Nationalist gains in Austria

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 28 September 2008 22:49.

The first national elections since the bank collapse really went critical have taken place in Austria today.  The news is: significant gains for the two nationalist parties.  Heinz-Christian Strache’s Freedom Party (FPOe) and Jorg Haider’s Alliance for the Future of Austria (BZOe), have taken 29% of the vote between them.  Of that, the Freedom Party took 18 per cent of the vote - up from 11% in 2006 despite suffering accusations of xenophobia during the election campaign.  The Alliance for the Future of Austria won 11 per cent of the vote - up from 4%.  So it’s an even split of 7 percentage points gained apiece.

The official result will only be announced on October 6th.

It is possible but, of course, unlikely that nationalist parties will be invited into government, as they were in 2000.  On the other hand, the Austrian public will not smile upon a repeat of the centrist double act of the People’s Party and the Social Democrats.  Most likely to emerge from the inevitable period of political horse-trading is a “grand coalition” of the Social Democrats, who won the largest share of the votes with 28%, the Greens and one of small parties.

Following on the Northern League’s coup of joining the governing coalition in Italy last April, achieved with only an 8% vote share, this is a heartening result.  One should always remember, though, that it has come about for negative reasons: electoral disenchantment with the governing duo and with aspects of Austria’s membership of the EU, and discontent with immigration.  This negativity is a weakness of European nationalism.  Of course, nationalists have to believe in the “certainty” that voter dissatisfaction with the Establishment parties will escalate and keep on escalating, delivering power to them as an inevitable product of the postmodern hell.  Thusfar, however, it has proved impossible for nationalists to sustain the gains they have made, and all too easy for the default mainstream to adapt à la Sarkozy.

The lesson would appear to be that a positive, communicable vision has to run alongside the standard mix of critical rhetoric and vote-buying managerial politics.



Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 22:36 | #

This is fabulous news!


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 23:08 | #

It’s democracy, Tired, whatever you think of the result.  People have a perfect right to choose.

In the past they have always chosen to return to their default political setting, and that may continue if the banking crisis proves relatively shallow.  All bets would be off, however, in a 1930s-style Depression.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 00:41 | #

Quick, Tired of Idiots, what’s the mistake repeated several times in this Patrick Cleburne log entry?

Quick, quick, quick!  And NO PEEKING AT THE ANSWER.

[Answer:  the parties in question are neither “right” nor “far right” nor “extreme right.”  They’re centrist parties, strictly middle of the road or slightly left-of-center.  (Just like me, in fact!)]


Posted by snax on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 01:54 | #

Has to be said though, while the people’s instincts are right their spokesman is, well, “unbearably light”:

Speaking at his final election rally in Vienna’s working-class district of Favoriten on Friday, he said that people were scared to see women in burkas running around “like female Ninjas”, and added: “Many decent people have come here and they integrated: Poles, Hungarians, Croats and also Serbs. We are all European brothers because we do not want to become Islamised.” His disdain for Islam extends to culinary matters. “One should not roast mutton in council flats. I would also not grill a wild pig in Istanbul,” he has declared.

Mr Strache has attacked the EU with equal venom, railing at “the capitalists and the neo-liberals” who were turning common people into “slave workers of the European Union”.

You have to wonder how much better than 29% a united nationalist party with a little more nous could do…


Posted by snax on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 01:55 | #

It will come.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 02:18 | #

I agree that Austria should only be for Austrians.  Look, I am 100% against bleeding immigration. I agree that one should adapt to the country, not the country to one.  I just happen to believe that Jews are not evil, blacks are not another species, and Asians interesting. I like living among different people, and not seeing the same boring faces and beliefs makes for an interesting life.  Things aren’t rosy, but diversity is a good thing on a planet that is not homogeneous.  WN should be a choice—a separate country set up for those purposes.  Again, I ask why not petition for land in Europe? It’s the natural birthplace of the white race.  Let those people frustrated with diversity have a CHOICE to go to a land specifically for them, where in order to be a citizen, you have to be white. The problem is WN is a way of life that is anti-gay, misogynist, racist, and perhaps a bit naive.  But I respect the fight. That, I do. Start petitioning for land NOW!  Show your faces without fear of consequences—this is something you believe inand are willing to fight to the end for, right? Or is it just a pastime to deal with your feminization and fear of the black and Latin man to the point you run from them because their masculinity overwhelms you? 

In my opinion, we must save the white man’s masculinity before it is damaged further. White men are seen as weak, cowardly, and unable to protect.  How can we do this?  Let’s find a solution.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 02:58 | #

“In my opinion, we must save the white man’s masculinity before it is damaged further. White men are seen as weak, cowardly, and unable to protect.  How can we do this?  Let’s find a solution.”  (—Tired of Idiots)

It’s just that they need something feminine to get it up, so with wimmyn like you they haven’t a prayer, hun, they just can’t.  Negroes can, but Good Lord, they can get it up for anything.  In Africa they’re shagging chickens for crying out loud.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 03:22 | #

Typical, Fred.  Really. I’m sure you can get it up, but there isn’t much to get up, is it? Show your face, masculine Fred, let the world see what you’re fighting for.  Or are you a coward?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 03:44 | #

“Show your face, masculine Fred, let the world see what you’re fighting for.”

We’re not fighting for my face, dear, although when I was in college there was something like a whole wing of a girls’ dorm that was.  (Or so I was told.)


Posted by Darren on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 09:14 | #

WN was the norm for us until recently. How about making all the people who love race mixing and mass immigration go live in their own land?

Anyhow, people are getting fed up with diversity - not all are willing or know how to properly express it, so its more than just a handful who can move to some tiny land. White flight is a good example, and so is the resentment against immigration. Most people don’t hate other races but at the same time don’t want their nations to turn into Mexico/Asia/Saudi Arabia etc.

If you’re fascinated with people of other races - more power to you. I’m quite sure that those people would not mind at all you going to their lands to visit them and explore their culture. The best expression of diversity and the cultures people can produce happens when each group has their own space where they can dictate their own cultural standards and values, as opposed to the universal morality we are all told to adhere to in the current phenomena of multiculturalism and ethnic pluralism.


Posted by Othelma_Jr on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 10:51 | #

Heartening news!  (OK as an ethnic German I don’t really believe that Austria exists, but it is still good…)

I have heard that Heinz-Christian Strache likes to give the Roman Salute from time to time as well!!  Heil Hitler!!!

When it comes to Tired of Idiots, she is just one of the fem libs that is literally quaking in her feminist combat boots, we are in a weimar econimic collapse period right now and very shortly if things get worse there will be Street Fighters pouring out into the streets to take their vengence on anythiing left of center!!! 

I have seen it before at the Battle of Seattle!!


Posted by Othelma_Jr on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 10:55 | #

One should always remember, though, that it has come about for negative reasons: electoral disenchantment with the governing duo and with aspects of Austria’s membership of the EU, and discontent with immigration.  This negativity is a weakness of European nationalism.  Of course, nationalists have to believe in the “certainty” that voter dissatisfaction with the Establishment parties will escalate and keep on escalating, delivering power to them as an inevitable product of the postmodern hell.

I strongly disagree with this paragraph. 

The crypto-fascists are not negativists!  They are REACTIONARIES! 

This is very important to understand the difference.  I recommend reading the first chapter of Men Against The Ruins by Baron Julius Evola where the term Reationary is discussed at length.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 11:26 | #

If the ToI contributor is 100% against sanguinary immigration then the sound bite phrase “adapt to the country, not the country to one” makes no sense. Which is it? No immigration or immigration by assimilation-willing racial aliens?


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 11:57 | #


A belief in Inevitablism is the difference between a Government in Waiting and a Government in Exile.  Europe’s political nationalists - essentially nativists and racial conservatives, rather than philosophical nationalists - are Governments In Waiting.  This implies reaction to Establishment politics but a passivity before events that never rises above opportunism.  The eternal hope of a Government in Waiting is that events will “eventually” do the job for them - as they always might, of course.

However, a Government in Exile necessarily seeks to be creative of revolution itself.  It is interested in events in the way that a hawk is interested in movement on the ground.  But its struggle is philosophical, not opportunistic, and it gaze is really fixed on the historical.

Is there a single such Government in Exile in the nationalist world.  I don’t think so.  Inevitiblism reigns to our great historical disadvantage.


Posted by Othelma_Jr on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 13:05 | #

Well within the European sphere I actually thing that the European New Right would fit your definition of “philosophical nationalists”.  Indeed some have taken a “meta-political” stance rather then engage in active politics.

Having taken alot of the European New Rights Ideology on board I think a case be made that Le Pens National Front could be described as similar to your “Government in Exile”.  For example Le Pen has urged good relations with Arabic nations in the hope that in the Future they will be more willing to take in ‘emigrants’ who have been expulsed from France.  (One need only look at Izzy Sarkos treatment of Arab naions to see an alternative neo-conish approach!)  Some on the Far Right are indeed thinking ahead!  So this is just one example of I could think to cheer you up!!


Posted by Dave Johns on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 14:22 | #

I like living among different people, and not seeing the same boring faces and beliefs makes for an interesting life.

You’re about as smart as dog ordure. I suppose you enjoy forking over all your earnings because a bunch of clueless liberals thought it was a good idea to lend money to shiftless Negroes so they could participate in home ownership? I bet it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, doesn’t it?

You stupid peice of crap! Go to hell!


Posted by Dave Johns on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 14:30 | #

.... and take silver with you!


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 15:41 | #

Tired of Idiots

White Nationalist are not interested in carving out a section of the US for themselves surrounded by Hispanic,Asian and Muslim nations(within the borders of the US). White Nationlalist want to expell the invaders out of White homelands.

I am opposed to the legalization of homosexual marriage. A majority of heterosexuals view homosexuality as disgusting, weird and abnormal. Marriage is a heterosexual institution by definition. Homosexauls want to change this. This is an incursion into heterosexual social and cultural space.

If and when the muslims win the demographic war in England,Wales and Scotland, it will be the end of road for homosexuals and their political agenda.

Scooby makes a good point. is letting enemy define the terms of the debate.

My prediction is that the UK will burn first.


Posted by Dave Johns on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 15:53 | #


You’re wasting your time reasoning with Tired of Idiots. She’s a first-class ignoramus whose pretentiousness is punctuated by her lack of knowledge. She needs to inform herself before she talks her triumphant trash. She continually demonstrates that reason and logic are outside her realm of existence.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 16:02 | #

White Nationalist are not interested in carving out a section of the US for themselves surrounded by Hispanic,Asian and Muslim nations(within the borders of the US). White Nationlalist [sic] want to expell [sic] the invaders out of White homelands.

The North American continent is not a white homeland, Europe is. Get land in Europe, call it Whiteland, put policies in place, and there you go.  Remove yourself to your ancestral homeland.

I am opposed to the legalization of homosexual marriage. A majority of heterosexuals view homosexuality as disgusting, weird and abnormal. Marriage is a heterosexual institution by definition. Homosexauls want to change this. This is an incursion into heterosexual social and cultural space.

Too bad. Work that out in Whiteland.

If and when the muslims win the demographic war in England,Wales and Scotland, it will be the end of road for homosexuals and their political agenda.

Then fight for it!  Get out there, put your face out there.  Fight, dammit!

My prediction is that the UK will burn first.

That’s a great attitude. Typical fearful white man.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 16:11 | #

You’re wasting your time reasoning with Tired of Idiots. She’s a first-class ignoramus whose pretentiousness is punctuated by her lack of knowledge. She needs to inform herself before she talks her triumphant trash. She continually demonstrates that reason and logic are outside her realm of existence.

Dave, I’m beginning to think you have a crush on me.  I think I am reasonable.  Do tell why you think I am not.  Try not to insult me for one paragraph.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 16:16 | #

Dave Johns

I responded because I believe she is an example of what has gone terribly wrong in Britian, and Europe and general. Even Europeans who are having second thoughts about immigration have a moral code that is degenerate to the core. In America, once the homosexuals are out of sight homophobic, sentiments are expressed. My niece, who is a student at Union College in NYS told me that the straight girls in the dorm make fun of the disgusting Lesbians all the time. The European culture of tolerance has its basis in sex,drugs,rock and rol hedonism. It needed a respectable cover. Liberal immigration policy was the cover. Over time, of course, the Euro-hedonist will be exterminated by their conservative guests. I truly despise Europeans.

In orthodox Russia, Orthodox churches that perform homosexual weddings are burnt to the ground. I really like the Russians these days.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 16:16 | #

Who said she could put on shoes?  How come she’s not pregnant?  Who let her out of the kitchen?


Posted by John on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 16:25 | #

“You’re about as smart as dog ordure. I suppose you enjoy forking over all your earnings because a bunch of clueless liberals thought it was a good idea to lend money to shiftless Negroes so they could participate in home ownership? I bet it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, doesn’t it?”

The “liberals” who decided to freely make bad loans knew exactly what they were doing, imo.


Posted by Dave Johns on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 16:31 | #

Dave, I’m beginning to think you have a crush on me.


Well, at least you have a sense of humor. Everytime I read your comments, I immedialtly associate them with the song “My Girl”. grin


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 17:05 | #

Well, at least you have a sense of humor. Everytime I read your comments, I immedialtly associate them with the song “My Girl”.

Fret not, hon—I am sending out the Save the Date as I type. smile


Posted by Tucker in the Berkshires on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 17:21 | #

The flirting on this thread is getting tiresome.  ToI reminds me of one of those left-wing bitches who attended one of the Seven Sisters colleges.  I used to pick them up at Head of the Charles (or wherever) and date them for a while.  I discovered their feminism was really a mask, or a suit of armour, that hid a profound fear of men and masculinity.  They were little girls.  The sex was great, but after a while their liberalism became intolerable.  In the end, they would end up with some degenerate Jew, or, quite frequently, a negro, from whom they would contract HIV. They were, and are, nothing to take seriously.


Posted by silver on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 19:54 | #

White Nationalist are not interested in carving out a section of the US for themselves surrounded by Hispanic,Asian and Muslim nations(within the borders of the US). <blockquote>

That’s not true at all, McGuckin.  Who are you to claim to speak for all WNs?  (And you were long “surrounded” by a hispanic nation, btw, so unless you want to expel all the Mexicans from Mexico, you might want to slightly reword that.  Take your time answering—I don’t want to be hit by your spittle when you do.)

<blockquote>White Nationlalist want to expell the invaders out of White homelands.

You know, like the negroes. 

I am opposed to the legalization of homosexual marriage. A majority of heterosexuals view homosexuality as disgusting, weird and abnormal. Marriage is a heterosexual institution by definition. Homosexauls want to change this. This is an incursion into heterosexual social and cultural space.

The majority of heterosexuals find WN disgusting, weird and abnormal. 

I suppose there’s something to say for one-trick ponies, after all.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 21:27 | #

Is there a single such Government in Exile in the nationalist world?

The Irish Republicans.

Theocratic interpretations of Irish republicanism deem that this body, known by its full name of provisional army council, or PAC, constitutes the real government of Ireland. Because hardliners regarded the Irish Free State formed by Michael Collins in 1921 and Eamon de Valera’s later governments as apostates who abandoned republican purity and embraced constitutional politics, those who remained loyal to the original Irish republic envisaged by the rebels of 1916 were deemed the true, authentic government of Ireland.

Of course, such dogma was far removed from the realities of Ireland, north and south, after the Irish civil war. In what became the Irish Republic, the southern population became accustomed to and ultimately loyal to the state, even if republicans regarded it as wholly illegitimate because it left out the six counties of what had become Northern Ireland.

Yet the notion of the purist “government in internal exile” gave the army council down the years an almost mystical quality that demanded loyalty within the hardline republican community. It meant that from the genesis of the Troubles in 1969, when the Provisionals emerged from a split within the IRA, the movement would be ruled on a top-down basis, with no one within the ranks questioning the decisions of its leadership.


Posted by Lurker on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 22:07 | #

Silver - The majority of heterosexuals find WN disgusting, weird and abnormal.

Do they? They know what they are supposed to say about it in certain situations. I think there is more sympathy submerged somewhere below the surface.

The only people I know who actively argue strongly against it (WN) are those firmly on the left. Most non-partisan people are much less fired up, they blow the way the political wind is blowing.


Posted by Frank McGuckin on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 22:25 | #


Since you are not a White Nationalist, you are not qualified to make a judgement on this isssue. The word game you are playing is boring. Everyone knows where the borders of the US begin and end. China’s borders do not end somewherte in the American Midwest


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 23:01 | #

Is there a single such Government in Exile in the nationalist world?

Republic of Serbian Krajina Government-in-exile

Heinz-Christian Strache: I will Fight Alongside Serbs

“I will fight along your side, until the truth, justice, dignity and freedom wins!”

He emphasized that 20th century animosities between Austria and Serbia ought to be left behind, while it is now a sacred duty of all Austrian and Serbian patriots to, alongside other state-forming European nations, courageously and wisely build the national Europe. Because the Serbs are an old European nation, which successfully defended Europe from the militant islamic fundamentalism that was threatening to flood the entire Christian Europe, stressed Strache.

Bearing this in mind, the beginning of the 21st century marks a new era in the upcoming close cooperation between the patriotic Austria and patriotic Serbia, Strache said, adding that his Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) will pay special attention to the cooperation with the Serbian Radical Party, led by deputy president Tomislav Nikolic, Democratic Party of Serbia with Vojislav Kostunica at the helm, and the New Serbia, headed by Velimir Ilic. Regarding the Serbian diaspora in Austria, FPO leader said the closer ties will be developed exclusively with the patriotic Serbian organizations.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 23:25 | #

Good point, Desmond.


Posted by Dave Johns on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 02:03 | #

In orthodox Russia, Orthodox churches that perform homosexual weddings are burnt to the ground. I really like the Russians these days.

Here Here!!!


Posted by EA (European American) Steve on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 11:51 | #

This is great news! Hopefully Austria will finally wake up, leave the European Union (so it may legally reject future non-White immigrants), cut off immigration, and repatriate non-Whites and Muslims. From the perspective of Austria, the non-Whites and Muslims would be allowed to move to another country, even in the European Union (by Austrian law, and until the other countries wake up; other countries’ immigration laws notwithstanding). Hopefully, Austria and Italy will countinue their ‘waking up’ process, and lead the way (assuming present trends).

I wonder if Arnold Schwarzenegger would be proud of this development.

Go Austria, and Go Europe!


Posted by silver on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 01:28 | #

Bearing this in mind, the beginning of the 21st century marks a new era in the upcoming close cooperation between the patriotic Austria and patriotic Serbia, Strache said, adding that his Freedom Party of Austria (FPÖ) will pay special attention to the cooperation with the Serbian Radical Party, led by deputy president Tomislav Nikolic, Democratic Party of Serbia with Vojislav Kostunica at the helm, and the New Serbia, headed by Velimir Ilic. Regarding the Serbian diaspora in Austria, FPO leader said the closer ties will be developed exclusively with the patriotic Serbian organizations.

Truly patriotic Serbian organizations would, as I do, be calling for the repatriation of Serbs, along with the much needed wealth they’ve accumulated abroad, to Serbia.  Of course, in the interim, there is much good work diaspora Serbs could do (but don’t, far from it) to help the nationalists in America, Canada, Australia secure their ethno-racial existence.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 01:32 | #

“there is much good work diaspora Serbs could do (but don’t, far from it)”  (—Silver)

And what about diaspora Pakis, Silver?


Posted by silver on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 01:39 | #

They could do the same thing.  Since Pakistan or India or China are not facing the same demographic pressures as the homelands of Serbs or Greeks (for example), and since they are unlikely to experience European racial-replacement as painfully, urging them to do so is a tall order.  Appeals to certain Arab groups, in particular Levantines, could be made on similar grounds, since those countries face pressures from Africa and the deeper Middle East.


Posted by silver on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 01:43 | #

Since you are not a White Nationalist, you are not qualified to make a judgement on this isssue.

I’m qualified to comment on the views of other WNs.  It’s far from true to say they are uniformly opposed to ‘land for peace.’

The word game you are playing is boring.

I don’t know how to communicate ideas other than using words.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 01:44 | #

I succeeded in steering Silver onto a subject he knows a little more about.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 01:46 | #

“The word game you are playing is boring.”

I don’t know how to communicate ideas other than using words.

How about other than using games?


Posted by silver on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 01:52 | #

How about other than using games?

Says Scrubby, who manages to say:

I succeeded in steering Silver onto a subject he knows a little more about.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 01:57 | #

You sound wounded.  Did that draw blood?


Posted by silver on Sat, 04 Oct 2008 02:16 | #

Again: How about other than using games?

(Your hearing is off, btw.)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)
