The City Whose Very Air Depresses

Posted by James Bowery on Monday, 14 May 2007 15:23.

Reading “Record numbers on anti-depressants”:

After the country walk, 71 per cent reported decreased levels of depression while 90 per cent reported increased self-esteem. This contrasted with only 45 per cent who experienced a decrease in depression after the shopping centre walk, and 22 per cent even said they actually felt more depressed.

I am reminded of a passage from “The Society of the Spectacle” by Guy-Ernest Debord

To Marx, one of the greatest revolutionary merits of the bourgeoisie was “the subjection of the country to the city” whose very air emancipates.

For most of us, being shoved into cities where we are daily confronted with our slavery to money and dispossession of our people, depression is an obvious consequence.  How different is Marx—a genotype that finds the “diversity” of the city “emancipating” at a visceral level.

Whatever other forces there might have been for urbanization, I think this is a self-serving genotypic force driving masses to:
Hence massive drug dependency.




Posted by MensaRefugee on Mon, 14 May 2007 21:33 | #

Its a bit more complicated than city vs country.
I worked on a farm for 4 months. Lots of country walks there. But nothing special.

It would be more accurate to say a country walk is uplifting for people who live in cities.

Though I would agree that governmentally enforced slavery is much more jarringly visible in the cities.


Posted by GT on Mon, 14 May 2007 22:56 | #

Did you find the city more uplifting after leaving the country?


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 14 May 2007 23:09 | #

I suspect the dynamic is something like this:

People are uprooted from their landed freehold status somehow—usually by conning the generation that “sells out” with secure employment, low cost homes and dependent wives—as was done with the GI-bill and the low cost AND LOW RISK of family formation for them.

Then, once you have them off the land—most likely alienated from their “hick” parents—grab the land from their parents through some subterfuge.  It doesn’t really matter the conceit—just get the land.

Then remove the job security while jacking up the cost of home ownership and alienating women from their husbands and children—as was done during the boomer generation—but make sure this is done while pumping up the sell-out generation and convincing them the only reason their children are so undeserving of any inheritance is the moral depravity of their children.  Then have some Jew write a book titled: “Die Broke”

Finally, after you have fucked the girls and castrated the boys—put them all on drugs before turning them over to “youths” from other countries who will help them with their “terminal care”.

If during this time you have some children of your own that you don’t want quite so mutilated, start up a new form of conservatism, say NEO conservatism, within which they can find some shelter from the biohazard shitstorm you’ve created.

Now, it should surprise no one that someone at the stage of being drugged might find a visit to the country a bit refreshing.  However it would be a terminal euphoria since they won’t actually own any land there and couldn’t scrape out even the barest of livings if they did.  It’s sort of like taking someone, torturing them for decades, drugging them and then, at the point where their spirit is broken and they’re about to give up the ghost—playing back their mother’s voice so they can reconnect with their “life” a bit longer for you to torture before they finally croak.


Posted by MensaRefugee on Mon, 14 May 2007 23:20 | #

Did you find the city more uplifting after leaving the country?


Point of fact I did. Though the city Im talking about is Toronto, where crime is still low and safety is not compromised (outside of select areas downtown).

Outside of insane governmental policies like AA and unlimited Low IQ immigration - city life trumps country life 9 times out of 10 (the tenth being the scenery and fresh air).

Living in the country means a post office is miles away, roads are rickity, you are not anonymous (imagine the town idiot taking a liking to you in the country), you got to do a lot of menial chores yourself with a inferior result (plumbing etc).

Heck, even your kids have less playmates and less contact with them.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 15 May 2007 00:35 | #

One wonders how all those Germanics managed to not only survive before Christianization but muster the morale to hold off the Roman Empire.

Actually, its easy enough to figure out that the deracination reaches pretty deep and moving to the country is no cure for atrophy due to the virtual reality coffin known as civilization.


Posted by The Jewish Question on Thu, 24 May 2007 20:58 | #

“Another was the high percentage of Jews in influential professions, which Schickert presumed was destructive for the Hungarian nation. Citing familiar allegations of economic exploitation, erosion of morals, promotion of urbanization, and materialism, Schickert assumed that these unfortunate trends had been brought about by the Jews and the willingness of Magyar [White European] elites to indulge them” (from “Studying the Jew: scholarly antisemitism in Nazi Germany” by Alan E. Steinweis; Harvard University Press)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Mon, 16 Sep 2024 11:37. (View)

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James Bowery commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Wed, 11 Sep 2024 23:39. (View)

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