The Charmed Loop of Didactic Incitement
I developed this hypothesis, which I call The Charmed Loop of Didactic Incitement, as an elaboration of Bateson’s Double-Bind hypothesis. I believe that it is at least a component or aspect of what he was talking about in that statement, specifically where he says, “We are beginning to know something of the process of this phony and crooked disease in the pathway we are following” .. he is alluding to a mechanistic process wherein abuse and exploitation under a phony rubric of “teaching” or “lesson giving” facilitate quantification of interests accruing to perpetrators, overcoming the borders and boundaries of the victims while the qualitative, niche ecological differences of victims are ground down, any recourse they might take apparently justifying the abuse. Bateson culminates his epoch studies with a question, “As teachers, are we wise?” Didactic Incitement is a predictable strategy of liberal internationalists, taking for granted the legitimacy of their incitement to a phony universal maturity. So long as the contextual force is strong enough to hold in place their interests over the victims, they can apply this for a steady increase and maximization of their interests at the expense of the victims, like stepping on a lever, a mechanism as it were, that continually overcomes their pattern boundaries, has them continually “pay up”, so to speak, their resources and warrant, as it continually reconstructs resource to their position at the continued exploitation, abuse and diminishment of the unfortunately positioned victims who desperately try to protect and conserve their sovereignty and native resource from this abuse. Bateson added, “the road to hell can be paved with bad intentions as well.”
The Double Bind proposed by Bateson in “Toward a Theory of Schizophrenia” entails: 1. A preliminary paradoxic injunction such as “I am a liar” “Disobey me” “Be spontaneous!” 2. A prohibition of metacommunication - prohibiting talk about talk that might clarify the confusion, particularly to clarify good will or lack thereof on the relational level of perpetrator and victim. 3. A tertiary re-framing which prevents escape from the circumstance - for example, a child as dependent upon their parents cannot easily escape the field, and is therefore confronted with an intolerable choice between protecting their capacity for sensible judgement or the relationship - as mammals, relationships are profoundly important. And they begin to manifest communological pathologies (in a futile attempt to protect the necessary resource of their faculties, as one cannot not communicate)
Didactic Incitement, that is to say abuse under the rubric of teaching, and making one tough, particularly if it is overdone and there is enough contextual force over the victim to keep them from escaping the field, can create a reflexively recursive phenomenon of a pernicious Charmed Loop. No matter what avenue of escape the victim chooses, they will lose and only add to the warrant of the perpetrator’s recursively accruing interests.
The Charmed Loop of Didactic Incitement
“I am a liar”, “Be spontaneous”, “Disobey me.” Be a Man! would seem to be yet another form, as the one taking orders is not really in power, not really a man, are they? I would like to submit the hypothesis that when one is not in a sufficiently powerful position that they are susceptible to a charmed loop of didactic incitement. Unlike the classic paradox (para-doxia - two faces), this one seems to split four-way and may more characteristically unfold over time. Nevertheless, there is no apparent way out, as one proves that the abuse of didactic incitement is justified no matter what recourse is taken: 1. One is a Wimp if they do nothing in response: The abuse is justified as one proves their own ineffectiveness 2. A Pig if they respond, fighting back directly in their self interest: One justifies the abuse as they reveal their primitive self-interest and lack of restraint. 3. A Dupe if they try to reason and bargain with the inciter: One justifies the abuse in this case and they risk the hideous result of sharing the best they have with the person(s) treating them the worst (in an attempt to reason with them by sharing resource, perhaps precious resource). Forms of having the “10 taken” in a prisoner’s dilemma scenario come into play. 4. A Permanent Puerile Initiate: The instigator(s)/others can always treat the abuse as a “lesson.”…and one may be left with little choice but to treat the didactic incitement as an experience not that bad at worst or even a necessary lesson, thereby justifying the abuse in this case also. ..hence, the charmed loop of “didactic incitement.”
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 08 Jan 2013 17:00 | # Humor would be one way out, I suppose - now lets try for something that actually is funny.. 3
Posted by Suburban_elk on Sat, 12 Jan 2013 18:14 | # the cruelty of didactic incitement easy there 5
Posted by John Thomas on Thu, 24 Jan 2013 16:24 | # On Occidental Dissent two posters on Hanging Out With White Mormons equate me with JIM JONES and Cool Aid. Terrible Tommy is right: FREEDOM COMES THRU BLOOD, NOT PAPER. I hope Pastor Martin Lindstedt gives you a good post. We live in the Dark Ages for the White Man. The Ladder Days are HELL: Joseph Smith and Brigham Young had it right. Young started Deseret—A White State and it got stopped by the Judeo Masons by outlawing Poligamy and making Utah A State. When I talk about a WHITE MORMON HOUSE OF YAHWEH….it really stirs up the pot… What Martin Lindstedt preaches and my idea of White Mormon House of Yahweh really gets the intellectuals gabbing..Hail Victory…JOHN THOMAS 6
Posted by DanielS. on Thu, 24 Jan 2013 18:41 | # Well, TT may have said that, but he has been through a great deal of “paper” i.e., books and other printed words. I don’t think he is telling anybody to be foolish and ignorant - and he is definitely not advocating any form of Christianity, Identity or otherwise. However, germane to the post, incitement to Christianity has seemed to hold people in a dilemma: either you reject Christianity and you appear (to some, anyway) as a Jew or Jewish agent, or you adopt Christianity and you treat a Jew as your master and identify with Jews to a significant extent (if not assuming their identity as your own in truth, as Christianity Identity does). In any form, it is a religion which has many Jewish ingredients. The immersion and identification with Jewish narratives (the OT is mostly Jewish Nationalism) leaves practitioners susceptible to Jewish machinations, perhaps largely because they are overly sympathetic to its subject matter which is entwined with the Jewish religion’s purposes, gods, dragons and demons; and the New Testament, in particular, approves of no way to actively fight back against those machinations. However, as means for fighting against a hegemony which would exploit didactic incitement, the forming of moral orders in alliance against the hegemony is certainly a likely means to regain power in defense - to overcome the perniciously reconstructing effect that it would have against individuals, especially. 7
Posted by DanielS. on Thu, 24 Jan 2013 20:44 | # There are people who have ways of interpreting Christianity that has it in alignment with White interests. Pastor Robb, a Christian Identity pastor, was surprisingly reasonable in interview. Lindstedt was entertaining to listen to as well, though of course I don’t agree with him either. I have a close Christian friend.* People can have sophisticated ways of managing interpretation of the texts. You’d have to be pretty creative in your understanding to make Christianity work in reality. Though that route is not for me and I take a position in defense of those who do not find Christianity helpful.
Fine and good story, but there are too many traps and there is too much self and group abnegation in the religion for me to endorse it. 8
Posted by DanielS on Sat, 26 Jan 2013 21:52 | # For the record, since I have mentioned TT and Tom Robb in the same comment: I had remembered a Pastor Robb interview and he seemed like an affable fellow. I had forgotten that TT is at stark odds with him in particular because Robb had apparently denounced The Order as having gotten what they deserved. 9
Posted by DanieS on Wed, 27 Feb 2013 09:00 | # “I’ve finally found it Soon everything’s going to be fine I’m lost in a sweet dream Now everything’s going to be fine I went for the rental They said everything would be fine 10
Posted by Joe on Fri, 26 Apr 2013 20:14 | # Looks like some “Charmed Loop of Didactic Incitement” will coming our way for awhile as I honestly connected Communist Jews to the Dasein hippie’s “Antiwar Movement” and the hippie’s “Cultural Revolution” of the 1960’s. Now they’re going to drag Hitler into the story to muddy the waters, to immerse us in the middle of Hegelian Dialectics to further muddy the waters even more. About Jew Commies in the 1960’s : If link doesn’t work : ” When Abbie Met Jerry pdf “ About how the Jew Commies use the blacks as weapons and tools against whites, and use the blacks as pawns to further the Jew Commie agenda : Search Terms will access a lot more info about the Jew Commie role in the Anti-War Movement and the Cultural Revolution of the 1960’s ; They both go hand-in-hand and can not be separated as if there two different phenomena. They belong to same exact Dasein Cultural/Social/Political Revolution : Search Terms : ” Communists In The Hippie Movement” “Jewish Communists Of The 1960’s” “Jews + The Anti-War Movement” Now that the US military is totally controlled by Jews, and the US military is fighting wars totally for Israel’s benefit, I notice there’s no Jewish led anti-war movement as there was in the 1960’s. The Jews made such a big stink about being ALL about “peace, love, and understanding” during Vietnam—the Jews were Totally Anti-War during Vietnam— but now that the US military is fighting wars for Israel’s benefit, the Jews are not starting any anti-war movement ; Quite opposite, the Jews are doing everything they can in the US to stomp on any kind of anti-war movement. Those who try to start an anti-war movement are put on the government “no-fly” lists and are labeled “terrorists” by the Jews. The Jews now—now that the US military is fighting wars for Israel’s benefit, and only Israel’s benefit—the Jews now are Totally Pro-War, and anyone who tries to start an anti-war movement is considered to be a terrorist, an enemy of the USA. The exact opposite of what the Jews were saying in the 1960’s : In the 60’s, the Jews—the Jew “antiwar” leaders and the anti-war protesters—said, shouted, and relentlessly proclaimed, the government was the enemy and the anti-war protesters were the true patriots. Now it’s the complete opposite, now that the Jews have complete control of the Pentagon, and the US military is fighting Israel’s wars for Israel’s Zionist Empire : Now the Jews who are “full of peace, love and understanding” are Totally PRO-WAR.
Posted by Joe on Fri, 26 Apr 2013 21:06 | # @ Graham Lister & DanielS I’m not one to run away from debate ; And I also don’t stoop so low as to use the device of Didactic Incitement and/or Hegelian Dialectics. I say what I have to say in an honest and straight-forward manner, using source-references to back-up my opinions. I shall give you both a chance to re-coup as it’s obvious you two can’t prove your points in a straight-forward, honest manner. I’ll give you both a chance to figure out how you’re going to proceed. I’ll be back to continue the debate at my discretion. 13
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 26 Apr 2013 21:24 | # Joe, we do not want to “debate” you because you are not worth talking to. Why does Tanstaafl also not want to talk with Joe? Because he clearly is not worth it. Now this worthless piece of dog **** feels empowered to issue ultimatums. Whoever is allowing Joe to comment here, it is a disservice. He is just going to deluge every thread with this childish bullshit. It cannot simply be ignored, he is cheapening and obfuscating discussion. As he comments here, conversation gets diverted onto his bullshit and away from better considerations. 14
Posted by Robert de Visee on Thu, 22 Jan 2015 09:16 | # Sarabande and Bouree on guitar John Williams 15
Posted by origins of PC on Fri, 23 Jan 2015 20:01 | # The Origins of Political Correctness February 5, 2000, Bill Lind
Posted by Origins of PC2 on Fri, 23 Jan 2015 20:04 | # Part 2 The Origins of Political Correctness February 5, 2000, Bill Lind
Posted by Origins of PC3 on Fri, 23 Jan 2015 20:06 | # Part3 The Origins of Political Correctness February 5, 2000, Bill Lind
Posted by Dōgen on Sun, 26 Jul 2015 20:05 | #
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Posted by Bouree on Tue, 08 Jan 2013 16:31 | #