Kevin MacDonald Vs Nathan Cofnas On Culture Of Critique In his defense of group evolutionary strategy, KM has done better in articulating the biological aspect of out-marriage as part of the group systemic strategy - both in infiltrating and weakening other group’s cohesion. Jewish group evolutionary strategy uses both top down directives and (prescriptive) rule structures, and bottom up biological patterns and (descriptive) rule structures. The Jewish group evolutionary system/strategy is characteristically that Cohen’s give Zionist and/or ultra loyalist directives and Ashkenazi (especially Ashkenazi) are more free and prone to out-breed, infiltrate, liberalize, weaken opposing groups in their evangelizing as “light unto the gentiles.”
One does not have to have but a passing acquaintance with MacDonald’s work and his concern to know that to call its validity into question entirely or even in large part, simply is not possible. Nor do they have to look beyond the absurdity of Ford’s claim that Cofnas does such “irreparable damage” to MacDonald’s efforts to see immediately that Ford’s pro-Jewish bias is over-the-top; and examples cited of Nathan Cofnas’s supposedly detached analysis, indicate rather clearly a heavy pro-Jewish bias, motivated and prone to crude straw manning of MacDonald’s work. Anyway, this is the first public defense by MacDonald of this “first serious academic critique of ‘The Culture of Critique.”
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 17 Apr 2018 12:25 | # There are some things that I should have mentioned about the nature of systems - human group systems and the Jewish group system in particular in response to Nathan Cofnas supposedly devastating critique of MacDonald’s theory of Jews a group evolutionary strategy. As I’ve said above, it is to be disingenuous about the Jewish system, to not acknowledge the taken for grantedness of the system, in which the Cohen types will consolidate the purer Jews/and Zionism where good for Jews and the Ashkenazi will go out to other nations and mix with the shiksa goyim to infiltrate and weaken the group system of Whites (and other goyim) - the two extremes will feed back and pseudo “correct” one another, actually being very much part of runaway system at the expense of goyim. But what I need to mention now in regard to group systemics, is that the extremes of the system will be balancing off and correcting the other extreme of the system; and will be taking for granted, thus, not necessarily even fully aware of how the other extreme is a necessary, integral part of their system - in the case of Jews, it would seem, this lack of awareness, and fervor even, against the other extreme, would be adaptive in the sense that they can always point to “the exceptions” to the Jewish extreme and try to depict themselves as not being a systemic whole - a group evolutionary strategy; which they are. If Nathan Cofnas points to “exceptions” to a rule that he alleges Kevin MacDonald to maintain, i.e., that all Jews abide Zionism; Cofnas will point to an example of how Freud denounced exploitation of the Palestinians; or a Gilad Atzmon ... or if you say that all Jews promote liberal immigration policies into Western countries, he will point to a Paul Gottfried and his Paleoconservatism and say that not all Jews are liberal - there are not only Orthodox and Zionists who are conservative, but Paleocons, like Gottfried. I was going post MacDonald’s talk with John Friend as and unqualified victory over Cofnas. And MacDonald does respond in some ways well within his box and given limitations of his scientific framework. However, I am sorry to say that this discussion confirmed to me why, as a theoretician of White advocacy, MacDonald is not up to the mark - or not up to date, or not yet and maybe never. I say this because one of the things that MacDonald gets wrong in his spoken rejoinder to Cofnas in this talk with John Friend, is that “Paleoconservatism is not Jewish.” MacDonald points to Pat Buchanan and how conservative of “Western values”, how opposed to immigration that Paul Gottried is. It is a classic blindness for scientists, so focused on Augustinian devils (natural devils) to be susceptible to being duped by the Manicheanism (human agentive rule changers) of Jewry. MacDonald has been duped. As Kumiko pointed-out, Paleoconservatism began with (((Frank Meyer))), the theoretical mentor of Ronald Reagan and his heirs, Pat Buchanan, Sam Francis, (((Paul Gottfried))) and ultimately, its 2008 re-brand with Richard Spencer’s (((Alt-Right))). Particularly because it has a wardrobe that includes Christianity (((Noahide as it is))) and scientific “race realism”, where that’s good for Jews, right wing reactionaries can be duped into thinking that (((Paleoconservatism))) was conceived in their interests rather than the interests of one corrective side of the Jewish system - but that it is, and that is what the (((Alt-Right))) is (((Alt-Left too))). And it goes further to show that MacDonald is mistaken when he says in that John Friend interview that we need the Alt-Right now, more than ever. Not as a toss-off remark as he presented it, not incidental at all, was MacDonald’s comment in that same conversation that, Jewish intellectual movements, their culture of critique, is responsible for all this “Post Modern” stuff and all that “sociology nonsense.*” And what would he, as a “philosophical theoretician,” propose? That we go back to Modernity? Seeing all cultures and peoples as basically the same, universally; and not pausing for any traditional and inherited reconstructions of differing peoples and culture before we run full speed ahead, rough shod over these “superficial differences” (like skin tone)? It is a scientists’s inclination to do science; and the scientific proclivity broke through in the enlightenment proving its many merits through the modern era… but in addition to positive yields, it has a very destructive side, willfully blind to differences as it can be…things that a Bowery, or even a GW or a MacDonald may not have wanted to see as not merely requiring just more science and mere, rigorous application thereof - preferring to see science, scientism if need be, as the antidote to the red cape misrepresentation of Post Modernity - lets call it Jewish “Post Modernity”, and Jewish promoted post modernity as opposed to White Post Modernity. One thing is sure - there needs to be a “post” to modernity and it is important to get it right, to not leave it in the hands of our enemies and their liberal flunkies. Rather, we need to be able to manage our systems against the ravages of Modernity, its crass, right wing proponents, lately imposed in weaponization by Jewry, as they have previously weaponized a red cape with false representation of “post modernity” - post modernity, probably the single most crucial idea for us to get right in our systemic self defense against Jewry and its compliant sell-outs.
It’s like saying that “a telescope is a bullshit instrument.” Sociology is the inquiry of human groups. To say, in response to Jewish abuse of the discipline, that “it’s all bullshit” is to espouse an idiotic reaction - worse than stupid, because it motions to de-legitimize the most important unit of analysis - a race is a group - racial defense will be concerned with groups - and thus to de-legitimize one of its most important instruments - leaving it solely in the hands of our antagonists. Post a comment:
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Posted by Tanstaafl talks w Luke Ford ab JQ: Cofnas, Crypsis on Wed, 28 Mar 2018 10:24 | #