Sex as Sacrament, Sex as Celebration, Sex as Natural Fact and Other Stories (audio form parts 1 - 5)

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 21 September 2018 07:00.

Press image for audio Part 1

Sex as Sacrament / Sex as Celebration…Sex as Natural Fact and other stories Part 1

“The whore of Babylon is drunk with the blood of the saints.”

Actually, the analogy is not far off from our present situation. In the disordered world, the anti-world, a “Babylon,” where YKW and liberal unconcern for our White class is the rule, sex disconfirms the worthy, destroys the precious and brings into being the vicious, the irresponsible at our expense.

It isn’t funny.

Anti-racism is anti-group classification. It is Cartesian. It is not innocent. It is prejudice. It is hurting and it is killing people.

Anti-racism is anti-group classification, in weaponized form, an Alinsky-like weaponization - using quote, our rules against us - specifically of Cartesianism on the empiricist end, the Lockeatine empiricist end in its prejudice against social classification, alleging them to be non-empirical fiction; thus, a prejudice against prejudice in favor of supposedly pure individual perception and rights thereof, as opposed to discriminatory accountability through posited social classification - a race being a social classification writ large.

Male and female remain the primary de facto classification in necessary pychological function of categorization to make coherent sense where racism, that is to say, where racial classification and discrimination thereupon is prohibited.

The pandering that results from all angles to our co-evolutionary young females and the increased one up position that they find themselves in as gate keepers in this situation disordered of White bounds exacerbates their inclination to incite genetic competition; as they are pandered to ad nauseum from all angles from males previously blocked. Further, the puerile female will be inclined to welcome this liberalism as it increases her power, if only in the short term.

How to counter these hate infested Mulatto-supremacists?

To begin we need to correct this violation of our people’s boundaries, the human ecological disaster and even genocide it implicates, practical matters of border and boundary control need to be addressed. We need to counter the stigmatization of ethnonationalism, to counter political rules given to liberalization of our boundaries and moreover, anti-racism which has gone so far as to criminalize our self defense as peoples.

Furthermore, to build our morale and facilitate loyalty to our people against this onslaught against us, provisions would be of great help that facilitate both free and careful assessment of partner selection, but also to know that our systems are responsible enough to ensure the institutionalization of these requirements - to facilitate optimal freedom in partner selection, border control is necessary - in that way, your people are free for a sufficiently natural liberalism with regard to sex with decreased risk, as your partners are fairly similar and accountable from an evolutionary standpoint; you are also free to mix with other races but you are risking your White group membership through such transgression, as you are not free to just impose that degree of liberalization upon the group boundaries; optimal freedom of choice will also be assured by the institutionalized provision, so to speak, for single sex partner for life hopefuls; with the added assistance therein, to help assess appropriateness in partner selection.

After setting about to establish our group(s) homeostasis, that is to say, systemic maintenance as European peoples, ranking perhaps only second in priority, but what will inevitably prove to be integral to border and boundary maintenance, will be a realistic negotiation of the issue of sex - part of which will account not just for its brute factual nature and sufficient freedom of more experimental expression, but that we as individuals and as a group require provision, a respected option for our human capacity of more careful recourse and accountability - viz., to justice to our genetic and human ecological capital not only in the broad scope of our national citizenship; but moreover, in option to treat sex and monogamy as sacred, recognized, institutionalized and normalized by society as a significant option, to provide for an even more careful selective process for those who wish; corresponding with the important transcendence of the episodic and momentary evaluation - that can fall down to superficial evaluative criteria resulting from a boundless, liberal free for all; corresponding typically with a scientistic take on sex, naturalistic fallacy; e.g., that it is nothing more than a normal bodily function; the kind of take on sex that can be liberating from insanely restrictive traditions and taboos; but all too prone to be overdone in the wake of Freud’s, the Frankfurt school, notably Marcuse’s project of unleashing “eros’ in polymorphous perversion”; and finally, within the disorder of modernity, of which the Frankfurt school was instrumental - to transcend a liberalism that would flout and even prohibit our human ecological border and bounds control.

Part 2

Part 3 

Part 4 

Part 5

Text, Part 2

That we can also have a more liberal option along with a sacred option - both - has the added benefit of undercutting any appeal of our Abrahamic antagonists - Judaism, Christianity and Islam - undercutting their appeal for their conservative aspects and capitalizing on liberal rejection, rebellion and liberation from any of their draconian restrictiveness; and having both options on our side incentivizes loyalty. While border control will, in turn, incentivize loyalty, as the system demonstrates verifiable responsibility to our genetic capital.

On the other hand, the threat of ostracism for people who mix and bear offspring outside the race will disincentivize their behavior as it will be observed that people who do that will not be able to share in the leverage of our social support for themselves and their children; they will, in fact, be subject to live with consequences of the non-White way of life they’ve chosen. They certainly will not be entitled to impose the support of their Mulatto children upon us, making us defacto slaves in their treachery and forcing remaining White children to be born into a nightmare world - a planet of the apes scenario.

But how to further counter these hate infested Mulatto-supremacists?

How to incentivize group loyalty and the option of monogamy for puerile females in particular; given these powerful forces, both natural and Manichean, that result from the machinations of our antagonists?

Acknowledging that eggs are precious, gestation and child bearing a large burden, we might provide them with some additional advantages to going the monogamous route.

There are already some advantages, of course, to the White female position taking the monogamous option. It accords with our nature as K selectors for her to have a man for high investment parenting, there to help her in all aspects of life; which will be even more appealing to her if the man is both sufficiently fair in his appeal to her if not a hypergamous upgrade - I’m using hypergamous a bit wrongly here, I mean simply a man perhaps of a slightly higher standard - but also sufficiently realistic and appropriate a choice for him to want to remain monogamous and loyal to her.

Thus, part of sacrament, and its episodic testament to the aeons and this relationship beyond the episode and moment, would be a careful process of partner selection, in which they are further incentivized with the option of considering men their equal, say, one increment below or two above, for example, in terms of emotional, intellectual, physical and material standard.

While males, because sperm is cheap, will have the option of sacrament as well, but they will be penalized by having the capacity to consider women only one increment above, their equal or two numbers below.

The options will provide incentive to White males as their naturally more sublimated, K selection maturation process is protected both by the border control and by the institutionalization of monogamous sacrament - the pattern overall will provide them with a more sublime, less atavistic sort of White female partner and way of life.

There should also be increased social support for monogamous, child bearing couples.

Nevertheless, I anticipate that this specificatory model, that is to say, sketch of a measurement scale model - from 1 - 10, or 1 - 100, and using whatever qualities our scientists focus on - intellect, emotion, physical, whatever, will be seized upon by detractors as ‘bean counting’ as if I am quite literal minded about it, but this again is to misunderstand the place of a specificatory structure.

I can speak from experience of the (psychological) utility of this scale as a place holder at very least. That when I endured the humility of tautology, knowing that I was willing to be fair and take my equal on such scales, say 1 - 10, it helped to stop a horrible intentional oscillation caused by shrill and hateful females in my life who chronically and falsely alleged that I was a pig, wanting more or better in a partner or partners than I actually wanted and deserved for the fact that I admired beauty in women. So, the basic structure, for example a 1 - 10 scale, can help resolve feelings of guilt for being so, quote, superficial as to notice women’s beauty (or not), while evaluating her on other quote impure grounds as well.

If people want more options, want to try for better or more, then they can partake of the more free for all in the broader sphere of the ethnostate, what might be referred to as a celebrative disposition toward sex with the rest of our society - within its borders and bounds.

Text, Part 3

In fact, it should be observed that without these options, agency and authentic choice is vastly diminished.

However, the option of moving toward reverence of the pattern beyond moment and episode will increase alternative range of functional autonomy and relieve males of the pressure to assimilate brute alpha behavior…constrained as it were to rape and sexual harassment allegation territory, furthermore, beyond judgment merely on the basis of momentary and episodic competition, or frequency thereof, ...and put them instead into a relational mode and stable cultural pattern level - where our best attributes are often revealed.

For our own people, the White class is required to ensconce the freedom of our full systemic, developmental processes and evolution - again, as Rushton has shown, we are distinguished by our age of maturation, sublimation and k selection as opposed to r selection - this needs protection from the quicker maturation and predation of r selectors

Thesis: Seminal and essential to instantiation of the White class, its systemic homeostasis, flexibility of ecological balance and accountability, is freedom of choice as maintained through a voluntary option, institutionalized of single sex partner for life hopefuls. It is ensconced in the notion of sex as sacrament: the sacrosanct reconstruction of an episode uniquely important to the survival of the cultural pattern.

Two key aspects that make sex as sacrament into a viable option are the fact that sex is sexy – that is to say, its mechanism. Another is the dimension of social control.

Let me first address its mechanism – sex is sexy. Its erotic mechanism is of two contrasts.

One contrast is that of human dignity (in patterns of relationship) contrasting with animal drive.

The other is a tension between human dignity as opposed to dominance and submission. (That is, providing that the roles are treated somewhat empathically; and that one role or the other is not taken too seriously).

This mechanism of tension that makes sex sexy in essence bodes for the possibility of sex as sacrament as opposed to a merely naturalistic argument that may dismiss sacrament as nonsense.

Sex as sacrament is naturally practical as it is not so contingent upon one’s being the most skilled or beautiful at all times. It is especially practical if class boundaries are enforced and/or a sacral attitude is socially normalized.

How practical the option of monogamy is in reality is far less important than it being recognized as important, sanctioned as a viable option – available, respected, institutionalized, normalized as vitally important – sex and monogamy as a sacrament.  As opposed to ‘that’s the way it is, we’re all just animals out to screw anything’, the fact of reverence and existence of sacral practice will provide a morale booster, an antidote to cynicism, a pattern to be loyal to and to fight for as it is loyal to us in turn.

It is nonsense to dismiss as puritanical White Americans who are not free-loving and celebratory with their sex amidst Negroes and sundry non-Whites.

If you are not disposed to celebration at this point in time, especially not in the enforced roulette of such a demographically mixed situation, especially not with regard to something as important as sex, it is more than understandable.

Thus, for the purposes of re-establishing the sovereignty of our brute genus as Whites and the species of our nationalism, sex as celebration versus sex as a sacrament serves as a problematizing distinction; it serves particularly to emphasize a willing suspension of belief in the innocence of sex as celebration. As a conceptual foil, it will hopefully serve to illustrate how obnoxious and destructive the celebrations can be. As they are flaunted in the face of those who exercise care, mocking the sacredness of the group’s deep resource, it is our purpose thus to lend credence to sex as sacrament.

Sex is surely not merely a trivial matter of an episode. It concerns confirmation or disconfirmation of persons and their worth as socio-political decision makers. Even more fundamentally, it is the natural means by which people come into and populate the world in a responsible way or not; legacies set forth or not; at an appropriate age, or not; in reasonable numbers as resources, experience and wisdom afford, or not – and much more.

Text, Part 4

If we can care about the preservation of rain forests, the hills of West Virginia, endangered species and the gulf of Mexico, and we certainly do care, very much, then we are assuredly warranted by any credible moral standard, to care for our co-evolutionary people, our co-evolutionary women, children and the world they have no choice over coming into.

A pervasive ecological view, combining as it does the taxonomic system of class (as in the White race), acts as a corrective to Lockeatine empiricism – its Cartesian notion of individual rights being prone to rupture systemic, evolutionary process.

It also acts as a corrective to the toxicity of John Dewey’s instrumental pragmatism. That is of significance as Dewey was particularly resourceful with his instrumentalism, and with that, a large influence in promoting liberal democracy, despite his philosophy having serious flaws.

Despite its resource and influence his pragmatism de-emphasizes the significance of deep genetic and processual relationships. With instrumental, practical force being overstated, the prefigurative facts of historical, co-evolutionary processes in the development of maturation and skill recede from consideration. Being overly practical thus, it promotes a disposition of progressing ever forward, in search of “ever more full and rich experience.” As such, it devalues consideration of biological optimality – biological creatures do not need “more and more”, too much is toxic as is too little. Moreover, being quite so instrumental, it is not sufficiently respectful of natural processes and necessarily corresponding metaphors of reflection, gestation and digestion. It is not sufficiently respectful of ecological systems requirement for the flexibility of empty space and unused potentiality for change.

While the slow meandering of Heidegger’s philosophy makes it better in those regards, the ecological view acts as a corrective to his oversights as well – notably in regard to “own-most being toward death.” This too would be toxic, a good last alternative, but not a proper day-to-day premise for White survival, as nature rarely works within lethal variables. It should be bad enough that miscegenation is possible. Black-on-White murder or the extinction of Whites would not even approach appreciable consideration before compelling action on an ecological basis. Further, owmost being toward death also lends itself too much to promotion an overly individualistic bias, insufficiently socially conscientious, insufficiently accountable to our historical, social systemic capital.

That is why the idea of the voluntary option for sex as sacrament is necessary, along with our boundaries, as a control variable to govern the homeostasis of our social, biological, human ecological systems. move beyond instrumentalism and the episodic concern of consciousness and the moment in owmost being toward death and into the ownmost innocence of our children in the hereafter, in service of delivering them from being born into a nightmare circumstance. We cannot do that to White kids, let them come into a nightmare world of hyper assertive, violent Africans, and Islamic tyranny and Jewish supremacism which disrespects our interests as goyim - the undifferentiated gentile mass, as GW observes, that they would conceive us to be.

Text, Part 5

Sex as Sacrament also corresponds to our Augustinian nature - evolved as we are to deal with Augustinian problems, that is to say natural challenges, to solve more straight forward problems of nature rather than to deal with the Manichean trickery of other, competing tribes and people….

Many of us to not want to play games, use tricks and deception to lure a partner perhaps inappropriate for us; in fact, we want an honest way to assess an appropriate match; and then to investigate the world with our partner in collaborative effort.

While Sacrament and Celebration are useful narratives in regard to sex, the truth is that there are many stories to tell about sex including scientistic ones; but the mechanism at the center does afford sacrament. Narrative reframing of sex will also help Whites to find their ownmost innocence - an antidote opposed to the YKW guilt trip of Jesus sermon on the mount wherein even if you think of something, you’ve done it. By contrast, moment of thought is like one frame in a movie reel, a cybernetic surveying mechanism of orientation on brute genetic competition, and whatever counter taboo you may require in momentary counter balance against, say, the factually hard to ignore high contrast tropism of interracial sex - whatever counter taboo you may need mentally, you didn’t do it and you are not necessarily recommending it. are merely thrown into a cybernetic balancing process of sexual mechanism, thrown between human dignity and submission to brute animal requirement, episodic dominance and submission, competition verses sublimation in broader pattern. Even males must have some empathy for submission to the brute requirement and the eroticism for example that a woman can find in submitting.

But apart from dealing with mechanism thus, another aspect of sex that enables the possibility of sacrament is that its practice can be relatively altered by social influence.

A social framework toward sex facilitates even greater rigor for the truth of the matter - again, the broader pattern - over scientistic treatment sheerly on the basis of moment and episode. It gives advantages as well. For example, if a sublime White woman gives herself to a black, we are more attentive with the social framework and the precipitating aspects whereof her decision was not made alone. The circumstance has been arranged for, encouraged, manipulated and allowed for; those who would voice objection that might resonate with her have been silenced by social injunction. This result is not a mere no account matter of science, nature, let alone religion.

By contrast, the scientistic view would hold that sex is a merely natural fact, biologically determined and therefore, socially incorrigible. The episode and moment of sexual union would be very tightly linked with mere biological imperatives. Who, after all, could question that? It is just a scientific fact. That’s just the way it is, natural law; has little to do with the mediation of the quality of life beyond that.

But if it is not merely determined that the women do this, if our behavior is not so determined, but rather to some extent negotiable of interactive patterns, a matter of conjoint social construction of the class, then it is corrigible, agentive and accountable – there is something that can be done about it, which is not to her detriment, especially as the way of life is deemed at least as valuable and important as the episode and the moment.

To paraphrase Basque philosopher Unomuno, we require a vision of perfection to strive for and then the vicissitudes of moment and episode will be like waves crashing harmlessly against the rocks girding our individual path and relational patterns.



Posted by Samuel H. Flowerman on Mon, 24 Sep 2018 09:59 | #

Occidental Observer, ““Modify the standards of the in-group”: On Jews and Mass Communications — Part One of Two

by Andred Joyce Ph.D.

“To be successful, mass propaganda on the behalf of out-groups would have to modify the standards of the in-group.
Samuel H. Flowerman, Mass Propaganda in the War Against Bigotry, 1947.[1]

“The whole story is transparently barmy.” This is what Guardian journalist Jason Wilson had to say in a 2015 article discussing “conspiracy theories” about Cultural Marxism. Barmy, for the uninitiated, is a British informal adjective with the meanings “mad; crazy; extremely foolish.” . Wilson continues by attempting to explain “the whole story”:

The vogue for the ideas of theorists like Herbert Marcuse and Theodor Adorno in the 1960s counterculture culminated with their acolytes’ occupation of the commanding heights of the most important cultural institutions, from universities to Hollywood studios. There, the conspiracy says, they promoted and even enforced ideas which were intended to destroy traditional Christian values and overthrow free enterprise: feminism, multiculturalism, gay rights and atheism. And this, apparently, is where political correctness came from. I promise you: this is what they really think … The theory of cultural Marxism is also blatantly antisemitic, drawing on the idea of Jews as a fifth column bringing down western civilisation from within, a racist trope that has a longer history than Marxism.

Re-reading this article recently, I wondered what Mr Wilson would say if I told him I possessed a document wherein an influential Jew linked to Marcuse and Adorno unambiguously sets out a scheme for the capture of the media, the mass brainwashing of White populations with multicultural propaganda, the manipulation of in-group culture to make it hostile to its own sense of ethnocentrism, the spreading of a culture of political correctness, and, ultimately, the co-option of the West by small ethnic clique pursuing its own interests under the guise of “promoting tolerance.” I wonder what he’d say if I told him the same Jew operated a network of hundreds, if not thousands, of other Jewish intellectuals engaged in the same single task — unlocking a psychological “backdoor” to White culture in order to completely reorient it. I think I’m correct in assuming that Mr Wilson would call me “barmy,” and accuse me of regurgitating the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. I suspect he would believe I’m a fantasist and an anti-Jewish conspiracy theorist. I know he’d dismiss even the possibility that such a document might actually exist. And yet it does exist.

The Intellectual Context

It’s quite possible that none of you have heard the name Samuel H. Flowerman, but I can say with certainty that you all, in a sense, know him nonetheless. If you’re even remotely familiar with the Frankfurt School, then you’re familiar with one aspect of his work. And, as we will soon discuss, if you find yourself living in a culture brainwashed into self-hatred then you’re familiar with another, though related, aspect of his work. Flowerman, it must be conceded, has been largely forgotten by history. He lurks in larger shadows left by “the exiles.” But Flowerman was in some respects as crucial a member of the Frankfurt School circle as any other. Of course, he wasn’t German-born. Nor was he a member of the Frankfurt School for Social Research. Instead, he was born in Manhattan in 1912, the grandson of a jeweler who arrived by ship from Warsaw’s Jewish district in 1885. And yet he would later achieve enough influence within his own group, as both activist and psychologist, to act as Research Director for the American Jewish Committee, and, most famously of all, to direct and co-edit the Studies in Prejudice series with Max Horkheimer.

For most who have in fact heard of him, this is perhaps the greatest extent of their knowledge of Flowerman. But for an accident, it would certainly represent the limits of mine. Very recently, however, I was conducting some research on Jewish activism in the cultural background preceding Brown v. Board of Education, and found myself, as I have so many times before, tumbling down the proverbial rabbit hole. After initially focusing on the figures of Jonathan Kozol and Horace Kallen (whose influence extends well beyond the popularisation of what he coined “cultural pluralism”), I came across a 2004 article in the Journal of American History by Howard University’s Daryl Scott titled “Postwar Pluralism, Brown v. Board of Education, and the Origins of Multicultural Education.”[2] Scott mentioned Flowerman because of the latter’s desire (pre-Brown) to inject theories derived from Studies in Prejudice into the education system, believing that moulding children was one of the best methods to achieve long-term and sustained socio-cultural change [see here for evidence the policy is continued to this day by the ADL].

Flowerman, a fan of post-Freudian psychoanalysis, possessed a background in both the study of education and of mass communication, and this heavily informed his thinking and activism.[3] In particular, he was doubtful that mass propaganda could, by itself, directly affect significant change among the White masses and make them abandon their “prejudice and latent authoritarianism” [i.e. acknowledging their own ethnic interests]. He was fascinated instead by the way peer group pressure exerted influence on the individual school children he had studied, along with the potential influence of teachers as shapers of minds as well as mere educators. For example, in a 1950 article for New York Times Magazine titled “Portrait of the Authoritarian Man,” Flowerman argued that, in order to produce “personalities less susceptible to authoritarian ideas, we must learn how to select better teachers and to train them better; we must see them as engineers of human relations instead of instructors of arithmetic and spelling.”[4]

The combined result of his research and thinking in these areas was his argument that it should be desirable for people like him to obtain control over the means of mass communication. Not only, argued Flowerman, should this control be used for blanket “pro-tolerance” propaganda, but it should also actively reshape in-group standards — thus reforming peer group pressures to become antagonistic to in-group ethnocentrism. His (then) highly ambitious goal was a culture that policed itself: a politically correct culture in which Whites, via peer pressure, conformed to new values — values much more user-friendly to Jews. His views and goals were later summarized by Herbert Greenberg, a colleague and co-ethnic in the same field, in 1957:

Flowerman de-emphasized the value and effectiveness of propaganda as a technique for reducing prejudice. He also agrees with the conception that techniques based on group structure and inter-personal relationships are the most effective.[5]

Flowerman and Greenberg were just two members of what was effectively a series of interlinked battalions of Jewish psychologists and sociologists operating with a kind of religious fervour in the fields of “prejudice studies,” opinion-shaping, and mass communications between the 1930s and 1950s, all with the goal of “unlocking” the White mind and opening it to “tolerance.” In a remarkable invasion (and creation) of disciplines similar to the Jewish flood into the medical and race sciences in the 1920s and 1930s, Jews also flooded, and then dominated, the fields of opinion research and mass communications — areas of research that overlapped so often under Jewish scholars like Flowerman that they were practically indistinguishable.

Even a quick review of lists of Past Presidents reveals that Jews were vastly over-represented in, if not dominated, the membership and presidencies of both the American Association of Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) and the World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR). And of the four academics considered the “founding fathers” of mass communication research in America, two (Vienna-born Paul Lazarsfeld and Kurt Lewin) were Jews. Of the two European American founding fathers, most of Harold Lasswell’s graduate students were Jewish[6] (e.g., Daniel Lerner, Abraham Kaplan, Gabriel Almond, Morris Janowitz, and Nathan Leites) and he also sponsored the Institute for Social Research’s project on anti-Semitism.[7] The fourth, Carl Hoveland, had an equally Jewish coterie around him at Yale, where he operated a team of researchers along with Milton Rosenberg and Robert Abelson. Historian Hynek Jeřábek notes that Lazarsfeld’s influence in particular can’t be understated — by 1983, seven years after his death, “the directors of social research at the three largest media networks in the United States, CBS, ABC, and NBC were all his former students.”[8] Another Jew, Jay Blumler, has been called “a founding father of British media studies.”[9]

In fact, the Jewish dominance of the study of public opinion (and the potential for its manipulation) simply can’t be overstated. In addition to those already named, Joseph Klapper, Bernard Berelson, Fritz Heider, Leo Bogart, Elihu Katz, Marie Jahoda, Joseph Gittler, Morris Rosenberg, Ernest Dichter, Walter Weiss, Nathan Glazer, Bernard J. Fine, Bruno Bettelheim, Wallace Mandell, Hertha Hertzog, Dororthy Blumenstock, Stanley Schachter, David Caplovitz, Walter Lippmann, Sol Ginsburg, Harry Alpert, Leon Festinger, Michael Gurevitch, Edward Shils, Eugene Gaier, Joseph Goldsen, Julius Schreiber, Daniel Levinson, Herbert Blumer, I. M. A. Myers, Irving Janis, Miriam Reimann, Edward Sapir, Solomon Asch, and Gerald Wieder were just some of the hundreds of highly influential academics working in these fields that were born into Jewish families, associated heavily with other Jews, contributed work to Jewish organizations, married Jews, and yet concerned themselves with a degree of fanaticism with White opinion and ethnocentrism in America. This is to say nothing of their graduate students, who numbered in the thousands.


Despite some superficial differences in the titles of “opinion research,” “prejudice studies,” and “mass communications,” these academics all worked with each other to some degree, if not directly (in organisations or in co-written studies or papers) then via mutual associations. For example, it is a matter of historical fact that, in addition to three of the four founding fathers of mass communications research being Jews, all three were also very intimately involved with the Frankfurt School and the broader Jewish agenda to ‘adapt’ public opinion. Paul Lazarsfeld and Kurt Lewin, the two gurus of mass communication, together attended a 1944 conference on anti-Semitism organized by the research department of the American Jewish Committee (headed by Samuel H. Flowerman) and the Berkeley faction of the Frankfurt School in exile (headed by Theodor Adorno).[10] David Kettler and Gerhard Lauer also point out that Lazarsfeld was in regular communication with Max Horkheimer, was “strongly supportive of the Horkheimer Circle and its work,” and even furnished the latter with “notes and recommendations for the Horkheimer Circle’s unpublished ‘Anti-Semitism Among American Labor.’”[11] He was also a colleague at Columbia with and close confidante of, Leo Lowenthal.[12] By the late 1940s, Lazarsfeld’s ex-wife and mother of his child, Marie Jahoda, had even come to act as an American Jewish Committee liaison between Horkheimer and Samuel H. Flowerman, and co-wrote a number of articles on “prejudice” with Flowerman in Commentary.

One should by now begin to see clear connections forming between the American Jewish Committee, the Frankfurt School, “prejudice studies,” Jewish dominance of the academic field of “mass communications,” and, finally, the flow of influence from this field into the mass media (most clearly in the positions at CBS, ABC, and NBC quickly obtained by Lazarsfeld’s students). These connections will be important later.

A reasonable working hypothesis for such a sudden concentration of mutually networking Jews (often from different countries) in these areas of research would be that Jewish identity and Jewish interests played a significant part in their career choices, and that the trend was then accelerated by ethnic nepotism and promotion from within the group. Jeřábek appears to concur when he states that “Paul Lazarsfeld’s Jewish background, or the fact that many people around him in Vienna were Jewish, can help to explain his future affinities, friendships, or decisions.”[13] Setting aside the deep historical context of conflict between Jews and Europeans, a contingent and contemporary explanation might be that Jews were moved into fields involving mass opinion and perceptions of prejudice because they were deeply disturbed by the rise of National Socialism.

A more general, but, perhaps more convincing explanation considering their activities over time, is that these Jews were in fact disturbed by any form of ethnically defined and assertive White host culture. For example, some of the foreign-born academics listed above, such as Marie Jahoda and Ernest Dichter, had even been arrested and detained in pre-Anschluss, pre-National Socialist Vienna as cultural and political subversives in the early 1930s. They then made their way to the United States or the United Kingdom where they more or less continued the same behavior. It is highly likely that these individuals sought both to understand and change the mechanics of opinion and mass communications in their host populations in order to make it more amenable to Jewish interests. When they were effectively exiled from one host population they merely transplanted their ambitions to a new one. The only alternative hypothesis, long used in Jewish apologetics for any similar instance of Jewish over-representation, is that huge numbers of mutually networking Jews convened in these disciplines purely by accident. Nathan Cofnas and Jordan Peterson, for example, might argue that Jews accidentally entered these areas of study en masse simply because they possessed high IQs and liked living in cities.

The problem with such reasoning is that the work produced by these academics and activists was so highly focused against White American opinion, rather than appearing random or accidental, that it strongly indicates these scholars entered the field of mass communications with a clear and common agenda. For example, Jewish mass communications scholar Bernard Berelson was not just a researcher in public opinion, but also conducted a series of propaganda tests on how to make White Americans find their own ethnocentrism abhorrent. In 1945 he conducted a study in which a cartoon was shown to the public that made connections between Fascism and American culture. The cartoon, titled “The Ghosts Go West…,” showed ghosts leaving the graves of Hitler, Mussolini, and Goebbels, and flying to America carrying a banner that read: “Down with Labour Unions, Foreign Born, Jews, Catholics, Negroes.” The message was clearly that “intolerance” in America was basically the demonic ghost of fascism. Interestingly, however, the study found that Jews exposed to the cartoon were so fixated on the banner that they missed the underlying message altogether and believed the cartoon was a far right creation. The potentially confusing nature of the piece meant it was never deployed as a “pro-tolerance” propaganda weapon.[14]

Berelson was also later a colleague and friend of Frederick S. Jaffe, the Jewish then-Vice President of Planned Parenthood. Both Jaffe and Berelson later became somewhat notorious because of a memo (known in history as the Jaffe Memo) sent in 1969 from the former to the latter, in which anti-White sociopath Jaffe put forth his own series of protocols that “included a table that summarized many proposals from various sources regarding population control. This table contained proposals such as compulsory abortions and sterilizations, encouraging homosexuality, and forcing women to work.” Both would also later work together on the infamous 1972 Rockefeller Commission Report which incorporated many of Jaffe’s proposals. We thus see more links between Jewishness, “prejudice studies,” the discipline of mass communications studies, and anti-White Jewish activism more generally.



        Marie Jahoda

In reality, the work of all these scholars orbited the same themes, if not openly, then more secretively (as in the case of Lazarsfeld’s work with the Institute for Social Research). Marie Jahoda, the ex-Austrian subversive, produced a series of studies that were mere variations on the theme of White ethnocentrism, something she pathologized most famously in Antisemitism and Emotional Disorder (1950).[15] In the same year, Morris Janowitz and Bruno Bettelheim worked together to produce Dynamics of Prejudice.[16] Meanwhile Joseph Gittler produced such works as “Measuring the Awareness of the Problem of Group Hostility,”[17] and “Man and His Prejudices.”[18] Herbert Blumer produced “Race Prejudice as a Sense of Group Position.”[19] Fritz Heider worked with Kurt Lewin and Solomon Asch on unlocking the ways in which conformity could alter group behavior and individual opinions.[20] Ernest Dichter believed his studies of the mass communications in marketing could lead to the development of persuasive techniques that could “stop the new wave of anti-Semitism.”[21] The work of Walter Weiss concerned “mass communication, public opinion, and social change as they bear on changing racial attitudes.”[22] And aside from his secretive work with the Institute for Social Research, Paul Lazarsfeld, while working at the Bureau of Applied Social Research at Columbia University, introduced the notion of “social bookkeeping,” a systematic service that would note and evaluate “prejudice” in any material appearing in mass media of communications. I could go on.

What we see here is the origins of an extensive Jewish joint enterprise in which the unlocking and alteration of White American public opinion is the goal. This is not conspiracy theory, but an established and provable fact. In a sense, the Frankfurt School, or Institute for Social Research, was the tip of an iceberg. The work of Horkheimer, Adorno et al, both drew from, and enthused, a large and growing army of Jewish academics working in the fields of public opinion and mass communications. This was a body of academics and activists keen to translate theories on “prejudice and the authoritarian personality” into action — to change the opinions and thinking of the host population. They would go on to develop forms of testing and analysis to further these goals, and their students would go on to take dominant positions in the fields of the mass media and mass communications. In many cases these academics speak openly of the need for control of the media and the mass dissemination of sophisticated propaganda (all of which could be tried and perfected at the expense of their universities in the name of ‘prejudice research’). Of all these activists, however, none produced a work more bluntly subversive than Samuel Flowerman’s 1947 essay “Mass Propaganda in the War on Bigotry.” It is to the protocols of Samuel H. Flowerman that we now turn our attention.

End of Part 1 of 2.

[1] Flowerman, S. H., “Mass propaganda in the war against bigotry,” The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 42(4), (1947) 429-439.

[2] D. M. Scott, “Postwar Pluralism, Brown v. Board of Education, and the Origins of Multicultural Education,” Journal of American History, Vol 91, No 1 (2004), 69–82.

[3] For an example of Flowerman’s thoughts on Freud and psychoanalysis see S. H. Flowerman, “Psychoanalytic Theory and Science,” American Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. 8, No. 3, 415-441.

[4] S. H. Flowerman, “Portrait of the Authoritarian Man,” New York Times Magazine, April 23 1950, 31.

[5] Herbert Greenberg, “The Effects of Single-Session Education Techniques on Prejudice Attitudes,” The Journal of Educational Sociology, Vol. 31, No. 2 (1957), 82-86, 82.

[6] Ido Oren, Our Enemies and US: America’s Rivalries and the Making of Political Science, (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, (2003), 13.

[7] Thomas Wheatland, The Frankfurt School in Exile (Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2009), 384.

[8] Hynek Jeřábek, Paul Lazarsfeld and the Origins of Communications Research, (New York: Routledge, 2017), 18.

[9] James Curran, “Jay Blumler: A Founding Father of British Media Studies,” in Stephen Coleman (ed) Can the media save democracy? Essays in honour of Jay G. Blumler (London: Palgrave, 2015).

[10] John P. Jackson and Nadine M. Weidman, Race, Racism, and Science: Social Impact and Interaction (New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press), 176.

[11] David Kettler and Gerhard Lauer, Exile, Science and Bildung: The Contested Legacies of German Emigre Intellectuals (New York: Palgrave, 2005),  184.

[12] James Schmidt, “The Eclipse of Reason and the End of the Frankfurt School in America,” New German Critique 100 (2007), 47-76, 47.

[13]Jeřábek, Paul Lazarsfeld and the Origins of Communications Research, 23.

[14] Bureau of Applied Social Research, “The Ghosts Go West”: A Study of Comprehension, (Unpublished), 1945, Directed by Bernard B. Berelson. Cited in Flowerman, S. H., “Mass propaganda in the war against bigotry,” 438.

[15] See for example, “The dynamic basis of anti-Semitic attitudes,” The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, Vol. 17, No. 2, (1948); “The evasion of propaganda: How prejudiced people respond to anti-prejudice propaganda” The Journal of Psychology, 23 (1947), 15-25; Studies in the scope and method of “The authoritarian personality. (New York, NY, US: Free Press, 1954); “Race relations in Public Housing,” Journal of Social Issues, Vol. 7, No. 1-2 (1951).

[16] Morris Janowitz and Bruno Bettelheim, Dynamics of Prejudice (New York: Harper and Brothers, 1950).

[17] Joseph Gittler, “Measuring the Awareness of the Problem of Group Hostility,” Social Forces, Vol. 34, No. 2 (Dec., 1955), 163-167.

[18] Joseph Gittler, ”Man and His Prejudices,” The Scientific Monthly, 69 (1949 ), 43-47.

[19] Herbert Blumer, ““Race Prejudice as a Sense of Group Position,” Pacific Sociological Review, 1 (Spring 1958), 3-7.

[20] Irvin Rock and Stephen Palmer, “The Legacy of Gestalt Psychology,” Scientific American, Dec 1990, 84-90, 89.

[21] Ernest Dichter, The Strategy of Desire (New York: Routledge, 2017), 15.

[22] Bert T. King and Elliott McGinnies, Attitudes, Conflict, and Social Change (New York: Academic Press, 1972), 124.


Posted by Flowerman part 2 on Tue, 25 Sep 2018 23:56 | #

Occidental Observer, ““Modify the standards of the in-group’: On Jews and Mass Communications” — Part Two of Two

by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.


“Millions of leaflets, pamphlets, cartoons, comic books, articles — and more recently radio and movie scripts — have been produced and disseminated in the propaganda war.”  Samuel H. Flowerman, Mass Propaganda in the War Against Bigotry, 1947.[1]

The Protocols of Samuel H. Flowerman

Samuel H. Flowerman, as Research Director at the American Jewish Committee, as colleague of the Institute for Social Research, and as a kind of hub for the expansive Jewish clique of mass communications scholars, was at the center of the drive to put Jewish “opinion research” initiatives into practical action. The clearest articulation of what this practical action would look like was articulated in his 1947 essay, “Mass Propaganda in the War Against Bigotry.” Flowerman’s foremost concern was that, although millions of dollars were being spent by organisations like the American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League on propaganda, propaganda may not by itself be sufficient for the mass transformation of values in the hamuost population — in particular, for the weakening of its ethnocentrism.

Flowerman begins by explaining the format and extent of existing efforts: “Millions of leaflets, pamphlets, cartoons, comic books, articles — and more recently radio and movie scripts — have been produced and disseminated in the propaganda war (429).” Flowerman’s use of the language of warfare is of course interesting in itself and will be discussed further below. For now, we should focus on what Flowerman lists as the five aims of the “propaganda war”:

  1. “The restructuring of the attitudes of prejudiced individuals, or at least their neutralization.”
  2. “The restructuring of group values toward intolerance.”
  3. “The reinforcement of attitudes of those already committed to a democratic ideology perhaps by creating an illusion of universality or victory.”
  4. “The continued neutralisation of those whose attitudes are yet unstructured and who are deemed “safer” if they remain immune to symbols of bias.”
  5. “Off-setting the counter-symbols of intolerance.” (429)

Flowerman concedes that the level of work and control required to achieve these aims would be extensive, and that the project was highly ambitious, seeking nothing less than “successful mass persuasion in the field of intergroup relations (429).”

But he is equally clear in the conditions required for such success.

Flowerman’s first condition is “control by pro-tolerance groups or individuals of the channels of mass communication.” (430) Since Flowerman’s entire context of “pro-tolerance” activism was essentially Jewish, we may assume he is strongly implying that the channels of mass communication should fall into Jewish hands. Since “control” in Flowerman’s phrasing is not qualified, and since many newspapers, radio stations, and movie production companies were already in the hands of “pro-tolerance” Jews, the implication is also present that this control should be absolute. In addition, notes Flowerman, total control of these channels may still not be sufficient in itself. The host population will still need to be exposed to the productions of mass communications, and this was to be assured via “force, commercial monopoly, and/or crisis (designed or accidental).” (430) Only then would ‘pro-tolerance’ forces see “the persuasive devices and techniques of the elite playing upon the susceptibilities of the manipulated.” (430) Flowerman closes here with reference to Erich Fromm’s theory that people have “a desire to be controlled.”

The second of Flowerman’s conditions for “successful mass persuasion in the field of intergroup relations” is saturation. This condition, like that of control and monopoly of the channels of mass communication, is intended as absolute. In other words, the message of “pro-tolerance” was to be ubiquitous and all-pervasive — beyond what was possible in 1947 and probably beyond what could even be conceptualized in 1947. In Flowerman’s words: “In addition to the large sums of money currently being expended on tolerance propaganda, significantly greater sums would probably be needed to achieve the degree of saturation — as yet hypothetical — required.” (430) The general idea here is to increase the “flow of pro-tolerance symbols” as a proportion of “the total stream of communications.”

In November 1946, a three-day convention, partly organized by Flowerman, was held in New York, bringing together “experts in the general field of public relations, including advertising, direct mail, film, radio, and press; professional workers on the staff of national and local agencies specifically concerned with fighting group discrimination; and social scientists from the universities and national defense agencies.”[2] Jews, of course, dominated all of these areas, and the list of attendees included the previously mentioned figures Bruno Bettelheim, Sol Ginsburg, Hertha Herzog (radio research director of McCann-Erickson, Inc.), Julius Schreiber, Paul Lazarsfeld, Joseph Goldsen, and Morris Janowitz. One of the findings of the mass communications scholars present at the convention was that even control and saturation may not be sufficient for ensure a transformation of opinions and values in the demographic majority. This was the case when the propaganda encountered particularly strong-minded individuals, or when the propaganda got lost in the overall stream of communications that one encounters in the course of everyday life. Flowerman thus writes with frustration that “we are developing a nation of individuals who work, worry, love, and play while news commentators, comedians, opera companies, symphony orchestras, and swing bands are broadcasting. This continuous onslaught for ‘something for everyone’ results in a kind of ‘radio deafness.’” (431) In order to overcome this obstacle, Flowerman returns to a key aspect of his first condition — the use of crisis (he writes that this can be “designed or accidental”) to focus attention on delivered propaganda. Flowerman writes:

As for overcoming the ‘radio deafness’ to commercial announcements and the general atmosphere of make-believe of radio entertainment, only symbols associated with acute crisis would seem to have a chance. For the great bulk of American people racial and religious intolerance is not regarded as a critical situation. … The absence of critical stress serves to diminish levels of attention to pro-tolerance symbols. (431)

Practical contemporary examples of what this tactic might look light would be the ubiquity of pro-diversity propaganda in the aftermath of Islamic attacks, Charlottesville, school shootings, moral panics about racism, ADL hype about the ever-present threat of anti-Semitism, murders by immigrants, and migrant drownings in the Mediterranean. The point here is that regardless of context, “crisis” is to be manufactured into almost every situation in order to focus attention on the real goal — the successful delivery of “pro-tolerance” messages, even (or especially) in circumstances in which tolerance has proven deadly, to the host population. Jews or, in the more ambiguous phrasing, “the agents of pro-tolerance,” would thus need to achieve (in Flowerman’s own words) the ambitious trifecta of “control, saturation, crisis.” (432) Crisis is therefore Flowerman’s third condition.

The fourth condition is the achievement of an alteration of predispositions in the individual via modification of their surroundings and peer pressure. Here Flowerman argues that “pro-tolerance” propaganda should not rely on intellectual means but instead on “social perception, which is affected by the predispositions of the audience. In turn, these dispositions are affect-laden attitudes which may have been produced by parents, teachers, playmates, etc.” (432)

The point here is that Flowerman and the mass communications clique believed that their propaganda would be better received by the masses if the psychological context of reception was itself changed. In other words, people raised in the demographic majority who are imbued with a sense of communal pride, social responsibility, cultural achievement, and national purpose are unlikely to be predisposed to be receptive to messages on behalf of outsiders. Some intervention in peer interactions and peer culture was thus necessary in order to break up such an obstacle to the reception of “pro-tolerance” propaganda. As just one example, we return here to Flowerman’s 1950 article for New York Times Magazine in which he argues for the training of teachers “as engineers of human relations instead of instructors of arithmetic and spelling.”[3] Children can thus “engineered” to be more receptive to “pro-tolerance” propaganda in adulthood.

This condition bleeds into the fifth — the manipulation of the basic instinct of humans to conform to group standards. Flowerman writes:

Consciously or unconsciously, individuals use group frames of reference in social situations even when they are physically separated from the group. … The strength of group sanctions is a potent force to reckon with even for an individual with a strong ego. … It would appear, then, that to be successful mass propaganda on behalf of out-groups would have to modify the standards of the in-group. … Mass pro-tolerance propaganda, to be successful, would have to change such values, which would be difficult to imagine without control, saturation, crisis, etc. (432)

What Flowerman is proposing here is essentially a revolution in values, after which a politically correct culture emerges where the demographic majority becomes self-policing and antagonistic to its own ethnic interests. In this environment — achieved via “control, saturation, crisis”— the strength of group sanctions among the White American in-group is directed towards manifestations of in-group ethnocentrism instead of outsiders. It’s nothing less than a proposal for the cultivation of White guilt and pathological altruism, and the diminishment of White ethnocentrism and cultural pride.

The sixth condition is the cultivation of influential figures on behalf of the “pro-tolerance” agenda. This required great subtlety. Flowerman writes that the research of his mass communications colleagues and co-ethics shows the targets of their propaganda:

are willing to assign to some individuals a stamp of approval which they deny to others … We know that many leaflets written and endorsed by popular heroes and accepted even by prejudiced individuals are often dismissed on the ground that they are being distributed by minority groups in their own self-interest. Many prejudiced individuals cannot conceive of such distribution by dominant groups. (433)

What Flowerman is here complaining of is the fact that some members of the demographic majority are perceptive enough to accurately point out the real origin of “pro-tolerance” propaganda, and to dismiss it on those grounds. By “minority groups,” the coy Mr Flowerman of course means Jews. He then cites a specific case:

In an experiment being conducted at the University of Chicago by Bettelheim, Shils, and Janowitz, veterans were exposed to pro-tolerance propaganda including a cartoon by Bill Mauldin. A prejudiced respondent, sharing the general esteem in which this popular soldier-cartoonist is held by ex-GI’s, said that he had regarded Mauldin as a “regular guy” but he supposed that if you paid a man enough you could get him to do anything; this respondent believed that the material he saw was being distributed by “a bunch of New York communists.” (433)

Thus we see the pathologisation of a veteran because he perceived with stunning accuracy the hand of subversion behind the use of a popular icon to promote an agenda entirely alien to his interests. Despite exceptions such as this veteran, the overall susceptibility of the masses was deemed sufficiently high for the strategy of “sponsorship” to be progressed. As a result, reports Flowerman,

propagandists, recognising the need for impeccable sources of authority, are producing material endorsed by popular heroes in sports, entertainment, and in the armed forces. Recently a plan has been developed to promote the insertion of full-page newspaper advertisements paid for and sponsored by “respectable” local business organizations. The effect of this campaign will have to be determined. (433)

Developed alongside his colleagues in the Institute for Social Research and the mass communications clique, these, then, are Flowerman’s six conditions for a radical transformation of values in the White American demographic majority:

1) Control of the channels of mass communications;
2) Saturation with Pro-tolerance messages;
3) Crisis, designed or accidental;
4) Diminishment of Cultural Pride and Self-esteem;
5) Cultivation of Self-Punishment and Group Self-Sanctioning;
6) Sponsorship of willing dupes or traitors.

Although these six conditions form most of the body of “Mass Propaganda in the War Against Bigotry,” Flowerman also spends some time discussing the ideal content of “pro-tolerance” propaganda. In this regard, he comments:

The most striking feature, the spearhead, of propaganda, is the slogan. … Current pro-tolerance or anti-intolerance slogans urge unity and amity, warn against being divided by differences of race and religion, describe our common origin as immigrants to these shores, remove myths about racial differences, and denounce bigots and bigotry. Some popular slogans are: Don’t be a Sucker!, Americans All —– Immigrants All, All Races and All Creeds Working Together etc.

Don’t Be A Sucker! was the name of a wartime film produced by the Army Signals Corps at a time when it was working heavily alongside Jewish Hollywood executives and script writers; its film production center was headed by Col. Emmanuel ‘Manny’ Cohen.[4] According to Wikipedia, the film:

  has anti-racist and anti-fascist themes, and was made to educate viewers about prejudice and discrimination. The film was also made to make the case for the desegregation of the United States armed forces. An American who has been listening to a racist and bigoted rabble-rouser, who is preaching hate speech against ethnic and religious minorities and immigrants, is warned off by a naturalized Hungarian immigrant, possibly a Holocaust survivor or escapee, who explains to him how such rhetoric and demagogy allowed the Nazis to rise to power in Weimar Germany, and warns Americans not to fall for similar demagogy propagated by American racists and bigots. In August 2017 the short film went viral on the internet in the aftermath of the violent Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia and various copies have been uploaded to video sharing sites in the past year.

Flowerman was dissatisfied with the slogans of his time, however, believing them to be too “general in nature, vague as to goals, and unspecific as to methods.” (434) He believed that merely defining fascism as the enemy was insufficient because, at that time, the host population believed “fascism was strictly a foreign phenomenon characteristic particularly of Nazi Germany.” Propaganda depicting fascism as the enemy was therefore going to be ineffective in making the host population see its own values as oppositional and requiring destruction. Referring to works like The Authoritarian Personality, Flowerman writes: “Studies abound in which subjects subscribed to tenets of fascism although they rejected the fascist label itself. The pervasiveness of prejudice in so many individuals makes it difficult to set up a real enemy.” (434) He acknowledges that “in much anti-intolerance propaganda” the enemy is defined as “white, native-born Protestants,” but makes it clear that he wishes this to be expanded “for logical and psychological reasons.” One gets the impression that “Diversity is our Strength” and “Fight Hate” would have been much to his satisfaction.


We now find ourselves returning to our point of departure. “The whole story is transparently barmy,” said the Guardian’s Jason Wilson when discussing “conspiracy theories” about Cultural Marxism. Consider again what he says this “conspiracy theory” amounts to:

  The vogue for the ideas of theorists like Herbert Marcuse and Theodor Adorno in the 1960s counterculture culminated with their acolytes’ occupation of the commanding heights of the most important cultural institutions, from universities to Hollywood studios. There, the conspiracy says, they promoted and even enforced ideas which were intended to destroy traditional Christian values and overthrow free enterprise: feminism, multiculturalism, gay rights and atheism. And this, apparently, is where political correctness came from. I promise you: this is what they really think … The theory of cultural Marxism is also blatantly antisemitic, drawing on the idea of Jews as a fifth column bringing down western civilisation from within, a racist trope that has a longer history than Marxism.

In light of the facts addressed in this essay, such a theory would seem thoroughly borne out, with the only required alterations being that the process started before the 1960s and involved many more figures than the staff of the Institute for Social Research. The problem with people like Wilson is that they are proof of the very ‘conspiracy theory’ they refute. Raised in a controlled media, saturated with pro-tolerance propaganda, psychologically blasted with crisis after crisis, stripped of cultural pride, consumed by White guilt, and influenced by purchased “sponsors,” he is the perfectly gullible product of the protocols of Samuel H. Flowerman and the mass communications clique.

Not barmy, but more or less ridiculous, Wilson becomes an intellectual pygmy biting at the heels of his betters — those who, like the veteran in the study of Bettelheim, Shils, and Janowitz, see the true origin of the propaganda and are pathologized for their perceptivity.

[1] Flowerman, S. H., “Mass propaganda in the war against bigotry,” The Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 42(4), (1947) 429-439.

[2] S.H. Flowerman and M. Jahoda, “The study of man – can prejudice be fought scientifically?” Commentary, Dec., 1946.

[3] S. H. Flowerman, “Portrait of the Authoritarian Man,” New York Times Magazine, April 23 1950, 31.

[4] See for example, Richard Koszarski, “Subway Commandos: Hollywood Filmmakers at the Signal Corps Photographic Center,” Film History Vol. 14, No. 3/4, (2002), 296-315.


Posted by Edmund Leighton on Fri, 28 Sep 2018 07:02 | #

        Faces of Ancient Europe

        My Fair Lady, 1914 by Edmund Leighton
        #Leighton #Lady


Posted by Claire Khaw on Sun, 21 Oct 2018 01:47 | #

Marriage and White Nationalism


Posted by mancinblack on Sun, 21 Oct 2018 10:38 | #

The link @4 has failed…


Posted by Claire's voice on Sun, 21 Oct 2018 12:11 | #

Thanks Mancinblack.

Hopefully it will work now - Claire Khaw on Marriage and White Nationalism.

Claire has a delightful voice and demeanor. An Asian sympathetic to British nationalism, in fact, a former BNP member, unfortunately she’s gotten a bit caught up with the kosher scene - Brett Stevens and Luke Ford.

An interview with GW would be nice to draw her away from that.


Posted by mancinblack on Sun, 21 Oct 2018 13:24 | #

Yeah, I know who she is Daniel. She promotes what she calls Secular Koranism, in which the “children of the Book” would live in harmony with each other,no doubt controlling life on Earth.


Posted by mancinblack on Sun, 21 Oct 2018 13:41 | #

I should add that if the interview was Kumiko v Khaw I’d want a bottle of Mezcal and a ringside seat.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 21 Oct 2018 14:09 | #

- wasn’t familiar enough with her to know about the “children of the book” stuff. Although now that you mention it, I guess it would follow (unfortunatetly). Same turf of concerns, wrong direction. Given that, yeah, Kumiko vs. Khaw would be a good match. I’d try to reserve a ringside seat for us both. Go Kumiko and children of the light!


Posted by Illenia Contessa on Sun, 21 Oct 2018 17:11 | #

On the other hand, this woman, Illenia Contessa, is apparently more readily aligned with our perspective.

I haven’t been able to garner her contact info as yet…

But when I can, I’d like for MR to speak with her.


Posted by The Craw on Sun, 21 Oct 2018 18:22 | #



Posted by Aggrieved of the sharks on Sun, 04 Nov 2018 07:29 | #

The institutionalized option of sex as sacrament and human ecological boundering may not completely eliminate this sort of thing, but it may reduce it as more assistance for circumspect types is provided so as not to get or feel cheated-out. And because it would provide them less excuse to act out as such because they would not have the excuse that society was not taking some responsibility to correct for their grievances and perceived injustices.

Occidental Dissent, 3 Nov 2018:

“Tallahassee Mass Shooter Was An Incel Who Wanted To Crucify Mudsharks On YouTube”,

“The man who shot dead two women at a yoga studio in Tallahassee, Florida, on Friday before killing himself was a far-right extremist and self-proclaimed misogynist who railed against women, black people, and immigrants in a series of online videos and songs.

Scott Beierle, 40, was named by Tallahassee Police as the shooter who opened fire inside the Hot Yoga Tallahassee studio, killing two and injuring four other women and a man.

Those killed were named as Dr. Nancy Van Vessem, 61, who worked at Florida State University’s College of Medicine, and FSU student Maura Binkley, 21.

On a YouTube channel in 2014, Beierle filmed several videos of himself offering extremely racist and misogynistic opinions, in which he called women “sluts” and “whores,” and lamented “the collective treachery” of girls he went to high school with.

“There are whores in — not only every city, not only every town, but every village,” he said, referring to women in interracial relationships, whom he said had betrayed “their blood.”

Officer Damon Miller of the Tallahassee Police Department said he could not tell BuzzFeed News whether women were specifically targeted in the attack or whether these online posts were the subject of detectives’ inquiries.

“Everything that he has a connection to we’re investigating right now,” Miller said.

Police said they were still investigating a motive, but noted Beierle had previously been investigated for harassing women.

In one video called “Plight of the Adolescent Male,” he named Elliot Rodger, who killed six people and injured 14 and is often seen as a hero for so-called incels, or those who consider themselves “involuntarily celibate.” …”

In “American Wigger,” he sang that he would “blow off” the head of a woman he referred to using the c-word. The song “Locked in My Basement” featured an extremely disturbing tale of Beierle holding a woman prisoner in his basement using chains so he can rape her.”


Posted by XNoclass on Fri, 09 Nov 2018 03:49 | #

I am proud to be of Asian descent said the yellow and red.

I am proud to be of African descent said the black.

I am proud to be of European descent, said the racist.


Posted by Electre on Fri, 14 Dec 2018 16:37 | #

On the celebrative side: Electre


Posted by Monkey Branching on Fri, 05 Apr 2019 17:40 | #

The Dark Side to Female Monkey Branching Tactics


Posted by Thoughts on hypergamy (as a woman) on Sat, 06 Apr 2019 23:37 | #

Thoughts on hypergamy (as a woman)


Posted by I lost all my friends in the culture war on Mon, 08 Apr 2019 13:56 | #

I lost all my friends in the culture war.

Some of the difficulty she is experiencing may stem from an inability to coordinate with former friends for the confusion of “liberalism” (pseudo objectivist warrant) with “leftism” (group solidarity and accountability)...

It’s speculation, though reasoned speculation as to what steps in resolution of our White post modern negotiation will take, while I am no one to talk down, having lost friends and family through my White advocacy….finding them surprisingly abrupt in their unwillingness to consider the non liberal view.


Posted by Kykle on Thu, 30 May 2019 11:39 | #

Luke Ford and his boy Kylke, salesmen for the “deep state”

Daniel Sienkiewicz

When I hear someone like Kyle saying that he is going to start a podcast discussing how to improve the incentive structure for monogamy, my disgust with the right is increased exponentially for allowing an enemy such as him, to move into and try to preside over concerns - viz. incentive structure and monogamy - that I have been proposing since the late 1980s. And I have discussed this at length at Majorityrights for years as well, only to get no help, just ridiculous straw men criticisms that I was trying to “control’ people by proposing that monogamy for life should be upheld as an important option, and that it will improve the societal incentive structure as such. Other strawmen criticisms, that I was supposedly writing 10 essays about sex as sacrament when people should be (F’ing) having sex and breeding”... totally ignoring that I always do a double entry, saying that I propose sacrament as an important option, not the only way to treat sex….


Posted by Monogamy as practical on Mon, 24 Jun 2019 03:29 | #

I don’t exactly make prescriptions, but regarding the suggestion of monogamy being socially acknowledged as a serious concern, I have been clear to say that sacrament is one good - and generally important - story among many potential stories to tell about sex - it does not only have to be guided by a narrative of sacrament. If people want to look upon it as practical, that can be very good as well - stories of sacrament and pure love can be stultifying (and spawn futile quest for the pure along with disillusionment over its failure). And I have always said, there are stories to accommodate those who cannot manage monogamy as well - but if we can manage our boundaries we can accommodate and manage both polarities (sacrament and celebration).


Posted by Regret and the City on Thu, 26 Sep 2019 14:43 | #

Regret and the City: Young women becoming not so young and regretting having modeled their youthful behavior on Sex and The City type characters and scripts.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 13:43. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 19:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 19:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 15:19. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:26. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 06:57. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 22:36. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:51. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:20. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 12:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 10:55. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 07:29. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 18:48. (View)

weremight commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 04:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Apr 2024 22:54. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Apr 2024 16:12. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Apr 2024 14:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Apr 2024 12:34. (View)

weremight commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Apr 2024 06:42. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 23:27. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 23:01. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 22:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 22:23. (View)

Anon commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 20:07. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 19:39. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 17:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Sun, 21 Apr 2024 15:20. (View)
