Sarko gains another convert.

... Or, “Burkha me, it’s got a beard”
DUBAI (AFP) – An Arab ambassador called off his wedding after discovering his wife-to-be, who had worn a face-covering veil whenever they met, was bearded and cross-eyed, the Gulf News reported Wednesday.
The envoy had only met the woman a few times, during which she had hidden her face behind a niqab, or facecovering veil, the paper said.
After the marriage contract was signed, the ambassador attempted to kiss his bride-to-be, upon which he discovered she had facial hair and was cross-eyed, it said.
The ambassador told an Islamic Sharia court in the United Arab Emirates that he was tricked into the marriage as the woman’s mother had shown his own mother pictures of her sister instead of her, the report said.
He sued for the contract to be annulled and also demanded the woman pay him 500,000 dirhams ($136,000) for clothes, jewelry, and other gifts he had bought for her.
The court annulled the contract but rejected the ambassador’s demand for compensation.
Posted by Bill on Thu, 11 Feb 2010 21:10 | #
First may I digress?
I remember quite well, (but didn’t understand the ramifications) when our politicians of the ‘50’s announced that overseas workers were to be invited into Britain to make up the shortfall in manpower in our post war booming economy.
I don’t think there was much dissent in acknowledging this statement, I worked on the railways at the time and it was self evident that essential staff were leaving for pastures green, in the form of factories of booming consumer production.
As I say, I didn’t even think much about it as I was but a mere youth.
Looking back, I think this period of temporary transition from swords to plough-shares could have easily been dealt with by National Service.
Perhaps there was an alternative agenda - even then.
It was the same with the infant NHS and low paid municipal workers.
Anyway back to Cock Up or Conspiracy?
If you don’t mind me saying, I think you have got to come to terms, (like all of us here) with the fact that no-one is going to come along with an expose document with signed confessions of who was responsible for what. It just ain’t gonna happen.
There is on this site, a much experienced, knowledgeable articulate commentariat, the range of comments is breathtaking, the ambiance by and large is polite and courteous. Non politically correct maybe and for some - no prisoners are taken.
The knowledge, experience and yes, wisdom on regular display here, is formidable and willingly dispensed.
All we can do is say our piece and absorb what information is available, sieve it through our collective filters, pay the money and take our choice.
It’s the same for me and it’s the same for all participating here.
I suppose what I’m leading up to is to say is this. In the absence of concrete evidence in any acceptable form, perhaps, in the end, it is up to faith and crossed fingers in what we finally perceive to be the evidensed truth. (Is this liberal speak?)
Maybe there are some, who no matter what, would refuse to accept what most folk would say was glaringly obvious, but I’m saying nothing new here - one man’s meat and all that.
Cock Up or Conspiracy? Is some such dilemma, as is most of what it is discussed here.
BTW. When you penned this question, did you envisage it would receive such an avalanche of response?
PS. Just one more thing. There are several million non economically active people watching day-time Television out there, yet the mass immigration steamroller just keeps rolling along. The economy is broke and there is no end in sight, so why more immigration? What do you think?