Obama’s Layers of Grossly Incompetent Deception? If Obama’s forgery attempt was as incompetent as indicated by the above video from Sheriff Arpaio’s Cold Case Posse, we are left with a confusing dilemma: Couldn’t Obama come up with at least one competent digital document fabrication expert from among those decidedly nerdy white campaign volunteers? Is there something about being an African extended phenotype that makes white nerds stupid? The explanation sticks in my craw, not because I’m ashamed to be associated with such stupidity even if only by race, but because my prior experience with African extended phenotypes is that they are selectively brain-dead—not generally brain-dead. What’s really going on here? Here’s part of the story: Documents that have been scanned to PDF and opened by Adobe Illustrator apparently do create layers automatically:
Indeed, from this video it appears that it is Adobe Illustrator, itself, that controls the scanning of the image hence creation of the layers in the resulting PDF. So, we’re on our way to a forensic re-creation of the “crime”. Next up, I suppose, is the variation in pixelation between these layers. What caused that? Comments:2
Posted by Gerald on Wed, 18 Jul 2012 21:44 | # So does the whole “layers” thing prove that it was a forgery? Was he really born in Kenya? I don’t have any technical background or ability to judge the “layers” thing. I think it went over most people’s heads when it came out a few months ago. The story didn’t go anywhere in the mainstream right or the nationalist right. Sailer wrote a post arguing that it was unlikely that Obama’s mother could have given birth in Kenya. 3
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 18 Jul 2012 22:40 | # Gerald, the PDF posted by at whitehouse.gov as Obama’s birth certificate is virtually designed to be taken as a forgery. The “layers” are distinct images that are actually stored separately from each other within the PDF but displayed as one by the PDF reader program. They bear no necessary relationship to each other except as composed by the PDF creation program. The differing pixelation of the writing and some text is not _quite_ as silly but it still silly. Why would Obama (or his “assistants”) do something like that? Just to goad guys like the good Sheriff? Or is someone trying to make Obama look bad, whom he had trusted, by taking a legitimate birth certificate, scanning it into a computer, cutting the pieces of the image apart to be processed separately so they looked like they were drawn from separate sources, and then put them back together in such a way that they were no longer part of the same image? Anyone? Any intelligent ideas? 4
Posted by Gerald on Wed, 18 Jul 2012 23:15 | # So Obama doesn’t really have a reason to deliberately do this. And if someone wanted to make Obama look bad here, why would they do it in this indirect way through the “layers” thing, which is over most people’s heads? 5
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 18 Jul 2012 23:45 | # Well, it may be that its over most people’s heads, but if you want to let Obama know that you can trash him any time you want, and you are a gate-keeper on what the public considers being “in the know”, you might do something that is basically on a hair trigger that only you can pull. One story on “60 Minutes” and that’s it. Hey, I’m just trying to make sense of this. 6
Posted by Gerald on Wed, 18 Jul 2012 23:55 | # Ok well I agree that that’s probably the most likely explanation. But do they even need to do that. I mean they could just give him a phone call or tell him that they could ruin him in a heartbeat. 7
Posted by J Richards on Thu, 19 Jul 2012 00:01 | # @James, Gerald You might be interested in this analysis of the Obama long-form birth certificate forgery and another remarkable “event” that followed: http://majorityrights.com/weblog/comments/obama_osama_drama 8
Posted by GeeWhiz on Thu, 19 Jul 2012 03:05 | #
No matter who wins the Presidency, Obama’s string of legislative, SCOTUS, and foreign policy victories (more impressive than Carter and Clinton combined) have ensured the continued, unabated ‘deconstruction’ of whites of European ancestry. The fake birth certificate is a taunt.
Posted by storm of steel on Thu, 19 Jul 2012 05:18 | #
Yes, it could just be African arrogance and dominance behavior from Obama. That’s what Occam’s razor would suggest. There’s no need for elaborate conspiracy theories. This kind of behavior fits with reports about some of Obama’s activities:
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 19 Jul 2012 12:36 | # Let’s assume there is a legitimate long form BC tucked away in a safe somewhere. Then the question becomes: Why would the Obama team tamper with it to make it look like a forgery? Obviously they DID! Surely they are not so stupid to think that the tampering would go unnoticed, right? So what’s the purpose? Could it be they are much smarter than their opposition and are using the BC controversy to serve many purposes? One of which is to goad his enemies and lure them into a politically untenable trap. Secondly it functions as a great distraction—aided and abetted by his willing accomplices in the MSM—from the real damage the Obama administration is FORCING down our throats. At his point, the more appropriate question people like Trump and Arpaio and El Rushbo should be asking is not if the BC is a forgery, or if Obama was actually born in Hawaii; they should be asking why President Barrack Obama is so childish, devious, and deceptive as to play games with his BC by taking part in deliberately making it look like a forgery; then without compunction, released it to the public. They should keep pressing Obama to explain himself on that one! That’s the angle of attack the G.O.P., et al, should pursue, IMO. 11
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 19 Jul 2012 15:01 | # Thorn writes: “At his point, the more appropriate question people like Trump and Arpaio and El Rushbo should be asking ... why President Barrack Obama is so childish, devious, and deceptive as to play games with his BC by taking part in deliberately making it look like a forgery; then without compunction, released it to the public.” I agree—that’s probably the best take-away from this BC noise.
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 19 Jul 2012 17:24 | # One way to lay the layers issue to rest would be to actually identify the scanning software that supposedly separates a single image into layers as part of the scanning-to-PDF process. To the best of my knowledge about the Obama long form birth certificate issue (which is limited obviously) no one has named a specific scanning program that does this—they have merely hypothesized that such must have been the source of the PDF. 13
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 19 Jul 2012 19:11 | # I found an example of a program that does separate scanned documents into Adobe Illustrator layers: Adobe Illustrator itself. See updated original post. 14
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 20 Jul 2012 01:04 | # JR, there are a large number of straw arguments out there on both sides. However I’m interested in your assertion that Adobe Illustrator’s scanner doesn’t produce the 1-bit layers in conjunction with a color layer as is present in the PDF of the OLFBC. How do you know that? Note, this isn’t about theory (ie: OCR) its about fact. 15
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 20 Jul 2012 01:17 | # Part of the interest here is Sheriff Arpaio. He represents a kind of test case for county sovereignty against a clearly malign Federal leviathan. His example of enforcement of the sovereignty of the citizens of his county against that malign force, being tied up with this birth certificate issue, is a gambit—the outcome of which is consequential. Of course, no one in this thread is concerned about getting a Republican into the Presidency over Obama (which is so clear that MM’s harping on as though anyone had raised it makes MM equally clearly a malign force here) but the issue of devolution of powers back to the counties is highly relevant—and hence anything affecting Sheriff Arpaio’s example is relevant. 16
Posted by dennett on Fri, 20 Jul 2012 02:47 | # isn’t arpaio a beaner? isn’t that really the only reason he gets away with cracking down on illegals and with the birth certificate stuff? bloomberg in NYC gets away with using NYPD to “stop and frisk” blacks and hispanics because he’s a jew: http://reason.com/blog/2012/07/18/constitution-schmonstitution-bloomberg-s 17
Posted by J Richards on Fri, 20 Jul 2012 11:18 | # @James If you import a scan into Adobe Illustrator, it imports the entire image into a single layer and adds blank layers to it. Why? Think of why one would use a heavy duty program to import a scan. To digitally edit it. Working in layers facilitates undoing unwanted changes without having to start over each time. The software doesn’t know what kind of edits you wish to make, and it’d never do something like split the scan into 9 separate images of its own determination, and in different color spaces on top of it. And even if there was a default attempt at OCR, alphabets take less space as text than as images. So why would it spit out a pdf where the OCRed text was converted back to images? And why would it attempt to OCR parts of signatures and the seal of the State of Hawaii? You can observe Adobe Illustrator at work by obtaining a free evaluation version of it from Adobe. If you’re concerned that it may have restricted functionality or limits, get a fully working version via usenet or bittorent. On county sovereignty, the Constitution says that the highest law enforcement officer in a county is the Sheriff, whose authority over county affairs exceeds the President’s. The Sheriff can arrest and remove FBI and other federal officials from his county if he doesn’t want them working in his county. Jews hate this and have tried their best to undermine county sovereignty, an ongoing effort. ————————- @James If what Lister’s doing isn’t self-evident, hopefully my analysis of it will convince you to add a short line to any future discussion initiated by you: trolling, verbosity, logorrhea, informal logical fallacies, no content analysis = trash This takes a few bytes. But it keeps mounds of filth out, and if it seeps in, there’s trash to dump it in. I’ll gladly dump it in trash for you. Just add the line. 18
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 20 Jul 2012 12:40 | # JR writes: “If you import a scan into Adobe Illustrator, it imports the entire image into a single layer and adds blank layers to it.” At 3:15 in the video I added to the original post is a demonstration that some of the layers not only are not blank (indeed it isn’t clear that any of the layers are blank), but that they represent the creation of layers specifically for certain character groups. Note, this is not the same as the creation of a PDF for search with OCR. The video shown makes no claims that there is any ASCII or UTF8, etc. encoded text in the PDF, nor does it deny such may have occurred. The only thing that is relevant in this situation is the fact that the layers created have significant content. Moreover, some of those layers appear to be black with clear background which is consistent with (although not diagnostic of) 1-bit encoding. At this point, it would be helpful to get a copy of Adobe Illustrator to see what it actually produces at the level of detail you are hypothesizing. 19
Posted by daniel on Fri, 20 Jul 2012 21:02 | # Graham, the birth certificate issue is not really important. I’ve never been much interested in the birth certificate issue. But, funny video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U4-TZspqlOs “Obama’s TRASH!” His mother was an American citizen, right? They’re going to put him out of office for that? Obviously not. “The media is in the tank for Obama.. hey! Post this up! Obama’s momma was trash! only 17 when she got knocked up by that African over there in Kenya”.. I think rather, that Jim takes as a point of departure the probing of the county and its Sheriff’s viability against the state apparatus. At best, this would provide analogies of provincial, if not communitarian, assertions and ways, to fight against the state apparatus (as well as to ward off the Cartesian -individualist -liberal transgressions). I.e., Jim’s County and Sheriff concern is not necessarily that far apart from your communitarian concern. You know, Graham, someone like Jim, as an American, cannot quite so easily take recourse to fall back on his ancient heritage. Similarly, though some of the communities that you value may be ancient, I imagine that some others that you respect are not so old and well established - though you might wish for them to be and might like to explore ways in which they could. 20
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 21 Jul 2012 01:26 | #
I don’t know. I think on balance it hurts Obama more, though probably not by much. Pragmatically, however, most of the electorate already knows for whom it will be voting, so all scandalous matters are at best of minor significance (though, unfortunately, of greater significance for, on average, morally superior Republicans, than, on average, morally inferior Democrats, parasites who just want their welfare, or affirmative action, or immigration amnesty, or govt pensions, or “gay” rights, etc). I haven’t voted GOP at the Prez level since my first ballot, for Reagan ‘84. Every Republican (including Reagan, in retrospect) was too liberal for me. But this time things are really bad, and it really matters whether Obama is defeated. Romney will be a sellout, but he, too, will want reelection, and he understands that the base is very riled up at least over illegal immigration (it is possible, too, that some of that disgruntlement is really about “diversity”, but with conservatives too cowardly to admit it, even on anonymous internet chat boards). I don’t think Romney will be an amnestyite. I also know that his economic agenda, however inferior to my own brand of ultra-capitalism, will be unimaginably better than 4 more years of regulatory assaults, pushes for more spending and higher taxes, and general anti-business rhetoric and agitation. Romney is a smart and experienced businessman, and he understands both the drastic need to increase US competitiveness, and that the only way to do so is via at least a moderate return to capitalism, whose governmental preconditions are deregulation, less Fed monetary intervention, tax simplification and, for business and investment, tax reduction, entitlement reform, and major Federal spending cuts. Romney will also be hard-pressed by moral conservatives to appoint very conservative Justices, esp after the recent Roberts apostasy on Obamacare, and I believe he will do so. The Supreme Court is balanced as on a knife edge, with a bloc of four of the most radical leftist justices in US history. One more Obama appointment, and we’ll be back to the Warren Court, and possibly much, much worse. For whites, voting Romney is the ONLY rational course. 21
Posted by J Richards on Sat, 21 Jul 2012 01:55 | # @James The birth certificate is a pdf file, which can be produced by many programs. It isn’t necessarily the case that Adobe Illustrator was used to produce the pdf. Adobe Illustrator is used to create vector images, but the pdf uses raster images. Why use Illustrator to make the pdf? Why even open the scan in illustrator? All scanners come with their own basic scanning software that allows images to be saved in a variety of formats, including pdf. Don’t get caught up in the Illustrator issue. The fact is that the pdf comprises of nine images. You can view all these images separately here: http://majorityrights.com/uploads/obama-birth-certificate-nine-layers.zip The specs of these 9 images can be observed if you open the pdf in a text or Hex editor. The White House version of the pdf has no artifacts of scanning, such as chromatic aberration (blue and red pixels around the edges of black text, an inherent side effect of the glass lenses doing the scanning). There are so many other cues to the BC being a forgery. People have done the same thing your cited video shows, but the scan goes to one layer only. I encourage you to open a scan in Illustrator, see what happens, save it as a pdf and see if the pdf looks anything like the obama pdf. Scan your own birth certificate to see. ——— P.S.: The Haller troll posted on immigration in the U.K. and the Colorado shooting, and not merely links to the articles but the articles in full. I did you the courtesy of moving them to trash. If he wishes to post on off-topic issues, he should do so at his blog or submit articles to GW. Trolling and hogging comments space are both bad manners. And the malicious troll completely ignores the inference from the BC forgery, which is that Obama has to be a pawn, doing the bidding of his masters, yet goes on a tangent about how bad Obama is and would be and therefore one should vote Romney! Haller’s trying to deflect attention from who Obama’s masters are. This is what happens when you don’t prohibit trolling, verbosity and lack of content analysis. 22
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 21 Jul 2012 17:59 | # JR writes: “The birth certificate is a pdf file, which can be produced by many programs.” You miss my focus which requires that I show only the existence of a (one) program that generates the layers in question. I am not yet claiming to have done that but I am claiming to have shown that Adobe Illustrator controls the document scanning process in such a way that it not only produces multiple layers, but that these layers have meaningful content that may even be consistent with your observation that one of the BOLFBC PDF’s layers is in color and the rest are single bit layers. Once I have made that point we can dispense with some of the arguments used to falsify the BOLFBC and move on to stronger arguments (such as absence of chromatic aberation, etc.). Why is this focus important? Because we’re dealing with intellectually dishonest people here and the intellectually dishonest thing to do is harp on the weakest arguments of one’s opponents (where an argument is a conjunction of assertions, the weakest of which limits the strength of the whole argument). It is very important to dispense with weak arguments. As I said before, the next step is to attempt to falsify the assertion that Adobe Illustrator’s monochrome layers are, indeed, consistent with the observed PDF. 23
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 22 Jul 2012 05:17 | #
Wise words. 24
Posted by Spirit of 76 on Wed, 25 Jul 2012 15:05 | # He is of Italian descent. Posted by dennett on July 19, 2012, 09:47 PM | # isn’t arpaio a beaner? isn’t that really the only reason he gets away with cracking down on illegals and with the birth certificate stuff? Post a comment:
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Posted by Marwinsing on Wed, 18 Jul 2012 18:22 | #
Ha-ha… African extended phenotypes… a poetic piece of diametric-strapping there Mr Bowery oh and we have them here too, likety here and here.
(disclaimer: because I am “white African” doth it not necessarily me an African extended phenotype make. I have little say in that right now; some of us are barred from re-entering The West, you know, by our white Western brothers and sisters… ha-ha… yeah bingo, the African extended phenotypes)
How many of you coochy-cooches have lived through the pain of attempting to return to ones ancestral homelands only to realise they’re not actually worth returning to because they’ve been indundated by foreign
invadersvisitors then the African extended phenotypes in charge of the animal house chase you back to Africa but keep the foreigninvadersvisitors? Well I’ve lived through that, and still suck the bitter pill.