For Jews, Supporting Trump is a Moral Imperative

Offendedamerica, “For Jews, Supporting Trump is a Moral Imperative”, 27 Nov 2017:
By Jacob Wohl
Spread the Truth
Donald Trump is the first Zionist President.
Trump is as close as we have ever come to having the first Jewish President.
President Trump understands that the duty to protect Israel’s right to exist as a Jewish State is a moral one. Uniquely, Trump understands that there are good guys and bad guys in the Middle East, and Israeli’s are inarguably the good guys.
Previous presidents were perfectly happy to support Israel insofar as that support furthered the advancement of America’s national security and intelligence complexes. The problem, of course, is that previous presidents approached support for Israel amorally, and in many cases, immorally.
Under previous US Presidents, the US Government was willing to stand by as the UN, or as they now like to be called, the “International Community”, leveled one abusive measure after another against the Israel. When the United Nations passed a resolution saying “Zionism is a form of Racism”, they showed clearly what side the “International Community” is on.
Even though the International Community has shown their collective moral compass to be dubious at best, Obama fetishized them in a way that the world could never have imagined. Obama idolized the same “International Community” that gives Iran, a nation whose state policy is Holocaust Denial, a seat at the table.
By contrast on October 12, Trump announced that he was withdrawing the US from UNESCO after years of UNESCO (and the UN at-large) demonstrating clear anti-America and anti-Israel bias.
Regardless of Barack Obama’s religious affiliations, which remained in question throughout his presidency, his intellectual affiliations remained clear. Obama was a disciple of Noam Chomsky, William Kunstler and Andrew Cockburn. Obama’s Harvard sensibilities lead him down the path of becoming an anti-Israel social justice crusader from a very young age.
While Trump’s support from non-practicing Jews remains anemic, he is overwhelmingly supported by Orthodox Jews. According to a survey by the American Jewish Committee, fifty-four percent of Orthodox Jews say that they voted for Trump. For reference, Clinton garnered just 13% of the Orthodox vote while receiving 78% of the Reform vote. Trump doesn’t just win with Evangelical Christians, he wins with religious people at-large.
On the roster of world leaders, Trump is in a class of his own when it comes to defending Israel in moral terms, rather than in dry, pragmatic terms of US regional interests. Trump understands the fact that Israel has no morally equivalent adversary, and he defends the historical record that clearly makes Israel the rightful land of the Jewish people.
Perhaps president Trump’s empathy for Israel and the Jewish people extends from his rather unique position as the first President to have a daughter and son-in-law who are Orthodox Jews. Perhaps his empathy for Israel and the Jewish people extends from his own devout Christian heritage and understanding that Jews are God’s chosen people. Wherever the roots of Trump’s ideology come from, his position is clear.
President Trump understands the eternal struggle for survival of the Jewish people, while also understanding the eternal struggle of members of the Arab world, who wish to eliminate them.
President Trump unconditionally supports Israel and the Jewish people.
As Jews, we owe it to him to reciprocate.
Offendedamerica, “Trump is Crushing the Left’s Social Orthodoxy”, 13 Oct 2017:
Jacob Wohl
Spread the Truth
President Trump’s speech this morning to the 2017 Values Voters Summit was a bolt of lightning to the gatekeepers of the left’s social orthodoxy. President Trump enumerated his unapologetic appreciation for old-school values.
Liberals were horrified, and described the speech as “turning back the clock”. They were horrified at the idea that Trump may bring us back to an era where political correctness is considered a nuisance, not a necessity. An era of decency, where women are women, and men are men.
The left is terrified that Trump may turn back the social clock to a time when the term “lady-like” wasn’t considered a sexist epithet, but rather a trait in women that is admirable. They’re terrified that Trump may usher in an era where a man opening the door for a woman isn’t considered sexism (for assuming she cannot open it herself), but instead is revered as decent.
The left looks at the Trump years as a new Dark Ages. A horrible time where the “stupid conservatives” think that more nurses are women than are men, because women make better nurses, not because they were forced to become nurses by the subconscious collective patriarchy.
The left knows that Trump’s supporters participate in dangerous practices such as enrolling their sons in the Boy Scouts, while only allowing their daughters to join the Girl Scouts.
The left is worried sick that Trump’s moral leadership may create an untenable environment where test scores are decided based on how many questions you answer correctly, regardless of your race.
The left is in a state of panic that doctors may again use the term “mentally ill”, instead of “gender confused”.
Most of all, the left is worried that the Pledge of Allegiance will be again be considered a mandatory show of patriotism, rather than a burdensome imposition of “White Privilege”.
So far, the evidence suggests that all of the these fears by the left are becoming a reality.
President Trump is ending Affirmative Action, while protecting homeschooling. He’s saying Merry Christmas, while removing the government mandate for churches to fund abortions. He’s conspicuously protecting Israel while mercilessly killing Islamic terrorists, all the while neglecting to give tortured, excuse-laden explanations why people turn to Islamic extremism.
That’s right ladies and gentlemen, your president believes in the Constitution, he believes in Judeo-Christian values and he believes in American Exceptionalism. While those in the media and on the far-left look at this new reality as the most dire crisis of our time, most Americans are celebrating it.