Know thy enemy

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 03 March 2021 18:39.

Reported at the end of last week in Summit News:

A poll conducted by Echelon has found that while Republican voters are concerned with issues such as illegal immigration, lack of police resources, and high taxes, Democrat voters’ top concerns are supporters of President Trump, racism, and discrimination against LGBTQ people.

What I found extraordinary about that is the sheer suggestibility of people who could adopt the immediate political dish of the day with such indiscriminate speed.  One expects the hyper-equalitarian messages running through all the mainstream media to have some impact on public opinion.  That is what they are there for.  But if this poll is correct, the typical white American leftist (and, by definition, white leftists everywhere, because the mentality is universal) seems to have no sheet anchor against the prevailing political winds, and vanishingly little intellectual curiosity.

Ordinarily, to be forced to such a judgement of one’s fellow man would be a depressing and regrettable state of affairs.  Should one not be more generous?  But these creatures are completely, pathologically obsessed with tearing down everything that belongs to our people and their way of life.  It’s not that they don’t care what damage they do.  They care very much.  The want to do all the damage they can, up to and including the removal of our race and all its peoples from the human future.  No one more deserves to have their motives and state of mind exposed to the withering light of day.

“If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself”

In a large part of these people, the explanation for their choices and behaviour very likely lies in misappropriated religious feeling.  They can’t be Christians, obviously.  Being Christian just doesn’t lend that too too desirable rebel street cred and, in any case, Christianity belongs to the past of gentleness and decency, and the virtues of family and home, all of which, obviously, are anathema to radical equalitarians.  Nevertheless, most are going to be in possession of expressed genes for faith (as are perhaps two-thirds of northern Europeans).  They have to believe in something, even if they bravely consider themselves to be terribly rational and superior humanists or even atheistic Marxists; and they are going to believe in it violently.  They just can’t acknowledge the religious nature of that belief themselves.

In no small sense, that something they believe is the essence of the Judaic instruction to the gentile as it works itself out in the Christ cult.  Liturgically, its moral hysteria and narcissistic focus runs out approximately as follows:

I am Equality, hallowed be my name.  My kingdom come, my will be done on earth, as it is in the Democrat Party.  And the Labour Party.  And in antifa and BLM.  Giveth me my daily opportunity to forgive thee nothing and delivereth thee from the evil of racism and hate and whiteness and the disdaining of men in dresses.  For mine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory (especially the power and the glory).  For ever and ever.  Amarx.

One shouldn’t really laugh at the afflicted, of course.  Religious misappropriation is dangerous, its puritanical certainty and its self-ascribed licence to act as it pleases without any obvious moral framework or stopping point is frightening.  Hence when it attaches itself to a suitably unnatural and divisive equalitarian cause or to “the struggle” against some reactionary hate object, there is no real way of knowing how much violence and spite it will channel.  It does not matter that its arguments are circular, its certainties self-proving, its justifications hypocritical self-deceptions.  It does not matter that equality does not and cannot exist in Nature, and therefore in humanity, and that cause is a total waste of everybody’s time.  It does not matter that there is no Marx Factor whirring away inside the human brain, cross-checking with flawless efficiency over the mountains and deserts and oceans to make quite sure that no one with white skin has evolved a difference above the neck or below the belt from someone with black or brown or yellow skin.  It does not matter that being a man or a woman is not a personal choice because, y’know, you can’t choose your chromosomes.  It does not matter that reproductively whole men and women, in whom the future of humanity is vested, are not equal to the reproductively disabled “letter people”.  None of it matters because it’s religion.  It’s all just a desperate, pathetically immature faith-rebellion in the maximally damaging cause of a relativistic universe voided of all annoyingly “white” and “masculine” absolutes like reality, facts, truth and, especially, inheritance.  Would that these strange political animals had all been traditional Christians after all.  At least then they wouldn’t have done anything more harmful than haunt the High Street every Saturday to bother perfectly innocent, otherwise busy people about Jehovah and salvation.

The next question as to why leftists should desire to drag us all into such a weird and destructive universe now arises.  Misappropriated faith does not answer that.  But, of course, a damaged psyche does.

“Do it to Julia”

In our age of peace in Europe damage to the human personality is, in the main, inflicted by the modern demands of urban society.  Developmental psychologists call the incorporation of all the culture’s ordered meanings and strictures into the mind and personality as “socialisation”.  But we are ethnic nationalists, and for us the psychologists’ way of doing things immediately speaks of a rather odd neutrality towards “society”, as if it is a fixed and inevitable entity that simply is and must be as it is.  Well, we can critique it.  We can assay those meanings and strictures for signs of excessive artifice in the business of being human in the urban and industrial environments.  We can identify social atomisation and self-alienation.  We can look for the consequences of Roy Jenkins’ liberal divorce reform of the 1960s, with its arrogant and utterly careless treatment of the nuclear family and the mental stability of children raised in sub-optimal home settings.  We can look for culture shock among white working-class children forced into classes filled with the racially alien Other, where they are taught that to be white is to bear an inborn political criminality that can never be got out and must be acknowledged to the world by way of a permanent posture of existential cringe.  We can appreciate the immensity of the task which politics has made, and is making still, for white children to socialise successfully, and we can ask ourselves what happens to those who don’t.  What happens to the children who, perfectly understandably, do not arrive in adulthood with a healthy cynicism for political authority (indeed, all power in this world, all sources of social and political dictate), and with sufficient inner separation from the racially alien, sufficient self-identity (however privately nurtured), sufficient self-preserving and self-affirming esteem to handle later life well?

The answer is that failing children, of whom so much was asked and who could not accomplish the feat of giving to the ideologically abusive New Caesar what is apparently Caesar’s ... those children will be beaten down by the non-possible and profoundly oppressive equalitarian expectations they were given to internalise.  The resulting inner conflict, scarring and irresolvable, impels these unhappy prisoners of the left of liberalism to model in their own lives every dictate, every abuse in a vain bid to do as they were told and make the world in the abuser’s image. It’s a pavlovian response, but that way, finally, Caesar will be served.  That way those who had failed will make themselves successes, and those who had succeeded will be made failures and, of course, sole bearers of the unbearable New Original Sin.  Heroes of the revolution now, and failures no more, pavlov’s dogs will be proved righteous and whole, and fit citizens of the Multicult.

So it is that they enter a world of their own personal, carefully targeted hatreds in which, for the first time in their lives, profit is in the offing.  For their hate is a tool now, a crow-bar, a sledgehammer for smashing down everything that belongs to the successful; and since success is normal none of its commonplaces can be left standing, not love, not kin, not freedom, not facts, not truth, not honesty.  Certainly not honesty.  If questioned by some impertinent psychologist the vandals claim a penchant for the novel, doncha know.  But, really, it is the joy of destruction.  They claim to be rebels, soldiers against the Establishment.  But actually they are the ultimate conformists.  They do everything they possibly can to conform.  They claim that they alone are morally pure, and inveighing against the New Original Sin is what the morally pure must do.  But, really, every dehumanisation they visit upon their true and loyal kin, every kick to the head is only a projection of their own hatred and a demonstration of their own ineradicable deficiency.

It’s a madman’s justice, then.  A devil’s salvation.  But most of all, it’s a way to power.  Remember that when you are next confronted with one of these base creatures.  Remember their essential powerlessness and self-contempt.  Yes, they hate you and call you the hater, but only because they cannot bear their own reality.  For the same reason they make a pretence of humanity and compassion.  But they want their own people gone.  There is nothing lower than that.  But, then, they are very small beings desperately striving to become very powerful.  We may never cure them of that need, but we sure as hell have to stop them from attaining it.




Posted by Thorn on Thu, 04 Mar 2021 01:25 | #

Brilliant, GW. Your take is almost exactly how I see the situation. Seriously!


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 04 Mar 2021 09:58 | #

Glad it entertained you, Thorn.  It was written for the Patriotic Alternative site, hence the knockabout quality.  Should appear there in few days.  The first one I did for PA, back in December:

... caused a bit of a kerfuffle on Twitter with a Guardianista lady, apparently.


Posted by Ben Tillman on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 17:29 | #

Well said, GW.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 09 Mar 2021 23:53 | #

Ben!  How good to hear from you again after all these years.  I hope you are well and in the fight.


Posted by Ben Tillman on Wed, 10 Mar 2021 03:45 | #

I am definitely in the fight.  I would say I am consumed by it, but I do still have time for my wife and children. 

I checked out circa 2008 when presented with an Obama-McCain matchup, and shortly thereafter my wife and I were finally blessed with a child.  My reading and intellectual inquiry stopped therupon.

But how fascinating the last five years have been!  I have spent plenty of time arguing like a lawyer about the fantastic attacks on Trump.  How many dozens or hundreds of shocking episodes of mendacity did we observe in the press and from the deep state and other power centers?  One can hardly begin to attempt to recount them all.  At the moment I’m inclined to say that The Lancet’s publication of a completely fake anti-HCQ “study” took the cake, but there are so many strong candidates!

Nevertheless, by my reckoning, we are better off now than I would have predicted 13 years ago.  And there is something observably happening to reconstruct politics in this country.  I amay get involved with the push and pull on the ground!

How are you?




Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 10 Mar 2021 05:26 | #

Mr Tillman , if memory serves you are a Texan.  The creme de la creme of the US in my not so humble opinion.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 10 Mar 2021 13:10 | #

“Nevertheless, by my reckoning, we are better off now than I would have predicted 13 years ago.  And there is something observably happening to reconstruct politics in this country.”

Say what?!?!?

By my reckoning we are demonstrably worse off than we were 13 years ago.

The biggest takeaway from the Trump presidency was it revealed just how powerful the opposition to the status quo is. The merger of big tech, big “woke” business, Hollywood, big media, Madison ave., and big government (DC Swamp/DeepState) rendered Trump virtually ineffectual and powerless. Everything he accomplished during his presidency was promptly reversed by Biden with several strokes of the pen. Namely via scores of EOs.

By nearly all measures, White Americans are in a much worse position than they were 13 years ago.

H.R. 1 plus the forthcoming amnesty of 16 to 30 million illegals plus open borders adds up to permanent DemonRat control of all three branches - and by extension all bureaucracies/departments/agencies—of the Federal Government.

Please prove me wrong!


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 10 Mar 2021 22:45 | #

I very much agree, Thorn.  There is, though, some advantage for us in the more sophisticated understanding we now have to hand of the forces aligned against Europeans in all our living spaces.  We know that, broadly speaking and allowing for the inevitable overlap, the US scene sees the technocracy allied with the Deep State and with one part of the global elites; while Wall Street and probably the greater part of organised Jewry allies with the Washington Establishment and the other dateline corporates (arms industry, Big Pharma, oil industry, etc).  We know that antifa and BLM are, for all intents and purposes, Deep State assets.  China is important to both sides of the equation.  We know that at present the technocracy has a more coherent and deliverable scheme for the human future, while the other side’s long-run and less direct strategy of debtification, internationalism, and population change has lost ground to it.  The Reset and transhumanism looks a more likely future at this point than Olam Ha-ba, assuming there are meaningful differences.

We also know in a far more graphic way how brazen and criminal the whole body of the elite is.  They have killed democracy, the Constitution and the Republic.  They are content to kill the economy.  White Americans can be under no more illusions that help is going to come from any source external to themselves.  What we do not yet know is whether they will find some way to fight for their rights and freedoms and their country.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 10 Mar 2021 22:47 | #

Ben, do you know what happened to our mutual friend wintermute?  You seemed close to him, and you both dropped out of sight at more or less the same time.  I know his health was not good.  I had a feeling that he had passed away.


Posted by Ben Tillman on Thu, 11 Mar 2021 03:42 | #

By my reckoning we are demonstrably worse off than we were 13 years ago.

That’s not responsive to my point that we are better off than I expected.


Posted by Ben Tillman on Thu, 11 Mar 2021 03:47 | #

GW, I believe Wintermute is still somewhere in DFW.  It’s been three or four years since we spoke, but at your prompting I texted him just now.

Yes, Al, I am in Texas.  I love it.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 11 Mar 2021 12:36 | #

Ben Tillman @10

Okay then. Obviously 13 years ago you had a vision of the conditions we’d be living in today. What did you think it’d be like? Gulag Archipelago?

Whether we’d like to admit or not, whites are in a VERY perilous position. In America whites have become the focus of hate and derision. The narrative states “whiteness” stands in the way of achieving the Left’s vision of a multicultural/multiracial utopia. As you are are probably well aware, Noel Ignatiev explained the Left’s anti-whiteness agenda decades ago. 

Secondly, since you live in Texas you should be well aware your state is about to go the way of California. That is to say it’s about to turn blue.

I need not remind you in the 2018 Senate race the flakiest of flaky liberals, Beto O’Rourke, came within 2.5 percentage points of beating the very popular and solid conservative, Ted Cruz. In 2020 Trump beat out Biden by only 4.5 points. In my humble estimation Texas will be solidly blue by 2028. Demographic trends dictate such.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 11 Mar 2021 15:02 | #

“White Americans can be under no more illusions that help is going to come from any source external to themselves.  What we do not yet know is whether they will find some way to fight for their rights and freedoms and their country.”—GW

I can only hope and pray for some answers. The only meager idea I can come up with is to rebrand White Nationalism and come up with some effective slogans and catch phrases so as to make it popular amongst the masses. Something similar to the strategy Dominic Cummings—along with Cambridge Analytics—used to achieve a successful outcome of the Brexit referendum.

It will take a group of well funded creative marketing geniuses to reverse the West’s anti-White culture.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 12 Mar 2021 00:57 | #

Is it the case Benny boy is too much of a snowflake to respond?

C’mon Ben say sumptin’


Posted by Ben Tillman on Fri, 12 Mar 2021 14:19 | #

Okay then. Obviously 13 years ago you had a vision of the conditions we’d be living in today. What did you think it’d be like?

I expected that the legalization of the millions of illegals inhabiting this country would have occurred by now, for one thing.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 12 Mar 2021 15:15 | #

“I expected that the legalization of the millions of illegals inhabiting this country would have occurred by now,”

I expected that too, Ben. I think their plan was to grant a path to citizenship during the Hillary presidency but Trump came along and upset their applecart. They could’ve granted amnesty to all the illegals during the first half of Obama’s administration but I think the Democrat strategists/advisors thought such a move might have reflected bad on the first Negro president thus they postponed their plans. Now that Biden is pres and the Dems control both the House and Senate, it’s almost a sure bet an 8 year path to citizenship will be granted to virtually all illegals. Biden already promised to do just that during his first 100 days in office. In any event the Dems know they must act before the 2022 elections. Odds are the 2022 election will result in the GOP regaining control of the House.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 14 Mar 2021 23:27 | #

This young mother is describing an example of the kind of evil shit that follows after Christian teachings are vilified and eschewed..


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 15 Mar 2021 00:15 | #



Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 15 Mar 2021 03:47 | #

Word - The Jewish Deity is on your side :


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 15 Mar 2021 03:59 | #

Ben , some years ago Wintermute , faced with the inevitability of unfavourable demographics , mused upon the unwelcome prospect of exiting the Lone Star State . It is encouraging to note that he is still there.  The locality of his online presence has escaped me but the posted content of his towering intellect has not.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 15 Mar 2021 11:58 | #

@ 19

Those orgs amount to a bunch of deceitful crypto-Marxists and fags operating under the banner of Catholicism. It’s been obvious for a very long time the Church has been thoroughly infiltrated by Marxists and homos. Obviously they’re intent on corrupting and destroying Catholicism, Western civ., and the White race—not promoting or preserving it.

They are not on my side.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 15 Mar 2021 16:08 | #

The “liberal bishops” referred to in the article below may serve as examples of the crypto-Marxists, gay-rights activists and pedos who’ve infiltrated the Church and are now subverting it.

Vatican Rules Out Blessings for Same-Sex Relationships
Francis X. Rocca - 2h ago

ROME—The Vatican on Monday forbade blessings of same-sex relationships, contradicting calls for the practice by progressive bishops in Germany and elsewhere, and setting a limit to the conciliatory approach to gay people that has marked Pope Francis’ pontificate.

The Vatican’s doctrinal office, in a document personally approved by Pope Francis, said it wasn’t permissible for clergy to pronounce blessings on any relationship outside of marriage between a man and a woman.

The document reaffirms Catholic teaching on marriage and sexuality when several liberal bishops, including the head of the German Catholic bishops’ conference, have called for blessing same-sex couples in committed relationships. Priests in Germany have widely blessed such couples for years, as have clergy in some other parts of Northern Europe.

Such blessings are wrong, the Vatican said on Monday, because they would seem “to approve and encourage a choice and a way of life that cannot be recognized as objectively ordered to the revealed plans of God,” adding that God “does not and cannot bless sin.”
The Catechism of the Catholic Church, an official handbook of teaching, states that “homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered,” the inclination to perform them is “objectively disordered” and “under no circumstances can they be approved.” But the catechism also states that gay people “must be accepted with respect, compassion and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided.”


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 18 Mar 2021 12:19 | #

This is shaping up to be Simpson-Mazzoli on steroids. And what’s to stop it?!?

House to Vote on Bills That Provide Citizenship Path to Illegal Immigrants

The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives is set to vote on Thursday on two immigration bills that would provide a citizenship path for illegal immigrants, and legal status for immigrant farmworkers.

House Democratic Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) told reporters that the House would take up the two immigration bills on Thursday after they cleared a procedural hurdle on Tuesday.

Neither bill was taken up in the Senate when it had a Republican majority. With Democrats now holding narrow control of the upper chamber, they hope to be able to attract some Republican support.

The American Dream and Promise Act would offer a pathway to citizenship to those who entered the country illegally as children and are currently living in the United States, also known as “Dreamers.” The same bill would also help immigrants in the country who received temporary migration protections. The bill is sponsored by Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.).
An estimated 4.4 million illegal immigrants could become eligible for permanent residence if the bill is passed, according to the Migration Policy Institute. In 2019, seven Republicans joined 230 Democrats in the House in voting for the bill.

The other immigration bill, the Farm Workforce Modernization Act, would provide illegal immigrant agricultural workers a path to legal status, and make the H-2A guestworker program more flexible for employers. The bill is sponsored by Rep. Zoe Lofgren (D-Calif.) and has a Republican co-sponsor, Rep. Dan Newhouse (R-Wash.). It passed the House in 2019 with the support of 34 Republicans.

Hoyer said on Tuesday: “These two bills are not the fix, but they are [a] fix to part of the problem. But we need to pass comprehensive immigration reform and we’re going to do so in the coming months.”


his bill models closely Biden’s sweeping proposal he sent to Congress on his first day in office. It would provide an eight-year pathway to U.S. citizenship for an estimated 11 million illegal immigrants in the country. Its lead sponsors are Sen. Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) and Rep. Linda Sanchez (D-Calif.).

The bill does not offer any enhanced border security, which past immigration negotiations have used as a way to win Republican votes. The bill would need the support of at least 10 Republicans in the Senate to pass. [ Thorn note: If the Dems eliminate the filibuster rule then a simple majority can pass the bill. 50 Dem votes plus the Vice President casting the 51st vote to break the tie]



Posted by Thorn on Sat, 20 Mar 2021 23:30 | #

Mitch McConnell’s Defense of the Filibuster Reveals the Establishment GOP’s Scam

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has been mounting a spirited defense of the filibuster in the face of Democratic efforts to permanently eliminate it.

For the sake of avoiding disastrous left-wing policies, Republicans should support that effort. But McConnell’s efforts to sustain the filibuster also expose the establishment GOP’s scam to keep its hold on power without delivering a thing for its base.



Posted by Thorn on Sun, 21 Mar 2021 12:17 | #

The Chinese neologism Baizuo is catching on and is starting to make Western “elites”—and by extension ALL white-liberals—uncomfortable ... and Thorn is loving it!!!!!!!!

Chinese derogatory social media term for ‘white left’ Western elites spreads
By Qu Qiuyan

Chinese social media term for ‘white left’ Western elites spreads
Baizuo, a derogatory term in Mandarin that refers to the “leftist elites” in the West, has become increasingly popular among China’s netizens, a phenomenon analysts ascribe to the public’s resentment against what they perceive as the superiority complex of the Western liberal elites and their ideological agenda against China.

Chinese netizens have long been using the term baizuo, literally meaning “white left” to ridicule the liberal elites in the West, but Fox News only picked up the topic on Tuesday after they read an article about it written by Zhang Chenchen, a PhD in political theory and science.

Baizuo refers to people who “only care about topics such as immigration, minorities, LGBT and the environment,” who “have no sense of real problems in the real world,” who only advocate for peace and equality to “satisfy their own feelings of moral superiority” and who are “obsessed with political correctness” that they “tolerate backward Islamic values for the sake of multiculturalism,” reads Zhang’s article published in on May 11.

The term baizuo is not limited to referring to the white liberal elites, as former US president Obama was considered as an advocate of baizuo ideology. According to Zhang, the Chinese public mentioned that baizuo first emerged to describe German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her decision to welcome more than 1 million third-world immigrants to Europe, which infringed upon Chinese people’s right to stay in Europe. Other terms like “holy mothers” have also been invented to ridicule Western politicians who welcome Muslim immigrants and help Islamicize Europe.

Hat tip to WRSA




Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 22 Mar 2021 02:21 | #

  Supernatural - believing Narcissists who refer to themselves in the Third person are the epitome of superego - nurturing, mental instability.

The Chinese are playing 3D chess while the Jew Blinken plays draughts .

As soon as the Israeli , Blinken, mentioned Chinese anti - Muslim measures , Wang Yi , China’s top foreign affairs minister should have countered with :  “Well Mr Israeli Citizen ( by operation of the Jewish state’s Law ) , may we emulate your treatment of the Muslims within your “shitty little country’s” unfortunate ambit ?


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 22 Mar 2021 11:54 | #

Fortunately for the Chinese they don’t display the foolish halfwitted idiocy that certain internet trolls do.

IOWs there is a time and a place for the Chinese to criticize Israel’s criminal treatment of the Palestinians, but a summit between the USA and China isn’t the appropriate setting. DUH!

That said Thorn is well aware the East Asians—particularly the Chinese—pose the greatest economic and military threat to the White race than any other nation.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 22 Mar 2021 13:49 | #

The CCP doesn’t need to forcefully overthrow the West, they can patiently sit back and watch the
baizuo destroy their own nations.

The baizuo are the most insidious existential threat the West faces ... and both the Chinese and Russian leadership know it ... thus they’re exploiting it!

Michael Anton Explains How America’s Elites Played Into China’s Hands


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 22 Mar 2021 14:14 | #

The CCP doesn’t need to forcefully overthrow the West, they can patiently sit back and watch the
baizuo destroy their own nations.

The baizuo are the most insidious existential threat the West faces ... and both the Chinese and Russian leadership know it thus they’re using it to their advantage!

Michael Anton Explains How America’s Elites Played Into China’s Hands


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 22 Mar 2021 14:40 | #

The CCP doesn’t need to forcefully overthrow the West, they can patiently sit back and watch the
baizuo destroy their own nations.

The baizuo are the most insidious existential threat the West faces ... and both the Chinese and Russian leadership know it thus they’re exploiting it!

Michael Anton Explains How America’s Elites Played Into China’s Hands


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 22 Mar 2021 14:41 | #

The CCP doesn’t need to forcefully overthrow the West, they can patiently sit back and watch the
baizuo destroy their own nations.

The baizuo are the most insidious existential threat the West faces ... and both the Chinese and Russian leadership know it thus they’re exploiting it! The Chinese demonstrated that during the Alaska meeting.



Posted by Thorn on Mon, 22 Mar 2021 14:42 | #

Michael Anton Explains How America’s Elites Played Into China’s Hands


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 23 Mar 2021 13:33 | #

Andrew Joyce’s excellent critique of Nathan Cofnas shoddy and distorted critique of KMac’s work.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 24 Mar 2021 03:25 | #

Wang Yi :  “Have a look at his Mr Blinken   ( ) and tell me again why China should not strictly control Muslim activities. “

Also , only a simpleton would fondly imagine that China is waiting for an apposite time and place to criticize Israel’s treatment of Muslims.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 24 Mar 2021 11:21 | #

”[t]ell me again why China should not strictly control Muslim activities.”

Tell you again???

I never suggested that in the first place.

Does the halfwittery from Al the troll even cease?

Apparently not.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 24 Mar 2021 11:34 | #

Words in inverted commas are quotes and these words which you mistakenly believe I attributed to you were part of a speculative speech on the part of Wang Yi .  Most idiots could have understood this but you are clearly exceptional.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 24 Mar 2021 11:43 | #

Okay, I see my mistake there. Duly noted. 

But identifying you as a troll is 100% accurate.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 24 Mar 2021 11:49 | #

It goes without saying , or should , that your opinion is of no moment and only that of the blog owner is worthy of attention.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 24 Mar 2021 12:04 | #

Then I suggest when you see any of my comments ignore them and skip on by.

But are trolls capable of doing that?

It remains to be seen.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 24 Mar 2021 12:37 | #

Biden pushes House-passed gun reforms in the wake of Colorado mass shooting

Thorn note: Colorado already has practically everything the Left is asking for:
- Universal background checks
- Red Flag gun seizure laws
- High capacity magazine bans
- A passing gun control grad from @ GiffordsCourage

And it still didn’t stop a Muslim whack-job like Ahmed Al-Issa from murdering 10 Americans

Bottom line:

The biazuo (Mainly comprised of white leftist elites) won’t be satisfied until they confiscate all the guns from law-abiding white Americans.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 24 Mar 2021 13:28 | #

[Biazuo] Biden reverses Trump’s travel ban targeting Muslim-majority countries

“President Biden, in one of his first moves in office, reversed the immigration restriction put in place by the Trump administration covering five Muslim-majority nations — Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen ....”



Posted by Thorn on Thu, 25 Mar 2021 14:10 | #

Greenwald: Stop weaponizing security state for political ends…

...“to the Department of Homeland Security, an “extremist” is anyone who opposes the current prevailing ruling class”…


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 25 Mar 2021 14:32 | #

The anti-white radicals are demonstrating just how insane they’ve become.

But, of course, the baizuo are fully on the side of the anti-white radicals. That’s by far the most troubling aspect of the West’s cultural and racial dissolution.

“Black diversity speaker sparks outrage among Philadelphia library staff after telling them to avoid terms like ‘white supremacy’ and ‘white privilege’ because people of color can cause harm too.”


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 27 Mar 2021 15:54 | #

The DF-21D is a hypersonic anti-ship missile provides a “bubble of protection” that spans a 1,200 mile radius. U.S.A.‘s carrier battle groups can project power no further than 500 to 600 miles. That is how China rendered the U.S.A Navy ineffective and venerable. In a word the Navy is, at its present state, obsolete.

How a Chinese missile turned US military strategy on its head

Now read this:

Inside The Global Race To Build Killer Robot Armies

There are AI-assisted weapons already in use, but they still require a human operator to confirm targets and order the kill. That is changing.

If any major military power pushes ahead with AI weapon development, a global arms race is virtually inevitable. … Unlike nuclear weapons, they require no costly or hard-to-obtain raw materials, so they’ll become ubiquitous and cheap. …

Autonomous weapons are ideal for tasks such as assassinations, destabilizing nations, subduing populations, and selectively killing a particular ethnic group. We therefore believe that a military AI arms race would not be beneficial for humanity.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 28 Mar 2021 14:20 | #

The other day I happened to hear a part of a news broadcast in which Vladimir Putin stated Russia and the USA are genetically and culturally different.  This morning I did a search trying to locate that news story but was unsuccessful. During my search I ran across this interesting piece: Putin is Right About America by Selwyn Duke.  It was written 7 years ago but it’s more relevant today than it was back in 2014. Moreover what Putin is saying concurs with what Pat Buchanan asserts in his book Suicide of a Superpower - in which Mr. Buchanan “traces the disintegration of the USA to three historic changes: America’s loss of her cradle faith, Christianity; the moral, social, and cultural collapse that have followed from that loss; and the slow death of the people who created and ruled the nation.”

Putin is Right About America
by Selwyn Duke February 3, 2014

At a time when Western leaders are mostly or completely in bed with militant secularism and sexual Marxism, the Russian president may now be viewed, rightly or wrongly, as the political world’s premier defender of traditionalism. Consider as well that, just as countless black youths shun education and higher culture for fear of “acting white,” there was a time when Russia’s desire to oppose a Christian, free-market West kept it stuck in Marxism’s amber. But what will Russia be pushed toward as it opposes a post-Christian, increasingly socialist West? Should this dynamic continue, it will be interesting to see if Russia moves toward virtue and prospers as we descend into vice and wither.

And wither we will unless we do a pivot back toward traditionalism. Like the pathological adulterer who is dishonest in business but whose only New Year’s resolution is to work out more, civilizations rarely identify their true problems. Our hate-America-first crowd complains about national transgressions ranging from the illusory to the exaggerated to the extinct, but our real problem is that virtue in America is endangered, as we celebrate the victory of vice. And if we don’t, as Kirill I said, stop the ignorance-born “isms,” as they will stop the heart of the West — for good.





Posted by Thorn on Sun, 28 Mar 2021 14:52 | #

As perhaps history’s most famous atheist, Friedrich Nietzsche understood that the death of Christian morality would usher in moral relativism and social breakdown. This truth is now largely ignored in an increasingly atheistic West, but it has found an unlikely — and, some would say, incredible — ally in Russian president Vladimir Putin.

Making the traditional concept of virtue a recent but recurring theme of his presidency, Putin has of late criticized the West for being decadent and godless. As the Washington Times reported this past Tuesday, “‘Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values,’ Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a recent keynote speech. ‘Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation.’”

Oh, how the worm has turned.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 28 Mar 2021 15:24 | #

Found it.

Putin wishes Biden ‘good health’ after he calls Putin a killer

Russian President Vladimir Putin wished President Biden “good health” after Biden agreed Putin was a killer during an interview on ABC News.

“I would say to him: I wish you good health,” Putin said, according to Bloomberg News.

The comments came during a televised video conference in celebration of Russia’s annexation of Crimea, according to the news outlet. Putin said that Russia would have to work with the U.S. on its common interests despite their differences.

“Although they think we are the same as them, we are different people, we have a different genetic and cultural-moral code,” Putin said, according to Bloomberg. “But we know how to defend our own interests, and we will work with them but in those areas in which we are interested and on terms we consider favorable for us. And they will have to reckon with that.”

During the ABC News interview, George Stephanopoulos asked Biden if he thought Putin was a killer, Biden said “I do.”



Posted by mancinblack on Sun, 28 Mar 2021 16:39 | #

Meanwhile, Russia’s population decline speeds up…


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 28 Mar 2021 17:43 | #

Here in the USA, starting in the year 2013, white deaths began to outnumber white births yet the overall population of US citizens is growing by leaps and bounds. Of course the population increase is due to non-white immigration ... and thanks to current immigration policies there is no end in sight.  Race replacement is continuing apace.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 28 Mar 2021 18:06 | #

Well worth the read - or reread.

Ethnic Genetic Interests

The scientific basis for racial activism.

by Michael Rienzi


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 28 Mar 2021 22:03 | #

This helps explain Russia’s demographic decline after the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Russia’s demography is a case apart


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 29 Mar 2021 23:24 | #

The obvious problem conservatives are facing is their lack of real power. The Left exercises REAL power, while conservatives’ power is illusory. (Sadly WN power is nonexistent and will remain so if it can’t increase its numbers. There is strength in numbers and unfortunately WN numbers are small in number and/or even decreasing.)

At any rate, the very respected scholar, Angelo Codevilla, proposes a prescription for undermining the power of the oligarchs: “Don’t wait for the oligarchy to let you in. Just walk away.”

Given the demographic reality in the USA it may be too late for Mr. Codevilla’s tactic but I’ve yet to hear better ideas than his.

A couple pull quotes-

“…In the first few months of 2021, it is clear that widespread compliance with institutions and leading personages on which the American system of government has long rested is no longer possible. The oligarchy exercises all earthly powers. Its theophobia dismisses heaven’s. It substitutes “narratives” for truth. Because its members internalized the assumption that reason is simply what Hobbes called a scout for the passions, what Marx said is superstructural to material reality, and what the woke call “logism,” it has placed itself beyond the reach of argument. It can neither admit those it deems deplorable to real citizenship— never mind to society’s commanding heights—nor can it set bounds to the next round of exactions and humiliations that, having ditched persuasion, it must visit upon them…”

“Not so long ago, government power was the only threat to the First Amendment. But oligarchy’s essence is precisely the blurring and blending of public and private power.”



Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 30 Mar 2021 04:24 | #

The ancient homeland - focused , Europeans like , dare I say , GW, and of course myself do not care what happens to the USA . It was won by military conquest and is now almost lost by cupidity and stupidity.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 30 Mar 2021 11:11 | #

Al, I would, in fact, like to see a white homeland established on the North American continent (a) for the reasons David Lane stated and (b) so that we have a non-white region which can accommodate those among our own immigrant populations who desire not to return to their forefathers’ land.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 30 Mar 2021 11:43 | #

I hate to remind you, if current demographic trends continue, the UK will be majority non-white by no latter than 2066. By the end of the 21st century native Europeans will be a minority in nearly all of Europe.  We WNs here in America are greatly concerned about that.

At this point in time, placing hopes there will be a white homeland in North America amounts to a pipe dream. The antiwhite culture here is too strong to allow such a thing. Of course unforeseen events could change the course we’re currently on; but if things progress on its current path a white homeland is not a possibility.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 02 Apr 2021 18:03 | #

Freed traitor Jonathan Pollard stabs America in the back once again…

…claimed he was only prosecuted because of anti-Semitism…

Pollard defended leaking U.S. military secrets to Israel during an interview with 60 Minutes in 1988 by suggesting America was to blame for the Holocaust and claiming he was only prosecuted because of anti-Semitism.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 05 Apr 2021 16:32 | #

So the guru of postmodernism, the godfather of “wokeism”, Michael Foucault, was a pedo?

I am shocked, shocked I tell you!!!!


French postmodernist philosopher Michel Foucault, whose writings have become central in modern woke ideology, has been accused of sexually abusing children as young as eight-years-old while living in Tunisia during the 1960s.

Despite Foucault’s self-professed Marxist leanings, Sorman said that his behaviour in real life was indicative of French elitism, noting that Foucalt “believed there were two morals, one for the elite, which was immoral, and one for the people, which should be restrictive.”

“He thought his arguments gave him permission to do whatever he wanted.”

“France is still not a democracy, we had the revolution, proclaimed a republic but there’s still an aristocracy, it’s the intelligentsia, and it has had a special status. Anything goes,” Sorman said, suggesting that now “the world is suddenly changing.”

Thorn note: The double standards practiced in the USA are glaringly obvious. Case in point: The DoJ/FBI all but exonerated Hillary Clinton —and are working to give both Joe and Hunter Biden passes on the corruption they are/were involved in. Compare that to how the FBI is prosecuting-imprisoning Trump supporters on minor charges ... and using the flimsiest and or fabricated evidence in order to get convictions.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 07 Apr 2021 00:17 | #

Pull quote “A known fact about population dynamics is if you can get 5 to 8% of the population agitating for something [“wokeism” and CRT] its enough to flip the majority.”

Thorn note: And it’s especially easy to flip the majority when most in the ruling-class are true believers in the religion of “wokeism”.

James Lindsay is a US academic with a background in math and physics. He co-authored the book Cynical Theories which takes a deep dive into the woke movement and its academic roots. Lindsay was also involved in the Grievance studies affair where a group of academics submitted fake papers for peer review to shine a light on poor standards and postmodernist ideas.

Lindsay speaks to The Sun’s Steven Edginton for Burning Questions.

‘Woke utopia’, the end of the West & a new cult - James Lindsay interview


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 07 Apr 2021 12:29 | #

The following article dovetails with my comment @ 58. It serves as example #5,891,845 of proof right-wing power is illusory; it’s illusory simply bc the republicans are either too cowardly or corrupt to fight back.

Now if the Republican Party is powerless against the “woke” mob, what chance does WN have of challenging the “woke” beast? I’ll tell you in no uncertain terms: WN actually feeds the beast; WN gives the anti-white beast more power and legitimacy than it would have if WN didn’t exist. If the anti-white Left wanted to undermine WN, they would infiltrate it and pose as extreme racist bigots, anti-Christian, anti-Semitic, conspiracy theorists, and purveyors of other irrational hatreds. But of course the Left doesn’t need to infiltrate, WNs are their own worst enemy. There are plenty of unwitting enemies within.

White Nationalism in its current state is a clusterfuck made up of desperate factions ranging from the ignorant, bizarre, and repugnant to serious respectable thinkers. Unfortunately the current collection of WN adherents is heavily weighted to the bizarre rather than the respectable side of the equation; thus WN adds up to a net negative. That’s why over that last several decades WN—aka der movement—has been losing ground rather than gaining it.


Republicans Must Take On “Woke Corporations” if They Want to Defeat The Globalist American Empire

They came so close. But like Charlie Brown trying to kick the football, you just knew they were going to blow it.

On the final day of the 2021 legislative session, the Georgia House passed legislation that would revoke major tax exemption for Delta Airlines, after the company intervened to protest the state’s new election law. For a brief moment, embers of hope were kindled in the hearts of nationalists. Were state-level Republicans finally breaking free from their subservience to woke megacorporations that despise and ridicule them?

Alas, no. Right after the Georgia House passed the bill, the state senate declined to even take it up. The measure died, and Georgia’s legislative sessions closed that night. Delta still has its big tax break. It was all for show.

This is why Republicans always lose. Instead of making corporate power serve the interests of the state and its people, they get the relationship backwards, and beg for scraps from companies that are openly allied with their enemies.

There is nothing extreme about the Georgia election reform bill. It bans the pseudo-bribery of voters by giving free food and drinks to those who arrive at polling stations. It cuts the state’s exhausting 9-week runoff period down to a more reasonable four weeks. And most importantly, the bill requires photo ID for voting absentee by mail, which doesn’t make fraud impossible but does make it substantially more burdensome to commit.

The bill is reasonable and restrained. It is far less ambitious than the bill Republicans initially hoped to pass. No matter. Democrats have summoned woke capital to threaten the state and treat it like apartheid-era South Africa for making moderate revisions to its election laws. Coca-Cola dutifully trashed the bill on Wednesday, and Delta did the same.

The only valid response to such threats is to put capital in its place. The people rule in Georgia, not woke corporations. But Georgia Republicans are too weak to do that.
Read more>>


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 07 Apr 2021 23:34 | #


Caitlyn Jenner may run for governor of California, according to new report

I hope the f’er runs and wins.

And why not? Western civ has already slouched below Gomorrah. Might as well get some laughs whilst watching the shit-show.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 08 Apr 2021 13:34 | #

Hmmm…... It seems Brad Griffin is on the same wavelength as Thorn. The only diff is Thorn believes WN has been—and currently is—detrimental to white interests. WN needs to be rebranded concomitant with a major overhaul.

H/T to Ted Sallis for highlighting Griffin’s assessment of the current state of WN.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 08 Apr 2021 23:12 | #

British Comedienne Sentenced to 4 months
April 8, 2021

ALISON Chabloz, a small-time British singer and comedienne, was recently sentenced to jail for criticizing “a vulnerable community.”
Pull quote - “The climate for open discussion and social criticism in Britain is virtually indistinguishable from third world totalitarian nations.”

Chabloz has been harassed for years for songs that allegedly “incite hatred.”

Somehow she keeps going. Here are some of her recent musical productions.


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 09 Apr 2021 07:32 | #

Wow , amazing. I may lead a sheltered life but I did not know that the sort of stuff Thorn posts was actually happening.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 10 Apr 2021 12:25 | #

Does Russia’s alinement with Asia matter to the future of the white race? I think it does.  The question is will it serve to save the white race or will it result in finishing it off. Well, it all depends on the foreign policy of the USA ... and to a lesser extent that of the EU. If the USA/EU alliance decides to go forward and foment a hot war with Russia, the white race will probably never recover. It’ll be done with, over, kaput. (Just my humble opinion, of course.)

The Curtain Has Drawn Down on America’s Day in the Sun

Andrei Martyanov

If Martyanov makes a mistake, it is assuming facts matter to deluded, exceptional, indispensable, hegemonic American policymakers—PCR

Here are few numbers, we’ll start with two: 447 million and 4.67 billion. These two numbers speak volumes, and are in the foundation of the America’s decline and increasingly irrational behavior which may, quoting Bachman Turner Overdrive’s famous hit, get us to the point of a proverbial ain’t seen nothing yet. The first number is a population of European Union, while the second one is a population of Asia. Asia’s population constitutes around 60% of all the world’s population. Second place in this count is taken by Africa, around 1.37 billion, and the third–by Latin America and Caribbean with respectable 659 million which is considerably larger still than the population of the European Union. The Northern America’s population is around 371 million, which in the larger scheme of things doesn’t look that impressive. In fact, it isn’t.


[t]here are some items which the United States manufactures today which are in demand, or, if one gets to the reality of it all, forcefully imposed on customers—America’s hugely overpriced and dubiously effective weapon systems. This is what remains of once America’s mighty industrial plant which could produce anything from socks and kitchen combines to good combat and excellent commercial aircraft. Today this capacity is no more, since it is China who is the world’s consumer goods main manufacturer, and the only way the United States is capable to secure any market for its weapons is to retain Europe, NATO that is, as its main customer and vassal. NATO will gladly (if not, color revolutions are a good tool for convincing those who have doubts) “buy” America’s weapons and “defense” of Europe, but America needs Europeans to believe that hordes of democracy-hating, only two-gender accepting, backward bearded Russian Ivans are ready to pounce to deny Europe her favorite values of a complete sexual depravity, her cities, also known as dirty multicultural cloacae and declining economy for the reasons only Americans know, while Russians overwhelmingly, especially Russian youth do not want to identify themselves as Europeans.

So, to convince those 447 million EU’s residents that they need America’s protection and weapons, America needs Russia to get into the war in Ukraine and if it will end up with utter destruction, and it will if Russia really decides so, of the Ukrainian Armed Forces and, likely, Ukrainian statehood, so be it. Americans never really cared how many aborigines die, as long as it works for the US bottom line. Or, if one may, a condition of American condition, which is deteriorating steadily because not only the United States increasingly has very little of substance, that is of high value added, to sell to the world, but forming economic and military monster of Eurasia removes the United States from its, grossly exaggerated to start with, self-proclaimed status of global hegemon to the status of, at best, one of the few big shots on the planet. At worst, the United States is removed from Eurasia as a viable competitor and is relegated to a status of a regional power—still powerful relative to its continental neighbors but not having a shot at this second number of 4.67 billion. This is a big chunk of population and customers. Now imagine if the United States loses EU. Suddenly 4.67 billion become 4.67 billion + 447 million = 5.117 billion, it is 65% of Earth’s population. It is a huge majority of world’s population and, most importantly, population much of which can pay for goods, unlike it is the case with gigantic population of Africa. Moreover, this population is concentrated within a single continental mass which is insulated from the United States by two oceans. The United States cannot allow this consolidation of the market to happen and the loss of Europe, Washington’s thinking goes, is tantamount to capitulation. So, the United States must hold on to EU, or whatever it will become once EU inevitably collapses, and NATO remains the only tool to drive European weaklings into submission. Making Russia obliterate Ukrainian Armed Forces is a perfect way to scare Europeans into abandoning any attempts to economically compete with the United States and deny them access to Russia’s energy.

Considering an extremely low level of Western scholarship in the field of practical geopolitics and its pseudo-scientific offspring—geoeconomics—which failed for the last 30 years to come up with even the fuzziest description of the emerging world, it doesn’t matter if the United States “retains” Europe or not anymore. The reasons for the utter failure of those “academic” predictions and resulting policies are numerous but few of them are worth focusing on.



Posted by Thorn on Sat, 10 Apr 2021 13:51 | #

Thorn, Griffin and Sallis are on the same wavelength vis-a-vis the failure of WN. Anyone else care to join in?

Sallis writes: I wonder…perhaps the real dividing line in pro-White activism is not that between “WN 1.0” and “WN 2.0” or anything else like that, but that between people like Griffin and myself who recognize that Der Movement is a complete failure and requires a complete deconstruction and reconstruction and the likes of Johnson who represent Der Movement, Inc., and who defend the “movement” status quo, and make money doing so.

In any case, even if I may disagree with Griffin on various things, at least we can agree on the fundamental, core idea that continuing along the current path of Der Movement is an absolute dead end, and we need new directions and new leadership. I would say that we need a completely New Movement.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 10 Apr 2021 13:55 | #

Refer to my comment @ 59


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 10 Apr 2021 14:00 | #

And comment # 61


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 12 Apr 2021 14:16 | #

Tucker Carlson is effectively telling the truth thus he is the ADL’s number one target; their highest priority for censorship and/or cancelation.

To be honest, I’m surprised Tucker has lasted this long. The great truth teller Lou Dobbs (Fox Business Channel) has been canceled. It’ll be interesting to watch how this plays out…. My guess is Tucker will be pressured to tone down his rhetoric or be forced out. If he tones down his rhetoric he’ll lose half of his audience. (It must be noted Former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI)—the same dickhead that called Trump a “textbook racist”—sits on the Board of Directors of Fox Corp. Which makes me think Tucker is skating on thin ice vis-a-vis his “woke” bosses.) Will the ADL pressure be enough to cancel Tucker?   

Anti-Defamation League CEO Repeats Call for Tucker Carlson Removal: He’s ‘Spreading…Poison’
Jeremy Fuster and Rosemary Rossi 17 hrs ago

Anti-Defamation League CEO Jonathan Greenblatt has doubled down on his call for Fox News to boot Tucker Carlson, who he says is spreading “the most violent and toxic ideas” and “sanitizing stereotypes.”

Greenblatt and the ADL spoke out against Carlson earlier this week after the host accused Democrats of “trying to replace the current electorate, the voters now casting ballots, with new people, more obedient voters from the Third World.”

Greenblatt called the concept of “replacement theory” as described by Carlson a “staple of white supremacist and extremist ideology.” He called on Fox News to take the network’s highest-rated host off of the airwaves and for advertisers to pull themselves from the show if the network does not take action.

“Tucker Carlson has a history of sanitizing stereotypes and of spreading this kind of poison, but what he did on Thursday night really was, indeed, as you put it, a new low,” Greenblatt told Brian Stelter, host of “Reliable Sources” on Sunday. “The ‘great replacement theory,’ as it’s known, is this toxic idea that there are a cabal of Jews plotting to overrun the country with immigrants, Muslims, Black people etc. and commit what they call ‘white genocide.’ It is literally, Brian, a staple of white supremacist and extremist ideology.”

He went on: “And so when Tucker Carlson literally introduces it to his four and a half million viewers, he’s serving as a gateway to one of the most damaging and dangerous conspiracy theories out there. And when I say that, again, let me be clear, this has real consequences.”

Greenblatt suggests that the way to end the spread of false claims and conspiracy theories is to nip it in the bud – and means cutting off Carlson.

“So what do we want Fox to do? First and foremost, Tucker has got to go,” Greenblatt said their emphasis. “I think it is a risk not just to the corporation, it’s a risk to our society to be promoting these anti-Semitic and racist myths that literally were used by people on January the 6th to try to not just interfere with the election, but to murder lawmakers. I mean, I think we’ve really crossed a new threshold when a major news network, you know, dismisses this or pretends like it isn’t important.”

A rep for Fox News had no comment.

Watch the full interview in the clip above.



Posted by Thorn on Mon, 12 Apr 2021 17:37 | #

Unfortunately Heather Digby Parton is representative of the prevailing attitude displayed by the vast majority of college indoctrinated whites. They hold fast to the belief that the “anti-racist” philosophy is the line that separates them from the lower classes of whites, aka the “basket of deplorables”, aka the Trump voters.

But to give credit where credit is due, Heather Digby Parton is very skilled at laying out her anti-white propaganda. She makes very good use of the leftists’ think-tanks expertly crafted and thoroughly thought through talking points. And does it with such glee!

Tucker Carlson’s insecurity and the “great replacement” theory
Heather Digby Parton


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 12 Apr 2021 21:20 | #

It remains to been seen how Tucker reacts to this latest attack. Will he double down or back off? We don’t know what took place between Tucker and his bosses.

Hot off the press:

Lachlan Murdoch dismisses Anti-Defamation League complaint, says Fox sees no problem with Tucker Carlson’s ‘replacement theory’ remarks.
By Oliver Darcy, CNN Business 44 mins ago

Fox Corporation chief executive Lachlan Murdoch dismissed the Anti-Defamation League’s demand that the company fire host Tucker Carlson, telling the organization in a letter that his company saw no problem with comments Carlson made about the racist “great replacement” theory.


Greenblatt ain’t too happy. So sad. HEH!



Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 13 Apr 2021 07:26 | #

Do we know if Pearce or anyone of his generation used the term “replacement”?  It would be interesting to know for sure where it first came into being.  Obviously, Renaud Camus has clothed it with a complete theory of replacement thinking, extending into all manner of things.  But the term itself did not originate with him.  Reason I ask is that the first time I encountered it was right here in 2004 in the language of the great Fred Scrooby.  This was one of the sites he was visiting at the time, having just begun his emergence from Catholic advocacy (which he had undertaken with the moniker Unadorned).  I was immediately struck by his description of the phenomenon race-replacement, and began using it myself.  Was Fred its author?  I would like that to be the case, but there may be previous usage, of course.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 13 Apr 2021 11:55 | #

Yes, Fred Scrooby was spot-on with his “race-replacement” term. In fact a couple weeks ago I was thinking about that term and linked to Fred’s rather embellished explanation of RR on this thread @ comment #49.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 13 Apr 2021 15:35 | #

I would judge from that thread and its links that the term “replacement” was around in various related contexts, but Fred could well have been the first to use the term “race-replacement”.  Like many people I had a great affection for Fred, who never hid the Jewish side of own make-up, never varied in his assessment of the Jewish paradigm or in his unbounded love for Europeans.  He was a great soul, and if he only gave us that two-word term for our present travails, I am sure he would think that a perfectly apt and fitting gift to us all.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 13 Apr 2021 17:21 | #

He was a great soul, and if he only gave us that two-word term for our present travails, I am sure he would think that a perfectly apt and fitting gift to us all.

I agree.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 14 Apr 2021 12:33 | #

Too bad, Sarah Maid of Albion, isn’t still active. Apparently she gave up on blogging around 10 years age. Her keen insight into “race-replacement” —or what she termed Genocide by Stealth—is sorely missed.  I think most would like to see an update on her four part essay titled Genocide by Stealth. From the perspective of the year 2011, her essay provided an excellent overview of the whos, hows, and whys the white race is trending towards extinction.

Of course the strain of anti-white ideologies
—along with methods of implementing them—has become exponentially more insidious and effective since as recent as ten years ago. For example: Critical Race Theory has become ubiquitous and permeated and taken hold in all the institutions both public and private. IOWs mere political correctness has mutated into CRT since 2011. Racial Socialism was predicted ten years age; now it’s being implemented.


Re Tucker Carlson ecessially saying the same thing WNs were saying 10 to 30 years ago.

Sarah (along with many others that write for WN blogs—VDare being one of the most prominent—have recognized and wrote about the obvious reasons why the Democratic Party is so violently insistent massive immigration from the Third World continues. As Sarah recognized in 2012, the demographic tipping point and already been reached. (Trump’s election in 2016 was an anomaly. he won in spite of the demographic odds staked against him.)

Here is what Sarah wrote back in November of 2012; right after the Mutant from Mombasa was reelected POTUS:

On the 6th of November 2012 the real purpose behind mass immigration into America became starkly clear, when the immigrants did what they were imported to do and re-elected an otherwise unelectable American president.

As Ann Coulter points out in here latest article “Demography is Destiny”, had the same nation called America which voted for Ronald Reagan in 1980 voted gone to the polls this month Romney would have won with a bigger landslide than Reagan achieved. In fact more white Americans voted for Romney than they did for Regan.

But America is no longer the same country it was in 1980, and it is one which has changed beyond recognition from the nation which voted John Kennedy into power in 1960.

America was not changed by nature, nor was it changed by evolution and certainly not by the will of its people. America was changed by a series of deliberate political acts, and the intention behind those acts is now clear for anyone to see, as it is now becoming clear throughout Europe, where similar deliberate acts of treason were committed.

Many millions of Americans will have greeted the US election result with a deep sense of sadness and dread for what is to come. There are so many implications to the election result, all of them achingly depressing. That some sixty three million voters would willingly re-elect a leader such as Obama, reveals a heartbreaking truth about what that country and much of the West has become.

And it didn’t become that way by accident.





Posted by Thorn on Wed, 14 Apr 2021 15:51 | #


Is there anyway you can add an edit feature to the comments section?


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 15 Apr 2021 11:20 | #

Too little too late? ... or is something better than nothing ....

Republican congressman brings Tucker Carlson’s ‘race-replacement’ rhetoric to Congress…

On Wednesday morning, US Representative Scott Perry (R-PA) echoed Fox News Host Tucker Carlson’s concerns that immigrants are coming here to replace native born Americans for the benefit of the Democrat Party.

In a subcommittee meeting this morning, dedicated to trying to understand the root cause of Central American migration, especially in recent months, Perry took the floor and explained “For many Americans, what seems to be happening or what they believe right now is happening is, what appears to them is we’re replacing national-born American — native-born Americans to permanently transform the landscape of this very nation.”



Posted by Thorn on Thu, 15 Apr 2021 12:00 | #

New Elite Ethnogenesis
Wesley Yang, Twitter, April 8, 2021

68 percent of the US citizens or permanent residents admitted by Princeton for the class of 2025 “self-identified” as “people of color.”

People who understand the social construction of race are engineering a new elite ethnogenesis: assortative mating at Ivies will create racially mixed elite overclass as remaining legacy and athlete whites mate with “POC” majority

This is “dismantling whiteness” in practice. Soon, K-12 schools will teach majority POC classes that the new locus of American national unity is the POC nation overcoming the remaining influence of Trumpian whiteness

The rapidity with which Princeton successfully engineered its POC majority points to how this can be done nationally — you make whiteness a toxic identification that limits opportunity but then let whites flow easily through self-identification out of whiteness

It’s the obverse of the process that “whiteness studies” scholars claim manufactured whiteness out of distinct European ethnicities in the first place (it amounted to a single generation of intermarriage in mid-century) and at least in the domain they control, it’s working

This of course leaves the rump of Trumpian whites who lack the emotional and rhetorical lability to play the new game of race and gender fluidity in an increasingly isolated situation; as they lash out in rage, they will further delegitimize themselves

And create pretexts for the continuation of the agonistic process through which the new American nation emerges in opposition to the legacy one — it may well involve a domestic war on terror as the rump turns violent

It has been remarkable to watch this process evolve and reveal its contours; the new admissions policies are a key inflection point is showing us what’s happening. People compare racially mixed America to Brazil, but in Brazil white purity is valued at the top of society, while we are deliberately engineering an elite where being mixed will be valued and selected for by its elite gatekeeping institutions Asian who are POC in some contexts and not POC in other contexts — and heavily overrepresented in the elite — hold the balance in a certain way, though there are no at present no leaders to execute or thinkers to articulate what that role can be Remember when that lefty professor got in trouble for tweeting “All I Want for Christmas is White Genocide?”

The premise of that joke is that “white genocide” just means racial intermarriage and white people doing the work to disaffiliate from white privilege

It of course got lost in translation when white conservatives saw it as “literal mass murder of whites.” “Dismantling whiteness” is not “white genocide” because it lets white people disaffiliate through “self-identification” or through devoted allyship. This project is well underway in elite colleges and more or less has an official stamp on it. So I’m describing that process which coalesced into a new hegemony in the latter half of 2020. The introduction of these ideas at the K-12 level is a whole other matter and is fraught with peril. And no, I don’t think a significant portion of white applicants to Princeton are “self-identifying” as POC; just that the embrace of the language of “self-identification” on race signals the direction we intend to move and are moving

As terms like “politically black” go into circulation, as well as “white traitorship,” etc, we are layering race onto political affiliation and identification in ways that portend evacuation of the (politically manufactured in the first place) category of “whiteness”

The “white traitor” in anti-racist doctrine being the person who disaffiliate from whiteness and does the work of dismantling… it’s one of the key stages on the path to anti-racist identity…

Dumb progressives will be like “you’re embracing white genocide conspiracy theory,” and dumb Nazis will be like “Jew adjacent apologist for white genocide.”

I’m describing what “dismantling whiteness”, an openly avowed goal and project of racial progressives means in practice. It means encouraging people to disaffiliate from whiteness and setting up incentive structures to nudge them in that direction. This essay from 2015 is one of the clearest registrations of the academic/activist concept of “whiteness” and its abolition that I’ve read and which informs my understanding of the project.

Now, is the Princeton admissions office consciously on board with executing this vision? No, of course not. But it is no accident that the institutions most explicitly aligned with anti-racist doctrine of the sort written above are accepting 68 percent non-whites.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 16 Apr 2021 11:58 | #

West Point to adopt critical race theory into curriculum … AND use it in admissions decisions…

West Point Goes Woke

America’s military service academies are using “anti-racist” and critical race theory teaching tools to recruit and train their faculty and future officers.

Administrators at West Point are embracing the radical cultural Marxists polices that have swept American college campuses by storm, according to documents reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon.

According to West Point’s long-term plan, the once prestigious military institution will not only adapt critical race theory into its curriculum but will also use such practices in admissions.

A West Point diversity and inclusion plan for 2020 to 2025 asserts that in order for the academy to remain competitive with the civilian sector among potential applicants, the school must appeal to the sensibilities of “America’s younger generation.” Inclusivity will matter just as much as marksmanship, the document asserts.

“The Armed Forces represent the nation it defends, including reflecting our nation’s diversity,” the document reads. “It is imperative that we leverage all aspects of the nation’s diversity … to create and sustain an inclusive organization that attracts the best that the nation has to offer. We must create an environment that appeals to the aspirations of American’s younger generation. Only then will we be successful in competing with the civilian sector for the highest quality recruits.”

West Point did not respond to a request for comment or explanation.

Meanwhile pointy-headed ‘white-nationalists’ (which in most cases amount to pseudo-intellectuals [GW excluded]) continue down a one-way dead end street. A street appropriately named ‘Ineffective’. 



Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 18 Apr 2021 05:26 | #

GW will doubtless be appreciative and happy to be excluded from any group of “pseudo intellectuals ” .
Online kindness and thoughtful consideration know no American bounds.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 18 Apr 2021 11:04 | #

FWIW, Al, I exclude you too from any group of pseudo-intellectuals. Clearly you fit into the category of the minstrel show wing of Der Movement. lol

As for myself? I’m a member of the mob of mediocres.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 20 Apr 2021 03:33 | #

Mediocre ?  Intellectual self - aggrandisement is no honour , surely.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 20 Apr 2021 04:53 | #

The category of “Minstrel Show” in the context of a formerly sane Germany would surely include this skin tone - appropriate gobbet of information :

What you don’t know could fill a university library .


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 20 Apr 2021 11:18 | #

It’s sooooo good to learn Hitler didn’t snub Jesse Owens at the Berlin Olympics ... proving once and for all Uncle Aldolf was an all-around good guy! Right?

Whew! What a relief!

Now that that pressing issue is settled, we can all sleep better at night.

Thank you so much for providing that “appropriate gobbet of information.”



Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 22 Apr 2021 03:25 | #

Compare and contrast , as they formerly asked at university exam time , Herr Hitler’s reaction to Owens and the US’s official one.

That was all .  Your extrapolated hysterical reaction to that historical event heralds more neuroses - driven ignorant opinions from an impressively unformed and uninformed intellect.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 22 Apr 2021 12:20 | #

“Compare and contrast” ... “extrapolate.”

Let’s compare and contrast the trivial historical incident you are so concerned with to the monumental events happening in real-time. (No doubt BLM activists would be interested in the Hitler/FDR/Owens story; it fits into their grievance/victimology narrative.)

At any rate, I suggest you shift your focus to more important issues and begin to extrapolate the consequences of Modern Monetary Policy, Critical Race Theory, the race-replacement of native ppl in Europe, and what looks to be the imminent Russian invasion of Ukraine concomitant with the NATO/USA military response. Of course that’s only a few on a long list but I hope you get the point. But I suspect you won’t bc people who lack common sense would rather concentrate on minor details and triviality. 


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 22 Apr 2021 15:56 | #

In the following vid, Matt Walsh voices many very good points. One example: “We live in a culture NOT governed by mob rule; we live in a culture ruled by leftist elites who use the mob to affect their ends.”

This is well worth the watch.

Justice Is Dead | Ep. 705


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 22 Apr 2021 23:24 | #

This guy - Brandon Tatum is better:


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 23 Apr 2021 12:25 | #


Good one, GW.

Often the best counters to white-liberals’ sado-narcissism are spoken by blacks.

This young black woman serves as a good example of such:


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 24 Apr 2021 04:24 | #

The USA , for Whites , is a lost land . Nobody in Europe cares about that defeat.

Americans are the smartest people in the World whereas we Brits are merely poor post - Colonial victims of the Romans , the Anglo Saxons and the Normans.

Please help us.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 24 Apr 2021 13:00 | #

“Please help us.”

No worries, Boris Johnson, along with the the rest of the British ruling class, are there to protect you.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 27 Apr 2021 11:08 | #

The avoidance of the jugular is learned behaviour of Jew - venerating Christians . They cannot see an open goal without missing it completely.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 27 Apr 2021 12:11 | #

Oh yippee!

More gibberish from the snarking little troll.



Posted by Thorn on Tue, 27 Apr 2021 12:13 | #

Excellent piece @

These Key Similarities Between Lenin’s Red Terror and America’s Woke Culture Reveal Left’s Blueprint For Complete Takeover

There are many lessons to draw from the blood-soaked life of Lenin. But one of the most important is this takeaway for the terrifying “woke” moment America is living through right now. Things are not going to naturally get better. Things will not organically “calm down.” Until there is a fundamental reset of America’s treasonous leadership class, today’s unthinkable witch hunt is merely a prelude of an even darker globalist terror to come.

The Bolsheviks were indisputably more murderous than today’s left (if only because they lived in a more violent age), but even they had to ramp up how much terror they engaged in.

At the beginning of their rule, in fact, the Bolsheviks were even willing to run a fair election. Just days after the October Revolution, they held the preplanned elections for Russia’s Constituent Assembly, anticipating an easy win. To their surprise, they were easily defeated by the Socialist Revolutionaries. And so, like any good leftists, they simply nullified the election and dissolved the Constituent Assembly. Since it was 100 years ago and the Bolsheviks were well-armed, it was enough to simply announce that the Constituent Assembly was closed. Today, they might concoct a more elaborate narrative, perhaps that the Socialist Revolutionaries engaged in “collusion” with a foreign power.

Once they had taken power, the Bolsheviks didn’t immediately launch Stalin-style mass purges. Instead, the Bolsheviks started off in a way modern Americans would find disturbingly familiar: By legitimizing criminal anarchy and co-opting the justice system.

In their earliest days, the Bolsheviks framed their political abuses as a “war on privilege.” In a tactic eerily reminiscent of 2020’s riots, the Bolsheviks of 1918 encouraged a decentralized campaign by the masses to plunder and crush class enemies.




Posted by Thorn on Tue, 27 Apr 2021 13:55 | #

Tammy Bruce so correctly states: “They [the left] don’t care about being called hypocrites; they don’t care about being accused of double-standards [...] the end game for them is all about money and power; and that means controlling the narrative; because if you control the narrative; control the language and definitions and control the framing, you’ve WON!

Bruce: ‘Extreme left’ is unleashing most ‘diabolical’ power grab in history


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 29 Apr 2021 06:10 | #

Much American ingenuity has obviously been lavished on links that provide us with a snapshot of the ” bleedin’ obvious”.

It is fortuitous that the blog owner was hitherto oblivious of trends and events until such were helpfully proffered by the prickly Thorn.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 29 Apr 2021 10:59 | #

@ 95

Tammy Bruce has a very interesting background. She was raised by a single mother; her father was a bodyguard for a mobster (Bugsy Segal, if I remember correctly). In Tammy’s younger years she became president of the Los Angeles Chapter of the National Organization of Women (NOW). IOWs she was part of the inner sanctum of the radical Left thus privy to how they organize and the tactics they use. Needless to say the Left is very organized and methodical in the way they go about advancing their agenda. Moreover the leadership of leftist groups, such as the NOW, are led by very shrewd, capable and highly motivated people. Tammy herself has an IQ of 135.

Thank God Tammy came to realize she was fighting on the wrong side. Her turning point was during the OJ Simpson trial. It was then when she organized a rally to denounce Simpson’s physical abuse of women. Her bosses at the NOW immediately shut her down; stating the reason stopping her was “the rally would further defame black men and feed into the stereotype that black men are violent.” That was the straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak. It was at that point when she clearly realized the NOW org. wasn’t truly about promoting women’s rights; rather, it was, in large part, about promoting an anti white-male agenda.

Tammy has been on our side ever since. Granted she’s not explicitly a white nationalist, but if you listen to her she is more effective at fighting against our enemies than any WN figure ever was - at least thus far anyway. And that is mainly the case because she has access to an MSM microphone. IOWs, unlike the niche corners of WN, Tammy has the means to reach the masses.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 01 May 2021 13:49 | #

Sacré bleu!!!!!!

What do have here?!? (Kind of parallels what’s taking place here in the Kwa - the main difference is most American generals—those currently serving—have been gelded by the woke culture.)

18 French active-duty servicemen to face MILITARY COURT over open letter blasting ‘Islamist hordes’ & looming ‘civil war’

Begging for a coup

French Generals: If Nothing is Done, Civil War Will Come

Twilight in Paris



Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 07 May 2021 04:06 | #

What’s new ?  Americans were useless in Iraq and Afghanistan because they did were not intellectually equipped to imagine what would happen when they disrupted traditional Muslim groups.

“Listen , Muslims, what you need is Liberal Democracy”.  Ho hum!

Also, the Labour Govt of Blair , instead of emulating Harold Wilson’s refusal to send troops to Vietnam and saying fuck the so - called Special Relationship ,  the lives of Brits were sacrificed to placate Bush and appease Jewish neocons .

The last laugh : Blair complained that the British Generals did not have one PhD between them , whereas the admired American Generals boasted several of the German - invented degrees.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 07 May 2021 11:58 | #

What’s new?

If you can call what happened in the last 60 years new, then it’d be the radical-feminization of nearly all aspects of Western Civilization.

That’s what’s new.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 07 May 2021 12:55 | #

Of course most white women aren’t radical-feminists and most white men are not emasculated feminized weaklings; however our ruling-class are forcefully making the white masses walk-in lockstep with the “woke” culture. The insidiousness of wokeism is over time whites may become conditioned to accept the self-defeating ideology. The ruling-class’ social engineers know that thus the constant application of pressure on whites.

There is some push-back to radical-feminism/radical-egalitarianism/wokeism but to date it hasn’t been nearly enough to make a difference. Apparently the ruling-class’ “wokeism” wields the strong upper-hand.   

Dear Western women: you are traitorous dimwits who must be spanked

Over at The Saker, Paul Craig Roberts decries the feminization of European men and their inability to stand up to the gangly hordes of turbaned invaders, much less be able to fight a war with Russia that NATO seems hell bent on provoking. He bases his piece on the two year old rant by Danish journalist Iben Thranholm where she identified men as being the problem because they aren’t men anymore. Even though he is a little late to the party, Roberts then also dutifully piles onto those pussified European men so as to not be out of step with the ladies.



Posted by Thorn on Sun, 09 May 2021 20:00 | #

“Academic feminism” started in academia then spread into government and the MSM.

Oksana Boyko interviews Michael Gurian

Boys can’t be boys? Michael Gurian, psychotherapist & bestselling author

The battle of the sexes is the longest running battle in human history. Waged on playgrounds, in homes and pretty much anywhere you can find people, the conflict has in recent years taken on a new dimension in the West, with one side – the males – being declared toxic. Are the good old boys really so bad? To discuss this, Oksana is joined by psychotherapist and bestselling author Michael Gurian.



Posted by Thorn on Tue, 11 May 2021 14:25 | #

From the French front:

“Civil war is inevitable” says a French officer


A word of advice: don’t give up hope.

Nothing is lost yet, everything is just beginning. Be active, be lucid, be upright, be uncompromising, be proud to be French, be certain of your legitimacy on this land. It is your duty.

Keep a cool head, don’t fall into the electoral traps or into the false polemics of the TV sets, into the fake opposition. Don’t succumb to easy temptations, don’t let yourself be convinced that it will be easy, that you just have to wait, that others will do the work for you…

The French people are faced with a heroic challenge, that of defying the direction of History and re-imposing the sovereignty of the people at the center of all things. The challenge of recalling what the people is: a thousand-year-old lineage to be protected like a treasure, not a mass of fungible and corruptible individuals.

It is an absolutely colossal challenge, that of answering the question asked since 1945, and to which we have refused to answer until now: “Does a people have the right to have a nation that is at its exclusive service?”



‘Civil war is brewing in France and you know it’: French military launches another salvo at Macron with new open letter
10 May, 2021 11:44


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 11 May 2021 18:02 | #

Latest from the French front:

‘Civil war is brewing in France and you know it’: French military launches another salvo at Macron with new open letter


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 11 May 2021 19:34 | #


Mr. President of the Republic,
Ladies and Gentlemen, Ministers, Members of Parliament, General Officers, in your ranks and qualities,

We no longer sing the seventh verse of the Marseillaise, known as the “children’s verse”. Yet it is rich in lessons. Let us leave it to him to lavish them on us:

“We will enter the quarry when our elders are no longer there. We will find their dust there, and the traces of their virtues. Much less jealous of surviving them than of sharing their coffin, we will have the sublime pride of avenging them or of following them ”

Our seniors are fighters who deserve to be respected. These are for example the old soldiers whose honor you have trampled on in recent weeks. It is these thousands of servants of France, signatories of a platform of common sense, soldiers who gave their best years to defend our freedom, obeying your orders, to wage your wars or to implement your budget restrictions. , which you soiled while the people of France supported them.

These people who fought against all the enemies of France, you have treated them as factious when their only fault is to love their country and to mourn its visible downfall.

Under these conditions, it is up to us, who have recently entered the career, to enter the arena simply to have the honor of telling the truth.

We are what the newspapers have called “the fire generation”. Men and women, active soldiers, of all armies and of all ranks, of all sensibilities, we love our country. These are our only claims to fame. And if we cannot, by law, express ourselves with our face uncovered, it is just as impossible for us to be silent.

Afghanistan, Mali, the Central African Republic or elsewhere, a number of us have experienced enemy fire. Some have left comrades there. They offered their skin to destroy the Islamism to which you are making concessions on our soil.

Almost all of us have known Operation Sentinel. We saw with our own eyes the abandoned suburbs, the accommodation with delinquency. We have undergone the attempts to instrumentalize several religious communities, for whom France means nothing – nothing but an object of sarcasm, contempt or even hatred.

We marched on July 14th. And this benevolent and diverse crowd, which acclaimed us because we are the emanation of it, we were asked to beware of it for months, by forbidding us to circulate in uniform, by making us potential victims, on a soil that we are nevertheless capable of defending.

Yes, our elders are right about the substance of their text, in its entirety. We see violence in our towns and villages. We see communitarianism taking hold in public space, in public debate. We see hatred for France and its history becoming the norm.

It may not be for the military to say that, you will argue. Quite the contrary: because we are apolitical in our assessments of the situation, it is a professional observation that we deliver. Because this decline, we have seen it in many countries in crisis. It precedes the collapse. It announces chaos and violence, and contrary to what you are asserting here or there, this chaos and this violence will not come from a “military pronunciamento” but from a civil insurrection.

To quibble about the shape of the forum of our elders instead of recognizing the obviousness of their findings, we have to be quite cowardly. To invoke a duty of reserve badly interpreted in order to silence French citizens, one must be very deceitful. To encourage the leading army officers to take a stand and expose themselves, before fiercely sanctioning them as soon as they write anything other than battle stories, you have to be very perverse.

Cowardice, deceit, perversion: such is not our vision of the hierarchy.
On the contrary, the army is, par excellence, the place where we speak truthfully to each other because we commit our lives. It is this confidence in the military institution that we call for.

Yes, if a civil war breaks out, the army will maintain order on its own soil, because it will be asked to. It is even the definition of civil war. No one can want such a terrible situation, our elders no more than us, but yes, again, civil war is brewing in France and you know it perfectly well.

The cry of alarm from our Elders finally refers to more distant echoes. Our elders are the resistance fighters of 1940, whom people like you very often treated as factious, and who continued the fight while the legalists, transfixed with fear, were already betting on concessions with evil to limit the damage. ; these are the hairy 14, who died for a few meters of land, while you abandon, without reacting, entire districts of our country to the law of the strongest; they are all the dead, famous or anonymous, fallen at the front or after a lifetime of service.

All our elders, those who made our country what it is, who designed its territory, defended its culture, gave or received orders in its language, did they fight for you to let France become a failed state? , who replaces his increasingly obvious sovereign powerlessness with a brutal tyranny against those of his servants who still want to warn him?

Take action, ladies and gentlemen. This time, it is not about custom emotion, ready-made formulas or media coverage. It is not a question of extending your mandates or conquering others. It is about the survival of our country, of your country.

➡️ Update Tuesday 9:00 am : 229,431 people signed the text. To prevent any risk of computer falsification, we have decided to refine the platform counting methodology, by communicating only by ourselves, from data certified by Google analytics, first on the number of unique visitors. , and no longer the total number of views (a person could have read the text several times in a row or refreshed the page too often, distorting the accounting). We will communicate this figure at midday.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 14 May 2021 11:09 | #

I am shocked. SHOCKED! Shocked to learn it’s the usual suspects winding the mainspring powering the gears of U.S. foreign policy. In this case it’s being done under the guise of a non government organization (NGO) funded by U.S. taxpayers. Get that?!? An NGO funded almost entirely by the U.S. government!  How deceptively slick is that? But isn’t deception standard operating procedure for these types?

Freedom House, Woke Imperialists
Meet the US-government staffed, US-funded, “independent” NGO that decides which countries are free

Wokeness has not simply taken over the CIA, as the entire foreign policy establishment has moved in the same direction. A particularly sinister aspect of this shift is that we are seeing a merger between a fanatical new faith and long-standing institutions specializing in manipulating populations.

Spreading democracy is an important part of American foreign policy. While it’s fashionable to brush off concerns with democracy as hypocritical or just a cover for power politics (“look at Saudi Arabia!”), I believe that outside of the Middle East, where pretty much everyone is non-democratic, American foreign policy is driven by ideological goals that aren’t reducible to material interests.

In this worldview, all countries called “democracies” have reached the end of history, while all others are candidates for regime change, if not today then when the time is right. When countries fight back against this, it’s considered aggression on their part. Hillary Clinton believes that Putin interfered against her in the 2016 election because she spoke out against his government as Secretary of State. I don’t know if that’s true, but it’s certainly what I would do if I were Putin, and the lady who tried to overthrow me was running for president.

It seems strange that such a concept would drive US foreign policy, given how little Americans themselves agree on what is or isn’t “democratic.” Was Trump casting doubt on the legitimacy of 2020 “undemocratic”? How about when Democrats did the same in 2016? What about gerrymandering? Court packing?

These are silly debates, and I feel sorry for people who have strong opinions on them, which always boil down to “what my side does is democracy, what the other side does isn’t.”

The Role of “Independent” NGOs


Read more….



Posted by Thorn on Sun, 16 May 2021 23:57 | #

GW, what do you think about Katie Hopkins?

She thinks BoJo sold England out to the NWO.

IMO, I think she’s right.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 17 May 2021 00:24 | #

I like her.  She’s feisty and real.  OK, ideologically she’s not “there” today.  She’s spent too long under the influence of the anti-Islam faction.  But it’s a journey and none of us reach the end.

As for Johnson, he seems to be a chameleon, and quite as much the corruptible politician as any of them.  But then he has no real identity.  That said, it’s not only Johnson who has failed to stand apart from the Schwabian plan to re-set to a techno-futurist global empire.  The entire party is given up to it - they’ve all mouthed off about building back better.  Which is a betrayal, because they had been forced by Brexit to detach somewhat from the predecessor plan (ie, the drive for The Globality of the global capital/supra-nationalist power players).


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 17 May 2021 10:40 | #

Katie Hopkins appeared on Steve Bannon’s War Room Show.

Skip to the 41 minute mark -

One of the most astounding things she said is, “Within five years you will not be able to own a car in Britain.”


So “The Great Reset” is on pace to becoming a reality?

Apparently so.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 18 May 2021 11:28 | #

Yes, there is a correlation between terrorism and mass immigration of Muslims into Europe; but the more pressing point is the causation of the ongoing extinction of native European people. That causation, of course, is the constant mass immigration of foreign genepools. That important fact (actually it’s by far the most important fact we as white ppl are faced with) isn’t directly/adequately addressed in the following vid. However the vid is well worth the watch.

Mass migration and the downfall of European civilization as we know it | Lets talk about it


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 20 May 2021 16:11 | #

Video Shows Spanish Soldiers Throwing Migrants Into the Sea
Thousands swarmed border after Morocco deliberately allows influx as punishment.

Half of the migrants who swarmed the border were expelled, but many have now made their way into Europe.
The crisis escalated after around 8,000 migrants arrived via sea following a decision by Morocco to punish Spain because it offered medical treatment to militant leader Brahim Ghali, head of the Polisario Front, which Morocco opposes.

Just as with President Erdogan in Turkey, the entire issue once again highlights how migrants have been weaponized by Middle Eastern and African countries to discipline European nations into acquiescing to their demands.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 22 May 2021 12:37 | #

Abp. Viganò offers considerations on the Great Reset
It is our duty to uncover the Great Reset’s deception, because the same deception may be attributed to all the other assaults that have sought to nullify the work of Redemption and establish the tyranny of the Antichrist.

Each of us must understand that what is happening is not the fruit of an unfortunate sequence of chance occurrences, but corresponds rather to a diabolical plan — in the sense that the Evil One is behind all this — which over the centuries pursues a single goal: destroying the work of Creation, nullifying the Redemption, and cancelling every trace of Good on the earth. And in order to obtain this, the final step is the establishment of a synarchy in which command is seized by a few faceless tyrants who thirst for power, who are given over to the worship of death and sin and to the hatred of Life, Virtue, and Beauty because in them shines forth the greatness of that God against whom they still cry out their infernal “Non serviam.” The members of this accursed sect are not only Bill Gates, George Soros, or Klaus Schwab, but also those who for centuries have been plotting in the shadows in order to overthrow the Kingdom of Christ: the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Warburgs, and those who today have formed an alliance with the highest levels of the Church, using the moral authority of the Pope and Bishops to convince the faithful to get vaccinated.

We know that the lie is the emblem of the devil, the distinctive sign of his servants, the hallmark of the enemies of God and the Church. God is Truth; the Word of God is true, and He Himself is God. Speaking the Truth, shouting it from the rooftops, uncovering the deception and its creators is a sacred work, and no Catholic — nor anyone who has still preserved a shred of decency and honor — may shrink from this duty.



Posted by Thorn on Wed, 26 May 2021 14:27 | #

Gee, I wonder why the Palestinians are attacking Jews?

It couldn’t possibly be the Palestinians have a legitimate reason, right?

Perhaps if those pesky Palestinians would just leave Israel, Gaza and the West Bank, the Jews would have no need to periodically slaughter a bunch of them. Other than having their land stolen, being oppressed and periodically bombed, the Palestinians have nothing to complain about, right? /sarc

At any rate, here’s a boo-hoo-for-the-jew piece decrying the fact they’re being attacked everywhere on the planet. (At least the author correctly named the ppl attacking them. Usually articles about anti-Semitism slant towards “white-supremacy” being the cause.)

Jews are under attack across the world
Melissa Langsam Braunstein


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 29 May 2021 13:21 | #

Get a load of this!

Looks to me like it’s just more contrived BS in which the ruling-elites will use against any Brit who dares to claim Britain wasn’t always a multi-racial nation.

Immigration of other races into Britain is, and always has been, the normal course of history! Or so they claim!


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 29 May 2021 19:52 | #

Let’s see what rhetorical acrobatics the government-media-complex uses to spin this.

Dalgleish and Sørensen claim that scientists working on Gain of Function projects took a natural coronavirus ‘backbone’ found in Chinese cave bats and spliced onto it a new ‘spike’, turning it into the deadly and highly transmissible SARS-Cov-2 [aka COVID-19].

One tell-tale sign of alleged manipulation the two men highlighted was a row of four amino acids they found on the SARS-Cov-2 spike.

In an exclusive interview with, Sørensen said the amino acids all have a positive charge, which cause the virus to tightly cling to the negatively charged parts of human cells like a magnet, and so become more infectious.

‘The laws of physics mean that you cannot have four positively charged amino acids in a row. The only way you can get this is if you artificially manufacture it,’ Dalgleish told

EXCLUSIVE: COVID-19 ‘has NO credible natural ancestor’ and WAS created by Chinese scientists who then tried to cover their tracks with ‘retro-engineering’ to make it seem like it naturally arose from bats, explosive new study claims


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 29 May 2021 22:07 | #

What was Fauci’s role in the Gain of Function research at the Wuhan lab?  What did he know after the release of the virus, and what did he tell the American people?


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 29 May 2021 22:31 | #

Apparently Fauci was in the thick of it from the start ... and, of course, now he’s trying to hide the central role he played.

I posted this on FB yesterday:

VIDEO: Rand Paul Says Fauci ‘Absolutely’ Committed Perjury When Denying Wuhan Gain-Of-Function Research


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 30 May 2021 12:39 | #

Investigative Journalist and Author Sharri Markson Reveals How Dr. Fauci Restarted Gain of Function Research After Obama Administration Stopped it
May 28, 2021

Perhaps the last half of this interview explains why the mainstream media are now willing to let Anthony Fauci take the heat for the Wuhan Bio-Lab leak.  The entire interview with Australian investigative journalist Sharri Markson is well worth watching.  The first major point was how Anthony Fauci was arguing against scientific consensus to keep allowing “gain of function” biological experimentation with deadly viruses.  Fauci advocated for weaponization research in 2012, the scientific community was against it because of the inherent risks.

The second major point was President Obama stopping gain of function research in 2014 due to the global risk of a leak from a lab.  Then in 2017, in the first year of the Trump administration, unbeknownst to senior officials in the administration, NIH Director Anthony Fauci pushed through a restart of the dangerous research.

Obama stopping and Fauci unilaterally starting would explain why the media are willing to step aside and let Fauci take the fall.  Defending and protecting President Obama are the primary objectives of the MSM and operatives embedded in the administrative state.  Now the sudden shift makes sense.  Those in the umbrella intelligence apparatus knew this type of investigative evidence was going to surface.





Posted by Thorn on Sun, 30 May 2021 13:55 | #

I think it’s a sure bet we, us plebs, will never be apprised of the truth about the origin of C-19. From this point forward,  any investigation will be a sham; it’ll will be done for show. It won’t/can’t uncover any evidence the virus was genetically engineered in the Wuhan lab simply bc the CCP was deliberately given plenty of time to both destroy evidence and cover their tracks. I suspect that for the foreseeable future the government-media-complex will inundate the public with misinformation, disinformation and obfuscations WRT the origins of the virus. They’ll continue that inundation until public interest in the controversy is exhausted to death.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 30 May 2021 14:24 | #

For the record:

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 07 April 2020 05:00.

“I found the source of the Corona Virus. After two painstaking weeks of research”...


Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 16 April 2020 07:48.

Same Dr Fauci whose HIVprogressivism diverted untold$ from the responsible to sexually irresponsible



Posted by Thorn on Sun, 30 May 2021 18:16 | #

Back as early as March of 2020 most were starting to believe SARS-Cov-2 was genetically engineered in the Wuhan lab.
Which leaves the world with the more important question: Was the release an accident or deliberate?

The highly credentialed and seemingly trustworthy virologist, Dr. Li-Meng Yan, (who’s a former researcher at the Hong Kong School of Public Health) emphatically states the Chinese government intentionally released the virus then deliberately allowed it to spread around the world. As far as I know her allegations have not been discredited. For her own protection, she now lives in the USA; she’s still making the rounds on FNC and shows such as Steve Bannon’s War Room. 

This is Dr. Li-Meng Yan being interviewed by Tucker Carlson back in Sept. of 2020.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 30 May 2021 21:52 | #

I can’t see how a deliberate leak would have been planned with release in the same city as the lab which had developed the virus.  The very first consideration would have been that tracks back to Wuhan were well and truly covered.  The planning and execution would have been professional, without any of the early local clumsiness and hushing-up.  A plausible narrative of origin would have been prepared.  Release would have occurred somewhere like Shanghai, where there are many Westerners.  Chinese authorities would have primed themselves to reach out to affected countries with advice on best medical practise, rather than trying to save face by denying everything and blaming the CIA.  If it was deliberate it was a really slapdash, on-the-hoof performance.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 30 May 2021 23:03 | #

Yes, your logic is 100% solid, GW, thus I lean towards the accidental leak theory - if in fact it was a leak from the Wuhan lab.


I can understand why some very intelligent, deliberative, well-seasoned people suspect the release was intentional. Especially in light of info like this:

Either way (accidental or intentional) China, like Lothrop Stoddard predicted, is becoming the greatest threat to the White race.


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 31 May 2021 03:40 | #

I might say this with regard to the Thorn feed’s ongoing re- and misdirection: I come away very proud that my Italian forebears nailed his Jewish god to a cross - lol.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 31 May 2021 11:47 | #

# Trump Derangement Syndrome

Anti-Trumpism dismissed Wuhan lab theory

”[The]key driver of the groupthink that drove the dismissal of the lab-leak theory was the media’s unremitting hostility to, and distrust of, Donald Trump.”


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 01 Jun 2021 04:32 | #

Daniel S , your post reminded me of a favourite Sopranos scene in which a Hasidic Jew is fruitlessly beaten by interrogating Capos and ,during a pause, decides to educate the NJ mob guys :

” Have you people never heard of the Battle of Masada , where 600 Jews held out against 15000 Romans and at the siege’s end chose suicide over dishonour?”

“Where are the Romans now?”

“You’re lookin’ at ‘em .”


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 01 Jun 2021 12:44 | #

Quinn: There Are No Solutions

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is a logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized. Vast numbers of human beings must cooperate in this manner if they are to live together as a smoothly functioning society. …In almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons…who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind.” – Edward Bernays – Propaganda – 1928

“For the first time in its history, Western Civilization is in danger of being destroyed internally by a corrupt, criminal ruling cabal which is centered around the Rockefeller interests, which include elements from the Morgan, Brown, Rothschild, Du Pont, Harriman, Kuhn-Loeb, and other groupings as well. This junta took control of the political, financial, and cultural life of America in the first two decades of the twentieth century.”
– Carroll Quigley – Tragedy & Hope – 1966


For decades, calling anyone who questioned the approved and sanctioned narrative about how our “democracy” supposedly operates has been called a conspiracy theorist. Of course, this term gained widespread use after the CIA used the term about anyone questioning the JFK assassination. CIA Director William Casey could not have been any clearer about the true nature of our government than his statement in 1981.

“We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

The CIA’s Murderous Practices, Disinformation Campaigns, and Interference in Other Countries Still Shape the World Order and U.S. Politics

Your government and the financial interests who operate the puppet strings of their politician, media and central banker puppets do constitute a malevolent Deep State, designed to enrich themselves, while subjugating, controlling, and manipulating the masses. If anyone was in doubt about this fact, what has transpired in the last fifteen months should have convinced them of their error. The criminal ruling cabal have virtually perfected Bernays’ propaganda techniques through collusion with Big Tech and the traitorous surveillance state apparatus.



Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 02 Jun 2021 04:57 | #

Oh no, surely Jews are not doing what Christians have permitted them to do since Cromwell’s finance was vouchsafed by :


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 03 Jun 2021 11:39 | #

The cover-up intensifies. The CCP is threatening nuclear war if the USA continues probe into the origins of the Wuhan virus. The CCP will go to any length in order to cover up their complicity.

China State Media Says Country Must Prepare for Nuclear War With U.S. After Biden Asks for COVID Probe

“We must be prepared for an intense showdown between China and the U.S.,” Hu wrote in a Thursday op-ed for the Global Times. “The number of China’s nuclear warheads must reach the quantity that makes U.S. elites shiver should they entertain the idea of engaging in a military confrontation with China.”


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 25 Jun 2021 13:59 | #

This school teacher is a good example of the anti-white mind-set of those who practice the religion of “Wokeism.”

Don’t know her ethnicity but she has the phenotype, physiognomy, and demeaner of a vindictive Jew.

Check her out:

Libs of Tic Tok
“This teacher is fuming that she can’t teach CRT.
Her whole account is fucking crazy. I will post some of the best in this thread”

And too think the education professions are saturated with these smug, sarcastic, vile, anti-white moonbats.





Posted by Thorn on Fri, 02 Jul 2021 22:48 | #

# slouching towards Gomorrah

Housing trans women convicted of sexual offences in female prisons is lawful, England’s High Court rules


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 14 Jul 2021 23:14 | #

This piece explains in-large-part why I supported Trump and will continue to support Trump.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 15 Jul 2021 21:35 | #

‘Thoroughly Modern Milley’

Gen. Mark Milley Compared Trump Supporters To Nazis: ‘These Are The Same People We Fought In World War II


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 22 Jul 2021 22:21 | #

# Practical Solutions

CRT Follow Up
Posted by FRED WATSON JR on JULY 21, 2021

American conservatives have latched onto fighting CRT. It is a good fight that gets apolitical types fired up for its over the top anti-white messaging. Some states have taken steps to ban it. This is nice but everyone knows the crazies that make up a significant portion of educators are still going to push this. States need to take a new step in this fight and flex state power.

States need to admit that we have removed political power from legislators while maintaining their ceremonial power. Power shifted decades ago to the bureaucracy and we have many different imperium in imperio situations. Legislatures and governors need to create a body, staffed with political reliables, that are empowered with review of cases where teachers violate these new laws. This body needs the power to discipline and remove violators.

This is against the small government principles of modern conservatism. That faction needs to be silenced. This new body should have curriculum review and in the event of violations reported by students or parents of students, they should review all submissions and have the power up to removal of repeat violators. There will be violators and there will be martyrs.

Martyrdom will get teachers a flash of attention and celebrity on the left. Fine. There must be consequences for their actions. These teachers must be removed to show there is power behind the legislation, and if there is a chilling effect, let the left deal with it as the right has for years on everything placed beyond the pale by our system Social media has been buzzing with Resistance posting from left wing teachers (over 80% of them) as they claim they will keep pushing CRT and others who say they will find soft, stealth ways to subvert these new anti-CRT laws. This is a distributed conspiracy means of manipulating procedural outcomes.

The only way to win is to control the curriculum and to slam opponents with negative consequences for their actions. The two pronged attack to take is funding students, not systems to enable parents to remove their children from this system and to modify the curriculum as much as possible to expunge anti-white and anti-American education modules. A small start would be commissions to evaluate different education curriculums while setting up panels to create history and social studies programs that don’t just set the clock back to 1990s self-loathing, anti-American programs but create new programs that offer a constructive alternative to CRT.

The step after this is to go to the source and attack universities. Once again, governors have to build empowered, small regulatory structures that are staffed with reliables and control source material. This can start with control over the public universities. All of the policy ideas are a start, but nothing will be done unless governors have the bodies and willing troops on the ground to change actual execution of education.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 24 Jul 2021 21:50 | #

“We are in the throes of, basically, a new religious fervor [Wokeism] manifesting itself in the vacuum being left vacated by Christianity.”—Black Pigeon

Mob Mentality Explained in a World Gone Crazy


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 28 Jul 2021 14:32 | #

GW, I’m not sure to what extent you, as an Englishman living in England, can relate to the following piece; but I, as an Americano find it freakin’ spot on!!! Reading it reminded me when Michael Savage—at least a decade ago—proclaimed this simple truism on his radio talk show: “When Jews want to do good, they can be great; but when Jews chose to do bad, they are outright dangerous.”


Can America survive blacks and Jews?


Thanks for reading, folks! See you next time.

Uh…I seem to have come in a little short this week.

Okay, I’ll be more detailed.


Blacks have becomes America’s Poochie. “Whenever Poochie’s not on screen, all the other characters should be asking, ‘Where’s Poochie?’” Where there are blacks, their opinion is what matters. Where there are no blacks, all actions must be based upon “What would blacks think?”

The 12.8% rule not by superior numbers or skills, but because the permanent revolutionary class has birthed its most destructive proxy war yet.

Black is the failed state we can’t pull out of. The Afghanistan within our borders, as much a part of the U.S. by birthright as any white person. And there’s the rub. The smart solution is to salvage the best of the black community and starve the rest via imprisonment of the inveterate criminals, no welfare for the work-shy and baby-factories, and geographic isolation.

The Jewish “revolutionary” solution is the exact opposite of that: decarceration, welfare, and dispersal.


The Dysgenic Duo
David Cole




Posted by Thorn on Tue, 03 Aug 2021 11:43 | #

This is probably the best most concise essay I’ve yet read about Left’s strategical shift from Classical Marxism to Cultural Marxism ... and then its concomitant long march through the institutions.


You may have heard the terms “Cultural Marxism,” “Critical Theory” or “Frankfurt School” bandied about. And while you might have an intuitive approximation of what these terms mean for America in the 21st century, there’s a good chance that you don’t know much about the deep theory, where the ideology comes from and what it has planned for America – and the world.

The underlying theory here is a variant of Marxism, pioneered by early-20th-century Italian Marxist politician and linguist Antonio Gramsci. Gramscian Marxism is a radical departure from Classical Marxism. One does not need to endorse the Classical Marxism of Marx, Engels and others to appreciate the significant differences between the two. He is easily the most influential thinker that you have never heard of.

Whereas Classical Marxism located what has been called “the revolutionary subject” (the people who will overthrow capitalism and usher in socialism) within the broad working class, primarily in what is now the First World, Gramscism takes a very different approach. This approach underpins most of the social unrest that is gripping America and the West today. In a sense, we are living through the endgame of a Gramscian revolution.

There are two important diversions that Gramscism has from more traditional Marxist thought: First, that economics was the base of culture and politics. Second, philosophical materialism in the Marxist sense where reality is effectively formed by the means of economic production.

For Gramsci, culture was more important than either economics or politics. This was what needed to be changed for there to be a revolution. As such, the weapon to be used for revolution was not the economic might of an organized working class, but a “long march through the institutions” (a phrase actually coined by German Marxist Rudi Dutschke), whereby every institution in the West would be subverted through penetration and infiltration.






Posted by Thorn on Tue, 03 Aug 2021 18:09 | #

A few years ago I’ve come to the belief the most effective way to defeat the anti-white Left—or the radical Left in general—is to mock and humiliate them via humor. Memes and talking points are an effective and efficient weapon for doing just that. It is such an effective method that the Left is threatened and has been driven into a conniption fit. lol

I think we’ve found their Achilleas Heal.

Here is the left’s counter:

EU Releases Urgent Memo Highlighting The Dangers of “Right Wing” Memes

Researchers in the European Union have identified one of the deadliest threats to the globalist order that is slowly destroying nations, shattering cultures, and sucking the joy out of life: Humor itself.



Posted by Thorn on Thu, 05 Aug 2021 14:50 | #

Here is a very good article on The Great Reset.

This particular section deals with “racial equity”:

The Great Reset in Action: Social Credit

The Great Reset is all in on “racial equity,” a term that appeared almost out of nowhere around the 2020 election and has been used unrelentingly since in the mainstream press as if it were a word everyone always used. Oceania has always been at war with Eastasia.

“Equity” effectively means, not to lean quite too heavily on Orwell, that all races are equal but some races are more equal than others. This is a key goal of the Great Reset. The argument basically goes that the only way to address racial disparities in the United States is by extended special benefits and privileges to allegedly “oppressed” groups.

Because government benefit programs are a zero-sum game, these assistance programs, and special privileges will have to be paid for by someone else. For every dollar of benefit money doled out, a dollar of income is lost by someone else. For every job or university position reserved for a protected class, something is lost by someone else.

A key part of the push for “equity” is attacks on people who oppose it. Equity as an ideology is tied up with a bundle of other ideas pushed by Cultural Marxists and the extremely similar but unrelated phenomenon of George Soros “Open Society” types.

The important part, as far as we are concerned, is that concentrated wealth is better able to enforce the prevailing diktats of ideology. When small business evaporates, it is easier to enforce social programs using the private sector. Similarly, when ownership becomes increasingly concentrated, it is easier to enforce a de facto social credit system. The value system of corporate elites is well known.

Conservatives are already being denied bank accounts because of their beliefs, and the beliefs that warrant financial blacklisting are increasingly expanded. It is not too much to imagine that in the very near future, financial blacklisting and social ostracism, enforced by Big Tech and Big Finance, will come to include any critics of so-called racial equity or any other aspect of regime ideology.

In general, what you’re looking at is a system where there are far fewer poles of financial and social attraction, and that these few remaining poles are increasingly inseparable from the state. This is the essence of fascism in its definition not as anyone’s set of ideological or political principles, but as the system of governance where there is little to no daylight between the corporate sector and the administrative state.



Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 05 Aug 2021 16:37 | #

Annoying that non-nationalist writers, among whom the American ones have a vastly better grasp of the WEF agenda than WNs, have never understood what fascism was, and in their ignorance constantly abuse the word.

Anyway ...

Last December I posted a piece here and at PA which was about Nigel Farage’s reform of The Brexit Party in what looked like an attempt to re-ignite and re-align the base to fight a new enemy.  I concluded:

As a stand-in for Brussels, Davos presents the most tempting possible, most unmissable target for Farage.  Stripped of the usual vaguely humanistic global-speak, there is not the remotest possibility of a single respectable argument for the WEF agenda.  It is naked, totalitarian Power acting on a global not national scale against all humanity.

Is Farage then, likely to emerge on the right side of history again and as the champion of human freedom in this country and perhaps even across the West?  It is a scenario in which the new party name - Reform UK - seems almost modest.  It is also a scenario in which, as things are with us ideologically and politically, nationalists would not be wholly equipped to compete for a following, given that the multiracialisation of our home and the replacement and dissolution of our people is contained within the drive for The Globality.  It is not its singular purpose.

We would have much work to do to make ourselves properly relevant from the ground up, and thereby make our demands for the survival and continuity of our people.  I can offer only one modus by which we might rise above our apparent disadvantage and succeed in that, which is to cleave to an analysis of artifice versus authenticity, and make our politics of nation into a politics of Nature in Man.  Because that ... Huxley and Orwell all in one ... is ultimately what this vast and audacious globalist power-play is about.

In fact, Farage did what he constantly does, which is to turn tail and leave his own party, which is now led by Richard Tice.  But the lesson for nationalists was and is clear.  The enemy now is not what we thought it was, and we need to get a grip on that and adjust.

Here is an example of that Anglo-American nationalist gulf from last night:

There is a particularly sharp moment of departure about 1 hour and 3 minutes in.


Posted by Manc on Thu, 05 Aug 2021 19:36 | #

Fascism was still a work in progress when it was brought to an abrupt end, so it’s little wonder that particular movement is subject to misrepresentation. For example, even the majority of the membership of the BUF didn’t understand what Fascism was. They had joined because they felt it was the patriotic thing to do.

To illustrate this, requires me to divulge some personal history. My mother’s older sister, who had served in the WRAF during WWII married a former British soldier from the same conflict. He had served as a dispatch rider in North Africa and was wounded (shot in the thigh) by a German patrol as they chased him over sand dunes. He ended his war in Northern Italy. I was unaware of this when I was young but wondered why he always looked a bit misty eyed when Mc Queen’s   escape scene during “The Great Escape” was shown on TV at Christmas.

This uncle had been a member of the BUF youth wing in the late 30’s and according to my cousin, he carried either the Union flag or the circle and flash at the head of BUF marches in the NW. During the sixties, when I was in my early teens, I was present when a couple of his old friends and former comrades were also in attendance. After a few drinks they would reminisce   somewhat and by the time they got around to the “Marching Song” I was ready to leave the room. I had , for reasons I’m not going into, read as much as I could about OM and on one occasion gave what I still consider to be a decent summary of OM’s economic policy. This didn’t go down too well. My uncle was wont, thereafter, to introduce me as “his nephew the Commissar”. Suffice it to say that both Labour and the Conservatives have adopted parts of Mosley’s economic programme since. Not that facts matter today. Both the far right and the progressive left need their mythologies.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 05 Aug 2021 19:51 | #


It would be nice to change the minds of our enemies with words, but that ain’t gonna happen. The globalist control freaks can see the end game; they think they have a grasp on victory. There is no chance they’ll reverse course. They are too addicted to power.

I’m afraid our only way to overcome the white-genociders/race-replacers is to defeat them with brute force. Period. Full stop.

George Washington knew that. He knew brute force was necessary to free the fledgling nation from the grips of King George.

More recently General Augusto Pinochet set a good template for the white-nationalists to follow. He used brute force to defeat the commies. In the process, his soldiers tossed a lot of commies from high flying helicopters. That sent a hell of a persuasive message to the hard core Left. From what I hear Chile is now the best Latin American country to live in. Thank You Augusto Pinochet!

We need a General Pinochet type leader and dispersed/widespread army of determined warriors in order to defeat the evil that confronts us.

If a loosely assembled bunch of rag-tag Muslims in Afghanistan can defeat both the Soviet Union and the USA, then we can have confidence our enemies are beatable. All it takes is the will to do it. Unfortunately whites are too distracted by bread and circuses to form the will.



Posted by Thorn on Thu, 05 Aug 2021 20:26 | #

I think the author’s use of the term fascism was meant to be understood in derogatory sense:

an authoritarian and nationalistic right-wing system of government and social organization.

extremely authoritarian, intolerant, or oppressive ideas or behavior:
“an outright ban is just fascism”

very intolerant or domineering views or practices in a particular area:
“this is yet another example of health fascism in action”


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 06 Aug 2021 05:42 | #

Ha Ha .

The best Powell - supporting, English backbencher MP ( although of recent Scots descent and textile fortune) was the ” right winger ” Alan Clark .

When AC was accused by a Labour female MP of being a “Fascist ” , the great diarist took a sip of his cognac and replied : ”  Fascists are a bunch of shopkeepers , I am a Nazi”.

Imagine today’s Vesuvius of vituperation ?


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 06 Aug 2021 06:14 | #

Does Christianity strengthen or weaken our EGI instincts ? Let’s hear from Thorn.

Remember this is not an American College question . You can gain entry to any of those turd - world cesspools,  non - STEM speaking , if you can find a parking place on campus.


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 06 Aug 2021 06:56 | #

The best Classical reference to Christians was that of Tacitus who informs us that they were ” exitibialis superstitio” ,a term that that the Roman scholar employed to reference a sect of Jewish nihilists who appealed ( as Tacitus presumes we know ) to a disaffected Roman gentile proletariat.

Christianity and Marxism ?  Absolutely no connection.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 06 Aug 2021 11:23 | #

Does Christianity strengthen or weaken our EGI instincts ? Let’s hear from Thorn.

That’s a moot question since Western culture, for all intents and purposes, is now post-Christian.

A better question: Does the religion of “Wokeism” (the West’s new religion—the spawn of Cultural Marxism and replacement of trad Christianity) strengthen or weaken our EGI instincts?

Of course the answer is obvious.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 06 Aug 2021 12:36 | #

“Post Christian West”

Maybe I spoke too soon.

Hot off the press:

Britney Spears announced she is now Catholic.

Well, that ought to inspire throngs of lapse Catholics to return to the Faith just to have a chance to get into her thong. lol


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 07 Aug 2021 05:35 | #

Britney Spears will doubtless inspire a recrudescence of distaff side underwear , viz., Thongs.


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 07 Aug 2021 10:02 | #

Here’s an idea .

Christians should stop talking about God .  It’s not a name . Being a God is an occupation.

Why not go full bagel and lox and call the old Semitic desert deity , Yahweh ?

Shalom .


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 07 Aug 2021 11:29 | #

Here’s an idea . Christians should stop talking about God .


You’ve said some really idiotic shit here but that one ranks at the top.

It’s not a name . Being a God is an occupation.

WOW! How deep!

Then surely you can explain in detail (in your own sagacious words, of course) what God’s “occupational” duties entail?

And please, please, do your best! I ask that of you bc I always get a good laugh from your “ideas”.   




Posted by Thorn on Sat, 07 Aug 2021 11:35 | #

As South Africa, So The World



Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 07 Aug 2021 13:15 | #

Interesting and plainly knowledgeable account.  Yet it conclude:

The only upside of all of this is the emergence of a coherent Cape independence movement, backed now by a few local billionaires and (if the rumours are to believed) certain senior members of the Democratic Alliance (DA). A small, semi-first-world enclave has the chance to break away and staunch the flow of decline. But the DA will need to be more aggressive. Without a unilateral declaration of independence on the table, any attempt to follow electoral procedure will be overcome by the forces of chaos and gerrymandering. Worse, without a means to consolidate a loyal economic nationalism and a firm moral and political order that creates stable and beneficial conditions for the middle class and law-abiding citizens, one that offers security to all ethnic groups within it and not state dependency, it will follow the same route.

Economic nationalism sees only economics as sui generis and not the European racial genius operating over centuries in SA.  So it is is bereft of the means to protect the European kind.  Why doesn’t the writer face the racial reality?


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 07 Aug 2021 14:57 | #

My takeaway is the author sees the best possible avenue to separate from ANC/black rule is to propose a separation plan that must include other than white races. I say ‘must’ bc a ‘whites only’ plan for separation would immediately incur condemnation and retaliation (both economic and probably militarily) from the USA, the EU, and the UN. It’d be the similar outside pressure that caused the fall of Apartheid. So in order to mitigate such retaliation the proposal, the Cape independence movement, needs to make clear it is not a return to some sort of new form of Apartheid. Unfortunately as conditions are, that’s probably the best hope SA whites have for survival.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 07 Aug 2021 20:46 | #

But he has to know that an economic nationalist set-up that ran successfully because, of course, of the white creative genius could not possibly be sustainable given the collapse of the rest of the country.  At best it would just buy whites time while the same pattern of black resentment repeated itself.  There is no alternative to a whites-only living space, whatever the political obstacles.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 08 Aug 2021 11:30 | #

Yes. I’m sure he knows the new set-up is only a temporary measure - it’s meant to buy time. And yes, the only path to white survival is segregation.

But we both know our ruling-class are radical egalitarians - practitioners of Wokeism. They’re knowingly and deliberately driving us down the path to extinction - a fast path. They believe “white-supremacy” is the greatest hindrance to achieving their globalist utopia. Recently Biden declared “white-supremacy” to be the greatest domestic threat to America. Hence in large part the law enforcement / intelligence apparatus of the Federal government has been geared towards defeating “white-supremacism”. They believe their most effective tactic in fighting “white-supremacism” is to transform majority white countries into minority white countries as fast as they can. Of course they’re accomplishing their goal mainly by way of massive non-white immigration. The most frustrating and infuriating part in all this is we are powerless in stopping them. Thus far, any power we think we have has been illusory.

The most sinister part is the ruling-class categorizes “white-supremacists” as anyone who resists transforming the majority white population into a powerless perpetually-atomized white minority population.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 08 Aug 2021 11:36 | #

This article is adapted from Tucker Carlson’s opening commentary on the August 5, 2021 edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight.”

Of the nearly 200 different counties on the face of the earth, precisely one of them has an elected leader who publicly identifies a western-style conservative. His name is Viktor Orban, and he’s the prime minister of Hungary.

Hungary is a small country in the middle of Central Europe. It has no navy, it has no nuclear weapons. Its GDP is smaller than New York state’s. You wouldn’t think leaders in Washington would pay much attention to Hungary, but they do, obsessively.

By rejecting the tenets of neoliberalism, Viktor Orban has personally offended them and enraged them. What does Orban believe? Just a few years ago, his views would have seemed moderate and conventional. He thinks families are more important than banks. He believes countries need borders. For saying these things out loud, Orban has been vilified. Left-wing NGO’s have denounced him as a fascist, a destroyer of democracy.

Last fall, Joe Biden suggested he’s a totalitarian dictator. Official Washington despises Viktor Orban so thoroughly that many, including neocons in and around the State Department, are backing the open anti-semites running against him in next April’s elections in Hungary.

We’ve watched all of this from the United States, and wondered if what we’d heard could be true. This week we came to Hungary to see for ourselves. We sat down with Orban for a couple of long conversations.


But first, a word about Hungary. Even if you understand that the American media lie, it’s always bewildering to see the extent of their dishonesty. Nothing prepares you for it. We’ve read many times how repressive Hungary is.

Freedom House, an NGO in Washington funded almost exclusively by the U.S. government, describes the country as less free than South Africa, with fewer civil liberties. That’s not just wrong. It’s insane.

In fact, if you live in the United States, it is bitter to see the contrast between, say, Budapest and New York City. Let’s say you lived in a big American city and you decided to loudly and publicly attack Joe Biden’s policies, on immigration or COVID or transgender athletes. If you kept talking like that, you would likely be silenced by Biden’s allies in Silicon Valley. If you kept it up, you might very well have to hire armed bodyguards. That’s common in the U.S. Ask around.

But it’s unknown in Hungary. Opposition figures here don’t worry they’ll be hurt for their opinions. Neither, by the way, does the prime minister. Orban regularly drives by himself with no security. So who’s freer? In what country are you more likely to lose your job for disagreeing with ruling class orthodoxy? The answer’s pretty obvious, though if you’re an American, it’s painful to admit it, as we’ve discovered.

Watch video here:


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 09 Aug 2021 14:34 | #

These Key Similarities Between Lenin’s Red Terror and America’s Woke Culture Reveal Left’s Blueprint For Complete Takeover

Pull quote - “Cancel culture is only the prelude to the rape, torture, and murder of American [whites] by a resentful underclass goaded on by a parasitic globalist ruling class.”


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 12 Aug 2021 15:30 | #

A Question Becomes a Crime in France
August 10, 2021

CONFITEOR DEO writes from Paris:

A few weeks ago in France, the retired General Dominique Delawarde appeared on CNews, a supposedly conservative news TV station, where he was pressed to reply to the question, “Who controls the media?”

The aggressive, kosher journalist, who looks like a clone of Leon Trotsky, pressed him with the word “Qui?” (Translation: “Who?”) and even if the General didn’t reply exactly, his response was enough to get the interview shut down and motivate the interviewer into attacking the terrible behavior of the General, who will never be invited on CNews again.

Of course the General is facing a charge of anti-semitism, but this isn’t the end of the story.



Posted by Thorn on Fri, 13 Aug 2021 22:53 | #

WRT # 161

Why do Jews get so freaked out when someone says: “Jews control the media”?

Either they do or they don’t.

If they don’t then it’d be an easy allegation to refute.

If, in fact, Jews do control the media, then why wouldn’t they be proud of that fact?

Maybe the reason they wouldn’t be proud of that fact is, in large part, the most astute amongst us realize the MSM knowingly manipulates the masses by way of propagating false narratives? IOWs smart ppl despise those who control / fabricate the media’s message - whomever they may be! Thus the Jews use intimidation tactics to keep the masses confused on the issue of who controls the MSM’s tone and slanted narratives.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 14 Aug 2021 12:32 | #

MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

The above vid is part of this well-worth-the-read article:


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 17 Aug 2021 12:31 | #

Afghan Asylum Seekers Will be Allowed into UK Without Passports


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 20 Aug 2021 03:18 | #

Only in legacy Christian societies could this happen . Not in racially - conscious,  Jew - free , Muslim - majority , immigration restrictionist countries like Indonesia or Pakistan or Bangladesh or Malaysia . These countries do not want Afghans.

The Decline of the West has its etiology in the Roman Empire allowing Jews to bring their Christian poison from the Middle East to Europe.

Please desist from providing links which simply indicate blindingly obvious symptoms .


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 20 Aug 2021 12:09 | #

“The Decline of the West has its etiology in the Roman Empire allowing Jews to bring their Christian poison from the Middle East to Europe.”

And sure as shit Al’s dopey mind invariably produces distorted putrid opinions. I’m sure Viktor Orban would agree.

Now on to a subject worthy of discussion:

Medical education and research have collapsed under critical race theory…


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 20 Aug 2021 12:38 | #

During the last 70 years, Viktor Orban has done more to protect and preserve the white race than all white-nationalists and-or WN orgs combined.

Hungarian PM sees shift to illiberal Christian democracy in 2019 European vote
By Reuters Staff

BUDAPEST (Reuters) - Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban said on Saturday that European parliament elections next year could bring about a shift toward illiberal “Christian democracy” in the European Union that would end the era of multiculturalism.

The right-wing nationalist Orban, re-elected in April to a third consecutive term, has spearheaded eastern European resistance to EU moves to have member states accept asylum seekers and migrants under a quota system.

Along with Poland’s nationalist government, he has been in constant conflict with the European Commission, the EU’s executive, over what Brussels calls an erosion of democratic institutions in formerly communist east European countries.

In an annual speech to ethnic Hungarians in Baile Tusnad in neighboring Romania, Orban portrayed the 2019 European parliamentary vote as decisive for the future of Europe.

He said the Western political “elite” of the EU had failed to protect the bloc from Muslim immigration and it was time for them to go. “The European elite is visibly nervous,” Orban told hundreds of cheering supporters.

“Their big goal to transform Europe, to ship it into a post-Christian era, and into an era when nations disappear - this process could be undermined in the European elections. And it is our elementary interest to stop this transformation.”

Orban said the European parliamentary vote must prove that there was an alternative to liberal democracy, which he said worked in undemocratic ways in Western Europe by being intolerant of alternative views.

“Christian democracy is not liberal…It is illiberal, if you like,” Orban said.

Unlike liberal democracy, he said, Christian democracy rejects multiculturalism and immigration while being anti-communist and standing for Christian values.

“We are facing a big moment: we are saying goodbye not simply to liberal democracy ... but to the 1968 elite,” he said, alluding to an international wave of leftist, liberal protest that upended the ruling conservative order in many countries.

On Friday, Orban welcomed the founding of the anti-EU Movement group by Steven Bannon, a far-right former aide to U.S. President Donald Trump, to boost the nationalist, anti-immigrant vote for the European Parliament next year.

Orban’s Fidesz party, which firmly leads opinion polls, has also demonized Hungarian-born U.S. billionaire George Soros and the liberal charity groups he supports. Fidesz has pushed through legislation to restrict the activity of civil society groups that it accuses of encouraging illegal migration.

Orban accuses Soros of promoting mass immigration to undermine Europe’s Christian culture. Soros denies this.

Orban has also built warm relations with Russia, which is building a nuclear plant in Hungary, and repeatedly criticized EU sanctions against Russia imposed after its annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea region in 2014.


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 21 Aug 2021 03:33 | #

Victor Orban was born in 1963 , so ” during the last 70 years” he was a champion of Christian values ?

Well , OK.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 21 Aug 2021 11:44 | #

Try and get this through your thick little pea brain.


During the last 70 years, Viktor Orban has done more to protect and preserve the white race than all the white nationalists and-or WN orgs combined. Period. Full stop.

I doubt that fact will affect your half-baked worldview but it needs to be said.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 21 Aug 2021 12:02 | #

Afghanistan: Doomed From the Start
The failure in Afghanistan is the cherry on top of 20 years of failure for America’s ruling class.

Modern Americans are endlessly told to “celebrate diversity” but are also hectored to treat other peoples as if they are interchangeable, all behave in the same ways and want the same things. This bedrock assumption of Wokemerica is the ultimate shoal on which the Afghan war foundered.

To express any doubt that a fundamentally pre-modern people with entirely different experiences and expectations from a State Department bureaucrat or NGO do-gooder—especially to suggest that democracy might not be an easy sell in the Hindu Kush—was instantly to expose oneself to the charge of “racism” or “Islamophobia.” The few who dared quickly learned not to. The rest did not dare—or else were true believers from the get-go.

What first was deemed unsayable soon became unthinkable. Since it was “racist” to see Afghanistan as it actually is, it soon became obligatory to see it as the exact opposite. Once making policy based on reality becomes “racist,” the only option is to make policy based on unreality. The result? In this case, 20 years, two trillion dollars, 2,500 American deaths, and 20,000 more casualties. All for nothing.

So the Bush Administration did what it did, which didn’t work, and no one was able to admit that it didn’t work because saying the reason aloud was forbidden.



Posted by Thorn on Sat, 21 Aug 2021 16:54 | #

Here’s a good companion article to the one I linked to @170

(Of course in an almost identical manner, moral blackmail is practiced in the UK too.)

This is the last four paragraphs:

Like one of those old magic eye posters that contained images hidden among visual white noise, once you see the American ruling elite’s reflex to resort to moral blackmail to win an argument, you can never unsee it. Every policy, every argument, every talking point asserts that you are a racist and a bad person if you believe America’s government should first and foremost protect American citizens. This is a fun game for the failed foreign policy establishment, because they reap all the benefits of using Americans’ blood and money to pump up their own self-esteem while bearing precisely none of the costs.

One of the primary reasons this cadre of credentialed incompetents loathed former president Donald Trump is because, as a secular, thrice-married New York billionaire, he was impervious to the moral blackmail that had worked like a charm on everyone else for over a decade. He didn’t much care if they called him racist for wanting to secure the border and put an end to open borders. He didn’t care if they called him heartless for wanting to shut down immigration from “shithole countries” to preserve the wages of American workers. And he didn’t care if they called him stupid for refusing to go along with their plans for forever wars all around the globe. For a time, America had a president who wouldn’t be bullied into doing things that weren’t in America’s national security interests. They hated him for it, and it’s why they spent every waking moment for four years, including two impeachments, desperately trying to throw him out of office.

Moral blackmail only works when the target cares what the blackmailer thinks about him. America’s interventionist elites have publicly failed in the most spectacular way possible, with the evidence of their failures playing on repeat on television for all the world to see. Breaking their hold on power from here on out is simple: stop caring what they think and stop caring what they say about you. Their ideas are disastrous and their rhetoric—that anyone who disagrees with them is a racist traitor—is toxic in a society built on free expression. The architects of the nation-building policies from Afghanistan to Iraq are failures and should be treated with the same disdain reserved for flat earthers or bloodletters.

Do you want to prevent the next Iraq or Afghanistan or Libya or Syria from being foisted on the American public at the cost of who knows how many decades, lives, or trillions of dollars? Stop giving them an inch. Stop kowtowing to their moral blackmail. Start telling them no.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 23 Aug 2021 11:36 | #

No doubt British elites believe this will send a strong message to all those thousands of newly arriving Afghan refugees: ‘Don’t you dare mistreat the LGBTQ population here in the UK! ... AND WE MEAN IT, TOO!!! 

F’ing delusional idiots!!

Even those at the Babylon Bee are laughing; one of their many prophesies realized.

UK police keep painting cars with rainbows to stamp out anti-LGBTQ bigotry… but critics would prefer ‘anti-knife crime’ vans


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 24 Aug 2021 03:25 | #

The word ” during” betrays your illiteracy. Orban was not around ” during” your 70 years. However had you used the word “over ” then you would be in the syntactical clear.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 24 Aug 2021 03:43 | #

When one reads a post with the word ” prophecies” , it’s a sign of Christian affectation, hopeful of Heaven , behaving as the Jews’ OT has directed him.

Nobody in UK cares about Americans , if only because they have long ceased to defend their own EGI ,  and not just because they dislike Brits.

When you go to Jews’ Heaven , whom do you imagine you will encounter ?  White people ?


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 24 Aug 2021 04:29 | #

Good old (((God))) . And his Bad Book.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 24 Aug 2021 07:09 | #

Some thorny ( Kosher ) food for thought. :


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 24 Aug 2021 12:26 | #


Definition - during

throughout the course or duration of (a period of time).

During the last 70 years, Viktor Orban has done more to protect and preserve the white race than all the white nationalists and-or WN orgs combined. Period. Full stop.


Throughout the course of the last 70 years, Viktor Orban has done more to protect and preserve the white race than all the white nationalists and-or WN orgs combined. Period. Full stop.

Same difference.

“Orban was not around ” during” your 70 years.

So you’re saying: Throughout the course of the last 70 years, Orban was not around?

Hey Al, you really need to sit down and STFU. Preferably in the corner with your dunce cap on. lol



Posted by Thorn on Tue, 24 Aug 2021 14:42 | #

Within the last 70 years…..

F’ing little grammar girl nazi biting at my heels.


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 26 Aug 2021 02:58 | #

The word “during ” comes from ” the duration thereof ” .  THROUGHOUT the course or duration of time.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 26 Aug 2021 11:52 | #

# dangerous control freaks

(((Gladys Berejiklian)))

COVID Madness Down Under – New South Wales (Sydney) Will Permit One Hour of Outdoor Recreation Time for Vaccinated Persons, While Queensland (Brisbane) Builds Quarantine Camp

August 26, 2021 | Sundance

To say COVID fear is running amok in Australia would be the understatement of the year.  Rather than add my own editorial to their announcements, it is much more effective to read their own words.  None of this is a spoof, everything in quotes is exactly as proclaimed by officials and compliant media.  You cannot make this stuff up folks. more…..


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 27 Aug 2021 13:07 | #

For the last few years I’ve reduced the list of WN sites I visit to a handful; MR being one, but only bc I’ve always like(d) GW’s take on various topics. Once in a while I check out to see what Jared Taylor is up to. Another WN site I regularly visit is EGI Notes. The message there is consistently on target. Ted Sallis’ assessment of WN’s past, present, and the direction it’s going is spot on. Moreover, his critique WN is invariably infused with humor. He’s both very informative and entertaining. IOWs after reading Mr. Sallis’ work, I leave more informed and with a smile on my face.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 28 Aug 2021 12:34 | #

This is the best article I’ve read so far on Afghanistan. It comes with this endorsement:

Anon writes: People fighting for their homeland have, among other advantages, a moral advantage against an occupying power. They’re fighting for what’s theirs, not to steal and dominate what isn’t. It’s a lesson America’s revolutionary ancestors knew in their bones, but one most Americans have ignored, at staggering costs in blood and treasure, through America’s string of failed invasions and occupations since World War II. It’s also a lesson that should, but won’t, make those who presume to rule us quake. While the government is part of America, it is no longer of America (our rulers now pride themselves on their separateness), just as our puppet governments in the lands we’ve occupied have been part of those countries, but not of them. In other words, the government is an occupying power in our land, and is destined to meet the fate of so many occupying powers.

How and Why the Taliban Won

Eric Zuesse

August 21, 2021

Between America’s founding and the present time, America has switched from doing war against military occupiers, to doing war as military occupiers, Eric Zuesse writes.

The prominent philosopher Slavoj Zizek stated the question well at RT, on August 17th:

The Taliban’s 80,000 troops have retaken Afghanistan with cities falling like dominos while the 300,000-strong government forces, better equipped and trained, mostly melted and surrendered with no will to fight. Why did it happen?

The Western media tell us there can be several explanations for that. …

However, all these explanations seem to avoid a basic fact that is traumatic for the liberal Western view. That is the Taliban’s disregard for survival and the readiness of its fighters to assume “martyrdom,” to die not just in a battle but even in suicidal acts.

He compared this to the Marxists who were willing to risk their lives in order to conquer the ruling aristocratic regime in Russia a hundred years ago and succeeded against enormous odds. But, then, Zizek said “it is doubtful that traditional Marxism can provide a convincing account of the success of Taliban.” Philosophers (including not only the anti-Marxist philosopher Zizek but Marx himself) always have been and are accustomed to contradicting themselves like that, without even noticing that they are. Even self-contradiction is accepted by them, because — as a profession — they have no consistent epistemological standard that they’re required to meet. Instead, Zizek blithely assumed that Russia’s Revolutionists hadn’t won for the very same reason the Taliban did — they were willing to die for their cause, while the opposing soldiers were not. He simply assumed that because the Taliban fought for a different god, they didn’t win for the same reason that those Marxist ‘atheists’ did.

However, the question still remains open, and must be addressed, in the most general sense:

Why did the Taliban win against the Americans in Afghanistan?

Why did the communists win against the Americans in Vietnam?

Why did the communists win against the capitalists in the Russian Revolution?

Why did the American Revolutionists win against the British Empire?






Posted by Thorn on Sat, 28 Aug 2021 13:03 | #

In both the USA and the UK, the government—aka the ruling class—is moving as fast as they can to decimate, mainly via immigration of nonwhites, the founding population and native population respectively. Of course part of the reasons they’re doing this so as to undermine any potential uprising that might threaten their power. The USA may have already reached that tipping point; the UK is moving quickly towards that tipping point. Of course that tipping point is where the native Brits are no longer the majority; rather they’ll be a minority within a country where non-native Brits (mainly mud ppl) are the majority. We’ve been watching this process take place for over 50 years now. All of that leads me to believe the future of the white race lies in eastern-Europe. Men such as Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orban are amongst the very few white leaders that give a fuck if the white race survives or not. 


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 30 Aug 2021 06:34 | #

The American lowering of the Stars and Stripes in the Kabul embassy in June and replacing it with the superior fecal matter prodders’ Gay Pride rag should tell us much of what we want to know about White Colonialism in North America.

On the other hand , of course , there is an old and culturally sympathetic Afghan poem which includes the words :

” There’s a boy across the river ,
  With a bottom like a peach ,
  Alas , I have no boat.”

The City of Brotherly ( Christian ) Love will surely accommodate the Afghans but given the above verse , perhaps San Francisco might fit tightly.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 30 Aug 2021 11:13 | #


Why does it not surprise me that you’re so readily familiar with such poem?



Posted by Thorn on Tue, 31 Aug 2021 18:08 | #

The governments of the USA and the UK are our worst enemies. Of course WNs have known that since the 1960s. That’s when the ruling-class turned against their own (whites) in favor of the other (non-whites).

The demand to resettle Afghan refugees brings the war home.

Perennial Democratic White House aide, congressman, Chicago mayor, and ambassador-in-waiting Rahm Emmanuel’s sole memorable utterance—his only candidate for Bartlett’s—is his cynical 2008 maxim that the good guys (i.e., his team) must “never let a serious crisis go to waste.” He was speaking of using the financial crisis to usher in sweeping changes to law, policy, the economy, and society that would otherwise not have been possible through ordinary democratic processes.

The same logic applies now to the Democrats’—and many Republicans’—insistence that America be flooded with Afghan “refugees.” Importing as many immigrants as possible, from cultures as alien to traditional America as possible, is the ruling class’s top priority, after protecting its own wealth and power. But since importing millions upon millions of foreigners is the primary tool by which the ruling class maintains that wealth and power—by suppressing wage growth and dividing the population—it can be hard to disaggregate these two priorities.

The parallels between the two crises are obvious. Just as ruling class hubris, incompetence, dishonesty, and greed created the financial crisis, so did a similar combination produce the mess in Afghanistan. There is no need to rehash the “higher” motives for the failure here. It is worth noting, however, that lower motives were not absent: a lot of people were making a lot of money off that war.

And now, just like thirteen years ago, our rulers want to use a crisis they created as justification to ram through what they always wanted to do anyway. Which, in this case, is to resettle a hundred or two hundred thousand (the number varies depending on who’s speaking) foreigners with no tradition of liberty—who are indeed from a culture deeply alien, even hostile to, Western civilizational norms—in your communities.


RTWT (a link to Cheryl Benard’s excellent article is also provided therein.)



Posted by Thorn on Tue, 31 Aug 2021 22:57 | #

Our Afghan Nightmare:
Tanks for Nothing

Afghanistan has been reinvented as the best-equipped terrorist nation in the world, basking in the prestige of humiliating the world’s superpower.
By Victor Davis Hanson

August 29, 2021

Excerpt- The administration never mentions the vast horde of U.S. weaponry that was simply abandoned to the Taliban. Why? Is it to be “$80 billion here, thousands of machine guns there—no big deal”?

Estimates of the trove’s value range from $70 billion to $90 billion. The stockpile likely includes 80,000 vehicles, including 4,700 late-model Humvees, 600,000 weapons of various sorts, 162,643 pieces of communications equipment, more than 200 aircraft, and 16,000 pieces of intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance equipment, including late-model drones. Especially worrisome are the loss of night-vision equipment, 20,000-plus grenades, and 1,400 grenade launchers, as well as more than 7,000 machine guns—the perfect equipment for jihadist terror operations and asymmetrical street fighting.

We can look at this disaster in a number of depressing ways. One would be to compare this giveaway to military aid given to Israel over the last 70 years, which more or less has amounted to about an aggregate $100 billion. In other words, in one fell swoop, the Pentagon deposited into Taliban hands about 80 percent of all the military aid that we’ve ever given to Israel since the founding of the Jewish state. In terms of tactical and operational capability, the Taliban may now be the best-equipped terrorist force in Asia and the Middle East.



Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 01 Sep 2021 06:58 | #

I may have erred in my description of Philadelphia . It was the ” City of Brotherly Love ” in Masonic , not Christian , terms.

With regard to my knowledge of Afghan culture , I attribute that to a Flashman novel.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 04 Sep 2021 13:12 | #

It’s a class thing. If a person wants to enter or maintain a position in the ruling-class*, that person must enthusiastically adhere to the tenets of the new Western religion: Wokeism - aka “anti-racism.” If they refuse, they will by denied entrance into the ruling-class or excommunicated - whichever applies.

What’s so evident amongst the ruling-class is they derive a sense of moral superiority from selling out their own race. Moreover many of them appear to be basking what can only be described as psycho-sexual ethno-masochistic pleasure.

The culture of our ruling-class is a sick one indeed; the epitome of deviancy.

* I see the upper middle-class / the professional-class / the managerial-class as the bulk of those whom comprise the “ruling-class.” Of course it’s not just the super-rich or the holders of elected office.

On the same topic:

Protector of Strangers
The Z Man

August 23, 2021

Theoxeny is a theme in Greek mythology in which mortals demonstrate their virtue by extending hospitality to a complete stranger, usually one who is humble like a beggar or a poor traveler. The stranger turns out to be a deity in disguise. The man who is a generous host, thus displaying his piety, is rewarded, while the man who refuses to extend hospitality is punished for his lack of piety.

For the ancient Greeks, hospitality toward foreigners and guests was a very important moral obligation. Zeus is sometimes called Zeus Xenios because of his role as a protector of strangers. The name Xenios is derived from xenos, the Greek word for “stranger.” To have Zeus, the ruler of the gods, embody the moral obligations around the treatment of strangers speaks to the importance of the practice to the Greeks.

In the new religion of the American ruling elite, there is a similar sort of ritualized hospitality toward strangers. It is primarily expressed in the form of open borders, the admittance of anyone who has a reason to settle in America. The reason does not need to make any sense. It just has to provide the ruling class with the opportunity to tell one another how much they care about these strangers.

“This is not about you, as they don’t care about you. It is about piety within the managerial class itself.”

In the past week, all corners of the ruling class have demanded that America import as many Afghans as possible. Granted, none of the people demanding the importation of these Neolithic barbarians plans to house them in his home. It is not about actually helping the people they claim to love. You see, the demand to import Afghans into your neighborhood is part of a ritual demonstrating their virtue.


This is not a psychosis exclusive to America. Boris Johnson has announced that Britain will take in Afghans. Apparently, Rotherham needs a topping-up. French president Emmanuel Macron also wants Afghan refugees. If you are wondering what everyone will be getting for Christmas this year, there is the answer. Europeans will wake up to find an Afghan family under their tree.




Posted by Thorn on Sat, 04 Sep 2021 17:34 | #

The following is a good illustration of how the ruling-class mocks, defames, and marginalizes anyone who goes contrary to their “anti-racist / woke” ideologies.

In this case they smear Lionel Shriver (the author of the article Al Ross linked to @ 189) as a nazi bc she recognizes Replacement Theory not as a right-wing conspiracy theory, rather as the ongoing process it is. For that she has been mocked, marginalized and in effect, “canceled” by the “ruling-class.”

These “anti-racist / woke” types cannot be reasoned with. Their arrogance and hubris ... their belief they’re both morally and intellectually superior to us “racists” prevent them from considering factual truths. Factual truths threaten the very foundation they built their status upon.  The question is what options are available to defeat such slimly slippery sinister opponents?


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 05 Sep 2021 03:55 | #

The “Protection of Strangers” was , as all educated people know ,  strictly applied on a racial basis in Ancient Greece to individual indigent or lost Athenians requiring very temporary protection in Sparta , or some such intra - racial example.


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 05 Sep 2021 04:32 | #

  “Factual truths” are always welcome .  As Oxford’s Professor Joad , used to say in the old BBC Brains Trust , ” Well , that depends on what you mean by ....”


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 05 Sep 2021 14:31 | #


The problem is whites’ current ruling-classes. One central feature is they demonstrate “out-group preference” rather than in-group preference.

Of course in-group preference is built into humans’ DNA - it’s natural. But our ruling-class has bought into an ideology that asserts “racism” is a learned behavior. They believe in the Cutural Marxist propaganda which asserts racism is a construct invented by European colonialists (back in the 1700s) and used ( amongst other things) for the purpose of advancing “white supremacy.” . Furthermore, they believe the only way to defeat “racism” is to abolish “whiteness.” Part of their plan to abolish “whiteness” is to make whites minorities in their own homelands. Of course we can extrapolate that making whites a minority in their own homelands will eventually lead to the extinction of the white race. If you and I can figure that out so too can they. We can only conclude they are knowingly committing genocide on their own race; their own kith and kin!

How the ruling-class became infected with such a diseased mindset is up for debate. One thing for sure is whites are the only race who’ve been plagued by it.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 07 Sep 2021 05:15 | #

Re the last Thorn sentence ( thank Clapton ) :
KMac does a yeoman’s job of explaining the Kinship / Moral Community racial dichotomy that dim Whites miss.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 07 Sep 2021 12:03 | #

@ 195

Again the problem is the white ruling-class - aka the professional-class, the managerial-class, the political-class ....

Those whom makeup the aforementioned are the polar opposite of “dim Whites.” 

Yes, K-Mac does a yeoman’s job explaining in detail how Jewish evolutionary psychology (the advancing of Jewish interests) has negatively impacted the white nations in which they reside; but that only explains one aspect of the larger problem whites face.

K-Mac and David Duke’s work must be taken into consideration, but to come from a premise that the Jews are the sole cause of Euro-man’s decline is to back yourself into an epistemological cul-de-sac. Those White Nationalists who do so come across to the world as being narrow-minded miseducated misguided bigots; or at best, too narrowly focused - eccentric. Given that, is it any wonder why WNs are so easily marginalized into the outer fringes of society?


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 08 Sep 2021 03:31 | #

One can’t help but notice, Thornblossom, that you - I should say perhaps, those helping you - have been trying to assimilate my position, make me redundant as much as possible; but then, one wonders, why you and Haller were so determined to be rid of me, when you only seek to assimilate my position; but the answer is clear in the motive that you/they cannot conceal; the wish that they have to provide an opening for Jewish academics and the corruption of your Jewish god; the opening is right up your anus.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 08 Sep 2021 15:54 | #

I don’t want to rid you, Danny. In fact I encourage you to keep developing your ideas. Keep trying to improve your style; your presentation; your demeanor. Hopefully all your time and hard work may someday come to fruition. Keep at it until you’ve reached your goal; then set a higher goal. Perseverance is key to success.


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 10 Sep 2021 02:32 | #

  Absent Jews and their self - serving , power - of -the -purse , cultural Marxist concerns , few White ” ruling class ” members would ever imagine their advocacy of the current baneful ,  self - immolating position.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 10 Sep 2021 11:54 | #

Is BoJo is infected with jew-brain, or what? 

Hungary’s Open Letter to Boris Johnson

Visegrád Post

Following the Hungary-England football match in Budapest on Thursday, September 2, during which racist abuse against the British team was reported, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson posted a tweet in which he expressed that it was “completely unacceptable that England players were racially abused in Hungary.” He then called on the FIFA football association “to take strong action against those responsible to ensure that this kind of disgraceful behaviour is eradicated from the game for good.“

The British Prime Minister’s comment was taken badly by some of the Hungarian public, and even members of the government reacted. Indeed, the atmosphere quickly deteriorated after the political — and now ritual — kneeling in favor of the extremist BLM (Black Lives Matter) movement, which was seen by the Hungarian authorities and the overwhelming majority of the Hungarian public as a provocation.

Among those who reacted was the influential Hungarian historian and businesswoman Mária Schmidt, who is close to Viktor Orbán and heads several political and historical research institutes in Hungary.

We translated her open letter, which was published on her Facebook page on September 3, 2021:

Dear Prime Minister,

I am shocked by your insensitive post condemning Hungarian supporters for their alleged racism, which demonstrates the usual British colonialist attitude. The British football players came to our capital as guests, and they infuriated Hungarian supporters with a gesture that we feel is a hypocritical move. For centuries, the British have colonized many parts of the globe, and to this day they run an elite world based on a caste system. We have never colonized anyone. This is why I advise you to play this kneeling in a country where there is a demand for it. With your deceitful and ostentatious gestures of British moralization, you do nothing to undo or redeem what has been done.

You can buy North American New Right vol. 2 here

And you didn’t even yet mention that we Hungarians have never received anything good from the British. The responsibility for Trianon, as well as for the whole misguided and criminal Treaty of Versailles, was shifted by the British PR onto France over the last hundred years, but by now nobody thinks that the leading power of the world at that time, the British Empire, was ordered around by the ruined and fallen French. In 1918, the British blockade starved nearly one million Germans to death after the armistice, which would be a concern for the Germans if only they had any courage. I am just pointing out that we know about this. Just as we know that during the Second World War, millions of Indians were starved to death because their grain was taken away from them in order to give it to the superior British. Of course, you have no problem with Churchill’s racist justifications, otherwise you wouldn’t hold him up as your role model. We will never — I repeat, never — forgive you for dividing up our region together with Stalin on a cheap piece of paper in the autumn of 1944, pushing us over to Asia!

But let’s get back to football. In the European Championship final, the British were, as they have been for decades, a bunch of scumbags. They beat up several fans, and their black footballers, who missed the penalties, were subjected to racist attacks. Neither Prince William or you, who were present at the game, congratulated the victorious Italian President, which is really a boorish thing to do. So is booing the Italian national anthem. The defeated English did not wait for the result to be announced and did not pay their respects to the winners. London was puked on, pissed on, and littered by the football fans. They broke through the cordon and rushed in without tickets, all of this in pandemic times, without any controls. They behaved as usual. I am still waiting to see what punishment they will receive, because we will of course be disciplined in an exemplary manner.

Boris Johnson, you’re at the head of a small, decaying country. Get on with it and clean your own house. You’ve got a lot to do.

Mária Schmidt


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 10 Sep 2021 22:47 | #

Leave it to Thornblossom to bring more of the overplayed Pat Buchananesque Catholic and Nazi sympathetic angle.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 00:01 | #

How exactly did I bring a more “overplayed Pat Buchananesque Catholic” angle?  AND, pray tell, how am I bringing a Nazi angle? Is it bc I asked if BoJo is infected with jew-brain? (Between you and I, I think BoJo is afraid of being labeled a racist. He is well aware being labeled a racist is a career ender; hence, his obligatory virtue signaling.)

I know you are an anti-Lockean, non-Cartesian leftist (but not “leftist” as defined by Jews) so I’d like to hear your explanation. It ought to make for a good laugh.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 02:35 | #

The fact that you are oblivious to Buchanan being a Catholic, making arguments for the “unnecessary war” which displays too much sympathy to the Nazi anti-Anglo perspective, (i.e., not taking the complaint for unnecessary aggression to Hitler, which is the normal first place to look if you want to exercise regret in 20/20 hindsight) merely shows the water in which you swim, in America, and take for granted as a currency which circulates far more than its value merits among a German/Irish population pandered to with their sympathies and lack thereof in reaction to PC.

That you would call me a “leftist” unqualified goes to show your disingenuousness, as I have been forced to specify for years now, that I label my position White Left Ethnonatinalist, because GW would not observe the obvious fact that I was advocating ehtnonationalism for Whites. He would not stop straw mannng me, trying to attribute the (((red cape))) internationalist (i.e., for Whites then, liberal) characterology of THE left to me in order to serve his autobiography by pitting me as his foil and under the sway of Jewish interests when in fact, their altercasting of White identity as right/ third position / or neither left nor right is what serves their Jewish interests and the right wingers and liberals who take the pay off. To try to cast off GW’s endless strawmannng, I was forced to specify White Left Ethnonationalism (as a genus / fill in the species nation as need be) so that honest people would not be misdirected by his strawmen.

The fact that you would call me baldly a leftist, leaving off the White ethnonationalist specification, which I have been at pains to add for years now, just goes to show that you are disingenuous, trying to take advantage of the (((marketing))) saturation against “the left” by associating me with the common (mis) understanding, here to kiss GW’s ass and insert your Christian/ soft line on Jewish participation position here, knowing that my platform won’t allow for that opening for antagonists; knowing that if free speech is the issue, you can take it elsewhere; this was, while I was here, one WN place to go free of Jesus and Hitler. Being English and thus not appreciating the decades of the German/Irish American perspective circulating Jesus and Hitler as joined at the hip with WN, partly specializing in service of criticizing Christianity, thus seeing value in debating Christians to bring converts to non Christianity, and finally, again, for the purpose that the Jewish framework against red caped post modernity and “The” left serves his autobiography, he created a situation that welcomes your obnoxious perspective back here

P.S. Anyone who wants to know that your comment number 198 has not been your disposition toward me need only skim through the history of your comments to see your obnoxious antagonism and stupidly futile arguments against me.



Posted by Thorn on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 13:21 | #

So in a nutshell, you hate Nazis, Christianity and anyone who disagrees with your POV.

Got it.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 18:39 | #

My view is not remotely reduceable as such. You are an idiot.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 18:54 | #


Aw come on now, Danny! ... I thought my message to you was obvious; i.e, you are not worth anymore of my time than that. I guess you’re too stupid—or more likely, too much of a mental case—to take the hint.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 19:33 | #

LMAO right back at you Thornblossom!  Your time is shit because you are shit. Your opinion is worth nothing. You’ve ignored everything that I’ve said because it renders further discussion of the baby Jesus unnecessary. That’s how ignorant you are, always have been. Take heart, the world is going to be a better place when you are dead. Your time was NEVER worth anything.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 20:39 | #

Now Dubya has jumped on the bandwagon and in effect is labeling the Jan 6 rioters as “domestic terrorists.” At least he didn’t call them “white supremacists” as does President Biden, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Millie, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austen, Attorney General Merrick Garland, FBI Director Christopher Wray et al…. They all just keep repeating the talking point: “White supremacy poses America’s greatest domestic threat.” 

The truth is, they, the “liberal” ruling-class, characterize anyone who doesn’t toe the “woke” line as “white supremacists.” That would include virtually all those who support Trump.

But it begs the question: Do they really believe it?!?

‘They are children of the same foul spirit’: George W. Bush compares 9/11 terrorists to ‘domestic extremist’ threat at home
11 Sep, 2021 18:41

‘They are children of the same foul spirit’: George W. Bush compares 9/11 terrorists to ‘domestic extremist’ threat at home
George W. Bush speaks during an event commemorating 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 in Pennsylvania ©  REU
Former President George W. Bush has used his speech on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks to call out “violent extremists at home.”
While visiting Shanksville, Pennsylvania on Saturday, Bush, who was president at the time of the deadly terrorist attacks, compared the foreign terrorists behind 9/11 to the supposed domestic extremists in the US today.

“We have seen growing evidence that the dangers to our country can come, not only across borders, but from violence that gathers within,” the former president said.

The Republican admitted there is “little cultural overlap between violent extremists abroad and violent extremists at home,” but claimed they are “children of the same foul spirit” and seemed to reference the January 6 Capitol rioters when he said one “cultural overlap” is an interest to “defile national symbols.”

Read more>>


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 21:56 | #

And while you proceed to try to ignore things that I’ve said and done, and try to tell people that I’ve done nothing worth considering, you proceed to post news updates (perhaps with the help of Jesus and Jew friendly sources) in the comment section. Among the many MANY things that you ignore is that using the comments as a quick news update column to supplement News & Views section which is listed in the carousel but has to be clicked on so as not to clutter attention from the evergreen concerns of the Central page that you land on - to keep the focus on essential matters while news refreshes the context - is my concept. You are such an asshole.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 11 Sep 2021 22:30 | #

Two excellent essays via GoV

The Crash of Civilization
by Fjordman


Been There. Done That.
by Baron Bodissey


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 12 Sep 2021 00:14 | #

Are we to be surprised that Thornblossom is posting stuff from the (((Gates of Vieanna)),  notorious controlled opposition?


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 12 Sep 2021 03:17 | #

You are definitely on to something Daniel S , when you associated Boris J with Judaism .

BJ , when in the mood to venerate UK minorities , proudly mentions his “Turkish” forebears .

Of course , BJ declines to provide further and better genealogical particulars lest it be known that his paternal Turkish line were actually Sabbatean Crypto Jews ( Donmehs).


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 12 Sep 2021 07:40 | #

Catholic and Nazi ;

Were those with a smattering of history asked about ‘soon - to - be’ Hitler - era Poland , the words ” Catholic” and “Warsaw Military Junta Govt.” may pop up . Of course , the equine - mounted Polish aristocratic officers who stupidly faced Hitler’s tanks cracked and crumbled. The Poles, under the Junta Govt , treated the Jews so well that many ghetto denizens ran towards to advancing Germans.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 12 Sep 2021 09:11 | #

Danny boy, those two GoV articles I posted contain more value than the sum total of what you’ve ever posted at MR.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 12 Sep 2021 09:15 | #

You are definitely on to something Daniel S , when you associated Boris J with Judaism .

I was I @200 that associated BoJo will Judaism. More specifically I suggested he was infected with jew-brain.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 12 Sep 2021 09:28 | #

Where the heck is GW?

He’s been absent three weeks now.

Kinda worried you, GW, may have fallen victim to the China virus.

In any event, I hope and pray all is well.



Posted by Thorn on Sun, 12 Sep 2021 10:12 | #

This dovetails with my comment @ 208

Hillary Clinton Celebrates 9/11 By Calling Trump Supporters The ‘Biggest Threat to America Now’


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 12 Sep 2021 16:03 | #

Posted by Thorn on Sun, 12 Sep 2021 09:11 | #

Danny boy, those two GoV articles I posted contain more value than the sum total of what you’ve ever posted at MR

I don’t think so.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 12 Sep 2021 16:22 | #

mounted Polish aristocratic officers who stupidly faced Hitler’s tanks cracked

Polish cavalry going up against Nazi tanks is an urban legend that derives of Nazi propaganda footage which was always shown as “the beginning of WWII” in (((American media))) when in fact, the Nazis cowardly sneak attack bombardment from a ship granted permission to dock in the neutral city of Danzig was the beginning of the war. The Poles had air craft and tanks but were putting the predominance of their hopes in alliance and support from France and England to fight, as the Poles would fight for their sovereign nation. After that, the cowardly Nazis were given permission by Hitler to kill, with impunity, Polish civilians, men women and children; not only to take the land that Hitler’s god, Frederick the Great faggot had stolen, but to try to steal even more Lebensraum, particularly Ukraine, for his half assed ideology.

Guessedworker deserves Jesus Thornblossom and Hitler-douche bag Al Ross.



Posted by Thorn on Mon, 13 Sep 2021 16:20 | #

Is Gordan Chang and American patriot? An anti-Chinese propagandist working for the Jew World Order? A fear monger? Something else? I just hope he’s wrong.

In any event, if what he warns about is true then it looks like China is only one or two moves from placing the White race in checkmate.

Gordon Chang: China Building ‘Ethnic Specific’ Bioweapon That Can Target People Based on Race

The Chinese government is developing biological weapons that can attack DNA strands specific to targeted racial groups. According to Gordon Chang, author of “The Coming Collapse of China,” these “ethnic-specific pathogens” could amount to “civilization killers,” and leave China as the world’s “only viable civilization.” This development is happening as China amasses the largest collection of American DNA profiles, even larger than what the United States has, through the purchase of DNA sequencing companies. We sat down with Gordon Chang to learn more about why these developments necessitate the immediate attention of the U.S. government, and of governments around the world.

Video of Joshua Philipp interviewing Gordan Chang -


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 14 Sep 2021 04:17 | #

Yes Daniel S . My mea culpa , mea maxima culpa . Lethargic Pole yokelry v Germanic IQ was WW 1


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 14 Sep 2021 04:44 | #

Keep wearing out the knees of your trousers praying, Thorn .

That’ll solve all your problems.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 14 Sep 2021 05:19 | #

Douce Bhag , please , Daniel S . My shirts are designed in France and made in India.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 14 Sep 2021 07:05 | #

Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 14 Sep 2021 04:17 | #

Yes Daniel S . My mea culpa , mea maxima culpa . Lethargic Pole yokelry v Germanic IQ was WW 1

Ah yes, lethargic Poles and Belgians too, just let the high I.Q. Germans burn down their ancient libraries, cities and kill civilians, etc. Poor Germans, the eternal victims… so aggrieved in the condition of their I.Q., they, the others just cannot understand.. a good selling point if one wants to pander to the predominant White demographics of the USA, anyway.

(((Curtis Yarvin))) will give you an “unbiased” perspective that The Germans were just doing what they had to do, what was normal, or so his German wife, blonde mischling kids, and divide and conquer strategy of kissing German ass would have it (Yarvin quotes A.P. Taylor as if a credible historian; A.P. Taylor who quotes, as if true, Goebbels vast lie that Poles killed 53,000 German civilians interwar; an exponentialized figure that Hitler proposed); a divide and conquer strategy of Germanophilic (((pandering))) shared by (((Paul Gottfried)))(Mr. “we need an Alternative Right” to counter “The” left (i.e. to disorganize and divide would-be White Left Ethnonationalism in its potential war of position against Jewish hegemony and complicit White right wingers and liberals); (((David Cole Stein))) (((Mr. I am a proud German Jew and I hate Slavic Jews) and to some extent (((Gilad Atzmon))) (Mr. I hate Israel, sympathize with Germans and basically think the world should be a borderless liberal jazz fest against a veneer of pseudo Heideggerism).

But you know, (((Yarvin))) “proves” that he is unbiased in his take by suggesting that Hitler was gay, and that he has nothing to gain in taking that “bold’ position.

It is rather the case that Hitler’s idol, Frederick the Great, was a homo… maybe sought to prove his manhood by stealing Polish land that Hitler was aggrieved to have seen returned by the Versailles treaty; while an entire Jewish media, operating in an indifferent market abets the myth that Germany necessarily suffered injustice in the way Versailles drew the borders; veritably always beginning history at 1919.

Yes, the lethargic Poles, it took their cryptographers until sometime in early 1930s to crack Enigma, the Nazi secret coding machine.

Polish cryptographers: Henryk Zygalski, Jerzy Różycki and Marian Rejewski



Posted by Thorn on Tue, 14 Sep 2021 16:10 | #

@ 222

Thank you for your concern, Al.

My made in Italy Brunello Cucinelli ‘trousers’ are expensive yet not very durable.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 15 Sep 2021 03:47 | #

Just like your political fancies, Thorn.

Anyway my comment was directed at Daniel S ,  most of whose ethnic kinsmen are now happily back in Warsaw , post Brexit.

We will have to pay proper wages for plumbers who actually know about indoor plumbing.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 15 Sep 2021 04:24 | #

Re the Enigma Machine , it was invented in Poland as everyone knows . The location of Bletchley Park was almost exactly between Oxfordski and Cambridgeski.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 15 Sep 2021 05:33 | #

One should never underestimate the WASP - viewed, Polish cultural and social contribution to Chicago   :

Poppa was a policeman ,
Momma walked the street ,
They got together ,
While they were on their beat.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 15 Sep 2021 06:52 | #

Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 15 Sep 2021 03:47 | #

Just like your political fancies, Thorn.

Anyway my comment was directed at Daniel S ,  most of whose ethnic kinsmen are now happily back in Warsaw , post Brexit.

We will have to pay proper wages for plumbers who actually know about indoor plumbing.

Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 15 Sep 2021 04:24 | #

Re the Enigma Machine , it was invented in Poland as everyone knows . The location of Bletchley Park was almost exactly between Oxfordski and Cambridgeski.

One should never underestimate the WASP - viewed, Polish cultural and social contribution to Chicago   :

Poppa was a policeman ,
Momma walked the street ,
They got together ,
While they were on their beat

You know Al, one of the major reasons why I would never live in England (in fact, have never even been there) is because I would not want to have to put up with shit from scum bags like yourself treating me as well, not even guests would be treated this way… in fact, not wanting to feel like a guest is a reason why I don’t live in America with its background Anglo Culture.

As for the Poles who might be coming back from England; they never belonged there in the first place; genetically, The EU has been bad for both sides.

As for the Enigma machine, do you mean to tell me that the Poles did not crack it first? not well before Bletchley Park?

As for you and your stupid, Nazi adoring Polish hating perspective, it is about the last thing that European peoples need, right up there with Jesus and Jews (whose interests are served by your divisive perspective).

I would love to hear that your face had been kicked in, all the bones smashed.

And by the way, Al, where do YOU live? Thailand? with the lady boys to serve your typical Nazi-faggot self?



Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 15 Sep 2021 09:03 | #

Well , face OK for now . One of the favourable aspects of a life of solid comfort is that one can afford a property outside one’s own country .

No personal prejudice agin PhD - holders . My wife has a doctorate , as has my son - in - law. The former, Cantabrigian and the latter post- doc Oxonian.

I bet you can fight almost as well as you express impotent rage.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 15 Sep 2021 10:03 | #

I don’t have rage, Al, let alone impotent rage but rather boredom and irritation at having had to put up with the tedious likes of you, whose primary goal with regard to myself (like GW) was to imagine fault and ostensible means to dismiss, though that time has drawn to a close. Nor do you have personal prejudice against PhD holders (neither do I) in the case of GW, but you do not share his puerile prejudice against academics and affinity for those who do not wear the pedigree provided they genuflect to his self psychologizing Za Zen majesty.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 15 Sep 2021 11:40 | #

Will the West’s woke / multi-cultural / multi-racial experiment eventually reduce it to third-world conditions? Will the course Russia is taking cause it to flourish? I think as the decades and centuries pass, both the former and latter will be the case.

Putin’s unveiling of monument to Alexander Nevsky on NATO frontier shows how Russia believes real threat comes from West, not East
15 Sep, 2021 10:57


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 15 Sep 2021 12:13 | #

Thorn note: Biden may have made the correct decision WRT withdrawing from Afghanistan, but he doesn’t really control the power structure in the USA. The Deep State, namely the permanent unelected bureaucracy; the corporatocracy, the military-industrial-complex; the donor-class and the think-tanks they fund write foreign policy - it is they who’re in control. Presidents come and go but the Deep State’s interests, it appears, remain and operate almost independent from elected officials. 

Progression or regression? Timofei Bordachev, programme director of the Valdai Discussion Club

For the most part, living in history for people has been a bit like swimming in water for fish – both species are by nature too far-sighted to comprehend what’s immediately in front of them. But recently the speed and the scale of transformations have intensified so much that it’s impossible not to notice the change, although the question of what to do about it still remains open. To try and unpack these changes, Oksana is joined by Timofei Bordachev, program director of the Valdai Discussion Club and author of ‘Europe, Russia and the Liberal World Order’.



Posted by DanielS on Wed, 15 Sep 2021 13:05 | #


Where I said

Nor do you have personal prejudice against PhD holders (neither do I) in the case of GW

I meant, of course: Nor do you have personal prejudice against non-PhD holders (neither do I) in the case of GW

....In all probability, most of the most important ideas have come from people without PhD’s. I can think of one of my most influential sources straight off, never got a PhD.

And while you make an exception for GW, I am glad to not fetishize the pedigree as you do, not having one yourself either, but getting off by proxy, on your wife’s dominance and your son’s dominance over you, as they take turns wearing the strap-on.



Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 18 Sep 2021 02:25 | #

  Well , Daniel S , you got to the top of the greasy Pole of blog commentators .

  Your amusing sexual imagery may provide you with dopamine moments ( with an emphasis on your being a dope ) but as they used to remonstrate in England , ” Come , come.”


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 18 Sep 2021 05:20 | #

Relax , Daniel S . Take a break .

Go sell crazy elsewhere , Thorn’s all stocked up.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 18 Sep 2021 06:18 | #

I’m relaxed, dickhead. Not crazy, you are (you’d have to be crazy if you think selling Hitler is the way to go).

You have here yet another reserved parking place for your “Hitler is not crazy/you are” thanks to GW’s ego-mall franchise, which, in conglomeration with the rest of the right wing will not brook a single outlet free of Jesus and Hitler insane boutiques.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 18 Sep 2021 06:30 | #

...and don’t worry about your sexual picadilloes, seeing as you and your fat-pig wife are a good match for one another, both uninspiringly laden by bratwurst indulgence, your need to spice things up with the strap-on followed by a beer and a bit of target practice against a leaner, more beautiful sort is understandable..


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 18 Sep 2021 06:37 | #

And tell the truth, Al, who likes a golden face shower more, you or Hitler?


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 18 Sep 2021 07:42 | #

I have actually seen your unfortunate genetic future in an internet pic . Sure it’s yours ?


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 18 Sep 2021 10:02 | #

Poor Al, will never get over the fact that Hitler was beaten. Take heart, I really don’t care that you both like to have your face peed on.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 00:05 | #

“If freedom is short of weapons, we must compensate with willpower.”
—Adolf Hitler, Landsberg, 5 November 1925


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 01:00 | #

But of course your Jewish overlords are going to have you promoting Hitler now, Thorn. Divide and conquer is what they are about, and a supplicant like yourself, bereft of character, the perfect vehicle.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 01:09 | #

Just jerkin’ your chain, Danny boy. lol


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 01:12 | #

You are too easy!


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 01:58 | #

Is that a funny Joke, Thornblossom? Is it good judgement to troll that way? Or is that the way your Jewish overlords would have it in divide and conquer?

I prefer this:

What could possibly go wrong?


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 11:28 | #

“Dropkick Me Jesus” Though the Goalpost of Life



Posted by Thorn on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 11:53 | #

As a Christian, if I don’t kill someone who is trying to take my life or those I have charge over, I am violating the Fifth Commandment.

I.e., if anyone tries to do grave harm to myself, or anyone under my charge, I will upholster my .357 mag and ventilate the f-ck out of the cretin. “The Jew on the Stick” commands me to do so. 

Catechism of the Catholic Church, 1997 A.D.
Legitimate defense

2263 The legitimate defense of persons and societies is not an exception to the prohibition against the murder of the innocent that constitutes intentional killing. “The act of self-defense can have a double effect: the preservation of one’s own life; and the killing of the aggressor. . . . The one is intended, the other is not.“65

2264 Love toward oneself remains a fundamental principle of morality. Therefore it is legitimate to insist on respect for one’s own right to life. Someone who defends his life is not guilty of murder even if he is forced to deal his aggressor a lethal blow:

If a man in self-defense uses more than necessary violence, it will be unlawful: whereas if he repels force with moderation, his defense will be lawful. . . . Nor is it necessary for salvation that a man omit the act of moderate self-defense to avoid killing the other man, since one is bound to take more care of one’s own life than of another’s.66

2265 Legitimate defense can be not only a right but a grave duty for one who is responsible for the lives of others. The defense of the common good requires that an unjust aggressor be rendered unable to cause harm. For this reason, those who legitimately hold authority also have the right to use arms to repel aggressors against the civil community entrusted to their responsibility.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 12:56 | #

Oh yeah, real good music there Thornblossom.

“The Jew on the Stick” commands me to do so.

At least you admit who commands you.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 13:33 | #

“At least you admit who commands you.”

Gee ... I’m very impressed you figured out then recognize Christians follow the commands of Jesus.

You’re a very bright boy! ...... NOT!!!



Posted by Thorn on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 13:55 | #

Wokeism: the new religion of the West.

Anti-White Hatred Is Acceptable


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 17:02 | #

LFYAO? like the phatically giggling pinhead that you are Thornblossom, no reflection even possible as you proceed to suck Jewish cock as if your mommy’s sagging tit.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 19 Sep 2021 18:16 | #

Question for ya, Danny: What do you do for a living?

My guess is you’re a spoiled trust-fund brat.

I can’t imagine what sort of employer would actually hire you.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 20 Sep 2021 23:20 | #

Several years back, MR had a commenter (I think he went by the anonymous pen name: TC or GT ... whatever), he talked about forming “micro communities” as a tactic to protect/distance/protect whites against the anti-white ruling class.

Well, here is the beginnings of a more coherent plan of doing such:


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 02:16 | #

Relax Daniel S .  I suppose it’s difficult for you working from home and being unable to fit in.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 03:02 | #

Why do you keep suggesting that I relax when in fact I am not uptight?

I have no difficulty working from home and I fit in just fine. So mind your own fucking business, relax and get over the fact that your god, Hitler, was soundly and deservedly beaten. lol.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 03:24 | #

  Just kidding .Of course you will fit in , DS . That’s what trailerparks are for.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 03:49 | #

Oh yeah, like you know where I live, Al. Perhaps the tarot reader at your Thai lady-boy salon told you all you like to hear.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 03:53 | #

But did he/she not tell you that your god, Hitler, was comprehensively defeated? lol.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 04:02 | #

Tarot does not signify . You mean IChing . Like when you contract crabs and start from Scratch.

Thank you for not skirting around the problem of transvestites.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 05:24 | #

Here’s the gape holes. Sorry, Gay Poles.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 06:20 | #

Poland’s “loss” is your gain, Al. You can be a box car between two big kiełbaski.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 06:27 | #

Don’t criticize my Boxcar Willie :


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 06:32 | #

  Over and out . Your matchless wit has delighted me long enough .


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 21 Sep 2021 06:57 | #

Yes, you are placated in dreamland now, but the dainty daisy-chain metaphor works more with your “delight” ... think, little flower, of how much you’d like to suck and be drilled by those hunky Polski stamen…

You can save the box car full of kiełbaski for later; no senf, just injections of that spicy musztarda streaming in!


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 04:20 | #

Ah yes, don’t say anything. Troll me in a vulgar way into defending Polish people so that I can be conceived of as a Polish man - vulgar Polish man - by response; the only kind, of course, who would not like Hitler, who would not respect the boomerisms of North West Europe.. not an Italian/Polish American ex-pat, who defends all European peoples, and as such, must be critical to the point of renunciation of Hitler, Jesus, scientistic boomerism and with that, the blind spots that allow for Jewish entryism, an alien and hostile elite above/pattern below, to divide and conquer.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 04:56 | #

... who (me) defends all exclusive European ethno-Natioanalisms and Europeans in diaspora until they demonstrate that they are traitorous and/or advocating idea maps detrimentally misleading of our peoples capacity to defend and maintain ourselves overall (racial genus) and our kinds in particular (ethnonational species).


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 10:53 | #

@ 267


The most helpful thing you can do to “defend” whites, Danny boy, is to STFU.

You’re not only an embarrassment to WN, you’re an embarrassment to yourself.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 11:07 | #

That’s a projection Thornblosom. You need to shut the fuck up.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 11:20 | #


“Reflect on what happens when a terrible winter blizzard strikes. You hear the weather warning but probably fail to act on it. The sky darkens. Then the storm hits with full fury, and the air is a howling whiteness. One by one, your links to the machine age break down. Electricity flickers out, cutting off the TV. Batteries fade, cutting off the radio. Phones go dead. Roads become impossible, and cars get stuck. Food supplies dwindle. Day to day vestiges of modern civilization – bank machines, mutual funds, mass retailers, computers, satellites, airplanes, governments – all recede into irrelevance. Picture yourself and your loved ones in the midst of a howling blizzard that lasts several years. Think about what you would need, who could help you, and why your fate might matter to anybody other than yourself. That is how to plan for a saecular winter. Don’t think you can escape the Fourth Turning. History warns that a Crisis will reshape the basic social and economic environment that you now take for granted.” – The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe

“In retrospect, the spark might seem as ominous as a financial crash, as ordinary as a national election, or as trivial as a Tea Party. The catalyst will unfold according to a basic Crisis dynamic that underlies all of these scenarios: An initial spark will trigger a chain reaction of unyielding responses and further emergencies. The core elements of these scenarios (debt, civic decay, global disorder) will matter more than the details, which the catalyst will juxtapose and connect in some unknowable way. If foreign societies are also entering a Fourth Turning, this could accelerate the chain reaction. At home and abroad, these events will reflect the tearing of the civic fabric at points of extreme vulnerability – problem areas where America will have neglected, denied, or delayed needed action.”The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe

I’ve been pondering this Fourth Turning in articles since its spectacular onset in September 2008, with the Wall Street/Federal Reserve initiated global financial implosion. The description above is apt, as this ongoing two-decade long storm gains intensity and our freedoms, liberties and rights are slowly extinguished as the electricity flickers and our modern civilization reverts to a more brutish state of antipathy among competing tribes, based on race, gender, class, party, geographic location, and now medical status.

Read more….


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 11:23 | #

Take heart Thornblossom, there are still people stupid enough to believe in your religion; with the few who send you here, you can go join them, even if not your own family LMFAO!

“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, and furthermore, even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.”

What could possibly go wrong? LMFAO!


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 11:28 | #


“Reflect on what happens when a terrible winter blizzard strikes. You hear the weather warning but probably fail to act on it. The sky darkens. Then the storm hits with full fury, and the air is a howling whiteness. One by one, your links to the machine age break down. Electricity flickers out, cutting off the TV. Batteries fade, cutting off the radio. Phones go dead. Roads become impossible, and cars get stuck. Food supplies dwindle. Day to day vestiges of modern civilization – bank machines, mutual funds, mass retailers, computers, satellites, airplanes, governments – all recede into irrelevance. Picture yourself and your loved ones in the midst of a howling blizzard that lasts several years. Think about what you would need, who could help you, and why your fate might matter to anybody other than yourself. That is how to plan for a saecular winter. Don’t think you can escape the Fourth Turning. History warns that a Crisis will reshape the basic social and economic environment that you now take for granted.” The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe

“In retrospect, the spark might seem as ominous as a financial crash, as ordinary as a national election, or as trivial as a Tea Party. The catalyst will unfold according to a basic Crisis dynamic that underlies all of these scenarios: An initial spark will trigger a chain reaction of unyielding responses and further emergencies. The core elements of these scenarios (debt, civic decay, global disorder) will matter more than the details, which the catalyst will juxtapose and connect in some unknowable way. If foreign societies are also entering a Fourth Turning, this could accelerate the chain reaction. At home and abroad, these events will reflect the tearing of the civic fabric at points of extreme vulnerability – problem areas where America will have neglected, denied, or delayed needed action.” – The Fourth Turning – Strauss & Howe

I’ve been pondering this Fourth Turning in articles since its spectacular onset in September 2008, with the Wall Street/Federal Reserve initiated global financial implosion. The description above is apt, as this ongoing two-decade long storm gains intensity and our freedoms, liberties and rights are slowly extinguished as the electricity flickers and our modern civilization reverts to a more brutish state of antipathy among competing tribes, based on race, gender, class, party, geographic location, and now medical status.

Read more….



Posted by DanielS on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 14:46 | #

Oh yeah, we can’t let them divide us from your Jewish and black brethren on the basis of race, when all are one in Jesus Christ. LMFAO!


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 15:49 | #

Danny, your writings (e.g. Euro DNA Nation) are unimaginative and unoriginal. They amount to a stale rehash of what’s been said countless times by a million different ppl. The one difference that makes you stand out is you’ve conveyed your pseudo-intellectual construct in the most tedious manner. Congrats! lol


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 16:18 | #

Nice try Bozo. Your Jewish overlords may have granted you pseudo license to lie in a big way - i.e., that my ideas are not imaginative in an important, innovative way for White interests - original; but the truth will not bear your lies. The truth in this case is too important.

Your 113 i.q. is good enough to manage a convenience store, to be a part of the “managerial class”..  follow their line, tell the clerks that negroes are not very harmful, that Tom Sunic is right, they can’t even pitch in and offer help to a mechanic to fix a car out in the parking lot, therefore they cannot be of great harm, nothing to be concerned with, the Nazi god told him and Jesus told you so…

Jesus and the Jews will take care of your raped and murdered wife after you are gone. the hereafter Thorn!


“If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, and furthermore, even his own life, he cannot be My disciple.”

You have been told, you SHOULD HAVE ABORTED your children so as not to contaminate the human race with your evil.

Your religion is about ridding the world of retarded people like yourself; and has created the situation which surrounds you with nigs and other hostiles; and when they rob, rape and murder your wife, mother and daughter, it will be deserved for the destruction that you would have other Whites share in ...all for your Jewish prescribed religion of self hate.

You are an evil man and you should die. There should be no genetic legacy coming from you.. ..when you are gone, not even a marker for your grave amidst the floods of mud that your religion brought in. LMFAO

Thornblossom’s religion, prescribing obsequious destruction of European kind.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 16:19 | #

Interesting rift happening within the DemonRAT Party. How long can ‘The Squad’ hold sway over the pro-Israel forces?

AOC, ‘Squad’ force House Dems to spike $1B for Israel’s Iron Dome from spending bill


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 16:22 | #


Not my Pope!


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 16:28 | #

But your religion and its consequence, Bozo.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 16:44 | #

Wrong. You are always wrong.

But that’s all we should expect from an unhinged maniac like you.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 16:52 | #

Is that what your Jewish god told you to say when you prayed to it? LMFAO!


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 17:25 | #

From Euro DNA Nation essay:  “Separatism is a first step, Separatism is the ultimate aim, and Separatism is always possible.”

Okay genius, explain how separation can be achieved when TPTB have prohibited whites from separating?

Be specific. No vague BS allowed. 


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 18:21 | #

There are ways that I offer but I am not answerable to you, as you are nothing other than an antagonistic piece of shit. It would be futile, as you would only be looking for way to antagonize, with my having the nerve to see your religion for the Jewish trick that it is.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 18:32 | #

Be specific. No vague BS allowed.

Can you imagine this Thornblossom piece of shit thinking that he should be able to set terms?

Of course when I tell him the truth, that I am not answerable to him, he’s going to say, “oh, I see, you cannot answer in specific terms.”  As if I could not do that. But why should I engage this idiot who has shown nothing but hostility to me for years and has already done nothing but lie about what I’ve said? Just go back and warm your pew, Thornblossom.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 18:52 | #

IOWs you are incapable of answering the question. You have no answer. No surprise there.

Danny, your little Euro DNA Nation essay sounds like it was written by an immature 13 year old. Its substance is predicated on fantasy and wishful thinking. 



Posted by DanielS on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 20:56 | #

Like we didn’t know that was where you were going, pinhead.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 21:33 | #


You mean “we”, as in you and your imaginary friends?




Posted by DanielS on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 22:37 | #

Nope, I mean we as in anyone who can see your obviousness (i.e., Many). “lol”


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 22:54 | #

What ppl see is you dodged my question; they can see you obviously don’t have an answer. And you call me oblivious? That’s rich!

I ask again: Explain how separation can be achieved when TPTB have prohibited whites from separating.

Since separation is the lynchpin for making your vision of a “DNA Nation” possible, any reasonable person would think you’d be more than willing to provide an answer.

“WE” await your explanation.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 22:57 | #

I have answers Thornblossom. I simply do not want to talk to You, that’s all.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 23:17 | #

Bye Thornblossom. You have the “truth” of your religion; and the kind of “honesty” reverberating from boomer reaction to generation internet bubbles. LMFAO


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Sep 2021 23:28 | #

Danny, you are a fucking weirdo.


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 05:50 | #

Daniel S , there is no point in expending such intellectual energy as you possess on replies to Thorn and then informing him that you do not wish to talk to him .

Sulking is not the answer.  When your prosaic, pseudo - intellectualism inevitably fatigues me , I simply employ the time - honoured , day - relevant, “over and out”, knowing that in a day or two you will be back to provide proof that blog - enhancing , ugly Polericans will linger longer than Covid.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 06:33 | #

Nice try, Al, in your revisionist, pseudo concern for the truth, which can and only does misrepresent the truth, facts of the case, and of myself, because that’s most all of what you can do given your motivations. Go back to your Hitler shrine.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 06:56 | #

Isn’t it so nice of Al to hate Polish people so much? Perhaps there is a place for some impetus from that motivation given that there are far too many Poles in Great Britain; but it’s quite evident of his lack of judgment, that he would direct his venom toward me, one who favors only a small number of European ex-pats in any other native European nation. Al would perhaps call that “pseudo-intellectual” for my part, though it is actually part and parcel of his being bereft of judgment; overwhelmed by emotions as it were, he’s got to depict me as some sort of bad and demonstrably inferior Pole (ignoring the fact that I am an Italian/Polish American ex-pat who advocates all Europeans and their ethnonations), continually trying disparage me as a Pole in order to try to justify Hitler to himself and his Hitler worshipping cohorts.


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 07:03 | #

  Elon Musk did you the singular honour of naming his Las Vegas venture after I emailed him some of your MR posts :


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 08:04 | #

Some witticism there, Al, and an interest you have in the fluttering breadth of a moth at a torchlight rally, perhaps given by Goebbels (who would never lie in order to gain attention and interest from drunken dullards), but in reverence for Hitler.


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 08:35 | #

Your post is an egregious illiteracy .

You should be subject to a punitive Syn - Tax.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 08:57 | #

Take it to GW, Al, he’s the one suggesting that structures of social norms don’t matter - he’s been waiting: “Left and right don’t matter” as Jewry would have him to say…

...and as he would see fit, that you sniff the wafts meandering up, free of rules and constraint, emerging from his armchair in “authenticity”...


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 09:09 | #

Grammar is important . It is the Marxian Left which despises its role the “language of oppression”.

Still , finding your doctoral supervisor in a United Snakes of America university was , doubtless , almost as difficult as finding a parking spot . 


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 09:21 | #

I left ‘in’ out


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 09:37 | #

Daniel: Take it to GW, Al, he’s the one suggesting that structures of social norms don’t matter - he’s been waiting: “Left and right don’t matter” as Jewry would have him to say…

I happen to see the social as an essentially Judaic concept preferring the shallow attachment, the shifting, the urban, the artificial, and eliminating blood and permanence and fellow-feeling from the people’s life.  Relationality and authentic connection is the basis for any politics of nation - that’s the core of my disagreement with you.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 11:10 | #

Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 09:37 | #

Daniel: Take it to GW, Al, he’s the one suggesting that structures of social norms don’t matter - he’s been waiting: “Left and right don’t matter” as Jewry would have him to say…

GW: I happen to see the social as an essentially Judaic concept preferring the shallow attachment, the shifting, the urban, the artificial, and eliminating blood and permanence and fellow-feeling from the people’s life.  Relationality and authentic connection is the basis for any politics of nation - that’s the core of my disagreement with you.

As ever, you pose a false either/or and false mutual exclusion to what I say as being against profound genetic/relational connection and not rather, as my concerns are, in central concern for protection European genetic interests (genus and species), and as such, fall into the Jewish ruse, for the sake of flattering yourself as penetrating, and deep.

“The social is an essentially Judaic concept of shallow attachment eliminating fellow feeling and permanence… shifting, urban and artificial, eliminating blood, permanence and fellow feeling”

What a bunch of shit. Al and Thornblossom can get high sniffing that dung.

What’s artificial is your ad hoc proclamations, always self serving, always strawmanning my positions, always deploying false either/or and false mutual exclusivity = definitions must be sorted thus because you said; or so you think in your shallow (narcissistic), sociopathic businessman’s games, when actually a chase of the (((red cape))) as it dove tails with your conceits has you think so.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 11:16 | #

As ever, you pose a false either/or and false mutual exclusion to what I say as being against profound genetic/relational connection and not rather, as my concerns are, in central concern for the protection of European genetic interests (genus and species); and as such, you fall into the Jewish ruse, for the sake of flattering yourself as penetrating and deep.

Adding an accidentally omitted article, preposition and pronoun - you - for Al’s deep grammatical concerns.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 12:33 | #

HAH! Now who does this remind ya’ll of?

Hint: his surname starts with a S.

MR’s resident cockwomble. BWAHAHAHAHAhahahahaha!

The Narcissist’s Dilemma: They Can Dish It Out, But…
Sure, the narcissist’s many defenses protect them, but at what cost?


* Although narcissists may not show it, all perceived criticism feels gravely threatening to them.

* A narcissist may react aggressively to criticism in an effort to avoid re-experiencing the loneliness they suffered in the past.

* In response to criticism, a narcissist may also take great pains to devalue or invalidate the person criticizing them.

The ability to take criticism well depends mostly on how secure we feel about ourselves. Yet it could hardly be said that any of us actually enjoys being criticized. For it’s a challenge to avoid feeling defensive when we experience ourselves being attacked. At such times, it’s more “natural”—or rather, more aligned with our conditioning—to go into a self-protective mode. And typically, the way we choose to protect ourselves is through denying the criticism, indignantly turning on the criticizer, or hastening to disengage from the uncomfortable situation entirely.

Such a universal tendency is elevated almost to an art form with those afflicted with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). When criticized, narcissists show themselves woefully incapable of retaining any emotional poise, or receptivity. And it really doesn’t much matter whether the nature of that criticism is constructive or destructive. They just don’t seem to be able to take criticism, period. At the same time, these disturbed individuals demonstrate an abnormally developed capacity to criticize others (“dish it out” to them).

Although narcissists don’t, or won’t, show it, all perceived criticism feels gravely threatening to them—the reason that their inflamed, over-the-top reactions to it can leave us so surprised and confused. Deep down, clinging desperately not simply to a positive but grandiose sense of self, they’re compelled at all costs to block out any negative feedback about themselves. Their dilemma is that the rigidity of their defenses, their inability ever to let their guard down, guarantees that they’ll never get what they most need, which they themselves are sadly oblivious of.

To better grasp why narcissists are so ready to attack others and so unable to deal with being attacked themselves, it’s useful to understand something about their childhood. People aren’t born narcissistic—it’s powerful environmental influences that cause them to become so.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 13:26 | #

Stunning Interview Sees China Warn “23 Million Australians” That US Pact Now Makes Them “Target” For Nuclear Attack


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 23 Sep 2021 22:34 | #

@ 276
Interesting rift happening within the DemonRAT Party. How long can ‘The Squad’ hold sway over the pro-Israel forces?

AOC, ‘Squad’ force House Dems to spike $1B for Israel’s Iron Dome from spending bill

Well that didn’t last long.

US House passes bill allocating $1 BILLION to replenish Israel’s Iron Dome system after its battering during recent Gaza conflict


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 25 Sep 2021 03:11 | #

In the interests of a novel concept, viz., intellectual consistency , Daniel S , your carefully selected choice of anti - Jewish memes had their inspirational origins in Herr Hitler’s favourite publication , Der Sturmer , whose editor was Julius Streicher .

Still , as with much wartime data , you weren’t to know.


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 25 Sep 2021 03:25 | #

Thorn , wouldn’t it be refreshing to hear Biden inform the Chinese that no American lives will be lost defending Taiwan .

Christ , dummy , walk in perfect safety downtown after dark in Shanghai , as a White person, then try it in Detroit , Chicago .

The Chinese know that if stupid Americans cannot manage their own cities , the Western ” Christian” Democratic game is up.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 25 Sep 2021 12:24 | #

“the Western ” Christian” Democratic game is up.”

Umm ..... what planet do you live on?!?


The West has been living in a post-Christian culture for at least a half century now.  Traditional Christianity has all but vanished in the West. It’s been replaced by Wokeism. Go to the top of this page and read, or reread, GW’s post.

It’s just a matter of time before Scotland is overrun by mud ppl; that, concomitant with all the violent crime the comes with it. The problem in American cities—cities such as Detroit and Chicago—is negroes; they’re a misfit in Western civ. 

I doubt China will make such a foolish mistake as to invade Taiwan; at least not in the foreseeable future. The consequences for doing so would be too great a cost. The cost would outweigh the benefits.  Maybe 50 years from now IF, by then, they’ve achieved global dominance. But that’s highly unlikely too. They face too many problems both internally and externally for that.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 25 Sep 2021 12:36 | #



Obviously that meme is purely anti-Semitic propaganda meant to brainwash the gullible.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 27 Sep 2021 12:06 | #

Scottish Govt Embeds ‘White Privilege’ and Woke Ideology in National Education

Scotland’s left-separatist government has published its astonishing new agenda for “Embedding race equality in schools”, pushing documents which teach woke ideology on “white privilege”, “white fragility”, “decolonising the curriculum”, “structural racism”, and the alleged non-existence of “reverse racism” as fact.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 28 Sep 2021 11:17 | #

The Big No

The Twenty-first Century war is being waged on all fronts. Primarily, this is China versus America, but includes Middle Eastern countries, Russia and North Korea. The war began first with the slow creep of communism within our institutions so that by the Twenty-first Century, there was the acceptance of communist principles in what we considered American institutions, but some things didn’t ring true. [...]


There is one chance to really fight back for the Americans out there who refuse to take the “vaccine.” One chance for those tired of government spending them into poverty, either through massive debt, lack of work, or spiraling inflation. One chance for them to stem the tide of communism long enough to rectify the outcome of the fraudulent election and that is to push back hard against the supposed “infrastructure” bill, the 3.5 trillion-dollar budget, the continuing resolution and the increase in the debt-ceiling. They’ve rolled it all into one vote.

I know it sounds like typical political maneuvering, but it’s not. This is a big deal. This is as important as anything that has presented itself to Americans that they can do short of picking up a weapon. This fights back against the communists in government, the Chinese, the pandemic, the New Green Deal and all of it. Think of this package as Pearl Harbor, a major incursion designed to destabilize, shock and destroy the resistance of the American people.


Passing the Continuing Resolution, the Infrastructure Bill, the Budget and raising the debt ceiling (all one vote) equals passing the New Green deal, supporting terrorist organizations, destroying the cattle and swine industries, opening up your bank accounts to the IRS, resettling Afghanistani jihadists, paying for cradle to grave support of millions of illegal aliens and what do the people of America get? A debt they can never repay, that makes them debt slaves for generations. And, it will literally destroy the American economy, because almost none of the almost 5 trillion dollars will go to infrastructure like roads, bridges and ports.


The macroeconomic picture is even bleaker. Currently, the national debt is 28 trillion dollars, up from 800 billion when Wall Street and the government crashed the economy in 2008. GDP in 2019, before the pandemic, was 22 trillion dollars. Even if the economy was running at increased levels, American debt would be 127% of GDP. That is something new in American economic history. Keep in mind, maximum tax revenue runs at 3.8 trillion dollars per year.


The combined bills before congress equaling around 5 trillion dollars, boosts the debt to 33 trillion and it won’t buy a single benefit for those who pay the taxes. In fact, the money goes to things that will cost them their jobs. Others will be created, but far fewer than will be destroyed and not necessarily long-term jobs, either. It is basically 5 trillion dollars of welfare payments and social justice programs like CRT in the schools, Afghan resettlement, terrorist organizations like Hamas and if you think the Taliban and Iran won’t get their share, you’re mistaken.




Posted by Thorn on Tue, 28 Sep 2021 13:29 | #

Companion piece to The Big No @ 312

Every Metric


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 28 Sep 2021 14:56 | #

@312 The Big No


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 29 Sep 2021 03:13 | #

Nope . No Christians left :

Keep thinking you know everything , Thorn .


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 29 Sep 2021 11:46 | #

So you actually believe most Americano politicians are true to the religion they profess to be affiliated with?

If so I have a few bridges I’d like to sell you.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 29 Sep 2021 15:10 | #



Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 01 Oct 2021 01:12 | #

So which of the various (((Christs))) do you support, Thorn ? 

a) Eastern Orthodox

b) Arian

c) Monophysite

d) Monothelite


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 01 Oct 2021 01:53 | #

“Heresies to others, they were of course Orthodoxies in their own eyes .”

  The most succinct truth about Christian theology since Moses wore short pants.


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 01 Oct 2021 02:10 | #

  Thorn , your oversized meme message lacked a signature so I will fill the lacuna :

” Yours Never , Jesus.”


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 01 Oct 2021 11:41 | #


You’re slipping, Al. You failed to include

e) The Church Of What’s Happening Now.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 02 Oct 2021 10:49 | #

Joe Biden is Recreating “The Camp of The Saints” at the US Border: Part 2

Camp of the Saints was supposed to be a ludicrous fable.

In August, Revolver described how Jean Raspail’s 1973 novel, where French society and culture collapse beneath an avalanche of Third World immigration its leaders are to too cowardly to stop, exhibits jarring similarities to America’s self-inflicted meltdown at the Mexican border.

We wrote then that:

“Camp of the Saints is no longer fiction. The Biden administration has made it reality along the U.S.-Mexico border. Right before our eyes, the government of the United States is deciding that, in fact, the United States doesn’t really exist at all.”

We only made only one mistake in that piece: We imagined that the Biden Administration had reached rock bottom. But in fact, over the past two months, the similarities between Raspail’s book and America’s insane reality have only grown.



Posted by Thorn on Mon, 04 Oct 2021 22:45 | #

Not exactly the WN ideal, but I’m really likin’ the direction Putin is taking Russia.

Heil Putin!

Russia’s Nationalist Turn
How Putin Created the Russian National State


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 05 Oct 2021 04:54 | #

Yeah remiss of me indeed , Thorn .


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 05 Oct 2021 14:25 | #


The problem at AmeriKWA’s southern border is due to the Biden administration’s —and to a lesser degree Mexico’s Andrés Manuel López Obrador’s administration’s—open borders policy. Of course the open border policy is deliberately designed to transform the USA from a majority white country to a majority non-white country as fast as possible. Church’s and other NGOs are being used by TPTB to facilitate the demographic transformation of the USA.


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 07 Oct 2021 04:10 | #

Please , Thorn , we Brits are proud of our offshore tax havens . Nothing can compare to the Channel Islands , Malta , BVI and of course, the most sensible Black - majority territory in the world , i.e., Bermuda whose population voted in 1984 to remain a British colony rather than emulate Jamaica.

Were you to sift through the fine detail of “Pandora” , you may find that many of the ” London” tax “cheats” are not actually White British (((Sir Philip Green ))) and the rest are not very British at all.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 08 Oct 2021 17:38 | #

Warsaw’s step towards Polexit shows that West’s attempt to recreate Soviet Union in form of EU was doomed to failure

It has always puzzled me why countries like Poland, which had fought so hard for independence from the Soviet Union, were prepared to hand over sovereignty to the European Union. I have always thought it a marriage of convenience and that trouble would come down the road.

Indeed, during one of my first TV appearances when I became an MEP in 2009, I told a Polish colleague that the European Union and the Soviet Union had a lot in common. Although he brushed it off at the time, I wonder if he still feels the same way now?

When I have made this argument over the years, I always referred back to a few quotes from the last General Secretary of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev as evidence. Gorbachev once said that “the most puzzling development in politics during the last decade is the apparent determination of Western European leaders to recreate the Soviet Union in Western Europe.” He also said that “the EU is old Soviet Union dressed in Western clothes.”



Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 09 Oct 2021 03:25 | #

“Gibraltar” should of course do duty as “Malta” , although the latter is a Commonwealth country with respectable pro - business policies for non - residents .

The Poles are not Finns . The Finns were superb forest fighters who caused the Russians to think again about annexation . The Poles did not do likewise.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 10 Oct 2021 12:00 | #

The Police State Comes To America

The author, C. Bradley Thompson, opens:

In light of the Biden Administration’s unprecedented actions in recent days to silence parental dissent against what’s happening in America’s government schools, I have decided to make this essay open to the public. If this moral and political abomination is allowed to stand, the government of the United States will have taken one very large step toward becoming an authoritarian regime.

This is one of the most important essays I’ve ever written. Please share it.



Let’s not kid ourselves. We all know what this is and is not about. It’s NOT about alleged threats of violence against school board members. It’s about targeting political opponents, criminalizing dissent, and weaponizing the FBI and the National Security State against parents who are protesting peacefully and lawfully against indoctrination and censorship in America’s government schools. It’s about turning complaining parents into domestic terrorists for the crime of being parents. It’s about turning America’s mothers into the legal equivalent of Islamic jihadists. It’s about intimidating parents. It’s about using the coercive force of the State against our First Amendment rights to free speech, to assemble peaceably, and to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” It’s about silencing parental opposition to the Education Establishment. Make no mistake about it, that’s what this about.

More fundamentally, what Garland’s letter is really saying is that the federal government is entirely responsible for the education of your children. You have no rights and no authority to determine the content of your child’s mind. That is for the government to determine.  Your old-fashioned view that your children are actually your children is no longer relevant.

Merrick Garland’s directive may very well be the single most disturbing abuse of government power in American history since the passage of the Fugitive Slave Law. It is, in effect, a declaration of war against the American people.




Posted by Thorn on Sun, 10 Oct 2021 13:17 | #

84 percent of Trump voters are worried about discrimination against whites: poll

A large majority of people who voted for former President Trump say they are concerned about anti-white discrimination in the United States, according to a new poll from the University of Virginia and Project Home Fire released on Friday.

Eighty-four percent of Trump voters who responded to the survey say they either strongly or somewhat agree that discrimination against whites will increase in the U.S. in the next few years. Of respondents who voted for President Biden, 38 percent said they felt the same way.

Is this not at the heart of what drives the practitioners of “Wokeism” to viciously smear/label Trump supporters as “deplorables”—i.e. racists, xenophobes, white-supremacists and last but not least, “domestic terrorists”? Apparently it’s the “domestic terrorist” label they want to make stick. If they can successfully accomplish that (of course CRT is central to the conditioning process), then the next question is what are they planning to do with all the “domestic terrorists”?


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 10 Oct 2021 14:51 | #

‘Teaching kids about race & gender? You’re stealing their innocence’: The American mom sued for asking a school why it teaches CRT

‘They want to intimidate us into silence’
A tag that has since been attributed to Solas, along with other parents who’ve complained about the teaching of CRT and gender theory, is that of “domestic terrorist.”


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 11 Oct 2021 11:00 | #

CrossTalk Bullhorns, HOME EDITION: Ugly side of the EU


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 11 Oct 2021 11:31 | #

Black criminals are the liberals’ favorite heroes.


They’re Not Defending Their Best
by Ann Coulter

Last Friday, two elected congressional Democrats, Reps. Cori Bush and Emanuel Cleaver II, wrote to Gov. Mike Parson of Missouri demanding that he pardon a triple-murderer on death row because, I quote:

“Like slavery and lynching did before it, the death penalty perpetuates cycles of trauma, violence and state-sanctioned murder in Black and brown communities.”

Two sitting members of Congress say the reason a heinous murderer was on death row is because of white supremacy — and they are not denounced by their party. They ought to be censured. Why aren’t they getting the Steve King treatment? This deranged letter didn’t even make the news.

Could the Democratic Party tell us: Under what circumstances may a convicted murderer who is black be put to death?

The murderer in this case — or victim of slavery, as per the Democrats — Ernest Lee Johnson, savagely killed three employees of a local convenience store in 1994. Mary Bratcher, 46, had been stabbed in the hand 10 times with a screwdriver, eight of the wounds going clear through her hand, and smashed on the head with a hammer a dozen times. Fred Jones, 58, had been shot in the face, nonfatally, then hit on the head with a claw hammer nearly a dozen times, including the claw-side, collapsing his eyeball into his skull. Mabel Scruggs, 57, had been bashed on the head 10 times with the claw hammer.

Johnson was a regular customer at Casey’s General Store. He had to have known his victims — seen them, talked to them. But instead of just taking the money and running, he butchered them.

I’m guessing that when two separate juries sentenced Johnson to death, they were thinking more about Jones’ collapsed eye socket than affirming white supremacy.


read more>>


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 12 Oct 2021 15:47 | #

This is an outrage! A deliberate slap in the face! This trend, of course, is building momentum. A natural outcome of race-replacement. And I can just imagine the “enlightened-class”, the “woke” crowd, gushing over the “progress” England is experiencing. Disgusting!

New London tube map sees station names replaced by prominent black people since Roman invasion

“Black History is London’s history,” Mayor of London Sadiq Khan told the BBC, adding that “this reimagination of the iconic tube map celebrates the enormous contribution black people have made, and continue to make, to the success of our city.”

The mayor said he was “determined to create a more equal city where black lives truly matter,” and claimed that this map was an important part of educating people.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 14 Oct 2021 11:16 | #

“Each time an anti-white act is committed, each time that a grave is desecrated, each time our memory is trampled on, it’s our shared humanity that is threatened,” said French President Emmanuel Macron.

(Actually I replaced ‘antisemitic’ with anti-white, there. No way would our ruling-class speak out for the protection of the white race. Quite the opposite is always the case)

World leaders pledge to fight antisemitism at Holocaust remembrance event in Sweden


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 17 Oct 2021 22:51 | #

Biden’s spending bill ‘fundamentally reordering all of American society’: Stephen Miller


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 21 Oct 2021 02:57 | #

(((Miller))) , is , of course , correct . 

When demographics change , attitudes must change accordingly .

When the US demographic battles are over and the imported “third world” war is won , Miller will be a hero in his true country of Israel.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 21 Oct 2021 13:09 | #

Like it or not, when it comes to articulating the particulars vis-à-vis our fight against “the fundamental transformation of the U.S.A.”, (((Miller))) has proven time-and-time-again to be one of our most effective advocates.

At any rate, many indications point in the direction that Israel—as a Jewish state—will be ‘disestablished’ before the U.S.A. becomes full-on kwa. Hence, no hero status in Israel for (((Miller))).     


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 03:16 | #

Like it or not , Miller fooled another one.

The disestablishment of Israel is about as likely as the USA risking the loss of Vietnam - War, military numbers defending Taiwan.

Oh wait . I know your futurist subtext , Thorn .  The Jews will refuse to convert to their crucified outcast’s heresy and when the Rapture occurs , stupid Heaven - bound Americans will imagine that a Jewish God will favour Christians, and order Hebrews to convert or die.


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 04:42 | #

Thorn , I’d rather forgotten that a Black man ( Lloyd Austin ) is now in charge of deploying the US military and that a Tranny Jew Admiral ( Rachel Levine ) now rules the waves , or , skirting round the subject , waives the rules.

China , especially after that country’s surprise hypersonic missile test , must be terrified .

So must the rapidly decaying former Empire called the USA.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 23 Oct 2021 10:52 | #


My take:

Israel, as a Jewish state, will eventually collapse due to demographic change. Be it resulting from a combination of birth-rate differences, wars, and-or other dynamics emanating from within and without; but sooner or later Israeli Muslims will outnumber the so-called ‘Jews’ there. That, of course, is when Israel will transition from Jewish rule to Muslim rule.

Oy vey!


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 26 Oct 2021 11:42 | #

Thorn note: Several generations of radical-egalitarian indoctrination in our colleges and universities has produced the mindset, the culture, the religion of Wokeism that’s displayed and practiced by the West’s ruling-class—otherwise known as the regime.  Brexit, the election of Trump, and Russia’s invasion of Crimea are amongst several events that caused ‘the regime’ to panic thus begin to ruthlessly turn against anyone they perceive as potentially posing a threat to their reality denying worldview. 

Dr. Darren Beattie Answers the Sobering Question: Is America a Dying Empire?


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 30 Oct 2021 11:46 | #

Migrant crossings on the English Channel

How many migrant crossings have been made across the Channel?

This year over 18,000 migrants have crossed the English Channel from France to the UK. This is well in excess of the total of just over 8,400 who arrived in the whole of 2020. In September 2021 there were 3,879 crossings – more than double the 1,800 migrant crossings made over the whole of 2019.


Has Brexit made a difference?

Yes. Before Brexit, the UK was party to the Dublin Regulation through which it could return some asylum seekers to the member state determined to be responsible for handling an asylum claim.

The Dublin Regulation ceased to apply to the UK from January 2021 and there is no successor agreement with the EU, nor with individual member states.

Consequently, the return of asylum seekers to France is much harder. Between 1 January 2019 and 1 October 2020 (while the UK still applied EU law), 231 migrants who crossed the English Channel were returned to mainland Europe under the Dublin Regulation.




Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 02:26 | #

Everything is bigger and better in the United Snakes of America, Thorn. You mattoids have huge quantities of anthropoid garbage entering the country that was once yours , through Mexico.

Then you reward the Turd World criminals for breaching your porous borders, aided by porous Laws , with more money than a whole Honduran village full of shit earns in a year.

Oh , poor England ? Save your alligator tears.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 31 Oct 2021 15:09 | #

Thorn is not keeping score on which country is committing suicide faster; both situations trouble me equally.

The truth is, both the USA and the UK are advancing policies that will result in the subjugation, oppression and eventual extinction of the native population in the UK and the people of European descent who reside in the USA.

The problem lies in the mindset of nearly all in the ruling-class / political-class: they’re very willing to sacrifice their native population/founding population if doing so will be a benefit to the overall human condition. Or so they’ve been conditioned to believe it will….

And as a bonus, selling out their own ppl has its rewards: it’s the easiest position to take for gaining and-or maintaining high social status, money and power.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 02 Nov 2021 13:08 | #

Brits Who Post “False Information” About Vaccines Could Be Jailed For Two Years

People in the UK who post “false information” about vaccines online could face two years in prison under a new law.

Yes, really.

The Online Safety Bill, described as “the flagship legislation to combat abuse and hatred on the internet” has faced fierce criticism from civil liberties groups for its broad overreach.

The law would create a “knowingly false communication” offence which, according to the Times, “will criminalise those who send or post a message they know to be false with the intention to cause “emotional, psychological, or physical harm to the likely audience”.


The bill would also change the current stricter standard of “indecent” or “grossly offensive” content to the much broader definition of “harmful effect” when deciding if a post or a message is criminal.

This is more in line with UK hate speech laws that determine whether an act of hate speech or a “hate incident” has been committed not on the basis of whether or not it actually happened, but on the basis of the supposed victim feeling like they’ve been targeted.

“The new offences will include so-called “pile-ons” where a number of individuals join others in sending harassing messages to a victim on social media,” reports the Times.

And if you think that will stop left-wing mobs who routinely form “pile-ons” against conservatives for expressing dissenting opinions, think again.

It will be selectively enforced against people who criticize or make fun of those deemed “oppressed minorities,” despite such groups having the full backing of the state and every cultural institution (the alphabet people).

The Online Harms Bill is being amplified with the help of relentless propaganda about black football players being abused online, despite the fact that most of the abuse originates abroad, mainly from Middle Eastern countries.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 07 Nov 2021 12:32 | #

Orban’s uniting Europe’s Right. That’s a problem for Brussels


Orban’s latest gripe with Brussels, and to be fair there are many, is that the bloc is refusing to reimburse Hungary for the construction of a wall on its southern border. The Hungarian government sanctioned the building of the wall back in 2015, as a response to the migrant crisis that was engulfing Europe. The initial intention was to prevent Hungary being used as a corridor for the deluge of migrants attempting to make their way west.

However, it has been an expensive project. The building and maintenance of the 523-kilometre wall, which stretches along the Serbian and Croatian border, has cost the Hungarian taxpayer around 600 billion forints (€1.67 billion). Nevertheless, it has been successful and this year alone 92,000 illegal border crossings have been prevented.

Orban knows that this number is likely to rise in the near future when the mass of people who escaped Afghanistan following America’s farcical withdrawal make their way to Europe. Many of them will attempt to reunite with family who have already successfully settled on the continent, mainly in Germany and Austria.


Brussels, however, takes the opposing view and a fortnight ago the president of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, said “there is a longstanding view in the European Commission and in the European Parliament that there will be no funding of barbed wire and walls.”

Today, Orban hit back and has threatened to open a corridor through Hungary so the would-be migrants can, in future, “march up to Austria, Germany and Sweden.”



Posted by Thorn on Sun, 07 Nov 2021 14:20 | #

Ah, yes. The moral consequences of the post-Christian West.

The Media Made It ‘Cool’, so Now a Whopping 30% of Millennials Identify as LGBTQ

A study about the growing influence of Millennials has revealed a majority of them have a positive opinion about Jesus Christ. However, they apparently don’t understand or haven’t read what the Bible has to say about sexuality because a whopping 30% of that entire generation now identify as LGBTQ.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 09 Nov 2021 05:44 | #

I know , Thorn , it is awful.

Not for the 4% of pitiable creatures who are actually homosexual but for gulls like you who believe the links you post may be believed by anyone.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 09 Nov 2021 11:56 | #

Evidently Scottish lads and lassies are leading the way down the path towards Gomorrah. Scotts are soooooo cutting edge! LOL

Scotland Is Now the First Country to Require LGBTQ+ History in Schools
The new curriculum will also incorporate queer topics into everyday learning.

Scotland has officially become the first country in the world to implement a required LGBTQ+ curriculum in schools after a new teacher toolkit launched this week. Educators now have access to a website offering an e-learning course on teaching topics related to the LGBTQ+ community, as well as a host of inclusive lesson plans and educational support materials, according to Scottish news outlet The Scotsman.

While LGBTQ+ subjects will be taught explicitly, the new curriculum also seeks to integrate inclusion into everyday learning.



Posted by Manc on Tue, 09 Nov 2021 13:51 | #


In August, the Scottish government provided guidance encouraging schools to adopt gender- neutral dress codes….

No problem for Scots…


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 09 Nov 2021 14:27 | #



In Scotland the latest fad is men ‘shirt-chasing’ other men.


Posted by Manc on Tue, 09 Nov 2021 14:47 | #


Yeah, they have millennial woes.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 09 Nov 2021 14:50 | #

Don’t be surprised if Al Ross comes out and announces ‘Al’ is short for Alice.



Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 12 Nov 2021 02:03 | #

  Thorn , entering shared jail cell :  ” Oh Hi , my name’s Thorn , what’s yours ? “

  Deontay Wilder lookalike cellmate :        ” Bend over.”

  Thorn , delighted         :        ” Hello , Ben , pleased to meet you.”


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 12 Nov 2021 03:12 | #

  Thorn :  “OMG , Jamal, your equipment is gruesome.”

  Jamal : ” Yeah , it’s grew some more.”


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 12 Nov 2021 12:42 | #

@ 356 & 357


Very lame.

In fact your capacity to demonstrate lameness is, in an odd way, quite humorous. lol


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 14 Nov 2021 19:34 | #

Unconscious reason? Rupert Sheldrake, author of ‘The Science Delusion’ & ‘Science and Spiritual Practices’

“The Swiss psychologist Carl Jung once said that the most important question anyone can ask is ‘What myth am I living?’ In our enlightened age, it’s the rationalists who are helping humanity to break free from the misconceptions and superstitions of the past, illuminating the future with the help of scientific method. But what if that’s a myth and a perilous one? To discuss this, Oksana is joined by Rupert Sheldrake, biologist and author of ‘The Science Delusion’ and ‘Science and Spiritual Practices’.”

Watch interview:


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 15 Nov 2021 18:22 | #

Dovetailing @359


This post is a distillation of a discussion that the Biologist Rupert Sheldrake gave to an interviewer in this Youtube video discussing Jordan Peterson.

Almost all of these ideas are formally expressed in his book The Science Delusion, where Sheldrake identifies the 10 unquestioned assumptions underlying the belief system of atheist materialism.

It is a tour de force of skeptical inquiry, posed against the dominant paradigm of our time.

Sheldrake identifies the 10 fundamental principles of scientific, atheistic materialism:

1. Everything is essentially mechanical.
2. All matter is unconscious.
3. The total amount of matter and energy is always the same
4. The laws of nature are fixed.
5. Nature is purposeless, and evolution has no goal or direction.
6. All biological inheritance is material, carried in the genetic material, DNA, and in other material structures.
7. Minds are inside heads and are nothing but the activities of brains.
8. Memories are stored as material traces in brains and are wiped out at death.
9. Unexplained phenomena like telepathy are illusory.
10. Mechanistic medicine is the only kind that really works.

In his book, Sheldrake devotes a chapter to each of these beliefs, skeptically questioning and examining them.

Read more>> identifies the 10 fundamental principles of scientific,,and in other material structures. More items…


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 16 Nov 2021 04:47 | #

Sheldrake is very big in Sussex , perhaps Lewes benefits from his theology :


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 17 Nov 2021 05:53 | #

When the Oriental, Christian myths became unbelievable to our race , there remained , even in the minds of intelligent men, a poisonous residue ,that is to say, a psychologically radioactive waste product in the form of a discarded Jewish - sourced mythology.

For the Half - Life adherents.

Don’t Stop Obeying :


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 24 Nov 2021 00:23 | #

The New York Times
Charlottesville Rally Trial: Jury Finds Far-Right Conspiracy
Neil MacFarquhar

CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. — Jurors on Tuesday found the main organizers of the deadly right-wing rally in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017 liable under state law for injuries to counterprotesters, awarding more than $25 million in damages. But the jury deadlocked on two federal conspiracy charges.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 26 Nov 2021 18:59 | #

It keeps getting more absurd by the day! E.g., for the sake of health, Germans are required to get vaxxed for a variety of activities — EVEN SUCICIDE! Russia Today reports on Verein Sterbehilfe (Euthanasia Association):


A statement put out by the Hamburg-based group on Friday reads “assisted suicide and the preliminary examination of a patient’s ability to make decisions freely implies physical closeness between people. However, that is precisely the precondition for the spread of Covid.”

Ergo, suicide applicants must present proof of vaccination or recovery from the China virus. LOL

Read the article

Assisted death only for vaccinated, euthanasia association says




Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 27 Nov 2021 01:46 | #

An interesting piece on Covid :


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 27 Nov 2021 03:27 | #

While the convoluted discussion of Nationalism remains in the philosophical sphere , the educated ( in Kung Fu at least ) Chinese resent their fellow working class citizens being bullied by interloper Africans :

This is why China will prevail.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 29 Nov 2021 13:38 | #

Omicron: What we know about the new Covid variant
29 Nov, 2021

Why are scientists worried?

Research at the Bambino Gesu Hospital in Rome has shown that Omicron has 43 spike protein mutations, compared to the 18 in the Delta variant. This part of the virus, which protrudes from its surface and resembles a spike, plays an important role in how the pathogen infects its host.

Most vaccines are designed according to the spike-protein profile of the virus, so such mutations can make it harder for the body to defeat the infection.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 29 Nov 2021 16:02 | #


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 29 Nov 2021 23:52 | #

Info most of us already knew but it’s worth revisiting.

SMOKING GUN: Despite Attempts to Protect US Rich and Powerful and Government Officials – Designed Mutations and Cover-Up Itself Confirm COVID-19 Origins
By Joe Hoft
Published November 29, 2021

If you are wondering why U.S. intelligence agencies are incapable of identifying the origin of COVID-19 and why the U.S. government shows no interest in pursuing that issue, wonder no more.

There is a deliberate cover-up underway because the rich and powerful multi-national interests that control the U.S. government are massively invested in China’s economic success and many U.S officials and scientists could be accused of complicity in the creation of COVID-19.



Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 30 Nov 2021 03:59 | #

Yes, Thorn , “They’re All Variants ”  -  of Supernatural Hogwash but China knows what to do , even about Christianity’s baneful root Religion :


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 30 Nov 2021 12:21 | #


The Chinese are wise enough NOT to make the same foolish nation destroying mistake Western counties have made; namely peruse a multi-cultural / multi-racial model.

If the Han can keep the Jews, Muslims and wacky Christians from gaining traction, then they will continue to be on track to become the most dominant power on the planet. And apparently the Han Chinese are unwavering in their approach.

If trends continue, three generations out, the USA, Canada, and all of Western Europe will have descended into a second-rate economic power; but more importantly it’s on track to become a living nightmare for the remaining white populations.

Russia is wise to align with China. But then again, the idiotically aggressive jewified Western elites leave Russia no choice but to look east and align with China.

My working hypothesis is a faction powerful Jews are hellbent on crushing Russia. Why? Three main reasons: 1) Because of a long history of anti-Semitism. 2)The Russkies are resisting the globohomo agenda. (When Putin kicked out the Soros’ funded NGO’s it really triggered the Deep State.) and 3) Economic competition.

In short, the Jews, along their lapdog Christian-Zionist flunkies, have waged war—mainly by proxy—on post-Soviet Union Russia.

So, who wins in a conflict between the West and Russia?

Answer: China, of course.   


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 01 Dec 2021 18:07 | #

More fact than fiction?

You decide.

Former Spy Details Israel’s Main Motive Behind Epstein’s Sexual Blackmail Operation
MintPress speaks with Ari Ben-Menashe, a former Israeli spy who worked closely with Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine Maxwell’s father, as part of their work with Israeli military intelligence and had frequent encounters with Jeffrey Epstein.

by Whitney Webb


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 04 Dec 2021 18:06 | #

There’s been a lot of scare porn vis-vis the Russian buildup of troops along Ukraine’s border.

Here’s an article (albeit written a week ago) that serves to allay the fear the anti-Russian MSM wants us to feel.

‘Russian troops dismember the armed forces of Ukraine’: how a war between Moscow & Kiev could play out, and why it won’t happen


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 05 Dec 2021 01:50 | #

It was an inconsiderate act of unwarranted provocation for the Russians to situate their country in an area so thickly populated with US bases.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 05 Dec 2021 19:04 | #

The Genealogy of Woke Capital
From compliance to diversity
Charles Fain Lehman

American companies’ embrace of radical ideas appears both sudden and inexplicable. In internal trainings, companies from Disney to Lockheed-Martin ask their employees to “challenge colorblind ideologies” and “deconstruct their white male privilege.” Firms spend vast sums of money on such trainings, on diversity-related speakers, and on maintaining a progressive image. Employees find themselves wondering why their workplace has transformed into a progressive propaganda center.

Much has been made of the propagation of certain ideas—call them social-justice ideology, critical race theory, or wokeness—in American institutions. But surprisingly little attention has been paid to the question of why institutions “go woke.” Some address this question in philosophical or ideological terms, noting the continuity between these ideas and the work of certain twentieth-century intellectuals, from the Frankfurt School in the 1920s to the critical race theorists of the 1980s. But a historical and sociological analysis can help explain why institutions accepted these ideas as legitimate in the first place.

Race-conscious policy has become a self-sustaining force in the modern workplace. Where companies once adhered to a paradigm of “compliance,” in which they adopted affirmative action to satisfy a new legal regime, they now follow the rule of “diversity,” which encourages race-consciousness as an end in itself. If social-justice ideology is the food that universities and businesses give to their students and employees, diversity is now the air that they breathe, the set of taken-for-granted assumptions without which woke ideas would be ignored. The story of diversity’s institutionalization in American corporate culture tells us much about how we got to this current moment—and how we can move beyond it.


The transition from compliance to diversity marks the moment at which race-conscious corporate policy became unmoored from rational purpose and mutated into a myth. Unlike compliance, diversity is unlimited—unbounded by a rational goal and pursued for its own sake. Organizations have no capacity to reject new diversity initiatives; more diversity is always better. In fact, because diversity is institutionalized, questioning its efficacy at achieving its stated goals gets you nowhere (except fired). Radical ideas leak from the academy into the corporate world as diversity easily absorbs ever more elaborate definitions of race-conscious policy.




Posted by Thorn on Sun, 05 Dec 2021 19:06 | #



Good point, Al.

But all indications are in the not-too-distant future those US bases won’t be as prevalent as they are today.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 08 Dec 2021 22:41 | #

Russian “nutjob” used a “hammer” in an attempt to nail his scrotum to Red Square. Authorities used a “sickle” to release him.

Attempt to nail genitals to Red Square fails


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 09 Dec 2021 11:58 | #


Political leaders considering nuclear attack on Russia are either ‘insane, a sociopath or a sadist’: Gabbard

A nuclear response would “destroy the world as we know it,” Gabbard warned.

“We are being pushed closer and closer to a hot war, a nuclear war” by “the same neocons and neo libs in Washington who dragged our country into regime change wars in places like Iraq and Libya and Syria,” she said.

Tulsi Gabbard: Our leaders don’t see the consequences to their rhetoric
Former Democratic congresswomen discusses the ‘dangerous’ narrative leaders in Washington are pushing over Russian conflict on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’

Watch the Tucker-Gabbard interview here:


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 09 Dec 2021 12:13 | #

#The West is being ruled by lunatics

Caitlin Johnstone: US hegemony doesn’t make the world more peaceful
9 Dec, 2021 01:29

A Republican senator on the Armed Services Committee told Fox News on Tuesday that he strongly supports keeping US military action on the table if Russia invades Ukraine, up to and including a first-use nuclear attack.

“I would not rule out military action,” Senator Roger Wicker told Fox News host Neil Cavuto. “I think we start making a mistake when we take options off the table. So I would hope the president keeps that option on the table.”

“What does military action mean, senator?” Cavuto asked.

“Well, military action could mean that we standoff with our ships in the Black Sea and we rain destruction on Russian military capability,” the senator replied. “It could mean that. It could mean that we participate – and I would not rule that out – I would not rule out American troops on the ground. You know we don’t rule out first-use nuclear action. We don’t think it will happen. But there’s certain things in negotiations – if you’re going to be tough – that you don’t take off the table.”

Wicker emphasized that his position was entirely bipartisan.

“To the extent that you’ve had Democrats on the show right before me saying that we should be tougher, I support that and I appreciate that,” Wicker said. “I think they represent the fear that we have, the realization that we have in the Congress, that losing a free democratic Ukraine to Russian invasion would be a game-changer for a free Europe.”



Posted by Thorn on Thu, 09 Dec 2021 22:58 | #

US going to war with Russia over Ukraine would ‘court destruction of the known world’: Macgregor
We should ‘celebrate’ that Russia is no longer the U.S.S.R., colonel says.

[Colonel Macgregor] said Russia is now essentially reverted to its pre-Soviet construction: “a Russian State that rests on the foundation of Orthodox Christianity – it’s back to what it had been for 1,000 years.”

“We should celebrate that, not destroy it,” he said.

Thorn note: If the White race is going to survive, it will be because of white Christian leaders such as Putin and Orban.




Posted by Thorn on Fri, 10 Dec 2021 13:00 | #

Watch how he corners the brainwashed “woke” white woman. It’s priceless.

(I doubt it will make a difference to her but nevertheless it illustrates the contradiction built into the anti-white “woke” ideology.)



Posted by Thorn on Fri, 10 Dec 2021 13:03 | #

Watch how he corners the brainwashed “woke” white woman. It’s priceless.

(I doubt it will make a difference to her but nevertheless it illustrates the contradiction built into the anti-white “woke” ideology.)



Posted by Thorn on Fri, 10 Dec 2021 16:47 | #

Not quite the fulfillment of DanielS’ DNA Nation plan but it’d be a good step in that direction.

Matt Gaetz and Steve Bannon said an ‘army of patriots’ and ‘shock troops’ should take over the government if Trump runs and wins in 2024


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 11 Dec 2021 05:35 | #

Thorn , your posts are designed to keep such Whites as take them seriously in a state of emotional excitement re their eventual fate .

Do the Mossad instructions arrive daily or hourly ?


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 11 Dec 2021 15:08 | #

“Thorn , your posts are designed to keep such Whites as take them seriously in a state of emotional excitement re their eventual fate.”


Al, does your shrink medicate you daily or hourly?


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 12 Dec 2021 02:07 | #

And a belief in Thaumaturgy is an indelible mark of Christian mental illness.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 12 Dec 2021 12:11 | #

Speaking as a realist, I wouldn’t label Christians who believe Thaumaturgy as mentally ill. Apparently, they’re bedazzled by occurrences they’re unable to explain using natural or scientific laws that’s all.

What I know for certain is those who equate Thaumaturgy with mental illness are just plain stupid.

But poor Al can’t help himself. He proves time-and-time-again he is a member in good standing of the Ignorati Club. Ignoratism is his vacation, his religion. lol


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 12 Dec 2021 12:27 | #

vocation not vacation


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 12 Dec 2021 23:59 | #

It is intellectually remiss of me not to believe that old Jesus , having been killed , squirmed out of this tomb and sneaked back into town a few days later.

I may be many things but poor is not one of them.


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 13 Dec 2021 03:24 | #

Anyway , Thorn , no hard feelings about your giving me a piece of your mind.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 13 Dec 2021 12:59 | #

Believe it or not, Al, I always find your comments entertaining.

You’re akin to Charlie Manson in cartoon form.





Posted by Thorn on Mon, 13 Dec 2021 13:04 | #

Slavoj Zizek: In the West, people aren’t even aware they’re not free

The story of a Chinese migrant worker who translated a book about 20th-century German philosopher Martin Heidegger from English into Mandarin went viral last month. Could ordinary people studying philosophy save the world?


French philosopher Alain Badiou opens his book ‘The True Life’ with the provocative claim that, from Socrates onward, the function of philosophy is to “corrupt the youth,” to alienate them from the predominant ideologico-political order. Such “corruption” is needed today, especially in the liberal, permissive West, where most people are not even aware of the way the establishment controls them precisely when they appear to be free. After all, the most dangerous unfreedom is the unfreedom that we experience as freedom.

Is a “free” populist who works on destroying the thick social network of customs really free? [...]


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 01:46 | #

Manson , eh ?  That may be a Spahn too far.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 15 Dec 2021 04:43 | #

A piece of Thorn’s mind is acceptable but he may well need that cerebral residue when he posts.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 17 Dec 2021 00:03 | #

In short, Russia is returning to traditional Christian values—moral and intellectual sanity.

Is a ‘Russian Century’ Shaping Up (by Default)?

Stephen Karganovic

Imbued with its traditional values and the idealism tempered by common sense of its people, Russia is bound to become one of the major civilizational poles of the emerging multipolar world

In a noteworthy recent analysis, Russian-American publicist Dmitry Orlov advances an argument that may sound fatuous, but actually has more substance than meets the eye.

In essence, what Orlov claims is that the often heard criticism hurled at Russians that they have not mastered the technique of soft power is misconceived. And that the widely advertised cutting edge military wonder-weapons are not the most powerful assets in Russia’s arsenal. Orlov advances the startling hypothesis that Russia’s mightiest weapon is not even secret but is out in the open for all to see. And, he would probably add, admire.

That weapon, according to Orlov, is Russia’s ostentatious and magnetic embrace of normalcy, making it attractive to countless citizens of the former “free world” who have come to loath the degeneracy of the West, where they feel trapped. They are searching for an alternative society, where decency and traditional values are actively affirmed and promoted. For many of them, politics aside, contemporary Russia is precisely the kind of society that they miss in their own countries and are now looking for elsewhere.

“It is a world that more and more people in the West want to escape to,” Orlov explains, “leaving behind a landscape blighted by leftist vandalism and enforced repentance for the crime of being of a certain race or of daring to exhale carbon dioxide. They do not wish to subject themselves to the unholy inquisition which doles out punishments to those who remain unenthusiastic about and unsupportive of sexual perversity, gender dysphoria, the destruction of traditional families and the brainwashing of youth. Even if they cannot escape, they can take comfort in knowing that a more normal and less damaged alternative reality exists, and they can secretly sympathize with it.”

Read more….


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 02:44 | #

There is no such Serb name as ‘Karganovic’.  However there is a storied name in Stalinism, viz., - Kaganovich , Lazar of that ilk . Guess which race ?

The proud owner of this singularly non - Serb name lifted the curtain on his non - Serb forebears and admitted that they were ’ Polish’ and ’ Russian’ for which please read Jewish.

Have a gullible day.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 18 Dec 2021 12:14 | #

You cite Lazar Kaganovich.

Different spelling than Karganovic

The Saker: Please introduce yourself and your past and present political activities.

Karganovic:  My name is Stephen Karganovic. My background is Serbian, Russian, and Polish. On my father’s side I have been able to trace family roots to the town of Khmelita, Smolensk district. In the first half of the 19th century Yuri Karganovich held the by then probably obsolete office of стольник (stolnik) in the regional town of Iskorosten. Perhaps because of my ethnically ecumenical background, I prefer to identify myself simply as an Orthodox Christian.

Make of that what you will. But from a guy like you who see jews in everything your take is 99.998987% predictable.




Posted by Thorn on Fri, 24 Dec 2021 12:59 | #

It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Rwanda…

“ seems more likely than any time I can recall that things are going to blow up in a major conflagration and soon.”


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 26 Dec 2021 05:06 | #

The stupid Americans defended Kosovo Muslims, (descendants of Oriental Turkish invaders of Christendom and cowardly converts to Islam) during the so - called Srebrenica massacre against the Serbs whose nation was divided by racially - alien, Oriental conquest.  No lessons will be learned by the Yanks until American Supremacy is re - established by Vladimir Putin surrendering to Kamala Harris.

Just wait.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 27 Dec 2021 00:16 | #

Al, Putin has a lot to worry about. 

Kamala subdues supersonic “missiles” for pleasure.

Just ask Willie Brown.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 31 Dec 2021 16:10 | #

Meanwhile, back in the real world:

Putin warns Biden of ‘complete breakdown’ in US-Russian relations
Washington appears to have acknowledged some of Moscow’s security concerns, but situation remains tense

During the 50-minute call, Putin once again outlined the main principles of Russia’s security requirements, which envisage a halt to NATO’s eastward expansion. The Russian leader reportedly stressed that any potential deal with the West should include legally binding guarantees as to Russia’s security, with Ushakov noting that Biden appeared to have taken that demand “quite seriously.”



Posted by Thorn on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 10:53 | #

Moscow responds to revelations of British political interference in Russia

Foreign Ministry reacts to leak of documents on London’s spending on pushing its agenda in country
Moscow responds to revelations of British political interference in Russia

Britain has created a network of affiliates in Russia to influence civil society through a system of grants worth millions of dollars annually, Moscow claimed on Sunday.

The sums London spends on “influencing civil society organizations … and steering Russia’s [political] course in a direction favorable for the UK … boggles belief,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova insisted, citing a freshly leaked trove of documents shedding light on the activities of British diplomats in Russia.

UK officials have been spending money on attempts to destabilize the political situation in Russia by “sponsoring” increased protest activity, Zakharova outlined as she accused London of focusing its attention on “increasing social tensions and polarization” within the country.


A significant focus is the promotion of the LGBTQ+ culture and pushing for its acceptance in Russia, which the documents describe as a “homophobic” nation “unfriendly” to the community.



Posted by Thorn on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 10:57 | #

Will ‘Godless liberalism’ Force Russia to Close Its ‘Window on the West’?

The problem is finding a way to shield the vulnerable, particularly the youth, from adverse influences without restricting personal freedoms.

For centuries, Russia has been open to adopting popular Western traditions, but as the invasive cultural weed known as progressive liberalism enters the scene, Moscow is now forced to rethink the level of its engagement. With the internet and ubiquitous social media, however, such a cultural distancing will not be easy.


Fast forward about three centuries and we find Russian President Vladimir Putin starting to apply the emergency brakes on Russia’s import of Western ideas and traditions, many of which are far from innocuous.

During his annual end-of-year Q&A press conference, Putin was asked about issues that have obsessed the Western mind, like transgenderism and the rejection of traditional concepts, such as mother, father and gender – one-time unquestionable biological facts that are now open to a variety of interpretations according to the personal whims of each individual.

“I adhere to that traditional approach that a woman is a woman and a man is a man. A mother is a mother, a father is a father,” Putin responded with a frankness that would make a modern liberal faint. “And I hope that our society has the internal moral protection dictated by the traditional religious denominations of the Russian Federation.”

Comparing the proliferation of such dangerous ideas to the spread of a pandemic, the Russian leader, hinting at the moral strength provided by Orthodoxy, argued that all Russian citizens enjoy “a certain internal moral protection against this obscurantism that you’ve just mentioned.”




Posted by Thorn on Tue, 04 Jan 2022 13:27 | #

January 2022: A Game Changing Moment Between Russia, America and the World

Ultimately the Russians want a Multipolar World Order in which they are one of the poles, for Washington this has been an absolutely unacceptable vision that is directly opposed to their Monopolar/Pax Americana. Small-minded clowns can say the problems between Russia and America are cultural misunderstandings or rooted in buzzwords like “Human Rights” but the real truth is rooted in these two competing visions for the Geopolitical layout of the 21st century.

Based on this desire to have a Multipolar World and avoid a WWIII scenario in the process, this is why the Russians have now issued their hardline stance of “no more NATO expansion”. According to this article by RT, the overall demand from Moscow is as follow


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 07 Jan 2022 18:02 | #

In The Bell Curve Murray and Herrnstein predicted chaos and lawlessness would reach a point where the ruling-class—or as they deem them the ‘cognitive elite’—will impose order by ruling with an iron fist. That’s pretty much coincides with the message of this vid.


Black Pigeon Speaks


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 08 Jan 2022 03:08 | #

Some time ago I mischaracterized Thorn as Private Pike .

He is obviously Private Frazer.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 08 Jan 2022 14:24 | #



It’s hard not to be Mr. Doom and Gloom but I still haven’t lost my ability to laugh at myself or at the mystifying world we all live in.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 12 Jan 2022 12:43 | #

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Ukraine and the Neoconservatives
by Boyd Cathey

In all the hysteria over the latest strain of the Coronavirus virus, the frenzied ideological (and essentially authoritarian and anti-constitutional) activities of the House January 6 “Investigatory” Committee, and the frenetic lead up to this recent Christmas, one significant anniversary was missed, or rather ignored, by our media, including the so-called “conservative” media: the birth on December 11, 1918 of arguably the 20th century’s greatest novelist and social/cultural critic, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

Solzhenitsyn, let it be said, will long be remembered when the names of moronic fanatics like Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and others of that ilk, have become filthy curse words symbolizing the political and cultural nadir of our once great republic.

Yet, with all the ejaculatory exclamations and dire warnings, and subsequent demands for “American” and “NATO” action to thwart the supposed “threat” by the Russians, under that evil genius Vladimir Putin, to use bloodthirsty Cossack troops to invade and conquer poor, little democratic Ukraine, Solzhenitsyn’s comments shortly before he died on August 3, 2008, demand consideration.

No one can accuse the great Russian writer of being an advocate of violence, aggression or war. His experiences, so brutally and so vividly recounted in his various semi-autobiographical novels dissuade any dispassionate reader from that conclusion. He had seen the open jaws of bitter Hell, and that Hell attempted not only to swallow him but destroy him and his soul totally. That the Soviet Hell—the Gulag—did not succeed, and that he emerged stronger for it, a man of resilient and unquestioned Faith, is a remarkable example of how true religious conviction and Hope can indeed overcome even the worst trials, both physical and spiritual.

When Solzhenitsyn came to the United States and gave his famous address at Harvard, June 8, 1978, it was met first by shock, then by a studied if respectful silence by many in the media. For in that speech he had taken target at some of America’s showiest and most prized attributes:

He attacked moral cowardice and the selfishness and complacency he sees in the West. Materialism, sharp legal maneuvering, a press that invades privacy, “TV stupor” and “intolerable music,” all contribute to making the western way of life less and less a model for the world, he said. “A decline in courage,” Solzhenitsyn said, is the most striking feature of what he called “spiritual exhaustion” of the West. “The forces of evil have begun their decisive offensive, you can feel their pressure, and yet your screens and publications are full of prescribed smiles and raised glasses. What is the joy about?” “To defend oneself, one must also be ready to die; there is little such readiness in a society raised in the cult of material well-being….”

And that was in 1978.

Furthermore, modern managerial democracy and its vaunted demand for universal (and chimerical) equality, imposed on the rest of the world and modeled on the US experience, actually led to the eventual triumph of totalitarianism.

After the fall of Communism and the end of the Soviet Union, it was gradually insinuated that the great writer was now, given the elapse of time, perhaps a bit passe’ or too much the slavophile or Russian nationalist. Indeed, increasingly leftist (and neoconservative) pundits and writers, while grudgingly acknowledging his literary ability, called him a “reactionary,” unable to understand the new globalist age.

But Solzhenitsyn’s comments about Ukraine made after the dissolution of the old Soviet Union ring true today and are even more prescient now than when they were made shortly before his death.




Posted by Thorn on Thu, 13 Jan 2022 14:01 | #

This contains some questionable conspiracy theories but an interesting interview nevertheless

Author and commentator Alex Krainer explains in the following interview why Russia is now strong enough to take a definitive stand against the United States and its Western empire-builders. This is the wider historical context for high-level negotiations being conducted this week between Russia and the U.S. and NATO in which Moscow has asserted red lines for its national security.

Two excerpts:

Alex Krainer: Now, if Russia reasserts itself as the dominant power in Eastern Europe, this pretty much check-mates the empire’s global ambitions, so containing Russia and limiting its influence in Europe is absolutely critical and I think they will not give up on this even at the price of a nuclear war.

Alex Krainer: I think that much of the West is torn between cooperation and trade with Russia and the policy of Cold War and confrontation. As British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has recently put it addressing “our friends” in Europe, “a choice is shortly coming between mainlining ever more Russian hydrocarbons in giant new pipelines and sticking up for Ukraine” and championing the cause of peace and stability. He literally put it in those terms and I think his words do reflect the continent’s dilemma. For the ordinary people and most businesses, the choice is between having a strong export market for their products and abundant energy keeping their homes warm and their societies running and an acute energy crisis and the risk of a hot war with a nuclear power. For the empire builders it is equally clear: no matter how delusional, they will never give up on their ambition to rule the world. As late John Kenneth Galbraith noted, “People of privilege will always risk their complete destruction rather than surrender any material part of their advantage”.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 14 Jan 2022 14:42 | #

False flag??? One thing is for sure, the West is instigating a war with Russia.

Ukraine hit by ‘massive’ cyber-attack on government websites
Suspected Russian hackers leave message warning: ‘Ukrainians … be afraid and expect worse’

Josep Borrell, the EU’s top diplomat, condemned the attacks. He said the EU’s political and security committee and cyber units would meet to decide how to respond and to support Kyiv.

“We are going to mobilise all our resources to help Ukraine to tackle this. Sadly, we knew it could happen,” he said. He added: “It’s difficult to say [who is behind it]. I can’t blame anybody as I have no proof. But we can imagine.”

Sweden’s foreign minister, Ann Linde, said the west must stand up to any Russian aggression. “We have to be very firm in our messages to Russia, that if there are attacks against Ukraine, we will be very harsh and very strong and robust in our response,” she said. Sweden stood in solidarity with Kyiv, she added.

On Thursday, Russian envoys sounded a bleak note after discussions this week with the OSCE in Vienna, as well as Nato and the US. Sergei Ryabkov, who led Russia’s delegation, said talks had hit a dead end.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 19 Jan 2022 11:01 | #

Russia moves more troops westward amid Ukraine tensions


Russia has denied that it intends to attack its neighbor but demanded guarantees from the West that NATO will not expand to Ukraine or other former Soviet nations or place its troops and weapons there. Washington and its allies firmly rejected Moscow’s demands during Russia-U.S. negotiations in Geneva and a related NATO-Russia meeting in Brussels last week.


“NATO allies are ready to meet with Russia again, and today I have invited Russia and all the NATO allies to attend a series of meetings in the NATO-Russia Council in the near future to address our concerns but also listen to Russia’s concerns,” Stoltenberg said.

He added that NATO “in the near future” will deliver its written proposals in response to Russian demands and “hopefully we can begin meeting after that.”

“We need to see what Russia says, and that will be a kind of pivotal moment,” the NATO chief said.

Lavrov, meanwhile, reaffirmed that Russia wants a quick Western answer to its demand for security guarantees that would preclude NATO’s expansion to Ukraine and limit its presence in Eastern Europe. He repeated that in a phone conversation with Blinken, who will visit Ukraine on Wednesday and meet with Lavrov on Friday.



Posted by Thorn on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 12:34 | #

20 Jan, 2022 09:58

Macron slammed for turning EU into ‘Africa’s hotel’ & ‘Beijing’s prey’

MEP Jordan Bardella launched a scathing attack on the French president
Macron slammed for turning EU into ‘Africa’s hotel’ & ‘Beijing’s prey’

On Wednesday, French President Emmanuel Macron came to the European Parliament in Strasbourg to sell France’s vision for its six-month presidency of the EU.

Instead, he had to face harsh criticism from French MEPs, the most cutting of whom was Jordan Bardella from presidential candidate Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally party.

He accused Macron of turning Europe into “the backyard of Washington,” “the prey of Beijing,” “Erdogan’s doormat,” and “Africa’s hotel.”

“Mr. President of the Republic, how can you claim that you are reuniting Europe when you have been dividing France until the end?” Bardella asked, adding that the French presidential election in April would also decide the future of the EU.

“For France and for Europe, it is essential that your term remains a single term,” he said.

The far-right MEP didn’t stop there, claiming that the nations of Europe don’t want to be “dissolved, replaced or submerged” under his watch.

European Parliament President Roberta Metsola was forced to interject: “This is not a national debate.”

However, others also took aim at Macron. MEP Yannick Jadot, who is running as the Greens’ candidate in the presidential election, accused Macron of “climate inaccuracy,” while MEP Manon Aubry, co-leader of the parliament’s The Left group, claimed the president’s European achievements were based on “arrogance.”

Macron, who defended himself against the barrage of criticism, will likely seek re-election in April but is yet to put his name forward.

He currently leads the French polls but may face stiff competition from the far-right. The French presidential election will take place during the country’s six-month EU Council presidency.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 13:46 | #

Did Biden and Putin cut a deal? Here’s why Ukrainian officials are ‘suspicious’ that happened

Ukrainian officials tell CNN’s Matthew Chance that they are “shocked” and “stunned” at President Biden’s remarks during a White House press conference about Russian President Vladimir Putin.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 20 Jan 2022 18:47 | #

I googled Blinken friends with George Soros ...  and this is the first of many reports on the subject:

Joe Biden’s Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has deep ties to globalist billionaire George Soros, according to a bombshell new report. The link was discovered by investigative journalist Matt Palumbo in his forthcoming book The Man Behind the Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros.

George Soros’ Ties to Biden’s Secretary of State Blinken ... Biden’s Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has,Curtain: Inside the Secret Network of George Soros.




Posted by Thorn on Wed, 26 Jan 2022 12:44 | #

Pre-WWIII Practice Exam

What is the source of the confrontation between the US and Russia in the Ukraine:

1. Russia has amassed over 100,000 combat troops near Ukraine’s eastern border and is threatening to invade.

2. Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to rebuild the Soviet Empire by expanding Russia’s territory beyond its borders.

3. The western media has concocted a fake storyline about a “Russian invasion” to divert attention from Moscow’s reasonable demands for legally-binding security guarantees that address the pressing issue of hostile foreign armies (NATO) and nuclear missiles on Russia’s doorstep.

4. None of the above.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 12:40 | #

Is this a case of shoddy journalism or is it that Jews are using it as an opportunity to reaffirm their crucially depended upon victim status?

Ofcom to probe BBC coverage of antisemitic attack

The media regulator has initiated an investigation into the broadcaster’s report on an attack against Jewish teens

BBC London was one of many media outlets covering a London attack against a group of Jewish teenagers who were sitting in a bus when several men started spitting at them from outside, making Nazi salutes and verbally offending them.

Describing the November 29 attack, a reporter mentioned that “some racial slurs about Muslim people” could be heard from inside the bus, saying it wasn’t clear if that had played a role in the incident.

This claim was refuted by an independent report commissioned by the Board of Deputies of British Jews, which accused the BBC of “deeply irresponsible journalism” and said that the story raised serious questions about “deep-seated biases” within the corporation against Jews. The Campaign Against Antisemitism group also raised concerns over the coverage.



Posted by Thorn on Thu, 27 Jan 2022 15:01 | #

Sorry, Joe: Russia and Ukraine agree to keep the peace…

Russia, Ukraine Agree To Uphold Donbas Ceasefire In Normandy Format Talks


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 28 Jan 2022 13:32 | #

#anti-Russia propaganda

28 Jan, 2022 10:01
Russia is dividing Europe – but not in the way you’d think

Western disunity over NATO is both an opportunity and a danger for Moscow

By Glenn Diesen, a Professor at the University of South-Eastern Norway, and an editor at the Russia in Global Affairs journal. Follow him on Twitter @glenn_diesen.

Bloc discipline is also upheld in Germany, as the head of the German navy, Kay-Achim Schönbach, was forced to resign over what were deemed to be unacceptable comments. The vice admiral pushed against the propaganda from Washington, as he suggested the accusation of Russia planning to invade Ukraine was nonsense, and argued that Putin deserved respect and that it was unrealistic to expect that Russia would return Crimea.

British Secretary of State for Defence Ben Wallace recently cautioned his European allies against accepting the Kremlin’s “bogus allegations” against NATO. In an extraordinary article, Wallace suggests that NATO cannot be considered a threat, as it is “a truly defensive alliance,” and it is NATO’s values that threaten Putin. The top minister continued with astonishing disinformation, such as claiming Putin is an ethno-nationalist who threatens to awaken the “destructive forces of ancient hatred.” (Thorn note: We can only hope Putin is an ethno-nationalist!)



Posted by Thorn on Sat, 29 Jan 2022 23:02 | #

The Russia-Ukraine crisis is fluid, but this week-old interview still applies to the current situation.


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 02:50 | #

This is an English blog.

American concerns are , I suspect , a minority interest.  Only the neocon Jews want war and that simply because Russia is hated by that group, whose atavistic memory of the country is Cossack hooves hurtling towards the shtetl.

However , America may still prevail and plant the Rainbow Flag atop the Kremlin.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 31 Jan 2022 11:48 | #

America may still prevail and plant the Rainbow Flag atop the Kremlin.

America and the UK, both.

See my post @402


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 04 Feb 2022 12:15 | #

What Matters Most to Nations and Peoples?
February 4, 2022 by Patrick J. Buchanan

Their greater fear is not of Putin’s Russia but of an EU superstate whose dominance leads inexorably to the decline and disappearance of distinct ethnic nations. To the leaders of Hungary and Poland and the traditionalist and populist right-wing parties of Europe, nationality matters more than political systems.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 04 Feb 2022 12:26 | #

Will the shills for the military industrial complex successfully lie their way into WWIII? Is the anti-Russian propaganda having its desired effect on the masses? Russia is clapping back.

4 Feb, 2022 10:19

Russia slams US false flag claim

The allegations are reminiscent of fake claims in 2003 that Iraq had biological weapons, Moscow’s Washington embassy says

By Jonny Tickle



Posted by Thorn on Fri, 11 Feb 2022 14:56 | #

War with Russia Can Explode—literally at the Speed of Light: Here’s why
10 February 2022
Miami, Florida
Mind Dump, Sans Edit

Watching this all unfold. Like a glacier creeping across an awakening super volcano.

Using FlightRadar24 and other methods, am watching large numbers of American military aircraft—including B-52s—moving forward to places like Poland.

If this touches off, it’s very difficult to imagine a likely scenario in which this does not quickly spread.

As you know, last year I spent several weeks in Lithuania and warned many times that the Polish and Lithuania borders were being probed using migrants as cover, while developing a migrant-pump and pipeline as a weapon in case of war. The migrants can be used both as human shields and cover to send in spies and special forces.

But that’s the small war. The big war can hit the high seas and Americans everywhere in a matter of minutes.

Imagine a simple scenario in wh ich Russia invades beginning with cyberwar, information war, airstrikes, rocket strikes, artillery, and ground invasion. Many of the rockets, artillery, and other weapons are being fired from within the borders of Belarus and Russia.
The US provides direct intelligence or even firepower against Russian ground troops. Russia attacks our space assets, and lights up our aircraft with fire control radar in Belarus, Russia, and Ukraine, for starters.

Russia loses troops early on, and respond by launching surface-to-air and ground-to-ground missiles from within Belarus/Russia at US forces, and shoots down American aircraft.

Now what are we to do? Russia and Belarus are using electronic warfare, fire control radar, and weapons that are stationed WITHIN their sovereign borders.

How will you respond? Firing back at the fire control radar, artillery, and air bases, would comprise a clear attack on their own people in their own homelands. Remember—Russia can put people into space more reliably than the US Postal Service can deliver your mail before spying on it.

The Bear has spies working all around America including within the US military, CIA, and the works. We are Woke like that.

If we fire into Russia and Belarus, even by accident, that’s the first shot of World War III. You can bet there will not be any commercial air travel within hundreds of miles of the battle zone—and in fact all air travel to Europe might be closed at the beginning of a cold winter.

Meanwhile, not to target-fixate, Iran and others are eyeing up the region, including Israel. And then there is Taiwan. Our own borders are wide open. Food, fuel, and fertilizer prices are steadily rising.

The Canadian trucker strike—growing in seriousness by the hour—and the American truck strike that is forming, and I will join if the Blue Devils and not started World War III yet.

Friends write messages with quips such as, “We will close Nord Stream II.” Russia will take the pipeline in Ukraine.

There is every reason to believe that The Beast will create an emergency situation in America and the pretense of a Republic will crumble this year. If you believe the got away with stealing elections the first time, why would they not do it again? Or just cancel elections all together. It’s an emergency, after all. Take the jab. March to war. Pay your taxes. And shut up or die.

The war with Russia can explode at the speed of fire control radar. The speed of light.


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 04:12 | #

Meanwhile , emotionally excited, American Christian dunderheads donate tithe - level sums to hokum peddlers in the hope of adhering to the Noahide Laws.

Have you reached your Pastor’s Gulfstream 800 purchase price target yet ?


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 13:13 | #


China and Russia shouldn’t take Britain seriously anymore

No wonder Beijing and Moscow are bemused by Britain – its post-Brexit foreign policy overstates its own importance

By Tom Fowdy
Tom Fowdy
Tom Fowdy is a British writer and analyst of politics and international relations with a primary focus on East Asia.

On Thursday, British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss visited Moscow for talks with Russia over the situation in Ukraine, rolling up with her usual belligerent and threatening posture. This has been a feature of her time in the office, which has seen her unfavourably compared to a poundshop version of former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov responded to Truss’s aggressive and uncompromising attitude by publicly ghosting her during the press conference, describing meeting her as like talking “to a deaf person” [...] (lol)


[Bottom line],we are now seeing a British foreign policy that is high on rhetoric, low on substance, big on threats and small on solutions, and seems to have completely ditched any rational concept of what constitutes the national interest. Brexit Britain has become a farce, which doesn’t deserve to be taken seriously on the international stage.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 12 Feb 2022 13:25 | #

Hey Al. Good news! Your missing “gal-pal” has been found.

Headless corpse found on beach turns out to be washed-up sex doll


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 16 Feb 2022 04:18 | #

Hey Thorn , your country’s most important city , Tel Aviv on the Hudson , once had an NY Post headline :  ” Headless Body Found In Topless Bar .”


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 18 Feb 2022 14:39 | #

Will Washington Launch a Mass-Casualty “False Flag” to Sabotage Nord Stream?

“American colleagues at the Pentagon told me, unequivocally, that the US and UK never would allow European-Soviet (re: EU-Russia) relations to develop to such a degree that they would challenge the US-UK’s political, economic or military primacy and hegemony on the European continent. Such a development will be prevented by all necessary means, if necessary by provoking a war in central Europe.” Christof Lehmann


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 08:40 | #

Will Thorn agree with old Yahweh , his Semitic accomplice in the clouds, that the world’s biggest religious false flag operation is persuading Aryans to believe in Jewish myths ?


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 19 Feb 2022 12:50 | #

One thing is for sure, Scotland became a more attractive country ever since Al Ross relocated to a Thailand ghetto.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 20 Feb 2022 15:15 | #

Ukraine Implementing Minsk Accords & Ending Conflict ‘Very Last’ Thing US, UK Want, Ex-MEP Says


Sputnik: Why is the West not only ignoring but also encouraging Kiev’s provocations in Donbass?

Nick Griffin: The Washington and Westminster cabal are desperate to force Vladimir Putin to abandon his policy of self-restraint and negotiation. They intend to leave him no option but to use military force in defence of the Russian population of Donbass. So the NATO leaders are now engaged in the most blatant and irresponsible destabilisation and hybrid war operation since they used Islamic terrorists to destroy Libya and attempted to use them to break up Syria.

Their operation against Russia is in fact even more desperate than the campaign of lies and aggression against Syria, because the stakes are even higher. The West promoted conflict in the Middle East in the hope of gaining a geopolitical advantage. The attempt to force Russia into war in Ukraine, by contrast, is not really about promoting the geopolitical interest of the Dollar Empire – it is about its very survival.

The US is no longer the self-confident colossus that bestrode the world a few decades ago. America in 2022 is a financial, political, economic, military and social basket case, and its UK ally is in the same very leaky boat. The liberal Anglo world is further disturbed by the situation in Canada, which is now in the critical phase of a historic struggle between the Trudeau regime and a large and well-organised section of the working population.

On top of that, one shouldn’t overlook the influence of ideology and personal sexual obsessions in Western decision-making circles. There is in all this an element of a woke, liberal ‘crusade’ for ‘our liberal values’ against the ‘archaic Christian traditionalism’ which they see and detest in Russia.




Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 02:42 | #

Perhaps, Thorn , but I lowered the average IQ.


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 03:08 | #

Also , the word ghetto betrays your ignorance of Thailand .

In a US ghetto like Harlem or Compton , CA I would not dare to venture forth without fear of being mugged or killed by your fellow Americans.

However in Thailand and every other South East Asian country , there exists no people as terrible in their resentment and animosity towards Whites as your US Blacks.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 21 Feb 2022 16:01 | #

“Perhaps, Thorn , but I lowered the average IQ of Thailand.”

There, I fixed it for ya.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 22 Feb 2022 00:20 | #

Heil Putin!!!

Deport ‘extremist’ migrants immediately – Putin


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 22 Feb 2022 04:02 | #

Thorn puts out for Putin.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 22 Feb 2022 04:41 | #

Here, Thorn, are your welfare - gobbled tax dollars being sweated.

The United Snakes policy is to compete with China and in a bottom line Homo way, finance Africa in order to promote Gay Equality instead of properly run Chinese built infrastructure, which will of course, revert to Chinese ownership because America’s favourite race , in both original sub - Saharan and current Columbian forms , could not buy a toaster.

You folks are crazy.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 22 Feb 2022 13:24 | #

Is not China is experiencing a demographic collapse? What will happen when the Chinese workers get fed-up with working under deplorable conditions for insufficient wages?

People are beginning to add things up thus starting to realize China’s rise to global domination may indeed be short lived.

If demographics is destiny, negroes are gaining the upper-hand—low IQ notwithstanding.


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 25 Feb 2022 04:52 | #

Finally ,  your support for Congoid triumphalism , a subconscious bottom - line , Christian desideratum , especially amongst soy boys , has been teased out , your low IQ entirely un - notwithstanding.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 25 Feb 2022 10:10 | #

Another failed try, Al.  I.e., every time you respond to my comments with ad-hominem, you reveal yourself to be the emotionally-driven little child you are. Moreover, your ability at achieving ignoramus-status is astounding! 

A dose of reality for ya:


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 26 Feb 2022 03:21 | #

An ad hominem might refer , not to my view of your ineffably ignorant opinions but , for example , to your being a very bad man. That was not my point.

Words mean things and when I use them , very mean things.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 27 Nov 2022 23:31 | #


In light of the recent clash between several black celebrities and the Jewish community, I thought you might find this piece interesting. (Of course, it’s written from the black perspective.)

Buck Breaking the Black Man: A Jewish Tradition
By The Final Call -


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 30 Nov 2022 16:50 | #

KMac on UK replacement:

UK replacement didn’t really happen until Blair government (1997-2007) with immigration minister Barbara Roche “In 2001, Roche told the Guardian she “entered politics — she still emphasises this today — to combat anti-semitism and xenophobia in general.”



Posted by Thorn on Wed, 30 Nov 2022 21:14 | #


Yeah, we know why most Jews are fully committed to replacement - that’s an easy one to explain. What gets deeper in the area of self-destructive mental disorders is the reasons why so many whites themselves cheer-on their own replacement. And more interesting, the higher up on the social ladder whites rise, the more pro-replacement they tend to be. Obviously, conditions of admission into the ruling-class are largely dependent upon an unequivocal pledge of allegiance to “woke” principles. One thing for sure, endorsing the replacement of one’s own race is a mental abnormality; one which mainly takes shape within the white race.


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 01 Dec 2022 02:31 | #

Thorn is correct but avoids the obvious question regarding the role of his Jewish Deity’s Christianity, and to what extent that wad of Middle Eastern piffle has impaired the Aryan psyche.

And before Thorn mentions the welcome decline in Christian belief , almost everywhere and even in dumbly dumb America , it should be realised that Christianity had a Reformation , courtesy of Marx , the aim of which was to provide Goys with an irreligious religion. 

Meet the new boss , same as the old boss.

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Previous entry: The Telegraph commentariat gets a chance to talk revolution

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Existential Issues

DNA Nations



Each author's name links to a list of all articles posted by the writer.


Endorsement not implied.


Islamist Threat

Anti-white Media Networks






Historical Re-Evaluation

Controlled Opposition

Nationalist Political Parties


Europeans in Africa

Of Note


Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View)
