Violence in Dallas: An argument for racial separatism.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Friday, 08 July 2016 07:59.

AFP, ‘Four police killed at US race bias protest: chief’, 08 Jul 2016:

Washington (AFP) - Four police officers were killed, at least seven were wounded and a civilian was also hurt late Thursday when two snipers opened fire during a protest in Dallas against police racial bias, authorities said.

City Police Chief David Brown said two gunmen shot at “police officers from elevated positions during the protest/rally”, sparking an intense search for at least two suspects, adding that they had threatened to plant a bomb.

The Dallas Police Department tweeted a photograph of a man dressed in a camouflage shirt with an assault rifle slung over his shoulder.

“This is one of our suspects. Please help us find him!” the police department tweeted.

The suspects “have threatened to plant a bomb in the downtown area,” Brown told reporters.

The protests were part of demonstrations taking part in several cities against the fatal police shootings of African American men in Minnesota and Louisiana this week.

Brown initially said two of the officers were in surgery and three were in critical condition. The condition of the other officers was unclear.

An earlier toll had 10 officers shot, including three dead. Brown told reporters a civilian was also wounded.

“An intensive search for suspects is currently under way. No suspects are in custody at this time,” Brown said in a statement.

Brown said police had “cornered” one of the suspects, and warned that there may be more than two suspects.

Dallas police has reached out to federal law enforcement agencies for help—the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

Several hundred people attended the Dallas rally, which ended just before the shots rang out around 9:00 pm (0200 GMT Friday), reports said.

Witnesses reported hearing dozens of gunshots that sounded like semi-automatic rifle fire. “The shots were coming from the roof,” a protester told KTVT television, a CBS affiliate.

Video posted online showed protesters marching when the shots rang out, scattering the crowd.

Police warned protesters to flee the area, saying the scene remained an active-shooter situation.

SWAT teams were deployed to the scene, reports said.

The situation

After the events involving the shooting in Minneapolis, Minnesota on 7 July 2016, it had seemed that a significant flashpoint in the story of race relations in the United States had suddenly arrived, and it was a moment that would have served the interests of the Black Lives Matter movement primarily.

Video footage of a police officer of Asian or American Indian descent, having shot a 32 year old black school cafeteria worker named Philando Castile four times in his car, while he was reaching for his wallet to show his license and registration after having been pulled over for a driving with a broken rear brake light, had been posted all over the internet and was on the the verge of becoming part of a new master signifier in the discussion of violence and law enforcement in the United States.

Despite the officer being of Asian or American Indian descent, critical theorists would have framed the conversation as being one of institutional white supremacy which suffuses the police force as it is a gendarme of the accumulated wealth of the United States, which is characterised as a white power structure.

The video footage was all over the internet and was being viewed around the world.

Another case was a shooting that took place in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on 5 July 2016. A black man named Alton Sterling was killed by two white police officers as they fired four times into his body at point blank range outside a convenience store. It’s thought that it was a case of police responding to an anonymous call about someone threatening people with a gun outside the store, but it’s said that Sterling was only there by sheer chance at the time that the police arrived.

That incident was also recorded by several phone cameras held by bystanders, and also was seen around the world.

Together, those two stories had coalesced into a master signifier for ‘police injustice and systemic racism against African-Americans’, and they were stories in which the factual details of the shootings could not be used to disabuse people of the narrative being propagated by Black Lives Matter and certain elements of the liberal media establishment.

The outcome

At the time of the protests in Dallas, Texas, the narrative was unfolding, and people were of the belief that perhaps the state would be able to manage the situation with reconciliation attempts, as many Dallas police officers were reaching out to the African-American community in an attempt to promote ‘peace’ and avert further strife.

That was not to be, as the appearance of black snipers who began shooting policemen, and the setting of bombs, and the fact that the black protesters and demonstrators began cheering on international television when the shooting began, shattered the narrative before it had become settled, and tore up any chances of reconciliation, shifting the topic away from ‘police injustice caused by systemic racism’, and instead back toward ‘disproportionate black crime aimed toward police officers’.

The new developments in the story by AFP that I quoted at the beginning of this article, are now eclipsing all of the events of the past 48 hours.

It makes a person wonder, do African-Americans actually understand how to apply the lessons of Gramsci and Foucault, and do they actually understand Strategic Communications, or do they merely pretend to? African-Americans actually had full command of the narrative, but within 48 hours they have now done an incredibly kind service to their adversaries by completely ruining it for themselves.

All in all, it seems that the entire sequence of events could ultimately serve as an opportunity for white people in the United States to make the case for racial separatism, as it is increasingly obvious that the differing communities in the United States cannot live together in the same civic space without there being incessant outbursts of violence. Since the antagonistic contradictions cannot actually be resolved, it is clear that the only path to conflict cessation is one of racial separatism.



Posted by DanielS on Fri, 08 Jul 2016 08:54 | #

With the mainstream media losing control of the narrative and blacks, as usual, unable to help but show their racial difference to be irreconcilable - ever disposed to violence and other hyper-assertion - the sensible course of racial separatism is becoming more clear to all


Posted by Micah Johnson on Sat, 09 Jul 2016 03:08 | #

Guardian, “Micah Xavier Johnson: Dallas suspect was Afghanistan war veteran, army says,” 8 July 2016:

Micah Xavier Johnson

“During the search of the suspect’s home, detectives found bomb making materials, ballistic vests, rifles, ammunition, and a personal journal of combat tactics,” said police.

Jeh Johnson, the head of the US Department for Homeland Security, said the dead suspect did not seem to have “links to or inspiration from any international terrorist organization”.

During negotiations with police following the shootout in Dallas, Micah Johnson “said he was upset about Black Lives Matter”, Dallas police chief David Brown told the media. “The suspect said he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers. The suspect said that he was not affiliated with any groups and he stated that he did this alone”


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 09 Jul 2016 08:05 | #

Kumiko, do you specifically applaud the formation of the Northwest American Republic as outlined by Harold Covington?  I mean as opposed to White racial separation on other portions of the North American continent.  (I take it you know GW has lent his tacit support along with various criticisms to the Northwest Front in comments at the NW Front Web site.)


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 09 Jul 2016 08:57 | #

Btw, I recall GW once said German National Socialism was “too beautiful to last”.  I wonder what he meant by that.  Was it that the best of German manhood was brought out as devoted to, and inspired by, the Fuhrer?  Isn’t this a living example that heroic leadership is necessary to bring out the best in us?  Why is this necessarily a perishable quality?  Surely heroes must perish eventually, but isn’t our inspiration by them as imperishable as our being, our ontology?


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 09 Jul 2016 09:21 | #

Random thoughts:

- As Covington highlights in his fiction, the Northwest Republic shall be decisively achieved by Germanic heroism, or not at all.

- The Covington character Red Morehouse is reminiscent of Wintermute: an intellectual Texan Kraut.  Except Covington’s character isn’t an upper middle-class pussy.

-  The Emperor is the equivalent of the Fuhrer, more or less, in Japanese traditional society; with the Samurai as the functional equivalent of the SS.


Posted by trim away tainted edges on Sat, 09 Jul 2016 10:05 | #

While we are observing what would be some choice cuts if not green around the edges…

Colin Liddell remark on Dallas:

For those of us on the Alt-Right this is particularly noticeable in the outpourings of the much-better-funded pseudo Alt-Right — sites like Infowars, Takimag, Stefan Molyneux, and Breitbart — where we see a tendency to paper over the cracks and revert to the kind of lazy universalist thinking and value systems that are the foundation of cuckoldry (i.e. giving up your own group preference while merely hoping that others will do it).

Matt Parrott remark on Dallas:

Your sweet and apolitical aunt who has been mumbling anti-White talking points because her niece on her other side of the family is biracial may not know the first thing about identity, but she can sense which way the wind’s blowing. She can see that the side she had taken up isn’t merely against “racism,” it’s against her.


Posted by Black power group claim responsibility threaten mo on Sat, 09 Jul 2016 11:31 | #

A group called the Black Power Political Organization is claiming responsibility for the Dallas attack–and promising other attacks–on its Facebook account.



Mirror, “Dallas police shooting: ‘Black Power group’ claims responsibility for police killings and warns of more assassinations to come”, 8 July 2016:

“More Will Be Assassinated In The Coming Days! Do You Like The Work Of Our Assassins? Get Your Own Sniper” read a post on the Black Power Political Organisation Facebook account.

Dallas police shooting: ‘Black Power group’ claims responsibility for police killings and warns of more assassinations to come

“More Will Be Assassinated In The Coming Days! Do You Like The Work Of Our Assassins? Get Your Own Sniper” read a post on the Black Power Political Organisation Facebook account

A Facebook page claiming to represent a black power group has posted messages claiming responsibility for the deaths of five police officers in Dallas.

The so-called Black Power Political Organization claimed on its Facebook account that it was behind the attack in which cops were picked out from an ‘elevated position’ - believed to be a multi-storey car park.

It came in the week of public outrage over the deaths of two unarmed black men shot by police.

There were initial reports there could have been up to three or four snipers involved in a co-ordinated attack during a peaceful Black Live Matter protest.

However - while two men and one women have been arrested in connection with the attacks - it’s being claimed tonight that police are operating on the theory of a ‘lone gunman’ being responsible.

Micah Johnson with “Professor Griff” of the hip hop group Public Enemy. The group was known for its politically-charged lyrics. Its album Fear of a Black Planet critiqued “institutional racism” and “white supremacy” and called for black power.

This gunman has been named as Micah Xavier Johnson, from Texas, who served with the US Army Reserve for six years and served for a time in Afghanistan.


Posted by No sideways canoodling on Sat, 09 Jul 2016 12:17 | #

Just remember CC, do not deign to canoodle with Kumiko or there will be no forgiveness by Harold on the day of the rope -

“Hill of the Ravens”, Harold Covington:

“It all comes out eventually. Some of those wretched women stayed on after Longview, God knows why. Did they think people would just forget? Someone always remembers and eventually someone always tells. Just last week a fifty-nine year-old grandmother was hanged in Pullman. Her own son found some old photos in the family attic his mom had been stupid enough to keep, photos of her canoodling with her Chinese boyfriend from high school. The man was NS and he denounced his mother. He did absolutely right, and I thank God that I am not he.”

The prize of the American dream being held up and expended by (((them))) in order to placate the masses; running out of supply.


Posted by Johnson was accused of harrasment in military on Sun, 10 Jul 2016 08:29 | #

        What a surprise: accused of sexual harassment while on duty

Good Morning America, “Dallas Suspect Micah Xavier Johnson Accused of Sexual Harassment in Army Reserve”, 10 July 2016:

Suspected gunman in the attack on Dallas law enforcement was accused of sexual harassment during his military deployment in Afghanistan, military lawyer said.

Micah Xavier Johnson was a private first class in the U.S. Army Reserve serving in Afghanistan when he was accused of sexually harassing a higher-ranking female soldier in May 2014, military lawyer Bradford Glendening told ABC News. Glendening, who represented Johnson in the case, said the woman requested a military protective order against his client.

Johnson had been sent to Afghanistan in November 2013 but was sent back to the U.S. six months after deployment because of the alleged harassment, Glendening said. The lawyer added that Johnson’s chain of command recommended he be removed from the Army with an “other than honorable” discharge, the most severe administrative discharge. But, ultimately, Johnson was not discharged in this way, Glendening said.

According to the Associated Press, Johnson instead received an honorable discharge in April 2015, for reasons Glendening doesn’t understand.

Glendening told ABC News he got the sense Johnson was generally disliked by his unit and was viewed as not exhibiting respect for his commanders.


Posted by blacks loot, celebrate upon White deaths on Sun, 10 Jul 2016 08:37 | #

Celebrate by looting 7-11, chasing news crew away, taunting police…

Whether Soros backed, coming out of black power gangs or emerging predictably out of black nature, events like this are spreading to other American cites and will continue, as it is a part of their biological system.

Of course the myriad of Jewish propaganda can instigate this but it does not take much in the way of reasonable assertion of self interest on the part of Whites (and other non-blacks) to be considered by black youths as an affront and cause for violence.

WND, “Dallas protesters ‘laughing and dancing’ ‘while officers mourn, 8 July 2016:

Twitter on Friday was alive with commentary and video clips about the overnight Dallas shooting of 12 police officers, including one brief clip posted on a pro-Donald Trump site that seemed to show protesters in the streets, milling before a line of law enforcement agents – smiling, joking and laughing.

Initially, 11 officers were reportedly shot, five of whom died. But Friday, CNN cited the Dallas mayor as confirming five officers were killed, seven more injured, and two civilians also hurt.

The video of one scene of the shooting’s aftermath was a news clip from Fox News, and it was posted on the Vote Trump 2016 Twitter page, which has a handle of @USAforTrump2016, beneath the text: “This is disgusting … #BLM thugs flashing gang signs, laughing and dancing … while officers mourn.”

GatewayPundit, “Dallas 7-Eleven Store Looted By Black Lives Matter Protesters Who Taunted Cops After Massacre of Police Officers”, 8 July 2016:

A Dallas 7-Eleven store was looted and a news crew threatened by Black Lives Matter protesters after the massacre of Dallas police officers Thursday night. Incredibly, the protesters were taunting police who were called to protect the store.

“PICTURE: Officers now lined up in front of the 7-11 protecting the store from looting. #WFAA #Dallas”

“A 7-11 in downtown Dallas was looted after the shooting happened, looters also taunted police, store is now closed “

“Dancing/flexing in front of a 7/11 in Dallas. Disgraceful. Is this a joke to them? A celebration? THIS IS SERIOUS”

WFAA-TV reported from the 7-Eleven that their news crew was threatened by the protesters and had to move theor vehicles after protesters poured beer and alcohol on their cars.


Posted by (((Alternative Left))) on Mon, 18 Jul 2016 23:29 | #

Robert - (((1/16th))) damn that stuff must be virulent - Stark talks with Alex von Jewstein and still much too liberal Prof. Darrell Hamamoto on “cultural studies”

Professor Darrell Hamamoto on “Cultural Studies” - Asian, black, Latino, women’s, LGBT ...Critical border’s study, etc. Critical prefix..


Posted by Systemic change: in interest of black lives only on Fri, 05 Aug 2016 05:02 | #

Red Ice, The Media is Lying About Black Lives Matter & Black Mob Violence” - Henrik talks with Colin Flaherty:

There is an epidemic of black crime [black places like Chicago are rife], and regarding interracial crime, a preponderance of it is black on White. Whereas elsewhere in society, if we have a couple of lives lost [White on black] and we are supposed to reform our entire society and change things on a systemic basis to make sure that these live aren’t lost in the future. In this case, with Chicago, and many other of these big cities in America where its just out of control with the murder rates, you don’t really here that discussion, do you?


Posted by “Black Lives Matter” Sued for Murder on Sat, 26 Nov 2016 18:20 | #

TNO, “Black Lives Matter’ Sued for Murder”, 12 Nov 2016:

The family of the Dallas, Texas, Hispanic police officer who was shot down by a black gunman who thought he was white, has launched a lawsuit against the “Black Lives Matter” movement.

The father of Officer Patrick Zamarripa claims in the suit that the Black Lives Matter incites a “war on police” and is a “violent and revolutionary criminal gang.”

“Black Lives Matter” racist gunman Micah Johnson set out to kill white people.

The Hispanic officer was one of five police officers murdered in downtown Dallas in July by black gunman Micah Johnson during a Black Lives Matter march though Dallas.

Johnson thought he was killing whites, as confirmed by Dallas police chief David Brown at the time of the shooting.

According to Brown, Johnson told police just before the end of the incident that he “wanted to kill white people, especially white officers.” Brown said Johnson made the remarks before he was killed by a bomb-carrying robot that had been sent into his location and then detonated by police.

The Fort Worth Star Telegram reported that in the 43-page lawsuit filed this week in a U.S. District Court, Zamarripa’s father, Enrique, seeks damages of up to $550 million.

“While Defendant Black Lives Matter claims to combat anti-black racism,” the lawsuit said, “the movement has in fact incited and committed further violence, severe bodily injury and death against police officers of all races and ethnicities, Jews, and Caucasians. Defendant Black Lives Matter is in fact a violent and revolutionary criminal gang.”

The lawsuit names a number of prominent activists as respondents: Louis Farrakhan, leader of the Nation of Islam; Rev. Al Sharpton and the National Action Network; Black Lives Matter organizers Rashad Turner, Opal Tometi, Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, Deray McKesson, and Johnetta Elzie; Malik Zulu Shabazz, leader of the New Black Panthers Party; and George Soros, a supporter of Black Lives Matter.


Posted by "NAACP being overtaken by BLM" on Sat, 20 May 2017 17:51 | #


NAACP out of touch with the street.

As Black Lives Matter (BLM) has risen, the old fogeys of Black advocacy, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) has fallen.

This suggests that the two left-wing racist groups are locked in a zero-sum struggle for the Black activist pie, the funds that it generates, and the activists it motivates, and right now it looks like BLM has the whip hand and is finally tanning the NAACP’s suspiciously light-colored ass.

This problem has now at least been recognized by the NAACP, whose national board voted Friday (19th of May) to fire president, Cornell William Brooks, after only three years in the job.

In those three years BLM has come up on the NAACP’s blind side and overtaken it, grabbing the limelight with its more hysterical and violent tactics, leaving the NAACP to molder sadly in the shade.

The NAACP, it should be remembered, has been performing even poorer than most NPOs perform. After all this is the same organization that appointed “White girl LARP-a-lot” Rachel Dolezal as a regional leader just because she got her hair permed and rubbed on some bottle tan.

This disaster reinforced the NAACP’s image of being dominated by “high yellas” with Jewish leashes round their necks (the organization was founded and is still largely financed by Jewish liberals).

Cornell plays right into that unfortunate image. Compared to this, BLM, despite the grubby fingerprints of George Soros being all over the project, looks a lot more “authentic” and “Black.”

The NAACP national board also pledged a “systemwide refresh” aimed at “confronting” President Trump more vigorously.

It’s a fair bet that Cornell will be replaced by a younger, angrier, and much blacker front man or even front woman, as the organization tries to strengthen its brand and up its radicalism quota in a head-to-head with BLM.


Posted by Governor Peter Burnett on Sat, 23 Feb 2019 23:46 | #

John Romanger shot dead by Schwanna Waters, 24 Feb 2019:—John Romanger is dead. The 25-year-old white man was fatally shot in Gresham, Oregon. A 23-year-old black woman has been arrested. Schwanna Waters was arrested on 1st-degree manslaughter charges. Reports did not specify what led to the fatal shooting. The crime was reported 19 Feb 2019. Waters is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.


It was once illegal for black to live in Oregon.

This was due to a perception that blacks were inherently violent. The area’s anti-slavery law was amended in 1844 and 1849. It prohibited blacks from entering the state under punshment of lashing.

Governor Peter Burnett justified the law by saying:  “The object is to keep clear of that most troublesome class of population [blacks]. We are in a new world, under the most favorable circumstances and we wish to avoid most of those evils that have so much afflicted the United States and other countries.’‘

The so-called “lash laws” still impact the demography of Oregon where 1.9 percent of the population of 4,256,350 is black and 85.1 percent is white.

From ▼ Lisa Balick

One man was shot to death in Gresham on Thursday afternoon—leading to the arrest of a 23-year-old woman. The shooting took place at the Evergreen Meadows Apartments at 911 Southeast 187th Avenue.

The Gresham Police Department later identified the victim as 25-year-old John Romanger of Cathlamet, Washington. Police said Schwanna Waters was arrested on 1st-degree manslaughter charges. She appeared in Multnomah County Court on Friday where she waived the reading of the charges against her and entered a not-guilty plea.

Detectives are still combing through the evidence to learn what led up to the shooting.

A neighbor told KOIN 6 News most people in the complex didn’t hear gunfire because the shooting happened in a building that was at the end of the lot. Some who live closer to the building where the shooting took place said they heard one shot and then saw Waters come out with her hands up after police arrived.  “We were surprised because we didn’t hear a shot,” said the anonymous neighbor. “Everything was silent—just looked outside and riot squad everywhere.”

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