White American Advocacy of Trump: The Arguments Republican leaders talk about how to deal with Trump (apparently, these are not actors): First of all, my (DanielS) concerns are primarily metapolitical in nature, where political at all. I have never had faith in the dog and pony show of politics to look after our E.G.I. Nevertheless, there are people who care about European/White E.G.I. who think it is important for strategic reasons to get White people en mass behind Trump. Again, it won’t be this White man who cares, I have never liked Trump and don’t trust his values. A businessman is, by training, Manichean: truth and justice is not his objective, defeating others is; and in that game that he plays, changing the rules, if necessary to win, is what he will do. Cyberneticists have famously observed that the engineer and the scientist by contrast, is focused on Augustinian devils - natural devils. Perhaps that focus makes a scientist such as MacDonald gullible to the tactics and naive to the motives of a businessman like Trump. However, in service of squaring things-off, so that we can have an accurate dialectic going on here, in order to arrive at what is more the case, rather than arguing against cardboard figures, lets try to render some of MacDonald’s best arguments as to why Trump is someone for Whites to get behind. MacDonald’s arguments as I understand them: 1) Because he is independently wealthy, he can flout the PC norms that have hog-tied Whites and address the true and important concerns of what has been the implicit base in support of the Republican Party - White people. - That candor to move the Overton window is opposed to the concerns of people in the clip; and the Jews who have policed White ethnocentric dissent with iron PC rule. 2) He will either a) take that implicit White base, tarry with its interests at least to some extent, gain its support; thus owe some genuine regard for its concerns for a change through its Republican auspices. Or b) Destroy the GOP (which the men in the video would hate). Plan b is not a bad option according to MacDonald and to most White people in the know - the Republican Party has looked like us but has shown White people no loyalty. Quite the opposite, it has been every bit as complicit in our demise as the Democrats. Bring on the grassroots of ethnocentric Whites to form a third party; and if he will, let Trump set it in motion, MacDonald says. That is what Whites have always needed, an independently wealthy White man who will actually put his money behind Whites the way Jews put their wealth behind their interests. 3) If it were not for Trump, issues of the American border and immigration would not even have been mentioned by the Republican Presidential Candidates. Trump forced that issue upon Cruz, Rubio et al. Trump brought that critical issue into White American consciousness and legitimized it despite the masters of discourse having de-legitimized discourse of its concern since 1965. That is also crucial, according to MacDonald, since it will force people to pay more attention to who is behind mass non-White migration to America. KM adds, there is no question that it was Jewish interests that have done this; and once Whites begin to understand that, they will see that Jewish interests have had nefarious aims - that the results for White E.G.I have been and will be deadly. 4) Though KM and Duke do not emphasize the corporate complicity, they do acknowledge that it is working Whites who suffer the most from these immigration policies, from unskilled labor to H1B migrants. - Trump has not only explicitly called for deportation and the building of a fence to keep out unskilled migrants - He has also cited Rubio for calling not for reduction but the increase of H1B Visas. 5) Trump’s destruction of Jeb Bush, Rubio and Cruz means the destruction not only of politics as usual for the Republican Party, as these are the people that they wanted to nominate - but also of the Neo-Con agenda which lies deeper behind them. In fact, William Crystal threatened to start a third party if Trump got the nomination. MacDonald adds that the Neo-Con agenda is strictly Jewish. It has nothing to do with White interests and has been a disaster or White interests. Therefore, MacDonald says, “so be it.” Let the White outrage begin if their votes are treated as if they don’t matter; let it be known who runs the Republican Party - Jewish Neo Cons and Corporate interests - let it be destroyed and a new third party that takes the side of Whites be born instead. 6) Trump is the best option also because he has the best chance for White interests against Hillary Clinton - if she wins that is a disaster because she is the quintessential neo-liberal, neo-con dream all in one: completely beholden to the worst domestically and foreign - of right wing economic and military objectives and PC cultural agendas. 7) It is important to get behind Trump now because if it takes another 8 - 12 years for someone like him to come along it might be too late for Whites to wield voting power enough to sway the political direction to their interests. Comments:3
Posted by DanielS on Sat, 19 Mar 2016 17:37 | #
[...] While the (((neo-cons))) are obviously bad news, changing parties probably would not be Armageddon for them; and there can be additional subtleties behind their agenda that they’ve glommed onto. I need for Kumko to discuss that - she has the insight and expertise. However, I will say this, that between Kumiko’s argument here and comment number 2 just above (citing The New Observer), that Trump’s anti-Jewish and anti-Israel and anti-warhawk on behalf of Israel credentials are not looking good as per KM’s argument.
Should this be gratifying or should it send up yellow flags that perhaps their important issue - Zionism - is being upheld by Trump? 4
Posted by Trump's deal with Republicans on Sun, 24 Apr 2016 02:10 | # Trump has been been caught making a deal with the Republican leaders, saying that his persona is just an act and that he will snap to form when nominated. 5
Posted by Jews for and against Trump. on Mon, 16 May 2016 08:13 | # Jews for and against Trump. Neocon, Bill Kristol, is of the “anything but Trump camp” that is apparently motivated by the upper tier of Jewish economic power seeking to maintain its status quo - operation clean break, etc. Liberal David Horowitz seems to be rallying with the second level Jewish economic tier, which likes Trump - Foreign: because of his opposition to the Iran deal (which, of course, the Jewish neo-cons oppose as well) Domestic: because of his liberal nationalism which would serve to protect Jewish American assets.
While Jews are almost invariably ethnocentric, there is a superficial difference between more conservative, Zionist Jews, and liberal Jews, who are more concerned with their capacity in diaspora - i.e., they are liberals especially when it comes to ‘your’ E.G.I. As you can see by Horowitz’ statement, he is still preoccupied with Jewish E.G.I., whether in Israel or diaspora, but he tries to hide his concern for Israel and Jewish diaspora as being one and the same with American patriotism. These liberal Jews, even the anti-Zionist ones, can be as deceptive to White E.G.I. as are the “conservative” ones. Horowitz apparently believes that America and Israel just so happen to have the same enemies. David Horowitz is the liberal professor speaking about the history of political correctness in this video tracing it to the transformation from economic Marxism to cultural Marxism with “critical theory” - 6
Posted by Fash the nation talks with KM on Sun, 12 Jun 2016 15:31 | # Fash the nation talks with Kevin MacDonald about their support of Trump and the Jewish efforts to defeat him. 7
Posted by Trump resurrects GOP on Thu, 07 Jul 2016 05:16 | # In regard to foreign affairs, it has looked to me like Trump has been empowered for the neo-con agenda of undoing the Iran deal. Kumiko sees the domestic motivation of a second tier of Jewish money - in concern of their U.S. real estate holdings - that is backing Trump; even while he “radically defies” the highest rungs of Jewish money. In his latest radio show - 6 July 2016 - TT Metzger sees another motivation behind Trump and has come out against advocating either Hillary or Trump in any positive sense, maintaining that he will not vote. Though he had previously been relatively partial to Trump, seeing him as provoking a certain amount of chaos for Whites to take advantage of, he now holds that a vote for Trump is a vote for the system - in particular, that Trump is being used to secure the Republican base (implicit Whites) and as such to save the Republican party - which should not be saved since it has long been gaining and using White working class voters by means of dog whistles to minor cultural issues, while ultimately betraying them for international corporatist and Jewish interests. Post a comment:
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![]() Existential IssuesDNA Nations
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 18 Mar 2016 11:57 | #
Of course I believe that Trump is effectively false opposition, but that is not all there is to the equation.
Hillary’s radical transformation at Wellesley was a kosher one.
Hillary does not even bother to dog whistle at Whites - not the men, anyway.
Her discovery of a complementary right-wing foreign policy - of war mongering - is kosher as well..
Hillary and Hymie Saban
No, not a commitment to the 14 Words, but evergreen news of dedication to where her bread is buttered, a dedication to Israel and its people: “For me, and for this entire Administration, our commitment to Israel’s security and Israel’s future is ROCK SOLID, UNWAVERING, ENDURING, and FOREVER!”
- Hillary
“We came, we saw, he died!” ...she laughs (at thuggish murder of Gaddafi)
Inasmuch succeeds in eliminating what was a barrier to African migration to Europe.
More big laughs for Hillary:

Hillary laughs in glee over prospect of war with Iran