Pensions and Basic Services Denied to People of Eastern Ukraine

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 24 November 2014 14:06.

War is a harvest for the chosen – i.e., not you, or anyone else halfway normal.

Making official what has been de facto for months, Ukrainian President Poroshenko has announced suspension of public services and funds to people of the Eastern Provinces.

Kiev stopped funding for pensions, educational and medical facilities in eastern Ukraine.


For those rebel controlled areas, Poroshenko instructed the Kiev government to cease all activities of state-owned enterprises, institutions and organizations. This cuts-off pensioners, who are on their own, and applies also to the administration of schools, hospitals and ambulance services.

The war has also destroyed infrastructure and homes, leaving many desperate for shelter. With the winter coming on, this is a death sentence to many. Those in jeopardy are afraid to speak-out, terrorized with the threat of death or imprisonment. In the meantime, there is a shocking uncaring among the populace of the unaffected areas. From Poroshenko on down, the attitude is one that this is the choice of the peoples in the Eastern provinces and they are getting what they deserve.

In fact, Poroshenko may well be building a case against himself, a portfolio replete with a litany of war crimes. The people of Ukraine, consuming the “Western” propaganda fed them, have all too often become as callous as the YKW who abide of common folk blamed and killed for crimes of The Soviet era and more accurately, for internecine animus stirred-up by Israel’s proxies.

It would perhaps not be so surprising for youth to succumb to crass material appeals of the West, nor for that matter, for the callous uncaring of those “Jew-wise” National-Socialists Banderas to be animated by ultra nationalism as a result of Western bribes, propaganda and instigation to war, but even older folks have turned their backs on people they could be looking in the mirror at – turned their backs, ensconced in the expert propaganda, psychological conditioning and bribes from the YKW and their bottomless funds.


Yes, so cynical and ruthless they are in their aims that they would even use “Nazis” to fuel war and fund their harvest. Note who Victoria Nuland met with and promoted in her nation building efforts. These “Nazis” of course, report right back, hands out for another bribe to join The EU. A lot of good that is for European nationalists, yes?

While the people of the East, enculturated to not trust the West (with good reason) resist Westernization, they are caught in a no man’s land. They are not in Russia and not under its jurisdiction. Putin’s Russia, having a commitment to being a “non-racist” proposition nation is not perfectly innocent of course, from a WN standpoint, but quite reasonably does not want Nato and The EU (or literal Nazis) at its border any more than The US would want Soviet missiles in Cuba or Red Army troops in Mexico.

Putin has been harangued for not helping these people who have been cut-off from the Ukrainian state. However, it is not a part of Russia, it is a part of Ukraine, and Russian lorries carrying food and aid are not always being allowed to get through to the people in need. Where are Victoria Nuland’s 5 billion going?

Fuck the EU indeed.



Posted by JacobSchiff on Thu, 27 Nov 2014 04:48 | #

On February 3, 1949, John Schiff in an interview with the publication, New York American Journal, told the interviewer that his grandfather, Jacob Schiff, had given 20 million dollars to get the Russian revolution going. In today’s value it would be close to $200 million. A large portion of the money from Schiff was given in small denomination gold coins, which were used to purchase officers and soldiers from the Russian garrison in St. Petersburg, and use them as the foundation for the new Red Army.


Posted by Ivan Franko on Thu, 04 Dec 2014 07:51 | #

Excerpt from origins of Ukrainian nationalism part 1, by F Matthew Raphael Johnson · published at Radix on November 29, 2014

Ivan Franko

The era of Skoropadsky came on the heels of Ivan Franko’s death in 1916. Franko was one of the more interesting figures in the Ukrainian nationalist movement in the early 20th century. Constantly reassessing the nature of the state, Franko made arguments for a national form of state socialism while, in other contexts, direct condemnations of the state in general. The state, at its worst, is an unfairly privileged institution which enshrines political and economic inequality as the “common good.”

He accepted Marxism on four specific points: that dialectics, rather than linear logic, is the best way to understand the social nature of logic. The dialectical method, almost always misunderstood and mangled, is the constant interplay of the ideal and its physical manifestation. In other words, any ideal of the nation is constantly being contrasted to the daily grind of social or civic life. Movement is then the perception of the gap between the two.

Secondly, he accepted Marx’s concept of surplus value. There are two ways to view this: the first is that the act of production has to produce more value that it took to make the product. The surplus value is then what is absolutely required in order to a) replace and maintain capital and b) provide a profit for the capitalist. The profit for the owner of capital is the second element of surplus value. The two both require surplus value, but their social distinctions are very clear. The productivity of labor and its manifestation in wages is another example of how dialectical logic is superior to its Anglo-American linear and bourgeois competitor. Its significance is that, given the massive increases in productivity then and now, man need only work a few hours a week to ensure all basic needs are met.

Third, that history can be understood as being set in motion by changes in the means of production. As those profiting from capital continually use labor to better increase production in both quality and quantity, technology changes. History is then this dialectical adjustment among labor, technology, and the classes that benefit from both.

Finally, he accepted the idea of labor as the sole source of value, something uniting both Locke and Marx.

He rejected Marx on the questions of materialism, the domination of the state and, finally, the fact that centralization of capital has not occurred. Small business has not been destroyed in the west the way Marx had predicted. Franko held that civilization can never be reduced to matter in motion. Thought, social exchange, symbolism, ideals and hopes for the future are not produced by material things. These goods are in fact, not material at all.

Marx was useful, but since he rejected the importance of ethnic ties, he was ultimately rejected. The broader point is that any true nationalism, being based on solidarity, cannot then enshrine competition in economics. For Franko, capitalism was based on three things: the demand of capital for labor at the lowest possible price, to buy raw materials and other necessaries at the lowest possible price, and finally, to sell the product to the public at the highest possible price.

The modern state, however, is different from government. It is not based on solidarity, but comes into existence through force. This force is that of the wealthier elements of the population using their private security as “government.” The modern state is a machine that cannot command loyalty. The ethnic group, the folk certainly can
, but the relations between the folk and the state are normally in opposition. Later in his career, Franko would reject anarchism because the human race had been too brutalized by the machine. Self-government and the capitalist division of labor were not only incommensurable, but polar opposites.

Franko’s view was that independence is a necessity for both solidarity and economic reform. Colonialism was a problem in part because it automatically condemned the profits from labor in the country to be shipped out of it. Colonization made no sense unless the colonizer was getting something out of it. For Franko, the colonization of the poorer by the richer was justified by progress and Social Darwinism. The only thing now included in this concept of progress was moral progress.

Franko’s view of history was progressive, but a progress based on moral liberty. Economic development is one thing, but if it does not lead to the emancipation from labor (or at least drudgery), then it is not worthwhile. Progress itself is ambiguous as it has opposing effects on specific human peoples and places. The division of labor, which is main driving force of development, together with the disparity of strength, character and abilities creates and exacerbates inequality among people. Like most nationalists, Franko argues that national belonging must be based on some sort of substantial equality. Nothing can justify the rule of a small handful of rich people and millions of the exploited poor.

Franko’s understanding of history is the growth process of human free activities to expand the limits of the possible. However, man is not abstract: this liberation from necessity and drudgery is also mostly at the level of families and communities, not individuals.


Posted by UkrainianNationalism on Sat, 13 Dec 2014 18:05 | #

Ukrainian Nationalism, Socialism, & the Resistance to Imperialism in the 20th Century: From Franko to Stoyan

Matthew Raphael Johnson

Full article on:


Posted by WWSReport on Wed, 07 Jan 2015 14:22 | #


Kievan Khazarian Khaganate acknowledged!

Ukraine | Khazar Khaganate News

Jan 6th, 2015. Kharkiv, Ukraine.

News edition No. 8 from Eduard Hodos: Ukrainian writer,
former head of Jewish Community of Kharkiv, public
figure famous for his stand against Chabad movement.

Amazing fact: currently 306 out of 450 deputies of
Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine are Jewish. In a meanwhile,
Jewish are less than 1% of population of Ukraine.


Monday, June 16, 2014
Kievan Khazarian Khanate
Ukraine Today!
Ihor Valeriyovych Kolomoyskyi

The main driving force in the East has been Kolomoyskyi and his private battalions.

Kolomoyskyi owns Burisma, which has grabbed the rights to all the huge amount of natural gas sitting underneath Novorussia…as long as that country remains part
of the Ukraine. Hundreds of billions of dollars worth.

Burisma is the company that hired Hunter Biden, son of VP Joe, and Devon Archer, director of “former” CIA front company Diamondback Tactical, for directors. ~ Anon


Posted by Manoeuvred Ukraine on Sat, 10 Jan 2015 06:18 | #

Informative interview by Susan Lindauer of Dennis Schedrivy on the foreign manipulation of Ukrainian nationalism.


Posted by Presidential Wreath on Tue, 13 Jan 2015 16:37 | #

Winds of fate and the Ukrainian President:


Posted by Blurred Line on Thu, 15 Jan 2015 13:31 | #

PBS Frontline account of Putin’s corruption.

Would they do a story like this about Obama, Netanyahu or Khodorkovsky and their “concern” for western style democracy? Clearly not.

Nevertheless, it is an interesting story, provocative of Russia’s plutocracy, its wide disparity of wealth and the claim that Russians on the whole are poorer than Indians.

Rei Murasame suggests that its model, based on oligarchs selling natural resources as opposed to the development of industry (such as car manufacture) is bound to collapse.


Posted by Wolfowitz on Sat, 17 Jan 2015 15:03 | #

Paul Craig Roberts on how the Wolfowitz doctrine (a doctrine of neo-con exceptionalism) is playing-out in Ukraine:


Posted by Civilians Caught in Crossfire on Sat, 24 Jan 2015 21:12 | #

Civilians Caught in Crossfire as Ukraine Separatists Make Gains

By Damien Sharkov 1/23/15 at 4:06 PM


Filed Under: World, Ukraine Conflict, Russia, Russian separatists

The ceasefire between the government of Ukraine and pro-Russian separatist fighters in the country’s eastern Donetsk and Luhansk regions has collapsed as fighting between the two sides intensified today, with the rebels mounting an offensive on territories currently held by Ukraine.

Kiev-loyal forces are preparing to repel advancing pro-Russian rebels across the Donetsk region as rebel leader Alexander Zaharchenko, head of the pro-Russian militant group which calls itself the Donetsk People’s Republic (DNR), officially ruled out any more ceasefire talks with Ukraine’s Kiev government. He told Russian news agency RIA Novosti: “There will not be any ceasefire anymore.”

“Kiev does not seem to understand that we can fight them on three fronts,” Zaharchenko said, ruling out forming a new a truce with Kiev after the last one, which was agreed in December, collapsed when fighting erupted around Donetsk airport a fortnight ago.

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“We will fight until we reach the Donetsk region border,” Zaharchenko added, indicating the rebels plan to seize the region’s western and southern territories which include the Ukrainian-held port city of Mariupol.

A few hours later Yevgeny Deydey, a Ukrainian MP and commander of the pro-Kiev battalion Kyiv-1 reported separatist fighters were advancing towards Mariupol, south from Donetsk city, and there were reports of attacks by the separatists to the city’s west as well.

“The terrorists have begun a tank offensive. I do not rule out that separatist attacks in other territories held by Ukraine are a diversion tactic,” Deydey said. Deydey indicated he was not stationed near Donetsk but was relaying a message from battalions who were.

According to Deydey the town of Talakovka, between Donetsk and Mariupol is currently “being shelled hard” by separatists, however pro-Kiev troops there are “holding on.”

Dmitry Tymchuk, a Ukrainian blogger and military specialist also reported on Facebook today that he had spotted seven DNR tanks and eight more armoured fighting vehicles advancing from separatist areas in the Donetsk region to the west as well as to the south - towards Mariupol.

Andriy Lysenko, the official spokesperson for the Ukrainian armed forces has confirmed rebel tanks are advancing towards Mariupol, shelling army checkpoints in the city’s outskirts.

However he insisted the rebels were “still incapable” of shelling the city itself, as pro-Kiev forces had not let them get close enough.

Ukrainian news agency Unian reported earlier today that the Ukrainian military has completed a 400km enforced trench along its border with the separatist held territories in Donetsk, anticipating such an advance. Work began on the trench in August and it’s equipped with artillery.

Over the last nine days fighting between DNR rebels and pro-Kiev forces has intensified and the UN have reported that approximately 262 people have been killed in the country.

Members of the armed forces of the separatist self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic drive a tank on the outskirts of Donetsk January 22, 2015. Alexander Ermochenko/REUTERS



Posted by Ordinary Expenses go up for Russians on Sun, 01 Feb 2015 14:28 | #

Russia’s Economic State Is A Reversal Of Fortune for Putin
January 30, 2015 5:07 AM ET

“Russia’s currency, the ruble, has lost nearly 40 percent of its value since just last month. That’s not 14. That’s 40 - four zero. And this week, the country’s credit rating was reduced to junk.”



Posted by Ukraine run by... on Tue, 03 Feb 2015 12:04 | #

Ukraine run by ‘miserable’ Jews: rebel chief

Donetsk (Ukraine) (AFP) - Ukraine’s pro-Russian rebel chief on Monday branded the country’s leaders “miserable” Jews in an apparent anti-Semitic jibe.

Alexander Zakharchenko, leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, claimed that Kiev’s pro-Western leaders were “miserable representatives of the great Jewish people”.

“I can’t remember a time when Cossacks were led by people who have never held a sword in their hands,” Zakharchenko told a press conference in the eastern rebel stronghold of Donetsk, in a reference to Ukraine’s nationalist forebears, the Cossacks.

Zakharchenko said that the country’s historical nationalists “would turn in their graves if they could see who is running Ukraine.”

Anti-Semitic sentiment remains widespread in Ukraine, where leaders are commonly labelled as Jewish by those seeking to discredit them


Posted by GD version of Ukraine on Fri, 13 Feb 2015 21:15 | #

EU meddling has helped bring full-scale war back to Europe! Nato-backed aggression by the Kiev junta is beaten back by ethnic Russian militia fighters. Meanwhile, in Western Europe, Islamist gangs become bolder by the day.

As violence flares in Ukraine and on the streets of Western cities, Nick Griffin discusses what is really behind the trouble with Golden Dawn MEP General Georgios Epitideios and the APF President Roberto Fiore.


Posted by Skillt's view on fight for the White race on Fri, 14 Aug 2015 14:25 | #

From the other perspective on The Ukrainian conflict: the news of this White power warrior is a bit old, but captures some interesting similarities with stalwart White Nationalists.

The appearance of far-right activists, both foreign and home-grown, among the Ukrainian volunteers fighting in east Ukraine is causing unease.

Mikael Skillt is a Swedish sniper, with seven years’ experience in the Swedish Army and the Swedish National Guard. He is currently fighting with the Azov Battalion, a pro-Ukrainian volunteer armed group in eastern Ukraine. He is known to be dangerous to the rebels: reportedly there is a bounty of nearly $7,000 (£4,090; 5,150 euros) on his head.

In a telephone conversation from an undisclosed location, Mr Skillt told me more about his duties: “I have at least three purposes in the Azov Battalion: I am a commander of a small reconnaissance unit, I am also a sniper, and sometimes I work as a special coordinator for clearing houses and going into civilian areas.”

As to his political views, Mr Skillt prefers to call himself a nationalist, but in fact his views are typical of a neo-Nazi.

“It’s all about how you see it,” he says. “I would be an idiot if I said I did not want to see survival of white people. After World War Two, the victors wrote their history. They decided that it’s always a bad thing to say I am white and I am proud.”
‘One stray liberal’

Mr Skillt believes races should not mix. He says the Jews are not white and should not mix with white people. His next project is to go fight for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad because he believes Mr Assad is standing up to “international Zionism”.
Mikael Skillt in Ukraine

Not all of Mr Skillt’s views are widely shared in the Azov Battalion, which is about 300-strong in total.

He says his comrades do not discuss politics much, though some of them may be “national socialists” and may wear swastikas. On the other hand, “there is even one liberal, though I don’t know how he got there”, he adds, with a smile in his voice.

Mr Skillt says there is only a handful of foreign fighters in the Azov Battalion and they do not get paid. “They see it as a good thing, to come and fight,” he explains. However, Mr Skillt is expecting more foreigners to join soon: he says there is now a recruiter who is looking for “serious fighters” from outside Ukraine.

The key figures in the Azov Battalion are its commander, Andriy Biletsky, and his deputy, Ihor Mosiychuk.

Andriy Biletsky is also the leader of a Ukrainian organisation called the Social National Assembly. Its aims are stated in one of their online publications:

  “to prepare Ukraine for further expansion and to struggle for the liberation of the entire White Race from the domination of the internationalist speculative capital”

  “to punish severely sexual perversions and any interracial contacts that lead to the extinction of the white man”


Posted by Skillt a year later, less clear on Sun, 16 Aug 2015 13:55 | #

Skillt experiencing confusion a year later…

Seventeen months ago, Mikael Skillt’s current life would have been unthinkable. Skillt, who had served as a sniper in the Swedish National Home Guard, was a member of Sweden’s far right and a spokesman for several neo-Nazi groups. Before the Ukraine war, he was in and out of jail and working a job in construction.

“I’m not a Nazi, and I don’t believe in National Socialism,” Skillt says. “When I got to Ukraine 17 months ago, I was a real bastard. I had stereotypes against Jews, blacks, Arabs. But I’ve fought with them, and now they are like brothers. Before, some things were black and white. But now I know nothing is certain. Good and bad people come in all colors. The world is very gray.


A Neo-Nazi Minority

The Azov Battalion has played a key role in the Ukraine war. However, the unit was excluded from Fearless Guardian, a U.S. training mission in Yavoriv, Ukraine, because of a congressional amendment singling it out for an alleged neo-Nazi ideology.

As proof, Russian and some Western media outlets, as well as several U.S. lawmakers, point to the symbol of the Azov Battalion, which closely resembles the Nazi Wolfsangel.

Battalion soldiers disagree. They say their symbol stands for “idea of the nation,” which refers to Ukrainian nationalism. In the Ukrainian language, “idea of the nation” is phonetically pronounced “ideya natsiyi,” sometimes spurring what the soldiers claim are misguided Nazi comparisons because of mistranslation.

Within the Azov Battalion, however, are a minority of soldiers with far-right, neo-Nazi persuasions. And those soldiers do little to hide their beliefs. Some have tattoos of the Nazi swastika and SS symbols. Others wear jewelry with Nazi symbols and read Adolf Hitler’s book, Mein Kampf, at night in their bunks.

But the overwhelming majority of Azov soldiers say they’re fighting for Ukraine’s sovereignty and to repel what they call a “Russian invasion” of their homeland. Those with far-right convictions live and fight side-by-side with soldiers from 22 countries and various backgrounds, including Arabs, Russians and Americans—as well as Christians, Muslims and Jews.

“Young men often have extreme views,” Skillt says. “But they want to pick the raisins out of the cake. This part is good and that part is bad.” He adds: “In any army there is always a little bit of bad meat. For example, when I was in the Swedish army, I was that little percentage of bad meat. But is a man’s desire to die for his country or a cause any less heroic if he is a nationalist?”

Skillt says he isn’t a national socialist. He believes in nationalism, he says, and is fighting to defend Ukraine’s sovereignty and to stop Russian aggression. He distances himself from the Swedish far right, which, he says, is focused on Muslim immigration into Europe.

Skillt’s self-proclaimed ideological evolution has left him a pariah among neo-Nazi groups in Sweden. That country’s far-right movement, which largely celebrates Russian President Vladimir Putin for his conservatism and hard line against homosexuality and immigration, frequently accuses Skillt of being on the wrong side of the Ukraine war.

A July 8 article posted by Nordfront, an online news site for the Swedish Resistance Movement (a militant, neo-Nazi group for which Skillt was a regional commander), provides an example.

“Skillt,” it says, “has long taken an active part in the U.S.-created civil wars that occurred in Ukraine after the U.S.-sponsored coup d’état in late February last year ousted the democratically elected President Viktor Yanukovych.” The article is one in a series in which the Swedish Resistance Movement criticizes Skillt for supporting a “Jewish coup regime” in Kiev.

Nordfront also takes issue with the Azov Battalion, claiming “criminal Jewish billionaire” Igor Kolomoisky finances the unit. “Russia calls me a Nazi bastard, and my old friends in Sweden call me a Jew-lackey,” Skillt says. “I’m having an identity crisis.”

As the situation in the Donbas deteriorated from street fights into a war, Skillt looked for a way to join the fight. “Ukraine gave me purpose,” Skillt says, “and I think a man needs a purpose.”

The Azov Battalion was one of two dozen civilian volunteer battalions formed in the early days of the Ukraine conflict. These civilian combat units, along with ad hoc ones formed from Ukraine’s police and intelligence services, joined the overwhelmed and outgunned regular army to stop the separatist advance.

Ukraine’s oligarchs financed some of these paramilitary groups; others received most of their money from online fundraising campaigns and private donations. Initially, weapons were mostly small arms handed down from local police units.

The first time Skillt saw combat was in Mariupol, an industrial port city of 500,000 on the coast of the Sea of Azov. Separatists had taken it over in the opening weeks of the war.

A student at the Swedish Defense University, Nilsson is in Ukraine researching Azov and other volunteer battalions. Sweden has so far shied away from allowing similar groups to exist, but concerns over Russian aggression have spurred the historically neutral Scandinavian state to reexamine how its military is organized and even consider the possibility of joining NATO.


As the night drags on, Nilsson and Skillt trade stories about their time with Sweden’s far right. Skillt talks about his experiences in the Ukraine war, explaining how the transition back to civilian life in Kiev has left him feeling out of place.

“He has always been a very confident man in his nature, almost to the grade that one might think that he believes he can fight the gods himself,” Nilsson says later: “This is where I find the change in him during this war to be the greatest. He still has his confidence, but he is more humble. Everything isn’t black and white as it maybe once was.”




Posted by Sarkari Naukri Dekho on Tue, 27 Sep 2016 10:20 | #

I read this blog its really to good and informative blog
Sarkari Naukri

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