Italian Virologist: Concerns not to appear “Racist” Crippled Timely Response to Pandemic.
Italian Virologist Says Concerns Over “Racism” Crippled Response 20 Mar 2020
An Italian virologist says that the country’s attempt not to appear “racist” in the early says of the coronavirus outbreak crippled the ability to properly respond to the pandemic.
Professor of Virology and Microbiology at the University of Padova Dr. Giorgio Pal told CNN that measures imposing travel restrictions and border controls were taken too late due to fears over political correctness.
“There was a proposal to isolate people coming from the epicenter, coming from China,” Pal told CNN. “Then it became seen as racist, but they were people coming from the outbreak.”
Italy is now the hardest hit country in the world in terms of coronavirus deaths, with 3,405 people losing their lives.
The need to minimize potential “racism” and “stigmatization” in response to the coronavirus was a policy endorsed by the World Health Organization itself on numerous occasions and adopted by the left-wing Italian government.
As we previously highlighted, the Mayor of Florence launched a nationwide campaign at the start of February encouraging Italians to hug Chinese people on the street to “stem the hatred.”
Footage of the stunt even shows Italians physically removing a Chinese man’s face mask while closely embracing him.
The Mayor even released a Twitter video of himself hugging an awkward-looking Chinese person to promote the campaign, which was launched to “express solidarity with the Chinese community.”
Italians hug Chinese in Italy to encourage them in Coronavirus fight.

Mayor of Florence Dario Nardella has suggested residents hug Chinese people to encourage them in the fight against the novel coronavirus. Meanwhile, a member of Associazione Unione Giovani Italo Cinesi, a Chinese society in Italy aimed at promoting friendship between people in the two countries, called for respect for novel coronavirus patients during a street demonstration. “I’m not a virus. I’m a human. Eradicate the prejudice.”
The video was uploaded February 4th
It’s sad to me, really, because in concrete terms, I’d like for there to be good relations between Europeans and Orientals. It is the abstract concept of anti-racism and anti prejudice and its consequences that is the problem.
That video was uploaded February 4th. Three weeks later, Italy had recorded its third death. On March 20th alone, 627 deaths were recorded, bringing the total to over 4,000, with a frightening new trend introducing critical patients in their 40s and 30s.
Posted by Viktor Orban on Mon, 23 Mar 2020 06:22 | #