Rep. Steve King Files Idiotic Federal Pro-Life ‘Heartbeat Bill’. Stare in amazementChristians and pro-lifers in general are so stupid that quite honestly I have to say that the Eastern mind boggles at the sheer scale of cascading stupid decisions that Christians choose to make. Here’s the Breitbart article on it:
White America will now die by its own hand. White America will die because these comprehensive restrictions on abortion which are being tabled will have an effect of increasing the birth-rates of those minority populations which traditionally utilise abortion services more. Where next?Restrictions on abortion will hasten the decline of the overall White American population which already only comprises 47% of children under age 18. The 2010 census shows where those effects would be grouped: Is it going to be extremely inconvenient for minority groups to have a sharply reduced access to abortion services? Yes. No woman wants to have to be perpetually worrying about what her family planning options are as restrictions are tightening over and over again. But perhaps the inconvenience would be ironically ‘embraced’, particularly among Hispanics who could just go with the flow and have a Hispanic baby-boom. Hispanics can wait these laws out and reverse them in about half a generation, when demographics will dictate elections and identity politics will be entrenched in different ways in different zones within the United States. OutcomesThe Northeast and Midwest of the United States will experience a ballooning African-American population next to White Americans. The Southwest will continue merrily along its way into becoming a Hispanic outpost, and the Southeast will be a mixture of all those things happening simultaneously. Technically, ‘White America’ as a geographically contiguous concept has been pushed further upwards on the age-pyramid for quite a while now. The incoming administration is now taking moves that—unintentionally—will guarantee that the concept will be brought to an end. The United States will have one of two futures to choose from:
Of course, Americans will probably manage to muddle around and inadvertently choose both options simultaneously, so that they can experience the worst aspects of both scenarios. Because why? Because it’s America of course. Comments:Post a comment:
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Existential IssuesDNA Nations
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 25 Jan 2017 09:35 | #
I was monitoring this Political Cesspool podcast since they, along with their guest for this hour, Jared Taylor, are apparently among key components to the orchestration of the White Trump vote/audience. Sam Bushman also speaks and says that “one of the things that I really pray that he (Trump) focuses on is this: ‘the pro-life movement.’ If we want to get anywhere in this country, we’ve got to reject the ‘pro-death policies’ of America that have murdered 50+ million of the most innocent among us. If we want god’s blessings, if we want the country to be unified, it’s going to start with the whole pro-life view, because look, the whole purpose of government is to protect life, liberty and property; and if we don’t do that, we’re not going to have liberty and property rights either. So I’m telling you right now, a pro-life stance is what Donald’s got to take-on. It’s called The Mexico, ah, policy, ah, he’s reversed Barack’s abuse of that; and so we’re already seeing some significant goals, but we’ve got to focus on pro-life, number one.”
That is idiotic indeed, particularly for a network that is supposed to be arguing for White survival.