Posted by DanielS on Friday, 14 October 2016 09:44.
Trump’s “anti-global elite speech”
He sandwiches a claim to be challenging the corrupt global elite on behalf of the (propositional) American people around a belabored defense against charges of sexual impropriety.
Besides going on a bit too long in defense against those claims, it is a skillful speech. He does much better than in the first two debates.
Of course he also skillfully bypasses the fact that he is in bed with the YKW and their global plans. While not necessarily a plant, Trump was obviously offered a chance at the presidency if he would take on the Iran deal. Upon his acceptance of that task, they opportunistically put him in front of trends that they can play to their advantage - not dog whistles, but biscuits and bones with even a bit of meat to throw at America’s proposition nation: “anti-globalism and internationalism”.. “the alternative right”..and “exposure of corrupt government” .. now that the Internet has made hiding these issues less possible… with panmixia already well under way anyway, suddenly WN are no longer encouraged to abide their long standing perspective of wryly looking upon the Republicans/Democrats as two sides of the same coin….The YKW have done well to corral WN into a voting block pro-American, anti PC with the “counter” of being anti-discriminatory co-opt White nationalism and defuse it into propositionalism. Some Whites will continue to get richer there - the kind who do not care very much about race and the deteriorating prospects for ethnonationalism - prospects which will deteriorate further with a Trump presidency (no endorsement of Hillary implied).