Let Mugabe stew

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 09 February 2006 08:38.

President Robert Mugabe has begun to reverse his “insane” land grab and offer some white farmers the chance to lease back their holdings in Zimbabwe.

With the fastest shrinking economy in the world, Mr Mugabe has had to backtrack on six years of chaos and his own determination to rid the country of all white farmers.

The Daily Telegraph today.

So the ruinous hand of black African power extends an olive branch to the people it demonised, robbed, terrorised and murdered.  Remember the late Hitler Hunzvi, the “War Veterans” leader who compared himself to revolutionary figures like Che Guevara, Napolean Bonaparte and even Jesus Christ.  He is on record euphemistically threatening, “All revolutions require violence ... No-one can stop the revolution we have started.”

Wrong.  The corruption of Mugabe’s cronies and the incapacity of his people have stopped it.  What few black farmers are cultivating former white-owned lands are doing so on a subsistence basis.  Eighty to ninety per cent of the land, howevever, lies untended while Zimbabweans go without.

Vanity precludes Mugabe himself from making the announcement.  Two “trusted” underlings will be deputised to grovel before an unsurprised world.  Ian Smith described Mugabe as a “Marxist terrorist” and one can’t help but feel that were he alive today, he would counsel the expellees strongly against cooperating with his enemy now.

I suppose in the end there will be some white farmers prepared to listen not to the ghost of Ian Smith but to a chastened yet hardly repentant Mugabe.  It will be short memories and white individualism - the inability or just refusal to observe group dynamics - which will lead them back.

At least one ex-farmer has perfect clarity of mind and purpose, and said yesterday:-

“It’s bloody miserable out there. All our friends have gone, our equipment has been broken, irrigation has been vandalised, our homes have been wrecked, the roads are a mess, our workers have gone so why should we return? I am sure there will be some clots who are so damn miserable in other countries or living in towns that they will go back.

“We should be campaigning for compensation, not going back to help people who wrecked our country.”



Posted by john on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 10:53 | #

I can see why he has the support of so many blacks and the south african government.
Would be nice to see a white politician doing the same in England, and every other european country, and U.S.A. He’d have my support.


Posted by Johan Van Vlaams on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 16:43 | #

And South Africa has announced that it wants to go in the same direction. Mass expropriations without proper compensation, see: http://www.businessreport.co.za/index.php?fSectionId=&fArticleId=3100647

I wonder whether the whites will let it happen there.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 09 Feb 2006 18:50 | #

Fred, the obvious strategic move is for Afrikaners who live outside the proposed Volkstaat to swap land with the Africans who live inside the Volkstaat even if it means economic loss.  The Africans will be attracted to the infrastructural improvements on the lands offered by the Afrikaners and the Africaners can much more easily deal with the problems of rebuilding the infrastructure on the lands inside the proposed Volkstaat than they can deal with the problems of slow genocide by roving gangs of Africans.


Posted by Matra on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 00:30 | #

I suppose in the end there will be some white farmers prepared to listen not to the ghost of Ian Smith but to a chastened yet hardly repentant Mugabe.  It will be short memories and white individualism - the inability or just refusal to observe group dynamics - which will lead them back.

Being more intelligent than the blacks and possessing more experience in commercial agriculture they’ll again become a dominant minority. The resentment stoked by Mugabe in the black masses will not disappear but the quickness with which the country collapsed when the whites were driven off their land will be forgotten. A decade or a generation from now the whites will end up back in the same situation they’ve been in this past six years. But many are so attached to the land and to Africa they’ll take the chance.

I’d like to see them leave the country and move to the West yet I can’t help but admire those who stay. The bravery the tiny white minority shows in staying in Africa stands in stark contrast to the white majorities in the West who abandon entire neighbourhoods and suburbs to non-white minorities without a fight.


Posted by Lars on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 07:23 | #

Matra is right; the abysmally low IQ of black Africans cannot maintain an agrarian economy, let alone anything approaching industrialization. Absence of white involvement/aid equals back to the jungle for black Africa.


Posted by Calvin on Fri, 10 Feb 2006 12:49 | #

On the subject of genocide, when arguing that SA government is allowing the genocide of White farmers, liberals tend to respond by pointing out that rural crime in SA is nor race specific and tends to affect rural Black Africans just as much as White farmers. This is true, but overlooks the point that the crimewave, which is not being addressed by the SA government, is NOT genocidal in its consequence for Blacks and IS genocidal in its consequences for Whites. To this extent these murders represent a “King Herod” scenario, in which the massacre of the innocents (Blacks) is accepted in the hope of also killing off the problem child (Whites)


Posted by Mugabe flashback on Sat, 02 Dec 2017 01:55 | #

Interesting flashback to the post above given Mugabe’s recent ouster:

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Al Ross commented in entry 'An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time' on Fri, 23 Aug 2024 06:02. (View)

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Manc commented in entry 'A year in the trenches' on Sat, 17 Aug 2024 12:54. (View)

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