Herding people into the institutions of the enemy is always a bad idea. I don’t know why some people have found it so difficult to understand that it’s a bad idea, but I keep seeing people trying to promote Christianity as a solution to European problems over and over again, so I’ve decided to make a quick Q&A style article which should serve to explain why it is a really bad idea. This article covers some of the most commonly asked questions, and may expand later if I notice other questions trending. So without further ado, let’s get to it.
A: Can anyone name any Christian institution in the present day, that is actually against inviting those Arabs and Africans into Europe at the slightest excuse, if they were labelled as ‘refugees’? There literally are none. 100% of mainstream Christian institutions in Europe right now are in favour of ‘refugees welcome’, and are actively lobbying in favour of open door policies while collecting grant money to provide services to ‘refugees’ and ‘economic migrants’ alike.
A: If the village church is controlled by the ideological enemy, then the thing which you absolutely should not do is encourage young people to join that same institution. Especially if they weren’t much involved in it in the first place. Instead, you should conduct non-stop Information Operations against those institutions, right up to and including black propaganda and grey propaganda. You should not funnel people toward organisations that are completely controlled by the enemy. Any attempt to funnel young Europeans into church institutions is:
You should instead attack them and discredit them whenever and wherever you can. There are no pretty political words that can make it anything other than what it is. Church institutions are enemy institutions which must be opposed. Also, the fact that Christianity is demonstrably a massive pack of lies, makes the task of opposing Christian institutions really easy. It’s pretty easy to do.
A: The Russian Orthodox Church is a church which:
So, no, they are not okay with racial advocacy, they are just like all the others.
A: They certainly are. Adrean Arlott wrote an article back in May 2013 in which he touched on this issue:
Pretty interesting, Adrean Arlott had done a good service to his readers when he pointed that out to them. The fact that Arlott has drawn attention to this in the past, should provide even more of a context to how well-known and well-understood it is to ethno-nationalists, that Christian churches are not capable of being allies of ethno-nationalists and never will be. Even the most cynical political calculations could not bring anyone to the conclusion that organised Christianity could be utilised in the defence of anyone’s ethnic genetic interests (EGI). It’s so bad in fact, that the Christian churches promote not only white genocide—not even metaphorically but literally—but also for the rest of the planet they offer nothing other than genocide either. For example, plenty of church bodies espouse the position of mass mestizaje for Central Americans, thus advocating the continuation of the genocide against the native peoples of the Americas. Here’s one example of that:
They are actually serious. So really, in what world would anyone think that ethnic advocacy from ‘a Christian perspective’ could ever be possible? In what retarded world is ‘cultural Christianity’—which is to say, the idea of a political alliance between Christianity and ethno-nationalism—even a thing that could be worth considering for more than five seconds? It’s just completely ridiculous. The real and actually-existing physical manifestation of Christianity is one which is intrinsically opposed to the existence of pretty much everyone’s ethnic groups. It’s not that Christianity somehow acquired an ethnicity-destroying agenda after the year 1968. It was already doing that from the start, it’s just that the ‘anti-racist’ cultural phenomenon that manifested in the west after 1968 offered Christianity the ability to express its full ‘anti-racist’ potential while uninhibited by secular interference.
A: If you go around plastering images of churches up everywhere and begin praising the supposed ‘2000 year civilisation’ that these institutions created and exhorting people to identify themselves and their prosperity with those ideas, isn’t it only to be expected that people might take it seriously? If you stand on a stage and play the violin jauntily, do you not expect that the people will either: (a.) dance or (b.) leave the dance floor? If you put out non-stop praise for Christianity, do you not expect that new people might either: (a.) join Christian institutions or (b.) depart from the scene? Neither of those two responses would be conducive to our interests, so why should anyone put out that kind of messaging? We should be promoting ethno-nationalism, not promoting Christianity, because Christianity is an ideology of the enemy, and on top of that it is an ideology held by very few of the target audience which are Europeans aged 16 to 35. There is no reason why anyone should point new people in the direction of an ideology which is opposed to everything we stand for, and whose institutions are controlled by our enemies. It’s unreasonable to expect that if you are successful at getting people to accept Christian ideology, that they wouldn’t end up attending Christian churches and looking for Christian teachings from contemporary Christian teachers. That’s what religious converts do.
A: Nobody cares. That narrative is basically devised as an attempt to get people to increase their respect for an ideology which pushes (a) operationally useless ideas, and also (b) ideas that blatantly contradict our agenda, all so that the people will support Christians in defending an abstract historiography about the supposed ‘pride’ of ‘2000 years’, a historiography which most young people don’t identify with or care about. The whole ‘pride of 2000 years’ narrative has no real connection with the people’s short-term concerns. The best propaganda is that which is based on truth and which addresses the immediate concerns of the people. But the ‘noble’ liars are calling for pro-Christianity propaganda to be put out all over the place, even though they at the same time openly acknowledge in that same propaganda that they believe the core of that pro-Christianity propaganda to be based on total lies, because they acknowledge that Christianity is a lie. And it is indeed a lie. So how does this even work? The ‘noble’ liars expect the target audience to believe propaganda which they themselves are openly admitting has no truth in it? They expect the average random person in the street to have the sophistication and capacity for psychological self-distancing to identify outwardly with Christian revival memes while cynically and consciously repudiating all of the content of Christian doctrine, and shunning all its institutions and authorities? They expect the flower girl at the florist’s shop to do something mentally sophisticated like that? They expect the cashier in the newsagents shop to do that? They expect someone who works the production line at a factory to wrap their heads around that? That is completely impractical. If the noble ‘liars’ were to ever attempt some real activism they’d realise immediately how ridiculous it would be to go out and say:
Imagine the look on someone’s face if you asked them to do that, and portrayed it as a pre-requisite for ‘saving Europe’. It’s a really ridiculous idea which has no mass appeal whatsoever, and is completely infeasible. It’s not even edgy. It’s just ridiculous.
A: No. Using the United Kingdom as an example, the anti-Christian narrative appeals to the fastest growing element of the landscape, people whose religion is listed as “None”, and this section comprises a majority of the people under the age of 54. The pro-Christians on the other hand are appealing to a shrinking demography of people who will be dead within the next decade and a half. And then they get upset when they are told that what they are doing is mentally retarded. People who are placing all of their bets on the red section of the religious affiliation by age group table depicted above, are people who simply do not understand politics.
A: There is no good reason for why any ethno-nationalist should want to reverse the trend depicted in the tables shown in the previous section. Christianity is a liability, and Christianity’s fall into irrelevance is just one less liability that you’ll have to deal with. Well, it would be one less liability if you would just let it go. As I said about Abrahamic monotheists, such as the Christians, in September 2015:
What should be done, then? Well, as I concluded in that same article:
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 11 Mar 2016 12:09 | # One other minor criticism. While the banner image is visually appealing it is a bit off the mark in terms of your message. The banner image might have been better if you had a church or two among those buildings. As it is, it almost looks like you are advising people against being herded into some pretty benign western business institutions. 3
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Fri, 11 Mar 2016 12:55 | # I think it would be pretty unlikely that a person would arrive at that conclusion once they start reading that article and they realise that I’m attacking the churches, and not village corner shops. The banner is designed to invoke a sense of a European community, in the way that everyone really thinks of it. The lack of a church there is entirely intentional. Regarding your first comment, I think what happened there is that you wrote your comment before reaching the end of my article, so your writing is talking about constructing a parallel set of institutions with a parallel moral order which would supersede the present one, which is exactly what I am calling for at the end of the article when I quote myself saying, “support for parallel civic organisations that strengthen national bonds of blood and proximity”. Perhaps we disagree on what those things should look like, but I did indeed mention it. I don’t agree that in the absence of these parallel institutions, that Christianity should appear as any kind of substitute. Christianity is so bad that it’s actually better to have nothing at all than to have that. 4
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 11 Mar 2016 15:14 | # I’m not saying that it should appear as a substitute, but that it can loom as substitute for those who see the catastrophe that liberalism has brought to bear against them and find no sufficient compassion in Jewish politics or objecivism - particularly when everyone and all the liberals are just too cool, “edgy” and “Nietzschean” (add Richard Spencer’s lisp) to talk in terms of a moral order, which, no matter what they say, WILL BE, however crude, no matter what anyway - there will always be some things that are obligatory, some things that are legitimate and some things that are prohibited - and therefore suggests all the more reason to take agentive (human) account and marshaling of the moral rule structure. A civic rule structure might suffice to invoke a portion of the population, but probably not enough. The imagery that George Bush invoked to inspire the first Gulf War is likely to be even more suspect, even though I know what you mean and do not object personally. Nor do I really have a big problem with the banner image, just wanted to call attention to the fact that people shouldn’t be confused by the disconnect there - the angle of the streets seem to have one perceptually herded into a place where there are no churches to be herded to anyway - so what is being suggested by the image? OK, you’ve answered the question. Nevermind. I am not criticizing your article. On the contrary. It is excellent. But neither do I recommend that anyone who cares about European people gloss over my comment. It is important. Very. It matters not one bit that I had not finished reading to conclusion when writing it. I read to conclusion and saw fit to change nothing. 5
Posted by Santoculto on Fri, 11 Mar 2016 19:37 | # The first fatal mistake that is committed by wn or ethno-nationalist Euro-Caucasians it is to recover all or most of the white people. As it says in the Bible in the flood fable, ‘go ahead, do not look back.’ ’ I do not think bad that many whites, say, many them who are very stupid, to be voluntarily anti-white, that is, anti themselves. It is a less work for you. The problem is with this filter, eliminating almost the creative population, which is essential for the survival and evolution of any human population. The second is to continue until now to believe that Christianity, roughly speaking, a cult full of ridiculous contradictions and worship to the certain metaphysical divine Jewish family, will be the salvation of the white race. One of the biggest culprits for centuries of exploitation and enslavement of white people was precisely the ‘’ religion ‘’ Christianism. Christianity never bothered to eugenically improve the white race and the result unfortunate we can see right now, where a large portion of the Euro-Caucasians just do not have any sense of instinct or survival, are materialists, naive and intellectually lazy. Leftists are unaware Puritan Christians, they just interpret the bible literally and separate his good side, however vague and potentially problematic. The main evidence of this relationship between liberalism and Christianity we can draw the pathetic phrase ‘’ turn the other cheek ‘. What liberals do when dealing confessed and evident criminals, specially white-haters, as poor victims is what the Bible preaches in one of his endless pages and probably comes in flagrant contradiction in the later verse. If Christianity were pro-white, we would not be living in a world where a significant portion of the white population simply has no survival capacity of evolutionary creativity. Western civilization was already falling rotten, a long time. It wasn’t the fall of Christianity as a cultural force, especially in Europe, which caused the Western decadence, were the spiritual structures that were already very vulnerable and caused in large parts by the christianity. Christianism always was and always will be universalists, just look at to the latin hell merca. The original shape of christianism is catholicism, look again for latin merca. In a globalized world christianism become still more counterproductive to the healthy euro-caucasian CO-existences. Catholic croatians and ortodoxh serbians kill one each other recently. Nope, never was pro-white. 6
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 11 Mar 2016 20:04 | #
Red Leftists, Marxists (standard or cultural) or liberals is the preferred term here. Not just plain “Leftists”, please.
Posted by Santoculto on Fri, 11 Mar 2016 22:16 | # DanielS, 8
Posted by The White Left on Fri, 11 Mar 2016 22:50 | # I understood what you meant by it but it isn’t a mere preference on my part that our antagonists should not be cast as “The Left.” It is important to distinguish because it is a coercion (by the YKW) of Whites to habituate them to refer to the enemy as “the Left” - that keeps Whites from social organization - the unionizing function. Furthermore, what keeps happening to people who want to argue against the term “Left” is that they have to “magically” shift terms to “liberal”, often in the next sentence, as you did. It happens consistently with people who want to argue against “The Left” from a White perspective - as it happens to “The Political Cesspool”, for example, all the time. They start out criticizing “the left” and wind up complaining about “liberals.” It is hard to avoid these sudden shifts in terms, because they are really arguing against liberalism as it is applied to White people, while it has nothing to do with their left, a White Left, their social unionization - although Jewish journalese and academia has convinced people that the sophisticated thing to do is to argue against “The Left.” The terms “left and right” did not start out as a Jewish game, but Jews figured out that social organization and popular appeal would happen through social unionization and accountability. While people would be put-off, if not downright frightened by, the right and its unaccountable elitism and pretense of objectivity. Hence they want us to identify as “right” to turn people off and to keep us socially disorganized by having us argue against “The Left.” I don’t object to Red Left, Jewish Left, Marxist, Cultural Marxist, Liberal, Neo-Liberal, Neo-Cons, Jewish interests etc, as terms for antagonistic ideologies, but I have to oppose referring to our antagonists as “The Left” because it is a seriously misleading orientation. BTW, not bad comment 9
Posted by cladrastis on Sat, 12 Mar 2016 17:38 | # Kumiko, Your best point is that Christianity is a massive pack (I would say sack) of lies. If the North American/European New Right is opposed to anything, it is the mendacity of Leftist ideology. The root, of course, is that the Left believes in the equality of men (between individuals and groups). This, among other Leftist lies, is demonstrably false. We have a responsibility to the truth (a value shared by all rightists/traditionalists) to confront the lies of both the religious and secular Left and assume the moral high ground. I think there is probably a similar psychological mechanism being triggered when Scandinavians (or Minnesotans!) engage in self-deceptive behavior with respect to migrants and multicultural policies that have demonstrably eroded the quality of life in Scandinavia and the self deception that otherwise intelligent Christians are engaged in when they choose to believe in the literalism of the Bible, which is demonstrably FALSE. Kevin MacDonald is writing a book right now about the evolution of the European psyche, and it will be interesting to read his observations about this obvious deficit (ie self deception) in the European people. I personally think it has something to do with the fact that (NW) European groups are organized around the moral in-group, and self-deception helps maintain the borders of this moral in-group; as a consequence, the only way we can break the chains of the existing moral consensus is to create a new moral in-group that is organized around a shared, revolutionary system of values that includes defending the moral borders of truth, justice, beauty, the pursuit of excellence, and the sacredness of life. 10
Posted by DanielS the incommensurate on Sat, 12 Mar 2016 18:11 | #
cladrastis, Kumiko will answer when she can, but I must intervene right there and now. “The Left” is your cardboard foil and it is a term that Jews have tricked you into shadow boxing against; but worse, “inequality” is what they have suckered you into arguing on behalf-of. As you’ve accepted their paradigm - “equality/ inequality.” Now think for a moment about 1) what they have you arguing on behalf of - inequality. 2) what they have you arguing against - equality And you want to gain popularity? You want to inspire confidence that you are a careful reader of the “the truth”? ..that this is a subtle description of reality and is important distinctions? Here is one of the essays where I argue that the fundamental matter is sameness and difference and the difference that makes a difference is incommensurability - these are qualitative differences as it were, as opposed to equality and inequality, a quantitative matter prone to false comparison where applied by default. This is an important argument, serving to illustrate how the Right is retarded, easy dupes for Jews and why they turn off normal people.
I’ve been saying for a long time, in several places, including in my comment above, that we need to construct a new moral order (social rule structure) to replace Christianity; but you have apparently chosen to ignore that as well, I don’t know why, but perhaps to reserve a place in the tentosphere and help keep its right wing circus spinning its wheels in reciprocally escalating and socially destructive diatribe. 11
Posted by wake up white man! on Wed, 16 Mar 2016 11:04 | # Speaking of discursive structures directing the sheeple to be herded into Abrahamic mind-control centers, there is church on every corner in the towns of Indiana, U.S.A.
So TT informs us, to his utter disgust. Reality is not lived here, it is a living a nightmare. If only the majority of American White men would wake up. But no, the nightmare known is preferred - they live the Book of Revelation, Beast from the Abyss, Seven plagues, etc. LOL. “Can’t save the sheeple, they will just have to be culled.” - TT 12
Posted by "Churches and liquor stores" on Wed, 16 Mar 2016 11:19 | # Centerville U.S.A.: Living the nightmare, the bad trip as it were.. 13
Posted by Santoculto on Sun, 20 Mar 2016 13:18 | # I think whites tend to be very “mentalistic” and also mechanicist while blacks are hyper mentalistic and east Asians are hypo-mentalistic, spectrum that correlates with religion, “philosophy’, social and emotional skills and in their dead end tend to cause psychosis while the mechanicistic spectrum tend to cause autism spectrum. But I think the cause for western decadence is not just or fundamentally the European psyche. If east Asians were submitted to the same situation I think they will react even worst than Europeans. It’s not a white psyche issues but a structural changes where the western societies were reprogrammed to sabotage itself. Human societies are functionally specific and hierarchical. There are a subgroups with cognitive skills who are specialized to execute certain and specific functions in the society. The roots to the “European” vulnerability start very early where we no have any eugenic (intellectual) direction to increase the capacity of ordinary individuals to understand reality, know their weakness and strengths, know other people and understand abstract reality. One of the greater advantages of Ashkenazi is their superior capacity to verbal abstract thinking. They are better to manipulate the reality than others. Christianism while a sack of obvious and ridiculous lies is one of the most important causes to this deficit. A lot of white nationalists are just like other people. They were created in a environment where there is a implicitly clear relationship between religion and race realism, many times, which were promoted by their own fathers or family. Most of humans need a metaphysical compensation to the existential doubt of the sense of the life. Christianism promote itself using white people but it no have racial loyalty. Just look for Latin America. 14
Posted by Santoculto on Sun, 20 Mar 2016 15:21 | # The idea that christianism become corrupted just recently is the evidence to the historical ignorance where “church” commit all kind of crimes against European creativity, women and the right to the decent life or dignity during thousand years. Churches had been worked with those who are in the power. It’s a instrument to submission and slavery of humankind specially the European humanity and with greater implications to the own intellectual evolution and independence of thinking. Christianity and every religion or ideology work directly against the evolution of humanity. Religion select hyper conformist brain dead slaves or serviles and corrupted deeply the very important notion of morality. Most of truly intellectual smart people jus look for idiotic story of bible and others and choice the obvious answer. Why so many smart whites become anti-white?? One of the obvious answer is the association that jewische media promote between white cause and religion. I think many-to-most white nationalists don’t know how they are confronting, the geniuses of manipulation. This asymmetry where the enemies know much more about European populations than the otherwise must to stop. Post a comment:
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Posted by DanielS on Fri, 11 Mar 2016 09:33 | #
I agree that in terms of logic an rationale that Christianity is fairly easy to overcome.
However, when people, even secular people, are behaving in highly irrational, liberal ways, won’t be persuaded by rationale while everything and precious people are being destroyed all around, one is more susceptible than ever to try to fight the irrational with the irrational and to seek hope in what has been the only semblance of a unifying moral order for European peoples, despite the reservations that all of us, as rational human beings, have toward it to begin with.
Despite its absurdity and its diametrical opposition to our racial and ethno-national maintenance, it will loom the time tested and the only apparent recourse to those seeking a moral order so long as clear and generally accepted replacement is not on offer.
Absent that, their precious kinds will inevitably fall through the cracks as their turn comes to be caught in a vulnerable stage of the life span or a vulnerable stage of evolutionary process, neither of which are necessarily bad or inferior, of course, and perhaps only require a modicum of care beyond the quasi moral order of the legal system, the levers of which basically serve momentarily and episodically strong adults - if the group bounds are not protected by legal/moral order - destroying even the most truly meritorious adults, whose value, otherwise showing through patterns, would be undermined by universal rights as they are imposed as the moral standard - hypocritically, of course, against us by the YKW.
In an attempt to cope with the hyper-relativity that will result as an ironic upshot of universal individual rights and objectivism, Christianity’s assimilation thereof, will naturally be recognized for the insufficient moral order that it is.
The simplifying moral order of Islam is ready to step in for many to make easy sense of a confusing, destructive and terribly unjust world that is the fallout of liberal modernity.
A moral order is imperative to the caring and accountability necessary to maintaining a people, an ethno-state, a race.
That is why a new moral order must be invoked for Europeans.
To be competitive, and attract people, it must do what a moral order does to attract people - it must show care for them as a people, for all the necessary constituent, genetic relations of their lives. It must be trustworthy if it is to gain loyalty. To do that it cannot kick people when they are down and not at their best. It has to show compassion and give people the benefit of the doubt where they have been loyal, even if they are not at the top of their game in their life span or in their stage of the evolutionary process of the racial system.
That is not to say that those who are doing better are not honored and rewarded with all they need to set forth and protect their legacy, of course. It is just that the entire system is seen as the grounds and necessary buffer - a system, of which those who are manifesting admirable traits at a given time, are nevertheless a part.
A modicum of social justice is necessary for the social system to gain loyalty and adherence.
The most fundamental building-block, control variable as it were, of systemic accountability and therefore agency and warrant (maintenance) is the sanctification of enclaves of single sex partner for life hopefuls - as a choice; which would be a crucial sub-group falling under a slightly more broad institutionalization of sex as sacrament: those who take sexual selection very seriously and recognize the importance of monogamy. The broader group could include people who earnestly tried to find their soul mate but were unable to make it work. They have in common with the first group, however, the belief that sex and child birthing is something to be careful about and that an appropriate match - not necessarily pairing with someone who is better, even if they are an ill fit - is a genetic matter over which we ought not roll the dice.
Within the larger, full group, and as one reward for its sufficiently bounded human ecology and the excellence of those who are seeing to that, sex can be treated in a more or less celebratory, sacral, even sporting or defiling fashion, such that people are expressing their adoration for each other on group terms - they are all our partners in a sense.
Finally, those who want to miscegenate and breed outside the group can go the other place of those peoples and stay there.
Having said all of that, I will now finish reading the essay which I am enjoying very much in agreement, at least to the point where I stopped reading midway through to write this comment.
The only point I would revise is this one:
I believe it is important to get the serious attention of 13 year olds as that is when the brain is going through a surge of changes and most in need of guidance.
Ok, I’ve finished it all now, and it is a fantastic essay. For the sake of Europeans, however, I do believe it needs the addendum that I add here. Non-Europeans might not recognize how desperately that Europeans need the stabilizing moral order that they lack. They need that in order to fight as well. It is not a matter of pacification at all.. in fact, it will sort out accurately who they are fighting for and who they need to fight against.
I hasten to emphasize therefore, that this doesn’t contradict your thesis. It is rather an observation of additional, necessary requirement.