Dangerfield cites hyperbolic absurdity of “Resisting Whiteness” conference in England’s own land.
The Black and White Clown Show.
Dangerfield falls into the liberal game a bit, by continuing to demonize “racism” (in essence, social classification and the capacity for necessary discrimination thereupon), calling the anti-fa, in their “Anti-Whiteness” conference, the “real racists” - but this is an honest mistake that indicates his good will; therefore, while I may take issue with the theoretical error of necessity, the overall thrust of his passionate criticism is good and well enough articulated.
For good measure, lets add, Anti-Racism is Cartesian - can be said to be a Jewish construct, anti-White weaponization at that - it is not innocent, it is prejudice, it is prejudice against prejudice (necessary discrimination based on patterns), it is hurting and it is killing people.
Posted by Dangerfield on Mon, 23 Dec 2019 06:57 | #
Dangerfield gives advice on how to market the White ethnonational message despite censorship, getting around Youtube, Twitter limitations and so on…