People from outside the United States frequently take a cavalier attitude toward the problem of blacks being imposed upon Whites (and others). They are not able to appreciate that even where you are able to escape temporarily in physical terms, you are still subject to the same rule structures. They are not able to appreciate its one-way reverse discrimination on behalf of a people who you should be able to discriminate against (blacks) for your safety and well being. They get caught up in (((media portrayals))) of your supposed responsibility to compensate for historical discrimination. They tend to add, “well, if you don’t like blacks, you can just move to another place in The US.” They are ignoring the fact discrimination, freedom of association and movement works one way - on behalf of blacks: absent the capacity to discriminate, i.e. with the anti-freedom from association rule structures of “The Civil Rights Act”, its reverse discriminatory provisions of The Consent Decrees and Fair Housing Act will combine with the base bio-power of blacks, their hyper-assertiveness and prolific birthrates to put them everywhere - there is no sufficient White flight. And even where one can physically escape to some White enclave for a while, these right wing and YKW rule-structures and the (((media))) remain looming to leave you no recourse and no peace, ultimately, from the imposition of blacks.
New Observer, “Teachers Flee PA’s Nonwhite Schools”, 21 Nov 2017:
Around 50 teachers have resigned in the last three months from schools in the Harrisburg, PA, school district, after being forced to flee massed group violence from “students” in the 97 percent nonwhite schools—a portend of what will happen as whites are ethnically cleansed from towns and cities across the country.
According to a report in the Philadelphia CBS Local—which of course ignores the school district’s racial make-up—the “teachers in Pennsylvania’s capital city are asking for support after a series of violent altercations with students has led to multiple resignations.”
Quoting the Harrisburg Education Association President Jody Barksdale, the report says that at least 45 teachers have resigned since July and October, and “more have resigned since then.”
Speaking at a school board meeting on Monday evening this week, first-grade teacher Amanda Sheaffer said she “had been hit and kicked by her students.”
According to the 2010 Census—which is already nearly seven years old—Harrisburg’s white population had dwindled to 30.65 percent, with blacks making up 52.4 percent, Hispanics 18 percent, and others the rest.
However, the school demographic is far more revealing about the ethnic cleansing taking place in that state’s capital.
According to the official “Harrisburg School District, 2012 – 2013 District Profile” (which is also four years old), there are a total of 6,311 students at Elementary, Secondary, and High School level in that district.
The breakdown by “Race/Ethnicity,” the statistics continue, are as follows:
“African American 64.09%
“Hispanic 26.27%
“Caucasian 3.45%
“Asian 5.36%
“Multi-Racial/Other 0.78%
“American Indian 0.05%”
Even given that “Caucasian” could mean (such as North African, or Arab—or white), it is thus fair to assume that the actual white element of the school population is around three percent.
The official statistics reveal further that there are students from 23 countries enrolled in the district’s schools, and that they speak “over 18” languages.
Significantly, the official statistics reveal that the “Adequate Yearly Progress” (AYP—a measurement defined by the United States federal No Child Left Behind Act that allows the U.S. Department of Education to determine how every public school and school district in the country is performing academically) of the Harrisburg school district is sub-standard.
According to the official “Assessment Data: District 2011-12 AYP Status,” report, overall the Harrisburg School district has an AYP status of 35 percent in mathematics, 34 percent in reading, 23 percent in science, and 41 percent in writing.
Finally, the official statistics reveal that 57 percent of all the employees in the Harrisburg School District are “Caucasian,” 36 percent are “African American,” 5 percent are Hispanic, and one percent are Asian and “Multiracial/Other.”
The collapse of Harrisburg School District—a decline mirrored in other cities across America after whites had been ethnically cleansed out of those regions—is the latest clear indication of what will happen unless the displacement of white people is not only halted, but reversed.

Posted by Teachers: BPS students out of control on Wed, 31 Jan 2018 13:44 | #
Amren, “New Survey Finds Hundreds of BPS Teachers Say Student Behavior Is out of Control”, 29 Jan 2018.