KMac VDAREs Again: Pending Open Discussion of Jewish Foundation of the Immigration Disaster? Over 3 years ago on VDARE, Kevin MacDonald convincingly labeled neoconservatism “Jewish”. The long wait for KMac’s next VDARE is over. This time he has hope for us: The long suppression of open discussion of the Jewish foundation of the immigration disaster may soon dissipate. I hope he is right but the problem with new openness about immigration is the fact that, just as they intended, Jews have complicated the politics of identity to the point that it may be difficult to openly discuss immigration as honestly as middle eastern policies. KMac does, however, true to form, make a convincing case. Comments:2
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 16:30 | # Voice, Canada will be the first to go under, followed probably by Sweden. The most northerly nations appear to be the most out-group sympathetic for reasons I don’t wholly understand. America will not be possible to save as a whole, though it has space which gives hope for a regrouping. I think it will be touch and go for France and, possibly, Holland. The rest, England included, will make it ... providing enough intelligent survivalism comes to the fore in the hour of need. 3
Posted by Matra on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 18:37 | # Canada will be the first to go under, followed probably by Sweden It’s possible but I doubt Canada will be first. Actually despite its political correctness Canada is safer than most places. Only about 14% of Canadians are “visible minorities” (plus 1% Jewish, 3% North American Indian). The black population alone in the US is almost that high. Unlike in the US the non-whites (not counting local Indians) are heavily concentrated around three cities. Though mass immigration is leading to a more spread out non-white population most parts of Canada have little contact with them. So the PC laws and non-white behaviour do not have much impact on the everyday lives of the vast majority outside of the greater Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver areas. Besides when it comes to PC I don’t believe Canada is as bad as the UK never mind Sweden or Belgium. I’m not saying all is rosy in the Great White North as we obviously have major problems and no First Amendment guarenteeing freedom of speech. But I think foreign right wingers, Americans in particular, exaggerate the looney leftness of Canada. I’d rather be in Canada over the next 50 years than the US or the English part of the UK. 4
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 18:48 | # So the PC laws and non-white behaviour do not have much impact on the everyday lives of the vast majority outside of the greater Toronto, Montreal, and Vancouver areas. More hopeful for Canada yet: These are all bordering with the US so the problem could be largely solved by simply ceding those metro areas to the US and constructing an impenetrable security perimeter around what’s left of Canada. 5
Posted by Voice on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 18:57 | # GW.. Ooops I forgot about Canada. You are right they will “go” first but in my mind I also think about a country’s ability to form stable ethnic enclaves-i.e. how much space they have both from a geographic, political and cultural perspective. For example, Although I rattle on about US and the lack of “freedom of association”, the country is so large geographically it adds complexity for government to micromanage. Also, although we(USA) have a centralized Educational system, we have more layers of beauracracy with states, independent school districts and some of the unknowning “sheeple” in the local educational system still hold the american attitude of liberty. I am sorry to offend but I don’t think this exists to the same extent in the UK. Hell, my English wife is still pissed that Thatcher took away her free bottle of milk-i.e. Socialist nanny state mentality. So, the UK does not have this advantage. Also, because I view the UK(I should say England) being defined by its southeast portion(or at least its Media, Finance and 80% of its business in M4 Corridor) In this sense, England is dying spirtually because its epicenter, London, is being turned into a multicultural hellhole that is killing part of the organic English soul. I didn’t even mention the Local council structure in the UK which are a rubber stamp many times for UK central govt political parties and policy. The tipping point for many European countries is much smaller (Holland, England , Belgium etc) than it is for the US and even Canada(although as above they are lacking the 1st amendment) This is a complex discussion with many different elements and considerations. 6
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 19:14 | # Matra, Voice, I take your points about America and Canada’s size. However, I still don’t see any will for self-defence among their European populations. American whites see blacks as equally American, and don’t have the buttress of an emotional jus sanguinis. England being small, the English must fight. We tend to be rather good at it too, especially the literal stuff if it comes to that - which it easily could. I talk to people about “the issue” pretty well everyday. Scatch the surface and, believe me, you will find someone who is already very, very angry. Naturally, they haven’t put all the pieces of the puzzle together yet. And they don’t want to be unpleasant to our vibrant new countrymen. But they are coming to the boil. It’s natural and there’s nothing the Establishment can do to stop it. All the prattle about integration is just going to make it worse. The pendulum has been swung too far and it is going to swing back. Italy is getting to be the same because Italians, God bless them, are unencumbered by emotional sublimation. Spain has its pride in post-Franco liberal democracy, and will take longer perhaps. We shall see how France feels on April 22nd. Generally, I am not without hope. I believe in us. 7
Posted by Voice on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 19:26 | # GW, You make some good points that I needed reminding of. The white guilt is virtually non-existent compared to the US in the UK. For example, I was back visiting gateshead last year and I was in a local store on the High Street. And two African refugees walked past the stores windows and the two women shop keepers said in front of a line full of locals-“eh, look at the niggers” Everyone laughed and no one was offended. That illustrates a fact that the UK govt must be shaking in their boots. How do we brainwash our populace in 10 years what took half a century in the US without the history of slavery, indians or colonialism? 8
Posted by Sal on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 00:49 | # I read MacDonald’s article and it brougt up this question in my mind. All this immigration is very harmful to Jews, as least as I see it. Letting lots of muslims into your nation is not a good idea if you are a Jew (or anybody else). The American political class is also very mercenary. They will follow the votes. The blacks are in the process of being thrown under the bus in favor of hispanics. Muslims are increasing in numbers in the US and they have lots of kids. I doubt that they will give up their savage ways and hatred of Jews (not to mention anybody else who is not part oif the umma). Look for more politicans to pander for muslim votes. The muslims are already strong in Michigan. A muslims was elected to Congress from Wisconsin (by idiot white leftists and race traitors, to be sure, but he is a muslim none the less). 9
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 01:08 | # Yes, getting back to yesterday’s KMac VDare piece, it’s a fact of life that Kevin has to wait for “the other boot to drop” at a humble anti-immigration website. Jonah Goldberg, meanwhile, can prosecute his intra-racial war against the too talkative Wesley Clark and Matthew Iglesias on the front page of the LA Times. In the same vein, we have the internet to expound an alternative to European dessication. Tonight Harriet Harman, the sourpuss Solicitor General and Member of Parliament for vibrant Camberwell and Peckham, appeared on the BBC TV’s Question Time. Asked the inevitable question about Muslim extremism she trotted out a painfully gauche and predictable response. Yes, we must not only “celebrate difference” but also, of course, not forget those “British values” that unite us. Did anyone flatten her self-confidence with a devastating attack on the super-idiotic exhortation to celebrate Moslem-ness? Or the surreal idea that Moslems are united with us in a profound respect for those so-British virtues of tolerance, blah, openness, blah, blah? Of course not. The other panel members let her get away with it, and the questioners in the audience were, as usual, capable of nothing more than the most pointless wittering. I am pretty certain that the political class is, by and large, bloody useless actually. By dint of the fact that it isn’t allowed to discuss the great questions seriously, as Kevin says, it has grown very sloppy. They really couldn’t survive against a few rounds of accurate fire from a radical-right direction. But they don’t have to. 10
Posted by Euroman on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 01:12 | # Free association might have a better chance of being reinstated if, at local levels, we could hire and provide services to our own, and regain energy independence. 11
Posted by Voice on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 03:10 | # Euroman, You are right , of course. Unfortunately, White elites are not going to put their money where they mouth is any time soon. We have to build an alternative economy that racially conscious whites will buy goods from. This could be a huge growth industry(in multiple sectors) and we could regain control by building political influence via the dollar/euro. This is why I am concerned more about non-free speech countries because could you even do this outside of the US? To clarify , the model is to offer goods and services via a corporate entity whose explicit goal is to give back profits to non-profit organizations who work toward whites goal. Their is so much low hanging fruit that these industries could address-any everyday manufactured product that has become mass produced ironically in China. We brand as “Davinci” Fans/Brooms etc. There could be relabeled Washing detergent etc etc etc. Not to mention services like home security like ADT but for whites. The private corporation books could be open to the public and profits publicly allocated to whites causes-Can you see Jared Taylor standing with a big fat check? We could fund European White Legal rights in Europe as well as across the Euro settled nations. Hell, We could HQ in Bermuda and pay no fricking tax whatsoever!!! We subcontract distribution as many companies already do. This is the way forward and the only way out. We are dwindling in numbers but we still have 80% of the worlds spending power!!! 12
Posted by Euroman on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 08:10 | # Voice, “Unfortunately, White elites are not going to put their money where they mouth is any time soon.” With energy independence as an example if friends and I developed a process of converting biomass to fuel pellets using recycled equipment and Dave Gingery (, must the project be financed by elites? If my goal is to provide 220v/60Hz to a small (10 households) community of middle-class Whites and sell the surplus to the grid, must elites finance the construction of the community’s steam engine, turbine and substation? “We have to build an alternative economy that racially conscious whites will buy goods from. This could be a huge growth industry (in multiple sectors) and we could regain control by building political influence via the dollar/euro.” Agreed. However, I think WN engineers and technicians should provide – to WN communities - technical information free of charge, apprenticeship training at cost, equipment built from recycled materials and installations for cost plus a fixed, nominal profit for R&D purposes and to discourage speculation. We can provide energy services to non-WN communities, OTOH, for whatever price the ZOG-market will bear. 13
Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 08:21 | # KMac’s attempt to link these two issues is feeble, IMO. Carter embraced GWB’s immigration amnesty whole heartedly. Why do we care if Wes Clark,
or Matthew Yglesias
are assailed by their co-tribalist. 14
Posted by Euroman on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 08:33 | # Voice, “Although I would concede one point to the optimists struggling to stop this madness, it would be great if our fellow co-ethnics(90%+) even knew what was happening.” Perhaps I am naïve. I think 25%+ of White suburbians understand part of what is happening. If viable, 21st century communities are established in the north-northwestern USA and Canada where we are free of economic intimidation, increasing numbers of our co-ethnics will come to us. 15
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 08:40 | # Jimmy Carter is, I suppose, the latest unclutched straw for desperate, respectablilty-seeking Americans who wish to reclaim their nation without giving offence. Desmond is correct. 16
Posted by Rusty Mason on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 14:16 | # Euroman, Good ideas, good link (, thank you. There are many of us who “get it” and are unable to write books or articles, hold seminars, start newspapers, or have much of an influence on formal politics, yet are still searching for things they can do. A bit more self-sufficiency in food, energy, machinery, and education will go a long way to keeping us all healthy—ourselves, our families, and our communities. Better, it will keep our minds occupied with something productive as we watch this disaster unfold. 17
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 15:23 | # It’s good to hear such talk, Rusty. Our folk are very good at subsistence technologies given they aren’t cleared off their land by parasitic tax systems such as those in place. When the system falls apart, the biggest problem we will have is undoing the land clearances/urbanization of the 20th century. If there is no leadership on this issue, when the system falls apart it will be necessary to go to war against local sheriff’s departments who insist on defending the “property rights” of the entities that own the largest blocks of agriculturally productive land. Hopefully, by then, the local sheriff’s departments will have figured out that the large land holders were part of the problem that brought civilization down. If there is leadership on this issue, it will take the form of something like replacement of taxes on economic activity with an economic rent tax (rate = risk free interest rate) on non-subsistence assets. That will quickly reverse the clearances by not taxing subsistence assets—as indeed they should not be since people would acquire those assets by law-of-the-jungle if government did not exist. 18
Posted by Euroman on Fri, 02 Feb 2007 17:49 | # “There are many of us who “get it” and are unable to write books or articles, hold seminars, start newspapers, or have much of an influence on formal politics, yet are still searching for things they can do.” I’m not a web guy. Hate it, actually. What I’d like to see, however, is a WN website dedicated to breaking us free (or largely so) from ZOG-market dependence with legal, financial and political problems addressed and a huge technical section dedicated to energy independence, CNC machinery, equipment rehabilitation and cloning, material recycling, technical education, etc. I want to see copyright-free plans and booklets made available in pdf at no charge ( career direction provided to young men ((, and WN electrical & mechanical engineers and technicians supporting this effort. A web site of this nature will gather attention and show us to be doers rather than whiners. “Better, it will keep our minds occupied with something productive as we watch this disaster unfold.” I understand what you mean. Please remember that we can no longer treat this as a spectator sport. We must be agents of innovation and renewal. 19
Posted by salty pickle on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 14:42 | # They never really had muslims living within Isreal, they either kicked them out or placed them under strict control in Gaza and the West Bank. About 20% of the Israel’s population consists of Arab Muslims. Yes, 20% of the people living in Israel proper, with Israeli citizenship, are Muslims. The Israelis have evacuated Gaza and have only limited control over the West Bank. Get your facts straight. 20
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 15:12 | # The ‘salty pickle’ surely isnt disingenuous enough to imply that the 20% Arab population (not all of whom are Muslims, incidentally) enjoy equality under Israeli law with the Yahweh’s Chosenites. An Arab with Israeli citizenship cannot successfully apply for such status for a foreign spouse, whereas, of course, those great Hebrew promoters of international egalitarianism can import their racially cognate anthropoid refuse and pick up an Israeli passport quicker than you can say ‘Holohoax’. 21
Posted by Englander on Mon, 12 Feb 2007 16:00 | # If anyone has a (no BS) list of racist Israeli policy then I’d love to see it. Post a comment:
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Posted by Voice on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 16:14 | #
The saddest part of all is the strategy surrounding the opening of the floodgates via the 1965 immigration act is- it has worked beatifully.
We are in no position to turn this tide and we all know it. We have a slim chance of getting freedom of association reinstated(fat chance) Those that stay in urban environments(this include the whole beast including the burbs) will only react to one tragedy after another in the form of crime, intellectual humiliation in our schools and workplace, and complete loss of living space-hope our descendants like video games.
The only part that is open to interpretation is the race to see who gets their first, Europe or the USA. My bet is parts of Europe will be most ghastly first with the UK at the top of that unenviable list.
Although I would concede one point to the optimists struggling to stop this madness, it would be great if our fellow co-ethnics(90%+) even knew what was happening.