Neil Oliver: The Re-Set has already happened Comments:2
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 04 Dec 2022 21:34 | # I the following vid, Neil Oliver’s discusses the meaning and importance of Christmas; he does so in both an eloquent and powerful manner. Here’s a couple of pull quotes from his monologue:
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 08 Jan 2023 12:42 | # Neil Oliver Describes a Life of Pretending in a Potemkin Village 4
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 14 Jan 2023 02:24 | # Just noticed this piece of typically Christian cant and hypocrisy. Oliver , who entices Normies with his spuriously robust defence of White culture , never makes mention of native Brits’ E/GI , nor indeed , the role of exultant Jews in successfully extricating their rabble - rousing , egalitarian, ethnic cognate , Jesus, from contemporary Christmas celebrations. At last , something for which Jews may be thanked. 5
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 14 Jan 2023 19:59 | # Russell Brand might not be your cup of tea but in this vid, he does a bang-up job at conveying some vital truths. THEY CAN’T HIDE THIS ANYMORE 6
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 15 Jan 2023 13:14 | # RB appears now to be a left-libertarian localist advocating, basically, for the rights-based model of liberal individualism. Because he does not admit into his thinking the concept of ethnicity and peoplehood, nature, love and belonging, he has not asked himself how the (duly localised) liberal individual protects the life of his people. It just does not compute with him. If Ukrainian “individuals” can’t defend their own peoplehood, their own home, against a military behemoth intent on de-nationing and dispersing them ... and cannot do so because Ukraine gave up its nuclear weapons, and does not have a vast military potential ... then that’s OK. It’s OK, essentially, for the behemoth to roll on and destroy their peoplehood, leaving behind only complicit “Russians”. That’s RB’s position, from what I can see, and the position of many not-very-deep thinkers. But the problem with it is that the Russian behemoth, intent as it is on creating a socialist Eurasian “great space” (to quote Glazyev) as the keystone of its own Globality under Davos, is notably more hostile to individual rights than the American behemoth which the English RB liberally deplores. Like environmentalists who always target Western governments but, for some reason, never the Chinese or Indians who produce the great bulk of CO2 emissions, RB eviscerates the American military-industrial-government complex and American Establishment globalism in his videos but passes no such judgement upon Moscow’s counterparts. They seem to be invisible to him. He does not think through the meaning of a people’s claim on life and land, and he does not think through the comparative evils of the behemoths or their models for the Globality. He doesn’t think ahead to what life would be like under a victorious Sino-Russian model, brought about because Americans refused to aid the Ukrainian people. He just scores easy points and racks up the subs. He’s not really interested in human good. 7
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 15 Jan 2023 18:53 | # “That’s RB’s position, from what I can see, and the position of many not-very-deep thinkers.” Much of what RB bases his opinion on is influenced by Chris Hedges. Mr. Hedges is a leftist/pacifist, but he is, without a doubt, a deep thinker. It’s the WEF’s agenda we need to concern outselves with, not Pooty-Poot Putin’s SMO in Ukraine. WEF’s agenda is a real threat to the white race, Russia isn’t. 8
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 16 Jan 2023 00:05 | # All these months you have been talking to me, Thorn, and you still haven’t made the distinction between “the West” and technocracy, ie, Davos. Here it is again, as simple to understand as ABC. Global elitism is not “the West”. It is, as it happens, global. There are three basic distinctions between the models for the Globality, one of which is a straight transfer from the unipolarity of the G7 nations (ie, the West) to the multipolarity of the G20 nations. That’s the model desired by the Western corporate, banking, and political elites. It’s not technocracy as such. Technocracy is software for running the Globality, whichever model comes out on top at the end. The other two models are Glazyev’s “great spaces” imperialist model and the CCP’s Middle Kingdom model of Chinese global financial, economic, and military hegemony. Both run the Davos software. Indeed, China is already the world’s first Technate. So that’s the way this thing works. Now, can you kindly adjust your thinking accordingly? Incidentally, it is somewhat unobservant to miss the point that Putin is seeking to kill Ukrainian peoplehood. He is the dictator of a multiracial empire, not a proponent for ethnicity. He is murderous, but if his mate Xi succeeds in his quest for global hegemony Putin will seem like a pussycat: (i) China will seek to restore North America to the East Asiatic race, and do it violently by preference. (ii) Attempts by native peoples on this side of the Atlantic to fight for their kind and home will meet with the treatment handed out to the Tibetans and Uighurs. We have nothing but enemies. Don’t be complacent and suppose that the worst of them is the one that belabours us today. 9
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 16 Jan 2023 01:02 | # WEF is globalist. They’re striving for a global government run by a small group of very powerful insiders. I’ve never confused them with the “West”. They are who they are. The BRICS are aligning against their plan to dominate the entire planet. (For one example, as we speak the BRICS are devising a financial system to free themselves from the petrodollar system.) Basically it’s as simple as that. Ukraine is a pivot point; the outcome of there will in large part determine the next step the WEF takes. The WEF is willing to sacrifice a large segemnt of the EU population if that’s what it takes to make sure the proxy war Ukraine ends in their favor. That’s it in a nutshell. 10
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 16 Jan 2023 01:17 | # These mofos in the WEF have zero allegiance to the White race. They hold no more compassion or concern for the future well-being of white people than the Chicoms do. That’s a fact. White people can be just as anti-white as any other race on the planet - sometimes even more so. That should be freakin’ obvious to you by now! 11
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 16 Jan 2023 02:37 | # Scott Ritter: ‘We Are On The Cusp Of Thermonuclear War and The Only Way Out Is Decisive Russian Victory’
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 16 Jan 2023 11:11 | # Jesus H, Thorn, you are quoting Ritter! This is the vulgar grifter who exposed himself on-line to a cop he thought was a 15 year old girl, for which he duly did time. It was his second arrest in a decade for importuning what he thought was an underage girl. For the last quarter of a century he has been scraping a living by biting the State Department’s hand, having lived off it for the previous decade and a half. He’s the guy who claimed for RT that the Ukrainian police committed the massacre at Bucha. The Ukrainians have listed him as a pro-Russian stooge, but perhaps he’s just pathologically angry that he fouled his own nest in military intelligence. In any event, he’s utterly compromised, and nobody should be looking to him to inform their worldview. As regards that worldview of yours, it is infected with a simplistic, Ritter-like assumption that the American power nexus is the singular embodiment of evil. To provide you with rather more balance I have, over the last months, repeatedly challenged you to explain to yourself the Kremlin’s actions in the Caucasus, central Asia, Belarus and, of course, Ukraine. I have pointed out the work of Sergey Glazyev with the Chinese, the window on the world that is the Geopolitical Monitor, and especially Iain Davies. Here is Davies’s latest essay, which is on China and technocracy: There are multiple statements on record from Western political and financial sources (many quoted by Davies in his work) explaining that the G20-based model for the Globality is at serious risk from the Russian and Chinese models. Note that there is no BRICS model to save anything, or not to save it. Nobody speaks of BRICS as a unified actor in this respect, and indeed Brazil, India, and South Africa each hold back from the clear commitments made by Russia (military intimidation and conflict) and China (African infrastructure, Belt & Road, etc). Russia is advocating for multipolarity while acting for a system of empires, which in effect means a fourth Russian empire and (junior) partnership with China. China is advocating for multipolarity while acting for a soft, philosophically-driven global dominion, which in effect means a hard dominion over the intellectually and creatively superior European mind. Both understand that the West must suffer a social and economic collapse for their models to come to fruition, and both therefore seek to accelerate the dissolution of Western political and economic power. Both are quietly silent on our race-replacement while needing it to secure collapse. Both operate within the WEF’s “software” model of the public-private partnership. Both are ideologically committed to total social control and suppression of creative dissent. There are multiple statements from Russian and Chinese sources explaining how their own models bring an end to the Westphalian nation state. This is the final proof, my friend, of the facticity of Glazyev’s and the CCP’s models for Globality. One cannot argue, as you do, that they are somehow saving us from the Western elites’ designs while telling us that our nations are anachronisms that have no place in the world’s future. The nation state, btw, is the essential model we, as ethnic nationalists, seek to reform and build upon (yes, ethnic nationalism is also a universal model for the organisation of human life). 13
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 16 Jan 2023 14:51 | # “Jesus H, Thorn, you are quoting Ritter! This is the vulgar grifter who exposed himself on-line to a cop he thought was a 15 year old girl, for which he duly did time.” Well, of course, I condemn any adult who solicits sex with teenagers. I was unaware of Ritter engageing is such; however, it does raise suspicion he was set up. After all he did embarrasses the shit out of both the “intelligence community” and the DoD by clearly exposing the truth about Iraq and WMD. He made plenty of enemies by doing so. Wouldn’t it be reasonable to suspect those he embarrassed would seek revenge? (The same dynamic is at work with Liz Cheney seeking revenge against Trump. Bad Orange Man dissed her daddy.) In any event, Ritter’s criminal activity doesn’t disqualify his accuracy in reporting. Facts that counter his assertions would, but character assassination certainly doesn’t. “As regards that worldview of yours, it is infected with a simplistic, Ritter-like assumption that the American power nexus is the singular embodiment of evil.” LOL!!! I love it! HAHAHAHA….. GW, the truth is your assessment of me is far from being accurate. You’re understanding of my worldview is very limited; you’re focusing in on one piece of the picture, the rest is informed by “guess work” (no pun intended). Anyway, thanks for the links to Davies’ essays. I’ll be sure to read them later on when I have the time and get back to you. 14
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 17 Jan 2023 13:30 | # “Note that there is no BRICS model to save anything, or not to save it.” GW, I never argued they are somehow saving it or us. In past comments I believe what I’ve said is Russia was pushed into the arms of China. The BRICS are not out to save us, they are out to save themselves from us. They, the BRICS et al are acting to serve their own interests as best they can. WRT technocracy, it, of course is a western idea. As Iain Davis points out, it is western elites who used China as a pilot project. They recognized China was already culturally primed to implement such a project. Moreover, the West provided the funding and the technology necessary to make it happen ... and it happened; it’s now a reality. “One cannot argue, as you do, that they are somehow saving us from the Western elites’ designs while telling us that our nations are anachronisms that have no place in the world’s future.” Again, I’ve never said they are out to save us from our elites’ designs. I’m saying they - the BRICS et al - are out to protect their own sovereignty and interests. And as far as the Western elites go (as pointed out in the Ian Davis article), they too (Rockefeller et al) contend our democratic systems are anachronisms and need to be transformed into technocracies. Furthermore, and as you, GW, are well aware, it is our own elites who’re intent on deconstructing “anachronistic” ethno-states within the West. Westley Clark states it quite clearly: “There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That’s a 19th century idea and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.” Unfortunately, for the most part, they have already succeeded at doing just that. Ukraine is next up on their list. Once Ukraine is fully integrated into the West, they will be subject to the same type of genocide by stealth Britain and all the other EU/Western countries are being subjected to.
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 17 Jan 2023 18:43 | # Thorn, thanks for the reply. I think you are still too heavy on “the West”, meaning the Western banks and corporations and the political class which serves them, and too light on the historical paradigms which are the respective Russian and Chinese plans for a post-Western hegemonic future. As it happens, though, today the Chinese Vice-premier Liu He made a speech at Davos reported by the Telegraph as follows:
This pivot is almost certainly the result of Putin’s big gambit in Ukraine and the surprise of the West’s unified response to it, allied to the (for Beijing) straitening success of the Western economies in surviving Putin’s energy war. Since the party’s 20th conference last October, when the threat to Taiwan was at its height, there appears to have been a decision that Putin has failed and there are costs to forging ahead with that “unlimited friendship” which a pragmatic Chinese leadership is unwilling to pay. Probably at this time. Probably because formal international support elsewhere for Putin is limited to Iran, North Korea and some fly-blown African place. Support for Glazyev’s dollar reserve replacement is strong across the southern hemisphere, and probably now includes Lula’s Brazil in addition to Saudi. But then the Western elites are not at all hostile to it, either. Quite the contrary. So Beijing is returning to geo-economics, because it is a stronger suite to play. I don’t think that the Middle Kingdom goal has or will be dropped. But the Chinese are good at patience. I will shortly post some longer quotes from the Telegraph piece in MR’s news section. 17
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 17 Jan 2023 18:50 | # Just one other response to your comment @ 14, Putin’s intent for the Ukrainians is more deadly to their peoplehood than the West’s, in so much as ethnic cleansing and dispersal is immediately killing to it. The Western elites’ race replacement model is generational in speed and far less certain in outcome, since all the while the possibility for revolt exists. So we should not favour Russia over the West on the grounds of the ethnic survival of any of Ukraine’s non-Russian groups. 18
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 18 Jan 2023 18:14 | # @17 I have to disagree, GW. Apparently the only group of Ukrainians Putin is intent on exterminating - and for all the obvious reasons - is the Azov Regiment. That’s a far cry from wanton ethnic cleansing on a massive scale. OTOH, and more importantly, the Western elites’ race-replacement model/method is one that’ll eradicate virtually the entire native gene pool. IOWs, the Western elites’ model eventuates in permanent extinction. (As a side issue: I have a theory that might explain why some otherwise rational people are freaking out (suffering mind meltdowns) over Putin. It involves the psychological term: transference. But I’ll leave it at that for now.)
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 18 Jan 2023 23:05 | # The last 24 hours have marked another major waypoint along the path to my long-held contention that Russia, China and Saudi Arabia are going to make a massive, collective push to try and dethrone the U.S. dollar as global reserve currency. [...] I believe there is a historic divide in the making between the BRICS nations, led by Russia and China, and the West, led by the United States. I was one of the few outlets last summer to even report on the fact that Russia and China openly announced a “new global reserve currency” (announced in July 2022, predicted by me in February 2022). And of course, Russia and China can’t do it on their own: they are working with nations like Saudi Arabia and India to help put their plans into practice. [...] [...] 20
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 18 Jan 2023 23:39 | # If the struggle in Ukraine was simply to kill the Azov Brigades why is Putin not saying that? Because he isn’t. He has never said that is his goal. On the contrary, his long schpiel of July last year claimed that Ukraine was a Soviet mistake and Ukrainians do not exist. The Azov thing was only ever an invitation to his domestic Russian audience to participate in a Two-Minutes Hate while the Special Military Operation got underway. In reality, the Russian Army was tasked (and is likely still tasked) with reaching Kiev and Transnistria. Had it been victorious, indeed, if it is victorious in the future, do you really think the 8 million mostly women and children who are currently refugees in the West would be coming back? Do think that ethnic cleansing and dispersal of the remaining, hated “Hohols” ... the Ukrainian speakers ... would or would not be a desirable course for their new master? Why, after all, would Putin want an implacably hostile people, who will never cease blowing up his local administrators and carrying explosives to Moscow, concentrated in his “Russian World”? You will likely answer with the same simplistic, stuck-record FSB propaganda ... NATO ... nuclear weapons ... Nazis ... Azov ... Donbas ... neocons ... Biden ... because you cannot (I think, actually, will not) comprehend the conversations that actually take place among and between the elites in Washington, Moscow, and Beijing, and elsewhere, which are, in fact, not about Nazis and the Donbas but about power in the global future. But you are not willing to follow that logic. For example, you will not draw conclusions from the latest policy switch by the Chinese. It does not compute. You prefer to follow comforting voices which confirm your prejudices, even if those voices do include the odd paedophile, plain wrong ex-general, and rogue RT journo. In that, you are by no means an untypical example of the Western nationalist. By providing an holistic, evidential picture and pointing you to the interpretations of intellectually competent sources I am asking you to transcend that sorry estate, and to accept the reality of the “higher” world of geo-economic and geopolitical struggle in which the governments and power elites of the major nations actually engage. 21
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 19 Jan 2023 02:37 | # “If the struggle in Ukraine was simply to kill the Azov Brigades why is Putin not saying that?” Because he’s not saying the main objective is to kill the Azov Brigades (namely the denazification of Ukraine) and neither am I. The larger point is Putin has no intention of committing genocide against the Ukrainian people. If you want to believe he does, go right ahead. I’m not going to try to talk you out of it. “By providing an holistic, evidential picture and pointing you to the interpretations of intellectually competent sources I am asking you to transcend that sorry estate, and to accept the reality of the “higher” world of geo-economic and geopolitical struggle in which the governments and power elites of the major nations actually engage.” I guess I’ll forever be duped by intellectual incompetent sources such as John Mearsheimer, the late Stephen F. Cohen and scores of other highly respected foreign policy experts. /sarc Those who believe NATO - led by the USA - deliberately and purposefully instigated/provoked a proxy war in Ukraine with Russia. Of course the proxy war has now become a direct war between NATO and Russia. Nice goin’ guys! 22
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 19 Jan 2023 11:51 | # I have explained previously that Mearsheimer is WRONG because he reasons from “NATO expansion” - in itself a pre-determining and untrue concept - and not the struggle for global hegemony; and he begins from 2014 and not 1989/1990 (in Russian terms) and 1991 (in terms of Russian treatment of Ukraine). In so doing he is committing what computer folk describe as “rubbish in, rubbish out.” If, however, one commences in the longer framework one isn’t locked into the FSB’s anti-Western tropes. One may factor in today’s version of The Great Game. Russian empire and the war in Ukraine then make sense. There is nothing more I can do to free you from the dross you read. You insist on understanding nothing else. You are a nationalist, after all - not, of course, philosophically because none of us are that; but ideologically and propagandistically. It is a reductive state, a self-indulgent culture of constant, targeted critique without any possibility of positive revolutionary thinking. But this, very tragically, is where we are. It is the reason why nationalists in the West have failed to address political reality for seven decades, and will continue failing. 23
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 19 Jan 2023 12:28 | # Thank you , GW . I think that the above comment neatly finesses the NATO / American Hegemony dichotomy topic. 24
Posted by Timothy Murray on Thu, 19 Jan 2023 13:56 | #
And this is a monocle through which to view your posts in the same way that “marginal change” is a monocle through which to view everything that the late Jude Wanninski wrote (very useful model btw…true change happens at the margin…like this blog of yours). I suppose then, that your projects…OSP EGI (Ontological Structural Political Ethnic Genetic Interests) are you way of surviving (?) that emerging global hegemony. Am I correct here? Thanks for your time. 25
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 19 Jan 2023 14:03 | # “I have explained previously that Mearsheimer is WRONG because he reasons from “NATO expansion” - in itself a pre-determining and untrue concept - and not the struggle for global hegemony; and he begins from 2014 and not 1989/1990 ......” Well, maybe Mr. Cohen can do a better job getting through to you, Maybe can explain to you what happened in the time frame between 1980/1990 and 2020. Maybe he can explain to you step-by-step thus get you to understand why NATO expansion is one of the main reasons Russia launched the SMO in Ukraine. Maybe later we can talk about other salient reasons Russia was provoked; reasons such as the US-backed CIA instigated Maiden coup, the subsequent civil war, the Minsk agreement, to name a few. Listen and learn! As far as unipolar global hegemony goes (that’s a different topic from why Russia launced the SMO), it ain’t gonna happen. We are now in a multipolar world, one controlled by the West (the WEF gang), the other is shaping up to be controlled by the BRICS. 26
Posted by Timothy Murray on Thu, 19 Jan 2023 14:20 | #
WEF will not survive this global civil war. Cordially 27
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 19 Jan 2023 16:12 | # “WEF will not survive this global civil war.” The WEF as an org may very well disperse but its mission will live on. As we can plainly see liberal democracies in western countries are failing (Cultural Marxism torpedoed them); they are transitioning into technocracies/technates. Moreover, the same type of authoritarian asshole elites leading the WEF (Murray and Hernstein reffered to them as “cognitive elites”) will be in control of the technates. 28
Posted by Timothy Murray on Thu, 19 Jan 2023 18:09 | # @Thorn
Can you define technocracies/technates please? thx 29
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 19 Jan 2023 18:23 | # Earlier on the thread GW provided links to two very good articles vis-a-vis technates. And in case you’re interested, here’s a good piece on Cultural Marxism: Cultural Marxism’s Origins: 30
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 19 Jan 2023 19:18 | # Question for you, Tim: What do you plan on doing with all this new-to-you knowledge you’ve been acquiring? 31
Posted by Timothy Murray on Thu, 19 Jan 2023 21:07 | # Thank you for the links. I see the push for this as well. Also, I had forgotten about Gramsci, thanks for the reminder.
Rid Christendom of the jews, again, and help to restore Her and then expand to reclaim Constantinople. Part of this is understanding the (quite impressive) people who have rejected God and understanding their views at least as well as they do. I was very surprised during @GW’s interview with TAN to hear the “Whites are polish plumbers…” statement. Also, I am back on my big tech project. My bosses at the trucking job allowed me to cut back to 3 days a week. Yesterday was a 19 hour day…kicked my ass. hth. cheers. 32
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 19 Jan 2023 21:49 | # “Rid Christendom of the jews, again, and help to restore Her and then expand to reclaim Constantinople. Cool. I’m right there with ya, brother. 33
Posted by Timothy Murray on Thu, 19 Jan 2023 23:00 | #
Logos Rising, dude! On a serious side, what brand of Christian are you? I was baptised Catholic, was never formed, tried very hard to be a Protestant (failed) tried to be what the culture said I should be—pickup artist, multi millionaire, etc…. Tried Ram Dass (a jew, btw), Objectivism ala Ayn Rand (jew), Nathaniel Brandon self-esteem/rational approach (jew) I was fascinated that the Black-Pilled fellow , Devon Stack, at the Millennial Woes Yuletide is a Mormon (!) who laments the deterioration of what he calls a once robust faith at the hands of boomers. I am really surprised by this…one of the joys of bolting down this rabbit hole. (:
Blessings… 34
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 20 Jan 2023 12:45 | # “On a serious side, what brand of Christian are you?” Roman Catholic. 35
Posted by macrobius on Sun, 22 Jan 2023 04:11 | #
Mearsheimer does reason from the struggle for global hegemony. He his the foremost scholar today of the school of “offensive realism,” which posits the following:
Posted by macrobius on Sun, 22 Jan 2023 04:25 | # GW, From a nationalist, EGI perspective, why would it be less legitimate for Ukraine to be ruled by Russians than for it to have a nominally independent status in the Western, Atlanticist system wherein it is de facto ruled by Western Europe and the US? If we’re just talking about native populations, both Ukrainians and Russians are fellow Eastern Slavs and thus nationally and genetically closer than Ukrainians are with Westerners. And of course the reality is that the West is dominated by an increasingly non-white US, and Europe is diversifying rapidly as well. And a hostile foreign elite has de facto rule over the US and Europe. This makes the national divide between the West and Ukraine even greater. 37
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 22 Jan 2023 07:29 | # Ridding Christendom of Jews is a worthy project that Herr Hitler attempted. Perhaps you , Timothy , are just the Christian to achieve this Herculean feat . I await further and better particulars re your methodology. 38
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 22 Jan 2023 11:27 | # Macrobius,
Three reasons. First, a Russian conquest of Ukraine will generate the substantial ethnic cleansing of the remaining Ukrainian speakers and with it, of course, the non-return of the 8 million mostly women and children now scattered across neighbouring countries and the West. Indeed, the latter is a very simple means of achieving the former. In human historical terms, the suppression, weakening or breaking of the native principle - whichever is possible - is a common strategy on the lands over which an alien power gains control. Obviously, it is happening to whites in North America, western Europe and the Antipodes today. In the land of Ukraine, it would bring an end to the Ukrainian people within a few weeks or months. The central moral question of the war in Ukraine is how the native right of the Ukrainian people to survive as such and to live sovereign and free can be delivered. Ukrainians know they have to fight for these goods. But there are an awful lot of nationalists who simply can’t grasp that. They just want to indulge their taste for the anti-West narrative (you know, Soros, NATO, nuclear weapons, Nazis, Azov, Donbas, neocons, Biden, etc), so angered are they that the West is giving Ukrainians the arms to carry the fight to the invader. It’s as though, to use a medical parallel, a course of chemotherapy is considered to be worse than the cancer that is killing the body because of the identity of the doctor. The Ukrainian patient, however, must survive, as must every racially European people. That is the high moral cause of our extremely dangerous age. Second, although it has its historiographical source in pan-Asiatic theories which were more ethnological than Muscovite- and power-centred, Sergey Glazyev’s scheme of “Great Spaces”, with its technocratic oligarchism and mass, socialist egalitarianism, is absolutely as dangerous to native peoples as the Western elites’ model. Many good folk lightly assume that Putin has no globalist thought, and even that he is a nationalist fighting “the West” for us. He is certainly fighting the West, but for Glazyev’s globe of socialist empires under a Sino-Russian political, economic, and military hegemony. Native peoples inevitably and naturally express their own particular historical dynamic which must eventually come into conflict with a suppressing over-arching power. All imposed systems for the organisation of the life of peoples, therefore, become tyrannical and murderous. What tyranny and murder might be visited upon a dissenting European people by an Asiatic mind? Third, and rather more in the here and now, if Ukrainians can fight off the bear they will certainly seek future protection from it within NATO and through membership of the EU (which is already being prepared). It is then up to Ukrainians to control their racial and ethnic destinies, as do the ex Soviet satellites. These latter prove that it is not impossible to elect national politicians who are observant of the native principle, and can steer a stable course in that respect. We should not assume that Ukraine will automatically be lost to Africa, Arabia, and Asia. That history has yet to be written.
The vast majority of conflicts in human history have been between neighbouring tribes. Brotherliness there may be. But tribal resource acquisition from the Other, and personal status-seeking, of course, all too frequently trump it. Putin talked about “brothers” in his long and seminal, preparatory article published last June. But his army is fighting a very destructive war in Ukraine against its civilian population. Let that be your guide. On Mearsheimer, it doesn’t matter that he acknowledges the struggle for hegemony as a general principle if he excludes it from the Ukraine case except in relation to “the West”. It’s rubbish in - rubbish out. 39
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 22 Jan 2023 12:56 | # SMH Of course the SMO would have never happened in the Minsk Agreements had been abided by. But NATO, led by the U.S., never intended to abide by the Minsk Agreements. Instead they used those negotiations as a stall tactic in order to build-up Ukraine’s military sufficient enough to fight a proxy war with Russia. Angela Merkle recently admitted to that fact. Learn the history! In the mean time the escalation and expansion of the war continues apace. Furthermore, how many prominent western voices believe Russia has the intent of committing genocide against the Ukrainian people? I’m referring to credible western voices, not the very few afflicted with an acute case of Putin Derangement Syndrone (PDS) The answer is a big fat ZERO. Not even Biden is making such outrageous claims. Are the Russkies committing war crimes? Probably. Genocide? Nyet! 40
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 22 Jan 2023 14:52 | # Thorn, on your Cohenite conventionalism ... NATO is a defensive alliance. It cannot be expansive. It cannot order nations to submit to membership. It can only respond to a stated desire of a government for its nation state to become a member; whereupon a formal process is initiated. NATO did not expand into the Ukraine. Indeed, wary of Putin’s nature its leader discouraged Kiev’s ambitions. Were Ukraine to accede to membership NATO would not site nuclear weapons within its borders, as it does not in the Baltic States. However, Moscow has stuffed stolen Kaliningrad, which lies inside Poland, with said weapons. A double standard is in play. Here is the record of geopolitical aggression again: Moscow has an aggressively expansive agenda predicated on its desire to share as maximally as it can in the forthcoming Chinese global hegemony. To that end it has adopted a model of imperial structures around the world. America and Europe, meanwhile, seek a post-national, de-politicised, purely economic form for that hegemony (not least so the Western elites can safely sacrifice their own regional dominion and scale up to the global). This is the core of the contest. Delivery of the West’s model requires that Russia’s Eurasian Great Space is not realised, because its realisation will swing a wrecking ball at it and trigger protagonism among the other non-Western national players (Turkey, India, Brazil, maybe Iran), thus taking everything further towards Moscow and away from Washington. For those like you, for whom it is de rigueur to blame the West, this scenario of Russian global objectivity and aggression simply cannot compute. But it does compute, for example, for Western elites and for the Chinese, who have just signalled at Davos that they are renouncing the aggressive regionalism of the last few years and switching to the West’s model of geo-economics, thereby cutting Moscow adrift. It remains to be seen how the Turks and the others will respond. But one would expect that they will follow the Chinese rather than Putin’s adventurism. This is where we are today. Accept the fact. Putin is not a child, but you are infantilising him ... taking away his own powers of geopolitical action and turning him into a dupe. As for Minsk, Putin did not withdraw his forces, as required. As for genocide, ethnic cleansing and dispersal qualifies, in my opinion. 41
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 22 Jan 2023 17:55 | # “Accept the fact. Putin is not a child, but you are infantilising him ... taking away his own powers of geopolitical action and turning him into a dupe.” Nah, I think of Putin as anything but a dupe or infantile. If you compare him to our western leaders, he, by contrast, comes off as the only adult in the room. Have you read his speeches of late? How about the transcripts of his lengthy press conferences? I wish our elected politicians could demonstrate half the political acuity and perspicacity as he. The truth is ‘Putinism’ is the antithesis of modern-liberalism. Contrast that with our leaders; they are fierce promoters of modern-liberalism - which has devolved into a more virulent form - viz, wokeism. Make no mistake about it, GW, ideology shouldn’t be overlooked; it, too,is at the center of this conflict. It’s one of the main drivers. There is no getting around that fact. For example: When Putin kicked out Soros’ culture destroying NGOs, western leaders had a conniption.That’s when an all-out propaganda war against Putin began. In the eyes of western elites, that’s when Putin became Hitler. Of course, as expected, most of the compliant masses swallowed anti-Putin narrative and are behaving accordingly. 42
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 23 Jan 2023 07:51 | # I didn’t say that you thought Putin is infantile. I said that your argument that “NATO done it”, or whatever, renders him infantile, ie, a child-minded victim haplessly falling into traps set by the cunning Westerners, and apparently incapable of acting on his own initiative and according to his own geopolitical/global design. Actually, his initial design for Ukraine consisted in moving it along the Lukashenko path. When that failed (twice) he moved on to an artificially generated “frozen conflict” in Donetsk and Luhansk, which he then unfroze in February last year by launching a full invasion. His fourth design followed on the defeat at Kiev, and comprised a pivot back to “defending Russian speakers in the Donbas.” His fifth involved the fake referenda, which failed with the retreat from Kherson. His sixth, unfolding now, is a war of attrition using maximum available manpower and Gerasimov’s doctrine of hybrid warfare in an attempt to occupy the east of the country from the Dnipro to the border (which is what he should have tried in the first place). I still have no idea why any nationalist would support any of this. It is the polar opposite of what we believe. There is no such thing as Putinism, Thorn. It is widely understood within Russian intellectual circles (Dugin has said this, for example) that the man has no firm ideology. He is well known for blandness, which is often put forward as a reason for his longevity in power - he doesn’t favour or threaten any political caucus within the power structure but can, instead, skilfully balance one against another. His stated opinions grow out of, and serve, his geopolitical strategy, not the other way around. He’s not, of course, a politician by background but a security official, so none of this is really surprising. 43
Posted by macrobius on Mon, 23 Jan 2023 07:55 | # I doubt those Ukrainians will go back. Western countries want the cheap labor and many of those Ukrainians will want the better life. They’re the latest Polish plumbers. Regarding the native principle, we all agree to it in theory and as an ideal but in practice, plenty of, for example, British nationalists would not respect its application to the Home Nations, and English nationalists would not agree to, say, Yorkshire separatism. Moreover, nobody can deny that much of the current ostensible support for the native principle in Ukraine by alien powers and forces is not out of genuine support for the native principle. Indeed many of these alien powers and forces are devoted to the suppression, weakening or breaking of the native principle. I agree the future is unknowable, but that also applies to a future in which Russia is victorious. It’s precisely because the future is unknown that I raised the point about legitimacy from a nationalist EGI perspective, which I don’t think you’ve addressed. The fact remains that Ukrainians and Russians are kindred peoples: why would their association, even under the less than ideal form of the Russian Federation, be less legitimate than Ukraine being associated with less related Westerners and North Americans? 44
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 23 Jan 2023 12:44 | # GW, you’ve clearly articulated your position on the matter. You are entitled to it, and I respect it. In brief, my entire youth and a good part of my young adulthood was spent being scared shitless of the Russians. When the Soviet Union broke up in 1991 it came as a great relief. Of course, those same feelings of relief were felt by every patriotic American. But those feelings of relief began to dissipate every time we picked up the NYT or the WSJ and read articles on how the West was taking advantage of the situation (poking the bear, so to speak). NATO was expanding; redlines drawn by Russia were regularly being crossed. Fast forward to the US/CIA orchestrated coup in 2014 coup concomitant with the civil war in which Kiev forces began an oppression and killing campaign against the ethnic Russians in the east. That resulted in the final crossed red-line in which provoked the invasion. Did/do I support the invasion? I do not support white against white wars. I knew/know it would result in millions of casualties. Again, from what I gather it is the western elites that goaded Russia into this war. Furthermore, the western elites knew/know very well this war would/will cause great suffering and massive death to the white populations - both Ukrainian and Russian. So, if the anti-whites wanted to supercharge the genocidal process against the White race, a carefully crafted instigated war between Russia and NATO would do the trick, no? If a nuclear war were to break out, which countries to you think would be hit? Congo? Thailand? Sri Lanka? Of course, the major cities within the NATO countries along with those western Russia would be targeted. I’ve always been against needless aggression against Russia; common sense informs us it runs great risk of an escalation into a nuclear war. We are dangerously close to that very event. Who do we have to thank for that? Well, the record reflects the largest share of the blame rests on the shoulders of the hubristic western elites: they manipulated the conditions which caused Russia to be lured into Ukraine. In retrospect, Putin shouldn’t have taken the bait; but he did, and I see no way out except for a negotiated compromise. Of course, the problem with that is the USA is refusing to negotiate…. they want to see this though until Russia is defeated and the Putin regime is ousted from power. That’s been the USA’s plan from the beginning.
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 23 Jan 2023 14:22 | # Macrobius, I thought my comments about tribal warfare @ 38 did satisfy your question here:
But anyway, I have checked Salter’s quite thin remarks on tribal competition and defence of borders, and on warfare, and - perhaps unsurprisingly - found no direct reference to the relative adaptability of becoming a satrapy of a genetically close tribe rather than a distant one. His underlying assumption, though, is that satrapy can never be truly adaptive, and adaptiveness itself may rest on the style of government as much or more than the identity of the governor. Salter specifically criticises fascism for its openness to free-riders in the absence of democratic accountability. A colonial system which permitted a reasonable degree of group autonomy would be preferable. So, for example, the British dislodged the Turks from India but ruled in a more subtle manner, the result of which is that we eventually left behind the world’s biggest democracy (which survives in robust order today). Likewise and to return to the war in Ukraine, the Russian speaking population has overwhelmingly supported the rest of the people in defending the land from the Russian Army. They obviously don’t want Putin’s Russian World but prefer the promised freedoms of the West. So Salter probably has a point. Salter makes a further useful distinction. The autonomy of the group, understood as a negative freedom that accommodates the destining of the group, differs from the positive freedom that is the autonomy of the individual. Liberalism’s pursuit of the subject without confines is highly liable to break down the commonalities and thus prove be non-adaptive. One additional point I sometimes make, and which bears on ethnicity and identity perhaps more directly than on EGI, though it bears on that too, is that the patchwork of Europe’s distinctive peoples must never be lost to the neoliberal mixing-up of Europeans. If the English become Slavified, for example, that’s it. Our distinctiveness (ie, a genetic interest in itself) is gone and our people are lost forever. The Slavified folk might be genetically similar to us, and more able than, say, a mulattoised population to make and maintain a life like ours. But we are neither Slav nor mulatto. We must stand in the history of Man as we are, for all time (subject to the four modes of natural genetic variation, of course). I hope those observations add to that debate. Thanks for raising an interesting point. 46
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 23 Jan 2023 15:24 | #
I wish you had some training in textual analysis, then the loaded character of what you write would become transparent. NATO did not expand in and of itself to threaten Russia. The ex-Soviet satellites desired NATO’s umbrella for their own safety from the bear next door. Would you have them stand alone and defenceless? In any case, Russia is just another country. It does not have a sacred right to dispose of the freedoms of neighbouring peoples. If they don’t want Russian control they don’t have to have it. The Russians must learn humility and respect, on which basis they can take their place in the civilised world (minus their military power).
So the Ukrainian people never rose up against Yanukovych’s corrupt election in 2004 and forced him to return to the electorate the following year, whereupon he was defeated? Obviously not, because ten years later the same people protested in Kiev and across the country at Yanukovych’s Russophile policies, and brought him down again. But, apparently, that was just the CIA, and really everyone loved Yanukovych all long! Why did we never know this? Those evil, evil CIA.
I’ve had many a run-in across the Disqus threads with obvious state keyboard jockeys, and the Donbas conflict is a favourite propaganda subject. The guys are all pretty useless. But I guess they are paid to wind out a fixed roster of “points”. The cruel Hohol bombing of the loyal and loving Russians of Luhansk and Donetsk is a favourite one. However, a little sleight of hand is obviously required to move the needle on the number of dead loyal and loving Russians, such that a total of 14,000 is serially quoted. It doesn’t take much effort to establish that this is actually the total for all deaths in the conflict. Pointing out this inconvenient fact causes said keyboard jockey to disappear like Keyser Söze, but only for a couple of hours.
Except for the geopolitics, which completely falsifies the party line.
Ditto. This, too, is unhinged by the geopolitics.
So why, in fact, are the elites and politicos across the major economies striving away in the geo-economic and geopolitical realms? Because that is the reality of their concerns. The mad-cap on-line world of the American right simply doesn’t care. It flies down all its favourite rabbit holes instead, which is less like hard work and a lot more satisfying.
Moscow fomented a war in a neighbour’s land as preamble to and an excuse for a full invasion. Moscow is not a victim. It’s the aggressor bombing and shelling civilians in their homes, attempting to freeze them to death in the depths of winter, torturing and murdering civilians, killing prisoners of war, kidnapping children ... But notwithstanding all that, and as I have repeatedly asked you, why the conflicts and land-grabs to the south of Russia’s borders, and why the political absorption of Belarus (against the will of the people, don’t forget)? Come on Thorn, it’s a crock of the proverbial. There is a world of serious politics out there, on which basis grown up judgements can be made. 47
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 23 Jan 2023 16:59 | # “So the Ukrainian people never rose up against Yanukovych’s corrupt election in 2004 and forced him to return to the electorate the following year, whereupon he was defeated? Obviously not, because ten years later the same people protested in Kiev and across the country at Yanukovych’s Russophile policies, and brought him down again. But, apparently, that was just the CIA, and really everyone loved Yanukovych all long! Why did we never know this? Those evil, evil CIA.” Okay wise guy. Approximately half the Ukrainian people supported Yanukovych, half opposed him. How about this: The territory east of the Dnieper goes to those with an affinity to Russian culture. The territory west of the Dnieper can join NATO and the EU. Problem solved. But that would be too much like right. The USA wants it all, including control of Russia. 48
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 23 Jan 2023 17:43 | # During the past 40 years or so, incredibly harebrained miscalculations have proven to be the hallmark of western elites: Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, the Arab Spring, and so on….. but this Ukraine thing is fast shaping up to be the mother of all fuck-ups. 49
Posted by Manc on Mon, 23 Jan 2023 19:01 | # @46, Jeeezus Christ, you have some patience GW. Is there any chance of you posting links to the forums using the Disqus format for my future reference ? I have to admit that I miss the cut and thrust of that particular commenting system, along with the bets I place with myself over how long it will take for me to be banned. 50
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 23 Jan 2023 19:27 | # Well, this outta get your attention.
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 23 Jan 2023 20:43 | # This is a very good interview, GW. It might help straighten out some of the many misconceptions of yours. The interview took place 3 years ago -well before the SMO - but it is still relevant. (You can skip the 35:40 minute mark, That’s where it gets really informative..) War with Russia? Stephen F. Cohen and Dan Rather in Conversation with Katrina Vanden Heuvel (Hope you can look past the fact Stephen F. Cohen is a joo.)
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 24 Jan 2023 01:37 | # Hi Manc, good to see you. The two Disqus forums I most use are the Speccie and TCW: The Gateway Pundit and Breitbart remain Disqus-based. But quite a few of the other media seem to have quit it. Morgoth shut the threads and froze his site, as you probably know (the hardcore readership are here: Guido is now Vuukle, as is ConHome. 53
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 24 Jan 2023 02:56 | # I meant to include this 2010 electoral results map with my comment @47. It’s self-explanatory as to why Ukraine should to be split-up into two separate countries. 54
Posted by macrobius on Tue, 24 Jan 2023 05:19 | # GW, Your argument for Ukraine seems to rest not exclusively on the national principle and EGI, but also seems to depend on some aspects of liberalism and democracy. If we focus exclusively on the national principle/EGI, it seems to me that arguments for both Ukrainian independence and Russian federation can be justified, as well as for splitting Ukraine in half, as illustrated by Thorn’s map above. To continue the analogy I mentioned earlier, would English nationalists accept Wales or Scotland becoming independent states in a new Warsaw Pact with Russia hostile to England? 55
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 24 Jan 2023 10:16 | # Macrobius, Thorn I will deal first with the philosophy and second with the error that the Kremlin is seeking ethnic unification. My argument, Macrobius, is drawn not, of course, from liberalism but from ethnic nationalism as I understand it: I see ethnic nationalism as having two lines of emergence which converge in the destining of the folk, and one which runs parallel, always at a short distance, and which is what for the purposes of this comment we might call natural culture: To destine requires what Heidegger called “self-assertion”. Because we live in a liberal system and only ever speak to foundational liberals, we may communicate by approximating that with the easily understood words “freedom and autonomy”. In fact, they actually describe a more passive state with inferences of won or granted “rights” arising out of an original state of social oppression (ie, the Judaic analysis), so they are not ethnic nationalist as such. The term “self-determination” is quite close but plainly less complete. For his part, Salter approximates with the related but procedural term “democracy”. In all cases, however, it should be clear that no external impost (Daniel’s specificatory structure for example, or the National Socialist notion of will, or your notion of a unification pursuant to genetic relation) may be held over a given population. Where that is done the guiding idea is no longer ethnic nationalist, but has become something else. Applying self-assertion, then, and taking international law as our guide, an external nation may not take it upon itself to direct a diaspora population towards secession from their existing nation, as it is bordered and recognised, for the purpose of (territorial) unification. That is jus cause for the existing nation. Never is this rule of non-interference more the case than in Europe, which is peppered with small diaspora populations. There are two courses open to diasporas. Individuals may migrate to the external nation (presumably the mother country), or political movements may arise to argue for unification. If such a political movement had arisen in eastern and southern Ukraine prior to 2014, then I don’t know of it. There probably were such parties given that Ukraine before the war was full of small and clamorous parties, and not a few had been banned for what the state considered sedition. Anyway, the indications from the Orange Revolution of 2004/5 and the Revolution of Dignity of 2014, are that, nationally at least, a political (as opposed to cultural) Russophilia was profoundly unwanted - a fact further demonstrated during the initial invasion of February 2022 when the Russian Army was received not with flowers and salt but with sullen resentment. The second, totally false assumption, which I had foolishly hoped to kill off by now, is that Moscow is motivated by a loving desire for ethnic reunification and integrity. There is no evidence at all for this, and plenty of evidence in the blasted homes and newly-dug cemeteries for the opposite. Russia is, in fact, a multiracial empire held together by state diktat and the threat of imprisonment, or worse, for activism against the political system. What we know is that the international community does not operate on the “people-loving Russia” assumption, but on the cold-eyed realism that the drive for a fourth Russian empire .... a Eurasian “Great Space” ... is the vital determinant for the further quest for a post-Western Sino-Russian global hegemony. The endless recourse of Chichikov’s chess opponent to cheating and lying and threats applies to the Russian state. Only the victims of the cheating and lying and threats follow the state line, and American and European nationalists have hurried to make themselves victims. For clarity, then, Putin doesn’t give a flying one for the Russian-speaking diaspora in eastern and southern Ukraine. He is, or was, constructing his fourth Russian empire for the Davosian future. Every politically interested person who isn’t a mechanical West-hater knows this. But, of course, nationalists believe that doesn’t matter because they possess a special knowledge, and that vanity pulls them into the lie. That’s the situation. 57
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 25 Jan 2023 01:16 | # The only thing surprising about the following would be there are still people around who think Russia is more repressive than the UK. But unfortunately and unsurprisingly the world is full of “surprises.” “Arrested for a social media post” | Konstantin Kisin
Posted by macrobius on Wed, 25 Jan 2023 02:40 | # GW, Regarding non-interference: the machinations of Victoria Nuland and other elements of the American Deep State in Ukraine in the lead up to the war are a matter of record.. I think we can all agree that Moscow is not some completely pure and innocent actor, but your comic villain caricature of Putin and Russia is unjustified. Your suggestion that there is absolutely no national, fraternal, ethnic feeling toward Ukraine from Russia is not justified either. This conflict is to an extent an internal civil war between Eastern Slavs and we all know civil wars are bloody things. As for the native principle, which nation do Zelensky, Boca Raton, and Larry Fink’s BlackRock, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs et al represent? 59
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 25 Jan 2023 23:44 | # Like I was saying in my comments @ #‘s 44 & 48 60
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 26 Jan 2023 00:09 | # Ooops. I should’ve included the first and last sentences of Vox’s piece. 61
Posted by macrobius on Thu, 26 Jan 2023 04:09 | # GW, Regarding non-interference: the machinations of Victoria Nuland and other elements of the American Deep State in Ukraine in the lead up to the war are a matter of record. I think we can all agree that Moscow is not some completely pure and innocent actor, but your comic villain caricature of Putin and Russia is unjustified. Your suggestion that there is absolutely no national, fraternal, ethnic feeling toward Ukraine from Russia is not justified either. This conflict is to an extent an internal civil war between Eastern Slavs and we all know civil wars are bloody things. As for the native principle, which nation do Zelensky, Boca Raton, and Larry Fink’s BlackRock, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs et al represent? 62
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 26 Jan 2023 07:36 | # Macrobius, Back on 8th April I posted a piece on a Russian response to a vote in the UN General Council to exclude the RF from the UN Human Rights Council. It is here: Kramatorsk is a town on the western edge of Donetsk oblast. It is a principal base for the Ukrainian Army. But the Russians did not attack the Ukrainian Army. They attacked civilians, probably overwhelmingly Russian speakers, massed at the train station to wait for a train to take them west and out of danger. They attacked them with cluster bombs. For a few of us the Kramatorsk attack provided an early and vivid insight into what the Kremlin is really doing in Ukraine, and why nothing the bulk of nationalists had said about that was remotely true. In my piece I wrote:
The piece went on to comment upon the personality type of nationalists who have become such committed ideologists and apologists for Putin and his circle, painstakingly following the Kremlin line. I should really have continued that line of thought, to question what a nationalist is, and is not. But, then, who anyway among all those who simply will not accept the geopolitical analysis or the moral analysis or the simple, undeniable facts, but cleaves relentlessly to his own echo-chambered prejudices about “the West” or “Jews”, wants to really, definitively think about nationalism? Do any of them remotely want to understand that nationalism is not the JQ, but the life and interest of peoples? For my part, I have been too optimistic about the capacity of these people to respond to the Russian reality. In a comment under the Kramatorsk article I wrote:
The final observation was evidently, depressingly wide of the mark. 63
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 26 Jan 2023 11:57 | # “As for the native principle, which nation do Zelensky, Boca Raton, and Larry Fink’s BlackRock, JP Morgan, Goldman Sachs et al represent?” Excellent question. Corruption abounds in the most corrupt country in Europe! Of course those entities you listed - along with the entire military-industrial complex - want that corruption to continue. So much power to be accrued; so much wealth to be extracted; so much money to be made! And let’s not overlook George Soros’ influence. He’s been plying his ethnic-nationalist destroying trade in Ukraine for decades. (Putin had the good sense to kick Soros’ evil ass out of Russia years ago.) That too is a matter of record. 64
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 26 Jan 2023 14:05 | # Should we dismiss this as anti-Western propaganda? Or is it a truthful report on the atrocious war crimes being committed by the Zelensky regime. War is hell, I know, but let’s at least cast aside emotions and broaden our perspective. Moreover, let’s be more objective in our assessment. Obviously, emotions, both primary and secondary, cloud objectivity.
read more>> 65
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 26 Jan 2023 15:19 | # I think, Thorn, that it is pretty clear that one has been co-opted into the service of a more powerful entity than oneself - an entity playing on one’s prejudices - when one pivots away to any and every diversion rather than gaze into the face of Brother Occam. In your present case, the Moscow line is that Kiev and not Moscow ...
... is conscripting far-flung ethnic minorities, notwithstanding the fact that Ukraine, with a population less than 30% of Russia’s and a ban on anyone male of fighting age leaving the country, does not have the luxury of cushioning things for the sons of Vlodymyr Zelensky’s political supporters in Kiev and Lviv. In reality, Valery Zaluzhny’s strategy is that his army, as the numerically inferior force (by a factor of four or five to one at Soledar, for example) bleeds Russia of its soldiery while preserving Ukrainian lives as much as possible, even when that means ceding territory and falling back to prepared second lines for rotational defence to begin the process again. It’s the bleeding that counts. The Russian volunteer Murz explained this strategy:
Nationalists - if they ever were real nationalists - have been fed the poison of their prejudices, and have gulped it down without a single thought for their own independence of judgement and mind. 66
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 26 Jan 2023 17:20 | # Ol’ Brother Occam has been telling us Russia was provoked - over and over and over again. Some people haven’t been listening. Must be due to PDS or sumthin’ like that. “Nationalists - if they ever were real nationalists - have been fed the poison of their prejudices, and have gulped it down without a single thought for their own independence of judgement and mind.” Amazing! GW, you are just as subject to being brainwashed by propaganda as anyone else - obviously. It would be wise of you to accept that fact. 67
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 26 Jan 2023 19:53 | # What, exactly, provoked Lukashenko to pass the State Union Law? It was not the voters of Belarus, who seem to want a future without Lukashenko in the West. So could it have been Neocons? Or Zelensky? Or NATO? Or could it have been the Kremlin? Why, in 2015, did Putin pivot towards developing the Union State into a Eurasian Economic Union? Was it to unite the Ruthenians in the east with Muscovites? Was it then just bad luck for the western Belarussians that they had to be pulled in too? Or was it all of a piece with responding to the rise of China and the coming Chinese global hegemony? Could that explain the military campaigns against Georgia and Chechnya (twice)? Could that explain the intimidation of Armenia? Is there a single, long-term and over-arching policy at work here? And could it be the Great Spaces model? Or is it all just “the West”? What would Brother Occam the geopolitician conclude? What would any intelligent person conclude? 68
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 26 Jan 2023 21:30 | # Allow me to convert your comment from questions to statements. This is what you’re saying: The Kremlin provoked Lukashenko to pass the State Union Law - Belarussian voters’ wishes for western democracy notwithstanding. Furthermore, in 2015 Putin pivoted towards developing the Union State into a Eurasian Economic Union. It was to unite the Rutheenians in the east with Muscovites. Apparently it went against western Belarussians wishes, they had to be pulled in. You see, it was all a piece responding to the rise of China and the coming Chinese global hegemony. Obviously that explains the military campaigns against Georgia and Chechnya (twice)!!! It also explains the intimidation of Armenia! The aforementioned is part-and-parcel to a single, long-term overarching policy at work here. Some term it as the Great Spaces model. “Western” involvement (Zelensky, NATO, Neocons) is nowhere to be seen in all this. Thank you for your opinion, GW. It is duly noted and I’ll take it under advisement. 69
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 26 Jan 2023 23:48 | # I was not actually offering an opinion, other than that the actions of the Kremlin must be commonly explicable for each theatre in which Russian state power is brought to bear. There can’t be irrational contradictions between them, because great powers never behave in that manner. Now, by the empirical method an hypothesis can be subjected to a test for falsification. In respect to the Russian Problem, one method of doing that is to try it in all available scenarios to which it can reasonably be applied. If it does not function in all of them, its explanatory (or predictive) power is compromised. One must then continue the search for a consistent alternative. So, if for the sake of convenience we enter the Kremlin’s multiple actions in the southern states (somewhat loosely) under the headings of the Caucasus and Central Asia, there are then five theatres, the others being Belarus, Ukraine, Syria. In the first and last cases, the hostile external interest is Turkey. In the second it is China, and in the third and fourth it is the West. Can your hypothesis of Russian innocence and pain - let’s call it “NATO provocation and Jews” - be shown to fit all of these? Obviously not. Can it be shown to fit the two current theatres on Russia’s western border? Well, it doesn’t fit Belarus. So that leaves us with one theatre, Ukraine. But the problem is that there is another hypothesis that fits not only Ukraine but all the other theatres - even Syria, where the geopolitical/global goal is to contain Turkey to the south (as well as the east) so that it cannot, under its ambitious ruler Erdogan, inhibit the development of the great Eurasian space. The geopolitical/global hypothesis does work, Thorn. Brother Occam is an empiricist! 70
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 27 Jan 2023 12:07 | # ”....the geopolitical/global goal is to contain Turkey to the south (as well as the east) so that it cannot, under its ambitious ruler Erdogan, inhibit the development of the great Eurasian space.” Interesting hypothesis, GW. It may very well be the case. What I’m concerned about is the narrative western elites are propagating: “Putin is a madman who must be stopped at all costs!” “At all costs.” Meaning continuing to fund the war until Russia is driven out of all Ukraine territories including Crimea. Getting back to Brother Occam. Would he agree it’s a good idea to corner a wild animal? No, Brother Occam would say that would be stupid. Well, how about cornering a wild animal that possesses the world’s largest nuclear arsenal? Brother Occam wouldn’t hesitate to say that is beyond stupid. The western elites should be devising ways to get back to the negotiating table - to provide Putin an “off-ramp” so to speak. Instead our leaders keep escalating the intensity and expanding the boundaries of the war. Brother Occam says this course of action will not end well. 72
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 28 Jan 2023 14:07 | # On a serious note, if you really want to get inside the collective head of those making decisions vis-a-vis U.S. foreign policy, the ISW would be one of the main go-to sources. It seems that particular think-tank is wielding a great deal of influence driving the policy making decisions within the Department of State, the Department of Defense and the White House itself. Incidentally ISW is in-part funded by defense contractors. IOWs, the ISW, in large part, represents the interests of the military-industrial complex. 73
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 28 Jan 2023 19:15 | # Correction: ..... if you really want to understand what’s going on inside the collective head…. 74
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 28 Jan 2023 19:17 | # Thorn, when the time comes the back channel will probably run between the State Department and maybe Patrushev junior, with a view to the “hawk” Patrushev senior - “the right man to hold Russia together and take the necessary measures to restore peace with its neighbour” - replacing Putin (who will probably suffer a stroke). Then it will be time for diplomatic solutions to the questions of the Donbas, Crimea, reparations, and war crimes prosecutions. Patrushev will have little actual control over the process, but enough will be done to maintain the illusion of it for the benefit of the domestic Russian audience. Russia will gain nothing from Putin’s adventurism. Kiev will agree to a temporary semi-autonomous status for the Donbas, replacing Putin’s creations in Luhansk and Donetsk, for a maximum period of ten years within which a formal and binding referendum decision on its future must be held. There may be a role for the UN in monitoring that whole process. Crimea will be returned to Ukraine, the Russians will leave and the Tartars will go home, the bridge will remain but under Ukrainian control. The naval bases will be leased to Russia for fifty years. For its part, Russia will be restored to the family of nations. A new, politically more relaxed age will dawn, when “the mistakes of the oligarchic past will not be repeated” and ordinary Russians will feel they have “their due stake in the country” (if not the exercise of power). Internationally, Russia’s geopolitical ambitions will be ended. War reparations will be paid out of renewed energy sales to the West. Those who are responsible for the major war crimes will be punished. The world will turn. 75
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 28 Jan 2023 21:30 | # GW, You might be a bit surprised but I can pretty much agree with everything you predicted there - it makes sense. Whilst reading you comment, it reminded me that for the last week or so I’ve been thinking it wouldn’t surprise me if one day soon, we wake up to the news that Putin is pulling all Russian troops out of Ukraine and stepping down as president. But as the saying goes: You never know what the future holds. Or as Yogi Berra famously said: “It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” lol ... So true, Yogi. So true. 76
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 29 Jan 2023 14:29 | # From the IWS website HOW WE GOT HERE WITH RUSSIA: THE KREMLIN’S WORLDVIEW Thorn note: If you read the full report you should be able to easily identify the “Putin is a madman” narrative incorporated throughout. It’s not excessively blatant but it’s not subtle either. 77
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 29 Jan 2023 19:14 | # 29 Jan, 2023
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 29 Jan 2023 20:06 | # OK, well, it’s RT, so it’s propaganda. What does it actually mean, when one factors out the inanity of the Russian state actor? Is it, for example, a response (like the sudden pivot on tanks and the conversations now about aircraft) to Putin’s strategy switch to a long war of attrition? 79
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 29 Jan 2023 23:09 | # Okay, I can understand being scepticle of RT, so here it is directly from the source: Avoiding a Long War 80
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 29 Jan 2023 23:48 | # Digital ID—> digital currency—> restrictions on what you can purchase—> total control ....
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 30 Jan 2023 00:01 | # OK, Thorn, the date of the essay is this month, which means it was likely written over the course of the last two or three weeks. The writers got their timing a bit wrong. The positions of the Americans and Europeans as heavy armaments suppliers has changed just in the last few days in response to the Russian Army’s long-run raw manpower-based strategy which is now in effect (and is going to have a short-term military impact). In other words, the essay is asking a question which has already been answered. The further supply, probably to be announced in the next week, of ATTACMS and F16s reflect a decision in Washington to move Russian combat effectiveness to a point where a conclusion can be coerced upon the Russian elites. Again, I would remind you that the Chinese have signalled an end to “the cold war mentality”, ie, Taiwan is secure for the foreseeable future. The Americans can focus fully on the Putin problem. He, meanwhile, has lost his “unlimited friendship” with Beijing, and now seems only to have North Korea and Iran for company. He may have been warned of the policy change in Beijing well before the Davos speech. In any event, he is looking pretty spooked at the moment, what with his talk about this now being a war direct with NATO. If he believes that, then he also knows he must lose. So will the other Russian elites. The question is how many Russians must die as “attrition” before those elites are in a position domestically to remove the obstacle to peace and a return to normality. 82
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 30 Jan 2023 12:41 | # “The further supply, probably to be announced in the next week, of ATTACMS and F16s reflect a decision in Washington to move Russian combat effectiveness to a point where a conclusion can be coerced upon the Russian elites.” Or such high-risk decisions will cause the Russian elites to move ever so closer to retaliating with nuclear weapons. Of course, that is what the authors of the Rand report are warning against and are most concerned about. 83
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 30 Jan 2023 13:12 | # Because, Thorn, you have bought into the lie that “it’s only about the Russian-speakers of the Donbas”, you don’t apprehend that appeasing Putin and gifting him Ukraine - and it does mean the whole of Ukraine - will not lessen the likelihood of nuclear conflict in Europe. It will increase it, because he won’t stop there. The east Europeans of the former Soviet satellites, who have lived and suffered under the Russian thumb and justly fear the Russian imperialist Mind, understand that very clearly. They are your moral, historical, and practical guide here, not RT for heavens sake, or Macgregor, Napolitano, The Duran, or any of those alt-net people. 84
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 30 Jan 2023 14:52 | # “Because, Thorn, you have bought into the lie that “it’s only about the Russian-speakers of the Donbas” Really? Is that what I’ve done? lol “you don’t apprehend that appeasing Putin and gifting him Ukraine - and it does mean the whole of Ukraine - will not lessen the likelihood of nuclear conflict in Europe. It will increase it, because he won’t stop there.” I disagree. I think Russia’s main intent is that of security, not conquest. (I think the Russkies learned their lesson in Afghanistan vis-a-vis conquest.) “The east Europeans of the former Soviet satellites, who have lived and suffered under the Russian thumb and justly fear the Russian imperialist Mind, understand that very clearly. They are your moral, historical, and practical guide here, not RT for heavens sake, or Macgregor, Napolitano, The Duran, or any of those alt-net people.”
I try to inform my opinion via a wide range of ‘mainstream’ sources. From WSJ to the NYT. Think-tanks such as the ISW, Rand Corporation, The Heritage Foundation,The Claremont Institute, etc. To name a few names: John Mearsheimer, Stephen F. Cohen, Chris Hedges, and Tucker Carlson are worth listening to. Of course none of the aforementioned are of the alt-right bent.
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 30 Jan 2023 15:37 | # If Putin sought security, what was he doing when he installed a puppet in Kiev? The norm is friendship, not a takeover. Further, what is Glazyev talking about with his Great Spaces model and his global socialism? That doesn’t fit with friendship with anyone. What is the intent behind his work with the CCP to introduce a BRICS-based alt-reserve currency? That’s pure geopolitical opportunism. Why is Belarus being eaten alive? Why the serial wars and intimidations in the south? Why the invention of Russian World? As noted at @69:
Since everything on Putin’s charge sheet is aggressive in nature and not defensive, we cannot seriously maintain the illusion of “peace-loving Russia”. It’s just not defensible. I agree with your efforts to obtain a broad interpretive flow. But something is going wrong if you have not yet grasped the geopolitical nettle. 86
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 30 Jan 2023 19:08 | # “But something is going wrong if you have not yet grasped the geopolitical nettle.”
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 30 Jan 2023 19:11 | # # FUSA (Former United States of America) Is he wrong? 88
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 02 Feb 2023 13:36 | # Remember back during the post Maiden Coup—up to and including the early stages of the SMO—the MSM was littered with reports concerning several bioweapons labs located throughout Ukraine? then all of a sudden reporting on those biolabs ceased to be covered? Well, here’s an interesting reminder of those labs along with some reasons why they fell off the MSM radar: 89
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 03 Feb 2023 17:22 | # I think this is pretty much right on target. What say you, Big G?
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 09 Feb 2023 13:18 | #
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 09 Feb 2023 23:34 | # Just a little something to mull over. 92
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 12 Mar 2023 18:17 | # Biden DOJ Crusade to Jail Young Man for Anti-Hillary Memes Just Got Much Uglier “stochastic terrorism” Read all about it!!! 93
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 13 Mar 2023 06:33 | # Ha ha . Good old Hillary . When she was a partner in the Little Rock, AR legal practice known as the Rose Law Firm , she was so impressive in defending Bentonville’s plutocratic Waltons that the heinous bitch was elected a Director of Walmart. ‘88 or so ? 94
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 13 Mar 2023 15:25 | # Heinous Hillary is one beast of a bitch. She’s Winnie Mandela, Pol Pot, Bernie Madoff and an obese Jane Fonda all rolled into one. And to think that in the 2016 presidential race, she won the popular vote; she lost the Electoral College vote due to Trump winning by very slim margins in swing counties within swing states. But to make matters worse, to this very day, practically the entire power structure runs interference and protects her. Tells us how corrupt and far down the Americano value system has degraded to. 95
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 13 Mar 2023 15:52 | # But as bad as a Hillary Administration potentially could have been, I seriously doubt it would have been nearly as destructive as the Biden Administration. Biden is proving to be more destructive than Obama by at least four-fold. 96
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 15 Mar 2023 12:46 | #
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsThorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View) |
Posted by timothy murray on Sun, 04 Dec 2022 19:36 | #