Police Shooting of a Black in Minnesota Will Instigate Necessary Separatism

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 07 July 2016 17:53.

A policeman shot and killed a black motorist that he pulled-over in the Minneapolis area of Minnesota. First accounts have it that the girlfriend and child of Philando Castile sat helpless but compliantly-by as Castile also attempted to comply with the officer’s orders but was shot to death. There is video which might corroborate Castile’s efforts to cooperate despite the fact that he was carrying a fire-arm when the police officer pulled him over.

It is tragic that a benign black lost his life and that the police officer’s life will be ruined by this event. We can anticipate violent and destructive actions coming from blacks and White victims by way of response this summer.

But from a racialist standpoint, i.e., from the standpoint of people who recognize that Whites need to live separately from blacks, this is for the ultimate good. The more innocent the black victim was, the better an indication it is that Whites cannot live with blacks and need to live separately from them. Ill advised though the police officer’s shooting may have been, he was probably displaying psychological deterioration - burn-out from having to deal with black behavioral patterns and other imposed political correctness in the day-to-day. The more violent and destructive that blacks become as a result, the more Whites will be forced to realize that they have no good choice but to live separately from blacks.

Daily News, “Minnesota man Philando Castile shot and killed by cops during traffic stop; girlfriend pleads for help on Facebook livestream (WARNING: GRAPHIC CONTENT)”

Woman livestreamed heartbreaking moments after her boyfriend was shot and killed by a cop in Minnesota late Wednesday.

In a Facebook video, Lavish Reynolds claims that the couple was pulled over in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area for a busted taillight and that her boyfriend, identified by WCCO as Philando Castile, was shot four or five times.

Philando Castile, 32, was shot and killed by police during a traffic stop in Falcon Heights, a suburb of St. Paul, Minn., Wednesday evening.  (Facebook)

She said that Castile told the officer he was carrying a permitted firearm and had been reaching for his wallet before the officer opened fire

Press image for video

Ibid. “Please no, don’t let him be gone. Why?!” Reynolds yells on her video as Castile, 32, slumps back in the driver’s seat of his car, blood running across his shirt.

A St. Anthony police officer can be seen outside the car, his gun drawn on Castile. Reynolds, who like Castile is black, describes him as Asian.

“I told him not to reach for it,” cop says as he continues to point his weapon into vehicle. “I told him to get his hand off it.”

Near the end of clip, Reynolds starts to scream as she sits handcuffed in back of a police cruiser with young daughter.

“It’s OK, mama,” the little girl says as her mother pleads for help from Facebook viewers. “It’s OK, I’m right here with you.”

St. Anthony’s confirmed the shooting took place in Falcon Hgts, a St. Paul suburb that hosts the state fair, around 9 p.m.

Castile, a cafeteria supervisor at a local Montessori school, later died at Hennepin County Medical Center.

The Daily News adds a link and article remarking that along with Castile’s death, the similar event of “Alton Sterling’s death (the day before) calls for justice against rotten cops.”



Posted by Jeronimo Yanez on Fri, 08 Jul 2016 05:01 | #

Shooter: Officer Jeronimo Yanez (pictured) was identified as the cop who shot Philando Castile Wednesday when a traffic stop for a faulty tail light went badly wrong. The aftermath was live-streamed on Facebook.

Will Yanez become another “dis-honorary White” a la George Zimmerman or will Whites and Asians be forced to further recognition that they are in the same boat and develop coordinated defense as such?


Posted by Det. David Michel on Fri, 08 Jul 2016 05:15 | #

Im #NewOrleans Det. David Michel.
A cpl weeks ago I was shot/killed during a frisk.
Happy now?


Posted by (((Al Franken))) on Fri, 08 Jul 2016 09:27 | #


“I am horrified that we are forced to confront yet another death of a young African-American man at the hands of law enforcement,” said Sen. Al Franken.

Somehow, being Jewish and opening your big, crooked mouth is supposed to qualify you to be a comedian (even though you are not funny), qualify you to be an American Senator, even though you are an idiot and the protection of the majority of Americans is the farthest thing from your concern.


Posted by Jennifer Rooney on Sat, 09 Jul 2016 02:23 | #

        Another black sniper..

Wreg.com, BRISTOL, Tenn. (AP) — Authorities in Tennessee say a man who opened fire on a highway in Tennessee targeted police officers and others because he was troubled by incidents involving black people and law enforcement officers. 8 July 2016:

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation says in a news release that initial conversations with the suspect revealed he was troubled by incidents across the U.S.

The TBI says the suspect is black; the shooting victims are all white.

Investigators say Lakeem Keon Scott killed one person and wounded three others, including a police officer.

Scott had two guns early Thursday morning when he shot at a motel in Bristol, Tennessee, and then shot indiscriminately at several passing cars.

When he was confronted by police, he fired at the three officers who responded.

The suspect was shot by the officers and is being treated at a hospital.

He has not yet been charged.

Those injured in the incident include:

  Jennifer Rooney: Deceased after being shot driving in her vehicle on Volunteer Parkway.
  Deborah Watts: In serious, but stable, condition at BRMC, after being shot while working at the Days Inn.
  David Whitman Davis: Received minor injuries at scene after being injured by flying glass resulting from the gunfire.
  Officer Matthew Cousins: Sustained a superficial wound to the leg. Was subsequently treated and released from BRMC.



Posted by Black Panther shot 5 cops in 1973 on Sat, 09 Jul 2016 08:25 | #

CCC, “Flashback: Black Sniper killed 5 cops, 4 civilians in 1973”, 8 July 2016:

In 1973, Black Panther affiliate Mark Essex killed 9 people in two different sniper incidents. Five of the people killed were police officers. The rest were random white people. Several other people were injured.

He was eventually shot by USMC snipers.

From Nola.com

  Mark Essex’s campaign of terror against the New Orleans police climaxed on Jan. 7 in an 11-hour rampage at the Howard Johnson’s hotel on Loyola Avenue, where he killed seven people, including three police officers, and wounded eight.

  A week earlier, he had killed two other police officers and wounded one.

  Mark James Robert Essex was born in Emporia, Kansas. Kicked out of the Navy after two years with a general discharge for unsuitability for “character and behavior disorders,” the 23-year-old took up radical Black Panther politics and developed an intense hatred for the police. He came to the city to meet up with a friend who shared his politics.


  In front of room 1829, Essex shot to death Dr. Robert Steagall and his wife Betty Steagall. He soaked telephone books with lighter fluid and set them ablaze under the curtains of the Steagalls’ room. On the 11th floor, Essex shot his way into rooms and set more fires. He killed Frank Schneider, the hotel’s assistant manager, and shot Walter Collins, the hotel’s general manager.



Posted by Yanez account on Sun, 10 Jul 2016 07:14 | #

Officer Yanez account provides a significantly exonerating angle to this story. Yanez states that Castile’s gun (which he did not have a permit for) was visible (on his lap) and Castile disobeyed Yanez command to not move.

“Yanez’s attorney says not only did the officer react to the presence of a gun, he tells us that Castile that day failed to comply with a “do not move” order. Officer Yanez ultimately told Castile “do not move” and that he failed to comply with that order and that there was apparently a visible gun. We also went back and looked at the Facebook video and there are certain freeze frames that might indicate a gun on Castile’s lap. I spoke to the attorney of the officer and he said it would not be far fetched to assume that could very well be the gun on his lap because he said his client, the officer, actively responded to the presence of a gun. We have also heard police scanner audio… And that audio appears to indicate that the officer was telling dispatch that the day he pulled that car over that he was pulling the car over because Castile fit the description of a wanted suspect in an armed robbery just a few days prior… The attorney said this would be a valid investigatory stop. The officer went as far as to describe Castile before he got out of the car fitting the description of that wanted suspect… Also, on a side note, the officer Yanez is Mexican according to his attorney.”

Gateway Pundit


Posted by Scott Roberts: Jews want to divide us? on Wed, 13 Jul 2016 12:52 | #

Scott Roberts: Jews want to divide us by race.

I thought we wanted to be divided. I know that I do.

Rev. Jeff Hood, Dallas Protest Organizer, prior to the shootings:  “God damn’ White America.
I’m sick of the bodies of black and brown people being slaughtered in our streets.”

I (DanielS) don’t know a great deal about Scott Roberts (put up the one video which I liked, along with a few others) but he seems to be a bit off on this one. He is asserting unequivocally that Hood is a Jew. I don’t see the proof that he actually is a Jew yet. If Roberts were to call him a “Jew thinker” that would be safe enough to say. He certainly is that.

But the greater error in Scott Roberts analysis is in saying that if we listen to this “Jew” that we would be letting ourselves be divided by Jews….“Jews are trying to divide us on race”....as if we do not want to be divided from blacks?

Lets defy the Jews and come together with blacks! If I were a Jew, I would be laughing at that one


Posted by Baton Rouge: more blue lives taken on Sun, 17 Jul 2016 17:09 | #

Associated Press

Three officers are confirmed dead and three others wounded after a shooting in Baton Rouge, a sheriff’s office spokeswoman said Sunday. One suspect is dead and law enforcement officials believe two others are still at large, the spokeswoman said.

Casey Rayborn Hicks, a spokeswoman for the East Baton Rouge Sheriff’s Office, said in a statement that the public should call 911 immediately if they see anything suspicious.

The shooting — which happened just before 9 a.m., less than a mile from police headquarters — comes amid spiraling tensions across the city — and the country — between the black community and police. The races of the suspect or suspects and the officers were not immediately known.

Black lives taking more White lives, or at least those blue lives protecting “the man”? - apparently


Posted by Cosmo the black killer of Blues on Mon, 18 Jul 2016 02:55 | #

I am Cosmo - the black killer of the three blue lives.


Posted by Jack Sen on Sat, 23 Jul 2016 10:16 | #

Majority Rights.com Alexa ranking

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hahahahha I reach more people in one day thna u fickers do in one month. Thats becaue i mATTER you DONT
Jack Sen


Posted by Ryan on Sat, 23 Jul 2016 13:08 | #

Hows the book writing going Sen, about your experiences in the British Nativist movment Jack? Have you thought of a suitable title yet?


Posted by 75% of murdered cops are shot by blacks on Mon, 01 Aug 2016 20:14 | #

75% of murdered cops are shot by blacks

DAILYKENN.com—75 percent of suspects who fatally shoot police officers in the United States are black.

That’s the conclusion of Salil Mehta of Statitiscal Ideas blog.

According to Mehta:

• 90% of black homicide victims were killed by blacks. That’s eight times the rate of white-on-white homicides.

• For every ten blacks killed by police, one police officer is killed by a black.

• Unjustified killing of police has increase 70 percent year-to-date (July, 2016) compared to previous years-to-date. 

• Year to date (July, 2016), 75 percent of police officers murdered in the line of duty were killed by blacks.

Mehta, a Sikh Hindu, is a statistician. You may read his credentials here.


Posted by Just admit it, you can't live with them. on Sat, 16 Sep 2017 07:15 | #

Just admit it, you can’t live with them in the first place -

Washington Post, 16 Sept 2017:

“Protests erupt in St. Louis after former cop who shot driver acquitted on murder charges.”

More than a dozen people were arrested Friday as hundreds of demonstrators in the St. Louis region marched into the night following the acquittal of a white former police officer who was charged with murder last year for fatally shooting a black driver after a car chase.

Prosecutors charged Jason Stockley, the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department officer, with murder for killing Anthony Lamar Smith in December 2011. According to the probable cause statement, Stockley was caught saying he was “going to kill this motherf‑‑‑er, don’t you know it” and was heard telling another officer to drive into Smith’s slowing car.

The court document, submitted by the St. Louis circuit attorney, said Stockley then approached Smith’s window and fired five times into the car, hitting Smith “with each shot” and killing him. In addition, prosecutors accused the officer of planting a gun on the victim: there was a gun found in Smith’s car, but it was later determined to only have DNA from Stockley.

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