What are we to make of Eric Zemmour?

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 01 December 2021 13:55.

Yesterday, after trailing his skirts for several months, Eric Zemmour finally announced his candidature for next April’s French presidential election.  He did so with a brilliantly crafted speech, which I reproduce below.

Nationalists, meanwhile ... real ones ... have likely already discounted the possibility that a Jewish anti-Islamist and culturist would, if elected, deliver a nationalist outcome.  Yes, he says “The Third Worldization of our country and our people impoverishes it as much as it disrupts it, ruins it as much as it torments it.”  But he also says, “So that the French will feel at home again and so that the latest arrivals assimilate to their culture and appropriate their history.”

Then there is much confusion caused by his adoption of Renaud Camus’s grand remplacement terminology (which Marine Le Pen has not taken up).  Does that signify adoption of the theory as such?  Is he at all hostile to non-Muslim foreignisation, if those foreigners integrate culturally?  Yes, he says “we will not allow ourselves to be replaced”.  Yes, he speaks of “the minorities who never stop tyrannizing the majority”, but is he speaking only of Muslims, Islam and jihad?

The one certainty is that his language and his candidacy will push the future of the true French to the centre of the campaign, and force the traitor-parties to speak of the one thing of which they are most afraid.  If, as seems possible, Zemmour beats Le Pen and the other challengers to proceed to the second round against Macron (presumeably), the Great Question of nationalism is very likely to become the great question of French politics, win or lose.  That much this man can do for true nationalists.

Here is his speech:

For years, the same feeling has gripped you, oppressed you, haunted you. A strange and penetrating feeling of dispossession. You walk in the streets of your cities and you do not recognize them. You look at your screens and someone speaks a strange language to you. And to be honest, a foreign one. You take an eye and an ear to your children’s advertising posters, TV series, football games, movies, shows, songs and textbooks. You take subways and you take trains. You go to stations and airports. You are expecting your daughter or son when they leave school. You accompany your mother to the hospital emergency room. You stand in line at the post office or the employment agency. You wait in a police station or in a court and you feel like you are no longer in the country you know.

You remember the country you knew in your childhood, you remember the country your parents described, you remember the country you find in movies or in books, the country of Joan of Arc and Louis XIV, the country of Bonaparte and General De Gaulle, the country of knights and ladies, the country of Victor Hugo and Chateaubriand, the country of Pascal and Descartes, the country of the fables of La Fontaine, the characters of Molière and the verses of Racine, the country of Notre-Dame de Paris and the bell towers in the villages, the country of Gavroche and Cosette, the country of barricades and Versailles, the country of Pasteur and Lavoisier, the country of Voltaire and Rousseau, Clémenceau and the poilus of 1914, De Gaulle and Jean Moulin, the country of Gabin and Delon, Brigitte Bardot and Belmondo, Johnny and Aznavour, Brassens and Barbara, the films of Sautet and Verneuil.

This country both light-hearted and brilliant. This country that is both literary and scientific. This country so intelligent and whimsical. The land of Concorde and nuclear power plants, which invented the cinema and the automobile. This country you are looking for everywhere with despair, for which your children yearn without even knowing it. This country that you cherish and which is disappearing. You haven’t moved and yet you feel like you’re no longer at home. You have not left your country, but it is as if your country has left you. You feel like a foreigner in your own country. You are exiles from within.

For a long time, you believed that you were the only one to see, to hear, to think, to fear. You were afraid to say it, you were ashamed of your impressions. For a long time, you did not dare to say what you see and above all, you did not dare to see what you see. And then you told your wife, your husband, your children, your father, your mother, your friends, your co-workers, your neighbors. And then, you told it to strangers and you understood that your feeling of dispossession was shared by all. France was no longer France and everyone realized it. Of course, you have been looked down upon. The powerful, the elites, the self-righteous, the journalists, the politicians, the academics, the sociologists, the trade unionists, the religious authorities were telling you that it was all a decoy, that it was all mistaken, that it was morally wrong. But you understood over time that they were the ones who were being deceived, that they were the ones who had it all wrong, that they were the ones who were harming you.

The disappearance of our civilization is not the only issue that harasses us even if it dominates them all. Immigration is not the cause of all of our problems, although it makes them all worse. The Third Worldization of our country and our people impoverishes it as much as it disrupts it, ruins it as much as it torments it. This is why you often have a hard time making ends meet.

That’s why we have to re-industrialise France. This is why we must rebalance our trade balance, reduce our growing debt, bring our companies that have moved back to France. Put our unemployed back to work. That’s why we need to protect our technological treasures and stop selling them off to outsiders. That’s why we must allow our small businesses to live and grow and be passed down from generation to generation. This is why we must preserve our architectural, cultural and natural heritage. This is why we must restore our republican school, its excellence and its cult of merit, and stop handing over our children to the egalitarian experiments of pedagogists and Doctors Strangelove in gender theories and Islamo-leftism. This is why we must regain our sovereignty, abandoned to the technocrats and European judges who have stripped the French people of their ability to decide their fate in the name of the dreams of a Europe that will never be a nation.
Yes, we must return power to the people, take it back from the minorities who never stop tyrannizing the majority and from the judges who substitute their legal rule for the government of the people, by the people, for the people. For decades, our rulers on the right and on the left have led us on this fatal path of decline and decadence. Right, left, they lied to you. They hid from you the seriousness of our downgrading, they hid the reality of our replacement from you.

You’ve known me for years, you know what I say, what I diagnose, what I advertise. For a long time I was content with the role of journalist, writer, Cassandra, whistleblower. I thought then that a politician was going to seize the torch that I passed on to him, I told myself to each his profession, to each his role, to each his fight. I have stepped away from this illusion. Like you, I no longer have any trust. Like you, I have decided to take charge of our destiny. I have understood that no politician would have the courage to save the country from the tragic fate that awaits it. I have understood that all these so-called competent were mostly helpless. That President Macron who presented himself as a new man was in fact the synthesis of his two predecessors, and worse. That in all parties, they would be content to reform when time is running out.

It is no longer time to reform France, but to save it. That’s why I have decided to run for president. Why I have decided to ask for your votes to become President of the Republic. So that our children and our grandchildren do not experience barbarism. So that our daughters are not veiled and our sons are not submissive. So that we can pass on to them France as we knew it and received it from our ancestors. So that we can still preserve our ways of life, our traditions, our language, our conversations, our controversies over history or fashion, our taste for literature and gastronomy. So that the French remain proud of their past and confident of their future. So that the French will feel at home again and so that the latest arrivals assimilate to their culture and appropriate their history. So that we remake French people in France and not foreigners in an unknown land.

We French are a great nation, a great people. Our glorious past pleads for our future. Our soldiers conquered Europe and the world. Our great writers and artists have aroused universal admiration. The discoveries of our scientists and the manufacturing of our manufacturers have marked their times. The charm of our art of living is the envy and the happiness of all those who taste it. We have had huge victories and we have overcome terrible defeats. For a thousand years we have been one of the powers that wrote the history of the world. We will be worthy of our ancestors. We will not allow ourselves to be vassalized, conquered, colonized, we will not allow ourselves to be replaced. In front of us, a cold and determined monster will rise up that will seek to sully us. They will tell you that you are racist, that you are driven by sad passions when it is the most beautiful of passions that drives you, the passion for France.

They’ll tell you the worst about me, but I will hold fast. Gibes and spitting won’t impress me. I will never lower my head because we have a mission to accomplish. The French people were intimidated, paralyzed, indoctrinated, made to feel guilty, but they are raising their heads, removing the masks, dispelling the lying miasmas, they are chasing away their bad shepherds. We are going to continue France, we are going to continue the beautiful and noble French adventure. We will pass the torch on to the next generations. Help me, join me, stand up. We French have always triumphed—over everything.



Posted by Thorn on Wed, 01 Dec 2021 21:35 | #

Eric Zemmour is a talented rhetorician, a wordsmith extraordinaire, for sure. Apparently, he has his finger firmly pressed on the pulse of French ethno-nationalists; he knows what they are thinking/feeling even though the average Frenchman can’t express in it in words. Mr. Zemmour does a bang-up job doing that for them—I believe he connects, he is resonating. Moreover, he was very cleaver how he seized the opportunity to maneuver himself to the right of LePen. 

If I were a Frenchman and given the choice between voting for Macron or Zemmour, the choice would be an easy one. Zemmour would get my vote, Jewish connections notwithstanding.

That said it is always wise to suspect he is not the real deal; but as of now, I am taking him at face value.


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 02 Dec 2021 02:24 | #

Being led by a Jew may not be a panglossian outcome but the British Empire was not much damaged by Disraeli’s PM - ship.

Indeed , Disraeli wrote an intelligent novel , Coningsby , which explained Jewish financial power in England and further afield.

Of course , some sentimental Victorians believed that , upon Disraeli’s conversion to Christianity , a blessed splash of Holy Water transmogrified him DNA - wise .

A sort of Magic Christian -  apologies to Ringo Starr.


Posted by Simon on Thu, 02 Dec 2021 13:28 | #

‘You look at your screens and someone speaks a strange language to you. And to be honest, a foreign one.’

Hold on a second old boy:

‘yes, he says “The Third Worldization”...’

WTAF? (sic).

Mein Fremder, Fleisiger, und bis zur jetzt, respektierter, Freund; speak in a foreign language and you think in a foreign language! I am a cunning linguist, I know. Before I retired I was an education consultant specialising in language. If there is one trusted way to colonise (yeah, ironic), it’s getting people to see things as you do via the insidious entrenchement of language. I spoke and taught English English to achieve exactly that in the third world: so, speak American, think American. You may judge our humble ambassadorial efforts by the current popularity of which culture is still held in the highest esteem in Asia and Africa. Despite being bombarded by the perverse U.S version of how evil the Brits were, the English are still popularly percieved as noble.
Caveat; if this was a deliberate piss take , then I apologise. However, given the avalanche of U.S cultural imperialism (to use a quaint Marxist term) and the irreversible assimilation of our own youth, this is in very bad taste if it was supposed to be a joke, however ironic.
That said, in no way do I blame the U.S for our own invitation of destruction, It’s an almost entirely U.K. phenomenon. Though I have to say, I recently saw an Austrian film about Sarajevo set in the time of the Black Hand Gang, where the verb ‘Lynchen’ was uttered without irony. Plus several instances on German, Netherlands, Belgian and French TV which I can’t be bothered to recount, your own experiences will suffice to underpin my point.
The simple fact is; if you (any English/European) want to be an American, please FO, pardon, I mean leave, I won’t miss you, nor will any other patriot (without the /j/ after the /æ/). In fact, to paraphrase Muldoon, ‘you’ll raise the IQ on both sides of the Atlantic’.


Posted by Manc on Thu, 02 Dec 2021 15:58 | #

Zemmour has a few hurdles to clear. Unless they have changed the rules, he will require the signatures of 500 elected officials in order to stand. This will not be easy for a man who is awaiting the verdict of his recent trial for inciting racial hatred (he has two previous convictions). He will need to finance his campaign and is slipping in the polls.

Zemmour’s utility is in making Marine Le Pen and National Rally appear moderate and more electable .

A better translation of what Zemmour said would be “The third worlding of our country”.
Blame some hack using spell check.


Posted by Simon on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 09:46 | #

Guessedworker WonderWalker • 13 hours ago
Do you believe that Jews have the sociobiological freedom to cease striving to universalise the native principle out of existence?

He’s gone septic.
Ima oudda ere. Pees y’all. You’re fucked.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 09:49 | #

Simon, I apologise for offending your obviously fastidious linguistic sensibilities, but in fairness the translation is not mine.

Manc: Zemmour’s utility is in making Marine Le Pen and National Rally appear moderate and more electable

Non-socialist French politics is now a game of charades with only one player, Macron, presenting his actual self to the electorate. Le Pen is pretending not to be an ethnic nationalist while having nothing genuine to say about anything else. Zemmour is pretending to be an ethnic nationalist and the enemy of replacement while selling culturism and assimilationism. Ciotti is pretending to be a populist while loudly declaiming his love for Israel to attract Jewish backing. Macron, meanwhile, is a global elitist pure and simple; and everybody knows that whatever promise he makes of good for the French will be a lie. The known liar will win again.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 09:59 | #

He’s gone septic.

But unless the making of “the gentile” of the End Times can ever be made acceptable to the peoples of the world, the ability of Jews, as a group, not to pursue the Judaic path is the only basis on which a Humanus pacem could prevail.  It’s co-existence or Judaism.  Which really translates as co-existence or the Jewish sociobiology, since the latter apparently cannot cease striving for life on earth as Jehovah’s chosen priest class.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 03 Dec 2021 13:25 | #

“Macron, meanwhile, is a global elitist pure and simple; and everybody knows that whatever promise he makes of good for the French will be a lie. The known liar will win again.”

Of course, that parallels with what’s happening in the USA. It really doesn’t matter which party captures the White House, the winner will invariably be a global elitist or a puppet of the global elitists.

Trump was a bit of an aberration to that rule. But when he unexpectedly won, the Deep State et al. immediately went into action and circumscribed his power/ability to effectively fight against the global elites’ agenda.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 12:01 | #

France’s First Female President Could Be Right-Wing Pecresse

The 54-year-old says she would halve the number of residency permits for migrants coming from outside the European Union ....

IOWs she’ll stay on course WRT the planned dispossession of France’s native people.

Read more at: https://www.bloombergquint.com/politics/france-s-republicans-pick-pecresse-as-presidential-candidate
Copyright © BloombergQuint


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 06 Dec 2021 19:09 | #

On Valérie Pécresse, the following is from a Spectator article capturing the political meaning of this person:


The best way to describe Valérie Pécresse is Emmanuel Macron in a blouse. The newly-elected candidate for Les Republicans (LR) swears she is the French president’s polar opposite, but ideologically there is little to separate the pair.

The 54-year-old Pécresse, who will now stand against Macron in next year’s presidential election, has been on the political scene for three decades. She is currently the president of the Paris region, and is not only stinking rich, but a centrist, a globalist and a committed Europhile.


In recent debates she has vowed to end France’s 35-hour working week, streamline the sprawling civil service and deport those who enter the country illegally.

If those declarations have a familiar ring to them, that’s because they’ve been parroted by every centre-right politician for the last three decades. Gradually, though, they are always watered down or quietly dropped, either when the strikes start or when the liberal left who, as in Britain, control the institutions and most of the media, wring their hands. Hence the disenchantment felt by millions of French people – on the left and the right–- who believe that no matter where their vote goes, France will forever be governed by a globalist cabal in thrall to Brussels.

She is far behind in the polls, so probably won’t much trouble Le Pen and Zemmour.

Le Figaro reported on the reception to Zemmour’s candidacy that:

The observation is shared, not the ideas
The character himself acts as a foil for part of the opinion . Half (51%) of French people express rejection, and a quarter (26%) express indifference. Only 9% support him and 14% have sympathy for him. Declining figures, as the institute notes.

Eric Zemmour’s key points nonetheless collect good opinions. His report on the reality of France appeals to 4 out of 10 French people and speaks particularly to supporters of LR (68%) and RN (71%). But the latter remain more divided on the candidate’s ideas: 48% find them good, 51% think the opposite. Above all, they do not see him at the Élysée and do not recognize in him the stature of a President of the Republic - 79% for LR sympathizers; 54% for RN sympathizers.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 07 Dec 2021 02:29 | #

Closer to home , GW , here’s an interesting new development :


This will surely mean that , as Irish passport - holders , these Third World scofflaws will be allowed to settle in UK .  Our leaving the EU did not affect the right of Irish citizens to migrate to UK and claim the welfare rights of our own taxpaying people.

At the time of Irish Independence , the UK Govt refused to treat the new Eire citizens as foreigners and thus maintained their right to legal immigration.

Past time for this anachronistic anomaly to be terminated .

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)

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Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:07. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:33. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 12:12. (View)
