Seven bombings in twelve days in Sweden, what is happening?

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 23 October 2017 20:20.

Voice of Europe, “Seven bombings in twelve days in Sweden, what is happening? We ask it Swedish journalist “PeterSweden”, 23 Oct 2017:

PeterSweden, real name Peter Imanuelsen, is a Swedish journalist, a YouTuber and a political commentator reporting on news from Sweden. Follow him on Twitter here and subscribe to his YouTube here

Peter, seven bombings in twelve days, what is going on in Sweden?

That is the question I’ve been asking myself. This is probably the worst I have seen in Sweden so far. Previously we “only” had perhaps 3 bombings a month in Sweden, but now it has really been ramped up. According to Swedish police they think some of these bombings have to do with work they have been doing in “certain” areas. As we all know these “certain” areas are the many no-go zones that now exist in Sweden.

Who do you think are behind these bombings?

Most of these bombings seem to be related to migrant criminal gangs that operate and run the no-go zones in Sweden. But there is evidence to suggest the latest attack against a bar where one person was injured could be terrorist related. The reason for this is that the attacker had religious texts in his backpack and according to a witness he had what appeared to be a suicide belt on him (which police later said was not dangerous).

Any ideas about how the Swedish authorities can stop this epidemic?

In my opinion the obvious solution to stop this epidemic is for the Swedish government to deploy the military into the no go-zones and clear them from these migrant criminal gangs. I very much doubt we will see that happen, at least not now. But the Moderate party, which is one of the opposition parties in Sweden, has actually suggested they want to deploy the military in the suburbs as they call them. At least this is a positive step forward, and a glimmer of hope for Sweden.

How does it feel for you to see your home country in this state?

It makes me incredibly sad. I remember Sweden as it was just 10 years ago. Peaceful. Quiet. Low crime rate. The worst things you had to deal with back then were young kids driving around loudly on mopeds. Today there are bombings on a regular basis. Not to mention the soaring rape statistics and gun crime.

Would you consider going back?

Sweden seems to be turning more and more into a war zone every day, and if you think about it, that’s is probably how these gangs feel about it too. They see this as a war in which they are trying to conquer Sweden. I wouldn’t advise women to go to Sweden, but you have to remember to never loose hope. The globalist elite want you to lose hope. That’s how they win. Never loose hope.

Peter’s YouTube video commentary on Sweden’s bombing epidemic.



Posted by Sweden unrecognizable after 12 years away on Wed, 25 Oct 2017 21:35 | #

Sweden Has Become Completely Unrecognizable

An eyewitness report on how quickly things can change.

Submitted by Martin K to


I was abroad for 12 years between 2000–2012. During that time, I lived and worked in many European countries and the Caribbean, traveling and attending cooking school in India and backpacking through south-East Asia. I have met and worked with people from all over the world. When my daughter was born (in Basse Terre in Guadeloupe) I decided to go back home to Sweden.

What I saw when I got there shocked me.

The sad state of my homeland was a wake-up call for me. Many who had been there for the slow transformation couldn’t (or wouldn’t) see the differences that I immediately did. Eventually, I started to study and engage in the national movement. Just weeks ago I was elected (on SD platform, the only nationalist party in parliament) to the council of my local church.
The Swedes

  The Swedish people and citizens are being discriminated against by their own country in favor of third world migrants.

I want to talk about the Swedes, to explain our people to those who may not know much.

The Swedes are known as a naturally skilled, hard-working people with high morals and loyalty. From an evolutionary view, the Nordic climate has created and forged a population which is able to cope with adversity, plan for the long-term and survive cold winters in darkness.

There is a lot of good to say about the Swedes.

For example, one of the reasons why Swedes lead the world in numbers of pets and laws for animal protection can be traced back to pre-Christian times where longhouses were separated but shared between the people and their animals during the winter. To protect the source of food and growth, but also to increase the temperature during the cold season the cattle and herds was treated almost like members of the family. Building secure infrastructure and finding ways to get the most out of limited agricultural yields and natural resources during the short summer and fall led to innovation.

But the Swedes are natural collectivists, addicted to consensus within the group, allergic to conflict and often paralyzed by the law. During my twelve years abroad, working in kitchens all over the world, I was employed several times mainly or partly because of my nationality. Many restaurant owners and employers, in general, had good experiences with people from the north. In other words, I wasn’t the first to notice that we are a compliant and docile people.

Cultural and Social Cohesion

Sweden’s national pride peaked in the middle of the 70’s when new laws for the universal welfare system were created.

Our country became one of the safest, most optimistic and most prosperous societies in the modern world, offering free education, healthcare, high material standards and a thick safety net for those who might slip through the cracks.

The laws underlying this system — based on the famous words “do your duty, demand your right” — was built on one of the most ethnic and culturally homogenous populations in the world. In the late 1940’s only 1% of the Swedish population was born abroad and only 0.1% born outside Europe. Today, it is not unusual to be the only native Swede in a metro-wagon during the daytime.
The Christian Betrayal

The Swedish church and state officially separated in 2000 and since then similar elections are now held in order to elect individuals for the churches on three levels. Local, regional and national. Since the separation, there was a schism and the church has become a left-liberal house of worship.

The nationalist movement, led by SD has decided to try and re-install a traditional church with an emphasis on historical values and historical identity. The church in Sweden has for decades been focusing on political movements as LGBTQ movement, helping along the Islamisation of the country, and taking away financial support from local communities in favor of big, foreign aid-organizations, promoting immigration and hiding illegal immigrants from the authorities.

When the archbishop publicly declared Jesus and Muhammad to be similar prophets and “just different ways to find god,” many people had enough. 1 million Swedes have given up their membership in the past 15 years (which amounts to sixth of the total 6.1 million members).
Subsidized Polygamy

It was in the last week running up to the elections of the church that an anonymous message was left on the local Sweden Democrats (SD) Facebook page. The council of Nacka (Nacka kommun) has bought three nearby properties for three Syrian families consisting of one man, his three wives, and his sixteen children.

The total cost was 13,950,000 SEK (1.75 million dollars).

In Sweden, the government has created a law to force local councils to house a certain number of immigrants (Prop. 2015/16:54 ) that was put in place in March of 2016. Since the housing situation in Sweden is already a disaster, the council has no choice —  if they are to adhere to the law — than to out-buy normal Swedish citizens on the open market to make room for the newly arrived overlords. Propaganda normalizing the polygamous family, paid for by the tax-payers, is then distributed to Swedish locals to smooth over any ruffled feathers.

But even that is not enough.

In my beautiful home commune of now just 100,000 inhabitants, the council has been forced by our anti-White and criminal government to buy housing for third world strangers at the price of over 310 million SEK (just over 38 million dollars). Set aside the fact that the absolute majority of these migrants are already on benefits, building parallel societies and are sickly overrepresented in unemployment, crime, rapes (especially the never-before-heard-of gang rapes). Meanwhile, elderly Swedes, single mothers, and other Swedes simply in need of support are told to seek housing on internet sites and are dumped in dodgy motels to share living space with drug addicts and psychopaths.

I am a social worker myself, so I know. It’s just a fact. The Swedish people and citizens are being discriminated against by their own country in favor of third world migrants.

Sweden has gone from being considered the safest country for women in the world to a complete mess.

In the past forty years, violent crime has increased by 300% and rapes by 1,472%. Sweden is now number two on the list of rape countries, surpassed only by Lesotho in Southern Africa. The morality and ethics of the Swedish authorities prevent them from bringing out statistics with ethnicity connected to crimes since it could offend a certain group. Even descriptions of a suspect for rape released by the police stops with what clothes the person was wearing. I mean, if there are gangs of blonde Swedes in Abba-shirts who are terrorizing the girls of the country we need to know. We need the truth to be able to deal with it. Instead, the media is putting a wet cloth over all of it and focusing on how a Muslim girl feels insecure because she felt someone was looking angrily at her on the bus (after the Stockholm terror attack 7 April 2017) and how we need to be careful about racism growing.

But the problem is not only a criminal and self-hating government.

We know that it has an agenda and that everyone in the government works overtime to diminish our forefathers work, history, degenerate and deny our current existence and destroy a future for our children.

And since the Sweden Democrats have been growing rapidly in the polls, the establishment is now preparing for a psychological war in trying to divide to concur the national movement, smear and publicly tarnish the reputation of anyone who is associated with the party.

We will have to see if this campaign of lies works or whether the Swedes will wake up and take back their country at the polls


Posted by Cultural Marxism intensifies on Thu, 26 Oct 2017 13:22 | #

Cultural Marxism Intensifies.


Posted by Support those persecuted for nationalist dissent on Fri, 27 Oct 2017 20:35 | #

The Court Circular

Your support needed! Reasonably smart casual dress preferred. If you don’t like the press cameras then wearing sunglasses/shades is fine.

Monday 30th October 2017

Jez Turner pre-trial hearing at Westminster Magistrates Court, Marylebone Road hearing begins at 1.30pm.  Accused of the unforgivable crime of discussing Jewish Power.

RV 12 noon at the main entrance to Marylebone Station or make your own way to the court.

Friday 3rd November 2017

5 or 6 defendants, one accused of buying a display Gladius Sword (used by the Celts and adapted by the Roman Army) and all accused of being members of an organisation that no longer exists.

TBC timings and location, either The Old Bailey or Westminster Magistrates Court, Marylebone.

Monday 20th November 2017

Alison Chabloz - pre-trial hearing to establish legalities/legal arguments etc Westminster Magistrates Court, Marylebone Road, Marylebone.  Timing tbc. Accused of singing songs that the powers-that-be and the entertainments industry don’t approve of.

Wednesday 10th January 2018

Alison Chabloz - pre-trial hearing to establish facts.  Westminster Magistrates Court, Marylebone Road, Marylebone.  Timings tbc.  Accused of singing songs that the powers that be and the entertainments industry don’t approve of.

Thursday 22nd February 2018

Simon Sheppard - trial for the heinous crime of being white and complaining about noisy neighbours who happened not to be white. Timings and location tbc.

There are so many court cases ongoing and patriots being sent to the gulag that it is hard to keep up with it all.  No interest from Amnesty International or any other groups (no surprise there!).

If you know of any other show trials where the defendants would like some support please let me know at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) and we’ll add them to the list.


Posted by Nordic Resistance cleared of charges on Tue, 31 Oct 2017 09:08 | #

Nya Dagbladet, “The district court dismisses accusation of violent riots from the Nordic resistance movement”, 30 Oct 2017:

Last year, four activists of the Nordic Resistance Movement were arrested and prosecuted for violent riots at the Medborgarplatsen in Stockholm in connection with a tumult with the police during a demonstration under the slogan “Stopping the Holocaust of Our People”. Now they are completely relieved of accusations of violent riots.

The incident occurred when the protesters decided to march further to where the police stood in the way, in front of protesters and pressed shields against the police to get there. The police violently responded with batons. One of the protesters was temporarily unconscious after receiving several baton strikes to the head by the police.

The district court finds in the judgment that “nothing indicates that there was actually violence on the part of any demonstrator” that the prosecutor does not even claim it and that the prosecution must therefore be dismissed as this is a basic criterion that must be met in order for a violent riot to be possibly considered to have taken place.


Just before the tumult, someone called “the shields”. These men then stood before the most stubborn protesters. A moment later moved forward, with both the shields and other protesters moving against the police who stood in front of the thrust. The first command of the shields cannot have avoided other protesters. An involvement in this situation shows, in any case, a readiness to assist in resisting violence against the police.

The collapsed pressure with the shields against policemen can not be regarded as violence in person. In addition, a thrown bottle came from a protestor, not as an intention of the group. What has emerged does not support that this was an act that was covered by other protesters’ intentions. In any case, it is irrelevant that the bottle did not hit any person. Nothing suggests that there was actually any violence on the part of any demonstrator. This has also not been stated by the prosecutor. Already that means that the prosecution is to be dismissed in its entirety.


Posted by Hundreds protest rapes in Malmo on Fri, 22 Dec 2017 19:25 | #

DM, “Hundreds protest in Sweden after police told women to ‘stay inside or walk in pairs’ after series of violent gang rapes of teenage girls”, 20 Dec 2017:

- Three gang rapes in less than a month have taken place in Malmo, Sweden
- This weekend, a 17-year-old girl was brutally gang raped in a playground
- After the most recent rape, police advised that women should not go out alone
- Hundreds took to the streets to protest the violence and police action

Fighting back: Protesters demanded that the government take action against rapists and that police do more to protect women in Sweden

Hundreds took to the streets of Malmo in southern Sweden to protest after three teenage girls were brutally gang raped - and police told women to stay indoors.

The most recent incident involved a 17-year-old girl who was raped by an unknown number of assailants in a children’s playground in the early hours of Saturday.

The following day, Malmo police issued a warning to local women not to go outside alone at night, and to walk in pairs or use taxis.

Anger: Hundreds marched through Malmo in southern Sweden on Tuesday to protest against the police response to three violent gang rapes of teenage girls

The first rape took place on November 4, and saw a young woman raped by several assailants after a party in Segevång, north Malmo.

Just over a week later, a woman was attacked and raped by a number of men at a bus stop in Södervärn, central Malmo.

Saturday’s rape took place just a few streets away in Sofielund, and saw the 17-year-old attacked by a group of men in a playground.

‘This is a horrible, particularly severe crime with exceedingly brutal violence,’ Andy Roberts, head of area police in North Malmo told Helsinborg’s Dagblad.

He would not give the newspaper details of the violence the victim was subjected to, but added: ‘There are limits, even for me, as an old experienced police officer.’ 

Anger: A protester holds up a placard during the demonstration in central Malmo yesterday (photo TT News Agency/ AP)

Wave: Three young women have been gang raped in Malmo in less than three weeks by ‘young men unknown to them’

A local newspaper reports that the victims in all three cases were teenagers.

Police say that while there is no obvious connection between the rapes, it cannot be ruled out as investigations are still ongoing.

All three incidents took place between midnight and 3am and assailants were all young men unknown to the victims, Sydsvenskan reports.

Yesterday’s protest, filmed by a participant, saw demonstrators demand police protection, tougher punishment and that the government step in and push through proposed legislation on consent.

Bearing placards with messages such as ‘no rapists on our streets’ and ‘Stefan Lofven, take your responsibility’, directed at the country’s Prime Minister, hundreds of protesters gathered in Malmo on Tuesday evening.

‘I never thought I would be scared to walk around in my hometown,’ one of the speakers Sara Wettergren said according to Kvallsposten.

Upset: A local newspaper reports that the victims in all three cases were teenagers

Referring to the famous gang rape of a young student in Delhi in 2012, she added; ‘In India the perpetrators were convicted. In Sweden they walk free.’

In the wake of the #MeToo debate and the recent gang rapes, the issue of sexual violence against women is going to be a key issue ahead of next year’s general election in Sweden.

The protesters in Malmo outlined a series of demands on the Swedish government: tougher punishment for rapes, a Minster of Justice with competence in sexual violence issues and a National Police Commissioner ‘who cares about women’.

The demonstrators were also protesting police advice that women stay indoors, which was issued on Sunday. ‘It’s about common sense. We are not warning people not to be outside, but to think twice and maybe not walk alone late at night and instead go with others or take a taxi,’ said Anders Nilsson of Malmo police who is leading the preliminary investigation.

After a national backlash, Malmo police retracted their statement come Monday, with Mr Nilsson saying he had been ‘clumsy’ choosing his words.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 12:15. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Freedom's actualisation and a debased coin: Part 2' on Sun, 09 Feb 2025 00:04. (View)

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