What’s a few more millions of somebody else’s money? We want to give teenagers more of a say about what services are provided for them using government money … Ms Beverley Hughes, the disgraced former UK Immigration Minister and current Children’s Minister, proving once again that socialists cannot comprehend whose money they are wasting. This time she is shovelling £55 million from gainfully employed folks like ... well, like me really, into the pockets of “deprived” young people. Never mind whether a woman guilty of misleading the British public on national television is appropriate to such a position of trust, I don’t want her to blow one penny of my money to the four winds in this way:-
Now, it so happens that the cost of a one-way adult ticket on a schedule flight to Kingston, Jamaica is £596. I know this because I have just checked on Expedia. Our £55 million, therefore, would buy 92,282 tickets for future Jamaicans, give or take an odd arm or a leg (I rounded up to the next whole person). But, wait … our Bev doesn’t stop with pocket money for the deprived. Oh no, she’s established “an opportunity fund worth £30,000 created for each local authority to set up youth cafes and sports leagues.” Well, there are four-hundred local authorities just in England. That’s another 20,134 tickets to Jamaica. But wait again … Bev, who just can’t help sloshing the dosh around, “also announced that £40 million would be provided to councils over two years from April 2006 to help them develop new ways of ensuring they provide the youth services young people want.” Isn’t she kind? With other people’s money? Of course, that £40 million buys another 67,114 tickets to the Caribbean sun. But we haven’t finished yet. No, you see Bev has tied her pocket money to those taking free school meals. Well, if they are in the land of fried banana and political shootings they won’t need free school meals. I calculate that’s a saving of at least another £6,825,000. So, another 11,451 happy new Jamaicans … and this is beginning to look good. We’ve clocked up a total of 190,981 returnees and not a penny of extra taxes have been spent. But we’ve hardly scratched the surface. The government’s big spending bias for the ineducables of the inner cities is multi-layered and simply, staggeringly vast. But even this pales beside the billions in savings on the wider educational budget. Then there are the savings in maternity benefit, housing benefit, unemployment benefit, benefit benefit and every other kind of benefit, along with some giga-reductions in police expenditure, legal aid and court costs, prison costs et al. There are the savings to the NHS that flow from a more peaceable populace in general. There are, perhaps most of all, the savings from scrapping the hundreds of thousands of public-sector non-jobs most of these people would occupy. What would the Guardian do for money? There is, all told, more than enough to settle a handsome, one-time pay-off upon each and every one of our warm and, of course, always vibrant friends. It could be waiting for them on the other side of the check-in right now. All it needs is for Bev’s boss to see the light. Oh yes, and one last saving to savour. With scarcely any underclass remaining, without the “need” for white guilt and every other form of bullying, cultural marxist windbaggery, we could retire the Labour Party from British politics. Amazing what you can achieve with a few of Gordon Brown’s stealth taxes. Comments:2
Posted by Geoff Beck on Tue, 19 Jul 2005 14:24 | # I used to live in a rough part of New Orleans, and below a friend’s loft was a liquor store run by Arabs - next to a black ghetto. Somehow the crack cocaine addicts used to get food stamp bills, looks a bit like paper money and trade them in at a discount at that Arab’s store. So, the Negro would come with a 10 note food stamp, trade it in for a $5 dollar bill, buy a crack rock and a cheap bottle of malt liquor (for nourishment). PS: Anyone know the St. Thomas Housing Project in New Orleans? 3
Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 19 Jul 2005 18:24 | # Anyone know the St. Thomas Housing Project in New Orleans? It’s history. They tore it down and put in a Walmart: http://www.theneworleanschannel.com/news/3680082/detail.html Post a comment:
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Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 19 Jul 2005 08:41 | #
To prove my point the Telegraph reports today:-
The taxpayer picked up a bill of more than £300 million last year to support failed asylum seekers who should have been removed from the country, spending watchdogs report today.
The National Audit Office says most of this sum was spent looking after an estimated 18,500 families with dependent children who are entitled to continuing support until they leave the country.
A further £285 million was spent to support the voluntary repatriation of some failed asylum seekers or to enforce the deportation of others.
The number removed is running at less than half the total number of unsuccessful applications for political asylum despite a Government pledge that removals should exceed rejections.
Last year, 12,100 principal applicants were sent home yet the number of failed applications over the 12-month period was 25,800.
Moral of the story: Never elect a liberal-left governmet.