“Israeli Defense Minister: ‘I Prefer ISIS to Iran on Our Borders”

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 25 May 2017 07:48.

The satisfied working-hypothesis for ethno-nationalists in answer to the question as to why Isil and the terroristic chaos of the middle east cannot be brought under control is because Israel does not want that. Terror and chaos function provisionally to overthrow stable regimes which, as rational actors in and about Israel, can be of still greater threat to Israel in its project to secure “its realm” around Israel - in its aspiration for “Greater Israel.”

The Israeli’s Operation Clean Break is a plan that set-about to secure this “realm” with the aid of U.S. military. In marketing a theoretical false polemic between “neo-cons” and “paleocons” (the latter being the theoretical underpinning of the “Alt-Right”), Jewish interests have orchestrated American media, politicians and public to this end. 

The project first took care of Sadaam Hussein - a rational actor, his was a more secular and civically ordered regime, which was building a powerful basis for an Iraqi nation insubordinate and defiant of Israeli control of the region.

On the other hand the Saudis have already been bought-off, and act as a conduit for jihadists, munitions, chaos, propaganda and military alliance that Israel seeks to deploy in this plan - at the moment especially against Iran, as its liberalization toward rational actor status in the Iran Deal has been a great threat to greater Israel; and has provided Israel great incentive to get behind Trump for his initial stated motivation in running for President - to undo the Iran Deal.

The implication now is that Israel is aiding and abetting terroristic chaos - Isil is particularly useful to attack the stable Left Nationalist regime of Bashar al-Assad.

News Week, “Israeli Defense Minister: ‘I Prefer ISIS to Iran on Our Borders”, 20 January 2016:

Israel’s Defense Minister Moshe Yaalon said on Tuesday that if he had to choose between the Islamic State militant group (ISIS) and Iran on the country’s borders, he would “choose ISIS” every time.

In comments made at the Institute for National Security Studies’ (INSS) conference in Tel Aviv, Yaalon said that if the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad were to fall, he would prefer the militant group to control territory on Israel’s northern border rather than an Iranian proxy such as the Lebanese Shiite militant group Hezbollah.

He reasoned that Iran has superior capabilities to the radical Islamist group, who are being pegged back by the U.S.-led coalition in Iraq and Syria.

“In Syria, if the choice is between Iran and the Islamic State, I choose the Islamic State. They don’t have the capabilities that Iran has,” he said. “Our greatest enemy is the Iranian regime that has declared war on us. Iran tried to open a terror front against us on the Golan Heights.”

He continued that Iran has a “terror infrastructure in place in five continents,” listing Asia, Africa, Europe and both Americas.

ISIS is much weaker financially and militarily than Tehran and, with everyone against the militant group, they will fall, he said.

“We believe ISIS will be eventually defeated territorially after the blows it has been suffering, and in light of the attacks on its oil reserves,” he added.

Last year, Hezbollah operatives conducted a number of border attacks against Israeli targets while key Hezbollah commander Samir Kuntar was assassinated in a December air strike in the Syrian capital, Damascus, that the group blamed on Israel. The group receives funding and logistical support from the Iranian military.

Last week, international sanctions were lifted on Iran’s ailing economy after Tehran met all of the conditions as part of a landmark nuclear deal signed with world powers last July.

The terror and chaos that Israel and Jewish interests aid and abet have been extended to other nations, to Europe, with the aim of presenting Israel and its diaspora by contrast, as your friend and ally against Islamic terror. But you will be allowed by their auspices to defend only “western civilization” - “civilization” meaning that which falls under their Noahide, Abrahamic law - Judeo-Christian and Islamic comprador rule.

“Clean Break” motives are also evident in Nuland and Kagan’s impetuous instigation and regime changing presence in the Ukrainian conflict - with Russia, like the US and Saudi, already being compliant with Israel, there would be a motive to see to-it that rogue anti-Semitic Ukrainian nationalism is brought under Jewish control.

There is good reason to believe that like Saudi, The U.S. and the Russian Federation, that Turkey is compliant and complicit with Israeli motives as well. Interesting connections show between Trump-Flynn-Turkey-Russia and Israel.

In the case of Libya, while there were other nefarious actors as well - notably Sarkozy and American paleocons - Clean Break motives were once again evident in aiding and abetting the overthrow of the stable and rationally acting regime of Gaddafi, with similar results in the chaos of the overthrow. That being populations from the middle-east, north and sub-Saharan Africa have been surging into Europe - desperate populations, frequently disillusioned and hostile dissenters from efforts in rational nationalism such as Gaddafi’s - the Manchester terrorist was one such type from Libya and was apparently equipped with Isil theory and training.

The Nice terrorist having been from Tunisia also ties into this mindset.

Times of Israel, “Ya’alon: I would prefer Islamic State to Iran in Syria”, 20 January 2017:

Defense minister says jihadists don’t ‘have capabilities’ of Islamic Republic, which he brands Israel’s ‘greatest enemy’

Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said Tuesday (January 19, 2016) that Iran poses a greater threat than the Islamic State, and that if the Syrian regime were to fall, Israel would prefer that IS was in control of the territory than an Iranian proxy.

“In Syria, if the choice is between Iran and the Islamic State, I choose the Islamic State. They don’t have the capabilities that Iran has,” Ya’alon told a conference held by the Institute of National Security Studies in Tel Aviv.

“Our greatest enemy is the Iranian regime that has declared war on us,” the defense minister said of the threats facing Israel.

“Iran tried to open a terror front against us on the Golan Heights,” he said in reference to efforts by Iranian proxy Hezbollah to plan attacks on Israel.

With its nuclear deal and recent lifting of sanctions, Tehran “has escaped international isolation” and become a “central player” in Syria, he continued. Both the US and Russia are treating Iran as “part of the solution” to the Syrian civil war, Ya’alon said.

“Iran determines future of Syria and if it leads to perpetuation, Iranian hegemony in Syria will be huge challenge for Israel,” he said.

The defense minister also characterized the conflict in Syria and Iraq as the “height of the clash of civilizations.”

“Many in the West refuse to acknowledge this — won’t even say ‘radical Islam,’” Ya’alon said. “Of course not every Muslim is a terrorist, but most terrorists in the world today are Muslim. We can’t ignore that.”

Turning to the situation in Israel, Ya’alon maintained that Gaza’s ruler Hamas, which has fought Israel on three occasions in recent years, was deterred and was not seeking an escalation. “Our presence prevents Hamas or IS takeover of Palestinian areas,” he said.

The defense minister dismissed international efforts to push a peace agreement.

“The international community’s efforts will not lead to progress — these security plans would lead to attacks at Ben Gurion Airport,” he said, as he questioned the world’s apparent disproportionate focus on Israel.

“Europe is still talking about us when they have much more pressing problems like refugees.”



Posted by Flynn, Russian Hacking and Turkey on Thu, 25 May 2017 21:41 | #

Not only is the network (((NPR))) backeted, but so is the (((interviewee))), a New York Times Reporter.

Taking that with a grain of salt, one can save time by orientation on the ‘lie of the land’, the broad circumstance, and sort the bracketry afterward: Rosenberg covers intelligence and national security for the Times and has been covering the investigations into General Michael Flynn, whom he met in person - Flynn confided some issues to Rosbenberg personally during his time in Afghanistan.

NPR, “How Gen. Michael Flynn Became A Central Figure In The Russia Hacking Scandal”, 25 May 2017:


This is FRESH AIR. I’m Terry Gross. Late in the day yesterday, The New York Times broke a story reporting that American spies collected information last summer revealing that senior Russian intelligence and political officials were discussing how to exert influence over candidate Donald Trump through his advisers.

My guest, Matthew Rosenberg, is one of the three reporters who wrote that story. Rosenberg covers intelligence and national security for the Times and has been covering the investigations into General Michael Flynn and his communications with and payments from Russia. Flynn was part of the Trump campaign and was appointed President Trump’s national security adviser. He was forced to resign after 25 days because of his undisclosed communications with Russian officials.

Several articles are discussing Flynn’s dubious relation to Turkey and the Erdigon regime, including Flynn’s efforts to help Erdogon capture the man responsible for the attempted secular coup of Erdogan’s Islamic Turkish state.

DM, Michael Flynn ‘discussed plan to snatch exiled dissident Turkish cleric suspected of being behind attempted coup from his rural US home and return him to the Mid East’, 17 March 2017:

General Michael Flynn reportedly said he wanted to remove a Turkish cleric from his compound in Pennsylvania

Former CIA Director Woolsey said Flynn wanted to ‘whisk’ Fethullah Gulen away

Fethullah Gulen (image Wikipedia)

A spokesperson for Flynn denied the accusations of wrongdoing

Bloomberg, “Flynn’s Turkey Connection Is the Case Worth Pursuing”, 25 May 2017:

What’s been missing so far in the scandals surrounding the Trump White House is a concrete act taken at the behest of foreign powers. Now there’s strong evidence of one: Michael Flynn reportedly stopped an attack on the Islamic State capital of Raqqa by Syrian Kurds, a military action strongly opposed by Turkey, after receiving more than $500,000 in payments from a Turkish source. The Kurds’ offensive had been greenlighted by Barack Obama’s administration, and is now back on track, reapproved by President Donald Trump sometime after Flynn was fired.


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 03 Jun 2017 08:15 | #

There will be trouble in the Middle East if the Kurds don’t get their way.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 03 Jun 2017 09:03 | #

I agree. Indications are that we typically need to be on the side of the Kurds in the Middle East and in Turkey


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 07 Jun 2017 10:37 | #

ISIS caims responsibility for attacks on the Iranian parliament:



Posted by Rohrabacher: Tehran ISIL Attack Was "Positive" on Mon, 12 Jun 2017 18:14 | #

Shocking: Rep. Dana Rohrabacher Suggests Tehran ISIS Attack Was “Positive”

Rohrbacher had told Levitt and Asher that he’d consider it to be a great Trump strategy if ISIL were supported against Iran

That has been said explicitly and publicly.


Posted by Trump plans to move US Embassy to Jerusalem on Tue, 05 Dec 2017 19:08 | #


#Jerusalem Update: •#Trump told Jordan, Palestine, Israel he will recognize + move embassy •State Department warns US embassies of turmoil (Politico) •US Officials: “no comment” . Speech midday tomorrow

NPR, The Two-Way, “‘I’m The Only One That Matters,’ Trump Says Of State Dept. Job Vacancies”, 3 Dec 2017:

President Trump says of job vacancies in his administration, “I tell my people, ‘Where you don’t need to fill slots, don’t fill them.’

President Trump says: “I’m the only one that matters” in setting U.S. foreign policy, thus downplaying the importance of high-level jobs such as the assistant secretary of state, which is currently vacant.

“Let me tell you, the one that matters is me,” Trump said in an interview that aired on Fox News on Thursday night. “I’m the only one that matters, because when it comes to it, that’s what the policy is going to be. You’ve seen that, you’ve seen it strongly.”

The president was responding to a question from Fox’s Laura Ingraham, who asked him, “Are you worried that the State Department doesn’t have enough Donald Trump nominees in there to push your vision through?”

Ingraham added, “other State Departments, including Reagan’s, at times, undermined his agenda. And there is a concern that the State Department currently is undermining your agenda.”

Trump said, “So, we don’t need all the people that they want. You know, don’t forget, I’m a businessperson. I tell my people, ‘Where you don’t need to fill slots, don’t fill them.’ But we have some people that I’m not happy with their thinking process.”


Posted by Russia likely Israeli match-maker on Wed, 06 Dec 2017 08:10 | #

Al-Monitor, “Is Moscow a likely matchmaker between Israelis, Palestinians?”

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas make a statement following their meeting at the Bocharov Ruchei state residence in Sochi, Russia, May 11, 2017. (REUTERS/Yuri Kochetkov)


Author: Dmitry Maryasis
Posted May 22, 2017

Russia is hoping its persistence pays off in the Middle East as it seeks to broker talks between the Palestinians and Israelis.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Russian President Vladimir Putin used the occasion of Russia’s Victory Day, May 9, to once again exchange views on key Middle East issues: Syrian civil war resolution, Iranian politics in the region and Israeli-Palestinian conflict resolution.

The next day, Palestinian National Authority President Mahmoud Abbas arrived at the Russian southern resort town of Sochi to have a personal meeting with Putin. One of the official reasons for the visit was the opening ceremony of the Bethlehem sports and cultural center that had been built by Russians. The two leaders together watched the live broadcast of the event.

Contentwise, though, most of the meeting was dedicated to Palestinian-Israeli conflict resolution, with two major issues on the table: direct Israeli-Palestinian talks in Moscow under the auspices of the Russian government, and the new Israeli law that enables construction of new settlements in the West Bank.

Interestingly, Abbas expressed his readiness for such negotiations, praising Russia’s firm stand on the two-state solution.

There’s also a wider context of Russia’s contacts with the Israelis and Palestinians, which occurred almost simultaneously. Both contacts could be considered follow-ups to a statement issued by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs a month ago. On March 31, the Israeli government — for the first time in 20 years — approved plans for a Jewish settlement in the West Bank. The EU and United Nations immediately condemned this decision. The United States was also quick to react, but said it “understands” the Israeli Cabinet decision. Russia kept silent to let it all settle, waiting until April 6 to issue an official reaction.

Moscow’s statement condemned Israel’s settlement plans, but also said both parties have a claim to Jerusalem, which was hailed by the Israeli press as a positive shift. Moscow’s statement expresses concern that the situation on the ground has been deteriorating, noting that the absence of direct talks has resulted in the two sides undertaking unilateral actions.

This basically means two things. First, Russia is not happy with the Israeli government’s decision to build in the West Bank, but expressed its opinion more diplomatically than did the EU and UN. Second, for a long time Russia has urged Israelis and Palestinians to start direct talks under the Kremlin’s auspices. The statement is a way to remind the two parties that this initiative is still available.

The most interesting message Moscow sends to both Israelis and Palestinians is that East Jerusalem must be the capital of an independent Palestinian state. Remarkably, previous numerous statements on the issue from the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs did not specify the status of the western part of the city.

Russia, as most countries, considers Tel Aviv the present-day capital of Israel. This particular document, however, proclaims that West Jerusalem should become the capital of Israel. It should be noted that this isn’t a major shift toward a more pro-Israeli position in the conflict, since according to Israeli law only the united Jerusalem is seen by its citizens as the capital of their state. But it’s still an interesting move that signals that Russian decision-makers have studied the present-day state of affairs in the Palestinian-Israeli track thoroughly and made some reassessments. There is also a strong possibility that this change is one of the results of Netanyahu’s efforts to establish close relations with Putin.

Based on current developments and the evolution of Russian thinking on the issue, we can probably expect Russia to take further steps in this direction, to enhance its stand as an effective mediator in the conflict resolution process. There’s a view in Moscow that the new US leadership does not have a positive program in this field, despite US claims of the opposite. Moscow also understands that to be a key external player in the Middle East, it needs to concentrate not just on Syria, but must also have a say in all major regional processes.

With this in mind, we can assume that both Israeli and Palestinian leadership see Moscow’s proposals as a platform for future Russian action toward conflict resolution. Both sides take Russia’s proposals, as well as the signals the statements were meant to send, quite seriously, as neither hurried to express their claims — though they both surely have something to say.

It appears the real preparatory work has already started to establish a comfortable framework for future direct talks in Moscow. And this kind of work is to be done with the least possible amount of attention from outsiders. If Moscow succeeds in at least igniting a peace process between the Israelis and Palestinians, together with a similar settlement process in Syria, it will be a clear sign that Russia is able to play a pivotal role in the region.


Posted by Nina Paley on Thu, 21 Dec 2017 23:24 | #

This land is mine by Nina Paley

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