Alt-Right or Alt-Lite? It’s worse than you think.

Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Friday, 18 November 2016 05:22.

Yes, that is Benjamin Netanyahu.
Guess which group of people the Americans got played by this time? The usual. Israel. Yet again!

We time travel to ‘discover’ the horrifying truth which is that those two tendencies—Alt-Right and Alt-Lite—are actually one and the same.

Looking at what white people ‘accomplished’ through the American election, it’s possible to give a general assessment of the present state of play. Being Asian confers on me a certain kind of critical distance from the whole situation, which I will leverage to maximum effect now.

Huwhite Americans cast ballots for Donald Trump when the choice was placed in front of them, and in doing so they delivered a stinging slap to the faces of the supposedly shadowy circle of Vietnamese rice-farmers, Laotian basket-weavers, Chinese assembly-line workers, Mexican auto technicians and Guatemalan strawberry growers who have been manipulating the world from behind the scenes through the nefarious but curiously honest-looking work that they do with their hands. Or something.

There’s no word yet on whether supposedly ‘awakened’ ballot-casting huwhite Americans will ever take a rest from attacking Asian and Hispanic working people for a single moment in history, nor is there any word as to whether huwhite Americans will get around to perhaps attenuating the power of the Jewish-American advocacy groups which are operating in America.

So far, Donald Trump has been pretty chaotic and disordered in the assembly of his transition team, but these are some of the effects observed so far:

And that’s not even half of it. The next four years will involve all of that and more, in overdrive.

Story Time

While all of that is going on, white American racial advocates are crowing about how ‘the neocons were stopped’. Alt-Right triumphalism seems to be presently centred around the celebration of the alleged defeat of ‘the neocons’ which was supposedly effected through the electoral victory of Trump.

If you were to listen uncritically to Kevin MacDonald, you’d think that this had occurred:

Occidental Observer, ‘An Historic, Quite Possibly Revolutionary Victory!’, 09 Nov 2016:

[...] Trump accomplished a hostile takeover of the Republican Party and won without the support or with only lukewarm and vacillating support from much of the GOP elite.


Trump has unmasked the neocons. The neocons have dominated the intellectual and foreign policy establishment of the Republican Party since the 1980s. [...] I would be shocked if neocons were given any role in the GOP.

Norman Podhoretz disagrees with Kevin MacDonald, however:

Times of Israel, ‘Norman Podhoretz, the last remaining ‘anti-anti Trump’ neoconservative’, 07 Sep 2016 (emphasis added)

[...] “Many of the younger — they’re not so young anymore — neoconservatives have gone over to the Never Trump movement. And they are extremely angry with anybody who doesn’t share their view,” he recently told The Times of Israel. “But I describe myself as anti-anti Trump. While I have no great admiration for him, to put it mildly, I think she’s worse. Between the two, he’s the lesser evil.”

In a wide-ranging phone interview last week, the former longtime editor of Commentary magazine discussed what he thinks of the race and its implications for Israel. A critic of the Clintons since they gained national prominence decades ago, Podhoretz said the former secretary of state’s role in creating the conditions for the Iran nuclear deal is itself enough reason to support her rival.


“I once said that Trump is Pat Buchanan without the anti-Semitism,” he said. “By that, I meant that he seemed to be a nativist, an isolationist, and a protectionist. Those are sort of the three pillars of the Buchanan political creed. But whereas Buchanan really believes that stuff, I don’t think Trump does. I think he’s perfectly capable of turning on a dime on each one of those issues.”

Because Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is an Orthodox Jew and his daughter, Ivanka, converted, he said Trump would likely be “predisposed” toward sympathy with Israel. “But again, I’m not saying I would confidently predict what he would do as president,” he added. “I only have a sort of hunch.” [...]

Meanwhile, Mike Pence is going to be Vice President, and it’s worth remembering that he said this in 2011:

CSPAN, ‘U.S. Foreign Policy Priorities’, 01 Mar 2011 (emphasis added):

MIKE PENCE: Thank you, Chairman. I want to thank the Secretary of State [Hillary Clinton] for her testimony and for her service to the country. It is good to see you back before the committee. I also want to thank you specifically for the efforts by the administration and your offices to further isolate Libya during a time of extraordinary tragedy in the streets, tragedy of which I think we are probably only partially aware. I want to continue to encourage and urge the administration to stand with those that are standing in that now-bifurcated country to use all means at our disposal to provide support and certainly associate myself with Mr. Royce’s comments about isolating radio communications and would express appreciation for your efforts at Geneva and elsewhere to facilitate a coordinated international response, including a no-fly zone. Qadhafi must go. I am grateful to hear the Secretary of State and the administration take that position unambiguously.

Some readers may be expressing surprise. “What, you remembered that?” Yes, I remember it, because I have a memory—especially when it comes to war—that goes back more than four and a half seconds. Donald Trump also supported intervention in Libya and then turned around afterwards and pretended that he didn’t.

Steven K. Bannon is on the transition team, and he also manages Breitbart. This Breitbart here:

Breitbart / Larry Solov, ‘Breitbart News Network: Born In The USA, Conceived In Israel’, 17 Nov 2015 (emphasis added):

A lot of people don’t realize this but Breitbart News Network really got its start in Jerusalem. It was the summer of 2007, and Andrew had been invited to tour Israel as part of a media junket. I agreed to tag along as his lawyer and best friend. What neither of us knew at the time was that the trip would change our lives and give us the inspiration for Breitbart News Network.

One night in Jerusalem, when we were getting ready for dinner, Andrew turned to me and asked if I would de-partner from the 800-person law firm where I was practicing and become business partners with him. He said he needed my help to create a media company. He needed my help to “change the world.”

Perhaps it was because we were in such an historic place, or because I was energized by the courage of the Jewish people in the Holy Land, or maybe it was the alcohol at cocktail hour, but I said “yes.”

We were blown away by the spirit, tenacity, and resourcefulness of the Israeli people on that trip. Andrew could be quite convincing, not to mention inspiring, and I decided right there and then to “throw away” (my Mom’s phrase) a perfectly good, successful and safe career in order to start a “new media” company with Andrew Breitbart out of his basement and my home office.

From that humble beginning grew Breitbart News Network.

One thing we specifically discussed that night was our desire to start a site that would be unapologetically pro-freedom and pro-Israel. We were sick of the anti- Israel bias of the mainstream media and J-Street. By launching Breitbart Jerusalem, the journey comes full circle and a promise between two friends is fulfilled. And in a very real sense, Breitbart News Network returns to its roots.

Larry Solov is President and CEO of Breitbart News Network.

Kevin MacDonald himself effectively advertises the fact that he knows that Steven K. Bannon is not anti-semitic in the slightest, by having Marcus Alethia write it on the very same site—the Occidental Observer—which he is the editor of:

Occidental Observer / Marcus Alethia Ph.D., ‘Anti-Semitism as Political Assassination: The Smearing of Steve Bannon’, 15 Nov 2016 (emphasis added):

The corporate media would have us believe that President-Elect Trump’s newly appointed Chief Strategist and Senior Counselor Stephen K Bannon is a raging anti-Semite, and “white supremacist.” Though best known now for his role in the Trump campaign, Bannon is a former US Naval officer, Goldman Sachs banker, director of Earth-science research at Biosphere 2, film producer, and chairman of Breitbart News. Over the last 24 hours he has been subjected to a well-orchestrated crescendo of op-eds and tweets attacking his character and political views.

[...] The media know that the charge of anti-Semitism is tremendously damaging. If they get away with using this on Bannon, I fear they will continue using it towards many others associated with the Trump administration. They go low. Period.

The fact that this is a smear without foundation seem obvious from statements made by Jewish friends and associates of Bannon.  Former Breitbart reporter Ben Shapiro left the news site after a falling out with Bannon, and there is no love lost between the two. Yet he writes, “I have no evidence that Bannon’s a racist or that he’s an anti-Semite.” David Horowitz states that the accusation is completely without foundation.  Milo Yiannopoulos, one of Breitbart’s main writers, wrote many of the headlines Bannon is currently under fire for, and he’s half Jewish. Orthodox Jew Joel Pollack, Breitbart staff writer, states “Steve is a friend of the Jewish people and a defender of Israel, as well as being a passionate American patriot and a great leader,” and he goes on to say that not only is Bannon not anti-Semitic, “if anything, he is overly sensitive about it, and often takes offense on Jews’ behalf.” [...]

I could go on listing examples of egregious pro-Israel signs within the Trump transition team indefinitely, but I won’t. I’ve made my point there.

There is also some sad comedy to be found in the fact that here I am penning this article in which I attack Steven Bannon on the basis that he is too friendly to Israel, and then I look on Occidental Observer and find them running an article that is literally written by a Zionist who is defending Bannon from the charge of anti-semitism. Well, okay!

Get into the Delorean

The next thing that I want to do is show that contrary to the opinion of those who think that the ‘Alt-Lite’, is a watered-down version of the ‘Alt-Right’ on the subject of Israel and Jewish advocacy groups, the real truth is that the ‘Alt-Lite’ was what the ‘Alt-Right’ really was all along.

How do I know this? I know it by time-travelling to the year 2010, and ‘rediscovering’ that the Alt-Right’s active compromise with Jews was actually on the agenda all along, because the present situation is a hypothetical that Kevin MacDonald and Steve Sailer had already entertained back then. They indicated that they would accept it if it should ever happen to manifest in front of them.

See here:

VDARE / Steve Sailer, ‘Norman Podhoretz’s Why Are Jews Liberal? Not Good Enough’, 25 Oct 2009 (emphasis added):


As I noted in my VDARE.COM article The Cuban Compromise, Jews, like Cubans, have earned the right to special privileges due to their political power. Just as Cuban exiles have controlled American foreign policy toward Cuba and won their relatives unique status as refugees rather than immigrants, America can afford to let Israel push around the Palestinians because it pleases a domestic bloc.

And, in the unlikely event of something terrible happening to the Jewish state, we would no doubt grant refugee status to Israeli Jews.

But what America can`t continue to afford is the pervasive unrealism imposed by the current code of silence about Jewish power and interests.

Thus Jewish demonization of immigration reform patriots appears to have two motivations:

  • A reasonable concern about Israelis, which can be assuaged by special accommodations
  • An unreasonable form of ancestor worship, which couldn`t survive satire, but is protected by the current taboos

And this demonization is the single most important reason that America’s immigration disaster is still above criticism, long after it has become obvious that it is a disaster, and despite the fact that an overwhelming number of Americans are strongly opposed to it.

Jews will do fine when they compete openly in the marketplace of ideas. They don’t have to rig the market as well.

Of course, the compromise that Sailer is willing to make does not only involve Palestine, but actually involves doing just about anything for Israel on command, since Israel’s security concerns certainly do not extend only to cover Palestine.

What do I mean by this?

I’ll quote Kevin MacDonald to illustrate the American position even more clearly:

Occidental Observer / Kevin MacDonald, ‘Lawrence Auster Gets Unhinged’, 23 Apr 2010 (emphasis added):


I am perfectly happy for Jews to live where they want. I just wish they would not continue to oppose the interests of people like me.  Obviously, in saying this, I am implying that I don’t believe in genetic determinism in the area of political choices. It is within the power of Jews to change their political behavior. In fact, rather than behaving like mindless robots acting out of a genetic imperative, Jews have always been flexibly responsive to historical contingencies, and this agrees with everything we know about human psychology.

It really doesn’t matter if groups with little power and influence oppose the interests of White Americans. But it matters greatly if a substantial component of the elite in terms of wealth as well as political power and media influence opposes our interests and brings to economic ruin and political oblivion anyone (Jew or non-Jew) who comes to our defense.

Nor do I have any conceptual problem with Jews living in Israel. As I wrote in my previous comments on Auster, I would be willing to make a quid pro quo with the organized Jewish community: If you support white ethno-nationalism in the US and provide intensive, effective support for ending and reversing the immigration policy of recent decades (i.e., something approaching the support you presently provide Israel), I would be willing to go to the wall to support Jewish ethno-nationalism in Israel, even at substantial cost for the US.

The election of Donald Trump and his transitional team, could be an example of the kind of ‘quid pro quo’ which MacDonald might have been describing in 2010. Other than mental retardation, that’s the only other logical explanation for why MacDonald and large sections of the Alt-Right are actually celebrating the rise of Donald Trump.

Supporting Jewish ethno-nationalism in Israel also has ramifications such as being compelled to defend Israel from whatever threats Jewish advocacy groups perceive as emanating from Syria. Views which look like they are parodies of themselves, end up being taken seriously:

The Algemeiner, ‘Israeli Officials: We’d Prefer Al-Qaeda-Run Syria to an Assad Victory’, 04 Jun 2013 (emphasis added):

Israeli officials are voicing their concern over Bashar al-Assad’s recent advances in his country’s civil war, Israeli Army Radio reported.

According to Israel Hayom, senior Israeli officials were quoted as saying that “al-Qaeda control over Syria would be preferable to a victory by Assad over the rebels.”

Officials believe that an Assad victory would strengthen Iran, as a weakened Syrian regime would become more reliant on the Islamic Republic. The Iran-Hezbollah-Syria axis would thus become an even greater threat to Israel, the officials said.

“Assad is now Iran,” the officials said, according to Israel Hayom. “Any of these [Al-Qaeda] groups would be less problematic for Israel than an Assad regime that is a puppet of Iran,” the officials were quoted as saying.

Would Kevin MacDonald be willing to ‘go’ to that particular ‘wall’ to support Jewish ethno-nationalism in Israel, if organised Jewish advocacy groups are willing to ease the process of mass deportations and the construction of a border structure between the United States and Mexico? Is Kevin MacDonald willing to literally invade Syria and ramp up the involvement of the US Army in Central Asia before also going kinetic against Iran, in exchange for Jewish-Americans in the American media lending their tacit support to a crackdown against Hispanics?

That seems to be the actual substance of the frankly squalid ‘quid pro quo’ that MacDonald is willing to make if it’s applied to the situation in 2016.

But there’s more:

PJ Media / David P. Goldman, ‘Trump is the Best Thing That Has Happened to Israel in Years’, 14 Nov 2016 (emphasis added):

[...] The Establishment is floored and flummoxed. It doesn’t understand what it did wrong, it doesn’t understand why it has been evicted from power, and it can only explain its miserable situation as the consequence of an evil conspiracy. In short, the Establishment is having a paranoid tantrum, compounding its humiliation with a public meltdown. Sadly, that includes liberal Jews.

Trump’s election is the best thing that has happened to Israel in many years. It eliminates the risk of a diplomatic stab in the back at the Security Council and sends a dire warning to Iran, the only real existential threat to the Jewish State. The security of the Jewish people in their homeland is vastly enhanced by the vote on November 8, and Jews everywhere should thank God that the head of state of the world’s most powerful country is a friend of Israel with Jewish grandchildren. Instead of slanders, Jews should offer up prayers of Thanksgiving.

Oh. Well, that’s awkward for the Alt-Right. I guess the confusion has arisen from the fact that liberals and Jewish advocacy groups had been seeing Donald Trump surrounded by throngs of white nationalists—some of whom professed to be anti-semitic—and so the Jewish advocacy groups began to assume that that where there is smoke, there is fire. Wrong assumption.

Little did the liberals and Jewish advocacy groups know that in fact American white nationalists—some of whom professed to be anti-semitic—actually supported and voted for the single most pro-Jewish candidate in the history of the United States, and they did this in order to spite Hispanics and Asians who had nothing to do with anything.

In other words, American white nationalists basically clowned themselves, for tariffs and the promise of a border wall.

Art of the Possible?

I couldn’t end this article without talking about what is practical, so here it is. The most comprehensive course of action would have been to build a movement from the ground up which was capable of addressing the issues that needed to be addressed without also scaring people away. I previously talked about what that could look like in the most basic sense here: / Kumiko Oumae, ‘Donald Trump stares into the abyss in Iowa as it stares into him. And also you.’, 31 Jan 2016 (emphasis added):
[...] It is said that economic power precedes political power. Where does economic power come from? Not strictly from an abundance of wealth, but rather, from controlled scarcity. For example, if I had control of all water in a country, my power over its governance would be unrivalled. But if everyone could create disparate water-fountains everywhere without my permission, then my power would vanish almost immediately. The same logic applies to political movements, if they are to have any power in the material world at all, then they have to be able to make credible bargains [and threats].

In the context of American ethno-nationalist movement figures who claim to appreciate the merits of National Socialism or some variant of it, which kind of economic power should they be aiming to control? They should be aiming to control the one thing which is in abundance everywhere. The people’s labour power. Most people in the United States have only their labour power that they can either choose to give to an employer or withhold from an employer, and any movement that were to gain the ability to switch labour on or off at will and at mass, would be one of the most powerful lobbies in the United States. Given that labour union density in the United States hovers around a pathetic figure like 10%, it is not like there is much competition in that realm from the liberals or anyone else.

Despite this, year after year Americans do nothing other than wait for the next white saviour to descend and save them, while paradoxically festooning their websites with the symbols of a labour movement that actually emerged as a ‘workers party’ from the ground up and not from the top down. [...]

However, Americans are apparently too lazy to take a national syndicalist path, so that didn’t happen and of course isn’t happening. In fact, it’s unlikely to ever happen, because the specific social and economic conditions in the US almost guarantee that it won’t happen.

The only option besides that would be to have ironically just let Hillary Clinton win, when the competition between Trump and Hillary manifested. If Hillary Clinton had won, everything would continue on as it has been going since 2008 except with the added bonus of there being maximum legislative gridlock. A multiplicity of lobbyists all competing for attention in a frenetic circle of Clinton Foundation connections that span every sector and every ethnic group across the globe would have also been present, which would have at least provided a somewhat open doorway for various divergent interests to push on the ship of state and potentially alter its trajectory. Maybe.

Hillary Clinton was frequently derided as basically an influence-peddling whore, and she is indeed that. But I have always said that a multifaceted whore should be preferred over a monogamously pro-Israel candidate. Clinton was also the more predictable of the two candidates because everyone had read all of her emails, and most alphabet agencies in Europe and Asia had basically mapped out all of the relationships she had in the digital realm.

With the election of Donald Trump, all of the multifacetedness goes away, and there is a total consolidation of Jewish-American lobby power behind Trump which is not structurally mitigated in any way whatsoever. The learning curve for dealing with him is also steeper. Israel is the only power that has a head start on lobbying him. Furthermore, Trump will have the power to act as a Republican president with a Republican Senate, a Republican House of Representatives, and mostly Republican state legislatures across the United States.

Objectively speaking, if the Alt-Right’s professed intent was to decrease the potential power of Jewish advocacy groups in the United States, the world is about to discover in January 2017 that the Alt-Right have actually accomplished the exact opposite of that as a result of bringing about the election of Donald Trump.

Does this seem complicated?

Zionists have commented in the past that ‘none of this this was seamless’:

Commentary Magazine / Tevi Troy, ‘How the GOP went Zionist’, 01 Dec 2015 (emphasis added):

[...] For the first 45 years of Israel’s existence, the Republican Party was deeply divided when it came to the Middle East. Powerful forces inside the GOP had long been at best uncomfortable with Israel and at worst openly hostile. Those forces included big businessmen and oilmen with deep connections and interests in Arab lands and so-called foreign-policy realists who did not see why the U.S. should maintain a special relationship with a tiny, economically negligible country surrounded by 22 Arab nations that wished it would disappear.


Following Reagan’s lead and influenced by the neoconservatives who had gravitated to the GOP, pro-Israel voices became more confident in expressing their view of the ties that bound the United States and the Jewish state—the same monotheistic roots, which disposed them to an appreciation for human dignity and self-determination, and a shared belief in a covenantal founding of both nations. This view helped the GOP establish an ideological framework for foreign policy beyond the binary question of Communist versus anti-Communist.

None of this was seamless. Reagan was succeeded by George H.W. Bush, himself quite literally a Country Club Republican and oilman by birth and occupation and a foreign-policy realist by disposition. He famously complained about the Israel lobby, saying ludicrously that he, the president, was “one lonely guy” up against “some powerful political forces” made up of “a thousand lobbyists on the Hill.” His secretary of state, James Baker, was even worse, earning the wrong kind of immortality with his line, “F— the Jews, they don’t vote for us anyway.” Even as these attacks were going on, there were signs that Bush had already become an anachronism in a rapidly changing world—most notably the fact that the Baker line was leaked to the press by his disgusted fellow cabinet secretary Jack Kemp, a key figure in remaking the party as pro-Israel.

If some people were lazy and just wanted to work within the GOP system against Jewish lobby groups, it would have been at least more logical to have tried to rehabilitate the ‘Texan faction’, also known as the Anglo-Saxon Country Club Republicans and oilmen (popular plebeian misconceptions about their role aside). Those kinds of networks would be the most likely places to find ways to subtly reorient the direction of the United States, or at least to slow down the present direction.

Incomprehensibly, the Alt-Right instead chose to use the power of memetics amplified by Russian Active Measures, to stand themselves squarely behind a German real estate developer from the Northeast of the United States whose family has literally married into Jewish blood. Trump then won the GOP primary.

The Alt-Right emerged onto the scene and found that Jewish advocacy groups were very influential already, and they have now—absurdly—taken actions which have only enhanced the influence of those advocacy groups even more.

People often council against playing within the system. Not only did the Alt-Right choose to play within the system despite being warned about the hazards involved anyway, they also did so in the most incompetent way possible. Whatever the ultra-Zionist Trump administration does in the next eight (yes, eight) years will be placed definitively on the Alt-Right’s epitaph because they championed him all the way into the Oval Office, and Trump’s legacy—which is going to be awful when viewed from any possible angle—will be forever associated with that designation. Anyone who doubts this, only needs to look at the Wikipedia article for ‘Alt-Right’ and take note of how much ideological garbage has piled up there. It’s about as coherent as one of Trump’s speeches when it’s taken at face value.


Contrary to popular understanding, the ‘Alt-Lite’ is not a watered down variant of the ‘Alt-Right’, rather, the ‘Alt-Lite’ is the actual manifest reality which is revealed in plain view once the ‘Alt-Right’ text is subjected to symptomatic reading and everyone is confronted with its blank spots, confronted with what it must repress to organise itself in practice, to preserve its rhetorical consistency and its allegedly anti-semitic narrative.

The ‘Alt-Right’ should be understood as an ongoing storytelling session which allows an objectively pro-semitic pro-American outcome in practice, to be represented back to the followers as the opposite of what it actually is. The ‘Alt-Right’ is always and permanently in a pseudo-battle against the ‘Alt-Lite’ reality it creates, and it maintains its cohesion in the social media space through the attestation of the adherent to the ‘purity’ of ‘really being anti-semitic’ despite this. As such, there is ‘always more work to be done’.

Adherents are consumed in the process of always trying to verbally ‘purify’ their intentions but never actually accomplishing their stated objectives, because they are in fact standing in the middle of the swamp without any actual socioeconomic plan for how to drain that swamp.

Kumiko Oumae works in the defence and security sector in the UK. Her opinions here are entirely her own.



Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 19 Nov 2016 01:48 | #

I recall a conversation I had with a Chinese national engineering student outside a Michigan bar a couple of years ago.  We discussed the rise of Chinese manufacturing being a direct result of the outsourcing of American manufacturing to China, amongst other places.  I distinctly recall that he expressed the opinion to me that he much preferred ethnic German management of factories as opposed to ethnic Japanese management because, as he put it, “Germans don’t treat people like robots.” 

Not only are we recognized as a Master Race internationally, but as the most preferred Master Race.  Lulz


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 19 Nov 2016 11:00 | #


Very interesting piece, as ever.  I am always intrigued by your casual, tantalising references to the global security community and the thinking therein.  But I wonder why you did not address the two obvious advantages to WN of the Trump election.

First ...  OK, the Trump/Bannon ground-game is still to be played out within the general rubric of the myth of the propositional republic, and will be kept safe from any real pro-white focus by the Jewish political reach.  But it is, I think a sincere attempt to cleanse the political parties and the government machine of their ideological reliance upon the Third Sector of intellectuals, think tanks, and foundations, and thereby sweep away the alliance of Jewish-conceived neoliberal and neo-marxian orthodoxies.  Change of that kind and scale holds profound consequences for white Americans struggling to create a basis of racial consciousness from which to make politics.  It is, of course, far too early to make informed predictions, but we can be pretty certain that the wind will no longer be blowing against WN and at hurricane force.  We need to see the evidence in terms of an early administration push against political correctness and the dominance of the Marxist left on campus and in the school system.  But the signs are good, if Trump’s early appointments are any guide.

The second advantage is that, historically, the direction of ideological development in any particular age is always determined by the most extreme elements of dominant thought.  The pro-Israel AltRight is very plainly the least extreme of WN in all areas.  It follows that, at least within white America, the more extreme thinking will pull the centre towards it.  That should mean, for example, that a white American republic (imo, necessarily from Texas and North Dakota west) will become a serious and much more widely debated idea.  At the very least, the ideological winter is over.  The internet is not going to get shut down by President Hillary.  The nations of the West have been reprieved from internationalism.  Our politics is rising everywhere.  The door is opening.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 19 Nov 2016 18:48 | #

First I’d like to say that’s an amazing article Kumiko.

Before Kumiko responds to Trump’s ostensible liberation of American White Nationalism, I would like to interject a remark from a perspective more naturally empathetic and experiential than either of you (GW and Kumiko) can claim: American WN would have been on much more sure and authentic footing had their sovereign agenda been purified in radical transformation against highly contrasting politics as opposed to the opposite, which is now the case: being obfuscated in the implicit Whiteness, more like adulturated in ostensible huWhiteness, (((whiteness))), in a refurbished Republican Party and American Political structure the ideological/institutional backing of which co-opts White interests into the right wing agenda of the powers that be through (((Trumpism))) - rather than assimilating its refurbishing properties, in the best interests of ethno-nationalism, all of these things should have been and should still be jettisoned, along with Trump’s misleadership.


Posted by mancinblack on Mon, 21 Nov 2016 09:36 | #

Maria Zakharova, spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, claims conversations she’d had with Jews in America during September convinced her Trump would be elected. “If you want to know what will happen in America, who do you have to talk to? You have to talk to the Jews, naturally. But of course” Zakharova said on a national television talk show.


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 21 Nov 2016 14:10 | #

Thanks mancinblack, running that as a news story..


Posted by Goyim & Jews on Sun, 27 Nov 2016 15:00 | #

As the post argues, (((Steve Sailer)))) is part of quid-pro-quo with MacDonald and what has become the Alternative Right.

Here is how his fellow Jew - well, almost - rather a White convert to Orthodox Judaism named Luke Ford looks upon the liaison between Jews and The Alternative Right:

Goyim & Jews

Posted on November 26, 2016 by Luke Ford

A mate writes to a mate: Steve Sailer was born in Southern California as a Catholic, to probably not-very observant parents (his father was an aeronautical engineer at the apogee of that profession down there). I doubt whether religion figures large for him…now or ever. Luke Ford is the convert, fully kashrut, to Orthodoxy, and when I met him on the street in Santa Monica in August, he looked every bit the part of a straggler from one of the more unsavory Chasid orders/courts, e.g., the Satmar; sporting four days at least of scraggly beard, and a wrinkled yarmulke. He’s hyper-observant, highly educated in Torah and Talmud, believes in Hashem and His commandments two orders of magnitude — at least — more than we do, and the main problem with his vast volume of postings, is that very little of it is his own original material, and most of that which is not is the extremely unattractive gurglings of the lower orders of those goyim who disllike the Jooooos for semi-good reasons. Bringing that worldview to the consciousness of his fellow Yids is his raison d’être. Disgusting job, but somebody’s gotta do it!

About Luke Ford


Posted by Charles says... on Sat, 11 Feb 2017 09:31 | #

Comment and transcript by DanielS

Counter Signal - 2 - The Bannoning

(21:00) Charles: Like, yeah, so, we got kicked off of Reddit. I was one of the moderators there. I organized all of the “ask me” anythings. We got kicked off of Reddit for sharing the researcher bounty that was looking to identify the antifa that attacked you, Richard.

(29:00) Richard Spencer: to kind of transition to a bigger issue. We’re in this weird state, if you will. Everything that has happened in a way that I never imagined it would happen, basically. I never imagined Donald Trump would be memed into an Alt Right hero. ...We have this weird situation where there’s been this top-down revolution in the Republican party. Donald Trump is soui generis; and he has some people who are on his side: obviously Bannon and (((Steve Miller))) are kind of (sigh) they’re definitely not Alt Right but they’re hard, they get it at some gut level and they’re behind him and pushing him to do this:

[Jewish paleo-nationalism as opposed to Jewish neo-conservatism]

(30:50) Richard Spencer: So, there’s this weird top-down revolution that’s going on; we can say that Donald Trump has all this access to directly reach the people through Twitter and Youtube and his celebrity and so on; but at the same time this is going to be really, really hard because he is going up against every institution in society. He did a travel ban that is total weak-tea. I’m not bashing Bannon and (((Miller))) who are behind it at all, I’m just like kind of like challenging them, challenging Trump.

(31:45) Richard Spencer: It’s a start of something; and obviously the left is freaking-out; they’re losing they’re shit because it is the first time that they’ve seen a White man stand up to the world and say, “no, we’re not helping you, we’re not declaring war on your behalf, you’re not coming here, no, this is our country, sorry, but your out of your own country, bye bye”; and they cannot take that, a White person saying that drives them fucking nuts….and so that’s where we’re happening, that’s what’s happening, we’re in this weird situation, we’re winning on this top-down level from the Presidency. But in terms of all of these institutions, in terms of the digital institutions, in terms of society itself, like we’re, I can’t say that we’re winning. We are triggering them, we are freaking them out, we are fighting back against them maybe for the first time in a long time. But we’re not winning.

(32:44) Richard Spencer: You know, they are fighting-back too, the antifa are getting hard-core. They are attacking Milo for god’s sake. ..and they are attacking us in the streets. ..ah, the digital, Silicon Valley people are kicking us off of platforms, like they’re, the Empire is striking back as well, we’re just in this very strange situation that I, again, that is totally unpredictable and is also unpredictable going forward. I don’t know how this is going to play out. is precarious to say the least. We are basically losing and winning and fighting back and getting fought-back against really hard in ways that we never had before.

[Blending Alt lite with Alt right]:

(33:30) Charles: Oh, this is how you get Caesar. They are so hysterical, I mean, when they’re saying that people like Milo Yiannopolis, is a gay, Jewish, race-mixing, libertarian; and they’re putting him along side Adolf Hitler; it’s just so bizarre, it’s like you guys have lost your shit. They’re not just attacking Richard Spencer anymore, they’re attacking Gavin McInnes, they’re attacking Milo Yiannopolis, they’re attacking normal, like normal people, like normal Trump people, at their little airport protest over in Portland…there was a guy who just had a Trump hat and I guess I don’t know, he may have said something, but a whole mob of people attacked him, knocked him out, gathered around and were like you deserve it you Nazi, ra, ra, ra! was a very disgusting scene..I’ve never seen, like that before in my life; and they’re literally saying everyone’s a Nazi now and you can be violent toward Nazis at the Gavin McInnes protest. A professor at NYU was like, “you fucking police, you’re protecting a bunch of Nazis! ...and its, like, its Gavin McInnes ok? He has a Native American wife, he likes Pat Buchanan, ok? He’s not Adolf Hitler. They’re just losing their shit so badly.

(35:57) Charles: This is the first time that the right has ever pushed back and they’re losing it.

(36:07) Richard Spencer: Whether this is due to social mood, or what have you… Bannon, as well, is interested in this fourth turning concept…it seems every thirty to fifty years or so there are these points where there are these paradigm shifts and people recognize it in their gut ...and they react to it and that’s when violence returns ...the inter-war period was a very clear example about this ....political violence, street violence, ideologies, I don’t like the word extremism, but compared to the bipartisan consensus of the 1980’s yes, it was kind of extremism. Very different visions of the world were clashing. You have a similar situation three decades after in the late 60’s and 70’s…where again, violent action, underground societies, bombings, again, a lot more things were in question, people were willing to do things. .. and as I grew up, I was born in 1978 so I grew up in the 80s and the 90’s, all of that stuff seemed totally impossible. The notion that you would kill someone over politics was basically insane. It was unthinkable. it is clearly thinkable. There is no doubt that at one of these future events, whether it is I speak or whether its an NPI conference or whether its Gavin McInnes or whether its like Steven Crowder, there’s going to be blood on the fucking street, there is going to be deaths due to politics. That is something that everyone just assumed was over, but its back. There does seem to be a very intensely negative social mood going on and I think there is also this demand, and it comes from both the left and the right, this radical demand for a new paradigm, and we’re a part of that…. I was actually joking, but the Alt Right actually does have something in common with the anti-fa.

[That’s right, they’re both controlled opposition]

[Now to wrap up the friend enemy distinction as Jews would like to develop it]

(56:56) Richard Spencer: This is the way I would end it [wrap-up the podcast] one aspect of the civil war, at least as I would see it, is that ultimately it becomes two sides; and we are seeing that…what I’ve been used to, my career in this, has basically been… like your fighting two battles, on the one hand you’re fighting the left and the liberals, but I always viewed the real enemy as the phony right, like that’s the real enemy that you have to displace and destroy, the phony right, they’re the ones preventing a new right, a different right, an Alt Right from emerging…and so that’s how I viewed it… what’s happening now, I think is a different dynamic….and that is that we’re getting pushed-onto the same side, whether we like it or not.

It’s like the type of Alt Lite moral signalers, who want to talk about how un-racist they are, how Trump is going to be great for everyone, whether you’re a Korean shop owner, an African American or an Indian immigrant, we’re all going to be making America great again, that is just, I’m sorry, that is really quaint and kind of fun for you know, Cernovich. ...but that is all just total objective nonsense one is going to take that seriously, like it’s already over.  Basically, the Alt Lite people are going to be attacked by the exact same people for the same reason [is this sounding more like plan than a prediction to you too?], using the same language and ideology as Richard Spencer or David Duke, or literally Hitler would be attacked by these people. You cannot differentiate yourself. There will ultimately be two sides the end of the day, even they (honest liberals who would condemn anti-fa attacks) will be pushed onto the same side.

(59:23) Richard Spencer: And that’s where we are, we’re getting pushed onto two sides; and that is also a sign of a civil war. This isn’t some market place of ideas, this is a civil war where one side will win and one side won’t.

(59:44) Charles: Well, to purposely misquote Richard Nixon, we’re all national socialists now, when libertarians and cuckservatives and the likes of Bill Mitchell and Mike Cernovich, Gavin McInnes are compared to Adolf Hitler, it’s a preposterous time to be alive.. that’s where we’re at right now, the “basket of deplorables” is now the basket of Goebbels. .. we’re past the point, we can’t have a reasonable discussion. So when you hear Paul Joseph Watson in his British accent or whatever it is, talking about “oh, the ‘tolerant’ left, oh my, they just don’t want to have a discussion.” You’re right, they don’t want to have a discussion, they want fight you, they want to kill us all. So what do you say, Paul, do you want to join us? Do you want to fight back? Or do you want to get beat up?

(101:06) Richard Spencer: The irony is that you and I would literally have a discussion with Paul Joseph Watson.. whereas the other side won’t. ...there’s a reason for that ..whatever you want to say about Paul Joseph Watson or Milo or whatever, we can talk with them .. there’s a compatible aspect to what we’re doing, we’re kind of like left and a right in a way.

(102:47) Richard Spencer: In terms of the Alt Lite, I can only imagine that a lot of them are waking up to this obvious reality

(102:59) Charles: I think they are. (((Lauren Southern))), I think, just made a video saying that it’s time to fight back.

(103:07) Richard Spencer: Yeah

(103:07) Charles: and it is, if you’re being attacked by these people, you have to defend yourself.

(103:15) Richard Spencer: Absolutely. Well, anyway, lets leave it on that note; this was great; unfortunately Andrew had to leave us a little bit early; yeah, so, we’re back and we’ll be doing this regularly. So, get ready. I’ll talk to you soon Charles.

(103:37) Charles: I’ll talk to you soon, Richard.


Posted by Bannon hired Milo to pander to White tech paleos on Wed, 19 Jul 2017 07:40 | #

Through his assessment of “gamer-gate”, Steve Bannon diagnosed that there was a vast, untapped potential in disaffected younger “White” males with tech/trolling proclivities - they were not the older, Fox TV viewers, but younger “White” males (read, including YKW) concentrated on-line who could be deployed to advance Bannon’s paleocon agenda via the election of an opportunistic Donald Trump.

Bannon hired Milo Yiannapoulos to pander to this audience at Breitbart.


            Bannon hired Yiannopoulos to secure Trump base.

Rise of the Alt-Right/Lite:

Joshua Green: With backing from his former employer Goldman-Sachs, Bannon was CEO of a company in Hong-Kong working a scheme called “gold-farmng” of on line games (in effect, cheating - gamer gate); but the gamers who played these games, who tended to be young males, bridled at this gold farming (cheating); and the players themselves tended to congregate on these message boards devoted to MMO gaming; and they organized themselves and went after the video game companies;  and said, you need to stop this and push out these gold farmers; and they had enough power to ruin Bannon’s business. But the lesson he took away from that was that these rootless White males who spent all their time on line actually had what he called “monster power” to go out there and effect change, but they operated on this sub-rosa level that most people didn’t see; so when he moved over to Bright Bart News a couple years later one of his goals was to try to attract these people and radicalize them in a political sense which was basically what wound up happening.

Terry Gross: So did Bannon see Breitbart News as his connection to those disaffected “White men” that he discovered through the gaming industry that he wanted to mobilize.

Joshua Green: In a word, yes; when he took over BB, he wanted to grow this audience; to become a kind of locus for the populist nationalism (that’s what he called it) that he thought needed to be injected into the American political debate. And one of the ways that he did that was to hire a very controversial figure named Milo Yiannopoulos;  a British provocateur who Bannon hired as his tech-editor; and he thought Milo could be the bridge between these rootless, disaffected White gamers and the Breitbart world of populist politics. ...Milo came into Breitbart news and began publishing these screaming, offensive headlines that have gotten so much attention over the past year or two… Milo had been part of the gamer-gate scandal that attacked females in the gaming industry…and did all sorts of things to attract this crowd from the world of gaming, message boards, like Reddit and 4Chan, into the Breitbart universe, where a lot of them became enamored with Trump, some of them in an ironic, non political way, but this sort of gave rise to what we know of as The Alt-Right - this aggressive group of on line activists.


Posted by Richard Spencer: "I'm a White Zionist" on Sun, 03 Sep 2017 13:07 | #

Free West Media, “Richard Spencer tells Israeli TV he is a ‘white Zionist”, 28 Aug 2017:

Conservative activist Richard Spencer told an Israeli TV interviewer that he was essentially a “white Zionist”. Spencer made the comment to Israel’s Channel 2 recently in response to charges of anti-Semitism on display at the rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.

Tel Aviv: “As an Israeli citizen, someone who understands your identity, who has a sense of nationhood and peoplehood and the history and experience of the Jewish people, you should respect someone like me who has analogous feelings about whites,” Spencer said. “I mean, you could say that I’m a white Zionist in the sense that I care about my people. I want us to have a secure homeland that for us and ourselves just like you want a secure homeland in Israel.”

The interviewer, Dany Cushmaro did not respond to Spencer’s claim. Ethno-national views held by whites are widely rejected by Israelis and Israel-supporters.

Cushmaro had pushed Spencer to explain why some protestors chanted “Jews will not replace us” and other “anti-Jewish slogans”. Spencer responded that the alt-right movement had a right to free speech and added that Jews were overrepresented in left-wing American politics.

“The fact is, Jews, let’s be honest, Jews have been vastly overrepresented in the historical left. Jews are vastly overrepresented in the left right now. They’re vastly overrepresented in what you could call the establishment, that is, Ivy League-educated people who really determine policy, and white people are being disposed from this country,” he said. “So some in the crowd were making a statement. This is a free country. People are allowed to speak their mind.”

Spencer also said president Trump should investigate why the city’s Mayor Michael Signer, a Jew, and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe “allowed chaos to reign” while most protestors were “peaceful”.

He said it was not yet clear whether Fields had committed murder when he rammed his car into Antifa protesters, but that he would condemn “absolutely reject” his actions if they were proved to be “malicious” after a “fair trial”. James Fields killed one woman and injured at least 19. Two police officers also died when their helicopter crashed while monitoring the rally.

President Trump said at a news conference after the rally in Charlottesville ended in violence, that not all the participants in the rally were white supremacists. But Trump’s statements were met with leftwing outrage, including by Jewish and Israeli leaders and Republicans. Spencer tweeted praise for the president’s word instead, calling them “fair and down to earth”.

Rabbi Emeritus Haskel Lookstein and his successors Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz and Rabbi Elie Weinstock, sent a letter to members of New York’s Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun in New York, riling against Trump. Rabbi Lookstein oversaw Ivanka Trump’s conversion to Judaism in 2010.

The rabbis said: “We are appalled by this resurgence of bigotry and antisemitism, and the renewed vigor of the neo-Nazis, KKK, and alt-right.” The letter continued: “While we avoid politics, we are deeply troubled by the moral equivalency and equivocation President Trump has offered in his response to this act of violence.”


Posted by Spencer following "the light unto the gentiles" on Mon, 23 Jul 2018 08:41 | #

Haaretz, “In a series of tweets, Spencer writes of his admiration for the law, which confers the right to national self-determination in Israel to the Jewish people alone, and says Jews are ‘showing a path forward for Europeans.”


Posted by Taylor on Miller's Alt-Right/Lite sourcing on Fri, 29 Nov 2019 04:17 | #

Full Jared Taylor Interview with National Public Radio


Posted by Chain migration ends with Supreme Court verdict on Tue, 28 Jan 2020 11:11 | #

Trump Just ENDED Chain Migration with Latest Supreme Court Victory

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