More So-Called “News” About European Genetic Clusters Comments:2
Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 23:38 | # Mmm…looks like the Ash-can-nazis have their own genetic cluster. 3
Posted by onlooker on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 23:38 | # Cluters 1 and 2 can be discribed as “cluster f**ks.” 4
Posted by Old Guy on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 01:50 | # Capt Chaos: Thanks for support of KMac on the CSULB Daily 49er comments. What a crock this SPLC witch-hunt is. 5
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 02:10 | # No problemo, Old Guy. KMac is the MVP of White Nationalism as far as I’m concerned. It was the least I could do. 6
Posted by onlooker on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 02:21 | # “KMac is the MVP of White Nationalism as far as I’m concerned.” Not every credible “NW” scholar thinks so. 7
Posted by Darren on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 03:05 | # Not every credible “NW” scholar thinks so. What makes him credible? He is self-contradictory and it almost seems like he didn’t read CoC or did so rather poorly. I won’t do a point-by-point on this, but I’ll take on some of the rather glaring issues here: There is a simple, but, I believe, devastating counter-argument to MacDonald’s theory. If the Jewish/Gentile dynamic that MacDonald outlines is rooted in these groups’ biological natures, and Jews have extensive powers to convert Gentiles to multiculturalism, why didn’t anything like multiculturalism emerge before the 20th century? MacDonald never made the claim that converting gentile societies to multiculturalism was a “biological trait”. MacDonald claims that such manifestations as Boasian anthropology, Frankfurt school sociology, and open immigration policies is a way for Jews to relieve themselves of the burden of anti-Semitism that is associated with nations that have an overwhelming majority of whites. Jews have been present in the West since Roman times, but Gentiles in medieval European societies did not believe in white guilt, nor did they think diversity was a strength, despite the presence of Jewish minorities—indeed, multiculturalism was not only non-existent in medieval Europe, it was unthinkable. The United States is a unique conception in that it is very democratic, libertine, and allows nearly anyone to come in and influence it politically and economically. The old monarchies and aristocracies, while often corrupt, did not allow Jewish radicals to come in and dictate demographic policy. In fact, it was through the Jewish Bolshevist revolution in which the Russian aristocracy is murdered and Jews ascend to power, allowing Jewish ideology to take a foothold. I will end it there, but I find this “response” to MacDonald to be of rather poor quality. MacDonald extensively documents how gentiles themselves have failed to assert ethnocentrism and does not merely “blame the Jews” as “The Realist” alleges (hence my second sentence above). 8
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 05:31 | # why didn’t anything like multiculturalism emerge before the 20th century Mass media technology gave Jews enormous amounts of exactly the kind of power they are least able to use with the necessary restraint. 9
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 13:54 | # And the Twentieth Century also brought women’s suffrage to the Eurosphere. 10
Posted by onlooker on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 14:33 | # After the Civil war, was it the Jews or Gentiles that blocked Abraham Lincoln’s plan to repatriate slaves back to Africa? I my be wrong, but my recollection tells me it was exclusively Gentiles that were the force behind advocating for freed slaves to be allowed to remain in America. That said, there’s no doubt Jews are taking the lead in most of the current day leftist schemes. It’s Left wing politics that are indirectly causing the genocide of the white-race; however, there is plenty of blame to go around for the multicultural mess we Europids find ourselves in today. Leftist politics/ideologies are all about the destruction of the white-race. Most people who claim to be right wing Republicans today would have be considered flaming liberals 40 years ago. Democrats of the 1960’s, today, would be considered racist conservatives. How did the right-wing drift so far to the left, and the left-wing drift to the hard-left? Answer: Through the process of incrementalism ... or more specifically, the Hegelian dialectic. James correctly states: “Mass media technology gave Jews enormous amounts of exactly the kind of power they are least able to use with the necessary restraint.” I would restate it slightly: Mass media technology, especially the TV, is the most powerful mind control tool on the planet. It is extremely effective when used to shape and control the thinking and attitudes of the masses. FACT: The MSM is predominantly owned and controlled by leftist Jews. The programing and script writing is mainly controlled and created by leftist Jews and homosexuals of all stripes. They make it abundantly clear their underlying theme/message is one of anti-traditional Western values, anti-white (especially white-males), and anti-Christian. Then there is the international capitalists that take advantage of all the cheap non-white labor caused by leftist immigration policies .... There are many reasons the white-race is being ethnically cleansed of the planet. Jewish virulence is but one, albeit a significant one. 11
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 14:49 | # After the Civil war, was it the Jews or Gentiles that blocked Abraham Lincoln’s plan to repatriate slaves back to Africa? I my be wrong, but my recollection tells me it was exclusively Gentiles that were the force behind advocating for freed slaves to be allowed to remain in America. If Lincoln had not been assassinated, it is quite conceivable there would have been a very different reconstruction given his stance on repatriation. From “The Writings of Abraham Lincoln” V06:
Posted by Darren on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 15:56 | # That said, there’s no doubt Jews are taking the lead in most of the current day leftist schemes. It’s Left wing politics that are indirectly causing the genocide of the white-race; however, there is plenty of blame to go around for the multicultural mess we Europids find ourselves in today. I agree. MacDonald does not pretend it is otherwise. I just take a very strong objection to Jobling’s assertion that there is equal blame to go around. He grossly mischaracterizes MacDonald’s work to the point where I consider him to be a disinformation artist, much like the rest of the AmRen/Jared Taylor crowd that refuses to talk about the Jewish question and often paints the sort of picture he does about the “who” and “why” of current cultural and social issues. We need honesty here, not philo-Semitism. There are many good Jews who don’t buy into this left-wing multicult garbage, but to avoid discussion of the real issues just feeds into the problem. 13
Posted by Darren on Thu, 17 Apr 2008 16:03 | # My opinion is, as far as white blame is concerned, is with the rise of classical liberalism and enlightenment philosophies. However, if you compare the ideologies associated with gentile classical liberalism with that of radical Jewish ones, I think you will find that the Jewish ones are far more perilous and destructive than those associated with gentile classical liberal causes. It is merely the openness and general tendency towards liberalized government and social policy that paved the way towards permissiveness of Jewish political/cultural manipulation. 14
Posted by ha3ard on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 06:55 | # I wonder where Kevin Rudd genetic interests lie… I would place a bet that he would be close to the chinese, but they are not on the map… hmm, too bad… as for the colonial whiteman superiority, I think it’s derived and correlated with meeting and interacting with too many black fellows over the course of history… to wit: the ashkenazi jews and the east asians (including the chinese) are a bit more ‘superior’ than the average european joe, in terms of intelligence of course. What the implications and repercursions are is not hard to fathom, generally speaking, the smarter ones outdo the less witty. The centuries of whiteman dominance are coming to an end… it’s Asia’s turn. What a parasite can do to its host is eloquently described by Richard Dawkins… the next question to ask is what are the various ethnic groups specific phenotypic effects? The anglo-saxons successful phenotype is that of getting a foot in the door, opening the door wide open, entering the house and enslaving/killing the owners or offering them a maximum 49% ‘passive’ stake in the property while they set the standards and run the business. It all started with the angles and saxons invasion of Britannia and earlier still, the descent from Scandinavia into mainland Europe, then the colonisation of North America and the rest of the world not to mention D-Day. The moon was the next step… but a bit rocky. Multinational corporations run on the same model. Maybe the fulminant recovery of the german economy after the second world war was in part due to the absence of jewish influence and that the current financial crisis in the US is a direct aspect of it, inescapable as water being wet, not to mention the current embroilment in Iraq and with Iran. There’s no point in killing the host, just weakening it will do… so as to be easier to manipulate. The vast stupidity and ignorance of the average american is a staggering view to contemplate. How about the chinese? What are their fortes apart from that of building walls, great leaps in imagination and intelligent introverts? Well. their track record shows that they defeated the americans in Korea at the height of their power… that’s no small fit. Access denial is their current strategy according to Kagan or more precisely, at the current stage, selective access, so nothing to worry about it seems, they are not some crazy expansionists/imperialists. But the chinese influence circle is widening and not contracting… The problem with any authocratic government is that it lacks intrinsic legitimacy and in times of national crisis, the only chance for national unity vs. desolution plus the possiblity of self-preservation for the ruling elite is to find an outside enemy… in other words, war… there’s plenty of material to draw from, no compulsion here, the ratio of young boys/girls in China is out of balance in favour of the former. The Peloponese War by another Kagan may offer some material as to how autoritharian regimes support like authoritarian ones and undermine weak democratic states… power-seeking ‘bent’ politicians and like factions that undermine the country from within and act as agents of influence for the foreign sponsor… until the city state surrenders with a pact and without a fight. Or civil war breaks out. Any numbers available for the chinese diaspora? The russians don’t like democracy… the promised cure for all the ills of mankind hasn’t delivered yet. Anything else in the tube? Of course, all the above has nothing to do with the subject under discussion. 15
Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 07:52 | # why didn’t anything like multiculturalism emerge before the 20th century It did.
[From “Electric Cord” Speech (1858), in Lincoln, The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln, Vol. II, ed. Roy P. Basler (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1953), 499-500.] Canadian Prime Minister R.B. Bennett… House of Commons Debates, June 7, 1928, pp. 3925-7.
William N. Vaile of Colorado…
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 20 Apr 2008 08:26 | # Desmond, in all fairness, the degree of assault on ethnic genetic interests arising from the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in synergistic concert with the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 has no precedent in European history except, perhaps, imperial Rome. Even then Jews played an important part, albeit not the intensely virulent part they played in the last century. 17
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 21 Apr 2008 03:23 | # With respect James, as JR, KMac and others point out, some groups have influence beyond their calcuable EGI. 18
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 17:40 | # I notice on that chart how some of the Spaniards stray up into the territory of the Swedes, Poles, and Brits. I wonder if this isn’t the Visigoths and I wonder if the Visigoths, an extinct race, can be re-constituted by these people simply marrying each other and continuing to do so for several generations. “Yeah but who’d want to? And why on earth?” is the next logical question. Dunno who’d want to. Doubtless some out there would. I have an idea, though, of who might not want them to. It goes like this: to do it they’d have to know who they were, that genetically they were part of this group. There are genetics tests for telling them. But recently over at JWH’s blog came news that the other side wants to outlaw private genetics testing. If they do that, they can’t do it. Funny how sometimes you get an original thought — or, one you think nobody else can have thought of — and then you find the other side has already moved their chess pieces on the board so as to block it. I think there are individuals on the other side who have this whole thing thought out quite far in advance and have got a number of escapes already “covered.” 19
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 17:46 | # Here are the JWH entries I refer to above: 20
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 05:33 | # From the “Either get with the program or get with the pogrom” department: Regarding the between-group genetic differences so clearly on display in the log entry’s chart (see the entry, above), look at this:
In other words, we think what we’ve seen so far with forced race-replacement is bad, but potentially there’s lots worse out there, some of which may in fact come our way unless the people who should be on our side finally get their heads out of the sand and start figuring things out. The people on every other side — every other side since the world began — are under no illusions, having figured it out millennia ago. There’s just one group that can’t seem to “get it.” 21
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 19:41 | # As I noted in my comment above, if you very look closely at the log entry’s chart you can see (you have to look hard to see them, because some are camouflaged in the mix) that about a dozen of the Spanish sample cluster with the Swedes, Poles, and Britons (about a dozen of some three dozen total, or about a third). Question: as I alluded to in my earlier comment, the Visigoths who’d settled in Spain went extinct as a race several centuries ago, but I wonder if they can’t be resurrected in the following way: If these Spaniards who cluster with the Swedes, Poles, and Brits 1) descend from Visigoths and 2) were to start marrying and reproducing only among themselves several generations, that ought to 3) result in an approximation of what the Visigoths were racially, no? In other words, it must roughly re-constitute the Visigoths, no? If so, wouldn’t it be nice to re-constitute an extinct Euro race? Getting down to practical matters: It wouldn’t seem far-fetched in this day and age for someone in Spain to start a “Let’s Reconstitute the Visigoths, Our Forefathers” organization complete with dating/matchmaking web-site which would register only those Spaniards with DNA that clustered with the Poles, Swedes, and Brits. They could have meetings, dances and other social functions, various cultural-or-what-have-you organizations among themselves, and marriages among themselves. I’ve read that Spaniards used to be proud of their Visigothic heritage — my guess would be that, were there such an organization, it would not lack membership. The offspring of each subsequent group-member “generation” would have to furnish independent proof of genetic clustering with Poles, Swedes, etc., to be eligible for inclusion in the dating/matchmaking web-site (mere descent from parents who had so clustered wouldn’t be sufficient, as non-Visigothic strains would also be expressed during the first several generations). After several generations, Visigoths once again are with us as a race. No? Of course the clustering I refer to may not at all mean Visigothic ancestry. In fact, if it did mean it, the Ostrogoths who settled in Italy should cause a fraction of Italians to cluster the same way, which a glance at the chart shows isn’t happening. So the premise may be totally wrong. But still, I wonder if extinct races can’t be roughly re-constituted in this manner: not perfectly of course, but a rough approximation. 22
Posted by 123 on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 21:43 | # Fred to reconstruct Visigoths and Ostrogoths there may be easier ways. The inhabitants of South Tyrol are said to be direct descendents of the Ostrogoths. Regarding Visigoths, perhaps a better starting point would be the Crimean peninsula, where the goths resided before the split. The gothic language was spoken there in remote valleys until around the 18th century (if memory serves right). 23
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 22:39 | # Thanks for those details, 123. I should note that if such an organization ever got off the ground, in Spain or anywhere else, its most vicious, aggressive, tenacious attackers would be international Jewry. Jewry wants no Euro race unscrambling itself, no Euro race that looks at itself as “itself,” as “intact,” no Euro race that can self-identify as an entity that springs from what is inborn, no Euro race that might get the idea it likes itself or has something to keep itself together for, has something to exist for, has a past, a present, and a future to live for, dream of, work for, bequeath to its children. Jewry doesn’t want any of that for any European race. Jewry doesn’t like any Euro peoples getting any ideas like that. If any such Spanish organization ever got off the ground the Jews would latch onto it like a bulldog and never let go till they’d done it to death. Jewry wants no Euro-race competitors. Which is why it’s insanity to permit Jews to have power over Euro governments: they will try to inflict what is harmful on the Euro populations those governments control. 24
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 22:45 | # Allowing Jews influence over Euro governments and Euro law-making is exactly like allowing Hamas and Hesbollah influence over the Israeli government and Israeli law-making: it’s the exact same thing, the exact same insanity, because of the exact same hatred and wish to harm — as witness the 1965 Immigration Law. If all Jewish influence over the vote on that bill had been forbidden and methodically prevented, would we have the demographic disaster we’re living through now? Not on your life. 25
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 06 Jul 2008 17:17 | # The other side (the Jewish ringleaders and their allies, subordinates, and toadies), afraid of anyone thwarting race-replacement, are shutting down private genetics testing:
To this guy’s ten reasons why private genetics testing should be allowed (see his linked article) I’ll add an eleventh: in case you’re Spanish and want to reconstitute your Visigothic ancestors (or hey, in case anyone wants to see if the one he or she’s going out with is the race she or he may seem). (Hat tip.) 26
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 03:40 | # A tidbit just gleaned: storing your own individual genomic sequence on your PC would take up the amount of space needed to store 1,500 novels or 26 hours of MP3 music. Now, if certain interests who are currently agitating end up getting their way you might have plenty of space for storing all those novels and MP3 songs because, unless your doctor agrees with your politics and writes a prescription permitting you to learn your genome sequence, it will be illegal to have access to it. 27
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 03:49 | # “it will be illegal for you to have access to it” — to your own sequence (now, why wouldn’t the powers-that-be want you to have access to that??? ... Might they be afraid widespread diffusion of, and use of, honest genetics information could threaten somehow to make their race-replacement, one-coffee-colored-world plans harder to carry to completion?) 28
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 13:43 | # Extremely important article on “The Evolutionary Function of Prejudice”: unless biology really bores you this is a must-read. 29
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 16 Nov 2008 03:05 | # The (fill in the blank) _______ want to shut down personal genetic ancestry testing. The prospect of widespread personal genetic ancestry testing has the usual suspects extremely concerned lest it facilitate resistance to the race-replacement they’re pushing: they’re increasingly calling for the outlawing of personal genetics testing and, in case that fails, are obviously trying to lay groundwork for putting testing companies out of business through law-suits for “politically incorrect” interpretations of genetics results. Here’s the unsigned article, published a few days ago (pdf format): I consider it crystal-clear that the main culprits here are, as usual, the (fill in the blank) ______ . The very particular politics, the typical way of twisting and misrepresentating science, the alarming fanatical totalitarian bent characterizing the linked article and, through those, what most likely is the ethnicity of the chief writer(s) or editor(s) jump out at you unmistakably, as far as I’m concerned: all the telltale language is there, all the virtually unique preoccupations, the bizarre obsessions found so abundantly among members of that group and so rarely elsewhere and almost never in quite the same form. (See also this other thing from a year ago: ) Hat tip: 30
Posted by danielj on Sun, 16 Nov 2008 03:47 | # Does anybody know where the French Canadians cluster? How English are they? (That is the other major half of my ancestry so I’m interested) 31
Posted by danielj on Sun, 16 Nov 2008 03:49 | # English should have been in quotes like this: “English” I meant how English are they in modern times due to any admixture. 32
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 16 Nov 2008 04:01 | # I’ve been trying to come up with a good basis for a functional Judiciary and this may be the opportunity. Clearly, anyone preventing people from finding out their own genetic make up should be sentenced to death. So one question is: How can we form a functioning Judiciary that will take such issues seriously enough to dispense Justice swiftly and surely in cases such as this? The obvious answer is to make the power of the Judiciary depend on the Judges publishing their genetic data—perhaps with something like an open proxy system providing them with their Judicial authority, with all participants open about their own genetic data.. 33
Posted by torgrim on Sun, 16 Nov 2008 21:37 | # Thanks, I think, Fred…. What language, what an effort to read, and also, whenever, I see the word, consumer, instead of citizen or person, I reach for my .357. The arrogance, the baldfaced totalitarism of such scribbling…it is over the top! Just where do they get off, telling me I can’t “see” my own ancestry? 34
Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 17 Nov 2008 02:32 | # “For example, many estimations of genetic ancestry are designed to So, the tests are “biased” because they “define ancestry” as originating from “West Africa, Europe, 35
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 02:51 | # Today’s quiz (of very limited interest today; this will only interest German and Polish nationalists, so all others are advised to skip this): In what way can the following two pieces of information, gleaned from, respectively, John Hawks’ and Dienekes’ sites, be put to a use that strictly no one on the planet will find of interest EXCEPT German nationalists like me and Polish nationalists like the regular commenter over at Dienekes’ who signs as “Polak”?
The answer to today’s quiz will be posted next week. Just kidding — I wouldn’t keep my fellow German nationalists waiting that long (Polish nationalists I don’t care about). (Just kidding there too: I like and respect them both.) Ever since I read Arthur Koestler’s excellent book, “The Sleepwalkers,” in high school I’ve been aware of a dispute among scholars as to the nationality of the great astronomer Copernicus, Polish scholars claiming he was Polish, and German ones claiming he was German. It would certainly appear, in light of the two pieces of information cited above that that centuries-old dispute can now finally be settled. As a sidelight, the information above from Dienekes’ blog really amounts to another slap in the face for “Mel” who posted, in another thread, a denial of genetic race: above we see that even the neighboring Poles and Germans can now be told apart genetically with almost complete accuracy, let alone whites, yellows, and Negroes being routinely told apart genetically nowadays. 36
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 24 Nov 2008 02:56 | # (The Dienekes material I posted is from that linked log entry’s comment section, not from the entry itself: you have to scroll down the comments.) Post a comment:
Next entry: Conscious decision belated. Anti-racism belied. But as with these, so with you and me.
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Posted by Old Guy on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 22:49 | #
Looking at this plot I’m wondering if the message is that there’s an Ashkenazi in the Tomato Pile, or a dearth of Swedes in the Matzoh bin. Elaboration?