Paul Weston on the demographics, Islam, and repatriation

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 25 November 2013 23:56.

Paul Weston’s blog:

Liberty GB:

Hat-tip to Morgoth



Posted by Circassian on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 11:09 | #

This nice looking gentleman, with a genuine expression of concern on his face for his fellow white Englishmen, commits a number of fatal follies.

(1) He spends 17 minutes explaining the dangers of been stabbed in the back with a dagger. And only few seconds (with a lowered voice, as if he wants to apologize for this) about the entity that is doing the stabbing: “In face of people who are impeccably hostile to us, this is something I believe … this is what the left want to happen ... this is what they deliberately engineering”.

(2)  “So what do we do about this?” – the gentleman is asking. And he offers the solution: “The only viable option on the table is to remove Islam from Britain”. There is no need to identify the LEFT. There is no need to do anything about the LEFT. All that is required is to remove the dagger from the back of England!

(3) He wants to save the problem in the framework of politically correct approaches without losing the comfort of living. I am sorry but that is not going to happen.

Congratulations, Mr. Weston, from one of those Muslims who, after living for 20 years in the USA, went back to his home land in Russia on his own volition, because he didn’t want his children to be raised in the totally Judised and spiritually dead West.

Your French cousins seem to me more realistic in their quest for savior. The rescue might come from unlikely places like politically incorrect Russia with its Orthodox Christianity and politically incorrect Iran with its traditional Islam.

If you speak French or Russian, I would highly recommend paying close attention to The Interview Given by the Director of the National Liberation Programme (and close associate of Vladimir Putin) Eugene Fedorov to a French journalist.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 11:28 | #

Wrong Circassian. The “left” is not the way for Whites to designate their enemies, in fact, it is the way for Whites to organize of themselves as a White Left - an organization that Jewish, corporate and/or other a-racial, right wing interests seek to disrupt by trying to compel us to tactlessly adopt the disorganizing moniker of the “right” while our antagonists effectively and compassionately (for themselves) organize as the “left.”

This post was buried a bit at the time by a trivial post by Richards just a few hours after it went up.

I was trying to wait for him to put up the last part of this Kennedy stuff, figuring it would otherwise once again be a way to bury more important concerns - viz. Ethnocracy, Sortocracy and The Euro-DNA Nation.

But Paul Weston’s plea was urgent enough and making the demographic concern forcibly enough so that I thought this was a good, non-trivial place to context the DNA Nation again, representing one way of addressing this catastrophe while (unlike Weston) keeping the J.Q. in mind, all the while.


Posted by Circassian on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 18:45 | #


As far as I can recall, JRichards was one of the very few sane contributors on this forum. If stifling a meaningful discourse is your ultimate goal, I have to congratulate you, along with Mr. Weston, on the job well done. If not, I have no idea what you are talking about.


Posted by Morgoth on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 19:36 | #


Paul Weston has written articles for years exposing what the Left are doing to their fellow Europeans. Furthermore, Islam in Europe IS the main issue, yes, yes I know about the Jewish string pullers, but its Islam which has the demographic boom and its Islam that is truly detested by the Native Europeans, if Islam was removed half of our problems would be solved right there and then. Then we can of course set about getting rid of the Blacks and the rest, but Islam is a seller.

Yes we can cry about the ‘‘Judised and spiritually dead West’’ but first we need to rid ourselves of Islam, we can set about sorting out the Jewish control when we have breathing space, we can’t do it under Sharia Law when rapidly heading to extinction !

I note a certain flirtatiousness between Muslims and White Nationalists, particularly in the US, I understand the thinking, the enemies of our enemies idea, but it is lunacy. We have Paki’s throwing people out of their homes and raping their children, we have the dead eyed Koran thumping loons in every town centre, we have the never ending river of tears about Palestinians from people who’re are engaged in ethnically cleansing the White Europeans, and yet far too many White Nationalists right this off ‘‘the Jews let them in, blame the Jews’’ it just isn’t good enough.

If Paul Weston or any other Nationalist went on TV he could be asked one of these questions :

‘‘So you believe the Jews have a master plan to wipe out the White Race?’‘

It would be a disaster, his Party would be dead.

He could also be faced with this:

‘‘You believe the threat from Islam is so great that Muslims should be deported?’‘

And he could answer truthfully, and the public would believe him.

What the above video is about is Weston clearing his throat and then moving on to state that his party will remove Islam from the country, and he should be applauded for it.



Posted by DanielS on Wed, 27 Nov 2013 06:29 | #

Posted by Circassian on November 26, 2013, 01:45 PM | #


As far as I can recall, JRichards was one of the very few sane contributors on this forum. If stifling a meaningful discourse is your ultimate goal, I have to congratulate you, along with Mr. Weston, on the job well done. If not, I have no idea what you are talking about.

Circassian, JRichards is too much about conspiracy theory and too paranoid about people being Jewish or having Jewish motives. I have no wish to derail meaningful discourse, on the contrary. In that regard, I am not particularly happy to see you back, as your comments were often irrelevant.

Morgoth, the Muslim problem in Europe is acute, a problem that I will never say does not have to be dealt with - which I am, in my own way - note the DNA Nation above.

I agree with you that it is important to deal with these matters with sufficient tact, no doubt: we do not want to come across as (nor to be, for that matter) Nazis, and we do not have to address the Jewish matter at every turn. But it is important to note that they are not White/European, and to distinguish their interests from ours, lest we continue to merely fight their wars.

Whether the Jews have a master plant to wipe out the White race or not, is not the point - the matter is they do not care about Europeans as we do. They care about Jews.  To draw a distinction between Jews and Europeans and recognizing our interests as different, is not the same as a tactless adoption of Nazism.

I agree that saying “the Jews let them in so blame the Jews isn’t (nearly) good enough”

That is why I am lobbying so hard to get us organized as peoples of European descent.

But, I do not see your charge, that White Nationalists (outside of David Duke), see Muslims as being valuable as the enemy of our enemies, as accurate.

Even the most radical WNs are almost always quite clear about Muslims not being ours or even valuable allies. Rather, they are a huge problem. While WN’s don’t want to fight Muslims in their lands, they do do not want them in Europe or any other White lands. (I know that there are White Muslims, that’s a subtopic; and I am sure you know what I mean).

Still, the power of Jewish influence should not be ignored. It is a bit backwards but more of a false either/or to say that we should deal with the Muslims first.

It is fine to deal with the Muslim issue and necessary for some exponents to be quiet and for all to be quiet at times about the fact that Jewish interests are not our interests, but it is wrong to ignore their power and influence.

Back to David Duke, while he is articulate of the many facts of Jewish influence, I believe that it is his view (and similar views of the parties I have named) that are misleading you to believe that White Nationalists look favorably upon Muslims and that they do not respect the urgency of the problem.

These perspectives are largely Hitleresque, and that is why they are largely disorganizational of Europeans/Whites (European people/White same thing in the way that I mean it), organization that might otherwise hold up to Islam. This myopic focus on Jews, to the point where it does even assimilate Nazism, becomes didactic to the public, causes an aversion to our mutual cause - a cause which is decidedly against Islam, Arabs, pakistani, etc imposition upon our peoples.

* On the other hand, I notice the British who criticize WN are interpreting it through the lens of Jewish media, thus seeing those who are tactless enough to cop to their attribution of Nazsim, as “representing” White Nationalism.

White is merely a word referring to persons of European descent. Nationalism is a means for maintaining the more particular (but necessary) distinctions.

I heard Mr. Weston’s plea loud and clear. And that is why I posted the Euro DNA Nation along side it, as one response and answer to its important call.




Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 27 Nov 2013 10:01 | #


Yes, I’ve made those points many times at MR, but thank you for stating the obvious, too. Anyone who fails to see Islam as the chief enemy of Europe is a fool. And by “Islam”, I mean both Islam-in-Europe, and the traditional Islamic world. The former is more immediately dangerous, as it allies with the race treasonous tendencies of vast numbers of psychologically malformed whites.

But the global Dar-al-Islam has been attacking Europe for 13 centuries, and, even without its immigrant advance column, but in light of its population boom and lack of carrying capacity, would constitute an eventual external threat, especially to a Europe in massive demographic decline.

Make no mistake: a great war is coming to Europe - and that would be the good news! The bad news would be a Europe peaceably dispossessed and racially extinguished via colonization and intermixture, as is happening to your kinsmen overseas.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 27 Nov 2013 11:06 | #

Frost writes...

All State societies are prone to collapse because their existence depends on the
State’s ability to repress individual and communal violence. Such repression permits a
higher level of economic output and ultimately a larger population. It also alters the mix of
behavioral genotypes by selecting out aggressiveness and selecting in submissiveness. If,
however, the State falters, there will be a resurgence of both individual and communal

This is what developed in Germany in the 1930s, not Talmudic reflection…what the ancient Romans called the ascendancy of latrones, gangsters…(Admission…this writer was critical of Guessedworkers’ gangster hypothesis, but upon reflection it appears to have merit).

Repatriation will not occur because it is required to be ‘fair and humane’ by its proponents.

It appears the operative words, in the request, are ‘fair and humane’. Perhaps s/he should be told that fair and humane combined with repatriation, is an oxymoron. Ultimately, there will be more stick than carrot. The Voluntary Repatriation Encouragement Act passed by the Kohl Government in 1983, returned ~250,000, mostly Turks, (about a quarter of the foreign Turkish population in Germany at that time), to their homeland. A similar success rate in the UK moves 1.5 million home, (assuming a 10% foreign population, mostly in England) although that number probably will include Polish and possibly even Irish nationals. The remainder, ~4.5 million will need further encouragement, i.e. the stick. What then qualifies as a ‘fair and humane’ use of the stick? Or does it even matter if “...we shall not compromise on leaving nothing of the devil’s handiwork in place … on doing whatever we must to remain forever who we are.” Does the end now justify the means…that is as long as we don’t invade Poland?


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 27 Nov 2013 12:59 | #

I see Desmond is trying to invoke relevance for his fantasy of inter-European war, viz. doing the Hitler all over again.

As for Leon, one must wonder how much he is being paid to divert from the pejorative effects of Jewish power and influence upon European interests (whether in The US or Europe) and how much more evidence is necessary for people to see that (power and influence) and that it is not either or - certainly not some repulsive, philosemitic “White Zion” or abyss, not either Muslims or Jews - it is rather that neither are European and neither care about us.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 27 Nov 2013 23:54 | #

Is Weston even aware of the enormity of the task of repatriation? And will such an exercise mean moral debasement of the English?

Posted by Fred Scrooby on March 14, 2009, 10:56 AM | #

Here’s Robert Locke’s plan as posted by Desmond in the Peter Hitchens thread:

Robert Locke’s transfer plan:
1.  As soon as the repatriation policy is credibly announced, X% of the non-whites see the writing on the wall and leave.
2. When a cash bribe is offered, another X% go.
3. When stiff taxes are imposed, another X%.
4. When arrangements for compensation for lost property are put on a sliding scale rewarding those who leave soonest, another X%.
5. When non-whites are fired from their jobs, another X%.
6. When they only receive an unemployment check if mailed to an address outside the UK, another X%.
7. When non-whites are expelled from schools and universities, another X%.
8. When certain parts of Britain are declared “non-white-free zones,” another X%.
9. When the electricity is turned off, X%.
10. When the water is turned off, X%.
11. When sale of gasoline to non-whites is prohibited, X%.
12. When sale of food to non-whites is prohibited, X%.
13. When a 24-hr curfew is imposed, X%.
14.  Arrest non-whites on the street and deport them.
15. Have the police physically drag non-whites from their homes.
16. Have the army physically drag non-whites from their homes.
17. Warn people their homes will be blown up with them inside them if they don’t leave.
18. Carry out threat 17. (The Highland Holocaust)

Inter-European war is no fantasy. It has been relevant at least since Caesar’s army marched into Gaul and exterminated a million ‘barbaric’ Celts to repress their sovereign individualism and communal violent resistance to dominance by the serpent that was Roman jurisprudence.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 28 Nov 2013 00:32 | #

The point is not what has happened in the past; nor should there be any necessary lineal causality inferred. Rather, it almost seems to be a wish of yours that there be inter European war; and only a fool would prefer that to inter European alliance and to taking measures in restoration of native control over European nations.

Having said that, Robert Locke’s list is pretty good.



Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 28 Nov 2013 18:38 | #

But there is no demographic apocalypse happening due to non-European immigration as it is based on an unsupported theory of 1st generation mass Muslim immigration birth rates being the same as 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc which in the case of Britain they would be more than 4.8% of the population. 

BBC program showed the trend of high population rates in countries where they have been traditionally high like China, India and Bangladesh are actually decreasing accept where the overwhelming number of immigration in the EU are between workers emigrating from the newer EU states to western Europe.


Posted by Rat boy on Sat, 30 Nov 2013 02:02 | #


Glad to have your alien arse out of the US. Good riddance.


Posted by jamesUK on Sat, 30 Nov 2013 11:57 | #


Homeland as in Moscow or Homeland as in the Caucasus?

What are you going to do when the gays, Circassians and pro-Chechen independence protestors start protesting at the Sochi Olympics?


Posted by jamesUK on Sat, 30 Nov 2013 12:44 | #


Do you not think that WN essentially want to be Zionists as they want a white ethno-state, group victimology identity and immigration policy like Israel except they don’t have the intellectual leadership and group identity/solidarity of Zionists?

Frankly in the US I don’t see how it could work given the already large number of non-white population and those actually willing to be part of a white ethno-state in the US especially with clowns like Pearce and Cobb (lol!) without the country itself fracturing.

What exactly would this new ethno state look like? 


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 30 Nov 2013 13:27 | #

Posted by jamesUK on November 30, 2013, 07:44 AM | #


Do you not think that WN essentially want to be Zionists as they want a white ethno-state,

First of all, Zionist is certainly the wrong word!

I imagine that most of WN want an ethnostate, but I/we are advocating for this ethnostate to exist first and foremost in our DNA, and then for there to be various manifestations of sacrosanct territory - retaking our European Nations and taking some territories in the US and elsewhere:

group victimology identity

I’m not sure why you use this term, victimology, as the idea is separatism - viz. taking responsibility for our direction and governance.

and immigration policy like Israel except they don’t have the intellectual leadership and group identity/solidarity of Zionists?

Well, it is perhaps the case that we have lacked the intellectual leadership, but the direction of our identity and solidarity is crystallizing; along with that will come the means of controlling interlopers.

Frankly in the US I don’t see how it could work given the already large number of non-white population and those actually willing to be part of a white ethno-state in the US especially with clowns like Pearce and Cobb (lol!) without the country itself fracturing.

I’m not sure that it can work in the US either. Perhaps it can in the long term, but it definitely can work as a part of the DNA Nation.

I don’t think that Pierce is a clown, just a bit rigid and having made a few errors in his premises (it seems, important mistakes).

Nor for that matter, do I think that Cobb was a clown. He became frustrated and in my opinion made a mistake in not conceiving a new path which would distance him from the imagery along with over compensations of the Third Reich and its rhetorical advocacy.

What exactly would this new ethno state look like? 

It would look like a virtual coordination of interests among persons of native European extraction, wherever they might be, in Europe or on other continents throughout the world.

In the non virtual realm, we would strive to achieve the European nations having their native populations at 97 percent (the other three percent being mainly of other European peoples).

And we would seek to carve out sacrosanct lands for Europeans on other continents as well, including North America.


Posted by Circassian on Sun, 01 Dec 2013 11:03 | #


I am not particularly happy to see you back

I believe you on this one.

@Rat boy

Glad to have your alien arse out of the US. Good riddance.

Not a nice language. You are correct though: I am a Circassian and you are a rat – two alien forms of life alltogether.


Homeland as in Moscow or Homeland as in the Caucasus?
What are you going to do when the gays, Circassians and pro-Chechen independence protestors start protesting at the Sochi Olympics?

I feel at home in Moscow just as well as in the Caucasus. That’s what’s nice in Russian style multiculturalism.

No worries. You might see there gays, but not too many Circassians or pro-Chechen independence protestors to worry about.



Posted by Robert Reis on Mon, 02 Dec 2013 01:24 | #

Gubbler of the Society of Reformed Chechenistics said…
“That topic is still taboo in most academic circles, says Epstein, for fears that it may lead to discussions on innate intelligence differences.”

Not quite. While race + IQ topic is still controversial—more as a matter of public discussion than academic research(as the Jason Richwine case proved; he had little problem with liberal professors who read his dissertation and only got in trouble when someone tipped off Jennifer Rubin to go after him, which made it into a national issue; what I’d like to know is WHO tipped off Rubin on the Richwine case; I highly doubt if she found out on her own)—, it’s small potatoes compared to the discussion of racial physical differences and crime/bullying/social violence.

True, Charles Murray got in some trouble because of Bell Curve, but he also had his defenders and didn’t entirely become a persona non grata; he continued to publish books and work for influential institutions like AEI.

No, the real hot potato of the racial difference debate is connecting black athletic superiority with black crime.
If indeed blacks are stronger, tougher, faster, and very possibly more aggressive naturally, it means they pose a far bigger threat than other races as societal threats who go around knocking people out, robbing people, raping people, entering and breaking and doing what Willie Horton did. Beat up a white guy who wasn’t able to defend his home and woman who was raped before his eyes.

If Americans come to understand the true nature of the bio-physical threat posed by blacks, ‘white guilt’ will begin to evaporate, and whites won’t be so easily morally brow-beaten by political correctness. And whites will begin to feel that racial segregation is justified in the name of white safety and security, a realization that might imply that the Southern ‘racists’ weren’t entirely wrong either. It was white ‘racism’ or black ‘rapism’.

Epstein wrote about athletic differences in races as ‘diverse’ wonders to behold, something we can enjoy and celebrate as entertainment.
If indeed we could enjoy black athleticism on the TV screen, where indeed would be the harm, just like TV viewers thrill at the sight of powerful animals in nature programs? Big powerful animals live in nature and exist only through the TV screen; they are nowhere around where we live.

But do powerful and tough blacks only exist on the sporting fields and TV sets?
For every nasty tough black guy who makes it to the NFL or NBA, how many nasty tough blacks are there who turn to crime, roam around the streets looking for easy prey? A LOT MORE.

That is what really needs to be discussed. If blacks can whup whites on the sporting fields, why wouldn’t nasty blacks in schools and streets and buses not beat up on whites and other non-blacks?

But even 99% of the Right will not touch on this issue. This issue and this fact will be the real game changer in racial politics and the possibility of white survival in the future.


Posted by Robert Reis on Mon, 02 Dec 2013 03:17 | #

The demographic facts are all on Mr. Weston’s side. Unfortunately, the number of White western (and South African) unversity graduate under age 60 that I have met since 2002 who are aware of and concerned about White replacement or extermination can be counted on two fingers.

All of the White men I have met since 2002 that have four or more children are converts to Islam.

The number of my relatives in the United State who want to be aware of the ongoing tide of Black assaults, rapes, and murders of Whites across the country is zero.

The Arabs that I have met who have negative things to say about their experiences studying in the west studied in the United Kingdom. They report verbal and physical assaults by drunk and sober natives are common.

The only Moslems I have met who are open in their hatred of the natives are Pakistanis who were born and educated entirely in the UK.

My recent visits to the UK and ROI exposed me to revolting hordes of drunken young men and women, fucking and pissing and vomiting in public.

I no longer believe that there is much worth salvaging on those islands.



Posted by Circassian on Tue, 03 Dec 2013 18:35 | #

There are situations from which one can get out only through a fair share of recklessness.

British people seem to be caught in one of such nasty predicaments. The irony of Paul Weston’s plea is that adopting a strong faith like Islam would be precisely that kind of recklessness solution to the problem.

Tony Blair’s sister-in-law Lauren Booth says that she lives a ‘clean life’ and is ‘more spiritual and calmer’ after becoming a Muslim two years ago. If she can do that, the situation maybe is not that hopeless after all.

A strong and a beautiful lady indeed!

She became neither a Paki nor an Afghani for no one can change or lose his or her ethnicity. Neither did she surrender herself to anybody nor betray anything for she couldn’t betray a faith she didn’t have to begin with.

She simply became a Muslim. That’s an important distinction.


Posted by Circassian on Wed, 04 Dec 2013 13:04 | #

There are situations from which one can get out only through a fair share of recklessness.

British people seem to be caught in one of such nasty predicaments. The irony of Paul Weston’s plea is that adopting a strong faith like Islam would be precisely that kind of recklessness solution to the problem.

Tony Blair’s sister-in-law says that she lives a ‘clean life’ and is ‘more spiritual and calmer’ after becoming a Muslim two years ago. If she can do that, the situation maybe is not that hopeless after all.

A strong and a beautiful lady indeed!

She became neither a Paki nor an Afghani for no one can change or lose his or her ethnicity. She simply became a Muslim! That’s an important distinction.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 04 Dec 2013 23:27 | #

The race trading back stabbing M-F’ers are getting ready to pound the final demographic nail into the coffin known as Amerikwa.

Hola: Boehner Prepares to Push Amnesty Bill Through House

‘He’s hired a “professional amnesty advocate” as an adviser.’


Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 10 Dec 2013 19:24 | #


I feel at home in Moscow just as well as in the Caucasus. That’s what’s nice in Russian style multiculturalism.

No worries. You might see there gays, but not too many Circassians or pro-Chechen independence protestors to worry about.

As the events in Ukraine have shown Russia does not have any regional allies and even those who it can count on have their own Oligarchs and problems that looks like the tide is turning against Putin and the Eurasian dream. And when Putin goes so does central authority and all these various ethnic groups with historical grievances will want to each have there own slice of the Russian pie with a Caucasus super state lead by Circassians and Chechens aligned with Turkey.,_Enduring_Crimes_conference


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 06 Mar 2014 16:42 | #


John Boehner Boasts in Interview How He’ll
Cruise to Re-Election as Speaker, Ram Amnesty Thru… and Won’t Repeal Obamacare

March 4, 2014


On immigration: Boehner wants ‘to get it done’

Boehner defended his approach to the politically dicey issue of immigration. In January, he and other GOP leaders outlined a set of principles to reform the immigration system. But shortly afterward, Boehner said he didn’t think he could move an agreement this year, arguing that Republicans didn’t trust Obama enough to implement border security measures.

On Monday, he told The Enquirer immigration was a key area of agreement between him and Obama and they talked about it at the White House last week. “He wants to get it done. I want to get it done,” he said. “But he’s going to have to help us in this process.”

He declined to say what Obama could do to win the GOP’s trust on the issue.

“I told the president I’ll leave that to him,” he said. (Thorn note: Obama will gladly pay ‘lip service” to Boehner’s concerns and no doubt Boehner will find it enough to satisfy his needs. [Oops!, was that a double entendre?])

Boehner fired back at some conservatives who have likened the GOP principles to amnesty. The GOP leadership’s outline called for granting legal status – but not citizenship – to many immigrants who are currently living in the U.S. illegally under certain conditions. Those include admitting their immigration violation, passing background checks, paying fines and back taxes.

“Some want to call it amnesty,” Boehner said. “I reject that premise ... If you come in and plead guilty and pay a fine, that’s not amnesty.”




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Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 03:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 01:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Mon, 06 Jan 2025 00:08. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 23:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'KP interview with James Gilmore, former diplomat and insider from first Trump administration' on Sun, 05 Jan 2025 23:04. (View)

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