James Lawrence’s anti-mod, paleocon, neo-trad, young fogeyism - kissing traditional Jewish ass. ![]() It’s going to require some nuance, but it is important to explain why James Lawrence is a walking piece of dog shit masquerading as a human being, a manifestation shown in his article at (((Alternative Right))): Alternative Right, “THE COSMOPOLITAN CLASS”, 24 Sept 2017. In brief, James Lawrence has elevated Sam Francis young fogeyism = an aspiration to conceive of oneself as precociously wry in protection of the “traditional” already Jew infested culture against “progressivism.” This is anti modernism without being sufficiently post modern (to incorporate the best while leaving behind the worst of both modern and inherited ways), as it stops with a neo-traditionalism, read (((paleoconservatism))). Now, Francis, and by proxy Lawrence, have some things right. Namely, that there is a significant portion of influential White people circulating among our elite functions who do not have our ethnonational interests at heart. More, that there is a managerial elite who want to share in this self interested good fortune, who will thus also betray ethno nationals in order to gain favor of this elite, internationalist power. It is also true that both these kinds of White people can gain international backing by importing foreigners against Whites (or exporting elitist interests, e.g., compradors, against ethnonationals) and they can and do also virtue signal by sacrificing Whites and quelling any backlash against foreign impositions on ethnonationalism. But I more accurately and descriptively call these people right wingers, and their underpinning objectivism: which is directed by Jewry - hence, Lawrence’s commitment to end his article in (((his masters))) bidding by espousing the “true right” on behalf of (((paleoconservatism))) against “the left”...“the Cosmopolitans” and the occasional bad Jew - yes, they have bad ones too, he knows. Here Lawrence takes a turn into disingenuous speculation, by saying these Whites who betray eithnonationalism are not “traitors” - well, objectivists are not perfectly described as “traitors”, true - they are loyal to their own subjective interests through a disingenuous pretense of objectivism or naively subject to the subjective/relative interests of others through the pretense of objectivism. Although there are distinct patterns of the treacherous Whites among elite positions, there is not necessarily a well organized elite group to which they subscribe as Lawrence would provide for the diversion of conspiracy theorists - it is more facile than that. Indeed, the only real reason to circumscribe it so perfectly with the designation of a “Cosmopoitain” elite which is strictly loyal to its in group, is to function as a tool for Jews to deflect attention away from what is indeed their more organized half of the elite internationalist equation. So that they can point to their (((paleocons))), who can say, “see? we are the good ones”, we have paleocons who are on your side, not like those bad Jews, we’re here with you to protect your (((Christian traditions))) against those “Cosmopolitan elites” and the occasional bad Jew, like Soros and neo cons like William Kristol. That is to say, like the site Alternative Right, James Lawrence is disguising, perhaps even to himself, the fact that he is kissing Jewish ass in order to keep his means to power afloat. White elites who betray our interests are indeed one giant pole of our problem, but their loyalty functions a bit more arbitrarily on the happenstance of subjective fortune and selling out; along with the mutual admiration and facile croneyism of their “objective” attainment, which is why, in their unaccountabilty, they are so easily bribed and outmaneuvered by the Jewish group, which is organized as a distinct group in its relative interests (is it good for Jews?) and which will send forth posers as representatives of (((paleoconservatism))) against the “Cosmopolitan” elite. That is to say, objectivism functions in a much more slippery way against ethnonational interests and Jewry knows how to play it - e.g., through reactionary narratives like those of Sam Francis and James Lawrence. It is a nebulous, quasi group created de facto by the ever present temptation of facile betrayal in self interest, and that is why it requires the ever present default vigilance of accountability through left nationalism and its White variant, the White class, White Left nationalism. Comments:2
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 29 Sep 2017 07:22 | #
It got your attention, didn’t it?
They should take me seriously, not only in citing “objectivist” views identified with the right against White Left Nationalism - left nationalism, which exists to some extent anytime nationalism is taken seriously - social accountability comes right along with it: it is commenced the moment the social group called nationalism is invoked. Left = social concern, responsibility, compassion, group systemic accountability; unionized delimitation where it is more consciously aware. Right = a pretense or aspiration to objectivism beyond subjective or social responsibility, purity of fact, principle or ideal, the way-it-isness as opposed to accountability. This isn’t only between my ears, this definition is beneath ALL uses of left and right.
You discuss it, but in a way that allows them to join “our team” (thus infiltrate and misdirect our interests) against “the bad guys” ....read “the left” and the “cosmopolitan elite” You have a point that “cosmopolitan” does not quite work as it was proposed - it becomes a facile weasel term expressing the convenient coalitions that Jews and the irresponsible elitists negotiate, as opposed to representing a means to negotiate and utilize the best and necessary aspects of both modernity and tradition. But, like Sam Francis, you are not embracing that two fold requirement of competent post modern communication. You are only reacting into tradition. And, with the abuse of “post modernity” and “cosmopolitanism” the YKW has it in mind to create just such reaction - so that they can weasel in through the the “traditions” that have always placed them among us; markedly, of course, “our common tradition” of Judeo-Christianity.
Really? This ‘kook’ just made sense of your naive/disingenuous language game.
Is that so? What are you doing here if my ideas are going nowhere? LOL
I’m doing this to feel high status? Not because these are in fact important matters that people concerned with the well being of European peoples have to sort out correctly?
All I will say about Alex is that he has a wife and kid; and he advocates all European peoples who draw an important distinction between themselves and the YKW. That’s commendable. I don’t agree with everything he says, of course, consider him too right wing. You don’t know anything about my “existential accomplishments” or not.
I’m not trying to create a “mystique.” I speak plainly. I would rather there not be a J.Q. at all. In early decades I tried to avoid the issue; but if, as a White man, you care about yourself, your people, your race, then you are confronted by it - there’s no avoiding it. For a number of reasons it is important to address the seriousness of the problem and at the same time to disentangle it from Nazism. We do that here.
My ego is not the issue, it is not threatened. I criticize people in their views and writings when they are off the mark of European interests - particularly on a theoretical level.
What conspiracy territory?
What hysteria?
Yes, the site Alternative Right clearly serves the Jews, hosting articles by John K. Press (et. al. - e.g., Edwin Oslan), Andy Nowicki, who has said repeatedly he thinks they can be on our side and that they are not such a big problem; and yes, with what you are doing - running interference and allowing them a way in. You may not be totally aware that you are trying to advance yourself to the detriment of White interests by presenting yourself as the “reasonable guy” who is ok with the “good Jews” ...not like those “anti-Semites.” But its a safe bet that you are trying to make nice with the YKW.
You are going to take us forward with your Jewish allies, right? Not like us “purity spiralers” that you were told about in (((the dark enlightenment)))?
It has EVERYTHING to do with that.
Well, I don’t have a Jewish wife and children, and I can account for the content of my closets.
How is she as skeleton in my closet? She can speak to you for herself.
She’s the enemy of right wingers as I characterize them, i.e. those who are unaccountable, imperialists, especially those complicit with the US and the Kremlin in its antagonistic designs against Asian peoples (she includes Amerindios and Indios among Asians); she believes that these right wingers (like you) are making a deal with Jews - and in sum, what they/you are doing is not ethno-nationalism - not that she would trust you even if you were to say you were ethnonationalist at this point; because your right wingisheness will always tend to take you beyond ethnonationalism and into imperialism and supremacism. Your view does not accord with ethnonationalism, hers does. Gaining her trust of White Americans as “ethnonationalists” will be a chore, given the vast tracts of Asian EGI that The US has ripped asunder in Vietnam, Philippines, Korea; given the destruction of imposing Islamic compradors (not to mention Christianity) on Asia. ...given the Alt-Right’s complicitness with the YKW, including unwittingly or not, with them and their right wing cohorts in The US and Russian Federation.
It doesn’t. I don’t fight and dig things up about people for the devil of it or for entertainment. My concerns are the best interests of European peoples and the best means to achieve them - ethnonational coordination.
Yeah, we’ll talk about that as much as necessary.
I don’t have a Jewish wife, never had relations with a Jewish woman (talking to them for a few minutes is enough to turn me off); I count more than a few women to my record (all White and only White) - though one is enough. Nerve? Jews are not the only ones who have nerve, though maybe you don’t realize that because you have been moving among their supplicants, shabbos goy. 3
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 30 Sep 2017 02:37 | # I wonder how much time and effort the allegedly exalted James Lawrence spent responding to a supposedly low-rent sperg? It was apparently a lot, was it not? Does James Lawrence care to explain to his (hopefully high IQ readership) why he bothered to put in the effort? I await an answer, Mr Lawrence. 4
Posted by James Lawrence on Sat, 30 Sep 2017 04:43 | # (((Chutzpah intensifies.))) I swear you lot could have taught it to Bibi Netanyahu’s grandmother.
Posted by DanielS on Sat, 30 Sep 2017 09:52 | #
And in what way are we trying to help brackets here James, James the distinguished from “anti-semites”? Show us one place.
I would not quite characterize it as a secret message of friendship to Jews, though it is not far removed from something like that - it is more like signaling a way of cooperation with them and misdirection to focus on another fictitiously well organized enemy (“The Cosmopolitan elite”) so that the “good Jews”, the ones like John K. Press, who share (((“paleocon”))), (((Judeo-Christain))) culture with you, can have a way in to your huWhiteness team.
She is East Asian. She is not “my domme”
Yes, being an enemy of the right wing, especially those who quid pro quo with Jews is eminently valid from an ethnonational standpoint. The reason being because you are providing and telling people to follow maps which lead to our destruction.
As I have explained, “Left Nationalism” is not imaginary, the moment that one moves beyond “the magic hand” and social responsibility and accountability to the national group is explicitly acknowledged then left nationalism begins to take form. A clear example of Left Nationalism would be al-Assad’s Syria.
LoL. Maybe the spook will come a haunting. If the apparition appears, it is not only her that we should try to gain the trust of, but indeed, all of Asian ethno-nationalism.
I notice that you are sensitive to her “shrieking” about “the Jews.” But I think you are a shabbos goy for a number of reasons, not only because you object to her capable vigilance regarding Jewish infiltration and machinations among your alt-right movement.
Actually, it is more like you are being coddled by Jews to a particular perspective - its called casuistry. On the other hand, I am aware and deliberate in what I do in order to gain an alliance for European/White ethnonationalists with Asian ethno-nationalists. It is clearly our best angle against Muslims, the YKW, blacks and Mulattoes.
We aren’t ranting here. That is the standard Jewish journalese for an argument that they want to frame as incoherent and ill considered. But anyone who looks at what is said here will find that it is not the case.
LOL. Part of you is good fun. As an identitarian, you can be proud of being a walking PODS.
Well then, you are missing the mark by a wide margin, because we are not Jew obsessed here and neither you nor Alt-Right, nor Alternative Right are steering clear of Jewish subversion.
Can you depend upon the wise prejudice? I think not. For one thing, their money buys a lot of friends where their religion and “left wing” compassion does not win over many others to their side.
We’re doing a much better job of that here by clearing our platform of Nazi idolatry, Jewish participation, Christianity, scientism and conspiracy theory. People who want those things can go somewhere else.
It can look confused to you from your confused perspective - confused which it will be through the gauze of Christianity - what could be more convoluted and nonsensical than the “golden rule”? - that is the purity spiral of purity spirals; the deracinating atomizer, and perhaps the most destructive rule of all to European racial unity. And when one seeks to gain their “psychological components for racial unity” a critique of that trick and those from whom many other a deracinating trick like it comes, the Jews, is strictly in order. They are to be strictly identified as another people, who are antagonistic to our well being as a pattern. They are not the only problem, but it is important to distinguish them from European peoples, to distinguish them as a preeminent player on the world stage; and (observing Schmitt’s friend enemy distinction) to not place them in the friend category.
Glenn Miller was a right winger and a drunk; he was more than that, but that’s what came to the fore in the end. Right wingers like to make Jews into the EVERY problem because it distracts from the part their right wing perspective plays in the problems of Europeans. When you designate the Jews the every problem, it has a fringe benefit of ostensibly justifying Hitler’s right wing over-the-topness, if that’s what you hope to do: if the Jews were quite that bad, veritably the every problem, then even the catastrophic undertaking of the second world war seems relatively measured.
If you and your YKW cheering section can help it. They’ve been trying to mute, distract from and bury our voice for some time now. I advise the audience to stay tuned. They may be in for a surprise.
I can almost forgive you for being confused in your house of mirrors. Remember your golden rule: 6
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 01 Oct 2017 05:39 | # I don’t even know why this argument with James Lawrence is happening right now. It’s a waste of time and I’m not going to restate things that I’ve already said. Everything that has happened should be entirely predictable. Anyone who has seen my understanding of recent history could have anticipated how I would make decisions by extrapolating it out. Also, the sheer number of times which I’ve talked about the Iran Deal (JCPOA) and my overt support for defending that deal, also should have meant that there would be nothing mysterious about why I do what I do. Everyone should re-read them. And then, most recently, I wrote the following in the now-apparently-infamous thread in which I declared myself to be an enemy of the WN movement:
I still stand by those words, obviously. James Lawrence seems to be implying that I’m a vulgar anti-semite. In fact, if you look through the entire history of all the articles I’ve written, and all the comments I’ve written, I’ve actually never engaged in any form of vulgar anti-semitism. I have simply taken up a minimalist position of opposition to Israel’s strategic imperatives, and I have supported positions that could be characterised as being useful to a ‘sea power’ rather than a ‘land power’. I’ve sought to encourage others to do the same, within certain parameters. The WN situation, however, turned out not to be structured in the way that I would prefer. Additionally, it became a vehicle for the very same Israeli interests that I am opposed to. So I withdrew my support. If James Lawrence now wants to broadcast in an accusing tone, that I withdrew my support because the WN movement as it is presently structured is incapable of supporting actually-existing British interests, then that’s fine by me. I am, after all, not a traitor to Britain, the country that has treated me with such great respect. 7
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 01 Oct 2017 06:17 | # Good comment, Kumiko. But let me answer this, your first statement/question:
The primary issue is clarification, so that these right wingers, alternative righters, young fogies, scientistic fuck-heads, etc. in their Jewish mystification, do not further obfuscate the proper negotiation of post modernity by ethnonationalists. 8
Posted by mancinblack on Sun, 01 Oct 2017 14:09 | # May I add that it’s not a red pill the Alt-Right are pushing - it’s a red suppository and they should all use it properly. 9
Posted by Savage Hippies among adults in AltRight room on Mon, 02 Oct 2017 05:40 | # Further certification of Alternative Right’s kosher seal of approval: For the record, David Cole Stein cites Alternative Right.com publisher Collin Liddell as his “friend” - true, the remark is made in the context of Facebook communications, but the context is not limited to that only. Edwin Oslan, who does this and all “Savage Hippie” podcasts with Cole-Stein, is among the “adults in the room” published at Alternative Right, along with James Lawrence.
Like we don’t know that Weev is a Jew and heavily compromised as a parolee; leaving tell tale signs of his “service” through the likes of Daily Stormer and TRS. We’re supposed to believe that (((Weev))) hates Jews and that he is not trying to misdirect WN, taking it over the top with a provocateur and supremacist posture.
At this point they go into a diversionary bit about Weev’s grammar.
Posted by James Lawrence on Tue, 03 Oct 2017 14:53 | # Well, Kumiko, having checked your posting history on this site, it does look as if that particular AltRight.com comment was your “declaration of withdrawal” from the white resistance movement. Obviously you are well within your rights to withdraw from a movement that has not turned out the way you hoped or expected. White resistance in its present form is firmly located on the Right, and there is very little interest in the pursuit of “Leftist nationalism”, even assuming such a thing could exist in white countries. (As for the idea that the Alt-Right is a “vehicle for Israeli interests” - I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we are not exactly uncritical of Trump; some of us saw his con-artistry coming a mile away, but shut our mouths and supported him so as to create a popular nationalist movement around his person, which could later be detached from him and pulled in a new direction.)
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 03 Oct 2017 15:39 | #
There is no reason why I should not advocate the “pure” position (not my usage here) that Jews have no place in our platform or in White advocacy. And there is no cutting both ways on that issue. As for the rest of what you say, it is sheer wishful thinking that your position, tangled up with Jewish interests as it is, is in any way analogous to mine. It is the hope, in fact raison d’être of your Jewish masters’ marketing campaign called “the alternative right” that
You misquote me by saying “leftist” nationalism. I use the term left nationalism, White left nationalism and ethnonationalism (White ethnonationalism if that happens to be the case). But wherever people are racially concerned and responsible, they will manifest some expression of left nationalism. True, they (Jews along with complicitness of the naive and disingenuous) have spent decades misrepresenting it and utilizing its natural appeal for their interests, while repulsing people to it in their misrepresentations and abuse - therefore, they have plenty of reactionaries and opportunists to draw upon, mediocrities hired to their paleocon cause, as well as their own kind espousing an opposition to left nationalism - left nationalism, which looks critically at Jews, their “international leftism”, which is not our ethnonational leftism, but only an expression of the right wing elitist position that they, along with complicit right wingers, now seek to protect with this marketing campaign of the alt right against “the left”. But it is wishful thinking nevertheless that you will continue to silence our platform by means of your quid pro quo - because yours is a Jewish contrivance where it is not reaction, whereas ours is organic. 12
Posted by James Lawrence on Wed, 04 Oct 2017 01:37 | # Yep, Daniel, I didn’t think that point would penetrate into whatever dim understanding lies behind your self-righteous gibbering. Kumiko has declared herself to be an enemy of the white resistance in its current form, but I have nothing to say to her because she apparently withdrew from participation in it 3-4 months ago, which is why I retracted my comments concerning her. It remains possible for others to hoist you on your own false “purity” petard simply because you allowed an East Asian to post here for years (to say nothing of your fawning over her every word like .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)); and yet you continue to blather on about my nonexistent “connections” with Jews, as if I am somehow responsible for the writings of John K. Press (I am not an advocate of his largely de-racialised “culturism”) and the basic bitch conservative Zionism of Donald Trump (just one of a thousand regrettable traits in a candidate who nonetheless offered an opportunity to kick-start popular nationalism in America, as I have said).
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 04 Oct 2017 16:02 | # James, If you happen to return to the thread I have a question for you: Is your openness to Jewish involvement in the movement predicated on anything deeper than (what you perceive as) utility? So, if there is a philosophical grounding, or even a plain old moral principle, what is it? 14
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 04 Oct 2017 17:07 | # To whom it may concern, I’ve gone through the article again to shore it up for the sake of clarity - it is worthwhile to tackle this issue of the “young fogeyism” of Sam Francis’ and Pat Buchanan’s paleoconservatism, as it serves to illustrate the necessity by contrast to this traditionalist reaction against modernity, for the two pronged concern of post modernity - to take the best and leave behind the worst of both modernity and inherited ways. Post a comment:
Next entry: True Briton & Oswald Mosley’s Union Movement
![]() Existential IssuesDNA Nations
Posted by James Lawrence on Fri, 29 Sep 2017 03:42 | #
I find it hard to believe that you have penned such a venomous screed against me - and regularly do so against Alternative Right, not that anyone bothers to take you seriously - because I am promoting “objectivist” views or identifying with the Right against a “white Left nationalism” that exists solely in the space between your ears. Nor, as you well know, have I ever denied - or refused to discuss - the importance of the Jewish role in white dispossession.
So what’s the source of your bile? To put it bluntly: you are a low-quality kook, possibly mentally disturbed or on the autistic spectrum, whose ideas as regards white resistance have gone nowhere except into this stagnant intellectual spunk-sock of a website. The JQ allows you to 1) feel high-status at a personal level, by knowing and discussing an important truth that higher-status individuals dare not speak (an easier matter for dregs like you than for them!); and 2) assert a high status in the white resistance movement unmerited by your non-existent accomplishments, much as Linder does. But this only works if there is a certain “mystique” around the JQ, if the majority of normal people step around it in hushed tones, allowing a minority of kooks and loons who have nothing left to lose in society to LARP as a privileged elect.
So nothing could threaten your ego more than the writings of individuals like myself and Colin Liddell, which “normalise” the JQ and integrate it into a serious and balanced worldview, while also red-pilling thousands of normal and healthy people with it. Now you have to out-signal us by pushing into ever-wilder conspiracy territory, while finding all sorts of hysterical reasons to accuse us of “subtly serving the Jews”. Add the rest of the kooks and loons to this picture, and we see a signalling spiral driven by the lowest dregs of the white resistance, the sort of people who have dragged it down for 50+ years while getting up to all sorts of disgraceful things like doxxing, rumour-mongering, and self-sabotage.
Of course, this has nothing to do with actually protecting the white resistance against Jewish subversion. On the contrary, it is common for people who have “skeletons in their closets” to join this signalling spiral as a means of winning acceptance, and more than one of these individuals has even turned out to have Jewish wives and children. The skeleton in your own closet would presumably be your writer “Kumiko Oumae”, a self-declared Japanese woman working in the UK defence and security sector (how many of those are there?), who evidently didn’t have to worry about protecting herself from discovery by her employers while spewing vitriol against the Jews on your website. Let’s see: a non-white government spook, who openly identifies as “the enemy” on AltRight.com, gathering movement intel for years at a site notoriously focused on dirt-digging and infighting - no, that doesn’t smell fishy or make you look like a shill at all, now let’s talk more about how (((The Alt-Right))) is a hasbara front operation because it supported Donald Trump! I don’t know if you have a Jewish wife, or have even had relations with the opposite sex, but you must have learned that good old Yiddish chutzpah from somewhere.