Mahmood Ahmadinejad goes blogging
Iran’s President Ahmadinejad has a blog. It’s in English, too ... English so poor that I can only suppose he really wrote it himself. But never mind. My Persian is not great either.
The page is a bit slow to load. But if you have an hour or two on your hands, and don’t have to go down the shelter, you can always ask the hip, young bearded one a question or two. Something like this, perhaps:-
Dear Humble Servant of Almighty Allah’s glorious messenger (pbuh, natch),
I was struck by this passage in your writing ...
Since the extinct shah - Mohammad Reza - was supposed to take and enter Iran into western civilization slavishly, so many schemes were implemented that Iran becomes another market for the western ceremonial goods without any progress in the scientific field. Our Islamic culture would not allow such an infestation, and this was an impediment in front of shah and his foreign masters’ way. Thus, they decided to make this noble and tenacious culture weak gradually that Iran be attached strongly to the west as far as its economy, politics, and culture was concern.
... and it occurred to me that, as the decent and fair man you undoubtedly are, you could not possibly object if our noble and tenacious Western culture would not allow an Islamic “infestation”. Or have I got something badly wrong there?
Link to the Ahmadinejad blog from Rowan Berkeley’s post to New Right Online Forum.
Posted by JJR Apologist on Mon, 14 Aug 2006 18:28 | #
‘Nejad did not and cannot open the immigration gates to the West… but the forces that did are attempting the same cultural + economic enslavement of his nation.