely.  Can we still talk about “the Jews” as one factor responsible for it?  Yes.  Why?  Because such a large proportion of them is at it, and they’re doing it as Jews, not as generic this or generic that.


Posted by Erko on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 04:57 | #

Why is it only when Jews are concerned that people start saying things like, ‘Surely you don’t mean ALL Jews!!!”

I mean, when we say, for example, that the Americans invaded Iraq, we don’t mean that Joe Blow from Fresno invaded Iraq. And in fact no one ever says, ‘Surely you don’t mean ALL Americans!!!!”

It’s only the Jews who seem to enjoy the privilege of being exempted from their leaders’ actions.


Posted by Dave Johns on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 14:13 | #

“Yes the Frankfurt school played a role in the creation of cultural Marxism and political correctness but who funded it?” — Revolution Harry


Felix Weil, a Jewish millionaire funded it. No surprise there.

Chapters 2-4 reviewed several strands of theory and research by Jewish social scientists that appear to have been influenced by specifically Jewish political interests. This theme is continued in the present chapter with a review of The Authoritarian Personality. This classic work in social psychology was sponsored by the Department of Scientific Research of the American Jewish Committee (hereafter, AJCommittee) in a series entitled Studies in Prejudice. Studies in Prejudice was closely connected with the so-called Frankfort School of predominantly Jewish intellectuals associated with the Institute for Social Research originating during the Weimar period in Germany. The first generation of the Frankfurt School were all Jews by ethnic background and the Institute of Social Research itself was funded by a Jewish millionaire, Felix Weil (Wiggershaus 1994, 13). Weil’s efforts as a “patron of the left” were extraordinarily successful: By the early 1930s the University of Frankfurt had became a bastion of the academic left and “the place where all the thinking of interest in the area of social theory was concentrated” (Wiggershaus 1994, 112). During this period sociology was referred to as a “Jewish science,” and the Nazis came to view Frankfurt itself as a “New Jerusalem on the Franconian Jordan” (Wiggershaus 1994, 112-113).



Posted by Revolution Harry on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 21:30 | #

Do they have (non-Jewish) allies?  Yes.  Is the Queen on board with the worst of it?  To all appearances, yes.

Now we’re getting there. When I mentioned the Queen I did so because she represented the many British and European Royalty and aristocracy involved in the conspiracy. Indeed researchers such as David Icke and Alex Jones will say that the elites involved are largely the European Royalty and aristocracy mentioned, their bloodline relatives in America and a disproportionate number of Ashkenazi Jews who also have bloodline connections. Just as the Windsors, Bushes and others hide behind Christianity so ‘Jewish’ members hide behind Judaism. As well as the Frankfurt school we have the Fabian Society, the Tavistock Institute, the Royal Institute of International Affairs and it’s American off-shoot the Council On Foreign relations, the Club Of Rome all involved in the wider conspiracy that interlinks and overlaps. To go into all the intricacies of the NWO theory would obviously take too long. I’m just trying to point out that the rabbit hole goes much deeper than everything being down to ‘the Jews’. I’d even go as far as to say that making it appear that it’s ‘the Jews’ serves a very useful purpose in helping to deflect blame and dissuading people from looking too deeply for fear of being branded ‘anti-semetic’. Despite the fact that the vast majority of those involved purporting to be Jews are not of semetic genetic origin.

Even if you don’t subscribe to the general ‘NWO’ theory I still think it’s sensible to be as specific as possible when identifying those responsible. Using the Americans as an analogy doesn’t stand up. The equivalent there would be the Israelis. All I’m saying is learn to box clever. Be subtle and effective. As you well know the whole subject is littered with bear traps and the mind control/conditioning of the vast majority of the population is very strong. If you’re going to break through that you’ve got to be cleverer than those who have set the traps to ensnare you. At the very least use the term Zionists as opposed to Jews.

I say all this because I wish you well. I agree with most of what is on this site I just think it’s one small part of a much bigger picture that’s all. My attention has been moved to the resistance to the NWO because that’s where I see the salvation for England and Britain. I’m looking to destroy the cause of many more problems rather than cure the symptom that is immigration/multiculturism etc.

Finally, I knew as soon as I posted the question ‘who funded the Frankfurt school’ it was the wrong question to ask. Fundamentally it was funded by the Rothchilds, despite whoever fronted it, which was the point I was trying to make. The same Rothchilds who have funded the Masonic Israeli Supreme Court building I linked to in a previous comment.


Posted by Revolution Harry on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 21:41 | #

Another strange article for a website that’s supposedly a Zionist front.



Posted by Anti-Racist League on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 21:53 | #

Haider built his detested career on inciting violence against people because of the colour of their skin. We should not excuse his behaviour with ludicrous appeals to “freedom of speech”. He wanted to pit the “races” against one another, to incite strife and disorder in our society, and to thwart class solidarity and international unity, an act for which in an enlightened community he would be legally tried and executed.

Since it would be futile to appeal to your morality, for no one with any moral sensibility would countenance the white supremacist ideology of which he was an adherent, we should at least appeal to the self-interest of individual racists. Austria is no longer a “white” or “ethnically” Austrian nation. There is nothing you can do to thwart the tide of human progress. The Europeans should adjust themselves to this fact, and perhaps their false discontents may be alleviated thereby.

But I fear that that white racists are so beclouded with prejudice that they are unable to discern even their own individual interests.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 22:47 | #


You are not an anti-racist.  You do not even know the meaning of the word.

Here it is, wrapped up in a comment from a guy named Brandreth on a recent CiF thread.  He’s referring to the UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples:-

The UNs Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples which Nick quotes is very interesting and new to me. “States shall provide effective mechanisms for prevention of, and redress for: (a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities; (b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources.” Cripes. Slam DUNK!

What do you say Mr Kingsnorth? It seems to me that if we look at other times or peoples your answer, like mine, would be automatic.

For example: Was Gandhi right to insist that India’s native peoples had sovereign rights to India as a people, including the right to expel the non-native peoples of Britain?

Or: Is the Dalai Lama racist because he says: “I have made it clear that negotiations must centre around ways to end Chinas population transfer policy which threatens the survival of the Tibetan people; …the restoration of control to the Tibetan people of all matters affecting their own affairs…. While repeating the position that China is prepared to negotiate, the Chinese Government continues to seek a final solution to the question of Tibet: the flooding of Tibet with Chinese settlers so as to entirely overpower and assimilate the Tibetan people.”

Are Gandi and the Dalai Lama racist Mr Kingsnorth? If they are not, then neither is NickNightingale.

In fact, are not Gandi and the Dalai Lama in taking those positions truly anti-racist?

Nick Nightingale was the name I was using on that particular thread.  The point is that in Nature the maintenance of people’s rights and interests is paramount.  This is something that Haider instinctively understood.  He believed in the rights of peoples to their own lands, to their own being.  You are a destroyer of peoples.  You have a genocidal mentality, but you cannot understood your own genocidalism.

I will try to help you.  If Europe is not restored to her native peoples, those peoples will be quite rapidly displaced, dispossessed and deracinated.  They will, by the terms of the UN Convention of 1948 for the Punishment and Prevention of Genocide, have suffered said genocide.  That is the cost of the present anti-European racist dispensation.

But the worst thing that can happen to the unwanted populations that have flooded into Western Europe since 1948 is that they are returned to their own native homelands.

In other words, the costs to the respective parties are assymetrical.  A European genocide is not equal to a Third World return home.

They say it takes five years to change a man’s mind.  This is the 16th October 2008.  Mark it well.  If you are of European descent, your change of mind has now begun.  Your ideology will not survive contact with us.  We will wake you up.  We will free you from your emotional slavery to Jewish ethnic interests, and reconnect you to your own Nature, and to the love of your own people.  We will prove to you that the alien hatreds you have internalised about lovers like us - all the little ideological touchstones of “racist this” and “fascist that” - are lies.  You will find no such animus here, though there is sometimes righteous anger which you, my friend, will come to understand and share.

We want to free our people from an entirely racist death sentence.  We are the true anti-racists.  Welcome to the light.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 23:02 | #

“At the very least use the term Zionists as opposed to Jews.”  (—Revolution Harry)

I know what I’m going to say hasn’t won me any friends in certain quarters when I’ve said it in the past, and it won’t win me any now, but I not only have no criticism to make of Zionism, I like it, I find it normal and healthy, and I support Israel as a specifically Jewish racial/ethnocultural nation-state.  If I were a Jew I’d certainly be a Zionist of one variety or another.  I don’t see it as normal or admirable for a Jew not to be at least somewhat Zionist.  Zionism is something Jews do that’s normal for a change (unlike inventing atonal music, denying race, loving Marxism, prying borders open, stuff like that).


Posted by Revolution Harry on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 23:22 | #

Anti-Racist League is a perfect example of a New World Order stooge. He’s sucked all the mind control and propaganda and, perhaps unwittingly, serves the evil agenda that is the plan for a One World Government. That’s where your ‘international unity’ is going to take you, a truly fascist system of global control by an elite that not only wishes to destroy the countries of Europe to achieve its aims but will happily do the same to any other country it decides it wants or needs to. A precedent is being set in Europe. If a similar situation was occurring in Cambodia, Bangladesh, Nigeria or Tunisia, against the will of the inhabitants ARL would be the first to scream ‘racist’ or ‘fascist’ or some other irrelevant term as he professed his solidarity with the Cambodian people. The elites that ARL is in compliance with are using immigrants to achieve their aims and have absolutely no sympathy for them at all. Multiculturism and diversity are divide and rule by another name.

Europeans can no more help being fair skinned than an African can help being dark skinned. Skin colour and supposed supremacism are just the mind games and conditioning that the likes of ARL fall for every time. Skin colour is a complete irrelevance. Wake up ARL and see the bigger picture. Europeans are as much entitled to their culture, nation and way of life as any other country. You like to think that you are somehow on higher moral ground when actually the cultural destruction you’re assisting is the complete reverse.


Posted by Revolution Harry on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 23:25 | #

OK Fred, point taken, sort of, except I’d like to think that if I desired a completely Jewish Israel I wouldn’t stoop to the tactics used by the Zionists. I still think you should be more specific rather than general however you wish to phrase it.


Posted by Englander on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 23:25 | #

From ‘anti-racist league’ blog:

Racists no longer wear Nazi suits or white sheets; they disguise themselves in professional business suits and use the language of college graduates.

Racists have always worn suits, as well as any other form of dress you might care to think of, from Gandhi’s robes to Che Guevara’s military fatigues. We’re quite normal, I assure you.  You and people who think like you are the aberration. You’ve probably noticed that ‘hate’, as you call it, is on the rise, which is probably why you set up your little blog. Times are changing.  Good luck with your project.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 23:29 | #

Haider built his detested career on inciting violence against people because of the colour of their skin.

Haider was a straight up opponent of mass migration, not concerned with “colour”.

He called Poles “car thieves,” Russians “Mafiosi and muggers,” and Bosnians “burglars.”

and got elected.



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 23:52 | #

Revolution Harry, thanks for your thoughtful recommendations.  I’ll consider what you say.


Posted by Stuka on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 00:07 | #

If you are of European descent, your change of mind has now begun.  Your ideology will not survive contact with us.  We will wake you up.  We will free you from your emotional slavery to Jewish ethnic interests, and reconnect you to your own Nature, and to the love of your own people.

As I have always said, MR is like a drug.  Or, an antidote.  wink


Posted by Sacharite on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 00:25 | #

I support Israel as a specifically Jewish racial/ethnocultural nation-state.

And what would you have done to the Palestinians, who have lived there for unknown hundreds and even thousands of years, and even partly descend from the original Hebrews, who may be closer to the original Hebrews in stock than the admixed “Jews”?

The Jews haven’t a claim over them except through force. (Which is fine imo, since if the A-rabs can’t defend their lands, nature has pronounced them unfit to exist.)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 00:44 | #

Sacharite, with your permission I don’t want to get into the details of how I view Israel, mainly because this isn’t the place for that.  It’s a whole different topic.  Also it might be needlessly polarizing, in itself an unwelcome distraction from this side’s main concerns.  (And it might make me enemies I don’t want to have:  it’s already gotten me kicked out of one web-site I very much wanted to stay in.)  My views on Israel resemble more or less those of Rabbi Meir Kahane although there’s a lot about Israel and the Palestinian conflict I don’t know or don’t understand.  Israel is not a big interest of mine — Europe and Europeans are my big interest.  But I support Israel and I support Zionism.  That’s always been my position at this site — I’ve never wavered in that.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 00:47 | #

from this site’s main concerns


Posted by snax on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 00:51 | #

Jorg Haider is lying in state in Klagenfurt until his funeral on Saturday. The pics below show how well respected by the people he was. I remember similar scenes following Pim Fortuyn’s murder.

The final picture is of Haider’s daughters.


Posted by Sacharite on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 01:00 | #

Interesting. Kahane calls for the conquest of Eretz Israel and the expulsion of all Arabs within. This is from the good rabbi, who also states the following is a consensus position among the rabbinate:

Let me tell you what the minimal borders are, and which the rabbis agree upon, according to the description given in the Bible. The southern boundary goes up to El Arish, which takes in all of northern Sinai, including Yamit. To the east, the frontier runs along the western part of the East Bank of the Jordan river, hence part of what is now Jordan. Eretz Yisrael also includes part of the Lebanon and certain parts of Syria, and part of Iraq, all the way to the Tigris river.

As one can see below, the Tigris runs through the middle of Iraq. Obviously the Arabs are in for a rough century or three. One can also presume Kahane wouldn’t go any easier on Europe or the Germans, since the Jewish God promises the Jews the entire planet.


Posted by Englander on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 01:01 | #

Looks like he is getting the funeral he deserves.


Posted by Sacharite on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 01:05 | #

Hate to be repetitive, but allow me to bold another word:

Let me tell you what the minimal borders are, and which the rabbis agree upon, according to the description given in the Bible. The southern boundary goes up to El Arish, which takes in all of northern Sinai, including Yamit. To the east, the frontier runs along the western part of the East Bank of the Jordan river, hence part of what is now Jordan. Eretz Yisrael also includes part of the Lebanon and certain parts of Syria, and part of Iraq, all the way to the Tigris river.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 01:10 | #

MR is like a drug.  Or, an antidote.”  (—Stuka)

A web-site’s output can completely revolutionize a person’s brain, as happened to me in October, 2000, when I stumbled across Steve Sailer’s site.  I didn’t know what hit me.  It was like being sucked up in the funnel of a tornado and somehow coming out in one piece but with a changed brain.  I just could not believe that guy’s writing, his ideas.  Couldn’t believe what I was seeing.  I felt as if I’d been waiting for him to come along my whole life, in a fog, and suddenly the mist was lifted and I saw.  I saw!  What I saw was that you were allowed to think certain thoughts.  You didn’t have to shove them down somewhere out of sight in your mind so you wouldn’t see them, wouldn’t think of them, wouldn’t be aware of them (though you could never make them stop gnawing at you).  You were actually allowed to think them!  I’ve been applying the Steve Sailer method ever since — it’s known as thinking about certain things everyone says you’re not supposed to think about.  (Try it, it works!)

I have no doubt MR.com has exerted influence out there, in its turn, plenty of it.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 01:18 | #

I’m not getting into it, Sacharite.  It’s not a discussion for here.  Your pen name is Jewish-sounding, by the way — Sachar is a Jewish family name (the name of one of my best childhood friends).  What’s that all about?  (But only answer if it’s short and simple.  If it’s long and complicated, don’t bother.)

Once more:  know that my interest is Europe, the Eurosphere, and folk of European race the world over.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 01:54 | #

Look at all the coats-of-arms on that hall’s walls where he’s lying in state.  Think of all the European history they represent collectively.  Think of it.  It’s our world.  That European history is part of our world, our world which our race-enemies are trying to destroy and of course the most unthinkable of all, destroy our race with it.  Our resolve to resist them, to never bend under any circumstances whatsoever, to never forget, our resolve to never let them win, cannot ever weaken but can only ever grow stronger, only stronger.


Posted by Erko on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 02:23 | #

It seems to me that ‘anti-racism’ is passe.

The question is no longer ‘why do object to people who have a different skin colour from you?’ so much as ‘why do you want to see European societies flooded with people from different cultures, undermining our social stability and taking our jobs? What game are you playing at?’


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 02:36 | #

If his death moves people to think honestly and deeply about what he stood for, what he fought for, and to seriously consider voting accordingly not just in the next election but from now on, it will not have been completely in vain.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 02:40 | #

You’re right of course, Erko, but why, oh why, didn’t they start seeing it that way thirty years ago???

Well ... better late than never ... As long as they start now to do something about it, at long last!  The other side are paper tigers.  Once good folk begin to bestir themselves the other side are done for, finished, without a prayer.

But they must bestir themselves!  Once they do, there’ll be nothing easier than setting things to rights.


Posted by snax on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 05:02 | #


It’s not a discussion for here.

It may be inapproporiate for this thread, but the idea of a moral universal-nationalism is one of the main focuses of this blog, and the implications of Kahane’s Eretz Israel policies do rather touch upon your own main focus of race replacement, Fred.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 05:45 | #

Some other time, Snax.


Posted by Erko on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 11:18 | #

Just on the ‘Haider drunk’ red herring:

This would pass muster if someone had actually seen Haider drinking a few too many that night. But there are no witnesses to any such behaviour, and if there were I think they would have come forward by now.

Also, if he was apt to driving too fast, he’d have accumulated a few speeding tickets in his life first. Not many 58 year olds drive recklessly - and most of those who do probably already have a few fines on their record.

I am more interested in the two doors that were detached from the vehicle and the mysterious woman (as far as I know, still unnamed and uninterviewed by the media) who was first at the scene.

In an interesting development, the host has now shut down the website, Judicial-Inc.Biz, which only days ago put forward a plausible scenario as to what had happened.

Perhaps it was shut down because the Judician-Inc.Biz scenario was correct.


Posted by Erko on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 11:21 | #

The latest report on the assassination:



Posted by Erko on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 13:14 | #

‘Australia Calling’: National Socialist radio show from Australia

First half of the show is about the Haider assassination:

http://www.nsm88radio.com/Aussie calling/AC101208.mp3


Posted by Erko on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 13:17 | #

‘Hmmm, link truncation problem:

http://www.nsm88radio.com/Aussie calling/AC101208.mp3

Between Aussie and calling, there should be the following three symbols:

% - 2 - 0


Posted by Dave Johns on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 15:34 | #

The raison d’etre, or what motivates creeps like “Anti-Racist League,” can be summed up in one sentence:

“Hatred of the good for being good.”


Posted by Dave Johns on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 15:56 | #

Envy/Hatred of the Good for Being the Good 

“Today, we live in the Age of Envy.

“Envy” is not the emotion I have in mind, but it is the clearest manifestation of an emotion that has remained nameless; it is the only element of a complex emotional sum that men have permitted themselves to identify.

Envy is regarded by most people as a petty, superficial emotion and, therefore, it serves as a semihuman cover for so inhuman an emotion that those who feel it seldom dare admit it even to themselves . . . . That emotion is: hatred of the good for being the good.

This hatred is not resentment against some prescribed view of the good with which one does not agree . . . . Hatred of the good for being the good means hatred of that which one regards as good by one’s own (conscious or subconscious) judgment. It means hatred of a person for possessing a value or virtue one regards as desirable.

If a child wants to get good grades in school, but is unable or unwilling to achieve them and begins to hate the children who do, that is hatred of the good. If a man regards intelligence as a value, but is troubled by self-doubt and begins to hate the men he judges to be intelligent, that is hatred of the good.

The nature of the particular values a man chooses to hold is not the primary factor in this issue (although irrational values may contribute a great deal to the formation of that emotion). The primary factor and distinguishing characteristic is an emotional mechanism set in reverse: a response of hatred, not toward human vices, but toward human virtues.

To be exact, the emotional mechanism is not set in reverse, but is set one way: its exponents do not experience love for evil men; their emotional range is limited to hatred or indifference. It is impossible to experience love, which is a response to values, when one’s automatized response to values is hatred.”


Posted by torgrim on Fri, 17 Oct 2008 19:01 | #

“Look at the coat-of-arms on that hall’s walls he’s lying in state. Think of all the European history they represent collectively.”—Fred

Yes, and look at the people, the beautiful architecture, the centuries of European thought and creativity!
I feel a deep sense of love for a place that I have never ventured, the Heartland of Europe.
May we grow stronger, and honor our heritage.

Rest in Peace, Herr Haider.


Posted by Erko on Sat, 18 Oct 2008 07:27 | #

I think the real function of ‘anti-racism’ is to divert leftists away from traditional leftwing concerns such as social justice (e.g., progressive taxation, corporate regulation) to concerns that actually help the dominant power structure. By reducing the debate over immigration - which should really be about the mass importation of cheap labour - to the bogus issue of ‘racism,’ leftists only help the capitalist bosses, who don’t want to be told that they can only employ domestic labour. But these deluded lefties think they are doing the world a favour and saving it from the horrors of RRRRAAAACCCISMMMMM.

In short, multiculturalism and anti-racism neutralises the threat from the left.


Posted by Riley The Wiley on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 09:46 | #

I think it was an accident but can’t help a little speculation:

- If you had access to the control system for gas + brakes, and
- If you could accelerate drastically w/out driver control, and
- If you could disable the brakes for both left wheels, leaving right wheel brakes intact, and
- If you could detect when the car is accelerating, and it’s speed ...

THEN ...

You could program the car to detect a condition when it is moving at speed and accelerating, and you could pour the petrol to it, forcing the speed into insane ranges from the already-high top speed. When the driver hit the brake, the asymmetric braking would whip the car sideways to the right, pulling it off the road to the right and exposing the driver’s side directly to onrushing obstacles. The car might also roll violently to the driver’s side, whipping his head into the asphalt and slamming it into the inside of the car every time it rolled.

If you want to kill someone, or cause serious injuries (especially to the head), I think that is going to be about 75% successful, perhaps more so, if you can delicately time the massive acceleration to a point when the right side of the road is littered with a lot of deadly obstacles.

Haider’s car went through exactly that set of motions: acceleration, braking, a lurch to the right (allegedly caused by right wheels on soft ground, left on pavement), a sideways slide into an abutment directly impacting the driver’s side door, killing the occupant.

This happened to me once on a mountain road one snowy night ... the throttle on a ‘68 Camaro iced open ... I’m lucky to be alive. The driver had the presence of mind to pop it out of gear. It might have been different.

Just a gloomy thought in the middle of the night.

But it is still an accident until proven otherwise.



Posted by Erko on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 11:33 | #

’ it is still an accident until proven otherwise.’


What are you waiting for, a letter from the Director of Mossad to say, ‘OK, you caught us - we did it’???

A better alternative to waiting for a phone call from Mossad (Vienna office) - or from the people that actually did - it is to just use your brains.

Half the problems in the world stem, in my view, from that fact that people can’t use their brains to work out the bleedin’ obvious.


Posted by Dave Johns on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 12:49 | #

“Half the problems in the world stem, in my view, from that fact that people can’t use their brains to work out the bleedin’ obvious.”


If the Left cannot constrain itself from viciously attacking ‘Joe the Plumber’, how much more malicious contempt do they harbor for the likes of Dr. Haider? Perhaps enough to assassinate him?


Posted by Riley The Wiley on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 17:47 | #


Sometimes accidents happen, even to people the Mossad wants dead. Haider was such a man, but there is nothing (or very little) in the immediate circumstances of his death that leads one to think he was murdered. A bullet in the brain would be another matter.

The point of a clandestine killing is to make it hard to distinguish murder from mishap. At the end of the day, it is hard to distinguish murder from mishap: but it is illogical to adduce murder in all such circumstances.



Posted by snax on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 21:55 | #

There are good grounds for suspicion, but anyone defending the claim that Haider was assassinated has little (no?) hard evidence to point to.

One thing that stood out for me from the photos of the car at the accident scene was the absence of blood. The official version says Haider’s arm was almost severed, and I know I’m not comparing like with like, I once saw a kid lose a few fingers and a portion of his hand, and the blood was EVERYWHERE.


Posted by Marc on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 18:54 | #

Jörg Haider was definitely killed by the jews!


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 19:17 | #

Hey, Marc, you for real, or are you just trying to set us up?


Posted by Revolution Harry on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 20:03 | #

Here’s a 28 seconds long video that says it all. Not only in relation to this incident but also to the broader picture. Come on MR’ers, wise up.



Posted by danielj on Tue, 21 Oct 2008 23:55 | #

He was going 88, that is 88 miles per hour when he crashed.

Not ninety.

I don’t think I need to point out the irony/significance.


Posted by cladrastis on Wed, 22 Oct 2008 02:23 | #

Regardless of the cause of Haider’s death, I’m reminded of what Soren said at the New Right conference (and this is a paraphrase):

Heads to the parapets.  If they shoot one of us, someone else must stand up and take his place; let’s hope so…

Let’s hope for the sake of Austria, that not one new leader will be born of this tragedy, but many.


Posted by snax on Mon, 27 Oct 2008 23:38 | #

Haider widow halts cremation amid suspicions

Jörg Haider’s corpse was sent for a second post-mortem in Italy today after the Austrian far-right leader’s widow voiced fears that that his death in a high speed car crash in early October might not have been an accident.

Senior members of his Alliance for the Future of Austria party said that Claudia Haider had serious doubts that her husband was killed as a result of drunk driving and suspected he may have been drugged.

Mr Haider died after his VW Phaeton limousine left the road and somersaulted several times in the early hours of 11 October. He was driving at twice the speed limit, and an initial post mortem showed that he had four times the legal limit of alcohol in his bloodstream.

However his widow has refused to accept those findings and insisted that her husband’s cremation, which had been due to take place earlier this week, be postponed indefinitely.

Mr Haider’s former party colleagues said his body would be subjected to a second post-mortem in Italy and further tests by German pathologists to determine whether foul play may have played a role in his death.

Claudia Haider was said to be highly sceptical of Austrian pathologists’ conclusions that the 58-year-old politician had consumed such a large amount of alcohol in such a short space of time. She was reported to have said that such behaviour was not in his character and that she feared that he may have been given drugs. Party officials have said there were no skid marks on the road at the accident site and he may have already been unconscious when he crashed.

However Gottfried Kranz, the Austrian state prosecutor who investigated the circumstances of the death, has insisted that no traces of drugs were found. “The tests showed no drugs, only alcohol,” he said.

There have been conflicting reports about Mr Haider’s condition in the last hours and minutes before his death. Witnesses at a party that he attended in the town of Velden, in the southern state of Carinthia, before the accident have reported that he seemed quite sober.

Shortly afterwards, however, Mr Haider was seen in a gay bar in the state capital, Klagenfurt where he was reported to have consumed a bottle of vodka with an unidentified male companion before getting into his car and driving away.

Family fears that Mr Haider could have been drugged before his death, were made public only days after the politician’s former deputy - 27-year-old Stefan Petzner - revealed that he had a gay love affair with the far right leader which they had begun several years ago.

“We had a relationship that went far beyond friendship,” Mr Petzner said during a radio interview. “Jorg and I were connected by something very special. He was the man in my life,” he said. Mr Petzner became party leader after Mr Haider’s death, but he was dismissed for outing himself earlier this week.


The Jerusalem Post shrieks: Austrians praise deceased Nazi admirer Haider

“He was a remarkable person” and one should “pay tribute to him,” was how Social Democratic Chancellor Alfred Gusenbauer described right-wing extremist politician Joerg Haider at Haider’s funeral ceremony in Klagenfurt, Austria on Saturday

While local Austrian authorities declared an inebriated Haider to have died as the result a high-speed car crash last week, Karlheinz Klement, a former member of Haider’s ex-party, the Freedom Party, asserted that the Mossad had assassinated him. Klement’s conspiracy thesis is circulating among Austrian neo-Nazi and right-wing internet forums.

In the mid 1990s, Haider proclaimed the Freedom Party “to be the PLO of Austria” at a party event. He split from the Freedom Party in 2005 and formed the Alliance for the Future of Austria, a hard-line, reactionary and anti-foreigner party based in the Federal State of Carinthia, where he served as governor.

Haider was notorious for his praise of Nazi employment policies and the Waffen SS, an organization devoted to exterminating European Jewry.

The Waffen SS are “decent individuals with character, who stick to their beliefs despite strong opposition and remain true to them today as well. That is a good basis, my dear friends, for us younger people to inherit,” said Haider at meeting of the Veterans of the Waffen SS in Carinthia, Austria.

Haider’s funeral turned into a day of national mourning and 30,000 Austrians flocked to the Carinthian capital of Klagenfurt to attend the service, which was covered live by Austria’s national broadcaster, ORF.

Given Haider’s anti-Semitic and xenophobic views, and taking into account that he represents a rallying point for Europe’s radical right, it was an astonishing show of political solidarity as Austria’s heads of state and political parties paid tribute to him. Chancellor Gusenbauer said Haider had had “an excellent feeling for what needs to be changed” in Austrian politics.

Heinz Fischer, the Social Democratic president, said Haider’s death was a “human tragedy,” and that he had been a “politician with great talents.”

The ex-head of the Austrian Green Party, Alexander Van der Bellen, said Haider had been “an exceptional politician, highly qualified to inspire people and win [them] over.”

The conservative People’s Party vice chancellor Wilhelm Molterer said Haider hadn’t minced his words, and therefore “deserves great respect.”

The Social Democratic president of the Austrian parliament, Barbara Prammer, recognized the great political and life achievements of Haider, who helped shaped Austria’s political landscape over the decades.

The praise for Haider contradicts the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) statement issued to The Jerusalem Post shortly before the national election in late September. In response to the Post’s question about whether Austria had a “special responsibility” toward Israel due to Austrian complicity with Germany during the Holocaust, Andreas Schieder, the SPÖ State Secretary in the Chancellery, wrote: “That is also the basis for the commitment: prevent the beginnings. Never forget - no more fascism.

“However, we are painfully aware of what the chancellor at the time, Franz Vranitzky, noted in a speech before the Knesset in 1991. Austrians were not only victims, but also perpetrators. The SPÖ will continue to fight anti-Semitism, racism, xenophobia and any form of National Socialist ideology.”

Heribert Schiedel, an expert on right-wing extremism at the Documentation Center of Austrian Resistance, a prominent think-tank in Vienna, told the Post that political statements from Austrian parties regarding Israel are “insignificant, ineffective and meaningless.”

When asked about the across-party-lines praise for Haider, Schiedel told the Post that “it is an expression of an underdeveloped Democracy and political culture” in Austria that Haider helped to shape.

Haider and his party epitomized an aggressive anti-Israeli agenda, with a foreign policy supporting alliances with the Iranian Mullah regime, Iraq under the rule of former tyrant Saddam Hussein, who Haider visited several times in Baghdad, and the Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi.

Haider had welcomed an Iranian economic delegation to Carinthia in July 2007 at a time when both the European Union and the US sought to discourage trade with Iran due to its uranium enrichment program, which could be used to make nuclear weapons.

He demanded that the “responsible warmongers” in Israel during the Second Lebanon War in 2006 be summoned before a war crimes tribunal, and that Austria evict the Israeli Ambassador in Vienna. Israel’s right to self-defense against Hamas rocket attacks and Hizbullah terror activity played no role in Haider’s foreign policy views.

He fanned the flames of Austrian anti-Semitism, blasting the head of the Austrian Jewish Community, Ariel Muzicant, as a “Zionist provocateur in the West” who wanted to silence criticism of Israel with the “club of Anti-Semitism.”

Haider also criticized Muzicant for seeking to end flight connections with the Iran.

Some Austrians felt that the major media in Austria had watered down their criticism of Haider and employed flimsy excuses to justify his anti-Democratic and anti-Israeli statements as well as his crude defenses of the Hitler movement.

Columnist Gudrun Harrer wrote a controversial analysis in the left-liberal daily Der Standard entitled: “Many Arabs considered Haider ‘the Lion.’”

She argued that “This ‘attitude,’ Haider’s view of the Arab and Islamic world and his sympathy for its undemocratic regimes, is complex: One might see his anti-Americanism and his recourse to political incorrectness as coming from his questionable interpretation of European history or as a reaction to his own rejection, especially by Israel, which called its ambassador back from Vienna in 2000 because of the FPO’s participation in the government. In addition, Haider was probably simply also seeking a way to gain international prominence, and nobody else wanted him.”

Schiedel, from the Documentation Center of Austrian Resistance, considers Harrer’s commentary to be “highly problematic” because it shifts the “guilt to the Israelis and Jews” for Haider’s views and plays down his distorted understanding of Nazi history.


Posted by J Richards on Mon, 03 Nov 2008 07:08 | #

The verdict of the VW team
I have heard that a team from Volkswagen, flabbergasted by the ‘accident,’ did some investigation and came to the conclusion that the electronic brains of the Phaeton were apparently tampered with.  If anyone has more information on this, please post here.

I wish to respond to Revolution Harry, but will do so in a separate post.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 05 Nov 2008 21:29 | #

The Mossad’s assassination of Haider was relatively low-key.  The Mexican drug lords go about things in a showier way:



Posted by melkiora on Tue, 11 Nov 2008 06:46 | #

Are there any pictures of inside the car so we can see an eventual hole in the seat inline with the hole in the roof.


Posted by Haider a Kidon Kill? on Wed, 01 Apr 2009 18:04 | #

A U.S. official said that Israel has staged targeted killings “in friendly countries,”



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 29 Oct 2009 23:12 | #

The number-two man in the NPD, Jürgen Rieder, has died.  He collapsed suddenly Sunday evening during a break in a party meeting.  In hospital he was found to have suffered a brain hemorrhage which led to severe brain damage.  His doctors disconnected him from life-support today.



Posted by Q on Thu, 29 Oct 2009 23:46 | #

The number-two man in the NPD, Jürgen Rieder, has died.

As we all suspect, his untimely death is no coincidence. If we lived in a just society, there would be an autopsy and the truth of his cause of death would be revealed. However, we live under tyrany. If in fact Jurgen Rieder was murdered, we will NEVER be informed of that.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 30 Oct 2009 00:05 | #

Q, I didn’t post that with that in mind.  I have no suspicion at all that this was other than a natural event that ended his life.  I posted the news in this particular thread simply because it seemed an appropriate place, not from the point of view of suspicious deaths of allies, merely of deaths of allies.  Rieder was 63 by the way.

That said, now that you’ve mentioned the possibility, I’ll google “ways to induce brain hemorrage” to see if any such exist that I wasn’t aware of.  I doubt any do.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 30 Oct 2009 00:06 | #



Posted by Sándor Iványi on Tue, 08 Dec 2009 11:23 | #

MOSAD was killed Jörg Haider. MOSAD was make an example of Jörg Haider, because the terrorist Israel want domination of the world. The EU, Austria, and Hungary is living under cionist occupation!
Haider is a hero!
Haider was says: Cionist banks very dangerous to Austria!
Freedom for Europa!!

Foreign nationalists speak, national media silent

In the centre of Budapest on Friday afternoon on the 53rd anniversary of the Hungarian Uprising and the twentieth anniversary of the Hungarian Republic, politicians from around Europe spoke directly to, and saluted the patriotism of, the Hungarian people, wishing them a “brighter tomorrow” in both their own and the Hungarian language. If however, you have been getting your news from the Hungarian terrestrial media, this will be the first you will have heard of this.

In events which marked the further consolidation of Jobbik into the Hungarian political mainstream and its wider prestige amongst the parties of Europe, representatives of nationalist parties from countries as far apart as Sweden, Italy and France came together to speak to Hungarians gathered in the country’s capital.

Jobbik’s events also included speeches from Krisztina Morvai MEP and Zoltán Balczó MEP (who with Csanád Szegedi MEP are rapidly demonstrating what Hungarians can accomplish in Europe if they put their minds to it) poetry readings and the singing of the nation’s anthems.

The participation of politicians from other countries was also important for events of historical significance that were to take place the following day; on Jobbik’s own six year anniversary, with the formation of the Alliance of European National Movements, whose creation in Budapest, the heart of Europe, was not coincidental.

The Alliance now constitutes the only significant Europe-wide opposition movement to the increasing federalism, and executive power grab, of the European Union.

However, viewers of Hungarian terrestrial television have been left deliberately ignorant of the momentous events that have been taking place in their country over the holiday weekend, which had been negotiated by Jobbik, the third largest party in the land.

Moreover it also seems that, one of the crucial reasons why Budapest was chosen as the venue for negotiations, namely that it represents the most significant incident so far in the deliberate repression of patriotic sentiment by vested interest laden government – in the form of the events of October 2006; is curiously deemed an irrelevance by the controllers of Hungarian state TV.

In fact, viewers of the main M1 TV channel’s news broadcasts on Friday would have witnessed that the mere seconds given to a cursory mention of Jobbik’s commemorative event (the ONLY one taking place in the centre of the country’s capital) were literally dwarfed a hundred fold by the coverage given to whether or not convicted paedophile, Roman Polanski, was to be extradited from Switzerland or not. Though of what interest by contrast, this would be to the average Hungarian citizen currently escapes us.

As everyone is aware, Friday marked the 20th anniversary of the creation of the modern Hungarian Republic; and therefore – in name at least – signalled the end of institutional Communism in Hungary. Isn’t it therefore time that the various terrestrial channels of Hungary shrugged of the control and influence of the two main parties, and stopped engaging in the kind of deliberate censorship by omission that would have found much more fitting a home in the pre-1989 Communist Hungarian People’s Republic?

In fact, in a warden message email sent to American citizens (predicatably ignorant that a great many such citizens present in Hungary at this time were ‘56 veterans) the U.S. State Department sought to warn its countrymen and women of the possibility of unrest in the city of Budapest (which thanks to the diligence of Morvai and the new Hungarian Guard thankfully did not materialize), urging them to keep abreast and informed of actual happenings by keeping an eye on local media… immediatey adding the sobriquet, “Good Luck!”

It is high time these channels were true to the requirements in their charters to their own nation, and perhaps started taking seriously their duty to tell their countrymen and women about what actually takes place within their own borders. It would certainly make for a pleasant change.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 08 Dec 2009 19:31 | #

Sándor Iványi, we know about Krisztina Morvai at this site.  Her way of responding to the Jews has been applauded here — see item #3 in “Today’s Quiz,” here:

http://majorityrights.com/index.php/weblog/comments/european_heritage/#c76969 .

I’m a huge fan of hers.


Posted by partnertarot on Sun, 26 Aug 2012 21:12 | #

Pretty! This has been a really wonderful article.
Thank you for providing this info.

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