The City Whose Very Air Depresses
Reading “Record numbers on anti-depressants”:
After the country walk, 71 per cent reported decreased levels of depression while 90 per cent reported increased self-esteem. This contrasted with only 45 per cent who experienced a decrease in depression after the shopping centre walk, and 22 per cent even said they actually felt more depressed.
I am reminded of a passage from “The Society of the Spectacle” by Guy-Ernest Debord
To Marx, one of the greatest revolutionary merits of the bourgeoisie was “the subjection of the country to the city” whose very air emancipates.
For most of us, being shoved into cities where we are daily confronted with our slavery to money and dispossession of our people, depression is an obvious consequence. How different is Marx—a genotype that finds the “diversity” of the city “emancipating” at a visceral level.
Whatever other forces there might have been for urbanization, I think this is a self-serving genotypic force driving masses to:

Hence massive drug dependency.
Posted by MensaRefugee on Mon, 14 May 2007 21:33 | #
Its a bit more complicated than city vs country.
I worked on a farm for 4 months. Lots of country walks there. But nothing special.
It would be more accurate to say a country walk is uplifting for people who live in cities.
Though I would agree that governmentally enforced slavery is much more jarringly visible in the cities.