On The Eve of Ethnic Genetic Interest’s Most Important Day

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 31 October 2015 07:18.

Overlooking the graveyard

DanielS, in comment 147409 on Wed, 28 Oct 2015 wrote:

Jimmy, while defending the enjoyable pagan sourced holiday of Halloween against the Orthodox Church, we might also take occasion to note that the Christian Church has arrogated what is the most sacred holiday to our ethnic genetic interests, which is the day following - November 1rst - in Eastern Europe it is still a day when European folks commemorate their forebears, visiting the cemetery to pay special respects. It is practiced there in cloaked manner. But reverent respect that should be directed toward our ancestors has been largely diverted by the Church and back into its Judeo-religion; worse still in the west, where the “All Saints Day” (Nov. 1) diversion has been taken so far that our ancestor reverence is but the vaguest remnant, a phantom holiday, somehow indicated on some calendars, but not observed - merely alluded-to very indirectly for those who care to look behind the etymology of the name, “Halloween”, and into its true history.

Upon reviewing the matter of Halloween, I see that I was so focused on the importance of the European day of our ancestor veneration - or what should be the point of celebration on November 1 - commemoration of our forebears (typically including a family visit to their graveside), that I lost sight of the fact that the Church was not only distracting from the true significance of the November 1 celebration for us; but also that Halloween itself was not a part of the mere diversion and distraction from the holiday. While many in East Europe see November 1 as an important holiday, Halloween still tends to be perceived by them through the churchly lens as a recent and corrupt affectation imposed from the commercial West, rather than an integral part of the holiday.

My response to Jimmy was correct in the general idea - of the Church burying our most sacred holiday - viz., in reverence of our ancestors - but I had neglected his point in fact of Halloween itself being an integral part of the holiday, not a fluffed-up and commercialized imposition to distract from the real thing:

Halloween Reality 1
Initiating the children into becoming one with their forebears.

As the most important, sacred, commemorative holiday practice in reconstruction of our EGI through the initiation of our true Traditional Youth is under assault by The Orthodox Church (in this case), it becomes particularly relevant to highlight against the false Traditional Youth and their Orthodox Christian religion of our debates.

Apologies to Jimmy for the initial misapprehension of his post and his purpose:

Jimmy Marr in comment 147408 on Wed, 28 Oct 2015 16:08 wrote (emphasis added):

In evidence by the October 24th, 2015 edition of The Moscow Times, Christ-insanity is continuing to wage its age-old war against [the true] Traditional Youth.

The Education Ministry of northwestern Russia’s Arkhangelsk region has banned Halloween celebrations at local schools, citing the holiday’s harmful effect on children, the FlashNord news agency reported Monday.

The ministry’s statement said that Halloween is “incoherent to basic traditional values and causes a negative influence on fragile minds.”

The ban was instituted a week after the Russian Orthodox Church in Siberia’s Krasnoyarsk region called on local authorities to ban Halloween on a similar basis, the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper reported. Priest Maxim Zolotukhin told local STS-Prima television station that children may get depressed after Halloween because they do not understand the difference between make-believe and reality, and so evil will enter their souls.

Russia’s regional authorities have displayed hostility toward Halloween many times over the years.

In February this year, a school director in Siberia’s Khanty-Mansiisk autonomous district was fired for organizing a Halloween party at his school last year, the Snob magazine reported at the time.

And in 2013, the Omsk regional Education Minister Sergei Alexeyev issued a letter against Halloween celebrations in schools. He explained that Halloween includes “death cult propaganda” that can damage student’s psychiatric and “spiritual-ethical health,” local news website NGS Omsk reported.

In 2014, Public Chamber member Georgy Fyodorov wrote a letter to Russia’s Culture Minister Vladimir Medinsky asking him to officially ban Halloween. Fyodorov saw the celebration as an “ideological security threat” to Russia and proposed the promotion of traditional Russian festivals instead, the Izvestia newspaper reported.

Inasmuch as the war against Halloween is a proxy war waged by christians against [the real] Traditional Youth, it is little wonder that metaphysical mercenaries would attempt to distort the meaning of that name and use it as spiritual camouflage. Their masters have taught them well.

Halloween Reality 1
Halloween Ritual for the True Traditional Youth of Europe.

ThuleanPerspective /Youtube Transcript, ‘Paganism, Part II; The Goblin & The Elf, 04 Dec 2014:

The children are not [considered] real people yet, not until they go through this initiation rite on Halloween…when they enter the realm of death, dressing up as the dead, taking on the identity of a dead person..  in a sense they become this person..  they have the same name, the same honor and the same death as the person they chose to become in this initiation ritual. The dead person, of course, is one of the dead forbears.

You can say that they believed in reincarnation.

Let us note also the ethnic genetic reincarnation.


So, they are returning to the Yule Tide and they are returning in the night. They are lead by the Sorcerer and the deity from farm to farm with these children to bring them back home… the families wished them welcome with some food on the table… to enable them to eat and feel welcome when they come back home.

During the Christian era, those in Church power wanted to destroy this tradition, they wanted to destroy European culture.  So they demonized these children and turned them into grotesque creatures, mocking them for their “superstitious belief in goblins” and so-forth when in reality they didn’t believe in any such things.

But the farmers could no longer put the food on a table inside the home for the children because church authorities might find out; so they had to put it into the barn.

These were not evil spirits, they were merely children returning for their initiation ritual [into the legacy of their forebears].

[Even so] the children were perceived by church people as becoming as twisted goblins [misunderstanding their transit with the dead where they were communing with elves, which were the spirit of the dead].

The children are the reborn dead relatives.

The elves were known to always sing, dance and read poetry because they are trying to preserve their memory..

This illustrates what the Christians have done to our culture. They have taken a beautiful, European, pagan religion, tradition, pagan culture, and twisted it…

..turned it into some grotesque mockery of what it really was.

The grotesque, twisted image of our religion was made by the Christians in an attempt to destroy, to weed-out our roots, to cut our roots so that our culture, our peoples would fall.

What the church could not burn they twisted.

But the European culture was beautiful, rich, advanced and most importantly, it was ours.

An argument by Mick Lately:

Mick Lately in comment 147410 on Wed, 28 Oct 2015 18:01 wrote:

I think Halloween is being turned into perverted paganism and that it is part of the whole “weaponized anthropology” campaign. Not to mention that it’s “cultural appropriation” for non-whites to celebrate Halloween.

I would support the official ban of Halloween as a temporary wartime measure and allow it and Christianity back when the Jews and non-whites have been defeated.

A significant rebuttal to Mick Lately by Kumiko Oumae:

Kumiko Oumae in comment 147414 on Thu, 29 Oct 2015 02:37 wrote:

Weaponised against who, though? The ‘weaponisation’ of anthropology is when research of the culture and history of an ethnic group is used by belligerent groups to facilitate their mission objectives. However, our mission objective as ethno-nationalists and ethno-regionalists is to:

1. Defeat those who try promote mass mestizaje;
2. Promote viewpoints which would enhance people’s willingness to reinforce national and regional borders;
3. Promote regional integration and common security perimeters on the basis of shared ethnic and cultural heritage, as well as shared economic interests.

In order to prevent our enemies from occupying positions of cultural power, it’s necessary to get everyone to quit looking to churches for guidance, because the churches are opposed to everything that we stand for.

There is probably nothing more that the churches would love to do in their own form of ‘weaponised anthropology’, than to re-colonise the minds of the people through some form of renewed culture war, and thus disarm them mentally before anything even gets off the ground.

You can’t just place a temporary ban on culture because [you imagine that] it’s ‘inconvenient’ for you to have to fight on that level. The enemies are not going to suspend their own culture war against you to be ‘fair’ to you in the meantime.

Jews, Christians, Muslims, and the whole liberal media combine that is arrayed against you, are not going to call truce on you if you promise them that you’ll stop celebrating Halloween. They’d just have liberals and Jews hollow it out into a purely commercialised holiday with no content at all, and Christians and Muslims would then bash it and present themselves as a false opposition to such ‘commercialism’ as part of their own recruiting drives.

Retreating from the sociocultural domain has never produced good results, not ever. In the conflict that is going to come later, these kinds of arguments that are occurring in the sociocultural domain are going to form part of the crucial groundwork that will determine the way that conflict will manifest, how it will be fought, and what the outcome of that conflict will be. Dealing with laying that groundwork can’t be put off until later. The content of the conflict and the ideas around which that conflict is fought, determine the nature of the outcome of that conflict in the event of victory.

That is part of why I am never interested in advocating collaboration with Christianity in the pre-conflict environment, not even as a cynical play. That is a losing game, because firstly, Christianity cannot be trusted to maintain a martial posture or to adhere to the ethno-nationalist or ethno-regionalist principles. In the aftermath, if collaboration with Christianity resulted in a Christian-dominated outcome, then it would mean that everything was done for nothing.

The religion issue is not a side-issue, it’s not a mere ‘question’ that is asked and answered in a little policy book somewhere. It’s a core part of the problem in the North Atlantic. Getting rid of Christianity is a necessary pre-condition to the survival of the peoples of the North Atlantic.




Posted by Spooking the spooks on Sun, 08 Nov 2015 15:38 | #



Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 09 Nov 2015 17:45 | #

Thanks for following up on my Halloween link, Daniel. Today, I discovered a more comprehensive video presentation of related material by Marie Cachet. The Halloween/Thule material is presented in the final 20% of the video, but I also found the preceding 75% interesting and helpful as a primer.



Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 11 Nov 2015 09:32 | #

Thank you, Jimmy, for your hard work in the cause of a White future and, as you are an exponent of the world’s best martial music, please do not forget to dip every new reed in whisky.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Wed, 11 Nov 2015 14:57 | #

Thank you, Al. I’m now five years into my bagpipe journey.

To the make of a piper go seven years of his own learning and seven generations before. If it is in, it will out, as the Gaelic old-word says; if not, let him take to the net or sword. At the end of his seven years one born to it will stand at the start of knowledge, and leaning a fond ear to the drone, he may have parley with old folks of old affairs.

Playing the tune of the “Fairy Harp”, he can hear his forefolks, plaided in skins, towsy headed and terrible, grunting at the oars and snoring in the caves; he has his wittle and club in the “Desperate Battle” (my own tune, my darling!), where the white-haired sea-rovers are on the shore, and stain’s on the edge of the tide; or, trying his art on Laments, he can stand by the cairn of kings, ken the colour of Fingal’s hair, and see the moon-glint on the hook of the Druids!

Neil Munro, The Lost Pibroch


Posted by Matt Parrott on Wed, 11 Nov 2015 22:02 | #

blah blah blah.

Are y’all ever going to post the debate? I’m patient, but if you’ve lost your copy, I can perhaps send you mine?


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 12 Nov 2015 03:22 | #

Between work and things that had to be done with the site, we’ve been delayed in putting-up the audio.

It is a priority item now, in order to go-up within a few days (i.e., not weeks).


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 12 Nov 2015 04:44 | #

Posted by Matt Parrott on Wed, 11 Nov 2015 17:02 | #  blah blah blah.

It seems odd that you would characterize discussion of the resurrection of European EGI’s most important day (and eve) as “bla bla”... but then again, the discussion is calling attention to your Church as a prime culprit in the destruction and plowing-under of a most crucial, authentic European practice.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Thu, 12 Nov 2015 07:35 | #

Indeed, basically we needed to deal with some site-related issues first which could not be put off, and that pushed back the schedule on everything. It may not look like anything changed around here, but that’s only because the issues and the changes were all behind the scenes.

The audio from the interview we did with you will go up soon though, Matt.


Posted by Matt Parrott on Thu, 12 Nov 2015 20:41 | #


The CMS remains ExpressionEngine, so you’ve evidently not solved the problem. :D


Posted by What would black metal say about Paris? on Mon, 16 Nov 2015 17:52 | #


What would Varg Vikernes (Burzum), The Death Metal Musician, the man accused of White terror - charged by French authorities with being a “neo-Nazi” - say in response to the Paris attacks?


The man said to have burned the temples of non-European religions also rejects additional modern day terms, saying in response to the politically correct French media, “no, I am not a neo-Nazi, I am not even a ‘nationalist’, because I think nations are modern constructs, they are not natural entities.”

I’m glad that he is not a Nazi (an imperialist); but I might rather treat nations as natural entities in the etymological sense of natio, which are also necessary in the geo-political world as the organic inevitably plays-out. But I appreciate his subsidiarity, very much.

I appreciate his anti-Christianity as well, a stance against that religion which is not ours; while I do not recommending burning churches. Better to convert them to swimming pools, clubs, or modern day temples, etc. Many of those buildings are quite fine works of European handymen. It is kind of a shame to burn them as opposed to putting them to better use; after all, Christians replaced many fine pagan temples with Churches.

Temple to Mercury en le Puy


Posted by Scutari parole denied for the 14 Words on Wed, 18 Nov 2015 21:47 | #

TT Metzger and Richard Scutari

Richard Scutari’s parole was denied by a colored woman who presided over his hearing. She sent him back for another ten years in prison, citing his frequent allusion to “the fourteen words” as a sign that he was not rehabilitated.

Metzger’s signature phrase uses both David Lane’s 14 words and adds a 5, i.e., “14/5”.

The Fourteen Words: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for White children”

And five words: “I have nothing to say” (i.e., to police, feds, etc.).

Order member Scutari is distinguished for loyalty in both regards, to the 14 words and to the 5.


Posted by This date: Bob Mathews on Tue, 08 Dec 2015 09:04 | #

Tom Metzger and members of the White Aryan Resistance (WAR) gathered at a South Whidbey State Park campsite Saturday, but no incidents resulted. The group is a White group with ties to other White Separatist groups.

“WAR reserved the site to hold a ‘vigil to commemorate’ the death of Robert Matthews,  leader of ‘The Order,’ a WAR splinter group. About 12 to 18 people of unknown affiliation visited the site, according to the Island County Sheriff’s office.

“Matthews was murdered Dec. 8, 1984, in a long confrontation with federal and county authorities.



Posted by Our Ancestors Day on Wed, 01 Nov 2017 06:44 | #

SwedenSe Culture Traditions, “All Saints’ Day”, 1 Nov 2017:

All Saints’ Day is a day of dignity and reflection. The custom of lighting candles on family graves is still widely practised, and anyone passing a cemetery in Sweden this weekend is met by some beautiful scenes.

Candlelit cemeteries

The countless points of light from the candles and lanterns placed on graves form beautiful patterns in the snow and lend a special feel to the landscape. People also lay flowers and wreaths on graves on All Saints’ Day. A jar of flowering heather stands up well to the cold.

First day of winter

In southern Sweden, outdoor work is nearing completion, while in the north, All Saints’ Day marks the first day of winter and the traditional start of the alpine ski season.

Until recently, shops and stores were closed to mark the occasion. Although this is no longer the case everywhere, most Swedes take the day off, and those who don’t visit cemeteries usually stay at home with the family and cook an ambitious meal of some kind. Many churches organise concerts to celebrate All Saints’ Day.

All Saints’ Day – the origins

In the year 731 AD, 1 November was designated a day of remembrance for saints of the church who had no days of their own. From the 11th century, 2 November was dedicated to all the dead, of whatever standing, and was called All Souls’ Day. It was widely observed by the populace, with requiems and bell-ringing, but was abolished with the arrival of the Reformation. In 1772, All Saints’ Day in Sweden was moved to the first Sunday in November and in 1953 to the Saturday between 31 October and 6 November.

In the 1900s, however, people began putting lighted candles on the graves of the departed on All Saints’ Day. This custom originated with wealthy families in towns and cities. But after the World War II, it spread throughout the country. Churches also began holding services of light to mark the day.



Posted by Sweden & Italy worship Saint Lucifer on Sat, 22 Sep 2018 18:30 | #

Despite being at the extremities of the European continent, both Italy and Sweden share the pagan religions not only of ancestor worship on November 1rst, but also the worship of Saint Lucifer on December 13th.




Posted by Police set Ebba Åkerlund's murderer free on Sat, 22 Sep 2018 22:46 | #

11 year old Ebba Åkerlund was ripped apart by the terrorist in Sweden last year.

Her grave was VANDALIZED, but her dad caught the criminal in the act, and called the cops.

But the police set the man FREE - And now her grave has been vandalized AGAIN!!!



Posted by Our Ancestor's Day's Eve on Wed, 31 Oct 2018 08:16 | #

Hugh MacDonald, “An Amateur History of Halloween”

Ethnocentrism and Halloween


Posted by The Sheltering Sky on Wed, 31 Oct 2018 11:29 | #

The Sheltering Sky



Posted by H.P. Lovecraft on Thu, 01 Nov 2018 07:51 | #

The Horror at Red Hook

The Lurking Fear

The Shadow Over Insmouth

“The Thing on the Doorstep”

The Thing on the Doorstep, H.P. Lovecaft, Weird Tales, 1937:

  Some of the whispered rumors about the wild Miskatonic set were extremely singular. There was even talk of black magic and of happenings utterly beyond credibility.


  Edward was thirty-eight when he met Asenath Waite. She was, I judge, about twenty-three at the time; and was taking a special course in mediaeval metaphysics at Miskatonic. The daughter of a friend of mine had met her before - in the Hall School at Kingsport - and had been inclined to shun her because of her odd reputation. She was dark, smallish, and very good-looking except for overprotuberant eyes; but something in her expression alienated extremely sensitive people. It was, however, largely her origin and conversation which caused average folk to avoid her. She was one of the Innsmouth Waites, and dark legends have clustered for generations about crumbling, half-deserted Innsmouth and its people. There are tales of horrible bargains about the year 1850, and of a strange element “not quite human” in the ancient families of the run-down fishing port - tales such as only old-time Yankees can devise and repeat with proper awesomeness.



Posted by Bushell's ghost on Fri, 02 Nov 2018 11:26 | #

I’ve posted this in a couple comments before, but it merits placement in this thread:

The Graves of The Fifty Great Escapists

      The mastermind, R. J. Bushell                           ...and J. Catanach, a nice Scottish name.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 02 Nov 2018 13:04 | #

Belatedly, unfortunately, I took more notice of a poem by Jimmy in this thread (now taken down).

It was clever poem and Jimmy has been a long standing friend to people at MR, thus I wanted to be as accommodating as possible - though somethings he posted hit a more immediate radar.

For example, when he made a head post entitled simply and comprehensively, “Poland” - all about one guy’s impression of Poland during the depression (and after it had existed for less than twenty years, its resources exploited by hostile empires), how backwards and stupid it was.

Another example was his being thrilled about a post (now taken down) discussing how “funny” Himmler was supposed to be.

Then we can move on to his setting up swastika flags for Craig Cobb in Leith…

Finally, the poem portraying Frasier Glenn Miller’s utterly stupid murders of three people as light nobility.

And it is all a reminder of Metzger’s advice, “this is the right wing”, “stay away, get out of the right.”

We cannot, of course, let likeable characters like Jimmy, with passion for our people and witty poetry though he may wield, lead us into right wing foolery.

Of course I do not condone of Glenn Miller’s act - never did - don’t think it’s funny or something to be emulated; it was every bit as foolish as the Pittsburgh synagogue shootings.

Then again, perhaps one doesn’t particularly notice something unusual coming up through a cultural atmosphere where you have Joan Baez singing “pull the triggers N*****s, we are with you”....

She wasn’t exactly recommending discretion.


Posted by H.P. Lovecraft on Sat, 02 Mar 2019 12:47 | #

brief bio of H.P. Lovecraft


Posted by Samhain on Thu, 31 Oct 2019 13:35 | #

A Kansas City family discuss their cekebration of Samhain


A lecture on Halloween’s origins


Another discussion of the origins of Halloween



Posted by Ancestor Reverence on Fri, 01 Nov 2019 11:08 | #

The video didn’t turn out well, but I paid my respects to the 50, on this, the eve of European Genetic Interests most important day.



Posted by Light Your White Light ...Saint Lucia on Fri, 13 Dec 2019 13:49 | #

Light Your White Light ...Saint Lucia


Posted by Account of the Gods of England and Norvin on Sun, 06 Sep 2020 06:41 | #

Almost all the way up into the 1800s, the English were recorded still honoring the Earth/Harvest Goddess in much the same manner that Tacitus describes the ancient Germans doing 1500 years before. We have NOT been Christians for two thousand or even a thousand years. Even when it was the nominal state religion of the day, the heath folk were still honoring our native gods and goddesses.

From “Looking for the Lost Gods of England” by Kathleen Herbert, pg. 20

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