EU membership is a membership to limitless time bombs: Brexit You Must.

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 19 June 2016 07:25.

UK politics - US politics - liberalism - Obama - Judaism -  Christianity - Islam - Orlando - Cox - Rigby - immigration - EU - Bataclan - Brexit

We know what Merkel, her policies on immigration and Islam are worth. Obama’s support for “remain” is clear, and his immigration policies and stance regarding Islam are coherent with Merkel as well.

Inasmuch as EU membership reflects America’s propositional notion of nationhood, immigration, citizenship and Visa policy, to “remain” is either to allow yourselves as native British to be murdered or to be compelled to a suicide mission at the behest of ruthless elites who have no concern for your genetic inheritance.

US President Obama on the Jo Cox assassination: he condemns the act but not the religions and those who impose immigrants upon European peoples; nor the genocide it entails for the native British. On the contrary, he telephoned Cox’s husband to express condolences and released a statement praising her commitment and service…


For what Obama is worth: Did Obama call the family of Lee Rigby? In that event, did he so much as implicate Islam, the responsibility of migrants and those, including the other Abrahamic religions, which impose migration upon the UK?


Did Obama recognize the necessity for moratorium on immigration, repatriation, criminalization of Islam - an ememy political action group dedicated to sedition and insurrectionist overthrow of non-Muslim governments? Would his backers recognize our need to overcome liberal imposition of non-natives upon Europeans, whether upon us as native nationals or in diaspora? Would he care? Quite the opposite:

“The greatest danger of all is to allow new walls to divide us from one another. The walls between old allies on either side of the Atlantic cannot stand. The walls between the countries with the most and those with the least cannot stand. The walls between races and tribes, natives and immigrants, Christians and Muslims and Jews, cannot stand. These now are the walls we must tear down!” - Barack Obama addresses Berlin in 2008

That was to call for opening the floodgates which would genocide European peoples.


And the walls of Rotherham, the walls between adult Muslims and under aged girls in the UK?


Britain needs to Brexit, and watch out for what the YKW, their objectivist dupes and sell outs will do by means of their proxy, The US, whether with Hillary or Trump in the Presidency; they will try to have us follow the agenda for which Obama acted as just another conduit. For them we can die: through subjection to, or by fighting, the cataclysm they’ve imposed.

The Orlando massacre was just the latest incarnation of an Isis sympathizer who had a little help form his friends.  ... this will be the summer of Isis. Isis has infiltrated our country and infiltrated into much of Europe. They have done this in large part through this Refugee Resettlement program that continues, in this country unabated by a President who appears, from what I can see, to be a Muslim sympathizer… who is more concerned that American citizens might upset the sensibilities of these so called moderate Muslims… I have no idea who these people are, or where they exist. Islam is Islam and in Islam they make no room at all for anybody outside of their faith. I don’t know where these moderate Muslims are that we keep hearing about. I don’t see that any have emerged to condemn these attacks; and it looks to me from my perspective that this country is sitting on a time bomb that was set in motion by our own President Barrack Obama: he has, up until this point in his Presidency issued nearly one million green cards for people from Muslim countries to come and resettle in this country. With this Refugee Resettlement program that’s happening out of Syria right now - just since the attack in Orlando - another 49 Syrians have been placed in the Orlando area.

                                                                                                                                - Sean Bergen, Political Cesspool

UK politics - US politics - liberalism - Obama - Judaism -  Christianity - Islam - Orlando - Cox - Rigby - immigration - EU - Bataclan - Brexit

This is not a call to passivity, but rather to make sure that we are not used by the YKW and objectivist sell-outs for the fact that we are not well sorted and coordinated - for the fact that our enemy list is not complete; and for the fact that our friend and in-group list is not sufficiently organized and coordinated.

Brexit and in-gathering of European peoples is a necessary first step to proper sorting. Clearly we have to do it for ourselves. We cannot rely on the US, a propositional nation, to facilitate our sorting requirements - even if Trump is the lesser of evils and supports Brexit, is he really capable of deviating sufficiently from Jewish interests? Let him help if he will, but don’t trust him to do it for us - certainly not when it comes to drawing the lines of us - them - friends and enemies.

Our enemies such as Schulz and Merkel obligate us to accept immigration and servitude to foreigners and to them unto our death. EP President Schulz: Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the Jewish people.

Our enemies, such as former French President, Sarkozy, in 2008, and Merkel in 2016, obligate the native Europeans to breed themselves out of existence with non-Whites.

While the minions of EU welcome its people’s death…

In Israel, our enemies are quite intent to see that immigration is controlled at their border.:


Israel’s wall against Syria



Posted by good post on Cox/Brexit by Morgoth on Sun, 19 Jun 2016 16:34 | #

Good post by Morgoth regarding implications of the Cox murder:

Morgoth’s, “The Jo Cox Murder & The Liberal Elite”, 18 June 2016:

The day after Jo Cox was murdered the high Queen of Britain’s champagne socialist Left, Polly Toynbee, wrote in The Guardian that she lamented the rise of anti-politics and Right Wing populism. Her piece was called ‘‘The mood is ugly, and an MP is dead’’ and carried the by-line ‘‘It’s wrong to view the killing of Jo Cox in isolation. Hate has been whipped up against the political class’‘

  This attack on a public official cannot be viewed in isolation. It occurs against a backdrop of an ugly public mood in which we have been told to despise the political class, to distrust those who serve, to dehumanise those with whom we do not readily identify.

  It’s been part of a noxious brew, with a dangerous anti-politics and anti-MP stereotypes fomented by leave and their media backers mixed in. Only an hour before this shooting Nigel Farage unveiled a huge poster showing Syrian refugees fleeing to Slovenia last year, nothing to do with EU free movement – and none arriving here. Leave’s poster read: “Breaking Point. We must break free from the EU and take control of our borders.” Nicola Sturgeon, Caroline Lucas and many others condemned it as “disgusting”, and so it is.

Farage’s poster depicts refugees as they actually are, and contrary to Toynbee’s claims, they will all be able to move to Britain as soon as Angela Merkel grants them EU citizenship, so Farage is correct on that too. But the objective truth runs counter to the feel-good liberal narrative.

And so within one single article Polly Toynbee has perfectly illustrated two points:

1. The liberal classes, media and political, have an agenda which is objectively false and they will vilify and attack anyone who disagrees and attempts to push a counter narrative.

2. The liberal classes are truly detested by a massive number of British people and they, the liberals, are unable to understand why.

It is this rift which led to the brutal murder of Jo Cox. To state it as boldly as that instantly invites accusations, especially on a blog such as this, of condoning murder, but to understand and explain something is not to condone it.

The problem we face is that the liberal establishment are not just seen to be living in merely an ivory tower or bubble, but in a dark and sinister castle. The decrees and morality which they foist down onto the general population are not ‘humanitarian’ or in any sense morally justifiable, it is ill conceived lunacy at best, genocidal at worst.

Jo Cox’s career was largely based upon bringing refugees and immigrants into West Yorkshire, her constituency. To her and others of the liberal class there simply isn’t any higher moral position than to advocate for a humanitarian stance which gets them a pat on the back from their peers, to look at the world and help the needy, relieve people of suffering and give shelter to the hungry feels just great. Being an ‘internationalist’ they would argue, allows one to get a larger sense of what is going on in the world and aligns one’s priorities…etc.

And yet the day after she died the BBC reported a story from Jo’s own West Yorkshire:

  Peter Mann, head of the complex casework unit at the Crown Prosecution Service for Yorkshire and Humberside, said: “These men are responsible for a range of crimes involving child sexual exploitation and abuse.

  “One victim was sexually assaulted in a car.“The second victim was groomed, and systematically exploited by the older men she associated with. Some of her abusers acted together as a group, grooming her and plying her with drink and drugs. Others took advantage of her individually.”

  The main victim in the case was 13 years old when she was first abused.

Jo Cox’s maiden speech in parliament:

  Our communities have been deeply enhanced by immigration, be it of Irish Catholics across the constituency or of Muslims from Gujarat in India or from Pakistan, principally from Kashmir. While we celebrate our diversity, what surprises me time and time again as I travel around the constituency is that we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than things that divide us.

The gang rape of underage White girls is so commonplace in Jo Cox’s own area that it took just one day between her murder and the conviction of a Muslim rape gang. And these liberals are utterly blind to it, they’re pathologically incapable of even comprehending that their student union, John Lennon ethos is horrific in practice, idiotic in theory. Again, to understand is not to condone, but when Thomas Mair gave his name in court as ‘‘Death to traitors’’ this is surely what he was alluding to.

Good job, Morgoth, thank you.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 21 Jun 2016 03:45 | #

Pity Jo Cox isn’t around to sympathise with these migrants migrants.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 21 Jun 2016 04:13 | #

Not that I consider your comment invalid, Al, but…

It does strike me as interesting that you re-appear in this blue moon (strawberry moon, actually) with a convenient opportunity for negative associations to my name.

At least I am not going to defend their act, or even their “right to live in England”, the way you might , to no end, defend the acts of Nazi Germany and its “right” to appropriate lebensraum plan East.

If it were brothers of German extraction who had done this, would you have brought the matter here?

Maybe you’d say the Jews made them do it?

Condolences for Hitler.


Posted by Guardian used same image on Tue, 21 Jun 2016 05:42 | #


Posted by What the EU means to Germany on Tue, 21 Jun 2016 06:13 | #

EP President Schulz:
“Germany exists only in order to ensure the existence of the Jewish people”


Posted by RockingMrE on importance of Brexit on Tue, 21 Jun 2016 07:19 | #

RockingMrE provides good insight into the structure EU structure, its disastrous implications for Europe and Britain, its narrow group of rule making members and the power that they exercise over member states - some 50% of Britain’s laws now come from The EU -  hence, the extreme importance of Brexit. The ever narrowing and increasing power of The EU will continue otherwise in its path of destruction of native British and other European peoples.

His understanding of American civics and politics is not as good. Probably because he does not address the J.Q. he does not understand what the “left” is as opposed to what liberalism is and who is behind these perversions. But the philosophy behind his politics, stupid endorsement of ROK are not most relevant here.

Interview of RockingMrE, a Welsh conservative writer and host of the long-running Rocking Philosophy show on YouTube. In the first segment, RockingMrE and I discuss Brexit, the U.K.’s upcoming referendum on remaining in or leaving the European Union. We talk about the stranglehold the E.U. has on British society, how the migrant crisis threatens the continued existence of Europe’s peoples, why all Brits need to vote Leave when the referendum is held this Thursday (June 23), and much more.


Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 22 Jun 2016 07:12 | #

defend the acts of Nazi Germany and its “right” to appropriate lebensraum plan East.


Perhaps Al Ross is keenly cognizant of the fact that only the Wehrmacht kept the Red Army from “watering it’s horses at the Thames” as Christopher Hitchens once quipped he wouldn’t mind seeing.  Surely his ilk of fifth-columnist would have fleshed out the ranks of newly appointed commissars to inflict a thousand Katyns upon the intelligentsia of Western Europe.  For many a would-be English philosopher a bullet to the back of the skull would have been accounted a great mercy as the alternative to being worked to death as a slave in frozen Siberia.


Posted by Belarus, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania et al vs. USSR on Wed, 22 Jun 2016 07:28 | #


First off, Pilsuski had already shown the will to stop the Red Army from watering their horses in Berlin.

Secondly, an accurate and appropriate assessment not only of that will of the Polish nation, but of the nationalist will of the Belarusians, Ukrainians, Czechs, Slovaks, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Finns, Hungarians Romanians etc - would have respected ALL of them for having the will and motive to fight AGAINST the Red Army to thoroughly quash any such hope on the part of the Red Army to impose itself beyond the eastern Belarusian border.

But Hitler destroyed the capacity for alliance with the completely motivated will of nations to his East to fight against the Soviet Union, because of his vainglorious worldview, fancying himself the new Friedrich the Great, conquering lebensraum to his east.

That, CC, is the real drag. 

Belarus, Poland, Ukraine, Lithuania and more - were completely motivated to fight the Soviet Union.


Posted by Paul Craig Roberts for Brexit: EU a CIA creation on Thu, 23 Jun 2016 18:23 | #

Paul Craig Roberts recommends Brexit from EU - a CIA creation.


Posted by Sure, do the Philippines on Sun, 26 Jun 2016 03:37 | #

        If you learn from him this could be you. .... or this:, “Actual Video: Muslims Behead Canadian Hostage”, 19 June 2016:

How strange that Americans busy themselves hand-wringing over Confederate icons while welcoming members of the world’s bloodiest hate group into our country — by the hundreds of thousands.

A video emerged this week that alleges to show the actual beheading of Canadian hostage Robert Hall.

Reports say the murder transpired June 12.

The killer is reported to be a member of the Abu Sayyaf terror group. The murder occurred in the Philippines.

Justin Trudeau, Canada’s prime minister, is encouraging Muslims to move to his country under the auspices of being refugees seeking asylum.

Click here to watch the video ►

Hall was 68 years old.


Posted by Suicide bombers strike Istanbul airport on Tue, 28 Jun 2016 22:18 | #

Suicide bombers strike Istanbul airport.- warning graphic:


Posted by Somalian rapist repeats after reprieve on Sun, 03 Jul 2016 12:15 | #

Birmingham Mail, “Somalian rapist allowed to stay in UK after earlier attack struck again twice”, 1 July 2016:

‘Danger to the public’ Dahir Ibrahim is jailed for life

A Somalian rapist who overturned a deportation order has been jailed for brutally raping two more women in Birmingham.

Dahir Ibrahim, 31, was sentenced ten years in 2005 after the first sex attack on a prostitute in Edgbaston.

A judge ordered his deportation after serving his sentence, but he appealed and was later given leave to remain in the UK.

Now Ibrahim, from Thornhill Road, Handsworth , has been jailed for life with a minimum of 10 years after raping two ‘vulnerable’ women within six weeks of each other in 2014.


Posted by Remembering Lee Rigby on Fri, 22 May 2020 17:22 | #

Remember Lee Rigby & The Manchester Arena Victims

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