Liberalism’s Kid Glove: If You Need A Condom, Maybe You Should Get to Know That Person Better

Posted by DanielS on Friday, 20 November 2015 11:34.


One of the best litmus tests as to whether or not one is being too liberal, too promiscuous with regard to sex, is whether or not you need to use a condom. If you don’t know someone well enough to be sure that you are not going to get a disease or have an unwanted pregnancy, then maybe you ought to get to know them better before having sex with them. If you really like someone and if they are really worth it, you are not likely to have to use condoms at all. And would you really like to use them?

Subtitle: don’t forget to forget your condom. A.I.D.S. is a most beautiful disease, generally targeting people who deserve to die for their bullying, irresponsible, reckless treatment of sex.

Particularly when the bounds of EGI are unguarded, the need to treat sex carefully, as an act which can endorse or undermine our EGI, becomes all the more important. It will be used by our enemies in psy-ops, such as the profusion of interracial porn. It will be used by our enemies to promote liberal politics, empower those horribly destructive to our interests and to dis-empower those thoughtful of our interests - those concerned with our people in our broad pattern. It will be used by our antagonists to outbreed our race, including outbreeding some of our most qualitatively differentiated genetic capital. As de facto safeguards of liberalism, they have their go-to “moral arguments” to distract us from the moral re-ordering of our people.

After marriage, the condom is taken by liberalism as one of its lines of defense. Don’t be fooled, there’s no substitute for the White class and its bounds. This holds your freedom in sacrament and in celebration that gives our people life and health as opposed to destruction.

There can be a time to be Dionysian, promiscuous for some who choose to be - i.e., among our own people - but that time is when the borders or our EGI are secured and members accounted for. Until then, good riddance to those who treat our genetic treasures irresponsibly; it couldn’t happen to worse, more deserving people of a miserable fate.

Don’t you just feel so sorry for her…


Always remember, er, forget your condom. If you think that you have to use one, you’d better get to know who you are screwing around with a little better - maybe a lot better.

Daily Beast, ‘Porn World in Panic Over Charlie Sheen’s HIV Diagnosis’, Nov 20, 2015:

‘There is so much fear right now amongst the girls…’

Well-known for his porn star companions, Charlie Sheen’s recent admission to being HIV-positive has sent a ripple of fear through the adult industry. There’s no protocol in place for this. There are no records of who Sheen’s hired, thus no quarantine list for the porn stars he’s been sexually active with.

In the semi-regulated world of adult film, when an HIV scare is made known everyone asks, “Did I perform with the person who tested positive?” Fear turns to panic if it was a close call, relief if it wasn’t. That’s only after a name is released—or patient zero comes forward. Production shuts down, quarantine lists are drawn up for first generation, second, third, and so on. An ideal “who’s performed with whom” list chronicling before and after known exposure is made available. Some call this “the honor system.”

Unfortunately, those outside the business don’t always play by the industry’s self-regulated rules. Needless to say, former Two and a Half Men actor Charlie Sheen plays by his own rules.

“There is so much fear right now amongst the girls…like who have I had sex with that has had sex with them, or have I had sex with a girl who has had sex with Charlie?” says Alana Evans, 2015 AVN Hall of Fame recipient. “Maybe we can get Charlie to put together a list of all the porno girls he’s had sex with so the rest of us can make sure we’re okay? That’d be great.”

In case you missed it, Sheen admitted on the Today Show that he was HIV-positive, and has known of his diagnosis for four years. He also alleged “all sexual partners have known” about his condition with “no exception.”

While some are applauding Sheen for his bravery in coming forward, there’s speculation amongst industry insiders as to why now? Some credit the 27-year-old blonde who spoke anonymously to the Daily Mail with forcing Sheen’s hand. She estimates the A-lister had sex with at least 50 porn stars since his diagnosis and “fears the porn industry could face an ‘HIV epidemic’ as a result.”

‘There is so much fear right now amongst the girls…’

Sheen’s latest role as victim is a bit hard to swallow. He paints a vivid portrait of his suffering at the mercy of his addictions, depression, and multi-million dollar extortions from ex-lovers. Even so, that his two ex-goddesses are contradicting his story raises questions concerning his credibility.

Ex-goddess Bree Olson, who dated and lived with Sheen for seven months in 2011, appeared on The Howard Stern Show to claim she had no idea about her ex’s condition, and claimed she learned about his HIV-positive status “right along with everyone else.”

“He never said anything to me,” Olson added. “I was his girlfriend. I lived with him. We were together. We had sex almost every day for a year—with lambskin condoms.”

Now lambskin condoms—incredibly thin condoms are billed as providing the closest thing to not using condoms at all—only guard against pregnancy and do not prevent the transmission of HIV. Olson told Stern that while she wanted to use standard Trojan condoms, lambskin was Sheen’s condom of choice.

While Olson tested negative for HIV, in Sheen’s home state of California it’s a felony punishable by up to eight years in prison for a person with HIV to have unprotected sex with the intent to infect someone who’s unaware of their status. Though that is incredibly hard to prove in criminal court, California also has a misdemeanor charge carrying up to six months in prison for willfully exposing others to HIV.

No thoughtful person makes AIDS prevention a cause.

Of the hundreds, or thousands, of women who made themselves available to Magic Johnson, he said: “I tried to accommodate as many as possible. Some of them were unbelievable.”

This liberalism, this irresponsibility to our EGI, is not what we’re here to defend. With unspeakable irresponsibility and selfish uncaring (to say the least), they bring into the world behavior and genetics destructive to any reflective people - especially our European people.

Africa is one of the only places where AIDS is on the rise. That is good. Their population needs to be drastically reduced and its increase, let alone interbeeding with others, needs to be thwarted.

Magic, er, E.T. says, “Remember to not use a condom. AIDS is a beautiful thing.” It kills those irresponsible and reckless with our EGI.

Because not all merit defense, we need an order to secure those who do. 14

“No glove no love”, so the motto of condom proponents goes - a condom being referred to as a “glove”, in their liberal slang.

With “Sheen preferring ‘lambskin condoms”, in particular, an older slogan comes to mind as particularly apt to capture the refrain of those who would contest their liberalism - they are treating those who engage in reckless and socially destructive behavior “with kid gloves” - that is to say, they are protecting them too much and therefore enabling bad behavior in the long term.

Handle with kid gloves


Handle a situation, or a person or an object, delicately and gingerly.


Kid gloves are, of course, gloves made from the skin of a young goat. I say ‘of course’ but, in fact, when they were first fashioned in the 18th century they were more often made from lambskin, as that was easier to come by. They were clearly not intended for use when you were pruning the hedge and wearing kid gloves was the sartorial equivalent of pale white skin, that is, it indicated that the wearer was rich enough to indulge in a life of genteel indoor idleness. The earliest mentions of kid gloves are from England in the 1730s and the following is a typical report of a wealthy gentleman, laid out in his ‘Sunday best’, from Bagnall’s News, in The Ipswich Journal, December 1734:

The Corpse of Mr. Thorp, A Distiller in Soho, who died a few Days since, said to be worth £10000 was put into his Coffin, quilted within with white Sattin; and after several yards of fine Holland [best-quality linen] were wrapt about his Body… on his Head was a Cap of the same Holland tied with a white Ribbond; he has about his Neck two Yards of Cambrick; a Cambrick Handkerchief between his Hands, on which he had a pair of white Kid Gloves: and in this manner he lay in state some Days and was afterwards buried in Buckinghamshire.

At that time, kid gloves were viewed as rather ostentatious and only suitable for the nouveau riche - much as heavy gold chains might be viewed today.




Posted by Kid Gloves on Sat, 21 Nov 2015 11:05 | #

Addendum to the Post:

“No glove no love”, so the motto of condom proponents goes - a condom being referred to as a “glove”, in their liberal slang.

And, with “Sheen preferring ‘lambskin condoms”, in particular, an older slogan comes to mind as particularly apt to capture the refrain of those who would contest their liberalism - they are treating those who engage in reckless and socially destructive behavior “with kid gloves” - that is too say, they are protecting them too much and therefore enabling bad behavior in the long term.

Handle with kid gloves


Handle a situation, or a person or an object, delicately and gingerly.


Kid gloves are, of course, gloves made from the skin of a young goat. I say ‘of course’ but, in fact, when they were first fashioned in the 18th century they were more often made from lambskin, as that was easier to come by. They were clearly not intended for use when you were pruning the hedge and wearing kid gloves was the sartorial equivalent of pale white skin, that is, it indicated that the wearer was rich enough to indulge in a life of genteel indoor idleness. The earliest mentions of kid gloves are from England in the 1730s and the following is a typical report of a wealthy gentleman, laid out in his ‘Sunday best’, from Bagnall’s News, in The Ipswich Journal, December 1734:

The Corpse of Mr. Thorp, A Distiller in Soho, who died a few Days since, said to be worth £10000 was put into his Coffin, quilted within with white Sattin; and after several yards of fine Holland [best-quality linen] were wrapt about his Body… on his Head was a Cap of the same Holland tied with a white Ribbond; he has about his Neck two Yards of Cambrick; a Cambrick Handkerchief between his Hands, on which he had a pair of white Kid Gloves: and in this manner he lay in state some Days and was afterwards buried in Buckinghamshire.

At that time, kid gloves were viewed as rather ostentatious and only suitable for the nouveau riche - much as heavy gold chains might be viewed today.



Posted by Langdon: Imagine no liberal responses on Sat, 21 Nov 2015 19:56 | #

TOO, ‘Imagine No Narcissists: Liberal Responses to the Vibrancy in Paris’, 21 Nov, 2015 — Tobias Langdon

Thames Valley Police are the tireless crime-fighters responsible for protecting the people of Oxfordshire in southern England. But their resources are limited, so they have to make sure they respond only to genuine crimes, not to trivial complaints. This, for example, is how they treat a trivial complaint:

  One girl, referred to as Girl A for legal reasons, felt brave enough to face her abusers in court, while others gave evidence from behind a curtain. She wept as she described how the gang threatened to burn her younger brother alive unless she had sex with them. She was repeatedly raped and sold for sex between 2004 and 2007 when she was aged 12 to 15.

  When she went to police [in Oxford], no action was taken. She claimed that they threatened to arrest her instead. “They threatened on a number of occasions to arrest me for wasting police time for turning up at a police station in a state after running away,” she said. “Any self-respecting police officer would have seen something was wrong. If you pick up a child who is covered in cigarette burns and bruises, something is fundamentally wrong. Adults should be doing their jobs, it’s not down to a child.” (Oxford sex gang: girls as young as 11 “forced into prostitution”, The Daily Telegraph, 14th May 2013)

Child rape? Child prostitution? Not a problem to Thames Valley Police when non-White males were responsible. Here, by contrast, is a serious crime that prompted them to leap into action:

  A 43-year-old woman has been arrested over a racially abusive message posted on a beauty salon’s Facebook page. The woman has been named locally as April Major, the owner of the at-home beauty business in Bicester, Oxfordshire. The post, made following the terrorist attacks in Paris, said the salon is ‘no longer taking bookings from anyone from the Islamic faith, whether you are UK granted with passport or not.”

Thames Valley Police arrested the woman yesterday after receiving a number of complaints about the message. A Thames Valley Police spokeswoman said: ‘We have arrested a 43-year-old woman in Bicester today after a number of complaints about a racially abusive post on social media. The woman was arrested under section 19 of the Public Order Act which relates to the display of written material which is threatening, abusive or insulting with the intention of stirring up racial hatred, and for producing malicious communications. We take all such complaints seriously and will investigate. If you suspect that racially aggravated crimes are being committed please report them to Thames Valley Police on 101.’ (Police arrest woman for ‘racially abusive’ Facebook post banning Muslims from beauty salon because it is ‘time to put my country first’, The Daily Mail, 16th November 2015)

Thames Valley Police allowed Muslim men to rape and prostitute White girls for at least six years without lifting a finger to interfere. But they acted immediately when a White woman said she didn’t want Muslim customers for her private business.


That’s the authoritarian aspect of the perverted liberalism now ruling the modern West. Here’s an example of the narcissistic aspect:

  The previously unnamed man who played John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ on a portable piano outside Paris’ Le Bataclan — scene of a deadly terror attack — has told the story behind his performance. David Martello, 34, embarked upon the 400 mile trip after hearing the news on TV in a German pub, the Guardian reports. “I phoned my friend to talk about it, got in the car and drove all through the night,” he said. “I just knew I had to do something. … I wanted to be there to try and comfort, and offer a sign of hope.”

  At least 127 people are reported dead after a series of violent attacks in Paris on Friday night. Le Bataclan was among the worst hit, with 87 civilians killed during a shooting at an Eagles of Death Metal gig. Members of the public gathered outside the venue on Saturday morning (November 14) as Martello, who had travelled all the way from Konstanz in Germany, played an instrumental version of Lennon’s famous track. … Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ famously features the lyrics: “Imagine there’s no countries / It isn’t hard to do / Nothing to kill or die for / And no religion too / Imagine all the people / Living life in peace”. (‘Imagine’ pianist traveled 400 miles to perform John Lennon song in Paris,, 15th November 2015)


But White liberals continue to prefer lies and fantasies to ugly reality.

Ephraim Mirvis: Open borders for goyim, not for Jews

And so do ethnocentric Jews like Britain’s Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis. He appeared on BBC radio after the Paris massacres, fresh from a visit to a “refugee” camp in Greece. With infinite empathy and compassion, he expressed his hopes that, despite the unfortunate events in Paris, the goyim would remember that there are only a few bad apples among the hundreds of thousands of victims fleeing war and persecution by moving from Turkey and Greece to Germany and Britain. Meanwhile, in Israel, empathy and compassion for migrants and refugees were in short supply:

In May, I attended a graduation party in Tel Aviv for Taj Jemy, a 28-year-old asylum seeker from Sudan. He gave a speech about the war in his home, Darfur, and how he wished his family could be in Tel Aviv to see him graduate and receive his bachelor’s degree. Africans, dressed in their best clothes, and some Israelis, filled the room, clapping and celebrating. He ended, “If I can do this, you can as well,” and everyone gathered there wanted to believe him. The celebration was interrupted by the Israeli police, who burst into the room, scattering the crowd. The partygoers recalling their skills of hiding, ducking and fleeing, spilled onto the street to find it barricaded and surrounded by horses. Seven people were arrested that night for not having their visas with them.

  Israel’s policy toward African asylum seekers is to pressure them to self-deport or, as the former interior minister Eli Yishai put it, to “make their lives miserable” until they give up and let the government deport them. About 60,000 African asylum seekers have entered Israel since 2005, most of them Muslims from the Darfur region of Sudan, and Orthodox Christians from Eritrea; today that number is closer to 45,000. (Israel’s chilly reception for African asylum seekers, The New York Times, 31st October 2015)

Israel doesn’t just avoid violent crime and terrorism by deporting Third-World enrichers or fencing them out. It also avoids a massive drain on its public health services:


The same diseases are being carried into Europe by the current flood of “refugees.” Who will pay for treatment? Ordinary White tax-payers, of course. That’s their role in life: to fund their own dispossession. If they object, they will be arrested. They must not point out that Third-World immigration introduces terrorism, crime, and diseases that were unheard of in the West. That’s merely reality, and our liberal elite aren’t concerned with reality. They concentrate on something much more important: feeding their own narcissism — and in the case of Jews, advancing their ethnic interests — while the West burns.

Full article at TOO


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