Tales of south Belfast

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 17 June 2009 23:41.

The Establishment’s tale:-

The men, women and children - the youngest of whom was a five-day old baby girl - were evacuated from their homes in the Lisburn Road area of Belfast on Tuesday. They spent the night in the City Church, near Queen’s University, before being moved to a council leisure centre. Last night [WED] around 20 families were in temporary student lodgings arranged by the local authorities.

Racial attacks had been intensifying in the area for several weeks, and came to a head on Monday when youths targeted an anti-racism rally by hurling bottles and making Nazi salutes.

As Romanian families arrived at the leisure centre clutching their belongings, they told of the terrifying spate of attacks. One man said a 10-strong gang broke into his house and made threats to kill. “They made signs like they wanted to cut my brother’s baby’s throat. They said they wanted to kill us,” he said.

The blogger’s tale:-

And you will read that these immigrants are required to do the work that the lazy people of Belfast will not do and that again is a lie. Their women are ferried on mass into the City Centre every day, where they spend their time begging. And God only knows what their men do. But it is not work because there is hardly any work and daily there are reports of job losses throughout Northern Ireland.

No, these people are brought in to dilute and undermine the unity of the people of Northern Ireland, the same way that the colonisers are being used throughout the rest of the United Kingdom. To deny us the right to be ourselves.

The commenter’s tale:-


While wondering why the men weren’t out working, and why the grannies are over here, and so on. Then I decided to do some research.

Romanians can come here on two schemes - the Sector Based Scheme or the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Scheme.

Well, I checked ALL of the companies register to bring people in on the SAWS scheme and, amazingly, none of them appear to be running farms in central Belfast. Well, that was a suprise. So, I looked at the Sector Based Scheme.

Here’s the conditions for the schemes:

The basic requirements for the sector based scheme are as follows:

* You must be a national of Romania or Bulgaria.
* You must be between the ages of 18 and 30.
* This is a temporary work permit for the UK for a maximum period of twelve months.
* The employer must show that there is a shortage of people in the UK to fill these vacancies and will normally need to advertise to show this.
* You will not be allowed to bring a spouse or dependents with you to the UK.

Now, why don’t all of you tell me how these people are here? If they’re here legally, they can’t bring their spouses and dependents - and yet look at all the kiddies! If they’re here illegally then why have they been given housing?

There’s more to this story than the BBC and Guardian would have you believe, it seems.

While wondering why the men weren’t out working, and why the grannies are over here, and so on. Then I decided to do some research.

Romanians can come here on two schemes - the Sector Based Scheme or the Seasonal Agricultural Workers Scheme.

Well, I checked ALL of the companies register to bring people in on the SAWS scheme and, amazingly, none of them appear to be running farms in central Belfast. Well, that was a suprise. So, I lokoed at the Sector Based Scheme.

Here’s the conditions for the schemes:

The basic requirements for the sector based scheme are as follows:

* You must be a national of Romania or Bulgaria.
* You must be between the ages of 18 and 30.
* This is a temporary work permit for the UK for a maximum period of twelve months.
* The employer must show that there is a shortage of people in the UK to fill these vacancies and will normally need to advertise to show this.
* You will not be allowed to bring a spouse or dependents with you to the UK.

Now, why don’t all of you tell me how these people are here? If they’re here legally, they can’t bring their spouses and dependents - and yet look at all the kiddies! If they’re here illegally then why have they been given housing?

There’s more to this story than the BBC and Guardian would have you believe, it seems.

The locals’ tale:-

Tags: Immigration



Posted by Lurker on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 04:49 | #

Without reading anymore, I’m going to venture that these people are not really Romanians but Gypsies/Roma.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 06:02 | #

Jobbik, Hungary’s BNP equivalent, who recently elected three MEPs, outlines the Roma issue in Hungary.



Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 06:10 | #

The Hungarian Guard



Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 06:31 | #

From Lindsay, Gypsies thump Hungarian girl.



Posted by Bill on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 07:56 | #

BNP Leader Condemns Belfast Anti-Gypsy Violence and Immigration Policy Which Allows It to Happen


Meanwhile over at VFR 17.06.2009 Auster has this up.

Griffin interviewed in the Independent
An audience with a racist

I posted recently that now Griffin is an MEP, he would be in a much more influential position to get a stronger message out to a wider public.


Auster says…. “Victor’s constant PC carping discredits itself, while Griffin, for all the insults he must take, manages to get his point of view into a mainstream paper in a way he has probably never done before”

What do you think?


Posted by Bill on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 08:48 | #

On last night’s BBC 6.0 pm news, the reporter in Belfast signed off by saying that the overwhelming majority of Irish people welcomed them.


Posted by Q on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 13:31 | #

Politicians like McGuinness are the real criminals here that caused this incident. It is them that should be isolated, arrested and charged with everything from disturbing the peace, right on up to and including treason and conspiracy to commit genocide.



Posted by john on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 13:39 | #

Gypsies and jews both have a long history of persecution. The Israelis should hold out the hand of frienship and let them all move to Israel.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 14:38 | #

I didn’t read the whole Independent interview linked above by Bill — am a bit rushed right at the moment — but this next bit from it strikes me as the Fundamental and Non-Negotiable Point Our Side is Trying to Make (here a Negro journalist is interviewing Nick Griffin):

So, how would [Griffin] feel if I moved in next door?  He laughs, nervously again, and points out there is no house next door to his detached stone farmhouse home 10 miles from Welshpool.  “In simple terms, if you moved in next door it wouldn’t bother me in the slightest.  One family doesn’t make any difference at all <u>but, erm, where does it stop</u>?

One or a very few racial/ethnocultural incompatibles are OK, but where does it stop?  The other side doesn’t want it ever to stop.  It wants, in other words, precisely race-replacement, that which “it never stopping” necessarily entails. 

Each member of the alliance making up the other side has its own reasons for not wanting it to ever stop even though genocide of whites will be the outcome:  the capitalists (a great many of whom are Jewish) want cheap labor and don’t care what they destroy in the process; the Jews as Jews are out for punishment of Eurochristians for a variety of ethnoracial Jewish reasons both ancient and modern; middle-class white Guardian readers (in this country, National Public Radio listeners) are trying each to out-compassion and out-“look-how-unprejudiced-I-am” the others because they see doing so as a marker of belonging to a better class of white people while privately they wouldn’t be caught dead living in or anywhere near a Negro neighborhood; homosexuals, similarly to the Jews, are out for punishment of traditional white society for various homosexual resentments, grudges, hatreds, and other reasons; lesbians/women’s-libbers are out to punish trad white society and particularly white men whom they especially hate because they see them as sexual rivals for the young women they covet sexually for themselves; clueless women voters because they’re clueless about race, about how countries work, and about lots of other stuff you shouldn’t be clueless about if you’re given the right to vote; falsely-self-abnegating Christians are misinterpreting Scripture and Christian tradition and theology as meaning white-race auto-genocide is favored by God; non-whites already let into the country in inappropriate numbers by the actions of the above over the past forty-odd years are naturally pushing for even more non-whites to enter; and so on.  (When I refer to Jewish group culpability in all this, the Jews I have least in mind, or not in mind at all, are the Hasidic and Ultra-Orthodox Jews.  Maybe I should have pointed this out long ago; I would have thought this was obvious.)

Opposition to race-replacement, whether we mean race-replacement of your country, region, city, town, or village, is always a question of numbers, never individuals.  One of the other side’s tactics is to insist opposition to race-replacement is a question of individuals and therefore something unreasonable and hateful, rather than a question of inappropriate numbers, opposition to which is reasonable, normal, and right.


Posted by Svigor on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 19:23 | #

What do you think?

I think the road to survival for the Anglosphere runs through the UK.  Are the Irish going to let Britain destroy her this late in the game?  Are the English?

Is the BNP the beginning of rolling up the carpet?

The trouble with America is it’s so big, lightly populated, and so very winner-take-all (inter alia).  The UK is much smaller, much more densely populated, and not winner-take-all.  It would be all but impossible to get a toehold in the American media.  How about the UK media?  Anyone want to explain if a right-minded billionaire could buy a toehold?

Make no mistake, if we win the UK it’s ballgame (and “they” know it).


Posted by Eman on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 20:23 | #

Lurker: Without reading anymore, I’m going to venture that these people are not really Romanians but Gypsies/Roma.

Of course they aren’t “Romanian” - they are clearly Roma, and the media only calls them “Romanian” to milead people as to the reality of their origins.  See: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/northern_ireland/8105488.stm - “Most of the Romanian families, who are members of the Roma ethnic group, spent Wednesday at the Ozone Leisure Centre in south Belfast, after being taken there from the church hall.”

Meanwhile, in Hungary, there is a video of Roma scum beating up a Hungarian teenage girl.  See: http://robertlindsay.wordpress.com/2009/06/17/viral-video-gypsies-beat-up-a-hungarian-girl/

The Roma still remaining in Europe need to be repatriated back to their long-lost Indian homeland immediately.


Posted by Dasein on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 20:44 | #

The Irish need to get the chip off their shoulder.  Sinn Fein is full of ex-commies and race-replacement enthusiasts.  They’ll use this incident to play up how nasty and intolerant the Loyalists are.

Near the end of this video, Gerry Adams tells the assembled Negroes that the Irish stand shoulder to shoulder with them against their oppressors.



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 22:19 | #

Posted yesterday at VFR:

[Interviewer Peter] Victor is black, a little point he doesn’t let his interviewee, Nick Griffin, or the reader forget for an instant:  “Do you have a problem with me?  Do you have a problem with me?”,  he keeps asking, and Griffin for his part replies to the inquisition quite sensibly.  For example, Griffin says that he would have no problem if Victor moved in next door to his house, but that if Victor’s brother also moved in on the other side of his house, he would have a problem with that.  Numbers are the issue, and by insisting that numbers are the issue, Griffin undercuts the single-minded liberal emphasis on the individual (“Do you have a problem with me?”), and shows that what is at stake is the survival of an entire people and culture.

Bullseye.  Dead-center.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 18 Jun 2009 22:21 | #



Posted by Matra on Fri, 19 Jun 2009 00:46 | #

The men, women and children - the youngest of whom was a five-day old baby girl - were evacuated from their homes in the Lisburn Road area of Belfast on Tuesday.

The Lisburn Road area is an expensive place to live in part because it is non-sectarian, therefore there are twice as many people bidding for local houses or willing to rent in the area, and also because it is beside a university, large hospital and a short walk from downtown nightlife.  Even the most basic tenement houses are beyond the reach of the average professional as investors looking to rent out houses to large groups drove up prices beyond what local people can afford. Between 1996 and 2002 house prices throughout the Lisburn Road area doubled, then doubled again by 2007.  There is no chance these ‘Romanians’ are paying the rent in such an expensive area. According to an ITN report ‘anti-racists’ stood outside several houses on Wellesley Ave protecting the houses. Wellesley Avenue is a prime real estate area where the former local people have been forced out towards the less expensive area west of the Lisburn Road.

Their women are ferried on mass into the City Centre every day, where they spend their time begging. And God only knows what their men do.

This is correct. They sit holding Big Issue or come up to people at hole-in-the-wall cash machines begging. On at least two occasions earlier this year I saw an entire family - absent the men - sitting outside Marks & Spencer on Calendar Street.

I must say it is easy to feel pity for these young women with crying babies when one sees them sitting in the cold rain on the street as people practically step on them so I’m guessing many a middle class do-gooder in Belfast is feeling a twinge of guilt tonight about their plight. That doesn’t bother me but what does is that working class people (‘ghetto scum’, ‘riff raff’ to ) will be the ones asked to pay the price for giving the righteous middle class liberals a clear conscience.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sat, 20 Jun 2009 06:55 | #

Mr. Reis,

It may be true that Mr. Weizmann wrote to Churchill suggesting American Jews were the only group that would support him in an otherwise isolation country, however, it is not what public opinions polls reflected at the time.  Especially when it appeared that Britain may fall to the Nazis, (August 1940-May 1941) there was clear support, especially in the American South, for intervention in order to save England.

From a comment at OD:

38. (US Oct 3 ‘39) If it appears that Germany is defeating England and France, should the United States declare war on Germany and send our army and navy to Europe to fight? ( aipo)
Yes No
National total 29% 71%
by geographical section
New England 33% 67%
Middle Atlantic 27 73
East central 25 75
West central 26 74
South 47 53
West 28 72
(Jan 30 ‘40) National
total 23% 77%

68. (US June 25 ‘40) Which of these two things do you think is the more important for the United States to try to do—to keep out of war ourselves, or to help England win, even at the risk of getting into the war? A comparable cross-section was asked the question with the alternatives reversed. Results were combined. ( aipo)
out Help
National total 64% 36%
(July 20 ‘40) (opor) 61 39
(Aug 22 ‘40) ( aipo) 53 47
(Sept 30 ‘40) ( aipo)
National total 48% 52%
by geographical section
New England and Middle At-
lantic 48% 52%
East central 52 48
West central 57 43
South 30 70
West 46 54
(Oct 22 ‘40) ( aipo) Na-
tional total 50% 50%
out Help
England No
(Nov 19 ‘40) ( aipo)
National total 40% 60% = 100% 2%
by geographical section
New England and Middle
Atlantic 38% 62%
East central 46 54
West central 46 54
South 25 75
West 35 65

Public Opinion, 1935-1946
Book by Hadley Cantril, Mildred Strunk; Princeton University Press, 1951

If Weizmann wrote to Churchill in September, 1941, it is clear American pro-war inclination, especially in the South, where there were few Jews, grew substantially.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 20 Jun 2009 09:10 | #

HOUSE OF LORDS Select Committee on Economic Affairs.

Volume I: Report

The Economic Impact of Immigration

Something to bookmark for a slow news day.


This is not just for economic buffs - there is some interesting comment here for eveyone.


Posted by Matra on Sat, 20 Jun 2009 16:33 | #

Some of them were saying that they plan on going home now. So it shows that if you treat these people the right way, they can be persuaded to leave.

Unfortunately, churches - both Protestant and Catholic - along with ‘anti-racist’ Queens University students (Catholic), and worthless politicians across the sectarian divide are trying to persuade them to stay in Northern Ireland.  People from Northern Ireland, especially the middle class, have always been self-conscious about NI’s bad image for bigotry and sectarianism. They are going all out to persuade the ‘Romanians’ to stay.  Going through the media the word ‘shame’ comes up in every one of their articles. Meanwhile, TV ‘personality’ Esther Rantzen (guess her ethnicity?) is piling on by attacking the people of NI: “They are addicted to hatred, they are addicted to violence as if it gives them some kind of exhilaration.”  Yeah Esther, not like those friendly peace-loving Jews on the West Bank.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 11 Jul 2009 00:23 | #

From The Independent

Belfast immigrants warned: ‘Get out by tomorrow – or you die’

The message in the letter to immigrant communities in Belfast could not be starker or more brutal. “Get out of our Queen’s country before our bonfire night and parade day,” it declared.

Emblazoned with a skull, it descended into a mixture of the semi-literate and the directly threatening with the warning: “Other than your building will be blown up.”

The leaflet was delivered to centres in Belfast representing the city’s Islamic, Indian and Polish communities, in advance of this weekend’s high point of the loyalist marching season.

It has clearly generated worries among those communities, since all three of the centres would not comment on the threat.

But Patrick Yu, who heads the Northern Ireland Council for Ethnic Minorities, said the leaflets were designed to threaten and frighten, adding: “It really is more about trying to reignite the issue.”

Just last month more than one hundred Romanians were flown out of Northern Ireland following a wave of attacks on their south Belfast homes in an episode which received worldwide publicity.

Although the letter is marked “Combat 18” and bears loyalist slogans, the authorities do not believe that any local or outside organisation is behind this threat or other racist attacks.

The belief is that both the attacks on Romanians and the general pattern of incidents are largely the work of racist individuals, mostly teenagers, in a primitive show of xenophobia and dislike of “outsiders.”

But the major complication this weekend is that the annual 12th of July celebrations have been extended with several nights of festivities in prospect before the main Orange Order march takes place on Monday.

In the evenings loyalists gather round bonfires piled high with waste wood, unwanted furniture and old vehicle tyres. While most of these occasions pass off without serious incident, very large amounts of alcohol are consumed by many.

With large numbers of intoxicated teenagers and young men roaming the backstreets, the concern is that some of them might decide to target the homes of migrants for casual violence.

Racist incidents are already running at a rate of almost a thousand a year, mostly taking the form of attacks on migrants and their homes. Many of these live in or close to loyalist areas and are therefore vulnerable.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

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