Oh ultimorum temporum, oh mores mortis

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 14 September 2011 00:04.

News from the MultiCult:

NYPD very blue: Police officers filmed bumping and grinding with dancers at West Indian Day Parade

The New York Police Department has had to review a video in which two of their officers were filmed bumping and grinding provocatively with dancers at the West Indian Day Parade.

The men in uniform, dressed as NYPD officers, are filmed gyrating their hips behind several women bending down in front of them at the parade in Brooklyn.


Court hears details of life for men kept as ‘slaves’

Four men arrested after a raid on a traveller’s site were remanded in custody yesterday after appearing in court on charges of enslavement.

Three brothers – James “Jimmy” Connors, 23, Tommy Connors, 27 and Patrick Connors, 19 – appeared at Luton Magistrates’ Court along with their brother-in-law James “Big Jim” Connors, 33.

The court heard that many of the alleged victims were required to undertake labour such as ground work, block paving, resurfacing and retiling for little or no pay.

They are currently said to be in varying conditions both mentally and physically, and it was reported last night that a doctor specialising in the care of torture victims has been employed to treat them.

The charges against the defendants relate to alleged victims who were removed from the Greenacres travellers’ site in Bedfordshire after a police raid on Sunday.

The four men face a variety of charges, all of which were allegedly committed between April last year and August this year.

The arrests followed an investigation into alleged offences against the victims by Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Police’s Major Crime Unit.

The defendants live with their families at the site, in Great Billington, Leighton Buzzard.


Police ‘called barely literate by lawyers’

The man leading a review into police recruitment has spoken of claims that some officers present evidence in court cases that is “barely literate”.

Tom Winsor told the Police Superintendents Conference that some lawyers spoke in “contemptuous terms” of the quality of police evidence.

He also suggested police entry tests were lower than they were 60 years ago.

He said he had seen questions from 1930 and 1946 that were “very, very, very significantly harder” than today.

The Home Office said it had no comment to make on Mr Winsor’s remarks.

Mr Winsor has been commissioned by the home secretary to review police pay and conditions in England and Wales.

The former rail regulator told the conference, in Warwickshire, that it had been suggested to him - both by a former commissioner of the Met and by a serving national officer of the Police Federation - that standards were lowered to attract more black and minority ethnic recruits.

He said he found it “astonishing” to hear such a claim being made and added: “Is it true, this assumption? It can’t be so.”

Children as young as four reprimanded for racist behaviour
More than 20,000 under-11s were punished for racist and homophobic behaviour in schools last year, according to research.

The equivalent of around 100 primary school pupils a day were reported to local authorities after using offensive language in lessons and the playground, it is claimed.

In some cases, pupils were reprimanded for relatively trivial squabbles and employing insults such as “gaylord” and “broccoli head”.

Researchers said many children – some as young as four – are being reported despite being “unlikely to understand the meaning of these words”.

Schools are obliged to report all “hate speech” incidents to local authorities as part of the 2000 Race Relations Act. Many councils are also demanding that schools log data relating to homophobic incidents.
The reports – including pupils’ names and descriptions of incidents – can be used by police and social services and can remain on children’s records for years.

But the Manifesto Club, a civil liberties group, claimed the system was based on a “profound misunderstanding of children”, saying that adult words “take on a different meaning in a playground context”.

Data obtained under the Freedom of Information Act shows how two primary school pupils – one a Christian and another a Muslim – were reported for calling each other “gaylord” and bursting into giggles when asked what the word meant.

One incident report from the London borough of Barnet showed two children aged eight or nine squabbling over a rubber and calling each other “gay” and “lesbian”.

Another child was reprimanded for shouting out in class: “This work’s gay”.

A school in Bath reported a child for calling a classmate “broccoli head”.


Migrants are better qualified than workers born in UK, says study

34 per cent of migrants in the UK have a post-school qualification, compared to about 29 per cent of local workers

Migrants are better qualified and holding down better-paid jobs than people born in the UK, according to a major international study published yesterday.

Figures show that 34 per cent of migrants in the UK have a post-school qualification; 4.9 percentage points higher than the figure for non-immigrants. They are also better paid than migrants in most other countries and UK-born workers, putting less of a strain on the benefit system, according to research by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.

A quarter of international students from outside Europe complete their studies in the UK and stay on in the country, said Andreas Schleicher, head of the indicators and analysis division at the OECD and author of the report. “The benefits to your economy from them are great,” he added.


Tyler Perry the new ‘King of Hollywood’

Tyler Perry has topped a list of the highest paid men in entertainment compiled by Forbes magazine.

The 42-year-old actor, director, producer and writer earned $130 million in the 12 months to May, according to the magazine.

Perry’s films, including the 2006 hit “Madea’s Family Reunion” and this year’s “Madea’s Big Happy Family,” have grossed more than $500 million at the box office. He dresses up as a woman to play the title character.

The film-maker’s wealth also comes from two television series he created called “House of Payne” and “Meet the Browns.”

According to Forbes the second highest earning man in entertainment over the last year was Jerry Bruckheimer, who earned $113 million. Bruckheimer produced the latest instalment of the “Pirates of the Caribbean” film franchise which grossed more than $1 billion at the box office.

The rest of the top five was completed by Steven Speilberg, Sir Elton John and Simon Cowell. The “X Factor” judge reportedly made $90 million over the course of the year.

Leonardo DiCaprio ($77 million) and radio host Howard Stern ($76 million) also made the top 10, according to Forbes.

Tiger Woods ($75 million) was still the top earning sportsman on the list despite losing some sponsorship deals.


Planning reforms: green belt will have ‘no protection’ despite promises of ministers

The Government’s planning reforms could make it easier to build on green belt land, parliamentary advisers have suggested.

Researchers at the independent House of Commons library have said that the Government’s legal presumption in favour of sustainable development will apply “even within the green belt”.

The presumption, set out in the Draft National Planning Policy Framework, has led to allegations that ministers are trying to slant the system in favour of developers.

Ministers have insisted that the framework will provide clear protections for the green belt, which makes up 13 per cent of land in England.

But a report from the library’s respected researchers has cast doubt on the value of those assurances.

It says: “The implications of the presumption in favour of sustainable development are unclear.”

The report notes that the section of the framework setting out the legal presumption makes “no mention of the green belt”, and contains only a narrow exception for sites protected by the Birds and Habitats directives.




Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 03:07 | #

Fall of Rome round 2.


Posted by Bill on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 03:54 | #

Fall of Rome round 2.

But the original had the Völkerwanderung of superior elements to replace and replenish the dross.

Not this time around.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 10:27 | #

GW you old fuddy-duddy, what’s a bit a ‘dry humping’ between friends or even policemen and festival participants? 

Personally, I can think of no more exuberant and exciting public event in the UK, other than the wonderful ‘Notting Hill Carnival’.

Oh and on the ‘racist kids’ front did you know that ‘racist’ toddlers in nursery care must also be reported? After all a toddler that dislikes spicy food is obviously a grave threat to community ‘cohesion’ yes?

Toddlers who dislike spicy food ‘racist’


Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 10:47 | #

UK children stuck in ‘materialistic trap’

Another element in the toxic brew that is contemporary British life.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 13:27 | #


I saw the “materialist” article in the Telegraph and was tempted to use it.  Yes, it is of a piece with economism and debt slavery.  We must all be empty and compliant, decultured, deracinated consumers.  Production and consumption is our life-function in the MultiCult.  This is what we sons and daughter of Europe, the greatest of all humanity, are to be reduced to.

The racist toddlers article dates from 2008 - the fag-end of the Blair era. The National Children’s Bureau is still in existence, and is a charity and not a quango.  But whether it still receives £12 million of re-routed taxpayer’s money every year I don’t know.


Posted by Selous Scout on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 15:44 | #

This can’t last.

Look on the bright side:

If the people can tolerate this, we’ll make sure they tolerate what’s coming next.


Posted by Robert Reis on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 22:26 | #

Another reason to put a bounty on Canadians.



Posted by PF on Thu, 15 Sep 2011 04:09 | #

Isn’t it snide to take a snapshot of some young men joking around with girls at a parade and post it as some moralistic violation?

Have not many of you done stupid embarrassing things with women? And if you havent, arent you the less cool for not having done it? I wonder how many snapshots you could take of my life that would be on par with this - for example I have dry-humped a woman in a mouse-costume during Karnival in Germany. Thats the least of the list.

And what is it specifically that prevents us from extending to these people the understanding we would grant to other young men - because theyre in uniform? Because the women are black?

And its hubris and actually wrong to draw a parallel to the fall of Rome, such as Wandrin does and those that echo after him - that historical understanding has surface plausibility and moralistic appeal and the list of its advantages end there. That narrative about Rome holding power but being corrupted by it after the loss of their ‘virtue’ hangs on a definition of virtue that never gets beyond foggy. What was this great virtue? What is Factor X? Being stiff-lipped? Not humping black chicks at a festival where they are humping you? Fighting in wars? Virtue never gets clarified, but it is always reflexively supposed to be an attribute of the speaker/analyst. For example, implicitly Wandrin feels he has more of this quantity than the police officers. Would he then please inform us as to the precise dimensions of this quantity and the nature of the magic it has worked in his personal experience? If he does so with any clarity, I will eat my hat.

The idea that Rome’s fall paralleled the biblical Fall of Man in some way implies that losing political control over Europe is tantamount to entering oblivion. In reality, the Italic peoples assumed something of a thousand year cultural *reign* over the rest Europe beginning precisely with the loss of political power. A thousand years after their supposed descent into darkness we have Shakespeare learning sonnet form from them and Italy basically being a cultural beacon on most levels for all European peoples. We laugh and scorn their loss of political power, not seeing how culturally powerless the newly ascended Teutons were - who had no higher ideas of their own, and who lived in obscure service to the imported ideas of the nations that were supposedly now under their thumb. Is it in retrospect then really so clear that political domination is the loadstar this analysis would have it be?

And another implicationn is that with enough factor X distilled, a nation could forestall collapse and change forever. That analysis would imply that the people who use history for projecting their own personal fixations - this is what ascribing ‘virtue’ to historical groups has always been about, a shell-game with which I lionize and demonize aspects of myself, a form of submerged therapy using The Winners and The Losers as archetypes of the self - these people who think they’ve understood the past through the lens of their own personality struggle - have hit upon a formula by which structures could be kept intact forever. Moreover it means they have accurately teased out all the variables in the most massively multidimensional control-less and unsystematically observed experiment ever to be conducted. Shall I say here that I dont have this kind of respect for the intellects of the men who engage in these late night wanderings? “Duh, get ya some virtue, reign forever, never have to lose power.” The idea that the flow of history exists to be understood or controlled on that scale is simply wrong.

This meme of “present day sucketh, man not have virtue” was documented as existing in all periods irrespective of when they occured and who held power. In other words people have been bitching about there not being enough Factor X since forever. It was documented 3,000 years ago in Egypt. It exists in Greece during its supposed Golden Age (see Aristophanes), in England during the Elizabethan age (see Boswell and Johnson’s travelogue to the Hebrides), in Imperial Rome they bitched about it not being Republic Rome (see Virgil and every other writer basically) and in late-Imperial Rome they bitched about it not being High Imperial Rome (see Juvenal). In America in the 50s I know of certain locals where the decay of virtue was decried - and subsequently the retrospectives that honored the 50s throughout the 70s, 80s and 90s. Currently on YouTube you cant share a beautiful piece of music such as this without 80s and 90s kids coming out of the woodwork to disparage everything that has been created post 1995. My father claims to have seen the last Good Old Days of England, but I know for a fact that in the time of his coming up the older generations were largely of the opinion that a total meltdown was taking place within society. After all, David Bowie was already performing at that point. So who the fuchel are we supposed to belief?

An alternative theory of course and the only one with a enough consistency for my tastes, is that this retrospective idealization of the past is a waking dream-state that human beings enter automatically, and it is such a strong tendency that we do it in all periods, irrespective of when, where, and the details of circumstances. This is because as humans we advance into a knowledge of the problematic we are born into as we grow older - our sense of our problems and difficulties gains clarity over time. Meaning we grow into a deeper understanding of our problems as the years roll on. As we start out, we are near completely oblivious of them. By the end of our lives, our sense of being entrapped by them is very real. I wont spell it out, but its impossible for me to grant the validity of any of these assertions about past present or future. I call this perceptual error ‘Decadence Critique’ and what I’ve outlined above was the nougat-filled center of my Critique of Decadence Critique, as it was pimped on here briefly 2008-2010. It is a perceptual error that inveigles those smart enough to want to conceptualize and attach meaning to history.


Posted by anon / uh on Thu, 15 Sep 2011 06:30 | #

for example I have dry-humped a woman in a mouse-costume during Karnival in Germany. Thats the least of the list.

Spare us the rest of it.

And what is it specifically that prevents us from extending to these people the understanding we would grant to other young men - because theyre in uniform? Because the women are black?

Yes and yes. For what it’s worth, I’d grant no one doing that sort of thing my sympathy. I’ve even done it once as a joke — with another dude. (He was REALLY cute tho.)  I know being a prig in our time seems the stupidest way in the world to be, surrounded by libido dominandi as we are. When I’m in Miami I go to clubs and snort coke. In fact while you were gallavanting around Tesco with your buddies pretending to be Alex & his droogs, I was probably in Colombia at a nightclub, probably snorting coke, and definitely wasted. I make exceptions all the time as a compromise with my environment. Yet there were times, right where I am and you are, when such grotesqueries were unknown. This Summer I went out to Montana and herded sheep. I went to Great Falls for some shitty festival and didn’t see any guido cops grinding with negresses in gaudy costume. Didn’t see it in June when I was helping out an Amish family in the St. Lawrence Valley with their Angus herd. Honestly all those people made me just as uneasy as the others would, but that’s life in 2011. Of course it is totally arbitrary to point at one spectacle and say something ominous in Latin. Yet it isn’t wrong to take a stand against an obviously precipitous decline in the moral character of mankind. This is shit one expects from Papuans, yet it’s ugly dark women who have more clout in this society than I have with two men who have the authority to throw me to the ground and put me in handcuffs if I disagree with them.

I believe we are equivalent in age, PF. That means that, despite growing up in different countries, we’ve been exposed to many of the same cultural infections of the age, probably many more in my case as I had a totally vulgar, cartoon-watching, candy-swallowing childhood and youth. How is it, then, that I am more of a prig than you are, with your frou-frou prize-winning poetry and mouse-costume carnival antics? why have I always felt a great inner resistance to this grotesque pseudo-dionysiac behavior of the postmodern crowd with its BAILA BAILA BAILA and incessant woo-hoooing? One would think the great PF, a real Englishman, would comport himself with much more reserve than diddling and grinding wit doitsche maedlz. Yet it is I who can’t bring myself to join in the lascivious fun whenever I have the misfortune to meet with it in my few public outings. Oh sure, if I have enough shots I’ll pretend for a minute, maybe sing a song in French or recite some of Constantin’s poetry just to be an asshole, but in the main I am always deeply scandalized by these vulgar shenanigans, this insistence on “loosening up”, blah blah blah. The other day I was learning about the bonobos, who tongue-kiss, screw, and give each other handjobs “to relieve tension” when they find a new food source or wake up in the morning. It occurred to me that this is precisely how sex is employed in modern society, and the greater sway of women tallies precisely with the confusion over who-rules-whom in bonobo society. In reality the male and female bonobos are too besotted with libido to ever advance to rule by one sex.

On the analogy with Rome and all derivative points, I agree with you entirely. I tired of golden ages long ago. All of that pining for the passé composé is deeply alienating. It’s enough to make one want to dive dick-first into that crowd in the video.

once upon a time, the Romans were simple men who tended their flocks. Then they discovered tufa, granite and marble and became a city, conquered other tribes, invited a backwash of peoples into their territory, and the crowded tenements and disease and vice and grain shortages of the city became much worse, taking the literate, the elite, the men of long memory that much further from the original plan. Oh well, life evolves, it grows ever more complex. But do we stop longing for the simpler times altogether merely because we must endure the spectacle of a “liberated” Rassenmischmaschbrei dancing all over the work of millennia? I know its sounds so stuffy, so unlike uh, who after all has nothing whatever to do with civilization beyond his IBM laptop and clothes stitched in Honduras/Macau/China (where’s Macau again??), yet on the other hand, India can safely accommodate its hijdas and corpse-sitters because it’s been India for as long as anyone can remember, but America has not been this America for so long. The memory of the time when this shit didn’t happen is still in living memory. You can’t expect everyone to join your carneval, PF. I don’t know why the disinclination wasn’t passed down to or didn’t persevere in your blood. Did your father listen Bowie? Mine did. Maybe that’s why I listened to Marilyn Manson when I was a kid.

The idea that the flow of history exists to be understood or controlled on that scale is simply wrong.

That’s true dawg. I too resent the implications — as though civilization were anything other than an open door to vice of every kind. To quote my old hero, “You live with apes, man, it’s hard to be clean!”

In other words people have been bitching about there not being enough Factor X since forever.

Fortunately it will premier on American TV this month!!! I really missed Cowell th’old bastard.

So who the fuchel are we supposed to belief?

All I know is that we ought to beware of both false golden ages and retrojecting our comfort with the venality of the present, real one, which I perceive you to have done. I don’t want to pretend England was anywhere near as bad in 1960 because Ziggy Stardust was making chicks wet and blokes wuz readin’ Alfie, anymore than I want to pretend it was the perfect society because Guessedworker /yaw dad was a good lad happily ensconced in his element.

Meaning we grow into a deeper understanding of our problems as the years roll on. As we start out, we are near completely oblivious of them. By the end of our lives, our sense of being entrapped by them is very real.

Good one. A keeper. Though I would reserve “dream-state” to describe childhood itself, as this “backward gaze” has no characteristics of a proppa fugue. You actually contradict yourself there: if the gathering awareness of problems and limitations is due to more experience with them it is a rational procedure, whereas its absence, i.e. childhood, is precisely the irrational, ignorant “dream-state”. Still it’s an intriguing idea. And of course there is a direct analogy of childhood/adulthood perspective with the civilized man’s backward, idealizing view of the milder days of his kulchur. I’m sure this can be traced back to deepening furrows in the brain n shit like that.

GREAT song by the way. Had forgotten that one. HERE is one of my all-time favs; I know you’ll dig it.

south side
greater judaea, 2011


Posted by Robert Reis on Thu, 15 Sep 2011 16:01 | #


the bankers


Posted by Selous Scout on Fri, 16 Sep 2011 04:05 | #

Just yell “nigger-lover” at these low-life cops and see how they react.

It’s all about “in-your-face” politics. (I have a twice-broken nose to prove it).

Fuckin’ cowards.

Soon, hopefully, we’re going to use more than mere words.


Posted by Andrew Neather on Fri, 16 Sep 2011 09:35 | #

I’ve seen barnyard animals behave with more decorum and dignity than that.
That’s what sows do when they are in oestrus - and the ‘dirty boar’, one of NYPD’s finest responded in kind.
Once upo a time he would have been sacke on the spot for that obscene public lewdness.
Gloucester Old Spot and Landrace perhaps?

Not wishing to insult any Italians here, I bet that disgusting pervert of a copper was an Italian - he seemed to have an Italian nose.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 16 Sep 2011 13:14 | #

Who the hell is “anon/uh”?

Is this anon from Belize? or the “uh” from years back?


Was the nose from cops? UK or American? What was the context: racial, or were you just being rowdy?


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 16 Sep 2011 14:38 | #

This is uh, our Italian-American friend who took himself away because of a misunderstanding, but whose return is most welcome.


Posted by anon / uh on Fri, 16 Sep 2011 22:20 | #

Danks papa. wink


Posted by Bill on Sat, 24 Sep 2011 13:04 | #

Are they getting it at last?

‘It is time that we reclaimed liberalism’

Frank Furedi (of Spiked Magazine) talks to Brendan O’Neill about his new book On Tolerance and why he wants to halt and reverse the warping of the liberal outlook.
by Brendan O’Neill

In On Tolerance: A Defence of Moral Independence, Furedi argues that tolerance has been almost completely denuded of its radicalism and humanism. It started life as a key ideal of Enlightened thinking, promoting the idea that the toleration of and interplay between clashing beliefs would help to nurture a healthy public sphere and a greater capacity to uncover the Truth. But now, in stark contrast, ‘tolerance’ is used to mean merely non-judgementalism, never saying anything rude or critical about another person’s beliefs and lifestyle choices on the basis that ‘you have no right to criticise’. And this gives rise, not to open-mindedness and rigorous debate, but to its opposite: a stifling atmosphere of ‘You can’t say that!’ and, ironically, an intolerant climate of intellectual restraint.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 24 Sep 2011 14:01 | #

Apologies -omitted from 12.04 PM above.


Hectored to join lunch.


Posted by Robert Reis on Tue, 27 Sep 2011 23:53 | #

Vote for Obama:

More on a black mob’s violent invasion of a white family in their Philadelphia home
With one partial exception, a Google search for

“Mark Lavelle” mob house

reveals no mainstream media coverage of the violent invasion of a white family’s home by a black mob in Philadelphia, other than the one in the Philadelphia Daily News that was published today—18 days after the incident occurred.
The exception is a September 22 story in the Northeast Times Star, a community weekly. It presents many details, including details of the attack on Lavelle in his home, that are not contained in the Daily News piece. Unlike the Daily News, the Star makes no reference to race in its initial account of the incident. It does not say the armed mob was black. It says that the reason for the attack is a “mystery.” The only references to race are indirect, as in this statement from Lavelle: “Then someone said ‘Something’s gonna happen now, white boy’ and they began kicking in the door.”

Only after its account of the attack is over, does the Star come clean: “Soon after the attacks, racial tensions flared in the neighborhood. Lavelle and the two boys are white; most of the people in the mob were black or Hispanic.”

Also, the story makes it clear that Lavelle, while he acquitted himself very well during the incident, is a typical liberal. When a black woman showed up at his door the day after the incident, saying, “You got my son locked up because you’re white and he’s black,” and threatening him, his response was to prove his liberal credentials: he told her that he has a black nephew. What if he didn’t have a black nephew? Would it then have been OK for the woman to threaten him? And when police held a meeting about the rowdy black crowds that gather at a park in the neighborhood, Lavelle said, “I told them we can’t just be critical of kids drinking on the corner, because you did that when you were their age.”

Here’s the article: MORE…

Posted by Lawrence Auster at 01:05 PM

Black mob with bats and pipes besieges and invades white family in their Philadelphia home
Because the second paragraph of the article, from the Philadelphia Daily News, didn’t seem to follow from the second, I had to read the two paragraphs about three times before they made sense. This is what the story tells us. Dozens of blacks with bats and pipes were chasing (or threatening) two white boys in a residential neighborhood. The two boys approached Mark Lavelle, a white man, on the street and asked for his help, and he ran with them into his house, whereupon the mob surrounded and broke into the house. One man hit Lavelle with a pipe. A second punched him in face. A third brandished a gun, and Lavelle wrestled with him until the sound of police sirens led the mob to flee.

The reporter does not explain why, since the incident occurred on September 9, it is only being reported today, September 27. Evidently it took the staff at the News two and a half weeks to come to terms with reporting a black mob invasion of a white home.

Posted on Tue, Sep. 27, 2011
Chased home: Mob attacks man in his house
Philadelphia Daily News
ABOUT 11 P.M. on Sept. 9, dozens of youths with bats and pipes descended on a tidy residential area of Port Richmond looking for white teens who allegedly had attacked an African-American kid at Stokely Playground a couple of hours earlier.

Two fearful white teens spotted Mark LaVelle on Indiana Avenue near Belgrade Street and asked for help. Suddenly, the mob appeared. LaVelle, who said that he didn’t know the two kids, who looked to be 13 or 14, ran with them into his nearby house.

” ‘We got you, you white mother——!’ ” LaVelle said he heard someone yell in the “mob” of black and Hispanic youths.

Inside his house, LaVelle, 37, called to his wife, Kim, 30, to go to their bedroom with their twin 13-month-old boys, Mark and Mason, and to call police. He also ordered his two other sons, 11 and 17, and his nephew, 7, to stay upstairs.

With the two teens hiding in the house, LaVelle, 5 feet 10, 220 pounds, a well-known sports-league organizer and coach in the community, went outside to try to calm the angry mob. MORE…

Posted by Lawrence Auster at 11:45 AM

Let euphemism ring!


Posted by life coach on Tue, 04 Oct 2011 08:37 | #

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)
