Nigel Farage and the next anti-Establishment cause

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 09 December 2020 00:33.

What is Nigel Farage up to?  It is now a month since he launched Reform UK as the new incarnation of The Brexit Party.  No one in British politics has a shrewder political mind than Farage, but at the time it seemed a strange choice for him to bet his continuing relevance - as he seemingly has - on The Great Barrington Declaration.  Barrington recommends “an approach to herd immunity called focused protection” whereby only the old and vulnerable are maintained in lockdown, while the rest live life normally. 

The Declaration itself is a culmination of months of criticism and questioning of the Western governmental response to the virus by senior figures in academic and practising medecine.  But precious little has been heard of it amid the lock-step media coverage of the official narrative.  As a populist cause, it hardly ranks alongside Brexit.  Moreover, it’s not as if better targeted regimes than a general lock-down haven’t been tried.  The Swedish experience with such a regime did not work out particularly advantageously.  Its principal advocate, Sweden’s chief epidemiologist Anders Teigel, has been sidelined today and his infection control model replaced by a much more conventional lockdown model.

In any case, the common and extremely rosy expectation is that lockdown will become a thing of the past ... a blip in the unstoppable progress of human freedom ... as mass vaccination swings into effect.  A political stand on lockdown, therefore, is only a prelude to a political stand on vaccination itself.  The first segues effortlessly into the second.

Of the three vaccines developed so far, the Pfizer-BioNTech product is already in roll out.  Over the next six months most vulnerable British citizens and key workers will be vaccinated.  Regardless of the inevitability that Covid 19 is going to be with us in the long-term, there would seem to be very little political cause here which is likely to be around for the next General Election.

So, what is Farage up to?  Is there a way of interpreting his re-launch decision other than as a political mis-step?  Well, in contrast to the rosy assumptions of returning, untroubled normality there are three future scenarios which could gift the ever-opportunistic Farage the leading role in a new attack on the politics of the Establishment.  In taking up a position critical of the lockdown he automatically positions himself against the first and least troubling of those three scenarios, and by that action he also positions himself against the second scenario; and by taking up that he automatically positions himself at the fore of resistance to the third, should events move that far.  If that is to be the trajectory of our collective future, then for all its limitations Barrington is no bad political starting point today.

So let’s look at that in more detail.  In order of their historical challenge and severity the three future scenarios are:

Scenario 1: Rising public doubt about the vax

According to the New Scientist, a group of researchers have extracted data from the ten most reliable of some 175 reports on Covid 19 infection fatality rates.  Taken together they show a mortality-to-infection rate by age of:

for people under 40,  0.1%
between 50 and 60, 0.36%
between 70 and 74, 2.17%
between 80 and 84, 5%,
over 90, 16%

At the average, Covid has an infection fatality rate of 0.25% or even less, and around double that of common flu.  This puts Covid on a level with the Hong Kong Flu 1968 or the Asian flu 1957 in terms of danger - nothing like the 1918 Spanish flu which had a 2-4% fatality rate, and not a once in a century type threat at all. There is a certain historical routineness to it, therefore.  A similar type of pandemic to Covid may well come again in the lifetimes of most of us, and maybe sooner than we think. 

People are not stupid.  They see the police treatment of those who point out such inconvenient truths (Piers Corbyn, for instance, and his fellow lockdown protesters) and know that treatment to be excessive.  They compare it to the treatment - “taking the knee”, basically - of BLM protests, where maskless gatherings without social distance mysterously go unopposed.  Then they see that the authorities don’t actually know that much about the vaccine:

There are no data as yet on the safety of COVID-19 vaccines in pregnancy, either from human or animal studies. Given the lack of evidence, JCVI favours a precautionary approach, and does not currently advise COVID-19 vaccination in pregnancy. Women should be advised not to come forward for vaccination if they may be pregnant or are planning a pregnancy within three months of the first dose.

... As trials in children and pregnant women are completed, we will also gain a better understanding of the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines in these persons.

People understand when they are being manipulated by politicians (as they understood in droves with the Stronger-In “Project Fear” campaign in the 2016 EU Referendum).  They will inevitable question what is justified action and what is hidden agenda, and if they think they see a hidden agenda they will react accordingly.  Among the online media-savvy section of the public, vaccine skepticism is already up and running.  An Opinium poll for the Guardian has found that 30% of respondees will not accept the jab.  By way of a sample of the sort of things people are starting to think and say, the following comments appeared in a Daily Mail thread last week, after the lightning fast formal drug approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech’s product by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency.  They are by no means the exception:

“Pfizer vaccine is APPROVED by regulators. What a surprise. There wasn’t a snowball’s chance in Hades that it wouldn’t be because that’s what they were instructed to do. All the normal protocols for assessing safety were abandoned”

“... now expect them to believe having a vaccine will help them ...amendment. I just believe people need to weigh up the real risks to their family, friends and themselves, and proceed with extreme caution. People are not being given honest, fair reasonable arguments. Infernally wicked choices and diktats are being foisted upon them. People should be very, very wary indeed. Do NOT trust them.”

“WHY, WHY, WHY has a company like Pfizer, with a very well documented history of legal cases, prosecution and payouts (due to the devastating side effects of some of its products) been granted immunity from prosecution if this vaccine is so safe? WHY? “

“Ask yourself this, Bill Gates has been banging on about depopulation for years. What makes you think that all of a sudden he wants to save us all?”

“So many coincidences this year. They really think we’re idiots. Now anticipate the FREEDOM PASSPORTS to divide and force us into having it! And when you decide, consider the following: We have law changes to prevent litigation over side effects, trials lasting a few months instead of years, “flexibilities” allowed in the mhra safety regulations, scientists and regulators with conflicts of interest, compulsory vaccination in all but name, a new AI system to log the tsunami of unprecedented side effects. Potentially introducing laws to stop criticism and questioning of vaccinations, like this post! If these aren’t huge red flags I don’t know what is!”

“... experimental mRNA vaccine never before used. Phase 3 trialled ONLY since July 27th = 129 days! CANNOT POSSIBLY KNOW THIS IS SAFE. What about long term adverse reactions? Autoimmune responses / cancer etc?”

“As a Covid survivor I certainly welcome a vaccine against this virus, but whats worries me the most is the speed in which this vaccine has been deemed safe. It’s been months in the making and I think because they usually take years we’re all very concerned what long term health issues may happen. It won’t be long before we see those on the news having the vaccine, proving it’s safe but will the cameras be back on them if it goes wrong.”

Neither is Farage alone in positioning politically to ride this developing wave of public opinion.  Days after he re-launched TBP as Reform UK a new party in Germany sprang up along rather similar lines:

The former Green politician David Claudio Siber, lawyer Dr. Reiner Füllmich and lawyer Viviane Fischer from the Corona Committee, the biologist Prof. Dr. Ulrike Kämmerer and the legal scholar Prof. Dr. Martin Schab have joined the newly founded party “Basisdemokratische Partei Deutschland”, or “dieBasis” for short.

The prominent critics of the current Corona policy now want to advocate a fundamental change of course through political means.

The party demands the immediate start of a public, scientific and critical discussion of the corona and lockdown problem. It is also campaigning for a ban on direct or indirect compulsory vaccination. In addition, the new party demands that the events in the Corona crisis be fully dealt with. This concerns civil and criminal law issues as well as the responsibility of the persons and institutions involved.

The party recorded 26,000 hits on its website within 18 hours after a video by the two lawyers on the subject, a large number of new membership applications as well as inquiries from abroad regarding the establishment of foreign branches. According to information from the party leadership, more prominent persons will soon join the party.

So there very definitely is an emerging constituency for Farage’s new brand of anti-Establishment populism.  What would come next “if it goes wrong” and stories of unforeseen vax consequences begin to emerge would be a hardening and deepening of the divide - a great gift for any political opportunist.

Scenario 2: Rising resistance to vax authoritarianism

In the Commons last week fifty-five Tory MPs mostly from the libertarian wing of the party voted against the latest coronavirus restrictions - enough to defeat the government had Her Majesty’s Opposition not abstained.  Just as with the ERG during the long Remain Rebellion the Tory Party is divided on a principle which allows for little compromise.  The next sacred cause for these MPs to defend is free movement - already a hot topic with the announcement of the national vaccination card together with a mixed message on its utility as a means of population control (all in the good cause of fighting “the virus”, obviously).  Already, the devolved government in Wales is indicating that it may introduce some form of passporting system of its own to restrict the movement of those who have not accepted vaccination.  Initially, at least, it is likely that proof of vaccination will be mandatory for free movement, while those without it will have to wear protective equipment.  Meanwhile, as fines and restrictions for businesses are introduced across Britain, many of the younger generation are continuing to demonstrate a hedonistic disregard for the whole Covid thing.

Signs of the likely (and, for Farage, extremely helpful) response from government to all this are already present.  The British Army’s Information Warfare Unit (part of the Army’s 77th Brigade, which “often works with psychological operations”) is being deployed to confront “anti-vaccine propaganda”, the Daily Mail reports.  So soldiers are already monitoring the internet for Covid-19 wrong-speech.  Add to that the role police have taken up in enforcing lockdown restrictions and in crushing lockdown protests and the potential for a crackdown on the freedoms of association, movement and speech is plain to see.

As regards enforcing vaccination as such, central government does not necessarily have to be directly involved at all.  Local Education Authorities, for example, could require pupils to be vaccinated before being allowed to attend school.  Employers could insist upon employees being vaccinated before allowing them onto business premises.  Perhaps less probable, retail businesses could demand that customers show proof of vaccination.  Parts of the hospitality industry, sporting and entertainment venues likewise.  Travel could be severely curtailed for non-vaxxers.  Airlines are already leading the way.  And so forth.  What price freedom of movement, freedom of association?  Governments do not have to make the vaccine mandatory when so many others can simply make life intolerable for people who refuse the jab.

So then, if pubs, bars and restaurants, cinemas and sports venues, airlines do so ... indeed, if your employer does so, and others all make the vaccination a mandatory condition of service, anyone who refuses to take it will be reduced to a personal form of de facto lockdown with their social lives and mobility on indefinite hold.  Such coercion will generate massive resentment.  And for what, people are going to ask.  This could be more fertile political ground than leaving the European Union ever was.  But it would be as nothing compared to the resistance that would accompany a public realisation that all this has another agenda entirely ...

Scenario 3. Klaus Schwab’s “Great Re-Set” ... Bill Gate’s eugenics ... the technocratic future for 2030

One is bound to ask why Boris Johnson has been blithely retailing Schwab’s Great Re-Set language and the WEF “Build Back Better” slogan, when only a few weeks ago he was seeking to ban his ministers from going to Davos to, as he put it, “drink champagne with billionaires” (and, one might add, chat about the trans-human future, global depopulation, and non-exec board positions when the Westminster days are done).  What changed for Boris and who changed it?

Very possibly this, as as described by Zerohedge’s inevitable Tyler Durden (links added):

The time frame is ten years – by 2030 – the UN agenda 20212030 should be implemented.

Planned business measures in response to COVID-19:

# An acceleration of digitized work processes, leading to 84% of all work processes as digital, or virtual / video conferences.

# Some 83% of people are planned to work remotely – i.e. no more interaction between colleagues – absolute social distancing, separation of humanity from the human contact.

# About 50% of all tasks are planned to be automated – in other words, human input will be drastically diminished, even while remote working.

# Accelerate the digitization of upskilling / reskilling (e.g. education technology providers) – 42% of skill upgrading or training for new skills will be digitized, in other words, no human contact – all on computer, Artificial Intelligence (AI), algorithms.

# Accelerate the implementation of upskilling / reskilling programs – 35% of skills are planned to be “re-tooled” – i.e. existing skills are planned to be abandoned – declared defunct.

# Accelerate ongoing organizational transformations (e.g. restructuring) – 34% of current organizational set-ups are planned to be “restructured’ – or, in other words, existing organizational structures will be declared obsolete – to make space for new sets of organizational frameworks, digital structures that provide utmost control over all activities.

# Temporarily reassign workers to different tasks – this is expected to touch 30% of the work force. That also means completely different pay-scales – most probably unlivable wages, which would make the also planned “universal basic salary” or “basic income” – a wage that allows you barely to survive, an obvious need. – But it would make you totally dependent on the system – a digital system, where you have no control whatsoever.

# Temporarily reduce workforce – this is projected as affecting 28% of the population. It is an additional unemployment figure, in disguise, as the “temporarily” will never come back to full-time.

# Permanently reduce workforce – 13% permanently reduced workforce.

# Temporarily increase workforce – 5% – there is no reference to what type of workforce – probably unskilled labor that sooner or later will also be replaced by automation, by AI and robotization of the workplace.

# No specific measures implemented – 4% – does that mean, a mere 4% will remain untouched? From the algorithm and AI-directed new work places? – as small and insignificant as the figure is, it sounds like “wishful thinking”, never to be accomplished.

# Permanently increase workforce – a mere 1% is projected as “permanently increased workforce”. This is of course not even cosmetics. It is a joke.

This is what is being put forth, namely the concrete process of implementing The Great Reset.

... The “survival angle” is an aspect not mentioned directly either in The Great Reset, or in the “Implementation Guide” – i.e. in the White Paper “Resetting the Future of Work Agenda – in a Post-Covid World”.

Bill Gates, the Rockefellers, Kissinger et al, have never made a secret out of their strong opinion that the world is over-populated and that the number of people has to be literally reduced. We are dealing with eugenicists.

A perfect method for reducing the world population, are Bill Gates initiated, and WHO-supported vaccination programs. Scandals of such disastrous vaccine programs resulting in children’s death were recorded in India (in the 1990s), Kenya (2014 and thereafter) and other parts of the world.

See also a very revealing TedTalk by Bill Gates of February 2010, “Innovating to Zero”, just about at the time when the “2010 Rockefeller Report” was issued – the very report that has given us so far, the “Lock Step Scenario” – and we are living it now. Hardly protesting it – the entire world – 193 UN member countries – has been coopted or coerced into following this abject human rights abuse on a global scale.

And so forth.  Well, the dual memes of a Schwabian re-set and Gatesean mass sterilisation are gaining traction on-line, particularly since James Delingpole discovered Schwab’s latest little anti-human book, and found a globalist parent for his twin bug-bears of climate alarmism and Covid alarmism.  Now the word is out, and it’s by no means tin-foil hat stuff:

The microbiologist Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and the lung specialist and former head of a public health department, Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, have critically examined the RNA corona vaccine that is currently being rushed through.

... These are fragments of different genetic information that are to be introduced into human cells as RNA or DNA in a similarly different way.

Recombinant RNA, which is introduced into human cells, also alters the genetic processes there and can very well be classified as genetic modification of the cells or the organism, because genetic modification is not limited to a direct modification of the DNA. However, the recombinant RNA introduced into the cells is not intended to reproduce, as viruses do. It is also not part of the rehearsed cellular communication and abuses existing defense routines like private security services in a police station.

According to Prof. Dr. Bhakdi, it is impossible to overlook which processes in the body can be triggered by the vaccination. An impairment of the human germ line cannot be ruled out, which could also lead to changes and damage in future generations.

Matt Hancock, current Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, pictured in January 2020 with Klaus Schwab Matt Hancock pictured with Bill Gates
Matt Hancock, current Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, pictured in January 2020 with Klaus Schwab and Bill Gates

Farage as the people’s champion in the battle against globalism

As a stand-in for Brussels, Davos presents the most tempting possible, most unmissable target for Farage.  Stripped of the usual vaguely humanistic global-speak, there is not the remotest possibility of a single respectable argument for the WEF agenda.  It is naked, totalitarian Power acting on a global not national scale against all humanity.

Is Farage then, likely to emerge on the right side of history again and as the champion of human freedom in this country and perhaps even across the West?  It is a scenario in which the new party name - Reform UK - seems almost modest.  It is also a scenario in which, as things are with us ideologically and politically, nationalists would not be wholly equipped to compete for a following, given that the multiracialisation of our home and the replacement and dissolution of our people is contained within the drive for The Globality.  It is not its singular purpose.

We would have much work to do to make ourselves properly relevant from the ground up, and thereby make our demands for the survival and continuity of our people.  I can offer only one modus by which we might rise above our apparent disadvantage and succeed in that, which is to cleave to an analysis of artifice versus authenticity, and make our politics of nation into a politics of Nature in Man.  Because that ... Huxley and Orwell all in one ... is ultimately what this vast and audacious globalist power-play is about.  Smile for the camera, Matt.



Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 13 Dec 2020 00:07 | #

Earlier this week, two leading doctors wrote to the European Medicine Agency, which is responsible for the safety of vaccines, in an attempt to stop human trials of all Covid-19 vaccines, especially the Pfizer/BioNtech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 described above. Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former head of Pfizer’s respiratory research, and Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, a health policy advisor, think that human testing is still unethical.

Among other concerns, Yeadon and Wodart warn that some of the vaccines may prevent the safe development of placentas in pregnant women, resulting in “vaccinated women essentially becoming infertile.”

“Several vaccine candidates are expected to induce the formation of humoral antibodies against spike proteins of SARS-CoV-2,” the doctors wrote. 

“Syncytin-1 […] which is derived from human endogenous retroviruses (HERV) and is responsible for the development of a placenta in mammals and humans and is therefore an essential prerequisite for a successful pregnancy, is also found in homologous form in the spike proteins of SARS viruses,” they continued. 

“There is no indication whether antibodies against spike proteins of SARS viruses would also act like anti-Syncytin-1 antibodies. However, if this were to be the case this would then also prevent the formation of a placenta which would result in vaccinated women essentially becoming infertile.”


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 13 Dec 2020 00:31 | #

Without a functioning mainstream media, and with government scientific advisors seemingly bought and paid for by pharmaceutical corporations, it has been left to independent journalists and researchers to question the Covid-19 narrative that we are all supposed to accept without hesitation. Few have worked harder than Mark Oakford.

Mark has sent 1,392 freedom of information requests to local authorities, Clinical Commissioning Groups, NHS trusts, Police Forces, Education Authorities, Ministerial departments and more.

While a few requests remain unanswered, he has gathered data on more than 1.6 million public sector workers across the UK.

That’s 1.6 million ordinary working people, employed in every community from Wick to Penzance. Mark’s efforts have provided us an opportunity to compare what we are told about Covid-19 mortality with the actual reality in our towns and cities.

The questions he asked were reasonable and you would anticipate, given that the UK government are taking further Lockdown measures to fend off an alleged second wave of a global pandemic, that the requested data would be readily available. Full responses to Mark’s information requests do not require any breech of data protection.

Mark asked the following questions:

What is the total number of your workforce?
What is the total number of staff who have died from Covid-19 within your organisation?
What is the total number of staff who have been admitted to hospital as a result of Covid-19?
What is the total number of staff who have been properly diagnosed with Covid-19 not requiring hospitalisation?
What is the total number of staff who have had to take time of work through isolation procedures not counting when offices have been closed.
Questions 1, 2 and 5 should be simple enough for any public sector employer to answer. Perhaps questions 3 and 4 less so, although you would expect conscientious staff to disclose this to their employers.

So what does Mark’s diligent research reveal?

The Official Statistics
The Office of National Statistics provide mortality statistics for England and Wales. The number they record are based upon registered death certificates. While other data sources, such as the NHS and the Care Quality Commission, also provide mortality statistics, all registered deaths must eventually have a corresponding death certificate. For this reason, ONS figures are perhaps the most reliable.

In their latest analysis report the ONS state the following figures for England and Wales for the period between 1 January to 31 August:

389,835 deaths in total
48,168 deaths were “due” to Covid-19 as it was identified as the “underlying” cause
13,619 deaths were due to pneumonia
69,781 deaths involved pneumonia
394 deaths were due to influenza.
506 deaths involved influenza
19,470 death certificates cited both influenza and pneumonia alongside Covid-19 (IPC deaths)
18,642 (95.8%) of IPC death certificates recorded Covid-19 as the underlying cause of death
8 (0.04%) of IPC death certificates recorded influenza and pneumonia as the underlying cause of death
According to the 2011 census, the population of England and Wales was 56.1 million with a working age population of 36.6 million. Since then, the population in England and Wales has grown to 59.5 million - an increase of 6%.

Therefore, the current estimated working age population is 38.8 million.

Of the 59.5 million, 56.3 million (94.6%) live in England. Giving us a current estimated working age population of 36.7 million for England.

According to the ONS, for the year up to the end of August, the age-standardised mortality rate (ASMR) for Covid-19 in England, among the under 65’s, was 16.6 per 100,000 people.

We note that Covid-19 deaths among those under 18 is statistically zero.

The ONS claim that approximately 6,092 people, of working age in England, have died from Covid-19 so far this year. For this age distribution, the chances of you dying from Covid-19 is allegedly 0.0166%. But only if you accept the government’s claims.

To date, Mark’s research of more than 1.6 million UK workers, casts significant doubt over the government figures: for 1,641,281 UK workers the total number of deaths reported was 76.

There is a minor caveat: retirement ages vary, meaning a small number of included employees will be older than 65. However, many people retire early and the broad impact of this on Marks FOI numbers is negligible.

Mark’s research reveals an ASMR of 4.6 per 100,000; somewhat less than the 16.6 per 100,000 reported by ONS.

The average percentage chance of Covid-19 mortality for the working population is 0.0046%. This is three and half times lower than the official ONS ASMR implies.

This strongly suggests that, of the 48,158 reported deaths “due” to Covid-19, the real number is closer to 13,759. A discrepancy of 34,399.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 16 Dec 2020 00:10 | #

Jim Quinn of The Burning Platform has had a significant article published in two pieces by zerohedge, here:

... and here:

He obviously judges that the moment of decision is upon us.  He has thrown the kitchen sink at these articles and made the case for human freedom in the face of the elite’s power play as cogently as he possibly could.  It’s worth a read.  The first question for doubters is whether there is a more parsimonious explanation than Re-Set ideology for the events of the last months.  If not, the next question is: what are you going to do about it?


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 16 Dec 2020 08:55 | #

It seems that in Rowan Dean of Sky News Australia non-billionaire Australians and New Zealanders have a champion:

A terrifying coalition of big business and big tech are so confident and brazen they are promising the public “you will own nothing, and you will be happy” in an advertising campaign for a global reset, according to Sky News host Rowan Dean.

“What they should have added is ‘we the very rich will own everything and be even happier’,” he said.

The Great Reset is a proposal set out by the World Economic Forum for a new globalised fiscal system which would allow the world to effectively tackle the so-called climate crisis.

Mr Dean said the plan intends to use the “tools of oppression” implemented during the pandemic, such as lockdowns and forced business closures as well as other measures destroying private property rights, to combat the coronavirus to achieve climate outcomes.

“I’ve spoken before about the insidious phrase Build Back Better which sounds like common sense but is in fact just one of several slogans for the Great reset, another being the Orwellian phrase the fourth industrial revolution”.

“This is as serious and as dangerous a threat to our prosperity and freedom as we have faced in decades.”

Mr Dean warned viewers to think again if they believed this was just “crazy old Rowan with his conspiracy theories”.

“This garbage is already deeply embedded into our state and federal governments.”


Posted by Simon Stephenson on Wed, 16 Dec 2020 12:45 | #

On The Conservative Woman website, you suggested I posted a comment with an email address. Here it is.

Simon Stephenson


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 23 Dec 2020 23:42 | #

Was Michael Gove lying a couple of weeks back when he denied outright that the government will not introduce vax passports?

Firms start work on ‘freedom passports’: Documents would allow people who have tested negative for Covid-19 to enter pubs, schools and workplaces
● Two firms awarded Government contracts for exploratory work on a new app
● The Dep of Health said no decisions had been made on introducing the passport
● The contracts envisage a system under which people are assigned a QR code

Work is being carried out to develop coronavirus freedom ‘passports’ that will allow those who have tested negative to enter pubs, schools and workplaces.

After scanning in the code, the venue could refuse entry to those without a recent negative result.
The idea is controversial and critics argue it would in effect create an ‘apartheid’ system between
those who have the virus and those who do not.

It is not clear how those without smartphones would be able to prove they were negative.

The Department of Health source said the scheme was ‘exploratory work’ and the system was not being introduced imminently. ‘It is about looking at ways we could use this in future,’ the source added. ‘It is looking at whether it would be possible.

... Ministers have previously ruled out introducing passports for those who have had a vaccine. This had led to fears that those who declined to have the jab would be discriminated against.

The proposal for the ‘negative Covid-19 test certification’ system was revealed on the Government’s contracts checker.

It shows a £42,000 contract was signed with Netcompany UK for a ‘Covid-19 Certification/Passport MVP’ in November.

The contract is described as being to ‘develop a negative Covid-19 test certification minimum viable product’ – a simple version of the app to prove it would be feasible to go forward with.

A similar contract – worth £34,000 – was awarded to the Hub Company. Under its scheme, individuals would sign up to an app giving them a personal QR code.

The contracts seen by the Mail refer only to Covid test passports.

The Department of Health and Social Care said it was ‘continually exploring ways in which we can return to normality’, including through technology.

A spokesman added: ‘We have no plans to introduce immunity passports following this vaccination programme.’


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 09 Jan 2021 18:06 | #

Farage tuning up his scenario 2 message, and proving yet again that he the most astute politician of his generation:


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 12 Jan 2021 18:39 | #

Further to comment 6 above:

Exclusive: Vaccine passports to be trialled by thousands of Britons
The government-funded trial could be rolled out to millions across the UK if successful

12 January 2021 • 4:27pm

Thousands of Britons who have received their coronavirus vaccine are set to be offered a health passport as part of a government-funded trial taking place this month.

The passport, created by biometrics firm iProov and cybersecurity firm Mvine, will be issued in the form of a free app allowing users to digitally prove if they have received the vaccine.

The trial will be overseen by two directors of public health in local authorities and will be complete in March. However, the locations have yet to be agreed.

Innovate UK, the government’s science and research funding agency, has pumped £75,000 into the project.

The aim of the trial is to show how the passports can be used to help the NHS keep track of the number of people that have received the first or second dose of the vaccine.

Frank Joshi, director and founder of Mvine, said the company first began working on the passes to demonstrate test results but had since acquired more funding to pivot into vaccination passports.

... The companies added that if the passports prove successful it could be expanded to millions of people.

To date, the Government has contradicted itself on the use of vaccine passports. In December, Michael Gove said that they were “not the plan” but Nadhim Zahawi, the minister overseeing the rollout of the vaccine, said they were “looking at the technology”.

The trials come as the Ada Lovelace Institute launched an evidence review into the use of vaccination passports. The review, which is being chaired by Sir Jonathan Montgomery, will look at the ethics, science, law, and precedence of such passports.

Some fear the passports could discriminate against people who must not be vaccinated, such as pregnant women, who have been advised to date against taking the vaccine. The NHS has said that more evidence was needed on the jabs before they were offered to pregnant women. As a result, women could be restricted from travelling if the passports were to become mandatory.

United Airlines, Virgin Atlantic, Swiss International AirLines, and JetBlue, have all said they would begin offering a health passport system to customers this year. BA-owner IAG is also working on its own healthpass that’s due to launch early this year.​


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 24 Jan 2021 13:47 | #

The passport impost grinds onward towards its grizzly conclusion for the social compact:

Note that the following truly alarming article is posted at the DT not under politics or even health, but under technology:

Government funds eight vaccine passport schemes despite ‘no plans’ for rollout
The schemes looked at developing technology which could link facial biometrics with immunity status

The Government is funding at least eight different vaccine passport schemes, despite claims from ministers that there are “no plans” for a roll-out across the country, the Telegraph can disclose.

Transparency documents from innovation agency InnovateUK have shown that more than £450,000 worth of government grants have been allocated to companies developing vaccine passports - where users can prove digitally that they have received a Covid-19 vaccine.

... Last month the Telegraph reported biometrics firm iProov and cybersecurity company Mvine had teamed up to create a health passport for a £75,000 Government project.

In the InnovateUK filings, this project was still listed as one which could map antibody tests, although the Telegraph reported last week that the team had later switched to instead pivot into vaccination passports.

In total, this could mean at least half a million pounds has been allocated to projects to trial vaccination passports.

Other tech firms working on projects include Enduring Net, which is working on a £49,678.00 decentralised system which can digitally provide “proofs of individuals’ Covid-19 credentials”, which will include proof of vaccination.

The Hub Company is also working on a £49,448 project in which it is developing security systems which can issue secure digital or physical certificates proving immunity or vaccine results.

EAS Technologies’ £173,877 project is an accreditation platform which will gather information such as vaccination certificates and health passports, to help the “global sporting and events industry to get back to hosting sporting and live events”.

Biotip’s £49k project is for an app which could electrically detect anti-viral antibodies similar to a home pregnancy test.

It is hoped this could be used as an immunity passport to allow individuals with immunity to return to work. Biotip’s £37,209k project is to develop “ultra-secure user verification and authentication” for indemnity passports, which are aimed at the post-vaccination immunity and is said to be “more reliable in respect of both immunity and infectiousness”.

Finally Mvine and iProov’s £75,000 project is for a passport which would be issued in the form of a free app so users could digitally prove if they have received the vaccine.

Number 1

Company: Enduring Net

Grant size: £49,678.00 (Innovate data)

Project details on InnovateUK: A decentralised system which can digitally provide “proofs of individuals’ Covid-19 credentials”, which will include proof of vaccination. The company said these will allow “anyone accepting a credential proof to know in real-time with certainty (i) who issued the credential, (ii) that the credential is being presented by the person who it was issued to, (iii) that the credential has not been tampered with, and (iv) that it has not been revoked”.

Number 2

Company: The Hub Company

Grant size: £49,448 (Innovate data)

Project details: The Hub is developing security systems which can issue secure digital or physical certificates proving immunity or vaccine results. These rely on highly secure QR code certificates which would either be delivered to an app or issued physically through something like a smartcard. This can then be scanned to allow that person to, for example, return to work.

Number 3

Company: EAS Technologies

Grant size: £173,877 (Innovate data)

Project details: An accreditation platform which will gather information such as vaccination certificates and health passports, to help the “global sporting and events industry to get back to hosting sporting and live events in a safe, efficient, and sustainable manner”, as well as allowing companies to get workers back in.

Number 4

Company: EYN

Grant size: £46,798 (Innovate data)

Project details: The company is aiming to “securely, accurately and in a privacy-preserving manner allow someone to prove their immunity status”, by creating technology which links face biometrics to identity documents or patient records. It says its simple aim is “to link face-biometry with immunity status”.

Number 5

Company: Verifiable Credentials

Grant size: £89,000 (company data)

Project details: The company is working to create cryptographically-protected and privacy-preserving electronic certificates for people to show they have been vaccinated, that they can store on their mobile phones, laptops or other devices. They will also be able to access physical versions, which will work in a similar way to Oyster cards. These can be revoked when circumstances demand, for example when a new strain of the virus starts to circulate.

Number 6

Company: Biotip

Grant size: £49,486 (Innovate data)

Project details: Initial project had been for an app which could electrically detect anti-viral antibodies, so you’d take something similar to a home pregnancy test, a portable, paper-based device that users could perform themselves, that would then automatically update your results onto a dedicated app. However, it said this technology could also function as an immunity passport to allow individuals with immunity to return to work.

Number 7

Company: Logifect

Grant size: £37,209 (Innovate data)

Project details: Company is developing “ultra-secure user verification and authentication” for indemnity passports. It has said its focus switched to the post-vaccination immunity “which is more reliable in respect of both immunity and infectiousness”.

Number 8

Companies: Mvine and iProov

Grant size: £75,000 (company data)

Project details: A passport would be issued in the form of a free app so users could digitally prove if they have received the vaccine.

Data from InnovateUK and companies.

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Previous entry: One for James Bowery, perhaps

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View)
