Abnormal: AltRight.com celebrates the Soviet Union’s victory and fêtes Russia’s imperialist legacy.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Thursday, 11 May 2017 06:54.

Dear friends, you’ll need to buckle your seatbelts for this one:

AltRight.com / Vincent Law, ‘Massive Victory Day Marches In Russia; A Meet-Up With Russia’s Alt-Right.’, 10 May 2017:

May 9th is the biggest civic holiday in Russia.

I participated in the Victory Day march in St. Petersburg. The one in Moscow gets all the press, but the one in St. Petersburg is almost as big.

These marches all have a volunteer portion to them now as well. They call it the Immortal Brigade. Literally millions of Russians show up with photos of their grandparents and great-grandparents that fought in the war and march down the main street. It is a huge part of the Russian government’s program to revive civic nationalism in Russia. The great victory against all odds in World War 2, the Orthodox faith and the sports program are 3 of the main columns of the program to revive civic pride that the Kremlin is pursuing. Naturally, this march is a big deal. It became an even bigger deal after the events in Crimea as the lackluster parade suddenly became a massive civic phenomenon. Overnight, the parade became absolutely huge, reaching crowd sizes even larger than those in 1945. [...]

So, there is that. That actually happened. There’s really not much that I can even write in response to it. It’s all very abnormal. But it’s not just abnormal, it’s also actually disgusting.

It's Duginism!

That is where the Alt-Right has ended up now. It’s absurd, abnormal, and disgusting.

The geopolitical positions and messaging taken up by the Alt-Right are basically an insult to all those Cold War anti-Soviet activists who served in silence without ever being given a memorial or a star on the wall. All those who struggled against the Soviet Union in the most difficult circumstances to keep the torch of freedom burning even in the darkest of nights, have been insulted.

Kumiko Oumae works in the defence and security sector in the UK. Her opinions here are entirely her own.



Posted by DanielS on Thu, 11 May 2017 08:54 | #

All those who struggled against the Soviet Union in the most difficult circumstances to keep the torch of freedom burning even in the darkest of nights, have been insulted.

In my opinion, “insult” is too soft a charge as to the transgression of what the AltRight and Spencer are doing: they are working to subvert the very substance of Gladio’s efforts and the necessary cause of ethno-nationalism, the means of accountability, justice, human ecology and warranted coordination that only it can afford.

The idea of not only celebrating the legacy of Imperialist Russia, The Bolsheviks and Stalin but of having the Alt Right align with its legacy should have red flags going up all around in regard to these people, “the Alt Right.”


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 11 May 2017 11:38 | #

There is something that one has to be careful of here.

It is important to emphasize the absurd aspects of what is being celebrated, not only that there is at all a parade to commemorate the end of WWII - but the absurdities such as AltRight participation in a celebration of what was, overall, a Bolshevik, Soviet, Stalinist victory.

There were different motives for Russians to fight in Word War II - few had a choice at any rate but some were undoubtedly motivated to defend organic homeland, aside from Jewish and other imperialist ambitions, lets say from Smolensk to the Urals for argument’s sake.

For these people to commemorate that aspect of their fight would be valid from an ethno-nationalist standpoint. It would not be reasonable to expect them to ignore it with an idea that they should have just laid down and died or submit to Nazi imperialism conversely; while it is reasonable to expect audiences, viz. witnesses of Alt Right perfidy, to not be particularly moved and to not celebrate with them let alone ignore the preponderance of atrocity weighing in evidence against what they were fighting for overall.

There is no excuse for the The Soviet Union’s atrocities and transgressions of ethno nationalism itself, of its Czarist predecessors either, for that matter, which span from Germany to Vladivastok.  It is a disservice to all to render the Soviets into the “good guys.” They were not only imperialists, but the most murderous, barbaric and unjust of all.

I only call attention to this feature of ethno-nationalism which may be a part of some Russian motives as it can be used to fuel intransigence of the Russian Federation’s form - expansive beyond reason - as a reaction to the inorganic Jewish elements of instigation that led to the impetuous Ukrainian conflict. Handling the borders of Ukraine and Belarus are not a matter for the alien imposition of Victoria Nuland to weigh-in on - lest the results reflect a lack of native organic care; as they have.

Organic nationalism would have gone about Ukrainian sovereignty in a different way; would not have taken-off without sufficient support to prevail and would not have provoked the pseudo legitimacy of Russian patriotism to fuel the Russian Federation’s attempted maintenance of aggrandizement - lands that it has taken over in the wake of vast genocide and destruction by its preceding regimes.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Fri, 12 May 2017 01:35 | #

The Unz Review can be as pro-Soviet as it likes, but I’ll be clear about the fact that I don’t care if anyone calls me a ‘Russophobe’ anyway. Because I’m not obligated to like Russia.

I don’t apologise for the British Indian Empire’s irregular proxy wars against the Russian Empire. I don’t apologise for the Russo-Japanese War of 1904. I don’t apologise for the Kwantung Army’s actions in Manchuria and Siberia after 1936. I don’t apologise for General Erich von Manstein or Einsatzgruppe D’s actions in Crimea during the Siege of Sevastopol. I don’t apologise for the young people from Iran, India, and Central Asia who chose to fight under the Swastika—in that moment there was no other choice. I don’t apologise for the Albanians who did the same. I don’t apologise for NATO’s Operation Gladio. I don’t apologise for the covert NATO support rendered to the Chechen War. I don’t apologise for Iran-Contra or the actions of Manuel Noriega in Nicaragua. I don’t apologise for the Sino-Soviet Border War. I don’t apologise for the wars in Bosnia-Herzegovina or Kosovo in which Albanians were leveraged against the Russian-backed Serbian state. I don’t apologise for the Georgian war over South Ossetia in 2008.

When you see the enemy taking aim at you, the only question is: “Shall I shoot them before they can shoot me?”

Any and all tactics used against the Soviet Union and its successor state the Russian Federation, up to and including the chemical warfare which the Kwantung Army had planned to use, were in my view valid.

We are now at the stage where we don’t need to be even-handed about this. Not ever. Rather than saying “on one hand and on the other hand”, people need to get serious and just stake out a position. I apologise for nothing. I don’t apologise for the next war, whatever that war will be. The only thing I have for the Russian Federation is a knife between my teeth, a bomb in my hands, and an infinite scorn in my heart.

Why? Because in the end people have to choose a side in alignment with their national interests and that’s just how life is, whether anyone likes it or not. Western Europe cannot and should not adopt a pro-Soviet historical revisionist narrative.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 12 May 2017 08:22 | #

Let’s not forget that the Soviet Union and its imperialist descendants have done huge damage to White Americans and other Western Europeans with their Active Measures programs that got behind race mixing and other liberal programs in America and Western Europe.

In fact, they are still doing this. Take a look at RT and Sputnik


Posted by SERG on Fri, 12 May 2017 19:15 | #

The jewish autocratic power structure of the Soviet Union is still there in the “new” Russia: Putin is a gangster dressed up as a head of state and his JEWS oligarchs have been busy bleeding Russia dry.

Most of Eastern Europe’s elites are still the same people who ruled under communism. Where is the change please?


Posted by Antedote Radio on Tue, 16 May 2017 04:52 | #

Antedote Radio: The Comey Firing and Trump’s Real Connection to (((Russia))), 15 May 2017:


Greg and Jeremy talk about the Comey firing and how Trump’s ties to Russia lead to Jewish mafia.

Jeremy is a Jew, but he covers a lot of ground and turns over many rocks - exposing places where Jewish interests would be hidden to even supposedly Jew-wise reporting of the alt-right. So, even though not to be taken without a grain of salt, the discussion provides starting and reference points for inquiry. If anything, it might lean a bit too heavy in playing the right wing game of “it’s all the Jews.” ...  the Jewish mafia anyway. Another caveat, the discussion is based on a Veterans today article which is a conspiracy site run by bracket Gordon Duff as well.


Posted by Euro on Tue, 23 May 2017 22:26 | #

Take a look at this conservative Russian shill:



Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 01 Jun 2017 10:24 | #

So what happened to that pan European nationalist-internationalist white nationalist movement activists within the “movement” have been advocating for decades?


Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 01 Jun 2017 10:34 | #

So what happened to that pan European nationalist-internationalist white nationalist movement activists within the “movement” have been advocating for decades?

I guess the idea of a coalition of white nationalist countries ruling Europe and not being theocratic graft laden economic basket cases who would more likely end up fighting each other as has been the history of Europe and even the post Cold War NWO in the Balkans and now Ukraine is a fallacy.

The mighty keyboard warriors who bitch about white genocide, WW2, Jews, etc even they fallout out with each other eventually who form a little group then split and create a new group like some have disassociated themselves with the whole alt-right label thing following the whole “Hail Trump” Richard Spencer Nazi salute fiasco.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 01 Jun 2017 10:51 | #

What happened is that among their right wing foibles that misrepresent the advocacy of European peoples, the Alt-Right has flouted the cause of international nationalism - stemming from the fact that Richard Spencer and his backers are not nationalists, they are some sort of Duginist imperialists.

Coordination of international ethno-national and regional alliance is here at MR.


Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 05 Jun 2017 13:02 | #

@DanielS I don’t see how you can have an international-nationalism unless you implement some kind of Imperium that Norman Lowell advocates that even that wouldn’t work as there would be infighting on who has rights to what, who should have the biggest say at the bargaining table, etc and would inevitably lead to a corrupt super elite like you see in Russia or any number of regimes throughout history that through graft connected people/companies would be running the economy.

What about Spencers idea of separating the United States along racial lines? Do you think that is even feasible and do you support that.


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 05 Jun 2017 13:19 | #

Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 05 Jun 2017 08:02 | #

@DanielS I don’t see how you can have an international-nationalism unless you implement some kind of Imperium that Norman Lowell advocates that even that wouldn’t work as there would be infighting on who has rights to what, who should have the biggest say at the bargaining table, etc and would inevitably lead to a corrupt super elite like you see in Russia or any number of regimes throughout history that through graft connected people/companies would be running the economy.

What about Spencers idea of separating the United States along racial lines? Do you think that is even feasible and do you support that.

JamesUK, so long as I can remember, you’ve been trying to associate our platform with the lunatic fringe of the right, the nuttier aspects of Norman Lowell’s “Imperium” concept, for example.

As far as dividing on racial lines goes, I am not focused on the concrete particulars of dividing-up the territories of America but rather looking toward the proper separatist platform, along with its friend / enemy distinctions.


Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 05 Jun 2017 16:07 | #


JamesUK, so long as I can remember, you’ve been trying to associate our platform with the lunatic fringe of the right, the nuttier aspects of Norman Lowell’s “Imperium” concept, for example.

I mentioned Lowell because it has relevance to the international-nationalism concept as he is the only one as far as I know that has outlined how such a concept could work.

Only mentioned John DeNugent in the past because it is one of the prominent WN leaders in the US who also happens to believe in a secret 4th Reich in Antarctica and Jews have a secret alliance with Grey Aliens.


Richard Spencer is now the most high profile WN/Alt-right leader in the US.


Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 05 Jun 2017 16:21 | #


JamesUK, so long as I can remember, you’ve been trying to associate our platform with the lunatic fringe of the right, the nuttier aspects of Norman Lowell’s “Imperium” concept, for example.

I mentioned Lowell because it has relevance to the international-nationalism concept as he is the only one as far as I know that has outlined how such a concept could work.

Only mentioned John DeNugent in the past because it is one of the prominent WN leaders in the US who also happens to believe in a secret 4th Reich in Antarctica and Jews have a secret alliance with Grey Aliens.

Richard Spencer is now the most high profile WN/Alt-right leader in the US.


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 05 Jun 2017 17:59 | #

4th Reich in Antarctica and Jews have a secret alliance with Grey Aliens

This is why I don’t appreciate your commenting here. You are a YKW disinformation troll who seeks to associate our platform and its threads with nonsense.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 05 Jun 2017 20:36 | #

Either JamesUK is a Jewish troll or a genuine mental defective.  I’m not sure which is more pitiable.


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 09 Jun 2017 07:04 | #

In former times, mental patients like James UK were presented with certificates upon leaving the lunatic asylum. This policy was sound because, when challenged about cerebral competence, he might have replied upon release that he was in possession of hard copy proof of sanity.

This is more than one can say about many Jews.


Posted by jamesUK on Sun, 11 Jun 2017 00:57 | #


How disinfo? Didn’t mention DeNugent at all at 1st who has appeared on Fox News and Discovery Channel only in my 2nd comment response to what you wrote that had relevance when you were calling me a troll explaining why I mentioned him in the past. 

As far as dividing on racial lines goes, I am not focused on the concrete particulars of dividing-up the territories of America but rather looking toward the proper separatist platform, along with its friend / enemy distinctions.

Not really sure what that means. So you support the US be divided into separate states along ethnic and political affiliation rather than race?  I’m guessing it probably wouldn’t be governed by democratic means. 

Be good if you were able to get Richard Spencer on MR radio.



Posted by Not true, Putin told me so. on Tue, 14 Nov 2017 11:59 | #

John Ziegler:

Why is Donald Trump reacting to Vlaimir Putin the way he has?

Because, if this was all bull crap, and there was nothing the Putin had on Trump; he was not compromised by Russia or by Putin at all; if only for political purposes, and Trump’s not an imbecile, he’s not brilliant but he’s not an imbecile and he clearly is a political person - he likes to be liked… he would be attacking Vladimir Putin at every opportunity.

..especially on the issue of their meddling in the election. That would be just the natural inclination. 

Now, not only is he not doing that, he’s done the opposite of that.

He has been complimentary of Putin at every opportunity. And there is no evidence that he has punished Putin at all, for Russia’s meddling, regardless of whether or not the Trump team colluded in that meddling.

And today, something even more startling than Trump’s prior ass-kissing of Putin and his unwillingness to address this issue directly, of meddling having occurred.

Trump is on his foreign trip, he met with Putin, and then he told the press, that Putin told him, that Russia had nothing to do with the meddling; that it was the democrats doing, supposedly Trump quoting Putin.

And then Trump went our of his way to bash, by name - by name - the former heads of several of our intelligence agencies - including James Comey, calling them hacks and liars!

And completely buying into the idea, that the persons telling him the truth are not the people working for our own intelligence agencies, including, by the way, people that are still working for our intelligence agencies, including every major member of Congress, anybody with any credibility on this issue, or our side, has said, it’s not even a question. Russia attempted to meddle in our elections.

8:03: It’s not even a question. Russia attempted to meddle in our elections. And Trump is publicly saying, “no, I don’t believe any of that because Vladimir Putin told me so.”  Seriously?

If Barrack Obama had ever had a meeting with Vladimir Putin after winning re-election ..remember that election he won where he got caught telling .the Russian official tell Vladimir “I’ll have more flexibility after the election?” Remember that whole thing which the media buried, and should have been a massive scandal, the conservative media went ape crap over that little thing, frankly only little in comparison, that was a bid deal to me at the time ...

Can you imagine if after winning the 2012 election, Obama had met with Putin, and all of our intelligence agencies were saying that yeah, Putin helped Obama win; and then Obama then came out and bashed those intelligence agencies of The United States of America and said, “I believe Putin because he seems very sincere in what he’s telling me”. .. can you imagine the reaction of the Republicans in Congress, can you imagine the so-called conservatives in media .... Sean Hannity would be live 24/7 outside of the White house.

Instead from the conservative media there is silence. In fact, if anything, they’ll support Putin and Russia because Trump told us to. They’ll be the one’s we’re supposed to believe over our own intelligence agencies. By the way, not a couple of them, all of them - with unanimity and certitude.

This comes in the backdrop of our own CIA director being forced to meet with a conspiracy nut-job, who claims that he has proof that the Democratic e-mail hack was an inside job. Remember the whole Seth Rich bullshit.

Trump forces his own CIA director to meet with this guy.

What’s the first thing this guy does? (and I’m not making this up folks).

But he goes right from meeting with the CIA director and then he does an interview with Russian TV! - the propaganda arm of Vladimir Putin and The Russian government. Not difficult math: Russian TV has a vested interest in convincing at least Trump’s cult that they didn’t do anything with regard to meddling in our election. So now, anybody that has a wack-job conspiracy theory that gets them off the hook, is going to be elevated. So, Trump is going out of his way to elevate this guy, give him credibility, he can say he met with the CIA director… probably gets him of FOX News channel a couple more times too. And Russian TV has an interest in elevating this story because it gets them off the hook…

And then Trump, a few days later, says, “ah Putin told me this didn’t happen, he seems sincere.” That’s almost a direct quote by the way.

Then it actually gets worse, because a Russian official at this meeting of world leaders was asked, “did Putin or Trump raise the issue about Russian meddling” and their response was “no”. No?

Now to be clear, its the Russians speaking and unlike Trump, I don’t believe them. And two, there was another statement that was seemingly contradictory from another Russian official.

So, we don’t know for sure whether or not Trump really did address the issue of meddling with Putin, lets be clear though, the meeting was like five minutes…in five minutes, I doubt that Trump could do the pleasantries, grill him on Russia’s meddling in the elections, get convinced by Putin, nah, it wasn’t us, it was the Democrats ..then finish up with whatever other pleasantries there might have been, that seems like a stretch.

IF it is true that Donald Trump lied to the media and made up a story about him confronting Vladimir Putin in that meeting about them meddling in that election and then got convinced by Putin that he’s telling the truth and that our intelligence agencies are lying, if that was all made up, then there is no other way to logically interpret that reality than to believe that Trump colluded with the Russians in the 2016 election.

Ibid: “How can you blame China for taking advantage of people who have no clue (speaking of Americans)? I would have done the same.” - Donald Trump

“I would have done the same.”

Can you remember how Trump paid off the fraud settlement, some 25 mil for Trump University, after he was elected?

Being a dick for America would be one thing, but he’s a dick for himself.

The issue is that we have a President who is beholden, who is compromised by Vladimir Putin.

There are other stories in the past few days that further substantiate this whole narrative…

The idea that the Mike Flynn/Turkey story story has gotten almost no play, largely because of Roy Moore, is mind blowing…

This (Flynn) is the guy Donald Trump hired as our National Security Advisor.

Now Kushner is “joking” that CNN should fire its staff because he doesn’t like the Russian investigation coverage.


Posted by Evidence of Trump-Russia collusion exists on Tue, 14 Nov 2017 15:50 | #

Newsweek, “Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion Already Exists, Watergate Prosecutors Say”, 14 Nov 2017:

There is definitive proof of whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election — and it exists in the email inboxes of Jared Kushner, Stephen Miller, Hope Hicks and others.

That’s what several former Watergate prosecutors believe, telling Newsweek that evidence of collaboration between the Kremlin and the president’s top campaign aides could literally be at Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s fingertips. It just has to be uncovered.

“The key difference between this and Watergate is … at the time, you certainly didn’t have computers,” said Nick Ackerman, one of the prosecutors who probed the 1972 break-in at the Democratic party’s Watergate offices. “Rather than use burglars to break into the Democratic National headquarters, they used Russian hackers. ... The question is whether that was coordinated in any way with the Trump campaign. Their emails will answer that question, once the special counsel gets its hands on them.”

Kushner has reportedly turned over documents related to his campaign contacts with Russians to Mueller earlier this month, a voluntary move of cooperation between the White House senior adviser and the federal probe. Still, it remains unclear whether those documents include emails, as well as whether Kushner provided the entirety of his communications with Russians to the investigators. If he didn’t provide investigators the full details about his correspondences, it certainly wouldn’t be the first time the president’s son-in-law failed to disclose his Russian contacts (or his business interests, for that matter), having been forced to revise his government security clearance forms with at least 100 foreign contacts previously left off the list.

Even if he’s cooperating, Kushner may be lying about the campaign’s interactions with the Russians, and doing a terrible job of covering it up, according to Jill Wine-Banks, another former Watergate prosecutor. At issue is his response to the discovery of a June meeting in Trump Tower attended by Kushner, other Trump campaign officials and Russian operatives. The meeting was set up by Donald Trump Jr.; Kushner said he didn’t know what was going to be discussed and left early after being bored by the conversation.

“The data ... will make Kushner’s defense fall entirely apart,” Wine-Banks told Newsweek. “We know that statement was a total fabrication since the [Trump] campaign was looking for dirt on Hillary Clinton from the Russians … I have faith the grand jury will get down to the bottom of what really happened in that meeting.”

Also at issue is the Trump campaign’s involvement with Cambridge Analytica, the controversial data mining operation with apparent ties to Russia, which Kushner boasted was “brought in” to steer the campaign to victory.

“As far as Russian collision, right now there are two aspects: one is, did they micro target Hillary Clinton voters to suppress the vote?” Ackerman said. “We know that there was a data mining process that was done by Kushner out of Texas and we know that the Russians were doing targeting with Facebook and Twitter. The question is trying to compare the data sets to see if there was coordination between those two things.

“Email evidence already shows that the purpose of the meeting on June 9 was to bring incriminating evidence, supposedly emails about Clinton, to the campaign, but we don’t know exactly what they did with that evidence after that meeting,” Ackerman continued.


Posted by Bobby Brown on Sat, 16 Dec 2017 05:36 | #


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