MR Radio - Tom Metzger, Jimmy Marr, Daniel ... and me

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 27 April 2014 23:31.

A discussion between Tom Metzger and myself, with Daniel and the indefatigable Jimmy Marr for good measure.


                          Terrible Tommy

The Audio of G.W., TT, DanielS and Jimmy Marr -

59.5 MB,

Tags: MR Radio



Posted by DanielS on Mon, 28 Apr 2014 11:01 | #

Great show! Thank you very much Terrible Tommy, G.W., Jimmy Marr… and Soren for the recording and engineering ..including adding the bag-pipes, that is some radically White stuff - sounds great!

I am sorry for the background noises, they are my fault alone, emanating from the e-cafe that I was in. I did not realize that noises and background voices there would be picked-up so loudly.

Though it is a distraction and noise disinformation in a few spots, I don’t believe it ruins the show, as all carried-on alright.

A few highlights as I see it:

A coming together of two significant experiences and thought processes as G.W. and Metzger have applied themselves to the struggle for native European sovereignty.

G.W. made and excellent argument that something so complex and long in its development and reach as Christianity may not be so easily susceptible to deliberate dismantling.

On the other hand, Metzger may have a point that while Rome was not built in a day, it may be possible for recognition of a pattern of European peoples transcendent of our imperfections to emerge anew out of an honest and authentic appreciation of our protracted worth, developmental processes and needs - consequently instilling, institutionalizing a reverence for its sacredness.

(although I doubt that Klassen’s “Creativity” is a satisfactory formulation)

G.W. made a brilliant point that we do need to firm-up our terminology and understanding of our racial unities and its antagonists (largely those prescribing and enforcing liberalism regarding our race and its national subdivisions), prior to popular action, otherwise the default narratives of “liberalism, as the water in which we swim”, will simply re-emerge and be reasserted in public practice.

As such, G.W. may have been momentarily dissatisfied with my intervening before a firm agreement on a distinction between right and left was established with Metzger, but for the course of the conversation, I believe it worked out well as a result of the agility of the interlocutors - whom I wanted pointing us to the elite power centers most detrimental to the sovereignty of native European peoples throughout Europe and the rest of the world.

I know both, and already had a sense that their disagreements are superficial. Rather, there is deep agreement between the two, perhaps more than they realize. Thus, there is a time to refine and establish terminological semiotics to G.W.‘s satisfaction, perhaps here in the comments.

I imagine G.W. would like a bit more precision than taking down the whole city of London, but we know the point in the metaphor.

And that is the point of a conversation such as this, between two brilliant men, to set out specificatory structures - i.e. generally important topics that lend to further refinement, shaping and crafting.

Besides the background noise and occasional inaudibleness, I’m going to pat myself on the back for my part.

I do believe I’ve got a handle on an efficient definition of liberals: viz., those who transgress or promote the transgression of the White/native European race/class ... and I must spuriously add in clarification here, its national and communal subdivisions.

When G.W. said liberalism is more than that (more than transgression of racial bounds), I believe the most important “more than that” is the transgressions of those inner compartments - viz. the White nations and communities within the “ship” of the race, micro-ecologies, species - the violation of these White social structures, classifications, is liberalism as well, rather requiring by contrast “de-liberate” accountability right along with that for the genus of the race/class.

As I have come to understand G.W. and Metzger for the past five years now, I can say with conviction that they are in large agreement in aim for European sovereignty and care for our people; their methods are different, of course, but can and should be complementary.


Posted by Bill on Mon, 28 Apr 2014 13:15 | #

Montgomery vs Patton.


Posted by Dude on Mon, 28 Apr 2014 14:45 | #

They even made the Daily Mail. Should be good for a few votes. Maybe he’ll get an interview off the back of it.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 29 Apr 2014 05:44 | #

Another important, central and centralizing issue surfaced in the interview:

The idea that as we have an array of problems and antagonists to contend with, we ought to center on the interests of native European peoples as a full genus and species of nations.

From that centering we may calibrate our attention to our greatest antagonists and problems, but rotate concern in a process of ongoing maintenance and as difficulties and antagonisms emerge.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Wed, 30 Apr 2014 03:52 | #

I like that black suit and red tie of Tommy’s so much I got dressed up and went to a parade only to be told I couldn’t participate.

But who knows, I might get on TV instead:


I’d have thought these young lads could have done a better job summarizing our conversation, but at least they tried:

Anti-diversity activist responds to ‘Diversity Is’
By John Boone and Nick Thomas

Oregon resident Jimmy Marr was on campus during the diversity rally Monday, April 28, staging a counter-protest while holding a sign reading “diversity is a code word for white genocide.”

Increasing diversity can be equated to “soft genocide” in that it reduces the population of white people, Marr said.

“To take the anti-white buzzwords and configure them into the form of the swastika is a good symbolic way for me to get across my message,” Marr said.

Western student Ricky Wilson saw Marr during his protest.

While he understands freedom of speech, Wilson said he felt “very offended” by Marr and his sign.

“This wasn’t the time or place to bring that here,” Wilson said.

Marr was asked to leave Red Square by campus police to avoid conflict with the Diversity Is marchers, said Paul Cocke, director of university communications.

Marr is not formally linked to any outside organization, he said.

Cognitive dissonance seems to be unpopular with everyone.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Wed, 30 Apr 2014 18:59 | #

Today at 4PM Eastern Standard Time; A podcast debate between National Socialist, Paul Hickman and Dinosaur Nationalist, John Beattie.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 30 Apr 2014 20:26 | #

Jimmy, I invited all the cowards from Renegade to debate me and they did not take me up. I would guess they picked an easy mark instead. That is just one of the problems with that network, reverence for Hitler is more important there than for European people. The place is crawling with slime-ball heavy metal Hitler heads. There is no talking to them.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Wed, 30 Apr 2014 22:10 | #

John and Paul seem to have gotten along quite nicely.

You know who would have been a great host for you, Daniel?

Carolyn Yeager.

As you probably know, TheWhiteNetwork is defunct, but if Carolyn is still broadcasting at, I bet she’d like to have you on. I think the two of you hold similar views of National Socialism and opposing views of White nationalism.

It’d make a great show.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 01 May 2014 12:49 | #


Carolyn does provide an illustration of just how loyal a White woman can be - even to the most stigmatized of positions in defending a White people - however, she is loyal in unanimity to a narrow fault.

She is not a White Nationalist, she is a German chauvinist.

In these characteristics her value to the struggle is indirect, at best.

Tanstaafl should have realized this from the start and should not have joined forces with her. But he remained inarticulate, or in denial, of the fact until he was forced to recognize it upon her approval of Hitler’s sentiments in “Table Talk.” Even then, the many furtive issues that he brought into his reasoning for departure showed that he remained inarticulate of the fact in parsimony - that she is a German chauvinist, not a White Nationalist. It’s clear, simple, that’s all you really need to know if WN is your concern.

She can be entertaining, her criticisms of WN figures titillating and occasionally informative, perhaps as often disinformative, but she has provided a platform lending itself to a cultivation of the views of Whites with horrifically mean spirited (e.g. Markus) and inaccurate attitudes toward other Whites/White nations, views which are treated disingenuously as matter of fact.

She is a cute lady with strong logico/rhetorical capacity for unanimity; it is too bad that she did not learn to speak German when she was young enough (women speaking German is very sexy - something fascinating about the tension between diminutive women speaking the mechanical, rigid, clumsy sounds of German) and find a German knight to take her back to her homeland to have children. That’s a bit sad, but the good news is that not only she and not only Germans care about Germans and like them - thus, the genetics that she cares about as a part of her will carry on.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 04 May 2014 10:54 | #

иса: Have you heard of burnt people in Odessa?
daniel: what happened?
nса: Nationalists threw fire into the building where people were
иса: people wanted to leave the building
иса: but they didn`t allow to do it
daniel: wow
иса: they hit people
daniel: my goodness
иса: shot them
иса: 46 people were burnt
daniel :O
why did they attack this particular building?
иса: there was a meeting of people there
иса: who do not support the Ukrainian leaders
daniel: were they Jews or Russians? or just disloyal Ukrainians? or some mix..? perhaps paid agents of the west?
daniel i.e.. USA, EU, Israel..
иса: Ukrainians
daniel: the people killed were Ukrainians.
иса: yes
иса: Ukrainians killed Ukrainians
daniel: for being disloyal
иса: burnt them
daniel: its horrible.
daniel: you were saying they are crazy..
daniel: but this sort of action, Lara..
daniel: it strikes me as very Jewish this sort of violence..
иса: ...they are not people
иса: wild animals
daniel: but ..they might have a virus..
daniel: a kind of Jewish mind virus..
иса: They do horrible things in Slavyansk
daniel: where is Slavyanks?
иса: they killed local peolpe
daniel: where is that?
иса: even a young nurse
daniel: its horrifying..
иса: in Slavyansk
daniel: Slavyansk is in West Urkaine too?
иса: I think, they do not broadcast such things to Europe
иса: no
daniel: I will broadcast it for you.
иса: South East
daniel: keep telling me.
daniel: we know that Ukrainian nationalists have been given lots of American/Israeli money (billions) to provoke conflict with Russia.
иса: I`m surprised that some Ukrainian women were happy to know that 46 people in Odessa were burnt
иса: Julia Timoshenko was one of them
daniel: she is a Jewish whore
daniel: Odessa is a Jewish stronghold, is it not?
иса: Jewish live there but they are not animals
daniel: ok.
иса: common people
daniel: important question..
иса: ...Ukrainian people were killed
daniel: was it “pravy sektor” or… Swoboda who is responsible for this?
daniel: I understand you.
иса: difficult to say
daniel: I think they are both being funded by Jews at this point..
daniel: especially pravy sektor.
daniel: it is ironic, of course, for them to sponsor svoboda
daniel: is divide and conquer
daniel: they will not allow them to go too far..
daniel: they will just use them.
иса: There were a lot of women there
daniel: the ones killed?
daniel: or the ones doing the killing?
иса: ...people tried to go out
daniel: I understand
daniel: its a nightmare.
иса: they killed people who managed to do it
daniel: I understand that too
daniel: you said something about women?
daniel: where they victims, killers or bystanders?
иса: there were a lot of women who burnt
риса: victims
daniel sienkiewicz: oh my.
daniel sienkiewicz: were they Femen? or something like this?
риса: and young Ukrainian girls made that bottles with fire Molotov
daniel sienkiewicz: understand.
иса: common women
daniel sienkiewicz: crazy
daniel sienkiewicz: when there is so much wealth to go around…and share..
иса: We are so sorry
daniel sienkiewicz: me too.
иса: they are killers
sienkiewicz: yes…so these Ukrainian people who were killed were somehow identified as disloyal to the Ukrainian nation
иса: not nation
иса: power
daniel sienkiewicz: aha
daniel sienkiewicz: to which power?
риса: New Ukrainian power in Kiev
daniel sienkiewicz: aha…that Jewish power there
daniel sienkiewicz: big money
иса: It seems to me that you do not know a real situation in Ukrain
daniel sienkiewicz: go on
daniel sienkiewicz: help me to understand better then, please
иса: it not enough that they burnt and killed common people in Odessa?
иса: in Slavyansk
daniel sienkiewicz: it is enough, sure…
daniel sienkiewicz: but I am trying to understand motives behind it..
daniel sienkiewicz: I have some guesses, of course..
daniel sienkiewicz: they might be wrong.
daniel sienkiewicz: but I try to understand.
daniel sienkiewicz: if we understand the genesis of this violence, we might be able to set a course to do something about it.
иса: .they kill simple people in Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Konstantinovka
daniel sienkiewicz: ..for not being obedient to the power..or to terrorize them into obedience?
иса: people there do not support the new power in Kiev
daniel sienkiewicz: who is the new power in kiev?
иса: There are no terrorists there
иса: they are just common people
daniel sienkiewicz: I understand you.
иса: they do not want to support new power
daniel sienkiewicz: but who is the new power?
иса: that`s why they were called separatists
daniel sienkiewicz: what is his name and the platform of his regime?
daniel sienkiewicz: right. understand.
daniel sienkiewicz: separatists have moral high ground.
daniel sienkiewicz: but who is the regime
daniel sienkiewicz: in Kiev?
иса: in Kiev
иса: people just defend their towns
daniel sienkiewicz: I know.
иса: they do not have guns
daniel sienkiewicz: but in Kiev there is a tyranical power of some sort.
daniel sienkiewicz: maybe too dangerous for you to name..
иса: ...all of them in Kiev are criminals
daniel sienkiewicz: I believe it.
daniel sienkiewicz: but it seems these criminals have lots of money
иса: they have sponsors
daniel sienkiewicz: yes
иса: Jewish and the USA
daniel sienkiewicz: yes
daniel sienkiewicz: remember what Victoria Nuland said
daniel sienkiewicz: they spent 4 billion to sponsor these phoney anti Russian nationalists
иса: :(
daniel sienkiewicz: the important thing, Lara…is to recognize who is the enemy..who is behind it..
daniel sienkiewicz: and we know this.
daniel sienkiewicz: from there we can encourage the people to look at the enemy and not fight one another.
daniel sienkiewicz: the enemy is at the top.
daniel sienkiewicz: Lara..
daniel sienkiewicz: I tell you this…
иса: ???
daniel sienkiewicz: all this violence that has been happening in Ukraine
daniel sienkiewicz: it has all the Hallmarks of Zionism… of Jewish behavior
daniel sienkiewicz: they are the ones who take these kinds of initiatives..
..they are the ones who have the money and the media propaganda to spin these things
ca: How can people do such cruel things ?
daniel sienkiewicz: Talmudic mind virus..
daniel sienkiewicz: they do not look upon as humans..
daniel sienkiewicz: they see our elimination as necessary to their control and safety
daniel sienkiewicz: they justify it to themselves as a religious war.
daniel sienkiewicz: they have money and they can pay people to be traitors against their own.
иса: horrible
daniel sienkiewicz: it is
daniel sienkiewicz: but it is the battle we must win..
daniel sienkiewicz: we are innocent.
daniel sienkiewicz: I don’t want to kill Jews, neither do you.
daniel sienkiewicz: I do not want to be enslaved and killed by them.
daniel sienkiewicz: neither do you.
daniel sienkiewicz: these separatist in the villages were very probably the same.
daniel sienkiewicz: it is clear the Jews are tying to take over Ukriane.
иса: :(
daniel sienkiewicz: I see in the news it was a trade union they burnt
daniel sienkiewicz: aha…
daniel sienkiewicz: It seems clear that this is Israeli sponsored..
daniel sienkiewicz: phoney nationalism.
daniel sienkiewicz: “death to the moskovites”
daniel sienkiewicz: that is not a true Ukrianian sentiment.
daniel sienkiewicz: I believe Ukrainian prejudice against moscovia would be more subdued…
daniel sienkiewicz: do you agree?
daniel sienkiewicz: it seems exaggerated.
иса: ...they were not Russians
иса: they were Ukrainians
daniel sienkiewicz: I know..but they are (falsely) accusing them of being aligned with Russians
daniel sienkiewicz: it is Jewish propaganda
daniel sienkiewicz: to get Ukrainians to fight with Russia
daniel sienkiewicz: yes?
иса: I know
daniel sienkiewicz: I’m just trying to get confirmation
daniel sienkiewicz: good.
daniell sienkiewicz: so I understand correctly
иса: good
daniel sienkiewicz: I understand that JewSA has sent troops to the Polish border :(
daniel sienkiewicz: my friend who works at a bar is hoping he will not be called into the army
daniel sienkiewicz: as he is a reservist
иса: We worry about that fact
иса: to Polish border and in the Baltic republics

daniel sienkiewicz: keep passing the word on Lara.
to your friends, the police and the army men
daniel sienkiewicz: the enemy is at the top
daniel sienkiewicz: the bankers, these corrupt politicians.
daniel sienkiewicz: these billionaire Jews.
daniel sienkiewicz: we cannot let them sit back and laugh as they instigate us to slaughter one another
иса: Russian people understand it
daniel sienkiewicz: good
daniel sienkiewicz: my best wishes to them.
daniel sienkiewicz: they may see me as their brother in this.
иса: smile (handshake)
daniel sienkiewicz: (handshake)


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 10 May 2014 09:43 | #

In our hurry to get Jimmy Marr into the conversation Metzger was interrupted two or three times as he began to say, “the key to the racial struggle is”....

What a cliff hanger: left wondering what he was going to say?


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 10 May 2014 10:28 | #

Did he not say it was leadership?


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 11 May 2014 05:52 | #

A friend of MR notes London’s super rich - worth investigation.


Posted by Bruce Howard on Mon, 12 May 2014 18:55 | #

Absolutely brilliant podcast.

God bless you guys. 

White survival is the key, and the Jew is the enemy.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 14 May 2014 01:04 | #

May 13, 2014

Dr. David Duke has a program best described as foundational. He does an in depth program dissecting and analyzing the article “What Science Says About Race and Genetics” showing how this former leading science writer for the NY Times now essentially endorses all the fundamental scientific views on race held by David Duke for more than 35 years

David Duke points to Nicholas Wade’s new book, A Troublesome Inheritance, jumps and shouts, see! I was always right, race is not a social construct!

The question is:

Is Duke partly retarded? ignorant? or simply disingenuous?

Metzger has an important point about right wingers - no matter how many times you tell them, they still screw it up.

Where does social constructionism - proper - deny science and the biological reality of racial differences?



The Daily Stormer has tried it too:


Posted by MOB on Wed, 14 May 2014 12:43 | #

Hi GW,

I’m glad I listened to this podcast, very favorably impressed by your comments reflective of evolving insights, GW.  : )

I’m in sync with TT on strategy, not so much on joining hands, if I read him right—crossing fundamental boundaries.  Good to hear Jimmy Marr’s description and strategy of his own on-the-ground work.

I’ve always considered DanielS to be more enemy than ally; this is confirmed by his contribution to the broadcast and his comments above in this thread.  Feel free, GW, to toss DannielS out along with albatross Leon Haller when you finally get around to doing that.  You’re right, making real change can take years to evolve.

High marks for this broadcast Thanks.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 14 May 2014 14:39 | #

MOB, let me try to guess how I am supposed to be more enemy than ally according to you.

First, I know you to be a Germanophile. Therefore, because I have the nerve to care about all European peoples, including Germans but not only Germans, I am more enemy to you.

I recall that you think people are just jealous of Germans - that’s it, we’re all just jealous of Friedrick, Bismarck and Hitler, that’s the problem, not that we do not want to encourage a worldview that has inter-European fighting built in from its foundation.

Next, because my chief “opponent” in our struggle is theoretical error: with Duke occupying so prominent a place that when he intransigently insists upon theoretical error, I need to issue a strong rebuke to rise above his din; but because he is nevertheless one that does not buck a Germanophilic view, I am therefore more enemy, because of course, Duke cannot be seriously mistaken about anything. Enough said, that’s ridiculous, MOB.

After that, I might guess that you were bothered that I grouped Joseph Paul Franklin, Craig Cobb and Frazier Glenn Miller as examples of three Whites whose activism might have done better with an elevated form.

I can understand wishing for a little explanation there, and I anticipated a little more explanation going along with why I set-out those three examples.

Personally, I have sympathy for JPF. However, I’ve heard TT comment on a number of occasions that he might have done better to elevate his aims - I suppose that is true, even though I can understand his rage and choice of target.

Craig Cobb I grouped along with these two with reluctance, but saw the relevance as TT had advised him to proceed in a more discreet manner, advice which Craig did not follow.

I have always liked Craig, still do, in addition to admiring his many contributions to the struggle in many podcasts, texts and thoughts thereof - some of them were not good, but more on the order of fantastic. I even thought he did well on the talk show, ill advised as it may have been, ultimately. He has made pronounced, hard efforts on behalf of WN, all along, culminating in an effort to get Whites an otherwise unlikely opportunity for lucrative jobs and a PLE in North Dakota - by this, I was tempted myself…until….until he brought in the NS and had guys waving swastikas around. This is no doubt where you, MOB, are going to see me as more enemy. As if I could go get myself a job in North Dakota, be photographed with Craig and his swastika wielding friends and then comfortably visit Poland, etc. There is a blind-spot in thinking there, MOB.

Even so, the efforts that Craig Cobb made do not deserve to be classified so readily alongside the other two. His work over the years, in total, deserves respect. Where I disagree with say, Wolf Wallstreet, is where he says that Craig gave us the “best advertisement the struggle has had in years” and therefore nobody should criticize him. Quite the opposite. The last thing most of us want and need is to be associated with Nazism. Sorry if you can’t understand that Nazism represents a form of nasty German imperialism, not White nationalism.

Even so, my comment was that Craig’s efforts may have been elevated, in my opinion for the reasons I have stated, and I wanted to leave the door open for TT to comment on activity with better discretion. This call for elevation does not mean we do not sympathize with Cobb; and unlike many others, recognize his many excellent and sincere contributions to the struggle.

Even Frazier Glenn Miller, person non gratis of the struggle - despised by TT - as he assuredly should be after his last act in particular, has at times contributed brilliant rhetoric - his interview with Howard Stern and the other Jewish radio show was outstanding.

This discussion with TT was an occasion for talk of elevating and lets add extending comprehensively inclusive efforts - for all native European nationalists - for a cause of mutual sympathy.


Posted by MOB on Sat, 17 May 2014 15:32 | #

Posted by DanielS on May 14, 2014, 09:39 AM | #
MOB, First, I know you to be a Germanophile. Therefore, because I have the nerve to care about all European peoples, including Germans but not only Germans, I am more enemy to you.  I recall that you think people are just jealous of Germans - that’s it, we’re all just jealous of Friedrick, Bismarck and Hitler, that’s the problem, not that we do not want to encourage a worldview that has inter-European fighting built in from its foundation.

As one who values not only noble aspiration and high achievement, but close-to-nature simplicity as well, as a lifelong lover of classical music and art, in which art forms Germany is virtually unsurpassed, and being fortunate heir to 100% North German ancestry, I am indeed a Germanophile. : )  I am however, not hierarchically wired; elitism is alien to my nature.  I can therefore dismiss your jealousy reference as an incorrect generalization from something specific that I do believe and have expressed here and elsewhere: Jewish hatred for Germans is hugely influenced by envy.  I don’t know how anyone can doubt that.

I favor the joining of all European nationalists in a worldwide movement against the Jew-led relentless drive toward global Jewish domination.

Next, because my chief “opponent” in our struggle is theoretical error: with Duke occupying so prominent a place that when he intransigently insists upon theoretical error, I need to issue a strong rebuke to rise above his din; but because he is nevertheless one that does not buck a Germanophilic view, I am therefore more enemy, because of course, Duke cannot be seriously mistaken about anything. Enough said, that’s ridiculous, MOB.

I tried to find the “theoretical error” of which you speak but couldn’t.  Since I don’t know the substance of it, I have no opinion about it or about your din-transcending rebuke.  I’d like to know, though, so if you’re inclined, post a link.  It’s true that I greatly respect the work David Duke has done and would gladly join a movement led by him.

I might guess that you were bothered that I grouped Joseph Paul Franklin, Craig Cobb and Frazier Glenn Miller as examples of three Whites whose activism might have done better with an elevated form… I have sympathy for JPF. However, I’ve heard TT comment on a number of occasions that he might have done better to elevate his aims - I suppose that is true… Craig Cobb I grouped along with these two with reluctance, but saw the relevance as TT had advised him to proceed in a more discreet manner…  I have always admired Craig’s many contributions to the struggle in podcasts, texts and thoughts - some not good, more fantastic. He has made pronounced, hard efforts on behalf of WN, all along, culminating in an effort to get Whites an otherwise unlikely opportunity for lucrative jobs and a PLE in North Dakota - I was tempted myself until he brought in the NS and had guys waving swastikas around. This is no doubt where you, MOB, are going to see me as more enemy. As if I could get myself a job in North Dakota, be photographed with Craig and his swastika wielding friends and then comfortably visit Poland, etc. There is a blind-spot in thinking there, MOB.

I have no idea what your last two sentences are talking about.  First, JPF, CC, and FGM are so far beyond the pale for the world in which my family and I live, that I don’t even pay attention to them; they don’t exist.  My path to where I am now, essentially retired from WN involvement, having finally given up hope that the wmillions of insightful and justifiably angry words written and spoken would eventually lead to collective action of some kind, was different from yours.  From Buchanan Brigade to a rebel shadow list, to the Panzers, to Stormfront, Amren, to a rebel shadow list, to Western Imperative, short-lived Tribal Nations, National Alliance, Instauration, Upstream, to KM’s list J&E, The Occidental Observer, Counter-Currents, VNN, Occidental Dissent, the Phora, that I easily remember.

I knew, of course, about the Brüder, Robert Matthews, David Lane, and others, but I never knew the details of Glenn Miller’s role until I started posting at VNN (under a different name).  Unlike extroverted TT, whose disillusionment has still left him with a “lone wolf” means of continuing the struggle, I have become an introverted version of lone wolf, working on a web page that will show what I’ve learned during the past 20 years on the Internet, from a White Nationalist perspective.

Where I disagree with say, Wolf Wallstreet, is where he says that Craig gave us the “best advertisement the struggle has had in years” and therefore nobody should criticize him. Quite the opposite. The last thing most of us want and need is to be associated with Nazism. Sorry if you can’t understand that Nazism represents a form of nasty German imperialism, not White nationalism.  Even so, my comment was that Craig’s efforts may have been elevated ...

Hilarious. Elevation to me means Kevin MacDonald. Please don’t bother to answer when I think “who the heck is Wolf Wallstreet?” - and of course I disagree with the rest of what you say here.  In fact, I would take the opposite position:  any White nationalist who actively rejects a sympathetic identification with the struggle against Jewish takeover and control faced by Germany in the 30’s and 40’s and so disastrously fought against by Hitler and his aides and the German people… is not loaded for bear.

Even Frazier Glenn Miller, person non gratis of the struggle - despised by TT - as he assuredly should be after his last act in particular, has at times contributed brilliant rhetoric - his interview with Howard Stern and the other Jewish radio show was outstanding.  This discussion with TT was an occasion for talk of elevating and lets add extending comprehensively inclusive efforts - for all native European nationalists - for a cause of mutual sympathy.

For me, Glenn Miller is a problem in the sense that Bill White and James O’Meara are problems; Alex Linder’s passionate attachment to Miller and White weakens his credibility and leads him onto wrong paths. Greg Johnson’s passionate attachment to slimy homosexual activist James O’Meara destroys Greg’s credibility.  Recognizing the disgust that O’Meara elicits in readers, Greg offered this bizarre bit of hypocrisy in a Comment to his article on Glenn Miller’s event entitled On the Necessity of a New Right -

... we need to come to grips with the fact that the WN milieu is filled with bona fide dysfunctionals and crazies.  That’s why I feel the need to create a new movement, a North American New Right that repulses the retards and dysfunctionals. One reason I publish Jack Donovan and James O’Meara, aside from the fact that they are excellent writers, is that they are like Kryptonite to those types.

This reminded me of an experience I had years ago, while helping a co-worker move into the home of another co-worker, an executive, no less.  To my horror, carrying a load of goods alongside his house toward the door, I saw a dead animal hanging outside one of the windows.  Sickened, I raced out of sight!  Some time later, I mentioned it to someone who told me this was something backwoods types do to keep other animals away.  Gross!  But O’Meara knew perfectly well that Greg doesn’t post his writing (and publish his books) to keep the enemy away.

Without Alex holding Glenn and Bill up, and without Greg holding O’Meara up, those people would be off the WN radar.  They’re the medicine that makes the sugar not go down for those who know their history and have read or listened to their words.

It’s really about intelligence and character.  Germany ranked high in both in Hitler’s day.  I don’t know what’s left of that now.  Jews rank high in the first and low in the second; a bad combination, incapable of change.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 17 May 2014 17:01 | #


I was left to guess by your post as to why I was suppose to be more enemy that ally and tried to imagine why, because if you really care for European peoples, it should not be the case. Thus, I tried to imagine your reasons for saying that.

Ok, you’ve got a point here: You were basically talking about Jews being jealous of Germans, and I stand corrected in that example, except that your extolling the beauty of Germans as something unsurpassed does implicate that anybody might be envious - that others besides Jews might be jealous of Germans is a tangential inference, however, and would be unfair to you.

MOB: “Jews especially hate Germans, from pure and very justified jealousy.  Germany was the land from which came forth the greatest amount of pure beauty in all its many manifestations Jews are incapable of creating Beauty, and because they can’t, they work, fanatically, to destroy it.  Judaizing and uglifying are synonymous.”

Duke’s theoretical error that I was addressing in this case (he makes others, but one at a time) is indicated right there, in the comment, as having occurred in that podcast of his on May 13, when he declares that “I have been vindicated as right all along, race is not a social construct.” All he proves is that he does not understand social constructionism. It is a theoretical error and one with important implications. Yes, I view getting these mattes right as my aim and theoretical (and practical) error as my “opponent”, not David Duke. Though I am partial to Metzger of the two.

MOB: “I favor the joining of all European nationalists in a worldwide movement against the Jew-led relentless drive toward global Jewish domination.”


MOB:  “First, JPF, CC, and FGM are so far beyond the pale for the world in which my family and I live, that I don’t even pay attention to them; they don’t exist”

Ok, forget those examples. Again, I was just trying to guess, because I did not know what the problem was suppose to be.

MOB“Hilarious. Elevation to me means Kevin MacDonald.

Fair enough. But even if you can call what he does activism, it is not the only sort needed, nor is everyone capable of it, of course.

MOB: “Please don’t bother to answer when I think “who the heck is Wolf Wallstreet?

I will answer anyway. Former close associate of Metzger’s, now on his own, doing a “fourth position show.”

Nice guy. Some very good and significant insights. As you are a germanophile, you’d like him.

MOB: “and of course I disagree with the rest of what you say here.  In fact, I would take the opposite position:  any White nationalist who actively rejects a sympathetic identification with the struggle against Jewish takeover and control faced by Germany in the 30’s and 40’s”

Bowery drew an excellent distinction which I will adopt. Anyone with any sense has more or less sympathy for Germany of the times. But..

“and so disastrously fought against by Hitler and his aides and the German people”

...In that last phrase I believe your final assertion is contradicted.

MOB… “is not loaded for bear.”

I’m sure that you will agree that there are lessons to be learned from WWII and anyone not taking those lessons into account is not loaded for bear - the lesson that MR seems to be going with is that unless one calls getting our own people and habitats destroyed in the process of inflicting some harm upon the bear’s lower classes and increasing its virulent forms the objective - and obviously it should not be - then one is loading for bear by handling the problem with more theoretical breadth instead this time.

Anyway, I can see now why GW likes you, MOB. You are a sincerely concerned and very thoughtful person. That matters a great deal. I’m sorry our exchange took a negative turn. I do have some fault in that. I wish you well with your new website - it sounds as if it will be fraught with valuable insights. And of course you are most welcome here at MR.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 18 May 2014 10:35 | #

I favor the joining of all European nationalists in a worldwide movement against the Jew-led relentless drive toward global Jewish domination. (MOB)

Can we make a detour first to defeat the HispAmnesty, or is focusing any energy on anything other than tilting at Jewish windmills a waste of WN time?



Posted by DanielS on Sun, 18 May 2014 12:18 | #

Leon, Metzger used to run patrols at the Mexican border. Before he moved from Tumecula his house was the last non-Mexican one in the neighborhood. As far as I understand, he believes the issue of Mexicans in America could be resolved within a few months if..

..if things like NAFTA and other international corporate interests were dealt with conclusively.

They (and Jewish interests, of course) are the ones who are against the White American middle class, who are off-shoring former unionized jobs and bringing in cheap labor for Republicans and voters for Democrats.

Of course, you might call or write your Jewish/Jewish sponsored Congressman..


BTW, excellent show by Keith Alexander articulating how Brown vs. Board of Education became the template from which Jewish interests learned to use the Courts to bypass the White American vote and consensus of their (decidedly non-suicidal) interests:


The Political Cesspool Podcast, 5/17/2014

Hour 1

“Hosts James Edwards and Keith Alexander discuss the Brown vs. BoardSupreme Court decision on the anniversary of the ruling and how it relates to homosexual “marriage.” Also discussed this hour was the fawning media attention lavished on Michael Sam of the St. Louis Rams.”


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 21 May 2014 18:38 | #


David Duke thinks that everybody thinks racism means “supremacism” and abuse. No they don’t. The meaning for most people is much more subtle (of necessity for how it functions in the everyday). People think that racism basically means discrimination on the basis of a social classification of people. Thus, Duke’s idea that we should go around calling people racists, or the real racists, as if racism is so terrible, is stupid.

On the contrary, we need to re-legitimize discrimination on the basis of social classifications - particularly on the basis of race. This does not necessarily mean proudly proclaiming ourselves “racists” (though I would not care, Metzger’s example of the Quakers was brilliant—it is fine to wear down and transform the pejorative meaning of the word), but certainly not a good idea to contribute to the demonization of a concept so vital to our survival. It would be really stupid to do that.

More, though Duke says that billions have been spent stigmatizing and defining certain words in specific ways, that does not take into account that, for example, a “White” Left marks an obvious distinction, a new coinage - a difference that makes a difference.

Don Advo and Duke running with Bowery’s suggestion of making liberals and Jews live up to their own rules by promoting “freedom” is fine, or would be fine, as an implicit strategy in the US where the concept of freedom (particularly of female gatekeepers) is hard to challenge. And as it might be coupled with freedom from association it is a stop-gap, a transitional strategy making way for the explicit from implicitism; but lagging there, in the implicit by way of liberal freedom, it is still too residual Cartesian - it is without the connection to the Euro DNA Nation and an anchoring in concern and accountability to our ancient Euro DNA clusters and habitats….without that all Duke’s “rights” babble and finger wagging at racism is just more liberalism.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 11 Jun 2014 07:21 | #

In citing Yockey’s definition of liberalism, I do believe Tanstaafl captures some of the “it’s a bit more than that” ...


Posted by FrankDesilvaAtRI on Thu, 18 Dec 2014 19:35 | #

Former Order member Frank DeSilva interviewed by Red Ice:


Posted by Minister of Creativity on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 02:02 | #

James Mac, Minister of Creativity, discusses his religion:

“We’re not a nature worshiping religion, we take lessons from nature. For example, nature teaches us that each species looks after its own.” - Ben Klassen

That makes a difference.


Posted by TT on Boulder radio in 95 on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 11:41 | #

Metzger on Boulder, Colorado radio in 1995


Posted by TT on lone wolf proper on Tue, 10 Feb 2015 19:05 | #

Terrible Tommy Metzger on Lone Wolf proper:


Posted by Ralph on Thu, 12 Feb 2015 20:27 | #

Corporate government, corporate bailouts… if you are going to believe in free enterprise you have to believe in the right to fail…


Posted by TT's kids on Mon, 04 May 2015 19:01 | #

“To be fair, I do know of one person who is a proper racist and was raised by one: John Metzger. But how common is this? I’d like to know. And he wasn’t really taught that way. Tom told him if he believed anything just because his father did, he wouldn’t respect him.” - Benjamin Garland

Though the picture may seem sarcastic, it isn’t. To be even more fair, not only John, but all of TT’s kids seem to have turned-out very well.


Posted by Pressured for a deal on Tue, 05 May 2015 02:18 | #

“I must advise, and this is the kind of thing that one learns from Metzger, that some of the people who can hurt you most are people who start out being on your side, and then change – whether pressured by authorities as a “deal” for their legal problems or because they just change of their own accord to a more liberal position for personal reasons. So, one must be careful.”

Metzger (on Hendricks show a few years ago) discussing the daunting problem of racial preservation until we come to terms with economic determinism:


Posted by Hermann Göring on Sat, 16 May 2015 15:17 | #

Of course the people don’t want war, but after all its the leaders of the country who determine the policy; and its always a civil matter to drag the people along whether its a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to do the bidding of the leaders; that’s easy, all you have to do is tell them that they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to great danger.

                                                    Hermann Göring

....and later on in the show TT reads from Majority Rights. It’s good. TT is an excellent man to have on our side. Let it not be said that we are not being taken under consideration by people who count.


Posted by W.A.R. comes to Israel on Sun, 11 Oct 2015 20:30 | #

Terrible Tommy and W.A.R. come to Israel:

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View)
