West Virginia teachers “make history” with implicit White unionization against state government In West Virginia, teachers ended their historic strike after state officials agreed to raise the pay of all state workers 5%. “Who made history? We made history! Who made history? We made history!”...a group of West Virginia teachers chanted. The strike began on February 22nd and shut-down every public school in the state. It was the longest teachers strike in West Virginia history. Majorityrights readers should observe that this is a group of White people, albeit implicit, unionized against the state/ goverment. The implications of the model demonstrate possibilities for “White community” organizing against state and other elite position oppression of group interest. Apologies again for the anti-White source. Note that I will use them when I see news sources that are both pro-White and are not duped into being “anti-left”, against its concepts such as unionization to fight oppressive government policies and other elite position exploitation; when I see them, I will use those other sources. Until then, we have to make use of feedback from sources like Democracy Now, picking out the bits and pieces that we need - note that you can scarcely see a non-White teacher in this story, and that West Virginia is one of the Whitest states in America. Comments:2
Posted by Trump's union-busting bench appointees on Thu, 22 Mar 2018 13:44 | # ...with Adelson and Koch Bros. money backing Trump, he’s been busy appointing union busting judges: In line with their aspirations and policies.. Trump has appointed a record number of judges - lifetime appointments ...union busting, environnmental disregarding… 3
Posted by Oklahoma teachers strike on Thu, 05 Apr 2018 16:01 | # This time its the Oklahoma public school teachers, also predominantly White, who are demonstrating the power of unionization: More than 100 Oklahoma teachers have set-off on a one hundred mile, seven day march from Tulsa, Oklahoma to the capitol building, where they’ll join tens of thousands more teachers…. Kentucky teachers are striking as well… 4
Posted by Assault on Wisconsin's pubic employee unions on Wed, 18 Jul 2018 09:19 | #
Posted by White union strikes on Wed, 26 Sep 2018 17:04 | # Again, please pardon the news source, (((Democracy Now))), and he who’d they’d present the issue through, with his spin on it - Michael Moore. However, the demographic and subject matter of their striking union remains interesting. 6
Posted by Jennifer Garner teaches West Virginia talk on Sat, 05 Jan 2019 21:56 | # Jennifer Garner teaches West Virginia dialect 9
Posted by doubling down in stupidity on Sun, 23 Jun 2019 17:46 | # The Alt Right legacy identitarians (as rightists against the left) double down in their manipulated reaction to Jewish international leftism (to the detriment of the unionization which would be ethnonationalism). Devon Stack (“Black Pilled”) is interviewed by Ramzpaul and does us the “favor” by explaining how “Jewish” the concept of unionization is - citing the example of the obnoxious movie, Norma Rae, about a Southern White woman shown labor unionization by a Jewish union organizer from New York. He adds, “this unionization of industry is why America fell behind international competition”.... Now then, unionization of industries must be handled deftly, so that an obsolete or outmoded means of production is not intransigently unionized. Rather, we are looking to unionize our people, particularly as ethnonations. Once again, Jewish interests take good ideas for social organization and weaponize them against Whites - and get Whites to react to these good, social organizing ideas. One day, there will be White people who are not so stupid as to be blind to this blatant strategy. ...... You would expect Greg Johnson to be intelligent enough to recognize this but he isn’t. ..... Nazophile Rodney Martin is at it more than ever, ...just loves rolling in the mud with Luke Ford and his Jewish anti-Left cadre.. but well, what can you expect from him. ..... Meanwhile these old America right wingers are still whining about America being on the “wrong side” of WWII. You would think that they would be intelligent enough - but they are not - to make an inference on behalf of good relations between Europeans: While expressing wishes in 20/20 hindsight, why not wish that Hitler had not attacked 13 sovereign European nations? And had recognized that with skilled negotiation, that those nationalisms were anti semitic enough and anti-soviet enough to form a coalition of European ethnonations in cooperation with an ethnonationalist Germany (as opposed to imperialist / supremacist). You would think that they would be intelligent enough but they are not. Post a comment:
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Posted by British unions failure in the 70s on Fri, 09 Mar 2018 08:53 | #
I have maintained that the concept of unionization and the loyalty that comes with demonstrable responsibility and accountability to one’s circumscribed people can in fact be too powerful - it is a concept that has to be managed intelligently; whatever factors went into the labor unions’ deleterious part in the British economy of the 70s are not elaborated in Academic Agents’ video - more or less a pronunciation that “socialism doesn’t work and Austrian school economics does.”...I (DanielS) doubt that enough ingredients of the story are being taken into account….