New Editor of Atlantic Exposed

Jeffrey Goldberg: lobbyist for operation clean break
TNO, “New Editor of Atlantic Exposed”, 1 Nov 2016:
Jeffrey Goldberg, the new editor of the Atlantic magazine—which endorsed Hilary Clinton—has been exposed as a fanatic Jewish Supremacist who was one of the driving forces behind the fake news stories leading up to the invasion of Iraq.
Despite demanding Americans adopt liberal policies, Goldberg served as an Israeli Defense Force prison guard who admitted to beating Palestinian prisoners.
According to a report in South America’s Telesur news service, Goldberhg “is so far on the fringe that even other staunch Zionists criticize his overzealousness.”
One of Goldberg’s most famous quotes was his comment on the eve of the invasion of Iraq that “in five years, I believe that the coming invasion of Iraq will be remembered as an act of profound morality.”
Goldberg was appointed chief editor of the 159-year-old Atlantic Magazine, one of the most famous journalistic institutions in U.S. history.
The openly-Zionist Goldberg moved to Israel nearly 25 years ago and served in the Israeli Defense Forces. Since then, he has been the opening speaker for numerous Zionist functions, including the American Jewish Committee conference and Zionism 3.0, Telesur reported.
“Most garishly, he worked as a prison guard at Ktzi’ot, Israel’s largest detention camp for Palestinian political prisoners, where he boasted of helping beat Palestinian political prisoners.
Posted by "Conquer or Die" on Thu, 01 Dec 2016 22:36 | #
The “Conquer or Die” rhetoric is an instance where Spencer was misguided by his man-crush gaze upon Nietzsche, a rhetorical bit functioning below the social agency of praxis, thus dangerously, and stupidly deterministic in its notion of necessity.
Praxis might suggest something more on the order of “ally or die.”
Anyway, while observing that, it is also worthwhile to note that (((the Atlantic))) was the outlet that seized upon the opportunity to affix Nazism to the Alt-right by spreading the “heil video” that went viral: