If we had our own country, this would not be happening…

Posted by DanielS on Saturday, 09 May 2020 08:18.

The mainstream media is calling the Ahmaud Arbery story “the shooting of an unarmed black ‘jogger” by two White men, Greg and Travis McMichael. However, White advocates are calling attention to the attire the “jogger” was wearing, including hiking boots; and the distance that he was from his home, calling into question the idea that he was out on a jog. They add further that he aggressed against one of the gun wielding White men - Travis - which could have been perceived as an attempt by Arbery to take the weapon to use it himself in deadly force; and Travis McMichael using deadly force to prevent the weapon being taken is a self defense argument identical to the Ferguson incident.

Citizen’s arrests are apparently legal in Georgia, and one of the White men, Greg McMichael, is a retired DA police officer; thus familiar with the routine of arrests. But regarding the particularity of the event, McMichael later told police he suspected that Arbery was burglarizing houses under construction in the Brunswick neighborhood and added, “And he’s been caught on the camera a bunch before at night. It’s an ongoing thing out here.”

Vincent James adds - What the Media REFUSES to Tell You About This Story - #118 Amhoud Arbery - that “black males commit 90% of the violent interracial crime and yet the media gives that 10% of White on black interracial crime something like 90% of the coverage.” Whatever the exact percentages of crime and coverage may be, there is no doubt that the media gives loud, lavish and frequent coverage to any of the few White on black violent crimes they can find, while it buries and hushes up the torrents of black on White violence. The Newhouse Group, of which the New York Times was a part, along with most major American city newspapers, was infamous for having a policy to not name the race of violent criminals if they were black. There is apparently little change in the bias of mainstream media coverage in the internet age.

The bottom line: If we had our own countries, this would not be happening.

News Jax updated 9 May:

Grand jury review recommended as video emerges of fatal shooting of unarmed black man

2 armed men—one a former district attorney investigator—claimed they were making citizen’s arrest.

BRUNSWICK, Ga. – A Hinesville district attorney on Tuesday recommended that a grand jury review the fatal February shooting death of 25-year-old Ahmaud Arbery, who friends say was killed while jogging in a suburban Brunswick neighborhood.

The recommendation came on the same day that graphic cellphone video purportedly showing the deadly confrontation between Arbery and Travis McMichael, the son of a former district attorney investigator, was posted by a Georgia radio station and circulated widely on social media sites.

“I am of the opinion that the case should be presented to the grand jury of Glynn County for consideration of criminal charges against those involved in the death of Mr. Arbery,” Tom Durden, District Attorney Pro Tempore for the Brunswick Judicial Circuit, wrote in a press release.

Durden, who started investigating the incident on April 13, said he came to the conclusion after careful review of the evidence in conjunction with the Glynn County Police Department, the FBI and the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Georgia.

No one disputes that McMichael, son of Brunswick District Attorney’s Office investigator Greg McMichael, shot and killed Arbery on Feb. 23, but he was not immediately charged because Travis McMichael claimed he was acting within the scope of a citizen’s arrest.

Arbery’s family says deadly force wasn’t necessary and they simply want to know the truth.

RELATED: Fatal shooting of unarmed black man sparks large protest in Brunswick neighborhood

Brunswick radio station WGIG published the “graphic, disturbing” video that reportedly shows the incident on Tuesday afternoon.

“This was given to us by an anonymous source,” the radio station wrote in a post on its website. “We debated whether to put it out, but determined it was in the best interest of the public.”

News4Jax reviewed the 30-second cellphone video before it was removed from the radio station’s website.

(Editor’s Note: News4Jax made the editorial decision not to show the video in its entirety due to the graphic nature of its contents)

The video, which seems to have been recorded by someone driving behind the vehicle, appears to show Arbery running on Satilla Drive towards a white truck that is stopped in the middle of the street.

Travis McMichael, who appears to be standing outside the parked truck, and Arbery then become engaged in a struggle over what looks to be a shotgun.

The gunshots can be heard on the video within a seven-second span. Arbery is seen trying to run away before falling to the ground with bloodstains on his white shirt.

It’s not clear in the video who fired the fatal shots, but the shooter’s father told police that Travis McMichael fired two shots, killing Arbery.

Greg McMichael, who can be seen in the video standing in the back of the truck, called 911 at 1:08 p.m.

Greg McMichael: “I’m out here at Satilla Shores and there’s a black man running down the street.”

911 dispatcher: “I just need to know what he was doing wrong, was he just on the premises and not supposed to be?”

Greg McMichael: “And he’s been caught on the camera a bunch before at night. It’s an ongoing thing out here.”

McMichael later told police he suspected that Arbery was burglarizing houses under construction in the Brunswick neighborhood.

According to the police report, McMichael was calling for his son who “grabbed his shotgun because they didn’t know if the male was armed or not.”

Police were told the elder McMichael armed himself with his .357 handgun and the two followed Arbery for two blocks before, according to the report, McMichael shouted: “Stop, stop we want to talk to you.”

They told investigators they pulled up next to Arbery and the former investigator’s son “exited the truck with a shotgun.”

Greg McMichael told police Arbery then “violently attacked his son, and the two men started fighting over the shotgun.” Travis McMichael fired two shots, killing Arbery, they told police.

Police said the McMichaels rolled Arbery over to see if he had a weapon, but no weapon was found.

ason Vaughn, Ahmaud’s former football coach at Brunswick High School, suspects his shooting was a case of mistaken identity.

“People are known for jogging in that area all the time and we all know Maud likes to jog the area,” Vaughan said last week. “He would stop and, sometimes in the middle of his workout, he’d play basketball with the younger kids and at the game, he’d go back to jogging. That’s the kind of person he was.”

A former prosecutor who had examined Arbery’s case told police the McMichaels acted within the scope of Georgia’s citizen arrest statute and that Travis McMichael fired his weapon in self-defense.

The Georiga NAACP on Monday said that Glynn County District Attorney Jackie Johnson should have arrested Travis and Gregory McMichael for murder and called for her resignation.

“District Attorneys are elected to pursue justice - not engage in judicial malpractice,” the NAACP tweeted.

Jacksonville attorney John Phillips, who has a history of handling civil rights cases, told News4Jax on Tuesday that a person has every right to jog along the street and has every right to ignore somebody yelling commands for them to stop.

“He was minding his own business going for a jog and one or two good ole boys with some level of law-enforcement influence, in their mind, stop the truck started the encounter with a shotgun…and the young man tries to stop an unlawful attack on him and he gets killed for it,” Phillips said. ”That is disturbing and that needs to be resolved in detention until the trial. You’re certainly innocent until proven guilty, but that seems to be to me, in my opinion, a despicable act of homicide if not again manslaughter or murder, that’s a criminal act.”

Phillips said he’s concerned, that state attorneys didn’t intend on prosecuting until the video surfaced.

“That’s what it smells like is up to me is that there is just an intent not to prosecute these guys and they need to be prosecuted whether that’s by a grand jury indictment or filing charges right now under Georgia law and get in the indictment later for the higher charges they have those options available to them,“ he said.

In cases like this in Florida, Phillips said outside agencies like FDLE would take over the investigation to eliminate any bias that might exist. Right now the case in the hands of Durden, who last week told News4Jax that he needed to verify some things before moving forward.

Georgia NAACP@Georgia_NAACP

Jackie Johnson should have immediately had Travis and Gregory McMichael arrested for murder. District Attorneys are elected to pursue justice - not engage in judicial malpractice.

Call (912)554-7200 and demand she resign now. #NotForgotten #GaPol #IRunWithMaud

Arbery’s family has hired civil rights attorney Lee Merritt, who has not yet returned our calls. The family has also created a Facebook page called “I run with Maud.”

Because of the shooter’s family connection with Glynn County law enforcement officials, the homicide case was first transferred to Ware County and then transferred to the Hinesville District for the same reason.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation on Tuesday tweeted that the Glynn County Police Department requested that its Kingsland office investigate the public release of the video related to the shooting death of Arbery as well as allegations of threats against people involved in the investigation.

Both investigations are active and ongoing, GBI said.

On Tuesday evening, more than 100 protesters carrying signs and offering prayers walked in the Satilla Shores neighborhood, the same neighborhood where Arbery was shot and killed in February.

During the peaceful protest, Glynn County Sheriff Neal Jump made his way to the middle of the crowd and expressed his frustration with the investigation.

“Am I upset that it has taken this long for a verdict or the justice part to come? As the Sheriff I am upset,” Neal said. “It shouldn’t have taken that long. If that was my son, I’d be upset. I can only imagine what the mother and dad is going through.”



Posted by White lives don't matter to the powers that be on Sun, 10 May 2020 07:59 | #

White lives don’t matter to the powers that be and their media:

Old Codger
Old Codger@OldCodger15
VE Day brave men and women fought to make this country safe .. Governments let them down ..Emily Jones stabbed by Somalian Refugee:

Girl, 7, killed in park on Mother’s Day ‘was stabbed in neck by stranger on bench as she rode past on her scooter’ – The Sun


Posted by Rap sheet and case against Arbery on Sun, 10 May 2020 14:00 | #


Posted by Vincent on Sun, 10 May 2020 17:46 | #

Elderly White Couple ASSASSINATED but No Media Coverage, and Jogger Narrative Crumbles?

Vincent energetically supplies useful details apart from his advice to unite in Christianity against “leftism”...


Posted by Marissa Joy Edmunds on Wed, 13 May 2020 05:01 | #

Man Charged with Murdering 25-Year-Old Michigan Woman Freed from Prison

Breitbart 11 May 2020:

A man charged with murdering a 25-year-old woman has been released from a Michigan prison over concerns of the Chinese coronavirus spreading in detention facilities.

Orlando Whitfield, a 31-year-old high-profile murder suspect, was released from the Washtenaw County Jail as part of a statewide initiative to empty prisons to avoid the spread of the coronavirus. Judge Carol Kuhnke released Whitfield on the condition that he wear a GPS monitor.

In January 2018, prosecutors allege Whitfield murdered 25-year-old Marissa Joy Edmunds and seriously injured her boyfriend during a robbery at the University Green Apartments in Ypsilanti, Michigan.

Edmunds, prosecutors allege, was shot in the head by Whitfield.

Months after his arrest, while sitting in Washtenaw County Jail, Whitfield allegedly made a shank weapon. The alleged murder came just two months after Whitfield had been released from prison after serving time for a 2007 sexual assault.

Edmunds’ family told local media outlets FOX 2 Detroit and WXYZ Detroit that they are in disbelief that Whitfield has been released from prison ahead of the murder trial.

“Every delay has been because of him. He needs to be behind bars where he belongs,” Marissa’s sister, Amanda Edmunds, told WXYZ Detroit. “If this all has to do with [coronavirus], open the jail doors and let everyone out.”

Marissa’s mother, Cindy, said she fears for her own life now that Whitfield is out of prison.

“It’s shocking,” Cindy Edmunds told FOX 2 Detroit. “When I found out he was being released I was devastated … I’ve had terrible anxiety since Marissa was killed and this has just escalated it.”

At the Washtenaw County Jail where Whitfield was being held before trial, the inmate population has been cut in half over the last two months. In March, the jail held about 330 inmates. As of late April, only 147 inmates are still in the jail’s custody, the lowest number of inmates that Sheriff Jerry Clayton has seen in his 35 years on the job.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.


Posted by Tales of two joggers on Thu, 14 May 2020 13:31 | #

James Bowery@jabowery

May 10

Ever heard of the jogger Karina Vetrano?
Ever heard of the “jogger” Ahmaud Arbergy?

If your answers were “no” and “yes” respectively, consider that at least Ahmaud Arbergy wasn’t found dead with his pants pulled down, hands clutching grass.

You want lynchings? This is how…



Morrígan High voltage signHigh voltage sign

White women are the most likely to be victimized when going for a jog in the neighborhood. Facts. This is why I don’t jog around my neighborhood. Just telling the truth. Sad. #justiceforKatrinaVetrano


Posted by Kelvin Edwards on Mon, 18 May 2020 05:27 | #

Breaking 9-11.com

Couple Fighting For Their Life After Being ‘Randomly’ Attacked By Machete-Wielding Man In Nashville

Kelvin Edwards, 35.

TENNESSEE — A suspect is in custody after police say he “randomly” attacked a married couple with a machete at a self-storage center near downtown Nashville Sunday.

The horrific incident occurred at the ‘Public Storage’ business — located at 800 5th Ave. South

WSMV’s Joushua Cole said in a tweet, “I cannot repeat the exact verbiage the officer used to describe the scene, at this time, but it sounds like this is a very sad situation.”

Police say 6 officers treated the victims on scene with multiple tourniquets. Both were transported to a a hospital in critical condition.

The suspected attacker, 36-year-old Kelvin Edwards, was arrested and charged. Police say the crime was random and a motive remains under investigation. Edwards is believed to be homeless.

Joshua Cole@JoshuaColeLive
· 8h
#BREAKING - according to #Nashville police, a 55 year old male came into the public storage on 5th and Division attacking people with a machete. 
Unknown number injured at this time.
Police are assessing the scene right now. @WSMV

Metro Nashville PD @MNPDNashville
BREAKING: Kelvin Edwards, 35, will be taken to jail soon for this afternoon’s random machete attack on a husband & wife in the office of Public Storage, 800 5th Av S. The victims are in critical cond. 6 MNPD officers applied multiple tourniquets in an effort to save their lives.


Posted by Kevin Humes on Fri, 29 May 2020 08:50 | #

“Get him!” 35-YEAR-OLD shot dead in Georgia

The Media did not refer to him as “the unarmed” Kevin Humes.

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