Carolyn Emerick talks pagan folk culture and ethnonationalism with Tara’s alt-right panel

Unfortunately, this conversation is pretty good, intelligent: featuring Carolyn Emerick talking with Tara McCarthy and her weekly panel. While the platform is dubious, they are generating worthwhile feedback. Take what you like and leave the nonsense - e.g. the convenient-for YKW, pro-Trump, anti-“left” position. ..what’s-his-name’s thing about the Beatles only being popular because they were “a C.I.A. front”, whatever, right wingers.
It is to be appreciated - a good take-away in contrast to their standard fare - that Emerick uses the word “liberal” to describe our antagonists.
Posted by mancinblack on Thu, 18 Jan 2018 12:18 | #
Carolyn Emerick was asked a question about Spanish folklore and fairy tales that she couldn’t answer because it’s an area she hasn’t researched. Of course they exist but most have a heavy coating of Catholicism. There is one, however, that you really must read. It’s called “The Black Slave”. I mean, what the fuck???