An example of why the European penchant for attendance to Augustinian devils is not ultimately naive

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 19 July 2019 08:47.

Even if we can survive the manichean devils (interpersonal and intergroup trickery of other peoples), our survival will ultimately depend upon our capacity to solve Augustinian devils (natural challenges and affliction) - e.g., the ability to track asteroids and devise a way to intervene with them when they would otherwise crash into the earth and cause mass extinction as in the case of the dinosaurs.

No, an Asteroid Won’t Hit Earth on Sept. 9 and Here’s Why

By Passant Rabie Science & Astronomy, 18 July 2019:

That’s one less asteroid for Earth to worry about.

A potentially hazardous asteroid that had a small chance of smashing into Earth this September isn’t heading for our planet after all.

Astronomers ruled out the asteroid’s chance of impact with Earth after they were not able to spot it within the area of its predicted collision course, making it the first time an asteroid impact was ruled out based on “non-detection.”

The area in the sky where astronomers would have spotted the asteroid 2006 QV89 if it was on a collision course with Earth, with the three crosses marking the specific locations. (Image: © ESO)

The asteroid, named 2006 QV89, was discovered on Aug. 29, 2006 by the Catalina Sky Survey near Tucson, Arizona. It measures between 70 to 160 feet (20 to 50 meters) in diameter, or somewhere between the length of a bowling alley and the width of a football field. Observations suggested that it had a one-in-7,000 chance of impacting Earth on Sept. 9, 2019.

Related: Potentially Dangerous Asteroids (Images)

After its discovery in 20016, the asteroid was observed for 10 days before disappearing from the astronomers’ sight, according to a statement by the European Southern Observatory (ESO). As the date for the potential collision approached, astronomers could only predict the location of the asteroid with very low accuracy, which made it difficult to locate with a telescope.

In order to confirm whether or not the asteroid was still headed for collision with Earth, astronomers at the European Space Agency (ESA) and ESO took a different approach. Rather than trying to observe the asteroid itself, astronomers observed where it should have been if it were, in fact, heading toward Earth.

Using ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), they captured deep images of the area where it would have been if it were on track to collide with our planet, ESO officials said in the statement. Following observations of the area on July 4-5, astronomers could not find the asteroid and therefore concluded that it would not be impacting Earth.

Even if the asteroid is smaller than initially believed, it would have been spotted by the telescope, ESO said in the statement. And if it were any smaller than that — too small for the telescope to detect — it would pose no threat to Earth, as it would burn up in the planet’s atmosphere.

Astronomers Spotted a Car-Size Asteroid Just Hours Before Impact
New Look at 111-Year-Old Asteroid Hit Provides Clues to Future Impacts
How Earth Life Could Come Back from a Sterilizing Asteroid Impact
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Posted by Tobias Landgon proofed on Tue, 23 Jul 2019 17:39 | #

From TOO, Tobias Langon, 22 July 2019:

Why We Are Not Going to Mars: How the Fight for “Equality” Could Mean the Death of Humanity.

Why We Are Not Going to Mars: How Chasing After the Red Cape Against Equality as Opposed to Maintaining the Anti-Cartesian Proposition of Racial Group Classifications and Necessary Discrimination Thereupon Could Mean the Death of Humanity.

Ibid: In January 2019, a happy, healthy 51-year-old White man called Lee Pomeroy boarded a train for London with his 14-year-old son. He never reached his destination, because en route he got into an argument with a 36-year-old Black man called Darren Pencille. This was a very unwise thing to do, because Pencille won the argument by murdering Pomeroy in a “frenzied attack,” stabbing him “18 times in 25 seconds.”

Lee Pomeroy never reached his destination

This was what I call a “meteor murder.” It flashed through the headlines once when it happened in January and once again when Pencille was convicted in July. Now it’s very likely gone for ever, like many other horrific crimes committed by non-Whites against Whites. There is no mainstream analysis of these crimes and no public lessons are ever drawn from them. Unlike the “racist murder” of the Black teenager Stephen Lawrence, which everlastingly tells us how evil and oppressive Whites are towards non-Whites, the murder of Lee Pomeroy tells us nothing about “race relations.” Absolutely nothing! Lee Pomeroy was a random victim of a misguided fellow human, like the academic Dr Jeroen Ensink, who was stabbed to death by a Black in 2015, or the beautiful White teenager Christina Edkins, who was stabbed to death by a Black in 2013, or the naïve White teenager Mary-Ann Leneghan, who was raped, tortured and murdered by a Black gang in 2006, or the scores or even hundreds of elderly White women raped by a Black gerontophile from 1992 to 2006.

America could have been on Mars

This is because humanity could easily be wiped out or plunged back to barbarism by one of the catastrophes that have struck the Earth many times before. It could be an asteroid strike or a giant volcanic eruption or a technological disaster or something huge and deadly that no-one has even dreamt of yet. Like Lee Pomeroy, the White race is travelling somewhere. We have a destination. And I fear that, like Lee Pomeroy, we will never get there, thanks to non-White dysfunction. As the great Paul Kersey of Stuff Black People Don’t Like has put it: “America could have been on Mars!” But America isn’t on Mars. Instead, it has been wasting trillions of dollars on its violent and dysfunctional Blacks: “If you are a white American, over the course of your lifetime the federal government will, on average and on your behalf, transfer $384,109 of your wealth and income to a single black individual.”

America is pursuing an illusion: the impossible, illogical and insane goal of “equality.” All other Western nations have wasted huge sums on the same impossible quest

Corrected: Classification, including racial/social classification or categorization as it were, is a psychological necessity that cannot be avoided as an inborn requirement to facilitate the identification of patterns dangerous to one’s person and species network.
Right wingers have been chasing the the red cape of anti-equality, and making themselves look very bad at that, while being distracted from what should be the main goal of group homeostasis. Instead…

America is pursuing a dangerous Lockeatine misconception: the impossible, illogical and insane goal of anti-classification in favor of civic individual rights. All other Western nations have wasted huge sums on the same quest to overcome “racism.”

An asteroid strike could wipe out humanity

But the “Fight for Equality” doesn’t just involve Blacks and other non-Whites. Huge sums have also been spent to rescue women and homosexuals from inequality, oppression and insult. Again, the money has been wasted — in effect, wasted twice over.

Corrected: But the Fight for Anti-Classification and discrimination thereupon (in flattery of a permanent state of objective superiority, doesn’t just involve Blacks and other non-Whites. Huge sums have also been spent to rescue women and homosexuals from Anti-Classification and discrimination thereupon, in flattery of a permanent state of objective superiority, false comparison and insult. Again, the money has been wasted — in effect, wasted twice over.

The money spent pursuing the unachievable goal of equality

The money spent pursuing the unachievable, Cartesian goal of racial, i.e., rational blindness….

...should have gone to the eminently achievable goal of permanent bases in outer space. We have to get there because we are not safe here. And we could have been there by now, if we weren’t spending so much in the vain pursuit of equality. the vain, Cartesian pursuit of rational blindness to racial group classification and necessary discrimination thereupon.

Ibid: Indeed, right now we’re spending huge sums to increase the drag on progress and postpone the conquest of space. In Western nations like America, Britain and France, unproductive and unintelligent non-Whites are subsidized with welfare to have more children than productive and intelligent Whites.

The world’s most important graph

And (((Steve Sailer))) (emphasis added) has written about “the world’s most important graph,” which shows the soaring population of Blacks in sub-Saharan Africa. That population explosion wouldn’t be happening without Western aid and know-how, but (((only crime-thinkers like Sailer))) will (are allowed to?) point out the enormous dangers of an ever-more populous Africa. Huge numbers of non-Whites want to leave their own corrupt and badly governed nations for the promised land of the West. But Whites will not be able to sustain the Third World if Europe and America are swamped by Third-Worlders. It is lunacy to help unintelligent and unproductive races to reproduce at such high rates. Just look at South Africa: its White minority created and sustained an advanced technological civilization at the tip of a continent whose Blacks were still busy practising witchcraft and human sacrifice.

It’s a Black Thing

While South African Blacks were killing albinos for their magically potent body-parts, South African Whites were building nuclear weapons. That was back in the 1970s, but now Blacks are in charge of South Africa and have had ample opportunity to realize the vast potential seen in them by egalitarians anti racist classifcatorians. They haven’t realized it because it doesn’t exist. White South Africans built atom-bombs; Black South Africans rape babies to cure themselves of AIDS. That is where the pursuit of equality anti racism leads and that is where the whole West is heading. Meanwhile, the Doomsday clock continues to tick and one or another mega-catastrophe gets closer. And what is America, the world’s most technologically advanced nation, doing about the threat? It’s occupying itself with the vital fight against hair discrimination. In a sick way, it will be funny if the Earth is hit by a big asteroid tomorrow. As the Jewish comedian Mort Sahl may first have joked: “World Ends: Women and Minorities Hardest Hit.” But I’ve never seen a feminist or an anti-racist write about the threat of an asteroid strike or another kind of mega-catastrophe. Why not? After all, women or Blacks or the LGBTQ community could be entirely wiped out or suffer the horrors of a world-wide civilizational collapse.

Here we go, into the right wing deep end…

The trouble is that asteroids and mega-volcanoes aren’t sexist or racist or homophobic. And unlike “climate change,” they’re an entirely natural threat.

As if right wing vanity such as boundless growth and the invisible hand capitalism don’t pollute the earth to our detriment.

There are no narcissistic or egotistical rewards in “opposing” a giant lump of speeding space-rock or a toxin-spewing mega-volcano, so the left aren’t interested.

There are no narcissistic and egotistical rewards in the STEM professions? Of course, there are.

Indeed, if it had been up to women and non-Whites, we wouldn’t even know about those threats and the repeated catastrophes that have visited the Earth.

If it weren’t for our co-evolution with women, our having born with their nurturing, care and support, where would we be?

Modern science is a White male invention and White men have been the most successful and active explorers of our vast and ancient universe. That’s how we know that it’s also a very dangerous universe.

No, White men should not be abused and denigrated, but just as Collins remained in the capsule orbiting the moon, waiting to retrieve his colleagues in time while Aldrin and Armstrong got the glory for stepping on the moon, so too right wingers continue to miss the important point of respecting and honoring the necessary positions of our full system, including those who have supportive and non starring roles in the systems maintenance and achievements.

But White men have been so interested in the universe partly because they’re least interested in themselves. That’s been both their strength and their weakness. It’s enabled White men to achieve startling things in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, but also rendered them vulnerable to the self-centred manipulation of feminists, non-Whites and other believers in the Jewish ideologies [red capes]of “equality” and “anti-racism.”

Dinosaurs didn’t have time

Leftists Liberals like those aren’t interested in the universe. They’re interested in themselves. On their own, women and non-Whites would never have discovered the “iridium anomaly” that helped explain the extinction of the dinosaurs. But then women and non-Whites would never have discovered iridium or dinosaurs either.

Maybe not, but without women, we would not exist. And, as we’ve evolved from Africans, an argument can be made along those lines for them as well (not that we should be compelled to go back or die in reverence and assimilation to them).

We owe our knowledge of that element and those animals to White men. And those animals offer another allegory of what awaits the human race if the human race continues to pursue equality and confine itself to planet Earth. The dinosaurs were a vast and diverse group of great behavioural and anatomical complexity. Some of them may have been as intelligent as chimpanzees.

Arguing for the right to exist on the trajectory of the self transcendence and its yields to all is a bit obsequious and pathetic. Is it really so hard to assert that we believe that we have the right to exist as White men, to assert our racial classification, even if we and our members are not always the best and even if our system is interrelated to some extent with other systems and niches (like our women!). At the same time of the moon landing ordinary White men were pleading for our essential cause, the value of their existence as opposed to being considered so intrinsically valueless as to be drafted into an unnecessary war.

The diverse and doomed dinosaurs

And who knows? In time, one or more species of dinosaur might have evolved language and reached human or trans-human levels of intelligence. Rather than White men, it might have been dinosaurs who invented calculus, split the atom and walked on the moon. But dinosaurs didn’t have time for all that. There was a giant space-rock out there with their name on it. When it got here, it wiped out most of them in a single day and all of them (except for the birds) in the months and years that followed. That gave a lowly group known as mammals their chance to take over. And in time, one species of mammal learnt about dinosaurs and the asteroid that had wiped them out.

Here again, Langdon demonstrates that right wingers are playing opposite day with me because they can’t accept their theoretical anachronism and get up to speed.

Self-worship could mean self-extinction

This rubric is a straw man, replacing the very necessary centering of our praxis with the idea of “self worship.” is not self worship to prioritize our relative interests over continuous, pure objectivity. Objectivity, rather, is a provisional state to serve our relative interests.



Posted by Langdon proof continued on Tue, 23 Jul 2019 17:40 | #

Langdon continues…

Or rather: one sex of one race of that mammalian species learnt about those things. The species was Homo sapiens, the race was Whites, and the sex was male. Egalitarians won’t like to hear that, but egalitarians don’t like the truth. That’s why they worship the giant lie of equality.

Rather, right wingers are chasing the Jewish red cape in arguing anti-equality, when, as White advocates, they should be arguing for our system and its necessary niche constituents, including our moon walkers, our women and the other supporting cast of characters who make life on this (still) green planet, eminently more beautiful than the moon or any planet yet seen, worthwhile to enjoy even for its “ordinary” day-to-day offerings aside from the spectacular accomplishments of a moon landing or an asteroid intervening projectile… the appreciation of those with the “lowly concern"of our relative interests to discriminate, to make time to not rationalize away the patterns and the episodic destructiveness of ...

The lie has already killed many Whites like Lee Pomeroy, Jeroen Ensink, Christina Edkins, Mary-Ann Leneghan and Kriss Donald. In the future, it could kill every White on Earth if it prevents us from facing some very big and very definite threats. We have to get off the Earth and out into space. The stars are at stake and “anti-racism” has a truer name than its adherents suppose.

By fighting for “equality” and wasting so much money and time, they’re threatening the entire human race.

By fighting for pure objectivity and wasting so much money and time in its defense, right wingers are threatening the entire human race.

So are feminists and all other egalitarians. Their self-worship could mean self-extinction. And nobody would be left to appreciate the irony.

So are feminists inasmuch as they and others oppose niche commensuration. Their selfishness could mean self-extinction. And nobody would be left to appreciate the irony.

Speaking of selfish. I was recently asked what I thought of Dr. Duke’s books. Duke, like many right wingers, provides some very good content. And, typical of right wingers, he is theoretically retarded and pandering in his/the anti social perspective. And where he promotes the halfway decent idea of diversity, it is not at all original, though he would claim it as “his” paradigm.

Sorry, David, the White race is a social construct (and very real and most important at that*) and Hitler was not making offers in good faith which could have prevented World War II.

* it centers us correctly in praxis (after all, what does it all matter aside from our relative interests and perspective?) and brings attention to our necessary participation in the making of our world, including those we are interrelated with and indebted to in joint construction.


Posted by NASA Hubble on Tue, 23 Jul 2019 19:24 | #

Hubble, NASA

#HubbleClassic The Pinwheel Galaxy (M101) holds about a trillion stars and is bigger than our own Milky Way. Find out what Hubble has learned lately about this and other galaxies in our new ebook, Hubble Focus: Galaxies through Space and Time:


Posted by Dangerous Asteroids lurking near Jupiter on Wed, 25 Sep 2019 17:26 | #

Dangerous Asteroids May Be Lurking in Jupiter’s Shadow

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:54. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:44. (View)

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Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 23:36. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 19:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 15:19. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:26. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 06:57. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 22:36. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:51. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:20. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 12:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 10:55. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 07:29. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 18:48. (View)

weremight commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 04:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Apr 2024 22:54. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Apr 2024 16:12. (View)
