The problem of attractive Jewish women/mischlings and other attractive non-White/European women. The problem of attractive Jewish women/mischlings and other attractive non-White/European women. I suspect that denying the fact that there are attractive Jewish women does more harm than good, as it puts into question one’s very sensibilities as ground of judgment. It can also cast a shadow of radical subjectivism over one’s taste. Indeed, even if you don’t like this type, do you not like that one, or should everyone suspend disbelief in your proposal of “unattractiveness”?
Or this? Or this? Dealing with the issue honestly might help some young guys from falling into a situation where they perpetuate infiltration and subversion of European peoples by means of direct spousal influence and the creation of mischlings. Indeed, some Jewish beauty and I.Q. may be a result of gene hijacking, so to speak…
But what to say to young guys? I know that for me, I personally DID find some Jewish women very attractive (and that was part of my initial aversion to anti-Semitism). However, where they did not reject me out of snobbery or whatever, then before it was too late, I invariably found their strident liberalism and disrespect for European peoples and culture intolerable. Nevertheless, it would be dishonest to say that none of them are attractive… What do you think? What would you say to your son or daughter to warn them off? My best argument probably boils down to patterns and their intermittent nature which provide for “exceptions” and entryism for liberal argumentation and nefarious influence.
Then there is the crucial matter of crypsis and the nefarious influence it may mask. I’ll be posting other examples as time goes on and we’ll look at some attractive women from other non-White races as well.
Posted by mancinblack on Sat, 04 Jul 2020 17:35 | # Lauren Bacall, Goldie Hawn, Rachel Weisz, Natalie Portman, Eva Green, Mor Karbasi, Gal Gadot, Nou Tishby, Odeya Rush, Ayelet Zurer, Moran Atias, Bar Rafaeli and about half the girls in the IDF. There is no real shortage of attractive Jewish and Jew-ish women but everyone has their beautiful people.
In Britain the Jewish community stands at 284,000 or 0.5% of the total population. the ‘assimilation’ rate is 1 in 4 or 26% Around 50% are Orthodox and highly unlikely to marry out or be in a relationship with a non-Jew. As an elderly Orthodox rabbi once said
Although they are scattered around the country, they are mostly concentrated in London and north Manchester. If you live outside of these two cities, you are unlikely to meet anyone Jewish much less an attractive woman. The proliferation of faith schools in the country also means that young people are unlikely to have any Jewish classmates at school. At universities, anti-Zionism tends to isolate Jewish students, otherwise the assimilation rates might be higher I suppose. In my day, 10% of the intake in my year at school was Jewish. This included a rather attractive and much admired Jewish-Italian girl, who only had eyes for me but unlike Jane Seymour, both of her eyes were the same colour. I often thought Seymour should have married David Bowie (lol). There hasn’t been any research as to how many Britons have partial Jewish ancestry. This is a hotter issue in America, where according to research by Pew and Steinhardt/ Brandels, there are 6.8 million Jews in America or 2.2% of the population with an assimilation rate amongst the non- Orthodox of 71%. This has led to some Jews calling assimilation ‘another Holocaust’. With this in mind, I’m tempted to say let the Jewish parents worry about it, however, to be a little more constructive, I’d advise him/her to meet her/his mother early and often. That should do the trick. A slightly pertinent song….
Posted by Julie the Jew tells parents she's dating Italian on Sat, 04 Jul 2020 23:11 | # In keeping with mancinblack’s advice that you get her Jewish parents involved. Jewish Girl Prank Calls Her Parents ...that will make them stick to their own kind. 5
Posted by Joe Biden's husband on Sun, 05 Jul 2020 13:14 | #
Posted by Why didn't you keep your Cohen name? on Mon, 06 Jul 2020 07:08 | # Hard to be “white” with expensive tastes, is it? Whitney sings, “It’s hard being ‘White’ with expensive tastes”...but why didn’t she keep her (((Cohen))) name? Selling “Cheerios” or what? “Whitney Avalon’s” Wikipedia article says nothing about her birth name, (((Sara Cohen))). 7
Posted by Imagine what a nightmare on Mon, 06 Jul 2020 11:47 | # Notorious mudshark, Robert De Niro, knowingly plays the part of Thomas Jefferson in relation to Sally Hemmings. Hemmings is played by the half black / half Jewish Maya Rudolf Here is Rudolf short on makeup but participating undaunted in the celebrity “Imagine” sing-along fiasco. From Wikipedia
Posted by Iranian on Mon, 13 Jul 2020 14:09 | # Roya Nikkhah, Telegraph correspondent. Said to be Iranian. ...last I checked, Iranians had 16% R1a on average. 9
Posted by The problem of attractive Ukrainian women on Wed, 29 Jul 2020 03:29 | # The vibrancy of the “Maidan operation”, Victoria Nuland’s (husband, Robert Kagan, co-author of Clean Break) efforts to back “Ukrainian independence” having a decidedly kosher look, not looking like a typically European initiative, rouses suspicion. But not only due to its geostrategic position and rich farm land, another reason why Ukraine appears to have fallen into “the realm around Israel to be secured” may be due to the exploitation of Ukrainian women vulnerable for their poverty. When these goyim women are impregnated by Jewish men, the children are not Halachically Jewish and therefore not readily suited to become Israeli citizens. Where do they go? They stay in Ukraine and their legacy becomes enmeshed with Jewish interests. It becomes a facet of group evolutionary strategy for infiltrating the goyim nation, where niche potions are rife with Jewish power and influence, including now its presidency. 10
Posted by Manscripts on Thu, 13 Aug 2020 17:21 | #
Get “Manscripts” today. 11
Posted by The Horowitz angle on Tue, 25 Aug 2020 15:12 | # Now, some women say that they are not White, but I’d love to give her a DNA test.
It’s impossible to understand the Trump era, with its unparalleled polarization, without tracing Stephen Miller‘s journey to the White House. That’s what my guest, Jean Guerrero, writes in her new book, “Hatemonger: Stephen Miller, Donald Trump, And The White Nationalist Agenda. [...] GROSS: So David Horowitz, who we’ve been talking about, who became a mentor, a far-right mentor to Stephen Miller - you know, Horowitz started off as as a leftist. He was one of the editors of the leftist magazine Ramparts. He, I think, was, you know, an ally of the Black Panthers. Like, what do you know about why and how he changed so radically? He moved from, like, one pole to the other.
GUERRERO: Yeah. I mean, David Horowitz had recommended his friend Betsy (Van Patter) to work on the accounting for the Black Panthers. She’s a white woman. And she ended up being murdered. And the murder was never solved, but David Horowitz blamed the Black Panthers Party and became convinced that they had murdered her. And after that, you saw David Horowitz go through this transformation where he became convinced that the movement that he had been a part of, the left, had waged a unfair war on whiteness - is what he called it. He felt that whiteness was actually something that needed to be preserved. And, I mean, he tries not to write about it outright as whiteness being preserved. But he talks about how the only important racism in society is racism against white people and that racism against Black and brown people is a figment of your imagination. And it really goes back to the murder of his friend Betty, who he blamed on the Black Panthers. And it really started to lean into these, you know, misleading statistics that are put out by publications like American Renaissance, this white supremacist publication that paints brown and Black people as innately more violent than white people. And David Horowitz is the one who introduced Stephen Miller to websites like American Renaissance. He describes the founder of American Renaissance, Jared Taylor, to me, as a very smart man, who he claims has a perverse ethnic view because, again, David Horowitz, you know, tries to distance himself from the white nationalist movement because he knows how important it is to launder these ideas through the language of heritage and national security if you want them to appeal to the mainstream. GROSS: This is FRESH AIR. Let’s get back to my interview with Jean Guerrero, author of the new book “Hatemonger: Stephen Miller, Donald Trump, And The White Nationalist Agenda.” She is a former investigative reporter for KPBS, the public TV and radio station in San Diego. She’s now freelance and continues to report for public media. She previously covered Mexico and Central America for the Wall Street Journal and Dow Jones Newswires. So we’ve been talking about how David Horowitz mentored Stephen Miller. And Horowitz helped Stephen Miller launch his career. He first got him a job with Michele Bachmann when she was elected as a congressperson, and she was very conservative. So what job did he get working with Michele Bachmann?
GUERRERO: He was hired as a press secretary for Bachmann, and that was his first job. And that’s kind of where Stephen Miller starts to learn about, you know, how to write these very hyperbolic press releases. And he starts to, you know, bombard reporters late into the night with his press releases and links and FYIs. GROSS: So David Horowitz first gets Stephen Miller a job with Congressperson Michele Bachmann. And then from there, Horowitz gets Miller a job with Jeff Sessions when Jeff Sessions was a senator from Alabama who, like Stephen Miller, was very anti-immigration. So what was the relationship like between Sessions and Miller when Miller was working for him? GUERRERO: So Miller - you know, he really helped to turn Jeff Sessions into sort of a very combative personality. He - I mean, Sessions was already a leading nativist on Capitol Hill when Stephen Miller joined. But Stephen Miller started to model Jeff Sessions, his remarks, after the far-right, combative media personalities that Stephen Miller had been familiar with his entire life - so really pulling, you know, talk radio talking points onto Capitol Hill and having Jeff Sessions, you know, talk about how too much immigration is going to, quote, “decimate” this country and how anyone who supports immigration reform is part of a globalist elite who wants to destroy the country through limitless importation of cheap labor in the form of mass migration. So these ideas of demonization Stephen Miller really incorporated into Jeff Sessions’ rhetoric. GROSS: So he becomes Jeff Sessions’ press secretary, and then Sessions and Miller end up in the Trump administration. And Steve Bannon helped get Stephen Miller into the Trump administration, and Bannon was another one of Stephen Miller’s mentors. What was Bannon’s role in Stephen Miller’s life before Bannon was pushed out of the Trump administration?
GUERRERO: So Bannon, you know, gives Stephen Miller a platform on Breitbart while Stephen Miller was working for Jeff Sessions. Basically, Stephen Miller was given free reign over a lot of the writers at Breitbart to just kind of shape their stories and provide them with ideas that they were expected to turn into stories. And during this time is when Stephen Miller was feeding, you know, articles from white nationalist and white supremacist websites to Breitbart and having them do stories about them, you know, painting immigrants as an existential threat. So Bannon - you know, he gives him a platform on Breitbart and helps connect him with the people on the Trump campaign, where Stephen Miller was initially providing free labor for the Trump campaign, you know, sending over talking points and memos and then eventually gets himself hired in 2016 as the senior policy advisor and top speechwriter for President Trump. [...] GROSS: The book “The Camp Of The Saints.” GUERRERO: “The Camp Of The Saints,” yeah. It demonizes people of color. But it also demonizes their allies. It demonizes anti-racists as agitators and anarchists and as mobs, which you then now see Trump using that exact same language to talk about anti-racist protesters ever since, you know, the police killing of George Floyd. So Stephen Miller is really drawing - whether he’s doing so consciously or not, I mean, Stephen Miller read this book. He promoted this book. And a lot of the language in this book you are now seeing Trump using. [...] GROSS: Well, among the many riddles surrounding Stephen Miller is - you know, he’s Jewish. His grandparents were immigrants. And he espouses some views that are espoused by white supremacists. White supremacist hate Jews. GUERRERO: Mmm hmm. GROSS: They would like Jews to, like, leave the country or at least live in a separate space on their own. How does he reconcile that? I’m sure you don’t know the answer to that. But don’t you wonder? GUERRERO: I do. You know, I - one of the stories that I found the most interesting in my research for the book is the story of Stephen Miller’s grandmother Ruth, who on his - his grandmother on his mother’s side who spent her retirement compiling the family history, you know, how they were refugees who fled the nationalist agitators and, you know, these pogroms against the Jews, these massacres against the Jews and came here to the United States. And she recorded the family history. She said she was recording it for her grandchildren, like Stephen Miller, so that they would never forget the value of people who come to this country with nothing but the clothes on their back and speaking no English, just as Stephen Miller’s ancestors came to this country. GROSS: How have people in Stephen Miller’s extended family reacted to his extreme views? GUERRERO: You know, I interviewed a number of his relatives. And most people in his family, with the exception of his parents and his siblings, who declined to talk to me - they’re very ashamed to be associated with Stephen Miller and the legacy that he’s created around the family name because of the fact that, you know, they know where they - where the family comes from and the fact that they - you know, they initially came here without any knowledge of the English language and without any money in their pockets and started out as, you know, peddling fruit on the streets and eventually made their way up and made something of themselves and contributed in a very strong way to this country in the way that, you know, many immigrants do. And so a lot of them told me that they see him as someone who needs to be punished for crimes against humanity. You know, one of his aunts was telling me that she truly believes that he’s unleashed what she calls a Pandora’s box of hatred in this country that is going to be very difficult to contain after they leave office, if they do. 13
Posted by mancinblack on Mon, 09 Nov 2020 17:02 | #
Posted by mancinblack on Mon, 09 Nov 2020 23:17 | # All three of Joe Biden’s children married Jews. One is unfortunate, three is plain carelessness . Post a comment:
Next entry: Banter on British Nationalism: An interesting round table with Gentleman Adam.
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Posted by Is she ugly? on Sat, 04 Jul 2020 09:58 | #