United States, France and Russia, and the Libyan ‘R2P’ intervention (Part 1) Muammar Gaddafi and Aisha Gaddafi. R2P, the ‘Responsibility to Protect’ is the latest formulation which is used to rationalise just about any kind of arbitrary intervention without revealing the strategic and economic aims behind that intervention, lest those aims be subject to analysis or criticism in the international media. Now that the situation in Libya has more or less settled into a repetitious cycle of instability of a predictably bad sort, it’s worth taking a retrospective look at the intervention, drawing together the various vectors which brought about this result. Everyone likely remembers when Dick Cheney went on a sort of flamboyant tour talking down the Libyan intervention, because he thought it would result in disaster. The old Huguenot has many faults and has always been prone to over-extending his hand and overestimating the capabilities of the US military, but he is easy to understand because he actually is a true-believer in his own words, which means that he could at least be relied on to take the Global War on Terror seriously unlike many of his contemporaries. Cheney pointed out that even by R2P’s own logic, there was nothing to gain in terms of ‘weapons of mass destruction’ since Gaddafi had already given up his NBC weapons programme in 2003 and handed it all over to the United States. Simultaneously, Libya had been an ally in the Global War on Terror and had collaborated repeatedly with the United Kingdom with intelligence sharing and even extraordinary rendition carried out against Islamist reactionaries of various stripes. Cheney then invoked RAND RR637:
Now, why would Dick Cheney be going around hawking this research in defiance of the US government in 2014? We know that it is not due to the usual partisan party-political reasons, because US party-political divisions are largely illusory anyway. The only explanation is that he seriously thought that the US was doing something that he didn’t think it was ‘supposed’ to be doing. This means that there was a fundamental rift between Dick Cheney’s view of reality, a view of reality which had evolved between 2001 and 2007, and the new (or old, depending on how you look at it) reality that had asserted itself after 2011 as Hillary Clinton happened to be steering the ship of foreign policy as Secretary of State. This is not due to a difference in character of the individuals per se, but rather, a difference in the circumstances at the time, which Cheney had not caught up to because he was no longer in office and was not subject to the countervailing winds of lobbying (this includes not only positions taken by companies, but also positions taken by whole states, significantly, Israel and its ‘Clean Break’ programme going into effect in Libya) which reflect the change in economic necessity. Cheney is still living ‘in 2007’. The logic of capital was thus partially revealed through the nature of the ‘gap’ between Cheney’s—now out of office—and Clinton’s—then in office—understanding of the situation. After 2001, there was the perception among the Americans—or at least, it appeared that such a perception existed—that the days of leveraging Salafist-jihadists as a tool of American foreign policy had ended, because the events of 11 September 2001 had shown them that a new enemy had emerged and that this enemy was the very same Salafist-jihadism that they had been patronising in one way or another through the Cold War and its immediate aftermath. Some of the Americans seemed to actually be of that mind themselves, and so it may not have been a mere perception. However, we live in a reality in which material economic factors have predominance over the idealist conceptions, and in cases where the two do not line up, the longer the timeline is extended, the more the economic factors come into predominance. As Friedrich Engels said:
By quoting this, am I implying now that the United States and some of its allies have been drawn into finding it economically ‘necessary’ to support Salafist-jihadists? Yes, it seems that economics has reasserted itself. Previously I had, with some degree of confidence, said this on the issue:
It’s clear now that the progressive potential of American and French capitalism is drawing to a close. Whereas previously the trajectory seemed to be that these states would find themselves locked into a zero-sum conflict over the fate of the Arc of Instability, the present interest of monopoly capital in maintaining their market share in the face of competition from elsewhere, is to enter into a ‘Holy Alliance’ of compromise and retrogression in which the United States and France begin to cooperate with their former ecclesiastical and feudal adversaries against a common threat of expropriation in the local sphere. They find themselves united in a common antipathy toward socialism, to shore up their global hegemonic position. Bold statement, right? Do I have any proof at all to justify this view? Yes. See here:
I don’t think that requires any particular comment. It practically speaks for itself. However, could any of this have happened without tacit Russian consent? Let’s continue our retrospective:
So, that’s that. My intent was not to rehash things that are already known, but rather, to draw a view of the conflict which may not be known to the average observer, particularly not observers taking the positions favourable to Russia that have become standard to “WN” and “the Alternative Right”. Positions which are of course completely at odds with the actual nature of the Russian Federation. Part two will fill in some gaps on the role of Israel and Ethiopia in the Libyan conflict and its aftermath, as both countries made strategic gains as a result and were invested in the outcome. So stay tuned for that. Comments:2
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 02 Nov 2016 15:39 | #
This might be acceptable if the wealth was not generated by usurous means off the backs of our people, while tax rates hammer the average household but not, of course, the rich. 3
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 04 Nov 2016 13:38 | # Kumko, I have a question for you about this part, particularly the part where I’ve added bold emphasis:
I gather that you are saying that for the dominant western world communities in general, “economic necessity” had changed their position with regard to Gaddafi. But it seems to me that Israel’s clean break programme (to secure the realms around Israel) has a component that is guided somewhat independently of economic necessity for the rest of the world, by what it perceives as its security and ideological circumstance, not just reaction to economic determinism. I understand that you want to emphasize that the rest of the world (including Russia) tended to be complicit for what it perceived as economic interest; that economics is a key Jewish/Israeli incentive too; and that those were the motives that Cheney was still operating under - his advising against taking Gaddafi out reflecting more his adhering to what were the economic requirements with regard to Gaddaffi circa 2007 rather than his being more “innocent” and defensive of Gaddafi. You showed me that Hillary Clinton herself had been encouraged to do an about face on Gaddafi during that time… and suggest that had Cheney remained inside the loop, he would have done the same about face. These are excellent and important points, but I’m wondering if the clean break effect could be more accurately described in these sentences:
By saying perhaps: which were reflexively effecting and being effected by changes in economic necessity. 4
Posted by Uh on Sun, 06 Nov 2016 04:11 | # Kumiko, the eternally beautiful child, quoting Marx affirmatively. Be still mine inebriated heart. 5
Posted by Uh on Sun, 06 Nov 2016 04:33 | # I am bummed to learn that Kumiko is an anime character. 6
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 06 Nov 2016 04:55 | # PBS Frontline, The Secret History of ISIS A more detailed time line of events which still does not name the YKW nor its clean break agenda, but helps to clarify things as Kumiko explained to me. Cheney prohibited the removal of Saddam Hussein in the First Gulf War. This was an indication of his economic / corporate oil motive. Though Zarqawi (founder of ISIL) was identified by the CIA prior to the Second Gulf War as a serious threat; and Bush and Cheney were told that there was a clear opportunity to take him out, which needed be acted upon upon immediately: Cheney gave instructions to Colin Powell to not kill Zarqawi just yet, because The Administration wanted to establish links, if it could: Zarqawi, Bin Laden, Hussein. Powell was advised that Cheney’s request was off the mark in terms of intelligence requirements; and requested a new statement (to warrant the declaration of war against Iraq), but the new statement that Powell was provided was even more brazenly defiant of CIA advice in its hawkish on Iraq. Kumiko suspects (and I agree) that would implicate The YKW’s hand and clean break motive…. she argues, because he would not have returned with a letter re-written even more brazen (with Chutzpah in defiance of CIA advice) to read to the UN Security Council. What Kumiko is doing here is interesting for nationalists because it demonstrates another qualitative difference between the motives of a Cheney, which are somewhat more predictably and reliably based on economics and business as opposed to The YKW, who have more ideological and irrational motives; e.g., allowing ISIL to grow, run rampant and wreak havoc in the surrounding nations when there was a chance to nip them in the bud; instead of business interests being the rest of the world’s concern (as in the Iran deal), Islamic terrorism becomes the rest of the world’s problem. Though clean break was a factor in Gaddafi’s removal, a regime change which Cheney advised against, Cheney’s advice was based on his continued preponderant economic motives of the times circa 2006 and not as the international investment collectively saw fit by 2011. In sum this means that Cheney was neither the “innocent” (for having advised against taking Gaddafi out): As liberals would try to make him out to be circa 2011 ...i.e., rather, he would have acted like a shark (for economic reasons) against Gaddafi if he were still an insider circa 2011. Nor was he the most guilty / responsible for instigating the second Gulf War: He was not of highest order in decision making when it came to the second Gulf War, as YKW and their liberal lackeys would like to make him out to be (the letter from Cheney that the CIA advised Colin Powell against and came back to Powell “corrected” for its oversights of CIA caveat ..it was not corrected, it was (((even worse)))....Cheney would not likely have rejected a full cadre of CIA advice and on top of that, re-written an even more hawkish, clean breakish, statement to the security council. 7
Posted by Uh the violin on Sun, 06 Nov 2016 12:42 | # Uh is the violin player to the right, tugging at the heart strings to lead the Goyim. ... 8
Posted by Uh on Sun, 06 Nov 2016 20:57 | # I don’t know what that means. But there are less dignified instruments with which to lull the damned, so I accept. 9
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 07 Nov 2016 03:26 | # Since the shoe fits, it’s good that you’ll wear it. ...Uh was banned from Counter-Currents for having made a protracted appeal that Jews should be included as White in the project of White advocacy. He’s also objected to my having called (((Ruth))), a.k.a., “The Truth Will Live”, on her attempted entryism. 10
Posted by Uh on Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:36 | # Oh so you’re a real stick in the mud. Good for you. Ruth, whose real name is Jessica, is so committed to white preservation that she married a goy and converted to Catholicism. And yea, if Jews want to be white nationalists, why shouldn’t they be? Are they DEMONS incapable of anything else? 11
Posted by Uh on Mon, 07 Nov 2016 09:51 | # You’re a sack of shit, Daniel. Which is why “Ruth” will have offspring and you won’t. And that’s who wins. Not that it matters anymore. And David knows that, doesn’t he? 12
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 07 Nov 2016 18:32 | # Aha… thank you for coming clean, Uh, by projection. I don’t have kids, yet. Ruth is a Jew, who cannot really help but be a weasel, it is her nature. ..she is of the people who facilitated blacks having legions of kids - i.e., “winning” - at others expense and imposing them upon others, preventing anyone from discriminating against them. Her converting to Catholicism only makes that more characteristically true. Your white knighting for her speaks volumes. Good riddance. Post a comment:
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Posted by Russian Federation complicit in Gaddafi murder on Tue, 01 Nov 2016 05:02 | #
WN and Alternative Right, its large contingent inclined to a favorable disposition toward The Russian Federation as having an allied cause, needs to be disabused of its Pollyana, apprised in brief that The Russian Federation was complicit with Gaddafi’s murder, the chaos and lack of border control that ensued.