What Prompted the WSJ to Report Some Real News? What does it mean when the Wall Street Journal, of all places, carries an opinion piece with the following illustration of the flight of middle class whites from immigration:
Was this radical transformation to actually report on some real news (news to WSJ zombie readers) triggered by Rupert Murdoch’s bid or was it triggered by something else? So to recap the explanations suggested, they basically boil down to: 1) It was Murdoch’s bid that triggered it in a game of journalistic extortion. Essentially what you do in this journalistic extortion game is print truths that threaten to topple your potential buyer so that your potential buyer uses his most viable tool—money—to stop you from toppling him. Of course, this is a kind of brinkmanship that can threaten Dow Jones itself so this explanation is a bit tendentious—relying on some degree of autonomy of the editorial staff from Down Jones executives (which could see it as akin to threatening to blow itself up unless Murdoch ups the bid—not a great business model). 2) The impact of immigration on internal racial migration has exceeded the ability of the WSJ to ignore it while even pretending to deliver its core editorial value to its readers. Of the two explanations, #2 seems not only the most plausible but it has the most profound implications including the question: If “money” decides that maybe it isn’t in its long term interests to “invite the world”—what then? Comments:2
Posted by Bo Sears on Sat, 12 May 2007 03:52 | # One of the pleasant things about this left-wing racialist Wall Street Journal opinion piece is that it does not use “white flight” or any similar slur. Resisting Defamation speaks out against “white flight” on the ground that white American peoples depart areas where they are pushed out, or even ethnically cleansed. I hope we can put “white flight” firmly in the list of slurs that are expressions of disgust, cowardice, and diversity smothering. It clearly connotes cowardice which is not part of the demographic shifting. ========== Regarding the reasons that the left-wing racialist WSJ may have chosen to publish this piece now, it is highly unlikely that it serves as a telegram to minorities. I suspect it is a telegram to the usual suspects who dominate the land development business, the banking business, the publishing business, the merchandising business, the diamond business, and the mall business to consider focusing on plucking pockets at the new sites of white American enterprise. 3
Posted by Wunderhund on Sat, 12 May 2007 06:16 | # The writer of the WSJ mentions the California Inland Empire, Las Vegas and Phoenix as areas of white flight, er, relocation. All these places are in desert areas and rely on imported water. They’re also heavily populated by Hispanics and immigrants. The real areas of future white flight, er, relocation will be further north. I didn’t see too many whites celebrate cinqo de mayo this year. 4
Posted by second class citizen on Sat, 12 May 2007 08:06 | # James Bowery, I think it’s obvious why they are doing it, and you are spot on, it has everything to do with Rupert Murdoch. He was called “Rupert the Red” in college, and now is one of the Neocon’s biggest evangelists. Immigration of dissimilar races leads to anger, especially when logical responses are repressed by government and police. This anger leads to voting Republican (since there aren’t any other options that “have a chance of winning”). This is why half of the Neocon platform is “invite the world”. Inviting the world is the part of the problem that leads to the reaction of voting for the solution, invading Israel’s enemies. The Wall Street Journal is saying “You’d better stop lowballing us, because the longer you wait the more truth you are going to see on these pages.” Media ownership is never about the money. Influence is everything. 5
Posted by Might makes Right on Sat, 12 May 2007 08:19 | # Barone’s one of these paid propagandists and so has some leeway on writing on these matters—safely bleached of race and immigration, of course. It means nothing, as the tone isn’t even negative. 6
Posted by second class citizen on Sat, 12 May 2007 08:26 | # Bo Sears, in my opinion you don’t go far enough. Ethnic cleansing is not an exaggerated description of what is happening to our people. If you have a police force that is effectively only allowed to enforce the laws preferentially against Whites (because if they don’t, they will get accused of racial profiling etc), and eventually Whites come to fear for their lives, an ethnicity (Whites) are being cleansed. White flight = race replacement = ethnic cleansing. I’d also ask why you don’t capitalize White when it refers to our people. Jews, Hispanics, Asians, Indians and most of the time Blacks get this privilege. Why should we be left out? English is OUR language, and I believe that we have the right to name ourselves the way we want. Capitalizing “White” is a mark of respect. If we have any self respect, we should refer to ourselves this way. And when other races choose not to refer to us in this way, we should call them on it until they do, and not “walk to the back of the bus”. 7
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 12 May 2007 09:03 | # We are not simply white or White. We are ethnic Europeans wherever in the world we live. If you want to balkanise America then you must racialise that part of the population which is ethnically European. One thing I think David Duke got right was “European-American”. 8
Posted by Might makes Right on Sat, 12 May 2007 09:38 | # “White” with a capital “w” in the US meant pink-skinned (Western) Europeans before the Jews corrupted the term to include themselves (when tactically advantageous), Sicilians, Arabs, Persians, etc, etc…. Now the term is verbally miscegenated and needs discarding in favor of Euro or European-American. 9
Posted by second class citizen on Sat, 12 May 2007 16:27 | # GW: “We are not simply white or White. We are ethnic Europeans wherever in the world we live. If you want to balkanise America then you must racialise that part of the population which is ethnically European. One thing I think David Duke got right was “European-American”. “ Yes, I agree with you. I’m not a fan of the unadulterated term “White”. Euro is also not without problems. For example, “Ashkenazi” is the medieval Hebrew name for Germany. It’s an easily co-opted term, although there is no record of Jews being in Germany before 321AD. European Gentile is correct but too much of a mouthful. However, I think it’s only logical that if you are going to self-refer as Bo does with “white American enterprise” and all over Resisting Defamation (from memory), you should really go the whole hog and capitalize it. It costs nothing and gives you an opportunity to put your opponents on the back foot. I’m not going to let Jewish publishing houses dictate my language just because they happen to publish an authoritative looking book called a dictionary. 10
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 12 May 2007 17:04 | # Bo Sears writes: It clearly connotes cowardice which is not part of the demographic shifting. Be careful here. What is going on can reasonably be interpreted as a “fight or flight” choice being given to “white” populations—with the choice being “flight” for virtually all of them. Whether this is “cowardice” or not depends on your definition of “cowardice”. Is it “cowardice” for an individual to flee from an organized military/police/state force? Because that is what is happening to “whites”. Hell is it even “cowardice” for an individual white to flee from a fist-fight with an individual black where both are deprived of tools of combat? We are humans after all—and humans do use tools don’t we? So what is this supposed “fair fight” within which we may properly label a man “coward” or not? I would submit it has to include a few characteristics: 1) I must be set in “a state of nature”—meaning no artifacts of civilization. A final comment on point #1 and #2: In present circumstances where governments declare themselves the ultimate arbiters of disputes, it is nearly impossible to have a fair fight since if the winner is a white most governments have made it a declared principle that the white is to be considered “privileged” in all things and must therefore never be credited with a fair win in any contest—so if a white were to kill a non white in a fair contest, a government would most assuredly “compensate” the “victim” during a “trial by a jury of his peers” meaning welfare queens who could afford the time it takes to sit on the jury. It is this situation that makes the “men” representing civilization so eager to use the words “coward” or “cowardly” against any individual man who does what it necessarily takes to fight an armed state. PS: Oh how I wish Wat Tyler had been given a chance to meet Richard II, each equipped with just a 10 inch blade and 10 yards of strong cordage, within a forest. “Rustics you are…” 11
Posted by Bo Sears on Sat, 12 May 2007 17:49 | # To second class citizen, GuessedWorker, Might makes Right, and James Bowery: You each make very cogent points. Resisting Defamation has a procedural rule to tackle only one thing at a time, and here it was just the “white flight” part of the phrase, “the flight of middle class whites from immigration,” but we didn’t want to attack the writer because we respect him. It may be that focusing on one issue is problematic on this site, but it is the only way we have found on the outside to push a hole in the wall of unseeing. Too much detail = confusion for most readers. My ultimate point is that “flight” is a negative characteristic and manages to “blame the victim,” in this case those who are pushed away or ethnically cleansed. If I had my way, I’d argue that “the flight of middle class whites from immigration” should read “the immigration-fueled ethnic cleansing of European Americans.” We call that European American PC, but usually a little of it goes a long way. 12
Posted by GT on Sat, 12 May 2007 17:55 | # Bo Sears writes: “I suspect it is a telegram to the usual suspects who dominate the land development business, the banking business, the publishing business, the merchandising business, the diamond business, and the mall business to consider focusing on plucking pockets at the new sites of white American enterprise.” I agree. That is why development of Ebarter is imperative. We must minimize dependence on the central banks, focus on the development of microcommunities, and bring the local population into our economic and political fold. Failure to seriously research and act on this means we shall have lost the initiative – again. ————— Let’s think about Energy Independence, folks… Micro Hydro Power In The Nineties: Gen. Info, Owner Manuals, Installation Diagrams (Energy Systems & Design): Micro Hydropower Systems Buyer’s Guide (CanREN): Electricity from wood waste: “A research team led by Paul Fung at the Forest Products Laboratory, Clayton, expects to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach by the end of this year. Fung is confident that easy-to-operate generating units, with a capacity in the range 30-200 kW, will be on the market within about 5 years. Where a wood supply is available, they should prove a practical alternative to petrol or diesel generators. “The micro-turbine will be coupled to a prototype wood gasifier. Fung and his colleagues developed a wood gasifier system in the 1970s in a project prompted by the jump in fuel prices that followed the 1973 Middle East “oil shock”. The idea was to develop equipment that could be retrofitted to fuel oil burners, with the cheaper wood gas either replacing or supplementing the oil. “The research proved successful, with the prototype equipment able to produce a supply of gas not only from woodchips but also from peanut shells and pelletized rice hulls. However, the project was aborted in the late 1970s when the oil crisis passed. “The gas is produced by partial combustion of the wood. The process will be tuned to ensure that the wood gas meets the thermodynamic requirements of the micro-turbines; Fung has no doubt that this can be achieved. Another research priority will be to ensure that the gas is clean - free of ash - when it enters the turbine. “We can’t afford to have gritty material getting in,” he says. “Fung’s calculations suggest that a gasifier/micro-turbine unit should consume wood at a rate of slightly less than 1 kg per kilowatt-hour of electricity generated. That translates to around 13 kg of wood a day to meet a typical household’s average electricity demand - less than 5 tonnes a year. “Fung says the units’ 30-200 kW generating capacity should suit groups of houses, farm homesteads, small towns and small factories. A survey he conducted in 1996 of the cost of different fuels per unit of energy produced confirmed the economic attraction of wood as a fuel in areas with a reliable supply. Wood residues were cheapest at 0.25 cents per megajoule - just ahead of coal at 0.27-0.29 cents but much cheaper than LPG, fuel oil and diesel (1.17-2.16 cents). “Options for use of a unit will include connection to the power grid; the operator could draw on the grid at times of excessive demand and sell surplus electricity to it at other times.” 13
Posted by GT on Sat, 12 May 2007 18:25 | # Cabin Kits and Standby Generators sold by Cabela. FYI only. Do an Internet search for other distributors. Grand Haven (Cabela’s largest) 1300 sq. ft. Standby Home & Cabin Generators, 7000-13000 watts 14
Posted by GT on Sat, 12 May 2007 19:06 | # Electronic Barter (Ebarter) advantages: 1. Backed by real goods/services. Two major problems with Ebarter from my economically illiterate perspective: 1. Must be made cheaper than fiat money. 15
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 12 May 2007 19:44 | # James: Oh, how I wish Wat Tyler had been given a chance to meet Richard II, each equipped with just a 10 inch blade and 10 yards of strong cordage, within a forest. Not very sporting of you, James. Richard was 14 at the time. Wat was a blacksmith. 16
Posted by Ernest on Sat, 12 May 2007 21:28 | # This seems appropriate here. The Barbarians are Coming :How Our Decaying Civilization Will End, Too Enfeebled to Resist Invasion 17
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 12 May 2007 21:50 | # Not very sporting of you, James. Richard was 14 at the time. Wat was a blacksmith. A 14 year old “king” gets what he deserves—especially when his gang of thugs murdered an individual man with whom he was to negotiate a peace and then says to the man’s followers: “rustics you are, and rustics you will remain. But your servitude will be a thousand times harsher than that you knew.” 18
Posted by Bo Sears on Sun, 13 May 2007 04:34 | # danial j, regarding the points you make just above, we have this glossary item as our answer.
Posted by second class citizen on Sun, 13 May 2007 05:38 | # Daniel J: Ultimately, they are attempting to domesticate us. All they have to do is reduce our intelligence and ethnocentricity. They are implementing this with immigration and differential birthrates through media control. Like many of their attempts at social engineering, this one is fraught with unintended consequences. All you have to do is look at the history of pogroms in Europe to see their chutzpah. They usually go for too much, too soon with their contempt for our intellect. There are several unintended consequences of their actions. 1. The control of the media and schools is not a complete control. Just as the Judaism delineates a successful strategy for coping with virtually any police state, other races can copy those strategies. For example, an entire English copy of the Talmud can be downloaded from come-and-hear.com. The fact is also that most of their strategy (as pertains to resisting this current attack) can be boiled down to group study in the home or in their own buildings, where they can meet in secret, while appearing to be regular citizens if needs be. This is in contrast where Christians can meet in secret, but are encumbered by a fairly static religion that involves relatively little plotting and debating, mostly involving sitting there passively being lectured by a priest. 2. As any scientist or engineer knows, exponential curves trump all. The only method of recruitment that has this potential is birthrate, it is not proseletyzation. Look at all the conservative forms of Judaism. Do they waste their time trying to convert liberal Jews? No, they give them up as already dead. 3. Thus it is inevitable that in a population of a billion, there will be a few strains resistant to their methods who have figured out to evade detection (which is THEIR immune system), and have figured out how to game the system to their advantage (which they channel into exponential birthrates. After all, we have intelligence vastly superior to dogs, and they don’t have us chained up in kennels. In fact, the very idea that this would be possible is unmitigated chutzpah. If you’ve ever tried to rid a place (e.g. lab, home, hospital etc) of ants, ringworm, mosquitos, bacteria, it’s almost impossible and takes a great deal of control and hard work. 90% is hard. 99.9999% is virtually impossible. What they are trying to do is control a population ten to 100 times as big as they are, numbering a billion, and covering an immense amount of ground and capable of a large degree of crypsis. It’s not as if we have to live underground or in the backwaters, though that may help. We can also mimic to a very good degree “normal” politically correct Euros. All that you have to do is mumble PC platitudes and talk stupidly. 4. It is also an unintended consequence of the media being a broadcast mechanism that they can’t shield their own from its message, many of whom are too stupid or gullible to ignore. Although it is quite customary for most in nationalist circles to fear the liberal Jew (because of his lack of detectability), there is no reason why a conservative Jew can’t do exactly the same thing when called upon. The liberal Jew (like the liberal Euro) acts in a less ethnocentric manner in many important ways that would make an orthodox cringe. There are many of these ways in which they slip up and I will not do their work for them by listing them here. 5. However, I will say the following because it is something they can’t really control, especially with their menfolk. That is - they miscegenate with the goyim. Among their progeny will be those who self-identify as goyim (perhaps they inherited most of the physical features, aesthetics and sexual preferences of the Euro). These will naturally use all the traits of the Jew against him, organizing others. This is not unlike the problem of a rancher using a high IQ cattle dog. What happens is that these cattle dogs will breed or defect to the local wild dogs, becoming natural pack leaders, causing the rancher more of a problem over time by predating upon his herd and doing a damn good job of it. So, to sum up, European kind is in a similar position to the worst of the bubonic plague. Everything looks bleak for us, because at the moment most of our people do not have the immunity to deal with a particular problem. In this case, we must deal with the technologies of cheap travel, mass media and the police state, these technologies giving rise to the phenomenon of mass immigration, media and governmental control. Thus, our people without either cultural or genetic immunity to these attacks are dying out in droves, the same way we saw bubonic plague killing off large swathes of population many years ago. I would not be surprised if it is true that Jews did introduce the disease to our wells, just as they are behind these current attacks. Saving our race will no doubt alter our gene pool slightly, but the point is it is better to be alive and better, if a little different than to be extinguished altogether. 20
Posted by second class citizen on Sun, 13 May 2007 05:42 | # Daniel J, Money Masters is good but it needs to be taken with a grain of salt. It’s a bit like an Alex Jones production in that it gets 90% of the facts right and then throws in a conclusion or prescription that only enhances the status quo. Money Masters recommendation is at the end, from memory, that we give control of printing money back to the federal government. Like that’s going to work, seeing as who is in control of it. 21
Posted by D.S. on Sun, 13 May 2007 09:12 | # Might makes Right wrote: ““White” with a capital “w” in the US meant pink-skinned (Western) Europeans before the Jews corrupted the term to include themselves (when tactically advantageous), Sicilians, Arabs, Persians, etc, etc….” Hmmm, Sicilians are white, too. 22
Posted by Proofreader on Sun, 13 May 2007 09:35 | # IMO, Jews have pushed their chutzpah too far. I don’t believe they have to fear any more pogroms from their hosts, but they will suffer from the very forces they have unleashed (globalism, inmigration, identity politics). It’s very likely their “spiel” won’t work on other more ethnocentric ethnicities. I’m thinking of the Chinese and Subcons (particularly the former) who can push them out from their old niches and virtually wipe them out in terms of economic power, cunning and ethnocentrism. 23
Posted by second class citizen on Sun, 13 May 2007 14:17 | # Daniel J, you are right in that such documentaries are probably good for priming the pump, so to speak. Anything that names and shows pictures of the prime movers without “naming the Jew” is a good first step. As far as “only through assimilation” can we defeat the Jew, I’m certainly not saying that it must be that way. If some sects and political movements want to go with “just one drop”, I won’t be unhappy. As I’ve said before, I favor a diversity of WN approaches. There has to be a leak somewhere in the strategy of our opponents. And if you want to see where a tire leaks, you had best submerge the whole thing in water, not just one section. Pragmatically speaking, “just one drop” would be difficult to verify short of a DNA test, and even that may not tell the whole story. (The DNA tester in a tribe is also a point of vulnerability if he is the only one who can determine who is a member of the tribe.) Probably a better idea is to keep the numbers in a community small enough to where everyone knows everyone. After it exceeds that point, there should be a mandatory schism, either a mitotic division or a spore thrown off into a new area to colonize. A change in the gene pool also does not necessarily indicate assimilation. What I am meaning (and Fred Scrooby correctly interprets) is that any selection pressure is going to change the gene pool somewhat. I don’t mean in a fictional GNXP way such that skins in places like Australia and California end up with darker skin over time. It’s kind of ridiculous when most people spend their time indoors and most cancers won’t come into effect until people are too old to breed anyway. I mean when there are large numbers of people younger than 45 or so choosing (for whatever reason, including the Heidi Klum one) not to have Euro babies. Those ones that remain will be more ethnocentric, and I suspect to be able to do so in the clutches of a police state will need the IQ to see through the bs of the regime with only the time away from school with their parents in which to study. Home school or small community schools are a better measure until they get banned, because you don’t want the luck of the dice meaning that none of your children have had enough PC immunization to survive unscathed. There is also a safety in numbers. It is erroneous to think that we can maintain, or should maintain exactly the same gene pool as we had in May 2007. It was not the case in the face of such things as the Bubonic plague, nor was at any other time in our history, really. We are not exactly the same people we were 2000 years ago. However, we share the same history and much of the same aesthetic. Most of the DNA is the same too. The battle is to keep as much of it as possible intact and for all time. I realize that this can be taken the wrong way, but it is far less likely to be taken the wrong way at MR than at other less cerebral movement sites. 24
Posted by second class citizen on Sun, 13 May 2007 14:30 | # Daniel J: “This is also why I think 9-11 and other tragedies are of extreme worth as people are less brainwashed with these issues. They two that are beat in the most are the one’s hardest to overcome - namely: “All the races are equal in ability and potential” “The Jews are the most gracious and abused ethnicity in the history of humanity” “ You have a point there. Loose Change 2E for example, does not name the Jew and also has some goofy conclusions (the highest levels of government conspired to bring about 9/11 for a… gold heist???), but the Silverstein footage is priceless. I’m not sure if they mention the dancing Israelis, that is also great. As for your above examples of most difficult to sway, there is a LOT of cognitive dissonance going on. Point 1. Fairly easily broken with arguments about black sprinters. Also… “Have you ever personally tried to help a really, really dumb kid in class? For an extended period of time? They tend to forget everything you tell them and be unable to apply it in novel situations.” Also extend the analogy to chimps… a chimp shares x % of DNA with us… do you have the confidence that with enough education a chimp could become a college professor? At what point does % shared DNA become meaningless? Point 2. I agree, Money Masters works well for that. Also point out ethnic backgrounds of the communist party, etc. Or go through movie studio ownership, directors, etc. If they can slog through Kevin MacDonald, that’s probably all they need though. Probably a good indirect way of selecting a rather high IQ and ethnocentrism threshold, too. The “Kevin MacDonald Test”. 25
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 13 May 2007 14:39 | # I favor a diversity of WN approaches… It is erroneous to think that we can maintain, or should maintain exactly the same gene pool as we had in May 2007. Not to take it ‘the wrong way” but the real issue is accepting responsibility for the technologies we inflict on the world and on ourselves by implication. If we haven’t had enough time to verify some technologies are sustainable—and that includes most agricultural practices upon which the building of cities, hence civilization itself, depends—then it is irresponsible to let those technologies have universal impact on the gene pool. What I am talking about here is a generalization of the idea of the nature preserve. Yes, I know nature inflicts enormous environmental change from time to time—such as ice ages—but most rational scientists are now of the opinion that the human _capacity_ for environmental change is beyond that level and is now resulting in one of the largest extinction events in the history of the planet. 26
Posted by second class citizen on Sun, 13 May 2007 15:06 | # James Bowery: “the real issue is accepting responsibility for the technologies we inflict on the world and on ourselves by implication. If we haven’t had enough time to verify some technologies are sustainable—and that includes most agricultural practices upon which the building of cities, hence civilization itself, depends—then it is irresponsible to let those technologies have universal impact on the gene pool. What I am talking about here is a generalization of the idea of the nature preserve. Yes, I know nature inflicts enormous environmental change from time to time—such as ice ages—but most rational scientists are now of the opinion that the human _capacity_ for environmental change is beyond that level and is now resulting in one of the largest extinction events in the history of the planet.” James, I believe I am for that as well. I certainly don’t want my grandkids to number among those extinct either. Could you flesh out what you are saying a bit more? I’m not sure exactly what you are getting at, especially as it relates to European Nationalism, what to do at any intersections where there are conflicts, and what should your average Nationalist do about it. I think for my course of action a low impact lifestyle is best anyway. Resource conservation has a dual effect in that it both makes our impact more sustainable and enables higher birthrates. Once an inevitable die off does come, such a hardy lifestyle will put us in better stead than the current “live for the minute” lifestyle embraced by most of our race. I understand that if everyone does what I am talking about, it has negative consequences regarding sustainability. However, such a plan of action would not be necessary if we had in place the sorts of things many European governments had in the early part of the century including eugenics programs. I’d imagine that once it was evident that we were in a position to fend off the attempts of others to monkey around in our affairs, we could gauge the situation and not act unsustainably. At this stage I think we are left with no choice and I don’t believe we should be the fall guy. 27
Posted by daniel j on Sun, 13 May 2007 19:07 | #
you have just defined what i call the “preservatory imperative” 28
Posted by GT on Sun, 13 May 2007 19:12 | # Perhaps I’m mistaken but it seems we are avoiding the practical issues of White liberation and the reconquest of our homelands. The jew will not see us eradicated. His survival depends upon our survival in sufficient numbers to provide camouflage, serve as scapegoats (as in the “War On Terrism”), and bear the brunt of non-White wrath. We stand out. Our descendants cannot go through life mumbling PC platitudes in the hope of evading detection. They shall always be suspect, scrutinized, sacrificed, and subjected to the “treatment” regardless of guilt. To make an omelet eggs must be cracked. Channon Christian and Christopher Newsome of Knoxville were eggs. The kids slaughtered in Wichita, Kansas were eggs. All died to preserve the jew. We cannot out-jew the jew at being jews. They beat us millennia ago, before we realized there was a competition or what was at stake. To preserve the best in us we must stop rationalizing and act now to exploit our strengths. 29
Posted by torgrim on Sun, 13 May 2007 19:35 | # “Thus our people without either cultural or genetic immunity to these attacks are dying out in droves, the same way we saw the bubonic plague killing off large swathes of population many years ago.” This is an interesting point made here about a population die off 750 years ago and it’s relevance now. The actual vector is different but perhaps the vectorist is the same. From my knowledge of my ancestors, I found that the area of Norway that my family originates from, 85% died of the Bubonic Plague. The plague came in from a ship that entered Norway at the Hanseatic League trading town of Bergen Norway and the Leagues’s base was Hamburg Germany. The Plague went, from what I have read, “airborne”, through a pneumosis transmission, which was extremely leathal. At least that is how a few surviving accounts discribe the initial event. 30
Posted by sinenomine on Mon, 14 May 2007 06:54 | # Sicily is a pretty mixed bag, given all the different groups of people who settled there. I think there is a large percentage of Sicilians who would be considered white by most WNs, but, given Sicily’s history and location there is probably a large percentage who look too “Middle Eastern” to be accepted by most people in your movement. For example: The former The latter People in Sicily, for the most part, don’t care about WNism as it is defined at MR and elsewhere on the Internet (in other words, they don’t care whether they belong in the movement and aren’t usually interested in joining it.) 31
Posted by second class citizen on Mon, 14 May 2007 14:45 | # Fred Scrooby: “Not necessarily IQ: there’s an instinct which guides race-wise, an instinct which is different from IQ, and not only is this just as strong in lower-IQ whites, it’s very often stronger because higher IQ weakens this instinct, rendering the individual, now without its protective effect, more vulnerable to Ziv-type propaganda. In this particular case the higher IQ is the Achilles heel through which the skilled propagandist succeeds in brainwashing. Guided by their non-IQ-diluted instinct, lower-IQ whites reject this propaganda without even thinking about it.” Whatever this is, we want more of it. Of course, if it is common practice in the home for father to teach children history and their place in history, independent of what ever the current popular historians write, that will supplement this drive. As I’ve said before and will clarify again, I don’t want high IQ to be passed on if it comes at the cost of lack of ethnocentrism. We need both. If a high IQ Euro liberal can’t be persuaded after reading Kevin MacDonald for example (usually because of cowardice - what would the neighbours think? - and lack of innate ethnocentrism), he’s dead anyway. If he survives to mate with the liberal Jews so much the better, because he also passes on his dithering and cowardice to them. (BTW, your quote was mis-attributed to Bowery.) 32
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 14 May 2007 15:01 | # There are 3 psychic forces here: 1) Group selected instinct for ethnic nepotism. My working hypothesis is that Euroman is deficient in 1 and 3 and highly vulnerable due to 2. 33
Posted by second class citizen on Mon, 14 May 2007 15:24 | # GT: “Perhaps I’m mistaken but it seems we are avoiding the practical issues of White liberation and the reconquest of our homelands.” I do not care whether I personally see our people’s salvation within my lifetime, so long as the groundwork is laid. What is Hitler’s lasting contribution? I submit that perhaps his biggest is to show the futility of a racial state without the ultimate deterrent - the ability to wipe your opponent off the map with a nuke. Of course it provides us with many useful things, art, music, literature, philosophy, an example of the efficacy of the German soldier, and examples that the Jewish influences on our culture were extremely similar even then. All of these are good to know. “Our descendants cannot go through life mumbling PC platitudes in the hope of evading detection. They shall always be suspect, scrutinized, sacrificed, and subjected to the “treatment” regardless of guilt.” Sure we can. The ability to blend in is imperative but only a stop gap measure. Our colonies need to be able to survive in a state analogous to a bacterial spore - practically undetectable, hardy, latent, capable of rapid growth in the right conditions. When our colonies are of sufficient size, they will behave differently. With increased numbers, security of employment and alignment of employers we can do all the things necessary to secure an area. Examples of which include protesting, agitating, intelligence gathering, counter-intelligence, and of course media production, primarily for the benefit of surrounding areas so that if a move is made to go with the “Waco option”, the surrounding population will put up harsh protest. That being said, the Waco option is much harder on a town of 5k people than a few tens off in a remote compound. “We cannot out-jew the jew at being jews. They beat us millennia ago, before we realized there was a competition or what was at stake.” I don’t see why we can’t. At least, those of us with the will and the intelligence. Their mean IQ is only 115 at best. We have plenty of members in that ballpark, and with a few generations breeding at that our distribution will start looking similar to theirs too. Also, the tools to do what they have done bring the IQ and work ethic barrier WAY lower. We have the computer, the flash disk and the hard drive. They did it all without the benefit of even the printing press. “To preserve the best in us we must stop rationalizing and act now to exploit our strengths.” What are these strengths of which you speak? A population where 95% of us do not know that something is amiss and is happy to mindlessly consume their propaganda? Our situation is kind of like a Windows PC with XP, or maybe even ME, hopelessly mired in malware. You can put on a few anti-spyware programs, and maybe they will revive the computer. But there are still flaws in the system. If the situation gets better, the user gets lax and removes the anti-spyware as it annoys him. He leaves his browser as IE with javascript and activex enabled. And guess what? He gets inundated with malware again, and perhaps a rootkit is so good he must format and reinstall. A better strategy would be to go with securing your system properly, or better yet an OS that is secure from the ground up, and treat security seriously and permanently. Sure, you are not able to “act now to exploit your default applications”, you must go through the annoyance of having to learn a whole slew of new things, making it look like you are accomplishing nothing. But you actually fix the problem and not the symptoms. 34
Posted by Frank McGuckin on Mon, 14 May 2007 15:32 | # I’m involved with the issue of White survival at the street level. That is to say I attempt to educate and encourage White people to rebel against their oppression. The only tme the issue of IQ comes is when I hear of a ordinary White person complaining about there kid being tracked into the uninspring academic track. I do not beleive that the surivival of Europeans requires and in-depth discussion of scores on an IQ test. And to be honest. some of my comrades here who are very passionate about IQ scores come across as very insecure. In public debates that I have seen, some of our well known comrades, when they blathered on about race and IQ, were very effective in sidetracking a discussion about the harmfull effects of non-white immigration for White Americans. It was very depressing to see this happen I beleive it is tactically foolish to harp on IQ. I don’t beleive a majority of White Americans will buy into to it…especially at time when legal immigrants from asia are actively participating in the racial dispossession of White Americans. Some of you insist that it is crucial to White survival. However, I have a stong suspicion that many of you here have never spent much time raising conciousness among ordinary White folks. All we need to say is that we prefer not to live among blacks and asians. We prefer are own kind. Yes. I would say that some of our comrades are most definitely insecure about their own intelligence and need IQ tests to boost their self-esteem. This issue has been discussed a lot over at AR. The Bell curve true beleivers have not done very well in the AR threads where these discussions/debates have taken place. I think it is very interersting that on a White Nationalist discussion board the Bell Curve point of view takes recieves such a severe beating from people within the White Nationalist community. I’m just curious, how many hits a day does majority rights recieve a day. Something to cheer us up? By the way, when I read comments to the effect"only high IQ types can appreciate Kevin McDonald” I think:very insecure White person;very desperate White person. we all know what has to be done. At some point in time both in America and Europe, a majority of non-Europeans are going to have to be expelled. If mass expulsion does not happen,European peolpe are history both in Europe and America. 35
Posted by second class citizen on Mon, 14 May 2007 15:35 | # James Bowery: My working hypothesis is that Euroman is deficient in 1 and 3 and highly vulnerable due to 2. “ Nice, you bring something new to the table! I was thinking about this earlier tonight in fact, not in so many words. We trust WAY too much. An example of this is our judicial “Innocent until proven guilty” maxim. In my community prototype, this would be replaced with “If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, has feathers and likes water, let’s treat it as a duck.” The “jury of peers” model means that the informational processing apparatus is presently limited to an IQ mean of 100 and a distribution such that an intelligent, verbally adept jury member can probably sway the whole group any way he chooses. I don’t like taking a monkey-see-monkey-do, cargo cultist approach to Judaism, but perhaps they have already invented the wheel here. I believe their court system involves one of their proven, intelligent members (or a small group of such) deciding the case, not 12 members of the rank and file. 36
Posted by second class citizen on Mon, 14 May 2007 15:43 | # SI: “I’ve read many times how one must be high-IQ to grok KMac. I don’t get this. I couldn’t put his books down. I remember many times needing to reread passages to understand them, and one I couldn’t really get at all, but I find him very accessible for an academic. And I put down Michael Levin after a few pages, can’t even begin to wade through Marx, etc.” True. There are sections that can’t be put down. There are sections that are also are thorough to the point of being hard going. And that’s necessary to build a devastating case. “I just don’t get the “slog” thing. For me it wasn’t a slog at all, and like I said I’m not the most dedicated reader (of books - I’ll read articles and essays all day long). I think KMac is beyond the average reader, sure, but an interest and a 120ish IQ is probably enough.” I’d agree. 120 though is rather high though. If we set the bar at 135+, our growth through proseletyzation will be very, very slow and not representative of our race, as Fred points out. 37
Posted by second class citizen on Mon, 14 May 2007 16:15 | # Frank: I’m not sure. I view this site less as a means of proseletyzation and more as a place where I can get some feedback on practical ideas and where the moderation/discussion topics dispense with most of the sidetracking. And perhaps I should exercise some self discipline and not get sidetracked. “By the way, when I read comments to the effect"only high IQ types can appreciate Kevin McDonald” I think:very insecure White person;very desperate White person.” That’s probably because print is an imperfect mode of communication. If I were to say something like that in person, it would be with a wry shrug and a self deprecating laugh, because I personally find them difficult (though still compelling). It’s humanizing. In print I probably come across like a bit of a twat to the “common man”. So tell me this, in all your time “on the street”, have you ever spent whole days of time on convincing one person who shows promise only to have them revert back to spending 5 hours watching the box, unfiltered, every night, and to “treat” you to more typical “entertainment” by directors/producers named something like Spielberg, Kaufman, Redstone, written right there on the DVD box, and ask you “well, what did you think?” like they’ve just done you a favor? And when you disagreed, replied, “Oh, but it was really patriotic, I thought, but!”. And won’t even bother reading something like MacDonald, because it’s actually a bit like work? I have, multiple times. It’s times like those I think “Wow, you know what, not everyone is smart. Hmm, wouldn’t it be nice if there was some sort of scientific concept for smartness where I could learn about the concept and its ramifications, maybe test some ideas I have? Even if it’s not perfect, it might be better than a crapshoot.” Well, someone came up with the idea a hundred years ago or so. They even came up with a name for it. The US military uses it to great effect with every recruit they have. But maybe they were just very insecure and desperate. 38
Posted by Bo Sears on Mon, 14 May 2007 16:59 | # Professor MacDonald is a stunningly lucid writer, but readers who don’t have any grasp of the two ideas (a) that we are a people and (b) that our people have been victims in an undeclared war fought across a very broad front for at least 2,000 years, will have a hard time with it. Once readers have the two basics clear, they will find the professor’s writings immediately accessible. It’s not IQ that opens the professor’s writings, it’s the two underpinning ideas. 39
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 14 May 2007 18:18 | #
My impression: lately, upwards of 150,000 hits a day. 40
Posted by GT on Mon, 14 May 2007 19:35 | # SCC, There’s nothing new in what you propose. We see it in the behavior of the Euro-Am elite. They survive in a state analogous to bacterial spore – undetectable except for phenotype, financially hardy, theoretically dormant but capable of rapid growth under the right conditions - and they will readily sacrifice 95% of their people to maintain social “respectability” and their positions as front men and middle managers until such time that “conditions are right.” You’re asking MR’s racialist elite to join them and use the prospect of future Wacos as a form of negative motivation. Your argument has appeal, of course. An active solution such as I propose, begun within our lifetime, is frightening. Enacting it frightens me, as well. 41
Posted by Frank McGuckin on Mon, 14 May 2007 20:56 | # Hey Fred 150,000 a day? If that’s true,it would be friggin great!!!! Does anyone know how many hits AR gets a day? The lurkers really piss me off. They really should be making posts here.,
Posted by GT on Mon, 14 May 2007 21:02 | # SCC: “The ability to blend in is imperative but only a stop gap measure. Our colonies need to be able to survive in a state analogous to a bacterial spore - practically undetectable, hardy, latent, capable of rapid growth in the right conditions.” All Euromen are suspect and scrutinized – including high IQ trucklers serving as regime front men and middle managers. All are subject to sacrifice, regardless of guilt. “I do not care whether I personally see our people’s salvation within my lifetime, so long as the groundwork is laid.” The groundwork can’t be laid unless Euro-Am racialists risk detection, exposure, imprisonment, and death. Waiting increases the risk, for as time passes scrutiny increases due to advances in technology, the increased population of Others, and political demands made by an envious herd. As time passes the likelihood of colony survival diminishes. Better that high IQ Euroman Chameleons be honest about selling out their people and rejoin the Republican, neo-CON herd. Safer and far less stress! 43
Posted by Frank McGuckin on Mon, 14 May 2007 21:06 | # It has been my experience that the Sicilian Americans are some the most anti-black and anti-asian Euro-Americans around. From what I have seen, they have 0 tolerance for the nigras. Why do you think the late John Gotti was so adored by his neighbors? He kept the niggers out. No monkey business tolerated. Unfortunatetly , the Sicillians are being driven driven out by the chinks in places such as Queens. Little Italy is now a distant memory. 44
Posted by Frank McGuckin on Mon, 14 May 2007 21:13 | # Good post GT. Essentially correct. I view all liberal immigration reformers as the enemy of our people. I don not give fuck if illegal and legal immigration harms asian legal immigrants and their children living in America. Make no compromise with the enemy. Compromise=death of White America. White interests completely define the tems of the debate. 45
Posted by TG on Mon, 14 May 2007 21:58 | # “150,000 a day? If that’s true,it would be friggin great!!!! “ Here are the results according to Alexia. 46
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 14 May 2007 23:34 | # Frank asks: James Bowery,do you agree with this estimate? Unique visitors for the month of April was around 70,000 according to the web host’s stats. 47
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 14 May 2007 23:35 | # I have said before that alexa.com is entirely dependent on its toolbar for gathering traffic information. It is unreliable. April was our biggest ever month for unique visitors, the aw stats showing 71,586. However, our record month for hits was January at 1,669,385, and that was also the record for bandwidth consumption at 79.84GB. I would not expect us to be larger than AR since we specialise in daily created posts for thinking people. I’ve noticed that the MR commentariat itself tends to filter out left-siders. Obviously, a certain minimum standard of comment is condign to all, and you want it kept that way. So we are never likely to see the LGF volume, but we will never have their endless parade of glib two-line comments either. I think everybody is pretty pleased with that, actually. I certainly am. It would drive me to destraction having to read LGF threads all day! The blog will continue to grow its readership both because circumstances “outside” will generate more seekers after truth and because with the passage of time the blog becomes more widely known and valued anyway. The test is to try to remain useful and as productive of good discussion, good ideas and, increasingly I hope, intelligent activism as possible. Thanks for your goodwill and your input. And if any of you guys begin to doubt that it is worthwhile, just remember that 70,000+ potential readers for what you write isn’t too flaky. 48
Posted by Frank McGuckin on Tue, 15 May 2007 00:16 | # James,Guessed and Hey Fred,if these numbers are accurate give youself a pat on the back. BUT IM STILL CONFUSED…if alexia is unreliable how do you come up with these numbers? James what calculation are you doing? I’m going to do what I can do to spread this website out on the “street” to the wider dipossessed White American population. You will be very proud of me. How many hits a day for AR? You need to make access to the archive brian-dead easy if it isn’t already. Over the past year there have been some great discussions. Everyone should keep track of these threads so that when you turn ONE OUR KIND onto majority rights they can be brought up to speed ASAP Guessed, is there now a good chance that the pedaphile-weren’t they trying to get Tony Blair instead of PETE Townsend- and war criminal ex-prime minister will be hung for war crimes 49
Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 15 May 2007 03:25 | # As for methodologies, I think most of us can agree fiber optics, satellite communication, plastics and many other “microwave mentality” products and technologies will be lost. However, ultimately it is in our self-interest to turn back the technological clock…. Ultimately, we will have to hop off this rock, so that is not an option. 50
Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 15 May 2007 03:31 | # I understand you point regarding the changing/cleansing of the gene pool…. I’m not so sure. Many of the most perceptive among us - including MacDonald - emerged from the ranks of the indoctrinated. The disease is not congenital but curable. 51
Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 15 May 2007 03:35 | # It is erroneous to think that we can maintain, or should maintain exactly the same gene pool as we had in May 2007. It was not the case in the face of such things as the Bubonic plague, nor was at any other time in our history, really. We are not exactly the same people we were 2000 years ago. However, we share the same history and much of the same aesthetic. Most of the DNA is the same too. The battle is to keep as much of it as possible intact and for all time. Excellent. I could not agree more. 52
Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 15 May 2007 03:44 | # We stand out. Our descendants cannot go through life mumbling PC platitudes in the hope of evading detection. Our rulers assume—correctly—that most of us cannot see. It is just as in They Live; we can hide in their midst. 53
Posted by Wunderhund on Tue, 15 May 2007 05:00 | # James Bowery: 54
Posted by Wunderhund on Tue, 15 May 2007 05:10 | # Frank McGuckin “I’m involved with the issue of White survival at the street level. That is to say I attempt to educate and encourage White people to rebel against their oppression. The only tme the issue of IQ comes is when I hear of a ordinary White person complaining about there kid being tracked into the uninspring academic track. I do not believe that the surivival of Europeans requires and in-depth discussion of scores on an IQ test. And to be honest. some of my comrades here who are very passionate about IQ scores come across as very insecure.” I’m an Ivy League school drop-out who found his vocation in the trades as a builder . I have never regretted that. I had a talk with the foreman of the concrete and earthwork company working on my project. It’s amazing what happens when you scratch the surface. What was it he told me when we started talking about the Mexican invasion here and the muslim invasion in Europe. 55
Posted by NEC watch on Tue, 15 May 2007 13:04 | # “I have never regretted that. I had a talk with the foreman of the concrete and earthwork company working on my project. It’s amazing what happens when you scratch the surface. What was it he told me when we started talking about the Mexican invasion here and the muslim invasion in Europe. Indeed. But, hey, let’s NOT talk about ethnic genetic interests to guys like these. Instead let us be “clever”, “indirect”, “subtle”, etc. After all, gotta do what works, right? Since we are on the cusp of victory, no need to change these fantastic tactics. 56
Posted by TG on Tue, 15 May 2007 14:37 | # “They’re destroying our gene pool” Hey, you’d be surprised at the depth of understanding people in the construction trades have when it comes to our current situation. I, myself, am an electrician and work construction. I graduated high school by the skin of my teeth and my IQ is slightly below one standard deviation point above the mean for Whites. My point is , it doesn’t take a Geneticist to understand racial differences at the DNA level, or a Psychometrician to recognise differences in innate cognitive abilities between races. Anybody with common sense can recognise the differences and what non-white immigration is wreaking on white societies. What is lacking in our race is common sense and the will to fight these anti-White cultural Marxists that have hijacked the MSM and our Governmental and private institutions. It is the elitist intelligentsia that sets the cultural tone in societies…unfortunatly,most of the intelligentsia in ALL Western White nations are of the HARD leftist political stripe and they MUST to be removed from their positions and replaced with pro-Whites if we are to succeed in preserving the White race. Constantly moving away from the problem solves nothing. In fact it only exacerbates the problem because Whites with a bit of money are having their pockets picked. As they move out of their old neighborhoods to flee non-white primitives, it creates an expansion in the economy. How? The land developers make out big time by building new subdivisions of housing,. The road builders are happy as well because we need new roads to get to those new homes. The building material suppliers are happy because…well you get the picture. Bottom line: The greedy rapacious power hungry elites are making out big time while the fate of the White-race hangs in the balance. The game MUST be stopped. 57
Posted by GT on Tue, 15 May 2007 19:02 | # ‘We stand out. Our descendants cannot go through life mumbling PC platitudes in the hope of evading detection.’ Ben Tillman writes: “Our rulers assume—correctly—that most of us cannot see. It is just as in They Live; we can hide in their midst.” Despite 50 years of multiracialism we continue to see well enough to prefer EuroAm marriages, communities, culture, and politics (to the extent it is allowed). By minimizing the regime’s economic and social constraints through the formation of Ebartering microcommunities our vision will rapidly improve, as will the likelihood of freedom and the survival of our genes. This solution requires Will. The alternative proposed by SCC is to go into hiding, lose 95-99% of our population over time, and hope the remaining 1-5% are transformed into Super Jews retaining the majority of Caucasian traits and reproductive capacity. SCC’s solution does not require Will. It is passive. Better that passive racialists rejoin the neo-CONned Republicans than risk detection on the Internet. 59
Posted by GT on Tue, 15 May 2007 20:00 | # “But, hey, let’s NOT talk about ethnic genetic interests to guys like these. Instead let us be “clever”, “indirect”, “subtle”, etc.” Far better if the clever employ their intelligence to solve the theoretical and practical problems associated with establishing Ebartering microcommunities. 61
Posted by second class citizen on Tue, 15 May 2007 20:42 | # ben tillman: It is obvious we think alike. You certainly understand where I am going with this. Even down to expanding beyond the earth, ultimately a necessity. And that’s only going to happen when you have enough intelligent people of sufficient intelligence to keep generating and following through with the plans necessary to do it. 62
Posted by second class citizen on Tue, 15 May 2007 21:40 | # I’m not sure why GT has chosen to paint me with the “passive”, “lacking Will” “neocon” straw man. Someone who is all of these things would not be looking to create his own curriculum, for one. He would not seek to trade with likeminded people, wherever possible, for another. He would not constantly have his ears out to sense what ethnicity people are, ethnic background, and if they say anything that gives a hint of an open mind or politically incorrect viewpoint, while alone. A passive neocon happily buy name brands and watch TV, wasting all his money on nightclubs, bread and circuses, while happily punching the Democrat/Republican ticket. He might have two kids, at age 40. Why the straw man? 64
Posted by Wunderhund on Wed, 16 May 2007 00:15 | # GT Good idea. How could this be set up with buying land, building energy-efficient homes, with solar, hydro and wind power generation, etc etc? Is there a working template for a folkish Ebartering microcommunity? For instance, what if five families came to you and said: There are co-housing consultants that help people to set up such a community. Anybody up for brainstorming? 65
Posted by GT on Wed, 16 May 2007 00:19 | # SCC, “I’m not sure why GT has chosen to paint me with the “passive”, “lacking Will” “neocon” straw man.” No strawman attack was intended and I apologize for my lack of clarity. What I wrote was, “SCC’s solution does not require Will. It is passive. Better that passive racialists rejoin the neo-CONned Republicans than risk detection on the Internet.” My intent was to criticize the Super-Jew plan, not you. It is a blind alley less useful than our present, limited strategy of disseminating facts and attempting to persuade. “Someone who is all of these things would not be looking to create his own curriculum, for one. He would not seek to trade with likeminded people, wherever possible, for another. He would not constantly have his ears out to sense what ethnicity people are, ethnic background, and if they say anything that gives a hint of an open mind or politically incorrect viewpoint, while alone.” These are good things, useful in Ebartering microcommunities – particularly the building of trade links and educational curriculums (assuming that is what you meant). “A passive neocon happily buy name brands and watch TV, wasting all his money on nightclubs, bread and circuses, while happily punching the Democrat/Republican ticket. He might have two kids, at age 40.” That’s correct. And passive EuroAm racialists happily buy name brand items, watch television, waste money on bread and circuses, and spend too much time socializing on the Internet. Some might have two kids at age 40. These would be quite happy to provide lip service to a Super-Jew plan, ostensibly for EuroAm preservation, that requires very little and justifies their continued passivity. Better the passive get out of the way and rejoin the neo-CONned, where they may meld with the herd without jeopardizing their lives, freedom, or lifestyle, than oppose (or ignore) an active solution without providing something better. 66
Posted by Wunderhund on Wed, 16 May 2007 00:22 | # TG Good comments. We need a new idealistic model to show to people. The co-housing movement started small, and look how it’s grown. There are full-time co-housing consultants now. They help people to form their communities, raise the money, develop the design, get the financing in place, get the permits, set up and monitor the construction etc etc. There’s room for a new model. All it takes is one example on the ground. 67
Posted by Maguire on Wed, 16 May 2007 05:45 | # Wunderhund, “The idea of a folkish community based on Ebartering (?) , alternative building, alterantive energy, etc etc is something I’d like to look into more.” “Anybody up for brainstorming?” GT & I have been “looking into it” for the last 4 years. i.e., researching the specific mechanics of building and sustaining a community, which technologies can leverage it and what the economic focal points should be. “Most of these folks are lefty and pc influenced. Along the way we looked closely into existing “intentional communities”, this being the internal name for current alternate communities. The majority of these are poverty stricken due to a reliance on Third World level handicraft technology, plus other ideological handicaps. The ones that aren’t poverty stricken are highly dependent on external wage income from the adjacent area and are just deed-restricted communities for sexual deviants. Some of the more established ones have even instituted official population caps on children. Either because they can’t afford them economically or because they dig into the community’s budget so much they begin to affect the childless adult deviant population’s “lifestyles”. We also looked into the white South African experience with “Orania”. They made a somewhat different set of errors in Orania. The biggest one was allowing pig-headed old Boer farmers who grew fat on non-white labor to buy their way into disproportionate influence in that ‘white labor only’ community. Early on we pinpointed ‘energy’ and ‘fuels’ independence as the economic keystone. By these we mean enough electricity and fuels both to sustain a micro growing to mini industrial effort - beginning at foundry level - and to provide externally marketable surpluses to generate a trade surplus. The required techologies exist. They’re just not the ones that get much mass media publicity or government support. Suffice it to say, starting a European folkish community boils down to hard-skilled people first, middle and last. This is the only way to generate the required economic surplus to sustain an expanding population of little white people, plus their dedicated mothers. Oddly enough, these little folk are the major goal of the enterprise. So we have that much in common with the existing leftish “intentional communities”: we have a specific sexual agenda as our foundational purpose. You might have noticed our persistent emphasis on technical education, technical references and ‘energy’. This is why. Maguire 68
Posted by Wunderhund on Wed, 16 May 2007 07:09 | # Maguire, That’s great! At some point these efforts will bear fruit. 69
Posted by Wunderhund on Wed, 16 May 2007 14:32 | # Here’s a link to the ‘Geo-Solar House’. This house utilizes a natural convection loop to heat / cool itself. It is also sold as a kit. As a builder, I’m impressed. http://www.enertia.com/Science/HowItWorks/tabid/68/Default.aspx 70
Posted by GT on Wed, 16 May 2007 17:36 | # Wunderhund, et al First, this idea to out-jew the Jew represents an absence of ideas of what to do. It can’t work because all warfare is asymmetrical. Asymmetry arises from the different strategic goals of the combatants. Nevertheless, we do have to ‘out-x’ the Jew on *somethings* - anticipating and pre-empting the future while pitting our strengths against the enemy’s weaknesses. More than Will is required, for determination alone is not sufficient for victory. To achieve our long-term goal we must have short-term goals. Short-term goals are fluid, for they are determined by the enemy’s changing weaknesses and strengths. Therefore, for victory more important than Will is Necessity. We – all of us – must be driven by Necessity. In answer to your questions, know this: Intentional communities are not difficult to establish. The Left does it. As Maguire pointed out most are impoverished, childless, dependent upon the local economy, sustained by members’ retirement funds, or a combination of these. Technical education, energy independence, and an economic system for exchange are the issues White nationalists must address – right now – for without these all talk of establishing networks of successful intentional communities is merely blowing smoke. However, as a construction electrician (presumably journeyman or master), you are a leader – one who leads through example, suggestion, and consensus. If approached by five or six EuroAm families the first task is to assess their primary skills and insure that the men have or are capable of acquiring collateral skills - basic machine shop, residential electrical, plumbing, and construction. Etexts, free of charge, are available here: http://www.hss.energy.gov/NuclearSafety/techstds/standard/standard.html Download the appropriate manuals, copy to CD, and disseminate widely. 71
Posted by second class citizen on Wed, 16 May 2007 18:04 | # GT, I really don’t think our ideas are that much different, then. Your idea is basically a commune, not unlike a Kibbutz, for example. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kibbutz Your plan of a Super-Kibbutz seems to be a good one, and I hope to hell you can out-Kibbutz the Kibbutzim, for the benefit of our race. 72
Posted by second class citizen on Wed, 16 May 2007 19:29 | # On the “Super Jew Plan”... (which I object to it being called, because it does not hinge on being “better than the Jew” at the areas he is superior, it just takes elements of his strategy) I think GT has been mischaracterizing my ideas. My ideas basically boil down to: 1. Exponential growth through high birthrates and low expenses (and they are going to be largely identical to the sorts of measures GT proposes). 2. Minimizing defection rates of a WN culture in all circumstances. Another way to say this is to maximize resistance to a determined enemy trying to stamp your culture out. 4. Eugenically improving our stock so that we are even more hardy and capable in future. A future that must plan for life in another venue besides just earth. 5. Spending surplus resources proseletyzing. Once you have a working prototype of 1-4, the game is effectively won. The mathematics of exponential growth dictate it. To get a rough order approximation (which does not account for mortality), compare 2+2+2+2+... versus 2+4+8+16+... versus 2+10+50+250+... Or you can simply acquire a copy of the excellent movie Idiocracy, and pay close attention to the family trees depicted early on. Step 5 will just get the game won quicker. *The maximum defection rate will occur in a similar society to current Zionist occupied European territories. i.e.: - “Free” public and private institutions, made so by taxing the bejeezus out of people such that they have to pay for schooling twice if they do it themselves. - Omnipresent, well produced Zionist media and advertising. - Harassment of public WN socializing by government and private Zionist funded groups. - Concerted legal and government attacks against visible WN communities. Additionally, there are other measures that the Zionists can and will orchestrate when they see or suspect success of our people to evade their measures. Off the top of my head, Long story short, the maximum defection rate will occur in the above scenario, and the only way I can see to defeat that is personally ensuring that your own children are prepped to: This must be the responsibility of every father, or mother if she is sufficiently capable and motivated and the father approves. An ability to “go under the radar” is necessary. Everyone has it to some extent, you’d see it if a Black thug was dropped into a skinhead concert, or a hardened skin somehow stumbled into a Negroid block party. The main difference is knowing when to use it. For example, Mel Gibson obviously held his views privately for many years until he was in a position to capitalize. That took discipline, and a man with his abilities did his people no disservice by failing to spend every weekend leafleting. Perhaps GT has a valid criticism - that it enables passive Euros to just tag along, enjoy the benefits, endure none of the costs or the dangers when the going gets tough. (e.g. once you have colonized an area and the time comes to take more territory or defend your rights by protest). This can be done by constantly monitoring certain bothersome activities that show commitment to the cause, and jettisoning those members who don’t comply. This means that when the time comes, they are likely to be trustworthy and active, even if they are capable of being cryptic when necessary. If I mention Judaism, it is just to acknowledge the prior art. It’s just being honest, basically. I don’t see why their strategies can’t have an Aryan face stamped on them, or how it somehow demeans our cause to recognize where some of these ideas first had their birth. Any more than saying that using the successful German Blitzkrieg tactics made the Red Army less Communist. You will also notice that my last suggestion (to require measures of trust of a community) also can be linked back to Judaism. They use a Sabbath, requiring everyone to attend. They also have some religious laws (which at least originally had a pragmatic purpose). Don’t comply, get kicked out. I could mention that the early Christians also had similar practices (when it was necessary to go underground in Roman times), but why acknowledge the Christians when they didn’t invent this practice? You know, there is a saying, those who don’t understand Unix are condemned to reinvent it, poorly. The truth in that statement applies in many other areas. A fresh look at a problem is a great idea and one that a good engineer should do all the time. However, ignoring the prior art because of “not invented here” syndrome is just retarded. Not only is it dishonest, there are often counterintuitive practices inherent in a solution that will only yield their utility with some analysis. 73
Posted by GT on Wed, 16 May 2007 20:06 | # SCC, Although I have taken “ownership” of the plan on this board, it is not my plan. Several have had a hand in developing its rudimentary outline, many more will improve it further. This plan is “owned” by all who participate in its development and implementation. “Your plan of a Super-Kibbutz seems to be a good one, and I hope to hell you can out-Kibbutz the Kibbutzim, for the benefit of our race.” The basic biosocioeconomic unit of a microcommunity is the EuroAm family. Families may participate in a marketspace individually, in cooperation with other families near and far (preferably the former), or as part of a commune. The aggregate of marketspaces in a particular field form an industry. Until we’ve developed our own terminology, let us think of these industries as cantons and our EuroAm economy as a confederation: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Switzerland Assymetry: Rather than out-jew the jew at being jews, we shall out-jew the jew at being European Americans. The jew cannot win and we cannot lose. 74
Posted by second class citizen on Wed, 16 May 2007 20:53 | # GT, Interesting that you highlight the Amish. The main problem I have with that approach is the lack of a eugenic component to their way of life. A world composed of Amish would be knocked out the moment a large enough asteroid hits the earth. Other than that, a lot of their elements are Jewish derived. Shunning, for one. Avoidance of outsiders, also. And their use of the Jewish derived bible, which figures prominently in their life. All these things predate this 16th century sect and are as authentically European as the Talmud. I’m not sure of why you persist in your dichotomy between what you think are methods/strategies only suitable to Jews and strategies suitable for Europeans, when it is abundantly clear that there has been cross-pollenization of ideas for centuries, but mostly going one way. The European is probably more suited for colonizing wilderness, however, the amount of wilderness is rapidly dwindling. We had best learn how to both colonize the stars and also survive a multiracial environment intact. In a world of limited space and increasing numbers of people, the Amish are having to adapt. I’m rather surprised they have been tolerated by TPTB for so long. I think in part because of their emphasizing family and religion other than race, and the fact that they mostly don’t proseletyze. Also, the fact that they speak German and not English helps them. Most of which I have mentioned in past comments, you will notice. 75
Posted by GT on Wed, 16 May 2007 22:58 | # “I think GT has been mischaracterizing my ideas.” 1. There was no mischaracterization. The Super Jew Plan calls for going into hiding for an unspecified period of time in a highly technological society in which all EuroAms are suspect, willingly accepts the loss of >95% of the EuroAm population in the interim (Morgenthau, anybody?), and assumes an exponential birthrate at the end (as the jews are now calling for, perhaps?). 2. Other than superficially Europe’s jews and Rome’s Xtians never experienced a comparable situation when going into hiding centuries and millennia ago. The difference between then and now is so vast the comparison is like apples to oranges. 3. Minimizing defection requires feedback. However, the present WN base is small, separated, unlikely to increase with the present strategy or in hiding, and in time will suffer additional loses due to increased social, economic, and political marginalization – that is, unless one is counting upon most to become wealthy like Mel Gibson at some unspecified point in the future. 4. Comparisons to Mel Gibson also ignore what was Necessary for him to rise to his present financial condition. “Perhaps GT has a valid criticism - that it enables passive Euros to just tag along, enjoy the benefits, endure none of the costs or the dangers when the going gets tough. (e.g. once you have colonized an area and the time comes to take more territory or defend your rights by protest).” Indeed, they will “tag along.” The present WN base is comprised of too many Internet aficionados and cultists having no commitment to our Cause beyond “persuasion” and boisterous Cyber-buffoonery. “Going into hiding” justifies a continuation of the same. “Additionally, there are other measures that the Zionists can and will orchestrate when they see or suspect success of our people to evade their measures. Off the top of my head, Off the top of my head: 1. Your direct comparison of microcommunities to Kibbutzim is incorrect. Ebartering microcommunities can be EuroAm families, cooperatives, and communes. Can a family, partnership, cooperative or commune be “block busted?” Not likely. 2. Education may be formal or informal. Can informal education provided by parents be made illegal or require licensing? Once again, not likely. 76
Posted by GT on Wed, 16 May 2007 23:04 | # Change: “- that is, unless one is counting upon most to become wealthy like Mel Gibson…” To: “- that is, unless one is counting upon most to miraculously become wealthy like Mel Gibson…” 77
Posted by GT on Thu, 17 May 2007 00:12 | # “Interesting that you highlight the Amish. The main problem I have with that approach is the lack of a eugenic component to their way of life. A world composed of Amish would be knocked out the moment a large enough asteroid hits the earth.” You may have noticed the emphasis I have placed on technology and education? “Other than that, a lot of their elements are Jewish derived. Shunning, for one. Avoidance of outsiders, also. And their use of the Jewish derived bible, which figures prominently in their life. All these things predate this 16th century sect and are as authentically European as the Talmud.” Indeed, one might say those traits are as old as Europeans despite inconsistencies in their application throughout time! Nevertheless, the link referencing the Amish was not intended to be an apple-to-apple comparison. You err in assuming otherwise. “I’m not sure of why you persist in your dichotomy between what you think are methods/strategies only suitable to Jews and strategies suitable for Europeans, when it is abundantly clear that there has been cross-pollenization of ideas for centuries, but mostly going one way.” Indeed there has been a cross-pollenization of ideas. Fire-making is one example. Nevertheless, the dichotomy is yours. Some ideas are amenable to the European genotype, others are not. You’ve asked, “What are these [EuroAm] strengths of which you speak?” I am surprised you do not know! Are you really that cynical toward your people that you’ve forgotten their strengths or is there something more I should know? Rethink what you advocate, else join the people you wish to emulate. We shall fight a asymmetrical war with the jews and win. 78
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 17 May 2007 00:25 | # Any plans for land use that involve ethnic exclusivity for Euromen will run headlong into the Civil Rights Act of 1991 which “clarified” the Civil Rights Act of 1964 in explicitly outlawing any ethnic enclaves that operate openly and of course “interpreting” the law in the most strict manner possible when it comes to Euromen and reneging on it when, say, Orthodox Jews have communities where people aren’t taxed on their homes (because they’re “temples”), there is effective exclusion of anyone with whom they don’t identify and they have a population doubling time of 10 years due to their females basically starting to breed at age 15 and not stopping until they are incapable. If Euromen tried that, they’d find themselves inundated with “volunteers” financed by the FBI, ADL, SPLC and probably these days Bill Gates and Warren Buffet—volunteers that would undoubtedly do something stupid like fire a shotgun in response to a car backfiring on a neighboring dirt road—thereby opening up the floodgates of civil law suits against the unfortunate land owner. 79
Posted by GT on Thu, 17 May 2007 00:39 | # No, James, we cannot build a community and “advertise” ourselves as an “ethnic enclave” when soliciting membership. 80
Posted by GT on Thu, 17 May 2007 00:49 | # Got family - children, brothers, sisters, father, mother, cousins, aunts and uncles? Got one, two, or three long-time friends? There is your microcommunity. 81
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 17 May 2007 01:04 | # That’s not just your microcommunity—that’s your core security doctrine. The big remaining problem for security comes when land is inherited. 82
Posted by GT on Thu, 17 May 2007 01:23 | # You’re absolutely right about the core security doctrine and problem concerning inheritance. Any suggestions on the latter? (I’ll return tomorrow). 83
Posted by GT on Thu, 17 May 2007 04:17 | # Jews fear Others and project that fear, where they have influence. Without influence jews crawl under rocks. Rather than fear jews and their golem we must recognize and confront both, their civilization, and the problems they pose as we would problems presented by the physical environment – objectively and without fear. Let us put jews under the microscope, study them as we would bacteria, and learn how to control if not eradicate the pests without destroying ourselves or becoming like them. Asymmetry: Rather than out-jew the jew at being jews, we shall out-jew the jew at being European Americans. The jew cannot win and we cannot lose. High IQ EuroAms who fear rather than respect the jew should marry him and have lots of children. It would be faster, less stressful for one’s descendants, and more likely to succeed. 84
Posted by Maguire on Thu, 17 May 2007 08:13 | # Wunderhund, Interesting link. I agree such a community must extract the last erg of available energy from its immediate environment. So we’re all in favor of “Green Building” as a way to reduce and even eliminate external energy consumption by residences. The problem is these passive green energy technologies cannot provide the on-demand surge power needed by foundries, mills, machine tools and fabrication shops of all kinds. More is needed. More is available with renewable biomass and thermo-chemical conversion technologies. Waste and scrap wood can be retorted into metallurgical grade char to fuel foundries. It sounds primitive but Sweden used metallurgical char for its steel industry through most of the 20th Century due to a local deficit of coal to make coke. Brazil still uses metallurgical char. Across North America there’s ‘only’ several hundred million tons of stranded rural scrap steel and aluminum to get started on. This is one area I’ve been doing physical development work in. I can show you how to take local ‘free junk’, turn it into a char retort and then fill it with more free ‘junk’ and turn that into high grade char fuel able to fuel iron melting cupolas. I’ve done it. “Biomass gasification” can make a fuel gas to fuel internal combustion engines and turbines for electric power generation. Micro & mini-hydro power technologies can also be applied with suitable hydro-geological conditions. Locally produced non-petroleum liquid fuels are available from a variety of technologies. Methanol can be synthesized by ‘gasifying’ waste biomass to make synthesis gas, followed by catalytic reforming. “Ablative Fast Pyrolysis” to make bio-crude oil and even direct diesel fuel substitutes is another already viable technology. Sometime ago James Bowery mentioned his work in algae culture to produce bio-oil. The preceding listing is not intended to be comprehensive. Just illustrative of the existing possibilities. Key principles GT & I have adopted are: 1. Religious avoidance of all forms of usury debt, and especially usury debt interest collected on external labor charges. The Habitat for Humanity and Amish barn and house raising models are so successful because they a) avoid cash labor costs for unskilled labor and b) avoid usury interest charges on cash costs for unskilled labor. Other costs and interest thereon are also reduced and eliminated. 2. “Insourcing” all possible life-sustaining activities. Food is obvious, and also not difficult these days with available knowledge applied by diligent effort. Ultimately “insourcing” means a highly skilled community population. Skilled to the extent of building their own computer controlled machine tools internally, starting by recycling scrap metals through a foundry. And a heavy reliance on applied “high technology” such as Computer Numerically Controlled machine tooling. “Outsourcing” ultimately means paying External Others for knowledge and labor, plus added arbitrage fees to a long chain of middlemen who collectively comprise the “New World Order”. Outsourcing also invariably entails borrowing and then paying interest for the use of printed paper, a/k/a “money”, to buy these reputed ‘cheap’ goods and services. True capital is composed of trained work forces and the tools they build and use, plus land. The inner secret and imperative of the New World Order is its now total segregation of true wealth creation from the creation and allocation of paper finance ‘capital’. Changing this state of affairs requires first acquiring knowledge (education) and then applying it (training and practice). The public schools once did this and still could, but they do not. Actual material resources are not lacking in North America, or in other places where white people live. 3. Reversing the exchange flows resulting from modern energy and fuel bills. The positive incentive is making these profit centers for Euro Volk communities rather than cost sinks. The negative incentive is immunizing ourselves against a fuel and energy embargo, which is always the N.W.O.’s first weapon of choice. 4. Drastic reduction tending towards elimination of ‘imports’ of consumer goods such as furniture and all other gimcracks that can be fabricated locally or done without. In this case ‘import’ is defined as external to the Euro Volkish trading community. The Rootless New World Order Cosmopolitans of London and elsewhere subsist on labor arbitrage fees, cash flows from non-essential consumer items of all kinds, franchise fees, licensing fees and the creation and collection of usury debt interest. They ‘create’ nothing besides paper. Like Gordon Gekko in the movie “Wall Street”, their only stock in trade is ‘owning’. These daze the ‘economic viability’ of any technology or project is assessed by one criterion. This is its ability to support extraction of surplus values by means of licensing fees, usury interest or ‘dividends’ that are operationally identical to ‘interest’. Engineers are trained in this mindset early on. Any project that can’t support such external payments as well as labor costs is deemed ‘economically unviable’. “Off-shoring” is primarily a mechanism for enhancing the fraction that can be extracted by financial gimmickry, not for lowering consumer ‘costs’ or improving quality. This is why a great deal of existing manufacturing technology had to be removed to China. For a practical example research the “Sieg Machine Tool Company” of Shanghai sometime. Their methods for making lathes and drill presses are virtually identical to the ones used by the Atlas Press Company of Kalamazoo, Michigan in the 1930s. The designs are just slightly updated 1960s versions developed by South Bend Lathe and Atlas Press using finite element analysis engineering techniques. But if the workers are paid the Rootless Cosmopolitans can’t take their obscene cuts. Along with the deep wage cuts have come significant corner cutting on quality of construction. Compare any basic US made lathe or drill press from the 1940s to 1970s with the Chinese versions now sold by Sears, Home Depot, Harbor Freight and others. Or with Soviet machine tools of the same era, for that matter. The correct riposte is to ‘insource’ the Rootless Cosmpolitan’s cash flow away from him and to us. It’s our firm conviction that successfully engaging and defeating the “New World Order” means changing individual white behaviors 24/365, and not just for a few minutes during very infrequent rituals called “elections”. Maguire 85
Posted by a Finn on Wed, 23 May 2007 05:15 | # This is an important thread. When European-Americans create the first European ethnic community, I am as proud as if Finns would have created it. I make a couple of comments: - I see own food production as vital, because it allows us to be more independent from outside communities if need be and enables us to resist job etc. extortion by society. If there is, let’s say 300 families, three of them could produce most of the food the community consumes. Farmers sell the food to the community at slightly higher price than what they would get from meat factories and millhouses, and community gets fresh good food at lower prices than from shops, because three middlemans (mills & meat factories, wholesale and retail) + and all the storage and transportations are eliminated. This means that community should reside fairly close to a mostly European-American town, but still enable farming in vicinity. - I see energy independence as optional. County produced energy could be used, if community has a back up system. Or own energy could be used from several sources, solar, wind, wood, natural gas produced in farms from feces (can be used in cars too), some oil, so called ground warming etc. - Jobs must be arranged so that they are shock absorbing. The community’s members jobs should vary from entrepreneurers to officials to construction professionals to intellectuals etc. They thus participate in many parts of the surrounding community, can gather wide range of information and influence it widely. Everybody should create a second job option, in case that job is lost and community should help in it. This could include large changes. Ex-official could become a farmer or entrepreneurer. Construction professional could become involved in constructing and selling solar and wind energy devices. Engineer could become a stock market analyst. Etc. Idea is to prepare to it beforehand by learning enough about the second option. Community should reserve also back up jobs in many fields to it’s members. This helps the community when times are tough and when society uses job extortion. Farming is the ultimate back up, because food is the basic thing everybody needs to live. Community should have it’s own physician/physicians, so that at least in the more common cases the treatment can be given by the community’s members. Later when the community grows, community’s job range could become a little bit more specialised to certain fields. - About IQ and the general “insecurity” claim. One liberal told me that in less than 150 years, all the Europeans are mulattos mixed from two or more races. He thought it was inevitable, gave up and started to support it. I resist that. Every inch of the way. It showed insecurity and weakness to the high heaven. Same concerns giving up on IQ. You wouldn’t be reading this if Finns would have given up in their history, because there would not be any of us left. - Somebody said that genetic testing might become compromised, if the tester is less than honest. Solution; two or more independent tests and several varied people from our community supervising the whole process. Later the genetic test can be repeated and checked again, if necessary. 86
Posted by a Finn on Thu, 24 May 2007 13:03 | # Additions and new topics: - What was important in said liberal’s estimation of time frame of mixing is not it’s accuracy or lack there of, but the mentality and the general principle. - When European ethnic community’s farmers do manufacturing on their farm products, which are sold to their community, they of course get the added value profit and still, when the many middlemen are eliminated, community’s members get their products cheaper than from shops. These could include bakery and highly refined meat products. - Maguire is right in his estimation, but I make slight adjustments to his recommendations. We should not try to disassemble the whole system and/or stay away from it because many serious problems arise from it. Let’s say an imagined powerful factory is producing danger to the community, but also some vital products, and we don’t have enough power and resources to alter it to more propitious direction. We should participate in it to gather information, resources and power. When we have enough, we start to alter the system from WITHIN, which is more effective than from the outside. We throw sand meticulously to some cog wheels, enhance the working of some others and create new ones. The economic system is dependent on many things. The unrestricted flow of information and capital; lacking labor unions in cheap labor lands; poor salaries and working conditions; lacking environmental rules; child labor; people’s lacking visions of what could be in the cheap labor countries; near total freedom of cheap labor countries to sell their products in Western nations; speculatively generated artificial profits and wealth; freedom of the richest people to enjoy hospitable living conditions here at the same time they move work on the grand scale to cheap labor lands and import cheap labor; the question: why we should accept any of the richest people’s wealth’s value; we can start increasing the value of our own exchange mediums and depreciate their wealth and money; etc. We can formulate numerous policies. It is not a single policy that topples the cosmopolitans, it is endless small policies that vacuum cleans the internationalism life force out of the richest people, until they fall on their own. The healthy parts of society are actively preserved and new parts are constantly created. We use the current internationalist system maximally to it’s end and replace it piece by piece with a new system. To give you a couple of examples of actual policies that can be formulated: - Informing workers in the developing world on their possibilities using labor union tactics (Without the international socialism. It’s not clever to remove a malign phenomenon and implant another malign phenomenon). Diplomatically pressuring countries to accept reasonable unions. - First exchanging some things, labor/services without money and then advancing to more developed changing systems. Value of exchanged things is determined for the most part by free market value generation, but the differences are not so high as in free market. Computers and their back up files can be used to storage the value of things, labor/services. Money is used a little less, but we never abandon it altogether. - The cosmoplitans wealth can be devalued by decreasing it’s liquidity, freedom of movement and acceptance among the people. Small taxes can be established on the largest and constant speculation transactions. These are directed to effect only or mainly the cosmopolitans. If we are in suitable official positions, we can draw a plans for dumps or refugee ghettos etc. as near as possible to their living areas, golf clubs, beachs, yacht clubs etc. - If rich people move to foreign country because of no taxes, no restrictions on capital etc., they should be cut off from their country of origin system. They maybe able to circle this with some clandestine system, but it costs them money to uphold it. - Tax paradises operation should be restricted concerning the international capital, trade and enterprise system. Any restriction on their function is good. The richest people may be able to circumvent this, but it costs them money. - We should allow only those products to be imported fairly freely, which come from countries, that uphold some basic standards of work, living, environmental protection, prohibit child labor etc. - Declaring the most important inventions and knowledge to be national assets (not just military inventions), that cannot be imported without restrictions to other countries. Etc. etc. At the same time when restrictions are made, which temporarily weakens our economic activity, our national economies are build with all resources, rely on high technology (Contrary to cheap labor dependent ecomies, which reduce high technology needs) and are so competitive in the international markets, that other countries must buy our crucial products. International money incentive for inventors, key personnel and others to move to other countries can be reduced by building societies, which money alone cannot buy, only memberships in this society. Membership must be like owning a paradise. Top schools and universities; secure luxurious living areas, high quality free time, culture and entertainment. National capital exceeds capital and money, and it is tied to people’ work, inventions, life, families, free time, to everything. It cannot be bought or sold. It cannot be a speculative item. Stocks cannot be made out of it. It is the product of everlasting ethnic kinship. We create permanent international coalition of Europeans. ——————— Somebody raised the question about our out-jewing the jews by being jews. No. We learn from everybody, take the useful knowledge and establish systems and societies that are new advanced European societies. We can’t go on like this. Without ethnic genetic groups, interests and ethnic competition methods we are like punching bags of the whole world, withering punch by punch into non-existence. We can preserve the most of our traditions, mentality and morality between our members. But many things must added, some things changed permanently and some things radically. After all this we are still European, but we are also tough ethnic competitors. 87
Posted by a Finn on Thu, 24 May 2007 13:21 | # Addition: Interest can’t be get rid of completely. It is needed, but some carefully planned restrictions should be placed on it. They can’t move to extremes without restrictions. Some of the interest profits must be given in the form of national capital. The value of interest profit and national capital combined far exceeds mere free market interest profit. Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time by James Bowery on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 15:26. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsThorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:20. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 23:38. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 21:33. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 23:00. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 16:55. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 00:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:55. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:47. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 22:59. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:28. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:21. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:23. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:09. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:55. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:53. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:37. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:18. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:41. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:38. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:28. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 09:30. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 08:31. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 07:56. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 01:43. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:43. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:10. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:40. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:28. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:05. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 23:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:41. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 18:08. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:20. (View) |
Posted by GT on Sat, 12 May 2007 00:56 | #
The question is, do Whites want to survive or continue down the same path?
If the former then we must think demographics, low population densities, urban encirclement, water supply and control, energy production and control, agricultural production and control, aquaculture, tool production and cloning, Ebarter, rural and suburban microcommunities, rural political dominance. The line of thinking points to the Northwest through Ohio River Valley, and Canada to the Arctic Circle.
What frightens them?
What frightens these high $$ Wordsmyths? Most are located in the dark regions of the following maps:
“Hispanic” Demographics:
African Demographics:
All urban locations have access to several sources of water – creeks, small impoundments, diversions from larger creeks and rivers, reservoirs, and groundwater.
Almost all originate in areas where Whites are fleeing and where our microcommunities will be located:
Southwest Arcadia:
Finance capitalists, cultural Marxists, and non-Whites fear we may stopper water flow and power production.
The WSJ’s opinion editor is sounding the alert.
Folks, shall we get there firstest with the mostest or allow the enemy to close the door on this project?
It’s your choice.