Euro Cuck Final: a Disgraceful Epitome of The Cucked European Masculine Instinct for Nationalism

Portugal’s Euro Cuck representation 2016 ...and France’s offering..

In a disgraceful epitome of displaced masculine nationalist instinct, millions of Europeans cheered-on their cuckoldry as two predominantly African mercenary teams pretended to represent European nations in the ultimately identifying sporting event of Europe.
Or does this, in fact, represent what these nations have become?
True White Nationalists must have a look at their inclination for sheer objectivism and universalism; it is destroying the very idea of nationalism and its representation as mercenaries are drawn from the four corners of the globe with the argument that they are “better.” But even if they are better in some instances, how can you feel good about people so different from you, winning and losing “for you?” What do you even know about yourself in that instance but that you are a cuck! What the cuck, European football fans, European “men”, you are idiots to stand for this!

First a trickle then a flood: The French team in 1984 had just the one colored guy (save perhaps Roman Polanski in the upper right).
Though Portugal has long been the European nation with the highest percentage of African admixture, it would be represented by having perhaps one Mulatto on the team and nowhere near a “representation” like this.

Tearful Latino lady-boy Ronaldo was out early with a sore knee, but still darker cuckpatriots picked up the slack for “team Portugal” to win The Euro Cuck 2016

Belgium’s Team did well to remind us along the way, where this, the Euro, Brussels and The EU was headed.
Posted by American "women" to dominate Olympics on Thu, 04 Aug 2016 18:18 | #
Heat Street, “Here’s Why America’s Women are Going to Kick the World’s Ass at the Rio Olympics”, 4 August 2016:
...“a large part of the reason”.... the author, Rodger Sherman, says, is the quantity of “women” America will send… and not the increased masculine element of the African descended women that America sends as “representatives.”
Oh, good, I’d rather have that than work with Japanese people and ways…