A debate invitation addressed to the Traditional Youth Network

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Saturday, 26 September 2015 17:54.

Cross of Lorraine, armed promo image
Les armes de Satan c’est la croix de Lorraine, et c’est la même artère et c’est la même veine.

An invitation to debate

If a person browses to the TradYouth website, they will be greeted with a gigantic link to ‘the Orthodox Nationalist’, which is a page which blatantly promotes Fr. Matthew Raphael Johnson.

Can the Traditionalist Youth Network explain why the blatantly Christian Fr. Johnson is a guiding influence for them?

And if a person reads through many of the articles being published by TradYouth and the Facebook timeline of its SoCal chapter, the influence of this individual and the body of tradition behind him is clear to see in their writing, because it flows through just about everything they write about.

On their ‘chapters’ page, they have the image of the ‘Christ-chan nun’ wearing a Christian cross, and the image carries the speech bubble, “Will you ‘Deus Vult’ for me?” That is a Christian battle cry from the Middle Ages. My response to their request is “Fuck No”.

The image I’ve inset in this post, and the alternative kind of cross contained in it, can be considered as a thematic counterpoint to theirs.

Before I began to write this article, I did consider sending the people at TradYouth an email privately to ask them about their logic and their behaviour. But then I realised that there is nothing that I would ask them in private that can’t also be asked in public, so I decided that they should be asked publicly for the sake of transparency.

There is also the fact that TradYouth and Majorityrights are not known for being particularly well-disposed toward each other in the first place, and that would have something to do with the fact that on one hand the TradYouth website is plastered with the symbols of Christian Orthodoxy and the sign of the Christian cross, whereas on the other hand here at Majorityrights we carry the logo of the Fleur de Lise which is the symbol of the Royal Secret whose meaning is the same as that of the Cross of Lorraine.

These are clearly not empty stylistic variations, but in fact represent a clear difference in philosophical and spiritual outlook which has manifested in design choices. TradYouth is pro-Christ. Majorityrights is explicitly anti-Christ and will remain so.

Why even ask for a debate, then?

The gulf of difference between our platforms should not be a reason for debates to be avoided. Nor should the fact that these are ‘religious issues’ be a reason to sideline them from discussion within an ethno-nationalist context. Many people in various ethno-nationalist groups have said that having frank and honest conversations about these things ‘should be avoided’ because they can be ‘divisive’. But in life, contradictions cannot really be papered over, they must be dealt with and resolved, and so we should see these differences as an opportunity for conversation rather than a reason for refusing to talk to each other.

Can anyone at TradYouth explain why it is that they think aligning themselves to Russian Orthodox Christianity is helpful to the peoples of Europe at this juncture in history? I would like to hear their explanations or their rationalisations for why they have chosen to endorse Christianity. Doing this openly would enable people to evaluate the arguments and choose for themselves.

As many of our readers may be aware, I criticise Christianity frequently, there’s a whole category for it.

However, there has been relatively little push-back. Christians and their supporters have been quiet. Almost too quiet. Conversation is needed so that ideas can be further explored.

I therefore would like to invite Matthew Heimbach or Matt Parrot to make contact with me, for the purpose of having an amicable interview and debate on the subject of religion.

Of course, I would make no pretence about my intentions, I would hope that I can convince them of the total and abject poverty of the Christian vision of humans and of the world, that Christianity lacks any kind of European core to it, and that it should be jettisoned as soon as possible. I would hope to have a debate in which all doors are barred in advance. The exits marked with excuses such as “it is tradition” and “people feel comfortable in churches” would be barred in advance.

I would also be happy to discuss the content of the book written by Corneliu Zelea Codreanu, ‘For My Legionaries’, with them. Codreanu and the Iron Guard were, despite the appearance of being Orthodox Christians, persons who seem to have managed to cloak pagan and anti-Christian ideas under what appeared at first glance to be a ‘Christian’ symbolism. This was certainly in the 1930s a very tactically astute way of going about their operations.

From reading the book, one can see that Codreanu in fact instructs his followers to openly defy the Abrahamic god for the sake of maintaining the integrity of the Romanian ethnic group and its sovereignty over its own civic space. Under the dogma of Christianity, this in fact would make them effectively non-Christian. In fact, it would not be unreasonable to say that Codreanu’s dismissal of the striving for the heavenly afterlife, and Codreanu’s veneration of a figure that they referred to as ‘the Archangel Michael’ who was responsible for such instructions, was in fact thematically akin to the figure of Lucifer as described by John Milton in ‘Paradise Lost’.

Just as Lucifer in ‘Paradise Lost’ is depicted as asserting that it is better to rule on earth and rule in the underworld than to chase the ephemeral promise of some crumbs from the table in a supposed heaven, so too does Codreanu assert that it is better to defend the nation and be consigned to the coldness of the outer darkness, which is to say, ‘hell’, than it is to be a good Christian and let one’s nation be thoroughly destroyed by liberals and Jews for the mere promise of ‘heaven’.

I would challenge Matthew Heimbach and Matt Parrot to consider that, and evaluate the situation honestly.

Codreanu’s actually-manifest religious views, his laudable dedication to his people was no different than that of the pre-Christian Brythonic pagan religions of the British Isles who believed that everyone goes to one place, the underworld, and that certain geographical sites allowed for close communication with the ancestors who went there, such as perhaps Stonehenge or Newgrange. That is also not very different from those found in Japanese Shintoism, where there is no heavenly reward, there is only the Dark World which stands behind this world. The boundary between this world and the world we can’t see would be thinnest at certain locations such as in the forest at Yomotsu Hirasaka, and many other places around the globe.

With those kind of thoughts, choosing martyrdom when placed into battle is only logical, as there is nothing to lose.

Old framework, new framework

For a while now, pro-Christians have attempted to use Codreanu’s legacy as an excuse to push their false promises of the afterlife and their false morality.

I posit that Codreanu’s legacy should not be understood as an expression of Christianity, and that Codreanu’s politics should instead be interpreted as a vibrant and noteworthy expression of paganism and Luciferianism, which rises against the tyranny of the Judeo-Christian god, and which rises against the flabby pacifistic ideas of Jesus of Nazareth.

People ought to fight against having all of humanity digested and turned into the shit of multi-racial ‘brothers and sisters in Christ’ in the melting-pot of the fleshy bowels of Christ.

In 1930, being tactful about that outlook and cloaking one’s real anti-Christian views, was politically astute given what the social environment was like. In 2015, with Christianity on a steep decline among pretty much everyone in the west in the 18-29 age cohort, I can see no reason whatsoever for why anyone would still be bothering to be Christian, unless they actually believed in Christian nonsense. There is certainly no political gain that can be extracted from such a pretence.

The demographic which Christian culturalists are trying to appeal to, are mostly a demographic who don’t even believe in Christianity in the first place. Christian culturalists are not only wasting everyone’s time, but also spreading Christian values, values which are deeply harmful to ethno-nationalism. If Europeans are moving away from Christianity, no one ought to be inflicting it onto them again. A move away from Christianity is the correct choice.

For anyone who may be rolling their eyes and thinking that this invitation is excessively provocative and radical, you should not regard this as an example of ‘Kumiko being edgy’. No, this idea of ‘pro-Christian vs. anti-Christian’ is a perspective which is thematically salient, because European society has had—broadly speaking—two modes of thought which have been placed in opposition to each other ever since the rise of Christianity.

The famous French poet Charles Pierre Péguy illustrates this in metaphor, which I will excerpt from:

Péguy oeuvres completes 06, page 291 (emphasis):

Les armes de Jésus c’est la croix de Lorraine,
Et le sang dans l’artère et le sang dans la veine,
Et la source de grâce et la claire fontaine;

The weapons of Jesus are the cross of Lorraine,
And the blood in the artery and the blood in the vein,
And the source of grace and the clear fountain;

Les armes de Satan c’est la croix de Lorraine,
Et c’est la même artère et c’est la même veine
Et c’est le même sang et la trouble fontaine;

The weapons of Satan are the cross of Lorraine,
And it’s the same artery and it’s the same vein
And it’s the same blood and the troubled fountain;

Les armes de Jésus c’est l’esclave et la reine
Et toute compagnie avec son capitaine
Et le double destin et la détresse humaine;

The weapons of Jesus are the servant and the queen
And every company with her captain
And the double destiny and the human distress;

Les armes de Satan c’est l’esclave et la reine
Et toute compagnie avec son capitaine
Et le même destin et la même déveine;

The weapons of Satan are the servant and the queen
And every company with her captain
And the same destiny and the same misfortune;

Les armes de Jésus c’est la mort et la vie,
C’est la rugueuse route incessamment gravie,
C’est l’âme jusqu’au ciel insolemment ravie;

The weapons of Jesus are death and life,
It’s the rugged road incessantly climbed,
It’s the soul up till heaven insolently exploited;

Les armes de Satan c’est la vie et la mort,
Le désir et la femme et les dés et le sort
Et le droit du plus dur et le droit du plus fort.

The weapons of Satan are life and death,
Desire, woman, dice and chance
And the right of the toughest and the right of the strongest.

The two divergent paths spring ‘from the same vein’, because it is a choice, a perpetually-existing conjuncture which is placed before people as to what they will fight for, and how they will live their life. Look at it socially.

All of a people’s original and beautiful traditions, along with its natural self-preserving behaviour, have been labelled as both ‘pagan’—a word which literally means ‘non-Christian’—and labelled as ‘satanic’—a word which literally means ‘adversarial [toward Jehovah]’. We live in a world where that dichotomy has been created due of the advent of Christianity.

If someone were to ask me whether I stand with Lucifer—who Christianity, Islam and Judaism would call ‘Satan’—the answer I would give to that question is of course ‘Yes, I stand with Lucifer, I stand with Satan’.

That would in fact be a logical statement, because whosoever takes up arms against Judaism, against Christendom and against Islam, is ipso facto ‘antisemitic’, ‘islamophobic’, ‘pro-pagan’ and ‘satanic’.

There’s nothing wrong with being ‘antisemitic’, ‘islamophobic’, ‘pro-pagan’ and ‘satanic’. There is no reason to bat an eyelid at such labelling.

Kumiko Oumae works in the defence and security sector in the UK. Her opinions here are entirely her own.



Posted by Matt Parrott on Sun, 27 Sep 2015 06:02 | #


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 27 Sep 2015 07:01 | #

Let’s make it more clear then:

                          Warning, Christ-insanity!

...and bureaucratic advisory for those with a low tolerance for impervious stone-walling when our peoples kinds and numbers are vanishing, uncounted and unaccounted-for in a rational and earthly manner - in a way that shows respect for our natural life as inherited here on earth and our legacy here on earth, as opposed to a boondoggle for some supposed “hereafter.”

Honest to goodness, trying to bait you, Matt, was not my idea: I’ve already experienced you as the tediously impervious bureaucrat that you are, one who places ego advancement of position in church bureaucracy above the cause of Whites, one who is well equipped - for that job - by an instantaneous and infinite proclivity for straw-manning on behalf of Christ-insanity and other bum-steers against the defense, preservation and well being of White people.

You are a natural bureaucrat, or is it a gawd ordained bureaucrat, on behalf of non-White interests.

Take heart, you might be able to dupe some drunken, partial American Indians into taking your chimera and to make you big chief of a tribe. It is your desire to conceal your heritage and goals, which are to be the big chief over an “organic tribe” (Christianity - organic??), that is your foremost goal, isn’t it? I suppose the Mormon tribe held a soft spot for your heritage. Still, it is hard to see why 1/16th is such a big deal. So, it must be that you recognize the contradiction between the Christian call to humility and your vain egotism (which you project onto others in a straw-manning heartbeat) and its goals. Otherwise, how could you seriously say that to curate and defend European DNA is “wrong at every turn”?

Nevertheless, you can compensate and make it through the gate-keepers to career advancement by showing that your fellowship is one of infinite compassion for mudsharks and blacks - a serious concern for their DNA.

Your vain motives and desires known and aside then, lets have some words of true care for Euro-folk, a warning of your bureaucratic hazard, of your religion, the deadly wrong turn that your bureaucratic ego would give in misdirection..

By contrast, let him who has wisdom count the words of the man, for it is the number that we need to awaken the beast, the naturally, organically guided beast which knows the fierce will, where and as one’s people would otherwise be killed. For it knows not of the hereafter aside from its children and broader genetic family in the legacy of race:

“My purpose is to prepare the reader for a life of struggle against Jewish rule..

The problem is Christianity, which is Judaism for gentiles. Christians cannot deal with Jews because they believe that Jews are god’s chosen people.

That is the problem, the basic problem we have.

To become a Christian is to deny yourself the right of survival… It assures the Jew that the enemy will not fight back.

Yeah, those whom the Jews destroy they first make Christian.

It is so simple to see what I’m talking about looking at Russia after 1917. What happened to all the Christians in Russia, I don’t even know how many millions. There are wild numbers, at least twenty million Christians were slaughtered by the Jewish Bolsheviks and maybe more than that.

To become a Christian is to deny yourself your right of survival in the deadliest struggle on earth. Those whom the Jews destroy they first make Christian, because it assures the Jew that the enemy will not fight back.”

                                                                                                                                                            -  J.B. Campbell



Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 27 Sep 2015 08:31 | #

Matt Parrot, if you refer to my invitation as ‘low quality bait’, does that mean that you are turning down the invitation? Don’t evade it, come on.

I know that you and DanielS have a lot of history of fighting against each other, but you shouldn’t let that obstruct the dialogue. It’s a rare opportunity, Matt, debating me won’t kill you!


Posted by Title Title Title on Sun, 27 Sep 2015 12:50 | #

Perhaps he just knows that on this board the integrity of his own contributions cannot be taken for granted.


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sun, 27 Sep 2015 13:37 | #

I don’t see why he should have any fears about that at all. If he does a radio interview with us, obviously it would be impossible for us to edit what he said, because everyone would have a copy of the audio files and would be able to whistle-blow if segments of the show started mysteriously disappearing.

If people are really that paranoid though, we could do SHA-1 and MD5 checksums for the version of the mix that would be approved by both sides, and have verifications of said checksums made possible via a change in the layout of the radio page. I’d be happy to implement it, if you people think for some reason that Majorityrights ‘cannot be trusted’ with your audio.

Seriously, tell me if you want Majorityrights to put up SHA-1 and MD5 checksums that can be verified after every interview. That can be a thing.


Posted by antichristian on Mon, 28 Sep 2015 22:13 | #

I’m not Islamophobic. I don’t even hate it, I am just absolutely and totally opposed to it in my land.
And I do HATE those human demons who welcome it into my land.


Posted by Thomas Buhls on Thu, 01 Oct 2015 17:17 | #


“The #1 problem with people who identify with our politics but disagree with our method is that they actively discourage and attempt to dissuade us from staying our course.  Adding insult to injury are their attempts to disrupt an existing community of teamwork and mutual support.  If you can’t lead or follow, get out of the way.  For those who don’t care to be part of a team, we get it.  You’re not ready for that level of involvement.  But, for the love of all that is holy, don’t disrupt a functioning group just because you think we’re ‘LARPing.’”


Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Thu, 01 Oct 2015 17:44 | #

As a response to that, I would say that I have no problem with saying that I want to provide a way of thinking that inspires leadership and promotes strength. I am not merely intending to criticise Christians for their ridiculous behaviour, my intent is to encourage people to lead in a different way, one which is more attractive to this generation, because there needs to be new content for a new generation.

Who will be leading the way when it comes to completely destroying the Judeo-Christo-Islamo world view once and for all?

Only those who have completely rejected the ways and the ideas of the monotheistic Judaic world enemy, will be able to enter the new world.

Only those who have completely parted ways with the Judaic superego and have crushed it and its ‘morality’, will be able to become the new type of human being.

Only a Europe which has completely removed all the backdoors and mental chain that allow Judaic monotheistic agents and the secular projections of those religions (eg, liberal-humanitarianism) to prance freely through the corridors of public discourse, will be able to become a new Europe.

So regarding ‘lead, follow, or get out of the way’, all the old fossilised Christians should be the ones to get out of the way and stop impeding ethno-nationalist movements. But that is something that will be worked out in due time, right? To refer to your embracing of the Judeo-Christian world view as ‘leadership’ is almost like some kind of joke. Seriously, think about it.


Posted by Arthur on Wed, 07 Oct 2015 23:39 | #


You are very right, and I agree with you.  It is time to get out of Christianity, an African cult, and it is the cancer of the white race that makes whites subservient to their biggest enemy—the Judaists.

Christianity itself is a hoax as Jews-us never existed.

See:  jesusneverexisted.com

Over a hundred scholarly texts (many now available online) have been written by various scholars proving that Jesus never existed, but is just a myth.  Eg.

Forgery in Christianity, by Joseph Wheless
The Christ, by Remsberg.
The Age of Reason, by founding father Thomas Paine.
The Christ Myth, by Arthur Drews
The Forgery of the Old Testament, by Joseph McCabe
The Jesus Myth, by George Albert Wells
“Pagan Origins of the Christ myth” by Dr. Jackson

Time to get out of the African/Middle Eastern Jewish controlled cult of Christianity and consider better alternatives such as Deism, atheism, Odinism, etc. or other European religions of our ancestors.

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